FLAWLESS* Way of Forming BYZANTIUM!!! - I Swear I'm Not a Byzantophile

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are you ready for this boys are you ready for this are you ready for it's raining manpower Oh beautiful and that is a beautiful pop hey I am feedback gaming and this is hearts of iron swords if you like achievement videos tell me in the comments below if you want more achievement videos like this video seems arbitrary it seems silly for the end of the day lets me know that's the kind of content you want to see in that and judging by some of the achievement videos I've done recently you guys have really loved them so tell me I like in this video and saying Dave do this achievement now I read all of the comments everything go won today's achievement is gonna be a fun one it's the achievement that I named wrong every single time 9:36 greece ironman storica lon I am NOT a Bizon to file I am not advise anta phobe I am a bison to file I am advised antifoam it's one of those four and it is for Greece the forum the Byzantine Empire which involves you and axing I bet you could Slavia Bulgaria Turkey and a bit of southern Romania and you can hit the event even while you're at war this is a video that came back two three or four times as I wanted to find the strategy was like that was perfect that would work without starting a world war unfortunately that method doesn't exist but this method is also pretty good and you get the achievement so yourself lucky huh think yourself lucky it's trivia time the first Rome was the Roman Empire and the city of rome ii rome was constantinople what was the third Rome first Rome was wrong the second Rome was contact noble what was the third Rome if you know comment below you guys seem to like subscription goals so what we'll say 150,000 subscribers by the end of 2019 can we do it have you subscribed why you not subscribing please comment below and if you've not subscribed subscribe you will now have you subscribed good let's go first of all we're gonna train a single division it is going to be you exercise and we'll pop you somewhere in the planes here go research wise we can focus on severe fire pie in that case artillery damage as well as basic machine tools so production and soft attack Actuaries Mills Mills loads and loads of Mills we are going to need two guns we are going to need two artillery and we are going to make some as well as some convoys I've done like the wrong way around whoops and we'll say we will make an additional 40 and then focus on making submarines and merge the fleets up and get an admiral you Theodorus he's the guy we're gonna go for political effort we're gonna rush all the way down ideological fanaticism because this allows us to create factions this is essential for this strategy this is the decision we need to go for full independent Greece Albania the four states in Romania all Greek states all Turkish ones Bulgarians and nuba Slavs you just say all Greek states but there is one here controlled by Italy that is a core of ours but we don't apparently need it we have now got five army experience that we are gonna slap on a big fat artillery boom also make it elite also let's give it an icon the paradox icon there we go beautiful first 150 political power is gonna go for the demagogue path we're gonna choose is gonna be the referendum path so we are gonna open a political discourse now preparing a civil war will be quicker but with this strategy we aren't gonna need it fast in this case we can wait out a little while until we've gone through all these national focuses and by the time we get to the bomb get the focus we need we can go for a referendum so this times just right with the strategy we're going for you want more hearts of iron for achievements you want more of these videos then click on the I in the top right to watch this video this one plug it everyone asked me what is the standard infantry division what is your go-to infantry division and this is it two seven two artillery battalions seven infantry battalions this is your all-round defensive and offensive infantry template next up nationalism focus you've got the opportunity to discredit government and expand civil support so the support is pretty cheap only 25 political power out but you do lose a lot of stability and stability is quite important for going for a referendum it's one of the reasons why you would do a referendum over a civil war which a civil war requires you to drop below 50% stability we don't want to lose that stability we're not going to go for expand civil support also discredit government is also pretty good you lose 10% of the government you currently out right now so you're expanding ideology will get more control but it costs 50 political power so my advice just don't go for it a lot these focuses here will flip your ideology quicker anyway more artillery is needed and everything else will be gone at basic raw guns not attack breakthrough defense soft attack as well as industrial output next up militarism not only beautiful because it works towards the ideology we need but it also gives us a lot of extra manpower which is something Greece really struggles with their going for those extra free ones of military youth and militarism are definitely worth while on a low population nation like a Greece one of the key elements of this strategy is banking political power there is going to be a point when you justify on to nations that you aren't gonna need a lot of your back toe so this point it's good to not spend it and will spend it don't touch it that is your pp bank you stop exercising and you can train a bunch of new divisions I'd recommend at least nine but have quite a firm front line we are gonna sound a little