Helldivers 2 Why Everybody HATES Fighting Automatons! - Super Sample GUIDE!

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hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the channnel and I want to start today's video off with a PSA this rock formation is where the super samples will spawn now please be aware there is generally two of these on every map that you go on one will have the super samples and one won't have the super samples now this the super samples themselves will only spawn on difficulty seven and above and it's kind of the main reason for those difficulties because it will get you the final tier of upgrades for your ship and yeah you want to make sure you can extract with them if you can also shooting charges in the head the I don't think it's ever going to get old but yeah I just wanted to throw this out there cuz I don't think many people realize that that rock is where they spawn you can see it in the distance so it really helps finding well where the super samples are and as you can see my teammate here well absolutely loving it nice one so here's a question the player base doesn't seem to like fighting automatons everybody is out there killing terminats now is that actually happening well let's take a look at some statistics these are the stats taken right now from div. I put a link to this website in the description below but basically this is where you can go and see where the number of Hell divers are and what planets they're on now there are some things going on with the galactic War itself I think it's been placed on hold I think Arrowhead are doing sort kind of things behind the scenes to make sure that the well the game remains stable um but this is what we're looking at at the moment so Angel's Venture this is the planet everybody seems to be going to um and remember there's no major order and effect at the moment for any of this stuff but that's kind of besides the point the point I want to make here is look at the planets and look at the enemies so yeah there's 163,000 currently on Angels Venture obviously against terminates um dra near you've got 28,000 against the automatons and then as we go down the list you'll see termined termined termined and then two automaton planets at the bottom now I think this kind of does sort of indicate that the player base generally prefers at the moment to kill the terminats and the question is why well before I go into my mad ramble about why I think it's the case um I just want to show you this post on R cuz this is what sparked the sort of discussion for myself and this usually say's player base doesn't seem to like fighting automatons the player count for automatons is always significantly lower than terminates terminates have terminates will have 200 to 400,000 plus fighting and automatons will have like 50k or so we cannot seem to liberate Malon Creek and all of the other planets are being liberated at a slower rate I think the reason why is because automatons are just genuinely harder to fight and they can kill you at a distance I also feel like weapons just don't do enough with them either and they can call in Crazy amounts of reinforcements too I think it's also safe to say they have too many things that one shot you too rocket Devastators cannons mortars tanks rocket Soldiers the automatons that jump to you and if you kill them close they just explode and kill you dealing with all of this can be frustrating and it doesn't help that they have some Godly aim from up to 100 m or more away it's discouraging to get one shot constant and many of the automaton soldiers are extremely tanky in terms of time to kill and most weapons bounce off them half the time then there's blocking use of strategems and modifiers on top of that it's just not fun using mechs against them is a death sentence they pretty much one-hot you with that too so yeah fighting terminates while they have their problems feels better to play against so let's deconstruct this because I think the main reason I myself do fight the terminat is I am still going for that sort honestly straight up I'm going for that Starship Troopers power fantasy right I'm on kandathu and I'm destroying the bugs that's what I'm doing right um I think as well the terminates are kind of they give you more of a feeling of um you're fighting back waves of enemies right just because of the way they spawn because of their units they're generally all melee combat I know they're not all the Scavengers got ranged combat the little you know the little green bug the bio spew is also ranged obviously that's got an artillery uh attack which is very inconsistent but when it hits you it's quite annoying of course the bile Titan as well has got a ranged attack but you know generally you're looking at like the warrior the hunter the stalker the charger uh brood commanders they all want to get in your face and kill you right but while you're getting hit by a wave of mobs and you're just like destroying them it feels great and also they die in a really awesome way the way their like limbs all fly off and their Armor gets ripped off it feels awesome it feels like you're destroying the bugs and for me I think honestly that's why I prefer playing against them however like this Reddit user said there is a very V point to be made about the instant kill mechanics that the automatons have got now on the higher difficulties this is where things like the shield backpack thing starts becoming meta and all that stuff because you are getting one shot by a lot of the enemies so when you're looking at things like the the rocket Devastators you're looking good even the Hulk the Hulk can take you out if it spawns with range weapon uh combinations the tank obviously will just destroy you and the tank turret is also just a turret in the map as well and that will often hit you and you're like what the hell is going on there and of course they do have melee units like the Berserker and the commas that will run at you and try and chop you up and even just their