Hoi4 Mega Italy Guide

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hello and welcome back to another hearts of iron for video so today I'm gonna be playing as Italy this is going to be my guide video I guess on how to defeat the Germans as Italy and then afterwards we're gonna be fighting the Allies seems pretty straightforward I guess the one interesting about Italy is that they don't really have the strongest industry and overall they don't have the best national focus tree I mean it's pretty decent it's not to say that it's bad or horrible but at the same time it doesn't really leave you with a lot of options or replayability specifically because you only have two choices really you can go with the Germans you can go Italy first which just gives you a bunch of war goals against countries and then the last one you can do the Spanish Italian alliance which is pretty useless because an AI Spain they do nothing so for the most part it's pretty bland but we're gonna spice things up a little bit here today I guess and do a little conquest against the Germans and the Allies so without further ado let's get right into it okay so first things first here we got to get our army set up because we do have the war in Ethiopia now the nice thing about this war is that we can use it to grind army experience and also our generals so I'm gonna show you what that looks like real quick so we're just gonna take these guys and we'll throw them into an army group and then we'll take these same ones over here and do the same thing now for the most part there's a few different ways you can go about this you can either send some extra units down here to the south if you want to back them up or you can just keep them the way they are this is how I generally like to do it I just keep the troops that I have and then we're just gonna change a few things around but we can also move a couple extra units if we want to so the way it works we just quickly get some generals assigned so we're just gonna take this good one right here and then for this one let's see we don't really have anyone else that's awesome let's see planning cautious and let's go with this guy so what we're gonna do now is we'll just create a front line like so and then what you need to do is you select basically all your units and we'll just go and switch them into a tank do 9 and when that's done we will unpause the game actually we should definitely do some other stuff first but I'll get right back into this I'm just gonna go through the National focus tree I guess and show you we're gonna pick there and then I'll start doing the rest of the army setup so for our national focus tree the first thing that we're gonna pick is the Ethiopian war Logistics gives us some infrastructure and naval bases not the best but it does allow us to unlock these branches here which give us some boosts to our industry and then an extra research slot which is what we want as soon as possible now as for research we have four slots already available so with that next one we're going to have five which is great we're gonna get that pretty early on in the game so we can research ahead of time on a bunch of stuff so first one is going to be electronic mechanical engineering just boost our research speed pretty standard basic machine tools as well for that production efficiency cap then we're also going to do some construction to boost the construction speed and then the last one we have a few different choices we could do some air we could do some land artillery infantry or armor now what I'm just gonna do off the bat here is support weapons one I just want to help my units a little bit in combat and make it so their attack values are a little higher or let's see what's our land doctrine so we have grand battle plan doctrine which isn't great not terrible either to be quite honest with you one of the better ones that you could still pick if you really want is either superior firepower or we could do the amass assault doctrine because once you get into the later later stages it actually works fairly well for what we're doing it's pretty heavy on the infantry we're not really gonna do any armor and we are gonna do some artillery but for the most part you know I think that'll actually be a pretty nice one to do today so I'm just gonna go with NASA assault doctrine for some fun because of the war that we're doing right now we will get a fair bit of army experience and through our other national focus right over here we get two bonuses for our land doctrines so you know assuming we can do the other ones using the army experience will be working already down into these later branches which is the ones that we actually we don't really care about these ones at the top they're actually pretty useless these two especially this one's a little bit nicer organization and some extra entrenchment but deep battle and working down all these are what we want later on so anyways that's basically it for our research right off the start as for construction pretty typical we're just gonna go with some civilian factories here because we do need to get that number up as high as we possibly can so again working in the areas with the highest level of infrastructure for a slight bonus to our construction speed so it's just going to be these three along here and that should be more than enough for a queue at the start we can ignore those two we can open up our factories and we have 19 available which is pretty decent as well light tanks for the most part we don't really care for a whole lot but if you want to keep some production that's fine I'm gonna go three five there and let's see what we got so that's twelve we don't really want close air support because we can't utilize it a whole lot motorized would be kind of good to have because we are gonna put some support companies in and then we also need artillery so towed artillery is right there just gonna move that all the way up to the top so it gets priority and then we'll put five so we have five on guns five on artillery four on support for on motorized and one on light tanks just so we don't completely run out of supply but I think I might even cancel that and just put it on guns because that'll help me more in the long run then say