bit more on tour artillery and check how far behind by 190 ish days that seems okay bit of work on dispersed to and the next one is military youth for an extra two recruitable population you can hold a referendum now boom there we go and now we can start justifying on the nations required first of all we can justify on Albania 315 days an exit we can justify on Yugoslavia which is going to be 260 days when we get another 12 political power anyway there we go now the justifications are synced this will complete on the 23rd of October and this will finish on the 28th of August as long as they're within a six week margin of each certification that'll be enough to declare and sync them up gonna go for electronic mechanical engineering so we can get radio for that early reinforce rate which is very useful early game we also have the option here to grow in a lot of extra free XP so I'm going to send thousand guns for Spain once and one artillery per month this should generate roughly around 8200 army XP over about a year to 18 months depending on how long this conflict goes on for ideological fanaticism extra attack and defense on core territory that's pretty good extra 5% war support that's pretty good kamikaze that's okay I think they've kept it now but here we go set new rule we and creates factions this is the reason why we want this focus there we go my divisions are no train pop them on this army and we'll make a four but line that goes roughly about yeah I are a few more generals gamble Oh brilliant strategist the man the myth the legend it is the Daniel brilliant Daniel Rahm paradox offensive doctrine for the extra plus one attack we also have the ability to slap on artillery for an extra 17 attack honestly no to that exercise get them to level three again to get that juicy 25% attack and defense bonus we're also gonna go for construction there we go done and this will allow us to create a faction with Italy what you don't want to join a faction why hmm how are we gonna get out of this mess hmm gonna go for war economy and also build lots and lots and lots of military factories I'm gonna rush or improve infantry equipment just for that tiny bit of extra soft attack build the option for improved artillery I'll hop onto that and we will wait before we go for the next hour Tillery tank because it's ahead of time and if we can go for this it means if we can get it a lot quicker in this case we'll go for support weapons in the meantime going to train an additional six artillery infantry also we need to import just a tiny little bit of Steel just a little bit from the Soviet Union and use a zero convoys because it is a land border that's right we border the Soviet Union somehow it improved relations with Italy this is not essential but I didn't a few of my test rooms I've found that you sometimes just don't have enough relations to create a faction so this kind of just gives you a slight edge and if it gets to a hundred plus relations it gives you an easier time our albania justification is complete now we're just waiting on the yugoslav one which will be done next month this is really tight because the justification for our Bay near ends on the 27th of October justification Yugoslavia to finish is the 23rd so we have like a less than a week margin to declare to sink them both up the reason why we sync them up is to avoid France and the UK guaranteeing them if wall tension goes over 25% which you tend to do when you declare and then annex a nation in this case over 25% to be less likely because it'll happen during war in that case that won't guarantee when the war is currently happening in this case you get two freebies my freebies are gonna be Albania and Yugoslavia and now we are ready oh you boys are gonna want you to move to the front line so we can get you off to the front I'm gonna declare on Yugoslavia now Italy would like to create a faction there we go and we have created the dawn a brand new faction the reason why we do that is now we can declare on Albania which is guaranteed by Italy so now we basically just walk into Albania once they will protect Tinh albania italians and now they well they just don't care just don't care we do have some political power so my advice is to go for the infantry expert or the extra attack and defensive capabilities gonna eat into all of those tiles and grab a free Albania just a free one and our frontline oh wow that Yugoslav tech division which with French tanks I know that because I've made a lot of Yugoslavia let them spread themselves out as you can see there's not a lot of divisions also because I'm in a factory with Italy they don't need to put a lot of divisions on the front line of Italy so I only have to fight a very small portion of their overall army size right now I think we could just sit tight and I like to encircle these guys on the front and that is the method how we're gonna do it don't let them sit for too long because you don't want to build too much entrenchment you want to do this and break through and pin any divisions that might try and hinder your progress there's a lot of micro that is required to begin with to defeat the Yugoslavia it's not necessary because the Yugoslavians are strong it's just because we're fighting through really difficult terrain these mountains are a nightmare so right now I believe we're not taking a bunch of planning bonus and that is really hurting us everyone's gonna go on the frontline go laugh office plan get that juicy planning bonus to get an extra 37 percent tax but there's an opportunity for encirclement here so I'm gonna push here yeah yeah there's no firepower just encircle these two divisions two divisions isn't a big encirclement it's nothing to get too excited about but