Hoi4 Germany Guide 2020!

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hello and welcome back to another hearts of iron 4 video so if you are looking at the title this is my germany guide for 2020 uh the reason i'm making this i know that my other one only came out in october but with the law resistance dlc having been out for two weeks now i figured it'd be a good time to go over what's changed and also just remake the germany guide in general because as a new player uh germany is probably one of the best countries that you can pick if you're watching this video then i'm gonna try and show you everything that you need to go out on your own and actually capitulate the allies first and foremost and then secondarily the soviet union now i'm not actually going to be showing the soviet union and the battle that goes along with that because my part two germany guide that came out in october as well uh that hasn't changed i would say that fundamentally everything is the same we're only missing the intelligence agency in that part too but for the most part the army and the grouping itself is going to be identical so i'm not going to remake that i will actually just have a link in the description below so when you finish this video if you still need some help uh getting yourself ready for the war with the soviet union i suggest you go watch that video again everything should be basically the same just without the intelligence agency being present now other than that like i said i'm going to be showing you everything you need to get set up we're going to be going after france poland and the united kingdom and just in general i'm going to be breaking down some of the stuff that confuses new players so what to pick on your national focus tree what's some good research and also just how your construction works and all that so let's get right into it okay so first things first i'm just going to break down a few of the menu items so on the top left here you have decisions this is where you're going to be using your political power political power you gain every single day and as germany you actually have something called mifo bills so that's in your decisions anything that uses political power is going to be in decisions and it's also going to be right here you use political power to pick advisors um material designers all sorts of things like that and i'll be breaking them down as we get through them um to each one throughout the game i should say so don't need to worry about that too much but decisions first and foremost the big one here for germany is me foe bills mifo bills allows you to build things faster not all countries have this this is this is exclusive to germany now the nice thing is with the law resistance dlc you don't actually need to worry about uh manually continuing them you used to have to select it so it would renew the mephobils it was a stupid system the way they've got it now is a lot better and you also have the option of canceling them we're not going to do that because this helps you a lot when you're actually building your factories later on so first things first let's go to our research the first one that we want to pick if we click on the engineering tab we want to do electronic mechanical engineering and the reason that we do this is it increases our research speed and when you increase your research speed obviously the sooner you boost this number uh the faster you can complete your research so if you leave this until later in the game you're going to be at a bit of a disadvantage compared to all the other countries specifically other major nations so the uk the soviet union the usa even italy anything like that you're going to be at a disadvantage so you want to do this one right off the bat and generally my rule of thumb is as soon as it's available even if it's only a little bit ahead of time make sure you get that research bonus it's just going to be very helpful to you in the long run next up another very important tab is your industry so on your production here basic machine tools this whole branch continues down and every time you complete it you increase your production efficiency cap by 10 percent so another good one i'm going to show you what that means in just a moment and the second one that we want to do here still on your industry tab you want to do construction so construction increases again 10 10 percent that raises your construction speed it also increases your repair speed and that's very helpful when you're actually in war because the faster you can repair your factories um the better off your industry is going to be it's going to make sure that you can actually repair anything that's damaged during war so infrastructure it's very important that you're able to repair that because if you don't then your troops will start to attrition so this is another very important one and the last one here we can't actually do concentrated industry but that's what we're going to pick later on you have a couple different choices my personal favorite i like to either go with some artillery right off the bat or you if you really want to you can even complete your first support company but we're just going to go back to our infantry and we're going to complete the weapons and equipment won and this just increases your defense and breakthrough stats for all of your army uh units essentially is what i should say so that's all your research for now you don't need to worry about any of that next up we have some factories now there's two main types of factories that you need to worry about uh i say two main types even though there's other ones we're not really going to show these right now i'll get into those later on but the big ones are civilian and military and they are quite literal so a civilian factory increases your ability to make more factories i know that sounds a little confusing but look at it this way so if you hold shift and you click on a tile you can actually max out the number so if you see there it's plus 3 12 is the maximum so we're going to build three more to get that to max the other number here infrastructure the higher this number is the faster you can actually build factories it doesn't matter what kind it is it can be military navy civilian it could be an air base the higher this infrastructure number is the faster it's going to get built there are some other things that impact that construction rate but we're not going to get into those just yet so civilian factories you can see here 15 out of 15. that number means that we have 15 civilian factories the maximum amount building more civilian factories so obviously as you get more civilian factories built this number right here is going to increase as well and you can start building more and more and more faster and faster so it's very important that you focus on civilian factories early on in the game because that's what's going to get your industry to the point where you can then build military factories and we're not going to worry about these right now but that's the other big one military factories it allows you to produce more military equipment essentially next one you can see here we have free military factories and if you're looking for the tab it's right here at the top it's under print production the last one we were on was construction so they're right next to each other it makes it very convenient and pretty tidy i would say overall next thing so you can see at the top left 28 is our maximum we're only using 20 right now so each one of these little green things represents one factory and you can also see the number right here you can increase it like this or if you want you can go times five so now it's in units of five so if you see adds on five or you can go 10 if you don't want that you can actually just click it again and it'll go back to normal i'm just going to put this down to 10 again so my general setup for the germans i like to put 4 on support 4 on artillery actually we're just going gonna increase that to six and you have a choice you can go light tanks you can go uh all sorts of things i like to go like this and we're actually going to be canceling our medium or our light tank production and the reason for that is because we're actually going to be researching medium tanks so we really don't need to produce any more light tanks it's just a waste of our production and next up national focus as germany you have quite a large branch not the biggest in the game but pretty decent right hand side this is if you want to go down a monarchist route or maybe even communist i believe you can go that way and you have to basically oppose hitler this is very difficult if you're a new player because there's going to be a civil war and i know for new players that can be incredibly confusing and very difficult to actually win so don't really go down this route until you're very comfortable with playing as germany and you're a lot more familiar with some of the game elements the two best national focuses to complete as germany right off the bat rhineland because it gives you political power and some army experience it also gives you territory back up not like it really matters all that much the other big one is your four-year plan this gives you another bonus to your construction rate and it also gives you some research bonuses for industry and i'll get into what those are in just a bit when it's unlocked we can ignore our divisions in training we can ignore the outdated production next thing here hold shift and if you click on the units this is pretty general for the game uh if you hold shift and click on anything it's going to select all of it so that's just a handy little thing that i learned pretty late into playing hearts of iron but hopefully you can learn it now and utilize it because it makes things a lot easier when you're trying to manage very large numbers of troops so hold shift and click and you can