one factory on light tanks because again our focus here isn't on like tanks it's gonna be on an infantry army so we don't really need it outside of just ensuring we have some supply so last thing that we can do is just take all these unassigned divisions and we can throw them into one more army and like I said before if we really wanted to we could even send this guy over to this general so that way we have all those weaker divisions over there and the last thing we're gonna do we will set a second front line like so and we're just gonna wait for them to get into position and we'll double-check our air force we do have some air here so we can just do all of these set it and forget it and just let it basically give us some air experience so the way it works when you are attacking with tanks if we just unpause the game here you can see our string has gone way down 25% so now when we take these tanks and we just tell them to attack like so and we unpause the game then we're just gonna wait a few days you can see army experience is going up at a moderate rate certainly if we are fighting a larger scale battle it would go up faster but for the most part it's gonna be pretty slow but the big thing here is that over time as you continue to attack you will gain army or a general experience very quickly now the other thing you can do you can see right there just after the first couple days we're almost at 300% experience towards a Panzer leader and then if we go in here you can see Mountaineers already gained almost 40 points in just a couple of days so it allows you to very quickly gain traits for your generals as well as the experience and the one thing you will have to do is switch back to an infantry leader at some point and allow your generals to get a little stronger in those branches because these are the two that we really want for our generals but these ones over here the terrain traits are also very helpful especially if you can get adaptable so you want to be able to do those and from there it's really up to you organizers still really good because you can get into these ones over here and reduce supply consumption or increase your max planning which is pretty nice you can also get a skilled staffer to increase the number of divisions you can command trickster for some improvisation experts and stuff like that so entirely up to you what you want to do but this is basically the fastest method for gaining experience and boosting up your generals now the one thing you have to be aware of though is as you unpause the game here you need to watch how your battles are doing basically you want to leave them so they're actually still entrenched because that is going to put up the most resistance to your troops and allow you to earn the most experience as they are grinding against them repeatedly now as you get toward the end of the war you can basically just switch all your troops back over to the infantry template that you prefer and then from there you can just crush the ethiopians so don't end it where I did there at 80 you can normally get it up closer to about 90 or just watch the troops and see so they're broken we can just take that off and wait a few more days let them reposition and that's basically it so I'm just gonna skip ahead to once our first national focus is done and I will see you guys soon okay so we now have our first national focus done so the next one we will do is our industrial effort this just gives us four civilian factories so we can get building stuff a little bit quicker now for the next research slot I'm just gonna go with mechanical computing right away that's just gonna raise our research speed a little bit more as well and 4% so as for the combat down in Ethiopia one thing I forgot to mention to actually earn the terrain traits you need to break out past these Plains if you're on the hills it's fine but basically there's no terrain trait for fighting on hills so or sorry Plains so what you're looking for is this region right in here and if you do break them right here that's fine it actually does give you access to some mountain regions and then also the hills behind it so you don't need to worry if you break them here but you need to get all this pushed back and then once you do that I'm gonna switch this army is well over to the motorized and that's just gonna help us earn some terrain traits a little bit faster to actually show what I was talking about you can click here and then we already have desert fox halfway done Mountaineer is about a quarter of the way organizers almost half we already got a panzer leader and then if we were to switch back we could also get an infantry leader at some point this general also had half his experience already earned so he's halfway to level five and then this one is already almost at level two he was left on infantry and you can see we got about 300 points there as well so it's entirely up to you but you do earn experience on all that pretty quickly so anyway it's just gonna weigh in another 70 days continuing to fight in Ethiopia and I will see you guys soon just like that we've now finished another national focus so the next one is going to be the industrial effort number two that gives us four military factories always a good thing so we'll just get that out of the way and then we'll be able to unlock that next to research slot we also have another research slot that's available so the next one we're gonna do here two choices concentrated or dispersed let's spice it up and go concentrated because why not 137 days for that to complete and then we can also modify our government so we can switch to war economy could also change our export law if we wanted to we could click a political advisor from this massive list or any number of things I think what's going to help us the most if we just go into production here so we basically have no steel or any other resources so I'm debating switching between free trade and keeping it on limited exports because that would help us almost ten percent bump on construction research factory output as well so it would be pretty good the only downside to doing that is we would have to switch it back later and we'll need to trade for a lot of our resources because as it currently stands we