Hoi4 Germany Defeating USSR & Allies by 1939-40 Guide!

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hello and welcome back to another hearts of iron 4 video i know it's been a while or i guess what three days since i last uploaded so i guess it hasn't been that long but i decided we're gonna make some content today i was pretty busy last few days so that's basically my reasoning why anyways as you saw on the title it's going to be another germany gameplay honestly i haven't really gotten around to making much content for the new dlc i just i have not been enjoying it as much as i thought and i don't want to be miserable playing the game so i'm going to do what i really want to do anyways uh like i said we're gonna be playing germany today but i'm gonna put a twist on it i know i've played this country in the past but i wanted to change it up here so what we're actually gonna do is attack poland really early on around the 1937 range right when uh the war goal that we start at the beginning of the game here once that finishes we're gonna defeat poland and then we're immediately gonna go after the soviet union um mainly just because i don't ever do that i was thinking about it today and i only ever really attacked the allies first a pretty traditional method of doing it simply because you can obviously just defeat the allies really easily if you do it early on and then you get access to all the resources that you need but i want to change it up today so i'm going to attack poland first soviet union next and then we're basically just going to clear out all of europe by attacking the balkan states all of them basically at once along with the allies and italy so i just want to change it up today and have some fun so anyways without further ado let's get right into the video okay so first things first this is gonna be a pretty standard game in terms of my research and stuff um so no real surprises here mechanical engineering to start we're gonna be going with construction one as well as production for um our equipment and we're also going to be doing dispersed industry today although i'm not obviously going to do that right now since i need to let my production research finish first but i am going to be going with dispersed so just getting that out of the way so you are aware of what i'm doing and then there's nothing else that we really need to research that's essential so i'm just going to do some interwar artillery pretty standard for myself and then what we're also going to be doing here is building up a whole bunch of military factories because the biggest thing we need as much production as possible to outpace the soviets once we defeat the soviets and the polish we're going to be in a pretty good position we're going to have a huge civ count we're also still going to be able to integrate australia throughout this attack and potentially czechoslovakia once that's done we're gonna have all the sieves that we need anyways and at that point we're just building up more mills so it kind of just works out better for us that way um so anyways national focus wise though obviously we're not gonna go down this route at the start of the game so i'm just going to do my four year plan and stick to these national focuses off the start i am just going to let you guys know that i'm probably going to be skipping ahead a little bit more than i usually would in my videos just because otherwise it's just a lot of repetition over and over again so i don't want to do that i want to try and avoid that as much as possible so just on production here 10 on guns four on support we're gonna bump this up to maybe eight we'll obviously cancel the tactical bombers because we just don't need those uh and then we're gonna pretty much keep everything else the same as we get more mills though i will show you my production as well uh later on in the game here once we get closer to our attack on the soviet union so the one thing i'm going to let you know just before i skip ahead here as soon as i have enough political power i am going to justify a war goal on poland so that way we can attack them as early as possible uh so i just want to make you aware of that and then we're just going to assign all of these guys into one army just for now and as we get more supplies we are going to recruit a whole bunch of divisions because we're going to need them against poland just to make the war go a little faster and that's pretty much it so i'll be back in probably 140 days let's say and we'll continue from there all right so the first two national focuses are done those were a four-year plan in atari so i'm going to skip the hermann goring work and kdf wagon just for now because what i want to do is army innovations and treaty with the ussr so that way we can get medium tanks and start the production on those really early on so that way they should be ready in time for our war against the soviet union anyways only about 150 days okay just under 148 days until this war is ready and at that point we're going to start a war against poland so i'm just gonna do these two national focuses and i'll see you guys shortly [Music] so [Music] so [Music] okay so it's november 23rd 1936 poland has capitulated so we're in a very good position right now uh what i'm going to do here is justify a war goal against the soviet union so 210 days until that's completed that puts us right before the end of 1937 actually closer to i guess two-thirds of the way through the year um but that's going to give us plenty of time to then defeat the soviets i think we can easily have them defeated uh before 1940s so that's great um so what we're going to do now with our remaining political power what's important here we want to switch over to war economy as soon as that's available so as soon as i get 150 political power war economy because that's going to obviously drop our consumer goods and make it so constructions a little faster as for the national focus itself i did treaty with the ussr so at this point in time we want to get these two done at least and potentially even army innovations too although that's