see we have 30 divisions we're just going to put those into one army and the way you do that is you right click so as you can see it assigns to a new one that's why the color is changing right there um so it's part of me army two other thing we're gonna do we're gonna right click on the left portrait here and that puts them into an army group so an army group you have a field commander you can see here or a field marshal i should say you have three at the top i like to go with gunther von cluj because he has the some of the best bonuses i find for an aggressive germany next up we are going to be signing irwin rommel here then we're going to take all of our panzer divisions and the way you can select all of these just double-click so if you double click on any portrait it'll actually select all of the same units so if you select this you can see we only have one if you double click here you see we have three uh next up we're also going to take that motorized and we've got still one mountaineer and one cavalry so we can take this guy out other thing too if you want to just manually select a bunch of units you can hold shift and click the portraits and that'll actually allow you to select whatever you want and then same thing to deselect just keep holding shift and click whatever you want so we're going to move those over as well and the reason we did that is just so we can get a nice even 24. i just like the way it looks and we're also going to take these and actually just move them into a third one and then we're going to assign heinz gadarian because he's very good for panzer troops and right click on that portrait again and right click on the portrait again now we're going to take irwin rommel we're just going to sign him to the french border it doesn't really matter because we have hardly any troops and we'll assign him there and we'll assign you there and we're going to take one last commander here we're going to take the shitty one and put them right there insufficient resources very important so the last thing that i need to show you right off the start of the game here every time that you're producing something on your production you can actually see how many resources or how much of each resource you have so every time you increase this number you can see it's at 20. if it was to go up it would actually put it up by two every time yeah so you can see here if we were to decrease it goes down by two if we increase this it'll actually tell you decrease so right now we have a deficit of eight rubbers so how do we fix this it's in the trade option right here you click that and if you click on rubber right here it'll actually bring up all the countries that you can trade with so we're gonna go dutch east indies you click this button and it'll automatically set the correct amount you hit send we'll speed the game up to five on pause and you'll see that our trade is now technically not negative or positive it's just even and that way the reason this is so important is because when you're producing something if you don't have enough of that resource first and foremost your production efficiency is going to take a hit so how fast your production cap reaches the maximum and this is what we were talking about before when we were adding 10 on to our production efficiency cap the higher this number the more you can produce every day so right now using two factories the most we can produce is two every day if this goes up by 10 i don't actually know the exact math but let's say it's 2.3 so using the exact same amount of factories we could now make 2.3 motorized every single day so that's what your production efficiency cap does and the resources just impact how efficient that production is so it slows it down so if you don't actually have the resources it makes sense right it's going to slow down how fast you can make things because you're having to get it from scraps essentially so that just breaks down the trade and i think there isn't anything else i really need to show right now so we're just gonna speed this up to five unpause the game and i will see you guys in 70 days when the national focus is done okay and so just like that our first national focus is completed so the next one that we're going to be selecting here we're actually going to select autarky this takes another 70 days it also gives us a national spirit which increases our military and civilian factory construction speeds so very nice you can see here we also have the option to modify our government so generally political advisors take as you can see 150 and you can see that unit right at the top there as i previously mentioned but the nice thing is right off the bat we have what's called our captain of industry this again increases our civilian factory construction speed and it only costs 75 political power so this is one of my personal favorites i'm going to take it right away and i'm just going to tell you right now rather than show you the next one that we're actually going to select when we have 150 political power i'm not going to include it in the video select the silent workhorse now you have two choices rudolph hess and martin boarman do not select rudolph hess because in 1940 1941 at the start of world war ii he makes the [ __ ] decision of flying into the uk he will crash land and you will lose your political advisor so it's a waste of 150 political power not like it really matters for germany because you're such a giant in this game but just because you're a new player please select martin borman do not select rudolph hess so that's all i wanted to share with you for now and i will see you guys in 70 days so we have one research slot available the that was the uh mechanical engineering so the next one that we're going to do like i previously mentioned mechanical computing because again it increases our research speed this time by four percent so another good one to have right off the start so we have now finished autarky so i just wanted to show you quickly here we have two more research slots that have opened up now if you're a new player you probably don't know this right off the bat but if your research finishes you actually have 30 days before you need to select a new one and what i mean by that is if you let this sit and you don't pick anything for up to 30 days and then let's say i put pick concentrated industry so that's the one i'm going to be doing next let's actually just select improved machine tools so we select this you can see it says 108 days and that number has moved down so essentially what happened was uh we had about 15 days of saved research so now if we were to go and select something essentially it's applied the 15 days onto this number so the base is 170 and you can see we saved 14 days so that's it applying the days that we didn't actually use so it's very helpful because when you're completing a national focus so we just finished autarky sometimes you're going to finish your research just before you would have actually received a bonus on your national focus tree and you need to wait a few more days before it actually arrives so that's why that 30-day window can be very beneficial to you because you can actually just wait for your national focus to complete then you can utilize those bonuses and you're actually getting ahead of ahead of everyone else in terms of your research speed so just that i throw that in there for new players it's very uh useful to you when you're actually completing your national focuses and trying to time your research properly the next one here we're going to be doing is the hermann goring work this just gives you six civilian factories so a nice bonus right off the bat very good to have because it increases again that rate of construction the other thing i've done here if we go back to the construction tab i just took a bunch more civilian factories and i maxed out basically all the regions with 80 percent infrastructure and then this other region with 70 percent so just that i throw that in there so we now have another national focus ready for selection and the next one that we're going to be doing is army innovations uh you probably thought i was going kdf wagon but you were wrong i'm actually going to be uh no no yeah yeah kdf wagon uh honestly the reason i want to switch that around i originally wanted to go down army innovations and treat you with the ussr this is where i always always can't decide i can never make up my mind which i want to do because i know that i want to get medium tanks going right away but i also want to get my industry to the point where it's not going to hinder me too much and i know having those extra six civilian factories is actually going to be pretty beneficial so i would say this is going to be better off in the long run completing this one first and we're still only in 1936 so what do i have to complain about so i'm going to finish that one and then we're going to do those two next i'm not going to show it so if you're waiting around in the video just note that we're doing kdf wagon army innovations and then treaty with the ussr so complete those three and that's where we're going to end up in the video uh next step research we're just going to do excavation this increases your resource gained by 10 so it means that for every steel essentially you're getting 0.1 percent of a steel extra if you finish it you get an extra half of steel so when you have like 80 that's actually kind of nice because you get like another 20 steel out of it in your territories so just another good one to have researched in there wow would you look at that we have some more research available so we have another slot uh basically next one i want to do concentrated industry two i don't need to explain this again factory output fifteen percent max factories in the state twenty percent that means that you get another twenty percent uh availability for construction so if you have ten slots