need 72 hmm yeah that's kind of a tough one if we suddenly give up 80 we're basically gonna have to trade for everything that we have so I think the best way to go if you really want to change this right here you'll export focus and you wouldn't hurt yourself as much but I wouldn't go any higher than that I think free trade is just too much but I'm gonna go with a war economy drop my consumer goods by 5% and that should help a little bit more so that's all for now and just continuing with my work and I will see you guys soon and just like that we now have another national focus ready to go so this is gonna be our extra research slot so we'll have five available to us these Spanish Civil War has kicked off but unfortunately we can't join until our war is done so basically never but the one thing that we're gonna do here quickly our oil is running out but that's not a huge problem yet but what we're gonna do is switch our division template we're just gonna go do like tank can we switch this I don't really mmm I'd rather have cavalry than removing I guess I can just do that so we're gonna move and then we'll add that back in and just like that we now have basically pure tanks and not using the motorized we're gonna have a minus 4,000 deficit that's totally fine the reason we wanted to do that is because I was burning up my motorized and completely forgot about that so now as we're producing motorized for our infantry templates later on we're not actually going to use up the equipment that we would have so we not only improve our experience earned from combat but we also reduce the amount of equipment we're wasting for our future Wars so that's just a nice little thing that we can do and we also have four military slots available from the last national focus so what we're going to do is just put those into guns because we will need to get a decent amount but not anything crazy I guess and then also towed artillery we do need that so that's basically everything we're doing right now and I'm just gonna go and check so we have twenty-four sibs 23 mils not bad we're just gonna trade for one oil and who should we trade with so I think the one that we're gonna trade with here is probably just the Soviet Union because why not we'll be taking them out later on in the game and let's see how that does for fuel yep that helped so now hopefully we should be earning experience a little bit faster over in these regions and our troops are at average 12 strengths so yeah that's absolutely horrible but it works for us and if I was to click on my generals you can see this guy's up to three now he just earned the organizer skill or a trait if you want to call it that he'll fighters coming along nicely he doesn't have any regions to attacking otherwise so that's why we're not boosting those ones but this general still no organizer but that's fine we'll probably get that one really soon and these two are halfway done almost there we'll just have to measure how the effects of this impacted it in a few days but anyway it's just gonna keep going on and I'll see you guys soon so the data is now October 24th 1936 that means we have a national focus ready and some political power so I think the next one that I'm gonna do I'm stuck between switching between export focus and this over here so honestly I think I'm just gonna go with export focus to help myself out and then we'll unpause the game real quick just to see where our trade lies and yet we need a lot of steel so if we go back over here and we go with France cuz we don't want to waste a bunch of convoys let's see if we have 25 available so we'll trade 3/4 now let's see how that does so that gets us back down to 22 but it will help our research speed quite a bit so that's always cool we have three slots now available so I'm going to do some concentrated again I'm gonna get my support company's going my artillery and maybe even some anti-air but that would take a lot so I'm gonna go with my basic infantry and then we'll do a support company next I think the good one here could be a field hospital because we want to save our manpower as much as possible when playing as Italy because we just don't have the capabilities to field massive armies for long periods of time 41 million still not a bad population though so just continuing there and then national focus wise there's not a ton that we can do except for the Italian highways and maybe some stuff down here but I think the next one that I will be doing is my army primacy that's just gonna give us two bonuses for our land doctrine and then two more military factories and a little bit of army experience so that's all for now and I'll see you guys soon December 27th 1936 another national focus so I think the one we're going to do here is the modernized artillery we do have this finishing in 43 days along with another research slot here so we will be able to do at least this one and then use those two bonuses on the next two to get us ahead of time of everyone else so I think that's why it's just the best choice otherwise again there's nothing we can really do until we finish the war in Ethiopia so we have to kinda just stick to these branches over here modernized artillery is next we also have some military factories two more available to us so I think what we're gonna do now is put one more on artillery and then one more into our support equipment just to get more of a stockpile going and just letting these build up over time the biggest thing here with resource loss you will feel the effects of it but you can also just change how things are set up so for example I can just drag that there and then the artillery won't be as good or I can just drag that up and it won't be as good so basically that's it so anyway it's just gonna keep going and I'll see you guys in 70 days ok another national focus is done so the next one we're gonna do is our modernized Army gives us another tool and doctrine bonuses as well as a bonus to reconnaissance companies and then a little bit more army experience so nothing wrong with that afterwards we're gonna switch over to Aaron of and probably some dockyards maybe something like that or we could do a light ship effort not entirely certain what I'm gonna do yet but I'll figure it out as