it is good because it allows us to reduce the amount divisions on the frontline for you go but that actually may not seem like much that's actually a really big mean for me that's a really good meme and then we'll focus on improving our artillery and I would like to if possible push into this guy maybe encircle three divisions a very very optimistic move but give it a shot we have some boosts here for infantry weapons my advice is don't select these because we want to bank these for artillery cuz that's where the majority are softer tactic is gonna be make sure that we continue the push now they're pushing into us it and I'm totally ok with that cuz the end of day we want to get that encircle Minh they're trying to encircle us here keep an eye out for them ai is very very sneaky this video wasn't intended to be this micro tutorial but it's turning into one have a few people ask me how do you move your troops around how should you position you in this case fighting these raw from battles grounding around the frontline it's not a good idea a lot of new place and to do that but in my case I would recommend making these nice encirclements and here we've made a very a jolly Jolly good push right now within their front Lana just for encircling a few divisions and it has made a terrific impact we could break through on this side on the mountains that would be no it would be great and I also make sure I pin in different directions as well there wasn't over run I'd like to see that and that is in circum and that ends this little conflict once you've completed your equipment effort my advice is go for industrial effort just to get a boost so you can go for disperse 3 and then work down your doctrine boobs because doctrines do give a lot of soft attack as well as to the land press H to hold everyone's gonna walk and a control B to frontline bath office plan these divisions look it up broken they're all crap divisions now full planning for organization and go and that's it that's pretty much done and dusted I haven't put them on aggressive it I'm so confident I'm gonna put them on aggressive and this guy has rolled some awful stats he's meant to be a brilliant strategist and he's rolled five into defence Daniel you were not brilliant okay gonna go for mobile defense I don't normally go for doctors unless I can get the boosts in this case would just go for a full year for this one also we have the option to go for artillery expert which I'd recommend it because this will give us a small edge as well with the amount of soft attack we're dealing to the enemy and right now we're doing so much damage we're pletely and oily and lautering them grab belgrade cuz that's where all their industrial capacity is it was like to do this motion these l-shaped movements l-shape l-shape and you can see this it makes out these hulking motions around the enemy wraps your hand around them to make encirclements it is beautiful look for doctrine efforts I'm going to take advantage of that industrial boost of disperse three I just gonna push for the victory points now go for that one Novi Sad Novi Sad and and a complete annexation okay it's important for two reasons we disband our beautiful faction look how beautiful that is so beautiful right well it turns out that's not that beautiful we're gonna kick it out our faction and we are going to disband our faction and then we are gonna join the axis there we go all the divisions here cancel the frontlines and make them super fat how fat how about all tea with fat yes with a a as well infantry infantry burning all that delicious XP that we've banked for over several several years yeah she is right what do we need right now to the root behind by 308 days a a behind what forever cuz we're not producing any and guns by 47 so right now focus needs to be on artillery making a little bit of a a and a little bit of support equipment perfect and we need to import lots of steel for the lack of steel that we currently have and also why not a little bit Thompson I'll admit the annexation of Yugoslavia in Albania was record time that means we can make ambitions to push into other areas unfortunately you can't justify an e open up the nation right now because well tension is over 25 percent means it will guarantee by France to the UK and if we bring France to the UK into this early it means Germany is weaker and they're not gonna be able to take on France Poland and the UK and Czechoslovakia but my advice to you at this point is just have this little moment to take a deep breath relax let Germany and get nice and fat and strong the fatter and stronger that Germany gets the fashion storm that you're gonna get so you want to be fan strong yes that's right yeah in that case just chill chill and go for extensive conscription now remember Greece has problems with pop and you want to use that extra pop as much as possible interests me you will use that part as time progresses even though we have got 300,000 trust me you will eat through that pretty quickly more doctoring boosts the ideal doctrine boost you want the superior firepower our integrated support the extra 25% extra type you support companies which is gonna make a big difference and plus when you get under shock or no you get a lot of lovely bonuses here too what we've done right here is important we've taken out Albania without Italy intervening and we've taken out Yugoslavia without Germany intervening I mean Italy goes without saying because you don't want to be a war with Italy it's gonna cost prongs for Germany's for the cost problem for you there is a possibility that you could cheese Italy but it's gonna be a long rough war and I won't recommend it you guys I look out for you I want to find you the easiest strategy