available now you have twelve basically how it works uh factory output factory output fifteen percent it means that it's i really don't need to explain this it's very literal 15 increase so that's all i don't think i need to explain that one uh modify government we have another another 150 political power and the next one we're going to select here is our theorist the theorist essentially allows you to increase your research speed and it also gives you in some cases a little bit of a bonus so in this case we like to do the blitzkrieg theorist this is very good for germany because the land doctrine that you do is known as blitzkrieg the other thing is heinz gadarian here the one that we're selecting gives a 10 bonus to your armor's maximum speed so that's very good and you also gain 0.05 percent uh army experience every single day so that's going to raise this number a little bit as well which is nice and the last thing that i'm doing here i took my heinz gudarian army and i'm just making all 24 of these train just so i get a little bit of extra experience and i'm just going to run this basically forever because the amount of units or the amount of guns that they're using is pretty much negligible it really doesn't have an impact on my storage so the way that you do this you select your army and then you hit this button on the left hand side and they'll just continue exercising forever until you tell them to stop so just make sure you're doing that so you get some army experience so now that it is right near the end of 1936 you can see there december 16th uh we have another national focus so we'll do this one like that we also have 150 political power and the reason that i'm not selecting this right away is because we're going to now build our intelligence agency so the way you do this click intelligence at the top like so and then you have to create an agency you can also name it if you want so uh let's go scumpy dogs like so uh that's gonna be my intelligence agency and we're gonna pick whatever we want you can pick any of these here uh i like this one looks kind of cool let's go with that agency today so it's gonna take 30 days and the reason we're not going to be modifying our government right away is because the next political advisor we're going to take in 30 days is this guy right here the elusive gentleman he actually increases your amount of operatives that you have available and he also increases the rate at you i should reword that the amount of time it takes for you to actually upgrade the agency itself so if we click back on this tab you can see here there's these little branches right here and each of these has upgrades you can do them so minus 15 makes it faster i'm just going to wait out the 17 days because why not i might as well just show you guys what this looks like and if you're watching this video and you didn't have 150 political power that's fine just save up and you'll be able to get that guy pretty quickly because you should have martin borman and in general germany gets a lot of political power very quickly so not much to really worry about there and three days it's always fun waiting okay so there we go so now we have the scumpy dogs spy agency very nice you can always change this later on if you want to all you have to do is just click right here just so you're aware and then hit ok so now you can see we have the upgrades right here uh on the right hand side this number tells you how many civilian factories it actually takes to upgrade so when you select this one right here it would take five civilian factories out of your construction capacity and use it to upgrade the agency if you select this one it's 10 so very self-explanatory first one that i'm actually going to be doing is localized training centers this increases your recruitment choices by one it also increases the probability that you're going to get an enemy's nationality so very good to have right off the bat as you can see there it's now going to recruit our first operative in 28 days and the upgrade will be done in 30. other thing we can do go back here select elusive gentlemen and if we go back you can see now we have two slots available so very good the other way that you can get another slot is you have to do five upgrades so if you do five upgrades here um you'll get a third slot as germany and then beyond that if you want more slots you have to become a spymaster and then it increases um the number of slots for every single country that's in your faction so if i was to join a faction with italy today and i was the spymaster i would get like another one or two slots it depends on how many people you have in your faction and the other important thing is it actually does not count puppets so you can't have like 50 puppets and then have them all in your faction it just doesn't work that way so just so you're aware of that fact so i will see you guys in roughly 30 days when we have our first spy available okay so we now have a whole bunch of stuff available to us so as you can see the soviets accepted the soviet uh german treaty so national focus next one that we can do here uh we have a couple choices we can do army innovations too or we can go down our extra research slot and all that goes with it in this case i'm going to do army innovations 2 right away and as you can see we're still a few days away from our research being done so we're just going to let that run the other important thing intelligence agency we now have our first spy available to us so as you can see there's a bunch of different things that impact your spies so basically they get bonuses to them uh infiltrator here increases infiltrate of effectiveness and risk uh this one he would be very good at stealing blueprints this guy is a commando so he's good at sabotaging tough means if they're captured um they basically have a reduction in how likely they are to give up information before they're killed or whatnot seducer very good for infiltration again and master interrogator if you were to set her up in your own country it means that she's more effective at counterintelligence so she's better at finding people um and preventing spies from operating in your country so first one that i'm gonna pick i like having an infiltrator it's very good um the other one here seducer is also very good so really whatever you want i think i'm actually just gonna go with her right off the bat and first things first we're gonna build up an intel network so the way you do this click on build intel and then you have to click on a region so we're going to click on paris and she will build that up by 0.4 every day this is one of the best things that has come out of the intelligence agencies um it provides a very large bonus so you can see right there we're already getting effects from it so the max planning for france has decreased by three percent already which is very large uh it also reduces their entrenchment and then also increases our own planning speed and defense so if they were to attack us essentially when it's at a hundred percent they reduce it by almost fifty percent so their attacks are essentially useless um so that's why counterintelligence is also very good because counter intelligence counteracts spies operating in your region we also have that research slot available to us now so what's very important is we go to armor and using the bonus we just got we can now complete the panzer 3 in a in 82 days because we have a two time or a two year ahead of bonus so very good to have we're going to be done these in 80 days and we're going to start producing our medium tanks right away with that we also have some other things that are done so i went ahead and completed form department make sure you do that as well this is very good to have the other one that you want to complete right off the bat you have a couple different choices you can do radio interception group we don't need this right away so in this case i want to actually get my army and economy so i'm going to do these two right off the bat because that gives me more information on the french you can also see we have another operative ready in one day so we can now select them like so and in case you didn't know this is why we were upgrading our intelligence agency so we now have the option to recruit in europe it's under decisions here so we click this and you can see it has a bunch of these recruit in switzerland luxembourg belgium netherlands france uk so basically when you select this it's going to recruit an operative from that country so they'll actually have the french nationality the uk nationality so they're actually less likely to be discovered when they're operating in those countries so it's actually a very good thing to have because it makes it much more successful when you're trying to gather intelligence on them and all sorts of things like that so very good thing to have i'm actually going to go ahead and recruit in paris right now and you can see the operative that we now have has the french nationality and she also has the seducer trait so that's actually very good for us because again that further reduces her risk of being found essentially um last thing here decryption the way this works you actually just click on cryptology and if you're to click this it's now going to work away on their cipher which gives another bonus when you're attacking against them um takes 950 days and that's why these are important to upgrade because it reduces how long it takes so i know i've been talking a long time here so i'm now just going to unpause the game and kind of just let things run for a little bit oh my god more stuff's available 150 political power last thing here let's get right through this so industrial concern we're doing this one right here it increases our industrial research speed by 15 percent uh industry is on the far right hand side so this stuff here increases the research rate by 15 we also