we go anyways my generals are doing pretty good this one is borderline on doesn't fox and mountaineer so i'll be switching him pretty soon and then for the last one here same thing he already has hill fighters so I'm just working up the mountaineer branch and then we'll be able to get adaptable which is really what you want out of this the terrain traits are huge because if you look there the terrain penalty reduction is 30% as well you get a hot and cold climatization factor of 10% on each so that is massive when you are in combat if you didn't know it's like so you see here 40% attrition and only 40% attack it's basically taking or giving you 30% more of your base soft attack and heart attack values back to where they should be so it works very well and it's one of the best traits that you can actually unlock in the game and generally it's very hard to get that's why it's so useful grinding the war in Ethiopia and from what I've heard online they don't typically allow people to use that in multiplayer because of that if you crime the war in Ethiopia you can basically just become a monster so or at least a monster in Italy's terms anyways I will see you guys in 70 days when the national focus is finished so we've now finished our modernized army that gave us two more land auction bonuses and one for a reconnaissance company so I was originally gonna do my air innovations but I think the next one I'm gonna do actually is Special Forces and I'm gonna get into that just in a moment but the basics of it it gives you a little more army experience and then a one-time bonus or penalty reduction for your Mountaineers technology so we will just finish that and basically if we're in the research tab you can see we already have the first Mountaineers researched so the next one is ahead of time so by the time this is finished we should have some research available so this one will be 79 days so we could put it on that one or we could just carry one of these / maybe this one until then but I think that'll be fine the reason why we're gonna do Mountaineers is because over here let's just open up be terrain mode and you can see it's all mountains in here up until basically you reached this region it's all mountains and then you get a little bit of forest and then Plains and then you know forests the rest of the way so the reason why it's so important that we have some Mountaineers and we're getting these traits for our generals is because again you have such a large reduction in mountains it's only forty percent attack you take forty percent more attrition and then the only bonus to you is that their air support is reduced a little bit but because we're gonna have the Allies fighting with us that isn't really necessary the biggest thing here though with our generals so let me just click on this one right here so I already switched over a general I'm getting my third one going right now and we got the adaptable trait for this for this guy so the reason why it's so useful to us is because when you have mountaineer you already get a bonus to your movement attack and defense but when you do adaptable again it reduces that penalty by 30% and then if you're using Mountaineers they also reduce that penalty further so what we're gonna end up doing here is recruiting a whole bunch of infantry but also with that general right there that already has adaptable we're basically going to use him with a bunch of Mountaineers and our best units and his job is basically then to just push through this region and once we get out of the mountains we can then switch those units back over to infantry and use our army as we would regularly because once you break out you don't need the Mountaineers but by reducing those penalties and increasing your attack values significantly you're gonna reduce the amount of equipment that you use the other nice thing is with this field marshal that we have because we're gaining experience while grinding I've already done organizers so I got myself a logistics wizard and then the thorough planner so increased 10% max planning also reduces supply comes consumption by 15% and then over here you can see he's already closer to getting these traits so we can also apply this as well Oh already has maximal yeah that's so that's fine so because we're already halfway there even if we don't get this by the time the war kicks off the adaptable trait we can also get Mountaineer I'm pretty confident we'll be close to getting it and then once we have adaptable it's just gonna make our army into a monster so basically that's why I'm doing that right now I think that's just gonna be the best strategy for a quick defeat of the Germans and once we have the Germans out of the way and we take a bunch of their territory we can then use that to fight the French and the other nice thing is again the French have this mountain region over here and they do have a few forts I believe that they usually build so it'll allow us to break through on the southern portion of their country a lot faster and then work our way up towards Paris and capitulate them that way so that's basically why we're doing that I think it's just the best route to take unless you want to go armored or something like that but it's just a personal favorite of mine when playing Italy so research-wise things haven't really changed we're just doing artillery I'm probably gonna add some anti-tank into my units as well because what that'll do is raise up the heart attack and in case you didn't know when your unit has heart attack and the other units only have soft they basically can't do as much damage because you have heart attack it's not the same necessarily as having a tank in your unit but the heart attack is there and in case we face some German armor that's again going to help us so I'm probably gonna use these just as a support company not actually going to use it as a what what am I saying here let's go to recruit and deploy blah blah blah blah blah we'll just edit this and battalion there we go that's what the word we're looking for today so we can just add that in as a support rather than a battalion within the template so lastly things just some research guess I could do my signal company right now get that out of the way and then we