now when it comes out to Germany though you don't want Germany to take out Yugoslavia because it causes lots of problems with Croatia popping up at the middle and for this requirement to restore Byzantium you need the entirety of Yugoslavia not this Croatian blah blah be in the center if that's the case ratio is formed then you're just not ready for me because it made me access to you no need to declare on Germany and that is very messy Greece verse Germany hmm there's some history there hmm I don't think it's good odds or grease on recommend it and the final High Command guy the military staff guy is the offensive guy now you've got a combination plus 10% attack was 10% attack and finally plus 50% attack inning a lot of attack bonuses when you know that eight of these divisions have a full stack of them so what all waiting for now is Danziger war and we ideally don't want to do anything until after Germany has taken out Poland right now there's no point in justifying on Bulgaria and Romania who were gonna go for next because it will be the full time to justify on them which is a ridiculous amount of time but if you're at war with a major which you will because you're with war against France in the UK a justification time is cut down by 90% and you could probably do within 30 days we have got so much artillery now so we'll take up a row those and probably take off we know the two as well up another one there and that's nicely balanced eating a little bit more steel don't need the tongs anymore there we go we're all perfectly balanced perfect that's all things should be we've got a little bit extra local power so what I'm gonna do is use that sending attache with Japan no ok well accepted to opinion is too low oh yeah no we can do that for boost relations there we go there we go - eh don't forget to stop improving relations because they eating your political power that XP is now rolling in a train a bunch of more divisions in reserve it just turn out look it looks like you need a lot more in guns everything else seems pretty balanced right now okay Germany now is at war with Poland France and the United Kingdom and we have a historical scenario ww2 and Germany would like us to join so unfortunately we unfortunately have to join we need to be training right now horses in reserve to hold the front lines lots and lots of horses in reserve right so now we're at war with the major power we have the bilges justifying another nation that's significantly faster as you can see we can do that now 80% faster due to being a war with a major we're gonna justify on Bulgaria that we can eat your Bulgaria by ourselves with no one else for free to be honest with you I've done this in the wrong Lord because we could get enabling better right here by the UK or France my advice to you is make your cavalry division's put them on the borders on the ports and then do whatever you need to do because he's saying right now they're gonna enable invaders and they actually have that's really frustrating cuz to me to get us sword II immediately have arrived in luckily it's just one French division on their own and we Eitan would you ever have these extra reserves at the back isn't it alright Bulgaria let's go to be totally honest with you this will be a complete white I'd recommend you fight battles here and don't just rush for the victory points because you want to grind XP for your generals ideally get another tray and get adaptable would be ideal getting more attack would also be pretty sweet too don't forget to keep going for your search Lots too and you can branch out into other texts free Bulgaria Eton and we pop our dudes on this front line I don't want to go for the full front line cuz we're gonna be plowing to mountains and most of the victory points I here here here here here here here go justify 35 days go late that fall but line and we'll deploy our horse you guys on all the coastal areas also on the areas of Bulgaria and we'll go for this guy here and just when you're ready guys a sign and drop them onto him when he goes out control be railroad immediately and we'll also whip the Bulgarians as much as possible to get all those factories out of them whoa big fat naval invasion here buy a big stack from Britain my very best to be able to hold these back and they're doing short bombardment as well oh boy gonna try and grab as many horses didn't either and I have denied them that's good the best place to push into is here knock them back onto the planes and then just jump over the river when they've not gotten it but of entrenchment or you can grab Bucharest gotta go from working conditions because we've got lots of equipments and when we declare on Romania might be the option to do war propaganda so we can max out our war support which gives lots of defence on core territory and when we form Byzantium I'll have a lot of cause well blimey we'll have so many cause so island on to athens again and they'll prevail denied right go push will go normal to begin with initially what i like to do is just push over there and then you guys push all the way to here oh just completely annihilating them oh my god just completely stomping them even broke through over the big river in the south as well and that's pretty strong and Frances fallen meaning a way of secured a very strong robust Germany good to see push in to those main cities no point getting in circles right now we're completely outgunned them there's no point grinding to try and just run get around the back of them in this case we can just put all of our firepower directly into their front Warriors promote Reverend don't work we grabbed all the major says let's go a little more luxurious let's go trade in addiction why not right also make sure