have two slots available let's just unpause the game because it's gonna do it in a few days um we're gonna do fuel refining because that increases the oil that we gain or sorry land doctrine we wanna do these ones land doctrine um germany just works down this route the entire game so you don't need to worry about it just keep working down this and then go down the blitzkrieg route don't go down mobile infantry because that side sucks it's very useless we also have some more construction civilian factories again highest levels of infrastructure first so anywhere that there is 80s do those first and that is all for now i guess this is in three days so we're just gonna do a field hospital and that will be it so now i will see you guys in let's see 30 days okay so another national focus is completed this was army innovations 2. so the next one that we're actually going to complete is our extra research slot so when with that one is done we're now gonna have five slots available to us i believe that's the maximum i don't think you can have more than five um i'd have to double check on that but i believe that's the maximum it's just nice to have because obviously we can research more faster so who doesn't love that so i'll see you guys in 70 days so a little correction not 70 days because we just finished our tank research so if we actually go back you can see we just finished the panzer 3 this is very good because we're now going to start producing it so next research uh just do interwar artillery when we want to make sure that we get that in there because artillery is actually going to be part of our units so right now we have 73 army experience that's very good if we go back to recruit and deploy so now what we're going to do is we're going to change the template so first things first make sure that before you ever change a template you hit duplicate and save the reason that you do this is because now if i was to make a change to this panzer division and later on i don't want to actually use that change um unfortunately you have to make a duplicate of whatever you've done so think of it this way if i take my infantry template right now and i'm training a bunch of them and i like this template and say i add in a bunch of anti-air and i hit save right now when i go to actually make a new template i'm going to have to remove that anti-air first and foremost so it would cost me 15 xp to remove them just to get it back to what i originally had so it's important that you make duplicates because a they're free and b it means that you're going to save army experience in the long run so always make sure that you make a copy of your template before you make changes so now that we've done that we've made a duplicate and we've saved it we're now going to go and take our light tanks we're going to click armored and change all of these into our medium tanks like so and what i like to do is i like to get them first and foremost right up to 16 and i also add in one more motorized so it looks kind of like this right off the bat and eventually yeah we're just going to make those actually you know what let's just do it right now we're going to get them to 20 and if you really want to you can remove that but i think it's fine just to keep it in there we're also going to set these guys elite because they are high priority units we want to make sure that they're always supplied because they're going to do a lot of damage out on the field so now we can cancel that cancel that and if we go back to our production right here i know i'm clicking around randomly it's because they've changed all the units since they've done the updates so if you're a new player lucky you you're going to be used to this i'm not quite used to it yet so we can just cancel that and just so you guys see what this looks like medium tank right here the other thing you can actually create a variant and again this uses army experience so if you want to increase the damage of it let's say and throw some more armor on you can actually save that for some extra bonuses but we're not going to do that today i'm actually just going to keep these stock and then we're going to set this max now the reason we have none is because all of our military factories are maxed out that's completely fine if we actually take one off you can see we're now producing just a little bit i'm not really bothered by it the reason this is gray is when you actually get the factories available it'll automatically apply them into this production queue so just important that you do that and make sure that you have your production ready to go because we need to start getting medium tanks out in the field pretty soon okay and so another thing here on our intelligence agency you can see with the two spies that we have so i set both of them to build an uh intel network in paris so this is where the cool stuff comes in so with your spies you can actually do operations so you can capture a cipher so that was this right here decrypting their cipher that gives a bonus you can also infiltrate the civilian administration that gives you more information on them you can also steal blueprints from them same thing for that navy air force and army you can do all of that but the big one here the really cool one is preparing a collaboration government basically it makes it so that when you actually attack them they're more likely to just essentially capitulate really fast off the start so the higher you make this collaboration um so we're going to hit prepare right now we're going to select our two spies that we have available so we're going to use both of these and you can see it takes a certain amount of guns support equipment and civilian factories but we're going to have more than enough so we'll hit prepare you can see that's already done so it's just going to complete all that and we're just going to also tell it to commence when ready and it'll take 190 days so it's actually going to take a little while for this to actually complete we also have some research that's available let's just do this one right now and what i was explaining before about the collaboration government so what is that so when this completes you'll get 20 collaboration so if you go back to your decisions or sorry you click on your country and you see collaborations you can't click it right now but if you would actually click this you would see that france would come up on a list right here and it would show 20 percent so for every uh collaboration that you complete essentially it gives you bonuses and it makes it more easy for you to capitulate their country it also makes it easier for you to switch their government over so when you actually control their territory you can set up what's known as a collaborationist government essentially they're favorable to you but they'll still control their country so they'll run it basically as a puppet but just favorable to you it sort of replaces the old system of just launching coups and boosting ideologies all the time and it actually so far seems to be a pretty fun system i've only played around a little bit with it but it's very cool so make sure you give this a try you need your spies up to a certain level that's how you actually launch operations you can see here that 69 percent um and if you actually click here it'll tell you it so you need two spies and 35 percent 2 spy is 50 or if you get to the really big ones here like a coup you need 70 intel and two spies so that's all very good um and just make sure you give this a little bit of a try here already so we now have another spy available uh the reason that we have another spy available to us is because like i previously mentioned i just completed my five upgrades necessary so now we have three slots so i'm just gonna select one more actually you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go back to decisions oh i guess we can't recruit not yet so we can't recruit in europe just yet honestly i don't really mind i'll just do let's see commando you know what we'll just do our commando and he is going to now build an intel network in london uh we want him over there because um that's another country that we're going to be attacking later on on the game so it actually helps having that intel and we're going to be doing some more operations against them throughout the game here so we can just ignore those national focus next one that's really important rhineland first one here we're going to be opposing the frenchies we're going to take back what's rightfully ours and research not a whole lot i mean support companies i'm finishing here um these are finally available so we're going to do those artillery is coming along nicely same with our land doctrine air doctrine nothing we can do there nothing here and nothing here so infantry is the big one the next two get these done so that way it's out of the way uh not much else to really show our preparations are still coming along and our intel is just slowly building up which is always nice i think what i'm actually going to do now i'm going to switch them over here because when they're on an operation you actually lose the intel so by having this gentleman sit here in the north he'll actually maintain that intel network and we won't lose all of it when the operation is going on so just a nice little thing i thought i'd throw in there for you september 25th 1937 so i gotta say if you guys stuck around this long thank you for making it through the video i know this is very long and there's a lot of details that are coming at you but i'm trying to include as much as i possibly can so that way you guys understand this and really start to actually have fun in arts of iron because until you understand these systems and how everything works and what the setup looks like it can be a pain playing this game so i appreciate if you guys have stuck around this far anyways next up 150 political power you can see