not exactly um a key one to complete what's more important is at least getting these three out of the way so that way we have a higher civ count so we can build faster and also have more research slots so we can research our land doctrine and other things at the same time production wise though this is what everything looks like i don't know why but i went with light tank production i had almost 10 on this don't do that because if you're like me and you're currently researching the medium tanks you're just wasting production you'd be better off just putting it on guns and artillery because obviously i'm going to be making basically 14 fours since they're the easiest and most powerful equipment or i guess troops that you can design this early in the game um so anyways i think i'll probably just add one more onto my motorized for the time being one more onto artillery and you know what let's just max out artillery because that's going to be more expensive than guns to produce and i'm going to need quite a bit of it so using my army experience as well i am going to change my templates over just some seven twos for the time being but i am going to make a duplicate and those will have the 14 fours or the 40 widths if you want to call it that way um that's basically what i'm going to do so anyways i'll be back once i have probably completed these two focuses and uh we'll continue from there and another two national focuses are completed so at this point time i'm going to be doing my extra research slot just obviously an extra research slot and then i'm going to go rhineland for some political power and army experience not really so much the army experience but more political power and then we're going to go with this one right here um annexing austria simply because this will give us siebs and mills its core territory so it'll help us quite a bit that way or at least i think it's core um but anyways we're going to get sieves and mills out of it regardless so that helps us and we get equipment and troops um the troops aren't really what matters just more so the territory with the sieves and mills so that's kind of my reasoning behind it but that's basically what i'm going to be doing here i don't think i need army innovations or air innovations they're not going to make any difference at this point simply because the war isn't really that far away you can see here just under 100 days so i'm going to have enough time to basically just get this done and then rhineland and we're gonna be in war against the soviets so i'm training up another 24 divisions here these are the weaker ones and then once i have enough artillery saved up again i will then go ahead and train up a bunch of these guys right here more of the seven twos and that's basically it that's all we're gonna have time for i guess i could have technically kept my light tank production and it would have been actually better simply because now we're just not gonna have any light tanks and we're gonna have no tank units so this is gonna be an infantry-only war basically um but either way it's not really a big problem i think we'll still manage just fine but uh it's gonna be a little bit slow at the start the nice thing is the soviets are doing the great purge right now this is probably gonna finish just before the war starts and once it does they're going to be having a reduction i think it's minus 30 to their organization so that's going to make it a lot easier for us to actually push them and because we have a lower troop count when we actually stack our troops on this border they're more than likely going to be just throwing wave after wave against us because they take a higher troop count as being superior so in that case they're actually going to attack us repeatedly and just burn up a bunch of their equipment and manpower and then we'll just be able to just you know walk right into their territory but anyways we're just gonna have to see how that goes i'm gonna finish at least two national focuses and then i will be back and we're gonna commence the war against the soviet union alrighty so our war goal is ready against the soviet union right now so i'm just going to put the squeeze on yugoslavia i just created an intelligence agency um it's not going to be ready for 30 days but that's not really a big problem either way though i have 84 divisions in the field right now with another 10 in recruitment those are good because we now have a positive supply so i'm going to get those out once they're probably even just trained up to around 60 percent just so that way we can bolster our numbers have almost four full generals and that way we're a little bit closer to parity with the soviets now the great news is like i previously mentioned they just finished the purge so they're missing 50 percent of their division organization plus their factory output is down 20 so overall they're gonna really struggle here if they just throw themselves against me in waves because they'll just lose their organization instantaneously and then the best part is as well their training time is 50 higher so they're just not going to be able to rebolster their ranks especially if they use up their equipment obviously they can't do anything at that point but um assuming they don't just go on a mass suicide charge and they don't lose that many divisions off the start as i push them back if they lose some it's going to be harder for them to actually put more out in the field so basically just national focus wise i am just going to get the army innovations 2 out of the way and that just gets us set up for the future final factory count 62 sieves 55 mils nothing great nothing horrible and just a whole bunch more in queue right now so that's great and then i'm just going to use the last of my political power to select one more advisor so i would have gone with the army genius but that's not going to help us that much right now simply because we don't have enough armor out in the field so i think army logistics reducing our attrition is going to take precedent simply because again we don't have a crazy amount of sales certainly