to branch out by popping your resistance and guarding the ports in Romania member this is an ongoing conflict we don't have full control of most of this territory is needing to be suppressed and also one other really good strategy as well the build dubs in the Black Sea damn ok they took a lot more of a beating than I thought you'd need to pretty much occupy the northern mountains as well that's a little bit annoying alright what is next you say is he Turkey one army goes here another one that goes here France town to move over well we want them to attack make sure we are pushing only into the areas we need to well 12 split off move them position go go go I'm gonna make it an additional six are to the reentry just to do a naval invasion if we can pull it off i in planes that's right greece hasn't invented the plane yet until now we go for light aircraft designer we also have a navy - let's use it convoy rating here we cash you pulled this off now because we have romanian oil on our glorious navy and is annihilated the submarines will do all the work anyway the other ships are just novelty pieces museum pieces okay we're gonna go for secret weapons so we can rush most of our electronics to get all the research buffs we'll also go for the air doctrine as well operational integrity now we have air experience feels weird that we've not made a single plane and we don't even know what a plane is but we have 100 air XP yeah yeah i know we got that from japan but i just think it's weird that we know what it is and what to do with it even though I think it's really insane how they keep attacking in two accents over and over and over and over again just beating their head against me over and over and over again I seem to be losing submarines too so I just think it's a waste of time having two submarines up although now they tell a lie I'm getting a lot of XP and we're not actually getting any confirmed kills it we're just gaining XP from running away feels really bizarre but you know what if that's the way the game works I don't care totally okay with that next time I want to rush fight to focus so we can get fired three as quickly as we can because we've got fight with artillery infantry is pretty much a good idea to go for logistics you will run into problems later in the game and you don't want to run into supply problems than have to deal with it there and then you better off preparing for an advance don't prepare to succeed prepare to we are preparing only with success though this is a word one the Soviets will justify to get to basarabia from you you don't have any way to give it them because it's just a claim so you can't even go to occupied territories and get them to set up just just go away in this case that they're totally okay with justifying even though they're mid purged so in my advise to you let them do that and let Jimmy take care of it as simple as that okay so gonna plan the naval invasion directly behind her key you ever run out of manpower just eat into some of your horses one two three four you got you've got manpower back now we fight now think about it we're gonna cancel this deal from the Soviets and get it from Germany you know help out the Germans the justification on West banette and Thrace funnily enough it wasn't a justification for basarabia actually it was a justification for land more inside of me hmm even up claims on either just blamele justified their mates have declared war and then we can call in all of our allies to help us out in the meantime we can put some troops on the front line just a hole for a little while we are gonna call them back to where we need them to be but just for them where they need to be you probably already why didn't I prepare for this advance the honest truth is it doesn't really matter this part is just a kind of like a distraction your main goal is taken out Turkey right now and he only is gonna absolutely demolish the service due to the fact that they've got the Great Purge and they don't have the Great Patriotic War so right now there's something from such a big penalty but that's the AI for you generally right now we're taking a little while to prepare but then when it starts putting troops on the Eastern Front it will start demolishing the Soviets so it's all good guys it's all good Jimmy and Italy I've got all the troops on the front line here so I'm not gonna bother with this distraction back to what we are meaning to do our main force our main actions our main objective and that is Turkey next we've got a hundred percent war support now because we're tactically in a offensive war and we're also in the defensive world we're in both and we've got motorised in so no we can hit on our logistics trust me this is important don't forget about this we have a lot of motorized that we've stolen we're gonna take advantage of those ones but plus just have a trickle feed a few more motorised yeah we need to justify to take the claim state of Istanbul ten days quick justification hopefully Turkey will put lots and lots of troops on this front line so we can make a big encirclement around Istanbul now if you weren't in the axis this was early game you did take choose to take out the Turks early on you would have a really cheeky option to do like these mass encirclements in these Plains area of Istanbul but unfortunately with Germany and Italy in the axis they tend to put one troop here blocking your ability to do that little Qiqi exploit over and over and over again unfortunately your outlook with that one let them get all the troops on the frontline is that all of them need to make sure we have as many as possible make sure we activate our naval invasion plan we put them on London invasion support we've got a good Radnor role