that we're gaining 2.28 per day that's just because we don't have anything selected on our national focus so the next one that we're going to do is air innovations and something very important though after that we're going to be going down the angelus route so you can see one of the requirements is 500 000 manpower in the field currently we only have around 270 so what we need to do we now need to start recruiting divisions so we're not going to actually change the template just yet because i like actually how it's set up for now um the reason for that is because it actually has a higher amount of manpower we are going to be switching it to that 72 division i was telling you before but we don't need to worry about that just yet so the most we can recruit is 22 and if you're wondering how i was getting so many divisions at once the way you do that is just hold shift and then click add units so it'll actually do five divisions at once so now if we hover over that you can see we're still just under that limit but that's fine we can actually go modify government as well and the only other one that we really need to be doing right now we are saving up for war economy but that's just not quite there yet i'm not also really bothered by it if we're a little bit behind on that one so the important one here division attack the best out of the bunch just make sure you do that and then on intelligence you can see here this is in progress so it's now going to be completed on february 23rd 1938 and other than that i'm also increasing my portable radios and i'm also going to complete my air force department after that okay so we're now halfway through our national focus so first things first i'm going to cancel heinz guderian because i don't need any more army experience i'm really not going to need that much um even if i am a little bit short it's not going to impact me all that much so big thing here construction i didn't show it but uh we're at the point now where we don't need any more civilian factories so i am going to let these finish generally i like to cut it off around the 80 70 to 80 mark that's more than enough civilian factories so now just make sure that you queue up a bunch of military factories again do them in the highest infrastructure first and then after that i just normally put them right in this region here um it really doesn't matter because germany never really faces any challenges against the ai it shouldn't really be all that bad uh other than that not much else to really show pardon me geez i don't know what's going on today i'm i'm aired up anyways is that even a word who knows so other than that a big thing here if we go back to our divisions so you can see it they're at 20 so if we now select right there we can actually automatically deploy them and the reason we're doing this is because we need to get 500 000 in the field so now we're just going to do another 24 divisions like so hit one if you leave this on infinite they'll actually just continuously produce more and more of these so every time these finish it'll start another 24. so we only want one more of those because that should give us more than enough infantry units uh at least for now and then again select all of these and we're just going to put them in a new army just for now take this guy here and what we can actually do is train these guys and we're just going to set a front line right there on poland's border and the reason we're training them is because obviously if they're not fully trained you actually get a negative combat modifier so minus 25 means they're 25 less effective in combat so by training them when you actually get them trained you can see here their combat modifier it's uh level three is actually positive 25. if they're just at regular let's see if we have any units like that ah so right here so you can see those are level two they give a zero combat modifier so it's actually important that you train your units up because you can get some extra uh combat modifiers that'll benefit you when you actually go and fight people so just thought i'd throw that in there as well alrighty so we have now finished our air innovations so the next one that we want to do is angelos as i previously mentioned you need 500 000 so we're only at 48. how do we get around this same thing as before just manually deploy a couple of units that's at 508 and now we can just do english so it's a cheeky little way of kind of gaming the system um i don't actually know if that was how they intended it for for it to be but that's one way you can certainly get around those numbers you don't actually need to fully train these and just put those extra two in there so that way we have a nice even 24 and that's all for now really that's it so i'll see you guys in 70 days okay so we have now completed angelos so as you can see we've taken over the austrian territory so when this happens you get 11 units i've already moved them into my army group so the way you just do it as previously you can either drag and select all them and apply or you can hold shift and click that little icon at the top and then apply them in other than that not much else to really do national focus you can see here we can reassert our eastern claims but we don't want to do that just yet uh the more important one is demand sudetenland so as you can see the requirement is 750 000 manpower in the field so the nice thing is because we just got 11 units from austria that now puts us at 596 000 we also have 200 and 11 000 training currently and they're almost finished so we can actually just deploy those anyways hold shift once more and you can see we have 22 divisions so i'm going to apply them there first we're actually going to take 10 and apply them into that army so now he has a nice 24 as well and this army will actually just have 12 for now um we're gonna select this guy here because he has decent bonuses and we're also going to make sure he's applied to that army and we're going to set his front line also on the polish or sorry actually on the netherlands border over here because the last one is actually uh having our army with the tanks that's going to go on the border with poland instead because you need to make sure that you're breaking through very quick so the nice thing is now that we have 700 750 000 we can actually demand the sudetenland so like that other than that not much else to really show um i did go ahead and switch my economy law over to war economy so you should have had 150 political power by now if you don't that's fine if you've already done this then great um other than that the other thing that's going to be important for you to have is your military command so you're going to want to make sure you have your armor genius so irwin rommel your infantry expert and you have a choice you can go division attrition or army regrouping i always go with division attrition because that's gonna have the most impact on your army more so than your recovery rate will uh recovery rate really just impacts how fast they recover their organization when they're not in combat so it's kind of useful but division attrition is actually more important because that impacts when they're in combat so if you can reduce that number it actually makes them better fighters so it kind of makes this whole option right here pretty redundant because they won't actually be leaving combat because they'll be kicking so much ass so yeah make sure you pick army logistics anyways that's all for now and i'll see you guys in safe 70 days the date is now march 11th 1938 and we have some exciting news so our operatives have completed their missions as you can see they were very successful uh they managed to increase the collaboration in france to 45 so that is very good uh if i'm not mistaken it's normally only 20 so that was incredibly successful so now what we're going to do because we actually still have our intel network still there we can go right ahead and get ready to prepare one more collaboration government uh the reason that i want to do this twice is because again like i previously mentioned it gives quite good modifiers um when you actually attack france later on and i want to show i want i really want to showcase in this video how effective it is so we're going to go ahead and do the second one right now and we're also going to make sure we get that coordinated strike going on uh the other nice thing is if you look at cryptology there's only 186 days left and we're actually about to complete our radio interception group in four days so that number should drop i think to around 90. somewhere around 100 days when it's done so okay dropped to 150 not the best not the worst let's do one more and that should get us to the number uh we also have two research slots available so we're going to now do our blitzkrieg because this is going to have a positive impact on our tanks it's going to make them very good when we go to war with friends other than that we have some support companies that could be done pretty soon we have all three of those ready these are pretty good industries looking nice again these are a little too far away so the other thing i want to do is oil processing this is very important because you need a lot of oil when you're using your tanks and also your very large air force now i know i haven't focused on my air force too much yet we only have 500 in uh storage but that's fine right now we can actually just drop that back and our tanks are actually coming along nicely you can see we are missing tungsten so trade if we go up here go to sweden we're going to take all of theirs and we're actually also going to trade oh not that much we're also going to trade for two there so we have a little bit of a surplus but that's fine because i am going to increase my medium production a little bit more so i don't really care that it's a little bit excessive and we're also just training these two