have 150 political power so I think I don't really need these because none of them really suit what I want so maybe a political advisor let's see what we've got available to us captain of industry a war industrialists because we will need to start building some mills at some point here we also have military high command industrial concerns which wouldn't be horrible but not great either and then Chief of Army I don't really want to do any of these at the moment so I think I'm probably just gonna take a visor and go with a war industrialist cuz we will need to start building up some mills so that should be okay right there and anyways I will see you guys in 70 days so it's now July 31st 1937 we've just finished our Special Forces so the next one that I'm gonna be doing here is some Italian highways just to increase our infrastructure a little bit more the war in Ethiopia I think I'm gonna bring to a close pretty soon here I just added them all into this general so I could get all the experience into mountains and then that way I'll have two generals with the adaptable trait and my field marshal here which is going to again be very close to finished as well so that's gonna be pretty nice and then I'll start switching my units back over to infantry and preparing for Germany now the other thing here our support equipment motorized is looking pretty good infantry and artillery could use a little bit of work but overall I'm not really worried about that I think I'll be okay my factory count is still pretty low but that's to be expected for the most part just because you know your Italy and you just don't have a huge industry to begin with so anyways just gonna finish this off here pretty soon and I'll see you guys shortly so as of right now we have just finished the war with Italy as I previously mentioned I got those generals up to the adaptable traits so this guy right here level five and then this general right here level five is well basically the same point but also with adaptable now the difference is one of them has he'll fighter and then the other with desert fox so there's a slight variation but that's not anything to worry about ski use me so now what we're gonna do is get all these units back over to the border with Austria and then as for our national focus we can now do triumph in Africa to get some extra stability in war sport and work down a bunch of these ones because outside of the oil itself and maybe a fortification effort if we really felt like it we don't need a ton of these the air innovations could be useful but I don't really have the resources nor industry to support it for the time being so I think trying for Africa and the following focuses are the best ones to pick we have sums free civilian factories so I'm just gonna build a few more and we're just gonna put those in again the highest level of infrastructure so that's all for now logistics wise we have 20,000 guns 2,200 artillery three K of each of motorized and support and that's not too bad overall we also have a ton of army experienced 300 so that's more than enough for us to change our templates but I'm still using up the bonuses that we already had four over here so I think I have two more after this so I can finish those two before I would even need army experience to boost the rest of these or we could use them at the same time and just make it a little faster so 150 to 93 days so we could get a little bit of a head start as well with that but we'll see as the time comes it's not exactly necessary but otherwise that's all for now and I see you guys soon at this point in the game it is just the end of 1937 so another national focus the next one we're going to do here is befriend Yugoslavia the reason for this if we went with a claim on Yugoslavia we raised world tension we reduced the opinion of us and we also changed the popularity of fascism so ultimately we can always take their territory later on in the game because we are beating Germany we'll have the industry to take out Yugoslavia so it's better off honestly befriending Yugoslavia and then working down the rest of these folks is because you can actually get them into a faction with you if you go the Italy first route which is what we're doing so it just helps us the most by doing that and then we can still do the Albanian occupation as well and then anything else that we really want so we can go with this over here by frettin greece we can befriend or go with war on Turkey and I think that requires the Spanish Alliance for this one doesn't it it requires Italy first okay so we can also get turkey in our faction so ultimately we can get a whole bunch of people into our faction and help us in our Wars so it does make the most sense in my opinion just to go this route you avoid some of the headaches and also the opinion of us from the allies won't really be impacted because of it so that's really why I'm going down this route so anyways we're gonna pick that now what I'm also doing I'm switching over my units so I took these fourteen and these fourteen and I switched them and they are low supply but that's fine they are just gonna make the change slowly here and I'm just a little bit behind on my artillery but that's not a huge concern I think what I'm gonna do here is take one more off of my motorized and then I'll probably add that into our Tillery as well and then soon enough we're gonna be building up some more military factories because we are into 1938 I'm thinking by the middle of 1938 I can make the switch and then using some of that extra political power I'll switch back over to the limited exports because that's just gonna help us the most with managing our resources and freeing up a few more of those factories because right now if we go back over to trade you can see we're trading how many is it four four factories so at the end of the day it's not a huge difference but it is there at the same time so it does make sense for us to switch back at some point but at the same time we also want to make sure we get our military staff out in the field so don't want to miss out on those anyways just gonna wait the seventy days I'm probably not going to show the next focus but I think it's safe to say you can go with either one of these being 1938 so