as well visibility reduction retreat speed all good and we're going to attack immediately make sure you are on balanced and go listen point you get this right if you need to be able to get over this strafe you can't go over this straight you are gonna be stuck down this straight quite frankly for maybe even years so just be aware of that and it looks like we've broken Istanbul and it's gonna be difficult cause there's still a lot of divisions retreat in and we managed to just get over oh it's gonna be really difficult again wants to get on the firepower we're pushing into them it is showing green but not optimistic al usually this is gonna be broken and it's not we did manage to encircle quite a few divisions from the Turks though there's a few alternatives we've got here we can hold orders top you guys here but the more in position and build a planning bonus with either a staff office plan or whatever you've got available losing submarines which is not good because that means we're a lot less naval supremacy we don't have much tables of premise here because Soviets have got capital ships and there we go we've got one German division there not one division they're gonna block them and stop them getting over the straight a straight penalty is pretty pretty pretty brutal the option number one is trying to push them here and the straight penalty is 78% you could use Marines but the penalty is still pretty hefty even with Marines oh and in the day you need firepower to get over there they keep not got the firepower that ain't doable is your second alternative you can try and push all the way back hope the AI gets pushed back as well it looks like they're probably going to yep they have us good that's actually better than I expected okay okay so what I do now is select these guys just in the north make a front line make an offensive order go here build all the planning bonus up then we're going to put all of our fire pound here push through an attempt to push them back and then encircle these six British troops here there's so many divisions on this area now due to the Allies John in this area and falling troops through who knows you might get a lot more lucky than me and push everything but sometimes you might not just a bit head miss yeah we could start producing fires now we've got some decent ones we're gonna need a lot a lot of aluminium and we need a lot of rubber too it looks like we gonna have to make refineries which is really sad but it is what it is okay we're gonna push with our troops in here and we are completely doomed stacking them here make sure we grab a single division or two remember the plan don't know don't you want to tuck here you got to keep a very clean eye with this because if you push into the wrong area it just causes so many problems and here we go we've messed up so we've got to back up all the way up this strategy you have to get just right otherwise this stray as I said to you a thousand times it's a nightmare to break it's probably one of the harder areas to break in the game well I suppose you could argue Sicily here is also pretty tough but it's become a lot easier since you don't use that many victory points to take out okay so we're gonna have to go for dispersing just should get more building slots I'm gonna have a fuel source to get refining it looks like we're gonna need lots and lots and lots of rubber and right now the AI has funneled to me troops here that's cause supply problems Thank You AI Oh they've taken Kree off me that's okay I'll come back to that anyway okay the reason why I wanted a few planes was so I can put some over the Black Sea the reason why I wanted to do that prevent my submarines from getting bombed which seem to be getting Everly heavily attack but logistics not gonna add the logistic Sanya cuz they're gonna damage the combat effectiveness of my overall troop so I'm just gonna at the time being just sit for a little while it looks like we're gonna broke a stand ball can we get in there without reinforcements coming in we've got there we probably only get over the strike now that's not realistic but you can eat up all these free divisions that within this is kind of what I was getting out this is the little loophole you can get in Istanbul where you can try it encircle troops over and over again the only thing preventing you is the the dummy I but it's kind of dumb I guess the a has been smart I guess it's denying me from exploiting them was this different way of looking at it and right now there's so many troops base here we're probably gonna be able to do this exploit again I'm gonna go for the continuous air production just so we can pump out a few planes like my brother is still pretty painful 65 percent penalty production that's pretty bad when she roughly gets around 50 military factories moving onto civvies is probably gonna be more advantageous gonna put those planes now on interception over the black see this will just protect my submarine so they won't get bombed by naps and a few left over tactical so I've decided you use those two new naval strike just to contain the ships in the Black Sea axes have pushed out in the east with all this land they've given us for free and with that as well it took a few ports out so their naval supremacy in this region is significantly less ok let's do a naval invasion support activate is the plan and they're willing to go ok I don't want to go immediately so I'm just going to have to go back regain their all I want to make sure these guys on the frontline have organization and I'm max planning before we set off ok we're ready now so when I do the Navy invasion here you guys are gonna head out at the same time you guys are gonna push here now we won't be able to break this