armies over here so we can get their experience up other than that we don't need to train any more units um we have everything that we need dan zigger ward you need another hundred thousand but we're also going to be recruiting some tanks um and we're gonna be making some more changes to our templates so you know what just to be safe let's just do another 12. that puts us almost there so let's make that another 22 and that's going to be more than enough for the rest of the game you won't actually have to worry about any more troops even once we make those changes it'll be completely fine so that's all for now and i'll see you in a little bit alrighty so we now have another national focus ready in this case we have fate of czechoslovakia so this is the final focus before we essentially take the remaining territory of czechoslovakia the other important thing to show here if we just look at our intelligence agency we can currently see if we actually click on our operatives if you hover over your country you can see that this has turned yellow the reason this has turned yellow is it means that another country has their spies operating inside of our country right now so there's two ways that you can actually counteract that so if you click up on the top left the first one here if you actually click on defense um you can raise this up to a maximum of four times each time you raise it it increases it by 1.25 the first one is i believe 1.25 as well so you have a little bit of your own passive defense from the get-go but raises it a certain amount each time and that is one of the ways you can counteract it the second way is if you click on an operative you can actually hit counter intelligence and then you can set them wherever you want so i mean if you just click the country it actually applies to the entire country it's not like it's specific to any region so as you can see my counterintelligence is now 2.5 i won from operatives and with that passive defense so it should make it so it's a little harder for them to actually operate in our country the reason this is so important is because you don't want them to get a lot of intelligence and you also don't want them infiltrating your army and your air force and whatnot it also presents the opportunity for you to actually capture operatives so while they're operating the higher this number is the more risky it is for that foreign power to have a spy in your country it makes it much more likely that they're actually going to get captured and in the event that they're captured they then have to operate and basically complete a mission to rescue whoever's captured so just thought i'd throw that in there it is important that you're paying attention to that and actually making sure that you're defending your territory from attacks as well because just like what we're doing to france they can actually return the favor and do it right back so just thought i throw that in there um should take 70 days and i'll be back so with our national focus now being done we get the event the fate of czechoslovakia so you have three choices if this is the first time that you've seen this i'll just go through it real quick so the first option you can set up slovakia as a puppet state hungary will get some land uh slovakia will retain certain parts and you will annex essentially these portions right here and the rest of this will be essentially just a puppet this will go to hungary this spot right here and this will be your puppet you can partition slovakia so you'll basically split the country in half or you can take everything personal favorite i like setting up slovakia as a puppet and they get that little bit of land right there it makes hungry happy ensures that they aren't just gonna piss you off and annoy you later on in the game and as a new player it just keeps things simple so as you can see we're now actually going to get another operative slot as well which is great um other thing here we can now complete reassert eastern claims if we wanted to or we can go and complete some other stuff in this case i am going to get this one at least out of the way [Music] no reason not to do it there's nothing else that we really need to worry about right now we still get a couple extra factories so this is just what my production looks like right now as you can see this is pretty much all that you should need we are still a little bit behind on tanks so the big thing now i want to get these up to 25 and i also want to get these at least to 10 and later on to 15. for now i'm just going to keep that at 10 and we're not actually going to upgrade that to artillery 2 just yet the reason for that is because we still need to make sure that we have enough manpower in the field for our war and the other thing here our mission that we are completing so we are now doing a decryption on the united kingdom their cipher that should take about 200 days i'm actually going to upgrade this so it should reduce it a little bit more i was just getting that passive defense and my invisible ink completed as well just because i wanted to ensure that when i don't have operatives in my country i'm still at least a little bit protected so as you can see just using passive defense there's no effect on my country and i just have my other operative here just continuing to build that intel network because we will be utilizing that in our fight against the french very quickly other than that we don't need to do much we're going to readjust our front lines now and i'm going to show you what that looks like very quickly just so we can get this out of the way so irwin rommel here on the east or sorry the west he's totally fine so we're going to take this general first he has 24 divisions we can drag it like that basically half the country and we're going to set an offensive line like so so the way an offensive line works when you click this first and foremost front lines right click that is the line that is where your troops are going to be divided amongst the border now you need a front line to set an offensive line and an offensive line is good because wherever you set this line everything behind this line they're going to basically take that is what your troops are going to be focused on taking so all this territory every single province behind this line right here that is what they're going to be going after now it's different from a spear head because if you were to set a spearhead just real quick let's set something similar a spearhead is different in that they are focused entirely on just getting to that point so they're not going to actually fill out and disperse themselves evenly amongst your front line their entire objective is just to get to that point that you set so if you set a spearhead like this their entire objective all these units spread out here is get here they don't care if they leave pockets up here of troops and you know if they even manage to somehow avoid warsaw and just end up here that's fine they're not going to focus on taking it so it's very important that you actually have front lines and you understand the difference between the two before you go and set them up so next up we're going to take this general again he has 24 divisions we're now going to merge that all the way to where that line is right there and we'll set another front line just like so and we're also going to set these guys to aggressive and the reason we do that is because when they're set to aggressive they'll just continuously attack if you set them to balanced they're not as aggressive when they actually complete their plans um so we're also going to set this general here in the north and surprise surprise same thing in this case we're actually going to set the offensive line down towards the south because they're coming from the north so we want them to take everything in here and again set these guys to aggressive now the last thing that we're going to do we're going to take heinz gadarian and we only have three panzer divisions right now but that's completely fine we're gonna set him like so just across across these few provinces and this is where the spearhead becomes handy so now we're gonna set a spearhead across that line like that uh and the reason again aggressive the reason we're doing a spearhead is because it's exactly as it sounds we want to take warsaw and cacao very quickly that the two most important points in poland if you take those and you take danzig poland's pretty much finished and with medium tanks they're just going to punch straight through the polish territory very quick very quickly so we don't have to worry too much this last general here he's still actually set right there oh what is going on who is set there okay uh let's just fix those lines i guess which general is this oh whoopsies i didn't actually set them right so control click um as you can see i actually had this general set to align over here so if you made that mistake like myself you can see this has no divisions on it if you actually select the general hold control and then you click it'll assign all 24 onto the proper line one thing to take note of though you can't assign them to a different army's line so this is army 3 if you hover over 5 you can see it says army 5 and this says army 4 right there if i was to hit control click it would actually try and reassign them into this army right here so all 24 units would go to this general so we don't want that you actually have to assign them to the correct line and if that's confusing just delete them the delete buttons right here delete your lines reset them and you'll be fine so just make sure you get all this set up um because we will be needing it once our war is ready with france and that's actually going to be happening pretty soon here well ladies and gentlemen we lost a fine agent today so unfortunately and i guess the uh mission she chose to kill herself um if you actually look over here if