enough to repair the infrastructure but not anything crazy so attrition is still something i am worried about a little bit and then i also took heinrich himmler here just to reduce the damage to garrisons by 25 that'll just help ensure that we're not burning up tons and tons of equipment um suppressing the territories that we move through so that was kind of my reasoning there but anyways uh let's just deploy these troops right now what are they at 61 that'll work i just don't want to lose my war goal it's going to finish in august here august 20th is when it would technically cancel so i don't want to have to uh redo that again otherwise obviously if we have to redo it the soviets will be in a better position than they are right now so without further ado let's get this war under the way [Music] so [Music] so alrighty so november 18th 1938 the war against the soviets is over so i now have the mega german reich we have almost 200 factories more than enough sieves 81 and 101 mills so i've just been repairing everything that's going to take a little while here but nothing crazy at this point in time though we are more prepared than any other country we are behind on supplies basically just because i attacked continuously there but overall that was a really easy war i mean it was just over a year long and i think i had 215 000 losses total uh you can pause the video there right at the end where i was showing the losses but the soviets had just under 4 million and they lost their entirety of their armies so overall very successful unfortunately we didn't get a whole lot of equipment from them because of that but at the end of the day it's not a big problem since we can just produce everything we need within about a month here so i'm just going to line my army up on the netherlands right now and then what we're going to do here is reassert the eastern claims bypass danzig or war and then we'll just complete around the maginot and that will give us all the war goals that we need so belgium netherlands luxembourg that will call the allies in once that war begins we're just going to easily push into france capitulate them declare on italy kill them then we're going to focus our efforts on the uk and i did start a big production on fighters and i'm using the one focus here i don't know where it is this one where it just reduces the production cost by 25 so i'm just trying to get this up as quickly as possible although i should have been trading for rubber i should have been doing that um but that's basically it so i'm just going to finish those off and then we'll be basically ready for our war and i'm just gonna change a few other things around with templates but that's basically it so i will see you guys shortly okay so everything is ready here february 26 1939 we're ready to go against our enemy um i do need to get all of my divisions properly assigned here so we're just going to leave these 23 like so we'll take the remaining 24 and assign them like this just give them each an offensive line and then we'll just take these guys here and assign them and then you can go on the belgian border so that's basically all we need to do right now we can just unpause the game look at our air force which is still sitting over here and we'll just move them back over like so and then we're going to assign them onto this region and then we'll just make sure that we select all of our bomber crews and just move them further back because they obviously don't need to be near the front line and they're just going to cause congestion and then we can move those guys over along with the transports and that should be enough there we go so i'm just going to declare war here or i guess i should give maybe a couple days so these guys are properly in order and looks like they're good to go so we're just gonna declare war against the netherlands first this works out the best because i'll just show you right now who can we invite italy don't care uh so we can just go like this and you'll see here ta-da just getting attacked from nowhere and we're just going to completely curb stomp the netherlands so that's awesome they are now pretty much finished off so then what we do as soon as they capitulate and everything's over perfect we get all their equipment as well we're now going to take our remaining generals here and we'll set the offensive line like so and then with heinz gadarian because he has the armored units we want to set him right in that little pocket right there just real small even though it's gonna have attrition that's not a problem um we just need these tanks along the coastline so then we can just push right here and then straight over to paris i also got these set as medium tanks now and i do have three more on the way so you know what we're just going to deploy those early and then we'll take them assign them into heinz gadarian and we'll just get rid of three of these units we can actually get rid of one one and you're not fine you can just go with that guy that's not a problem so now let's just go like this make sure that's okay and set an offensive line on you and you're gonna go like that and then once everything is in order we're pretty much good to go there's nothing else that we really need to wait on here and no one's ever going to attack us so it's not a problem at all don't need to really worry about the factories um so let's just declare on you like so unpause just for one day so that way we can get everything going and then we're gonna tell them to all attack at once but we're gonna tell these six tanks to go down here unpause the game and you can see they're now moving and we want those six guys to keep them in position so now i'm gonna break up one tank and it's gonna go all the way down to here then we're gonna have another tank right here and he's gonna go like this and towards paris then we're gonna have one that's gonna hit right here and then go over this way oh not that many and then we want this guy to go around like so and then with the last tank we're just going to tell him to go like this and that should be enough to capitulate the french