but this is the distraction that we need and this is opportunity to put the planes over here - alright one of my guys has actually landed which is bit of a shock but we actually did land Wow ok I managed to get Fighter 3 done as well so what we'll do immediately is do our best to max it out and it looks to me like we might even get a wrap around the back of them I have no idea where the AI is left this behind empty but we managed to encircle the whole in forces only I got to the point where I actually thought we weren't gonna be able to break that and now we've done it I feel so good alright let's get into position boys let's do so much damage that we can merge our two fleets up now as well and we can start convoy raiding the Brits it looks like I may have gone lucky there a turkey has capitulated there's a few isolated pockets that we have to deal with you know we just need full control of all Turkish States and Greek ones and I think the Greek ones is gonna be Crete and probably the Aegean islands as well one thing I've noticed that we do need is more naval control on the OE we can get more of that is with naval bombers by striking their capital ships oh speaking of capital ships nice hey just island hopping now but a lot of these divisions are on low strength and low supply we should be able to mop them up pretty quickly which is neat control of Greek States which means it is just Crete I'm not gonna lie that's really frustrating soon as I control that at the start of the game okay I think I'm gonna be more aggressive now because I need to break out of the Aegean Sea right now I've been stuck in this I'm gonna put them on high-risk they've got a total of 41 submarines are we gonna actually fire them now we're still gonna run away I think what we will do though is get air separate II in this region so we're gonna lock down the Aegean region and it is got a naval terrain of fjords and archipelagos meaning that we have got a defensive advantage over smaller ships meanwhile in the east lots and lots and lots of free land I don't feel like I've earned but I will suppress a naval invasion by Britain and eat up about seven divisions freebies here we have a lot of divisions on this one island now we'll drift us dog it feels like they are and we braid them yeah we are there August solo and they don't have a general either lunders AI blunders there we go the whole stack wipe total is still reinforced it now they've not given up I think it's time that we get some of our boys in this area to stand will only suppress or hold the ports we need a lot of horses 72 to be exact it will make it a few then okay naval invasion time athens land here hopefully grab all of it think I want to try and drop the full 10 divisions and it'd be a lot of planning there seventy days one of the beautiful things about farming the Byzantine Empire as the Greeks is the whole game you have manpower issues and then you finally hit that magical burn and then you get lots and lots of manpower more manpower that you can even spend we've got some naval control now so hit in this area and doing some relatively decent damage meanwhile in the east it looks like the Soviets are getting completely destroyed just about to lose Moscow the fight for probably another six months and then they will crash and maybe I can grab number this sweet oil then I can control Romanian oil and Azerbaijani oil that will beat me a super Greek oil baron anyway let's get this mission over and done with go yeah 47 46.9% what you guys are naval landing a way of getting more naval supremacy is just putting some more planes in an Arizona yeah and we've gone what tends to do is the AI will move its ships around over and over again till eventually they move them out and we just get nailed supremacy and now we have landed oh here go here it was staff office plan and then will officially boot the of Crete four divisions and they go you ready for this boys are you ready for this are you ready for it's raining manpower Oh beautiful seven million manpower so we can drop our conscription down to extensive probably going down to limited as well and that is a beautiful poem this would be achievement unlocked if I didn't have the achievement already yeah there you go unlike some of the other formal nations this one allows you to do some other bits and pieces you can take all of Italy and make that core take all of them the vaunts which for much year and also take all of Egypt and Tunis all these are denied because you are in the access it Thalia Libya as well as Syria which is Vichy France you are denying from doing these unless you want to turn on the axis they're all naval things now subs extra damage to Serbs landing craft for transporting I guess land doctrine isn't Navy but and then we've got awesome doctrines for the hubs we'll do a quick land into Bren and take them out or land here and here just around Portsmouth grab our planes pop them here and start harassing the English Channel that combo rating at the Atlantic to start to intercept more convoys get out knock out some more divisions separate the u.s. from the UK and isolate them seems unlikely but let's see if we can try and get a naval supremacy over the English Channel okay we have 32% naval supremacy so we've not got far to go so well what would do is activate this guys plan and the minute they move their ships out due to the get damaged or move them somewhere else in the world activate our plan immediately and get in there in a lot of British ships now because the part of the plea eventually their Navy size in the English Channel will drop well likely will drop suddenly that's what they'll do is to just keep feeling more of the excess reserve navies into the English Channel until they