we go back to operations we hit this so it was still successful um unfortunately we did lose one of our operatives so we are going to recruit one more in 30 days um but we we're still successful in actually increasing the collaboration um but the reason that she actually killed herself so as you can see here i have the option of suicide pills for my agents um basically when they are captured they have an increased likelihood that they'll actually just commit suicide rather than give up information um the only downside to that is rescuing your operative is really not that difficult um you know i already have 30 intel and that's all you need to actually make a rescue operation happen so unfortunately i lost an operative really for nothing but you know you win some you lose some so that's fine uh other than that national focus they have folded so now we have danzig or war available to us i'm not actually going to complete that one right now and the reason for that is because as you can see it's only nine uh 1938 we still have basically another year to go until really we could attack i mean i'm in a very good position if i wanted to i could definitely attack today but again i just want to get that collaboration up and also look at this this spanish civil war so the uh nationalists are kind of losing if you actually click up here on this global icon you can actually go to current wars and then you can look at the stats so you can see here the nationalists have taken quite a few more losses about a hundred thousand more than the spanish the regency defense council i mean they're probably gonna die anyways what's interesting i don't know how it's gonna play out yet because in the old game if this spanish civil war continued until world war ii kicked off with the major powers uh the nationalists would join germany and the spanish would join the allies so it'll be interesting to see if that still happens and the annoying thing was that the communists because these it used to be the fascists versus the communists i should correct that it used to be the soviet union would join up with the spanish and the nationalists would join up with germany so it'll be interesting to see how this plays out i think these guys yeah they're still democratic so technically speaking they should be joining the allies and not the common turn so i don't know what's going to happen with that yet other than that national focus i'm actually going to go with my tactical air effort so i can just continue my air doctrine a little bit and outside of that i am going to get that intel network up just a little bit more because we are going to complete our last prepare collaboration government because if we go back here and click correct collaborations oh yeah okay so they're actually at the level where if we were to complete it today we could do a new regime so you know what we're not even going to do that the last thing we're going to do in this case we need to get our intel up to 70 and then when we do that we can actually do what's the name of it right here it is the coordinated strike so this gives you another bonus when you're actually attacking their country um so another very good one to have and that's all to that i need to share for now so i'll be back in 70 days well ladies and gentlemen this is the final overview before we actually start our war against the allies so we have another national focus available um we can go for danzig or war right now but in this case i'm actually just going to complete construction engineering for the time being and the reason i'm doing that is because if we look at italy here they're doing the pact of steel so i'm gonna let them actually join my faction first before i go and complete dan zigger war uh the second reason for that is because once they actually join our faction we're to get another operative out of it and i plan on using one operative to keep in my country and the other ones i'm actually going to be using to start building some intel in the uk uh down here in france you can see we have 82 percent here 82 here so that's all good um outside of that we can't actually do any more operations so i forgot to realize that coordinated strike the only way you can complete this um is if you actually have a war goal against france so yes this would be beneficial to us um when we actually go to war against them but in general france is really not that hard we already have their cipher decrypted so that's going to give us another bonus against them and we have very good intel so if you actually hover over you can see even at 82 percent they lose 82 percent of their planning they also lose eight or one level of entrenchment and in return i get an extra 82 percent invasion defense and i also gain 40 bonus to my planning speeds so overall it makes you very good um you can see my counterintelligence is working just fine it's medium risk i'm not really bothered by that the only other thing here that i need to do now so we're going to drag like that and we're going to tell all of our planes unpause the game that'll send all of them to the berlin airfield we're going to hit merge and now we need to start sending our planes all over the maps so these are bombers here they can go middle um because they can cover just about everything so you don't really have to worry about those close air support we can send over with our fighters naval and transports we're going to put in the very top unpause the game one more time and now everything kind of divvies out and we are also going to deploy some fighters so if you hold shift and click that'll do a few hundred at a time so we're gonna do 500 there we're going to take the remaining fighters by just clicking that button so you can see click there it puts all of them we'll do another 400 there and then we're going to put some close air support so the remaining close air support all together there and then the last one we can actually go back to this where it has 360. we can just dump the rest of those garbage fighters in there we can hit merge and it's a little bit over but that's not a big concern is there anything else we have a little bit of close air support so let's just do that you can't merge these because these are really outdated uh now the only other thing we need to do close air support or sorry those are fighters and those are close air so now we need to set all those we can set all those we can put these on strategic bombing we're actually going to set those to poland and then these ones are also going to go there we're also going to boost our airfields so we get some more uh troops out all at once so that's all good and just make sure that everything is set up like so unpause the game and that will all deploy and the last thing take our navy and we can actually merge all of those into one and assign carl dernitz so now all of our ships should move over to our largest port and there we have it so we have all of our ships and if we look at our production even you can see that we actually have the other two ships finished very soon here so that's actually nice because we'll need those when we're going to actually uh naval invade the united kingdom last thing here blitzkrieg is going to be done in 109 days a few other things and research are going to be done soon but just as a brief overview this is what my infantry looks like support companies armor hasn't changed artillery is just completing there i just showed blitzkrieg here air doctrine i'm about this level here engineering i'm going to do that one next and then this is just my industry so that's all i need to show you guys for now just make sure you get all that stuff set up you have your front lines ready to go and once the pact of steel has completed i am going to complete danzig or war so just make sure you complete that once the pact of steel is done and i'll see you guys when we're ready alrighty so it's now august 21st 1939 we have our war goal ready against poland and i'm actually just waiting right now because this is going to take 24 days so let me just unpause the game so i can talk here um so it's going to take 24 days for that to be ready um outside of that i'm waiting another two days because one of my operatives got captured and the reason i'm actually gonna wait for this national focus to complete is because we get that war goal against uh or actually no i guess we don't have a war goal against france that's kind of weird anyways i'll just have to wait and see what happens um so this is done now perfect we managed to get them back so we're just going to take this operative and we're just going to throw her right back into paris essentially so that way she can keep building up that intel network and we're going to keep one on passive so we can prevent them from having too much of a foothold in our country and the reason that i'm going to leave these guys running is because i just want to see if it's actually possible once the war starts i want to see what you can actually do if it's still possible to do a coordinated strike or maybe it's something that you have to do beforehand but i don't know yet i'm going to wait and see and i'm just going to let that national focus because it's not gonna hurt us anyways if we wait uh in the meantime and i'm also just gonna go ahead right now cancel that we're gonna cancel this they're all set up and we're gonna make sure they have a offensive line like so and then you can see here these guys are actually gonna be ready in two days these were the last panzer units that we needed to finish one more day come on game there we go all right so they're done we can now send those six units over to heinz gadarian and they'll get ready on that uh objective right here we can ignore this one last research slot that we have available we could do that if we wanted to we could even do some armor now and i'm probably just going to do that because i will continue this game on solo i just