so we'll just unpause and re-pause here as they adjust so it looks like he's going to need a little bit of help here so i'm going to tell this guy to go around and help and you're going to go this way and cut them off and you're going to go yeah that way so that way there's no way the french will be able to recover in time and look at that now everything is completely cut off they can't even get their troops around fast enough paris has fallen we can tell this guy to go around and you just simply help take that last port and once that is gone the french will have capitulated so let's just unpause once more and there we go french are dead so no we're going to conquer all um we do need to obviously mop up a few units over here and the belgians but that's pretty easy to do at this point in time they obviously have supremacy in the channel with a lot of ships so the one thing that we can do to get around that is close air support fighters and naval bombers which we don't have a lot of so i'm gonna get my naval invasion ready against the uk once it's fully ready and good to go then i will call italy into the war just so that way they will pull the uk ships out of the region and once they're gone from this region we'll immediately launch our naval invasion and have them capitulated with them within a matter of days so that's gonna be really easy to do um and that's basically it so i'm just gonna skip ahead now and i hope you guys enjoy this short little time lapse of me defeating the uk [Music] [Music] okay so everyone is now dead unfortunately here uh i hate this but the raj became a major and canada as well so i'm kind of just in a bit of a bad situation unfortunately because at the end of the day i can get through afghanistan and into the raj easily like that that's no problem but the biggest problem here is that canada's on the other side of the world and i have nowhere that i can land my ships unless i go to denmark but in that case i'm still going to need to probably destroy the uk in here but that's another big problem just because until i actually do that then i would launch from here to denmark then into the canadian territory but that just feels like a pain so anyways i'm just gonna go after the romanians right now i have a justification ready on them i'm gonna get one going on afghanistan right now and hopefully somewhere along the way we'll be able to actually just finished this war i really don't want to have to go into canada so i'm hoping that in the time it takes me to defeat the raj will somehow have another major show up in the world although i'm not particularly hopeful in that regard but we'll have to wait and see so i'm just gonna invite hungry right now because why not it doesn't really make that much of a difference so um yeah i'm just gonna speed up a little bit more gameplay here and i'll be back shortly but either way this is still a big success i mean it's faster than my previous game where i think i defeated the allies by 1937 just at the start of 1938 with germany so this actually works out really well the only problem is that you're gonna have miners that become majors because of it i'm assuming uh just the way i went about the war so keep that in mind if you're gonna follow through on this strategy but um otherwise it works really well so there's no real problems here but uh anyways i'll be back in a little bit hopefully with some good news and we'll just be finished everything [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] is [Music] the is gates [Music] alrighty so as you can see it's june 17th 1940 and i'm probably going to end the video here for today just because at this point in time i know for a fact that i can actually actually defeat the allies no supremacy in these regions here i am producing submarine three but i just really don't feel like waiting all that time an extra year just to do one naval invasion against a tiny country the raj is gonna fall regardless and there's no one else that really could even remotely pose a threat to me outside of maybe the united states but even then that's not a problem since again we already have a year to simply just land in canada let alone push across the country that's not very hard when you're using medium tanks and they've got um less than 20 combat with infantry so anyways like i said we're going to end it here today i still consider this to be a pretty big success it worked out really well um took over the entirety of europe basically minus italy i still haven't quite figured out what it was with this game that caused canada and the raj to just instantaneously become majors my guess though is that because i destroyed the soviet union so early on they were able to become majors and that just messed things up so keep that in mind if you want to give this a go um it certainly is faster when it comes to defeating the allies but you still have to plan for those miners so maybe come up with a strategy to avoid having to repeat what i did but either way i'm still pretty happy with it so anyways if you guys enjoyed the video please consider hitting that like button and subscribing for future content as always if you have any questions concerns or things i can improve for future videos just leave a comment down below or you can join the discord server using the link in the description thank you very much for watching and i hope to see you guys on the next one
Channel: ScumpyDawg
Views: 2,409
Rating: 4.9780221 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, soviet union, hoi4 russia, hoi4, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 guide, hoi4 allies, hoi4 axis, hoi4 achievements, hoi4 beginner guide, hoi4 france, hoi4 battle for the bosporus, hoi4 dlc, hoi4 timelapse, hoi4 waking the tiger, hoi4 us, hoi4 usa, hoi4 soviets, hoi4 together for victory, hoi4 united kingdom, hoi4 navel invasion, hoi4 air force, hoi4 templates, hearts of iron, hoi4 operation barbarossa
Id: FKoKKgr8uY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 6sec (1626 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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