you can do either at the Albanian occupation or befriend Bulgaria whichever you choose first is fine so it's now July 28 1938 I went ahead and did three national focuses so I did befriend Yugoslavia Albanian occupation the friend Bulgaria and the next one that we're gonna do here is bro friend Romania then when we're done that we can go Italy first that'll give us some political power create a faction and we invite Bulgaria into it so that's pretty nice we can just go ahead and do all that right now and as for our troop counts we have this division or this general with 17 divisions he has 14 of the main infantry units and then three of the Mountaineers as for recruitment I have another 12 on the way but they're a little bit just because I don't have all the artillery that I need and then we also have one more Mountaineer unit I'm guessing that we're probably going to be able to recruit a couple more once I deployed these twelve but that's okay for now and then I just have a split of twelve and twelve or going to be twelve and twelve under this general here with my weaker template so I just want to quickly show you what that looks like so if we open this up it's a standard seven two then with engineer signal company logistics field hospital and some art support artilleries so overall pretty good unit pretty well balanced out and very strong for what we're using Mountaineers seven two as well with support artillery and engineers just keeping them a little stronger and then these are the weak ones these are basically just units to hold on to territory they're not really designed for attacking all that much they're pretty weak if you compare it let's say so you can see soft axe 37 we add in infantry or sorry it was 37 now it's 41 we add in two more artillery that's basically a standard 72 so you can see it's almost four times the amount of soft attack and I'm not gonna yeah so defense is up by 50 break through 17 soft attack by 78 so it's absolutely massive how much it changes it but the requirements unit wise are pretty heavy so that's why I don't want to go too much on that I think if I was to increase it a little bit more I might even throw in one infantry just for a little bit extra because the big number right there is the defensive value that's really all we care about with those units they have high HP and defense values the soft attack is always gonna be pretty low and then maybe if you add in like a support artillery see you can bump it up by about 30 if we take that back out it's still up by 24 so overall I think I might do that it would only change it by 144 if we do make that change so you know what I think we'll just leave the support artillery in because it's pretty cheap and it will help those units quite a lot 30 soft attack for only 144 artillery pretty worth it in my opinion anyways ask for production itself so you can see I'm down by 1,500 again I think that'll be ready in time for our war it's not a problem construction wise we have 36 saves now I switched my economy law back over to the restricted ones so right here Limited exports and then just building up some more mills so that way we can get our production a little bit higher and more on par with some of the other majors that are going to be in this war I'm also just training these units to making sure that they're all up to level 3 so they get a slight modifier in combat and then I've prepared my entire Air Force along this border right here I think I'll just move those and leave the TAC bombers back on that one because we want them as close to the border as possible so that way makes it a little bit easier for them to actually do some air missions and close air support pull up and there we go now we're not going to need to worry about our Navy because again the Allies aren't actually going to be fighting us we're going to be fighting alongside with them against the Germans and then we'll just have to see what other countries we can actually get to join if we could get Romania and Yugoslavia that would be nice but at the end of the day it's not the end of the world if they decide to go with the Germans the Yugoslavs they will actually join us and we can invite them once world tension hits 40 just because they're not aligned right now that's why we can't so anyways I will see you guys when our national focus is done so the date is now December 13th 1938 I have finished Italy first so I think the next focus that we're gonna be doing here is prospect for oil just get our oil reserves a little bit higher and that'll help us later on if we want to make some light tanks or maybe a bit of an air force so that's all we're gonna do I have 81 factories now still building mills and as for logistics our artillery is almost finished now so as for our units themselves 20 divisions here we have another 14 but these ones are just training and then we have another 23 already in this general and as for recruitment doing another 13 of the weaker ones before we start another row of these guys right here probably like another 12 maybe and then that will get our manpower up to 800,000 so pretty close to basically any of the other majors that you will find in the game but overall the troops are actually going to be a strong comparatively the Germans are taking the Czechoslovakian territory right now so it's just a bit of a waiting game basically just gonna have to try and tell them this for when they declare on the Allies so what I'm gonna also do right now is create my agency if you don't have this don't worry about it at the end of the day it is what it is and you can still certainly follow along the rest of this guide and gameplay if you want to use it just to help you understand a little bit better how to play a decent analyse so anyways just gonna continue on and I'll see you guys when I have more to share so this is pretty much the moment you've all been waiting for it's now July 11th 1939 I have these twelve divisions just finishing the training so when this is done basically they're just gonna take these four put them in this general let these guys finish training so maybe I'll just take the rest of these except that one and throw them there and then when that's done I'll add them in so for a total of ninety two divisions eight