won't be filming later on so those units are going to be ready and how much longer we have four days until our war goal is ready so last thing make sure you always double check your air forces make sure everything's looking nice and tidy you got everything set up how you like it um make sure that's all good make sure your navy is all organized so you can see we have two uh heavy ships here so make sure we merge those and now we have all the ships that we should possibly need for our offensive against the united kingdom and we also are gathering intel in london right now i'm doing that so that way when we attack them um obviously we're not struggling later on and now so there is an option so you can do just war with france if you need but in that case we don't need to i just like to go construction engineering or sorry construction repair that just makes it um so you get an extra 50 repair speed and it's great when you're actually in combat because you need that to repair all the stuff that gets broken so now big thing here heinz get aryan make sure you leave him you're not actually going to attack this guy right here he's set to aggressive so we can activate him this gentleman right here he also has a line activate this gentleman activate heinz gadarian activate and this fellow we're actually just gonna leave and we're gonna ignore him for now we're gonna sign him into a new uh army group because the other one's too big now like so and that's fine but we don't want to activate him either and the only war goal we want to activate is against poland so now we can declare war we can go up here and we can even just call italy it doesn't matter make sure you also call in slovakia the reason this is so important as you'll see in a second here down here we have our troops on the border this is slovakian territory even though they're our puppet if we don't call them in our troops are going to be stuck here they will never attack the polish territory so you have to make sure that you actually call them into the war or you need to readjust your front line to the german territory and then attack but i mean it benefits you to actually attack from this extra space so make sure you do that i'm now going to unpause the game and i'm just gonna show poland uh for the uk and france i will be speeding up the gameplay so as you can see everything's activating looking very nicely if we go back over here i just want to see so can we do this you do not have the required network strength so it needs to be 70 first okay yeah so we're against them so you can plant false intelligence yeah it doesn't look like you can orchestrate the strike after you uh start the war so that's all i really wanted to know i don't think it's really going to be all that important anyways because we're going to curb stomp them here and you can see heinz this is how effective medium tanks are i'm not even controlling my units i'm just letting them do whatever they want and it's going pretty well we're only on three speed let's speed that up just a little bit more to show you just how quick like crazy this is you know you don't need to do manual in this game um if you get your troops set up well enough especially in single player you know you can just unpause it and let them go to town they'll kind of just sort themselves out other thing to watch for though as you can see heinz gadarian as he's moving along his front line gets stretched out it's the second one here so one way to fix that just click edit and you can right click and drag and that will actually allow you to fix the front line and adjust how you want it so that way your troops aren't getting too spread out because with only nine divisions they can't cover a very large amount of territory you're better off having them covering only three tiles and that way there's two pans or divisions per tile and this is a tile if you actually click you can see that's a tile that's a tile that's a tile so you'd really only want the front line across three of them so then your units are spread out roughly the same or sorry i have nine divisions so three each and as you can see we're making very good progress we've already managed to capture cacao warsaw is about to fall danzig is ours um catalyst i think that's how you say it i really don't know sorry about that um but yeah they're already halfway to capitulation we're going to take these pretty quickly and our tanks are making very good progress here we got some encirclements if you look at our losses 16 000 to 130 000 really not that bad and again make sure you're always watching i know i'm not showing it here but i'm confident in my my setup i just know it because i've used it so much but make sure you are still watching because if they land a naval invasion or something like that you don't want to get caught off guard that's always annoying when that happens so warsaw is about to fall you know what let's just send you right there and go around yeah so one panzer division 400 to 100 so it's quite the difference when you actually look at the numbers oh and i guess i didn't really show this last one here joseph goebbels he just gives you extra war support and uh daily fascism support so that actually raises your stability a little bit for you um outside of that this is just how my setup looks the only other thing you would probably want is a tank designer and i normally go heavy tanks just because it increases armor and heart attack which is really what you want out of a medium tank you don't want light attack um it's just a waste so don't ever go a light armored designer so there's warsaw down and they're almost capitulated so i think if we take this point right here yeah and these last two then we will be fine so i'm going to just tell these guys go right now your manual and go that's all my tanks right there by the way these yeah they're getting overrun just a little bit so that's the other crazy thing about medium tanks um they move so quickly in this game you can actually just curb stomp them yet so we had 12 encircled they're gone they're dead the soviets sent some over so now we can just manually send those guys and secure that last little piece of land in a day and there you have it so that's basically what it looks like i'm now just actually going to speed up the game i'm not really going to show the france and uk combat in depth but i hope this has made it a lot easier for you guys i will be checking in once the combat is over but i'm just gonna skip ahead to that right now so i hope you enjoy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] here [Music] [Music] is [Music] feeling like [Music] just gotta have it [Music] so there we have it we have managed to defeat the allies that means poland france and the united kingdom now if you have made it to the end of the video odds are if you were watching the video you probably haven't seen this screen before um or if you have you might not know exactly what it does so basically as you can see our war score it's determined on how much you contribute so how much land you occupy how much you bomb the enemy how much casualties you have and basically that's how you get your war score determined the person with the highest war score gets to pick first and the reason war score is really important is because as you can see each one of these has a number that number is war score it's a cost so every single time you pick a tile it's going to cost a certain amount and it tallies up on the right hand side and also on the left so before you can end your turn you need to make sure you have enough war score the other thing you have to make sure that you're still ahead of the next person behind you so in this case italy has almost a thousand i need to still end my turn with more war score than them so those are the requirements essentially for um doing this now i'm gonna go ahead and pick all the polish territory and one little cheeky thing you can do here if you cut off italy like so they won't take anything generally they like to take right here but if you take that before it's their turn they won't take anything from france now what italy will end up doing is they like puppeting people and they also um like to take all the stuff in africa so if you have any interest in that make sure you take that stuff from them first or they're just gonna do it anyways and i know it's a little bit boring here watching me manually click everything but i did want to make sure i included this so that way for newer players you still have a bit of an understanding so stupid italy just ruined the borders um so i'm gonna kill them after i finish this video because i really hate when italy does that it looks really stupid honestly it is the worst thing ever so let's just call it quits right there [Music] unfortunately i guess they took everything from those people huh okay well we're gonna puppet france right now we're also gonna puppet the british raj and the netherlands and can we puppet the uk yep so now we've finished that and this is what it all looks like when we're done so if you managed to make it to the end of the video thank you very much for watching i always love reading your guys's positive feedback if you have any suggestions for future videos please feel free to leave a comment down below i always read what you guys say and i try and get back to you as soon as i can as always thank you very much for watching and i hope to see you guys in the next one
Channel: ScumpyDawg
Views: 188,284
Rating: 4.8901691 out of 5
Keywords: Hoi4, Hoi4 germany, Hoi4 germany guide, Hearts of iron 4, Hearts of iron 4 germany guide, Hoi4 gameplay, gaming, Hearts of iron iv, Hearts of iron iv gameplay, Hoi4 germany guide 2020, Hoi4 la resistance, La resistance, hoi4 gaming
Id: wqPlkXFbyoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 7sec (4627 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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