run out of reserves ships and then my guys were set off way and we have landed and grabbed Portsmouth with no resistance so just push go go and go this pretty much looks like a free Bren what a three division so far and that's Britain down only one left and that's the United States tears we've got limited manpower pretty much we can make a super Cavalry Division with artillery support go all the naval dockyard tsar britain now so we're gonna pump out it crept on all the submarines Soviet Union has fallen and fallen off they've taken any of this there we go then Armenia and Georgia you'll be honest with you that's all I really want now we have access to that sweet sweet Azerbaijani oil and max other one in Romania too we could draw almost like probably half of the words oil maybe yeah I would say so with the other half being in Texas and California okay so I'm gonna grab Newfoundland to begin with and make two air bases max the infrastructure max the ports there's a little out there defending it which is good for me airbase infrastructure and yeah and this used to me my my old strategy a very very very long time ago it's effective because it gives you a staging base so you can build a big Airport here the moment you realize you never even added logistics onto your divisions oh boy all right in signal companies on as well this is probably best time than ever to launch my attack so I'm just going to do it now Jim Lee's land of this little invasion plan here not many divisions but at least that made her a little bit of headway same old plan really land big land and it's pretty mature well double port one on the end as well make sure we max out Nova Scotia big Airport and yeah all thrills all the radars all the bells and whistles capture all the areas of the States get maximum supply oh and when Ashley in supply was a big surprise there we capture more land so we have access to more supply and we also like to build a fort right there and we have reached post 1945 hard to buy em for the only way the game can be resolved is with nukes and right now the AI is given us new supplies so we can't proceed anyway Buie the last six months I've just been dropping nukes on the front line of America because they have way too many divisions and then just staying here in defending I think at this point I can probably break out yeah a list I can push back the whole front line there's just so many divisions now the lowest strength if they can't reinforce quick enough which they probably won't because the divisions are breaking too quickly the whole front line just lapses in this case that's exactly what's happened I've spotted that signal companies are really important for this part of the game when it comes on to so many divisions on the front line and so much going on to just be able to engage faster and get your troops from reserve to the front line quicker you need to make a big difference versus the AI so in this case I would really recommend signals you just needing that little tiny little bit of edge it looks like signal companies do give you that now we carpet nuke the entirety of the front okay not the entire to the front line but most of the front line and go boom okay we're pushing into core territory right now so what I'm going to do is nuke as some big fat victory points I want to try my best to bring down war support less war support means that when I attack into their core territory they get less of a defense bonus should be a 100% war support you get an extra 10% defense bonus on core territory there we go I've Newt their capital and their war supports now 35% i've lost their defensive bonus it's gonna push on all fronts now and just get them out of here right when I cancel the front lines I'm gonna stick everyone on the main southern front I'll let the axis allies take care of the rest and there we go done I thought I would have to go all across to the west coast to take LA in California because there's other victory points clustered there but we dropped so many nukes I've Ashley lost count valley nukes we dropped it must have been at least 50 plus though they capitulated early thank goodness and now we have Canada I don't think Mexico majors now I think yeah I'm gonna call it that from the peace conference what I would just do is take parts of the UK for instance I'm not sure what you would take it from this point it'd be very difficult to break up the axis maybe you could try make a coup in Italy and then make the other side win then you can okay on the remainder and then take out Italy and then get the triumph of Italy that's probably one thing you could do you could probably do the same France as well after the Peace Conference hello guys if you draw there's been you don't think they're like and to subscribe don't forget if you don't hit that Bell and your subscription means absolutely nothing and thank you for the patrons have you an absolutely awesome day and I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 505,575
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Keywords: feedback, feedbackgaming, broken, exploit, hearts of iron 4, brand, break the game, gaming, adsense, gamer, game, entertainer, google, pcgaming, marketing, digitalmarketing, advertising, admob, makemoney, theme, youtuber, branding, youtubers, mobile games, minimal, freelancer, earningmoney, optimize, monetize, hoi4, I Swear I'm Not a Byzantophile, Byzantophile, hoi4 greece, hearts of iron 4 greece, hoi4 byzantium, hoi4 byzantine empire, byzantine empire hoi4, byzantine empire, byzantium hoi4, hoi4 achievements
Id: WLdOvDRRwac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 10sec (2410 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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