hundred and twenty eight thousand manpower in the field not bad we also have a few remaining planes and whatnot over here gonna help us with our air now the biggest thing they are doing Danziger war right now so if we were to go and try and justify it would have taken two hundred and sixty-five days so the best thing that we can do is wait for the war to start with the Allies France the UK once they're called in and they're fighting with Poland then we can start justifying and it should dramatically reduce the amount of time that it actually takes for the war goal to finish because it otherwise you know if we wait 265 days it's just preposterous that's never gonna happen so we basically just have to wait until the war starts I probably could have timed it a little bit better but again I wasn't entirely certain so I'm gonna pause it right now if you wanted to go ahead and do your war goal in advance take note of the date right here July 19th 1939 I imagine it's probably going to be within 30 days of that so try and time it for this period whatever that year is or date in your game try and then plan your war goal for that date there's no guarantee Germany will continue down the exact same path even on historical something's changed depending on how you do your focuses and when so just remember that also if you played a non historical hmm it is probably expected that things are gonna be a little different so anyways just gonna wait until that's ready and I should be good to go my logistics is pretty nice I've got one point to our tailor e36 k infantry equipment almost three thousand motorized and a thousand support so more than enough for all of my divisions and I believe that the Germans should probably have a tough time actually holding me back depending on the number of units that they actually put on my border if they finish off Poland really quick which they normally do they're obviously going to send a lot of their troops over here and that's gonna make it considerably harder but the fact that they're gonna face almost a hundred divisions from me and then somewhere around another hundred total over here somewhere that should make it a lot harder and the other thing too is because I'm not going to be fighting the Allies they really aren't going to concern themselves with putting troops on my border the other thing you could do if you really wanted to you can improve relations and influence them and then take a non-aggression pact with the Allies and then that way it's pretty much guaranteed that they won't be guarding their borders and it'll just make it a lot easier because the Allies are gonna then focus on having all of their troops over here in Europe and actually defending these borders rather than fighting a war down here and having less troops available to fight the Germans off so anyways I'm just gonna wait until the war starts and get my own war goal started and then I will film once everything's ready so as of right now it's October 25th 1939 and if we go and check the German war here Poland has just lost their capital so they're gonna capitulate there's no way they're going to hold on but the nice thing is we did get Yugoslavia into our faction so this is currently our faction I'm going to declare right away because I want to try and alleviate some of the pressure on Poland and hopefully make some gains before the Germans actually have their entire army over here I'm just going to quickly adjust this lines lately and I'm not really gonna worry about using the Yugoslavian territory because if they don't push out of there that's fine if I take more of this that's better for me so I really don't mind if they just keep their units there so we're just gonna go ahead and declare on the Germans right now do that and then we will call both of our allies in as well just for some extra troops on the ground and if we actually compare the troop counts the Germans that most have 126 divisions so we're very close to their troop count so they're gonna need a significant number of troops over here to actually break the Allies so there's a very good chance we could just enter into a bit of a stalemate here as things progress but we'll just have to wait and find out so let's get right into it and I hope you enjoy the combat [Music] okay so as of right now it's January 9th 1940 and the Germans have basically caused a stalemate I could push them back a little bit if I wanted to but for the most part I really want to conserve my manpower and equipment for a little while it doesn't really hurt me if they build up a little bit more because for the most part again the Allies already have a huge amount of troops especially the French and then they also have to break through these two regions right here along with the UK who's going to be supplying France with some troops and then we all know the Germans are gonna want to fight the Soviets at some point sooner or later so really there's nothing to worry about at this point our border is secure the only thing now is that Hungary could join at some point and then Romania is well they could technically join I need to try and see if I can get them to actually join my faction I don't know if they will just because I'm already at war but we'll just have to wait and see I'm gonna improve relations first and see if that'll work and then also maybe through my spies I don't know if there is one that we can do that does it I know you can for non-aggression pacts but I don't know if you can actually get them to join you that way so anyways just going to continue on here I'm not sure if I'm going to record right now just because I don't want to throw in combat where there's really no combat so just gonna hold off for now and I'll start recording again once we get a little bit further into the game but if you just follow that strategy I did right at the start you can take a little bit of territory from them and make your own borders a little more secure that way because now obviously they're not as close to our home territory and our neighbor is secure and if we also just look at their Intel ledger they have 31 divisions matched with a decent number of factories and conversely the Hungarians aren't going to have much more than that so 33 divisions I'm also guarding their entire border at this point so even if the darienne's do get called in we don't really have to worry about them suddenly launching themselves into their territory so anyways that's all for now I will see you guys in a little bit once things start to heat up a little bit already so it's September 5th 1942 a little longer than I was hoping basically just the Germans were taking forever to actually declare war on the rest of the countries so I got Romania into my faction and the rest of the allies already now what ended up happening was hungry also joined so they're now a talk attacking across a very wide front into Romania now the good thing is because they declared on the Netherlands it frees up a lot of troops and they had this massive border that they have to put troops on on top of the French Bulgarian ones as well so if they declare on Belgium that's just gonna be another country that the Allies can actually utilize and attack from and they prefer attacking from their own factions territory so I mean if I was to do this again I might have just disbanded my faction and honestly joined the Allies and then I probably could have just remade the faction afterwards but I just wanted to avoid having Yugoslavia and Romania potentially joining the Allies spor sorry the axis so anyways I'm probably gonna film a little bit of combat here things are still very slow but the nice thing is the Germans have almost a million loss was already I have around 425 but that was just me throwing myself at them and seeing what I could do the Allies themselves have basically no losses but a massive number of troops so I'm really not too certain why they're not attacking they honestly could from the Netherlands but we'll have to wait and see maybe they'll start finally pushing from here would have been nice if they went through the Rhineland a little bit but winners can't be there but anyways I think that should be fine I'm just going to go ahead and start filming so anyways hope you enjoy [Music] all righty now so it's March 2nd 1941 and we've made some pretty decent progress and advancing into the German Reich so currently they're at 52% towards capitulation the main victory points that they have left are just frankfurt stuttgart and berlin so i think i'm gonna try and go for berlin gonna have to try and clear this little pocket here and then if i can just push straight up i'll take that and that's gonna be huge the other thing i can do is take vienna that's 30 and this one obviously right here is 20 so the big one though is berlin if you take that you get a lot of war score I don't really care about hungry at this point so I think what I'm gonna do is just take these units off and immediately make a front line obviously over near Berlin because we do have the Netherlands pushing that way pretty quickly so I want to get those troops in position right now main thing though it's just slow pushing overtime I'm sure if you watch the gameplay a little bit slower you'll notice that basically all I was doing was waiting for the Germans to readjust their troops and then as soon as they would have less divisions in certain regions I would immediately just start attacking because I knew that I could beat them now the biggest hindrance to me throughout this game was air support I basically just had none and that alone really impacted my ability to do anything to the Germans because they already get a territory advantage of 25% than our advantage which was another 20 then if they have forts that can be up to another 20 and their leader skills experience all that stuff they also have higher intelligence than I did at one point so it can really impact you a lot it's just a waiting game until the Allies can come in and the nice thing was because I extended basically the border so large the Germans had no choice but to send a lot of troops over here because Hungary's a weak country even though they have the rivers defending them if I had sent these 16 divisions over to help I'm positive that we would have been able to push them back without the Germans presence so anyways just gonna move those troops right now and then finish off the Germans here and then I will move into the second part which is going to be preparing for a war with the Allies so that'll be pretty interesting anyways let's get right back to it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so there you have it by August 21st 1941 I did play a head a little bit we have managed to take out the Germans and form a mega Italy so I have roughly 200 factories I am getting my Air Force built up because I'm gonna need that when I fight the Allies next I think I'm gonna split this into two videos I decided that it's just gonna be too long with all the content I film in the first one and I do want to include a lot of what was mentioned in this video now the nice thing is I also have Turkey in my faction as well now and I did puppet the Germans so they are on my side anyways I think we're pretty well prepared for this next war my Air Force is definitely weaker and my Navy could use some work but I think we're still gonna be able to push through these territories hopefully we can do kind of a quick blitzkrieg just like the Germans we're gonna have to take out Poland real fast I do have some divisions down here but we're gonna need to recruit a few more real quickly anyways I'm gonna end it here so as always if you have any suggestions for future content or things I can improve upon just leave a comment down below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can anyways I'm signing off for now I hope you guys have a good one
Channel: ScumpyDawg
Views: 50,129
Rating: 4.8641644 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 italy, italy guide, hearts of iron iv guide, hoi4 germany, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv italy, hearts of iron 4 italy, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 la resistance, alternate history, hoi4 axis, hoi4 world conquest, scumpydog, hoi4 guide, hoi4 how to beat germany, germany defeat, Hearts of iron IV
Id: t6_e6Aib8pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 18sec (3198 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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