standard Troopers have got good AIM now also mechs are a thing in the game right now and a lot of people are using the mech strategen because it's free um but the mechs are really really good on termined extractions right this is where I'm using them this is where I think they're going to be meta pretty much unless you need them in like a dire situation cuz it's basically like a big mobile gun to it but against the automatons absolutely good night Vienna if you try and hold uh any sort of automaton attack because they're just going to shoot you from range and your Mech will get destroyed and it is surprisingly difficult to realize how much damage your Mech has taken if you watch it the mech will start to sort of smoke and then explode um which is obviously not good if it explodes with you in it then you're just dead so yeah I think it's like swings and roundabouts but I do think it is harder against the automatons because they have very good aim they've got very good sort of pre- aim as well obviously they've all got wall hack and yeah the rocket Devastators as was discussed by the CEO do have um this sort of prediction where even if you break line of sight they still know where you are and they'll still fire rockets at you and it will still instantly kill you if you don't have any uh Shields active which is a bit of a bomber so yeah I think for me personally I at the moment I'm enjoying the terminat don't get me wrong I really enjoy fighting the automatons as well it gives me that like Terminator 2 power fantasy like you're in the war against Skynet uh and all of the the Bots coming towards you know like at the start of Terminator 2 where the skull gets crushed you know it feels like that and obviously that's what they're going for but yeah they're just harder and I think it's just by their nature they're always kind of going to be like that unless Arrowhead decide to make their aim terrible which I don't know maybe that'll take away from the automatons now there is one thing to be said here as well the number of players on the planet will change when the major order is issued so if there's an automaton major order everyone will go and fight the automatons look at what happened with the Mech the mech with tan Quan that's the planet I believe uh we needed to go and liberate that and we just everybody went there and did it and we did it four times faster than what the developers expected so yeah things will change and it's all kind of based on Joel it's based on the uh major order but yeah I think if you just leave the community to their own devices probably they will just fight the terminates because I don't know it just feels more like Starship Troopers at least to me anyway so following on from the little discussion we've just had of the automatons there is this Reddit post here and this is a great great topic because it does lead on from what we just discussed so it's this omniscient em and enemies being a serious problem so all knowing enemies they know where you are they're just going to find you and Yeah the more you play hell divers you start to see patterns in the way enemy groups spawn the way squads spawn the way they track you and this is what this user says a lot of discussion has been going on regarding the seemingly sudden spike in difficulty from all factors since the last patch many people have already pointed out that the changes to the weapons are only a minor part of it and that the real problem lies with the apparent Shadow Buffs to enemy numbers aggression random spawns and patrols always coincidentally P pathing straight towards your position however something I've also noticed is that seriously hampering any form of stealth tactic is that enemies don't actually notice you using their senses but rather they are triggered by activity and then instantly know where you are this is obvious when you throw strategems far away or stray bullets hit a rock from the other side of an objective and enemies close to where the strategy or bullet lands immediately head to your location regardless of how hidden you are or how hard you move to remain out of their line of sight the most egregious example of this and the one that pushed me to create this post was when earlier today I took the landmines with me to complete the personal order which by the way I've also I was doing that today as well it was actually landmines are pretty good the anti personal especially on like if if you know where something is going to spawn so obviously with the bugs when the breach happens if you just throw it on a breach you'll get a ton of kills which is quite easy to do the uh the daily order um but anyway I threw down the landmines to cover one side of an objective later a patrol came by and passed straight through the landmines so I moved out of there their line of sight and waited for it to pass in a spot where a normal Patrol would not notice I was even wearing the stealth armor yet as the bug stepped on a land mine the entire Patrol turned towards me and started charging me hell later on I was at a different objective and a patrol all the way back ran into the mines still there and came straight for me across the map how are we supposed to be strategic and rely on tactics positioning an air support to win if the enemies can just cheat their way through I love the concept that your raw Firepower alone won't be enough to stand against The Horde that you must rely on planning and support from other hell divers and your strategems to be able to stand a chance but as long as the game pulls things like this there really is no compromise or strategy that feels both fair and fun now my question to you guys would be is is this actually a fair comment I think um there's always going to be issues with games like hell divers where you know there is an AI script running for the uh the enemies they need to react and act in a certain way and I think it's quite obvious that at the moment I mean we've all been there we've thrown the stratum and then they suddenly turn around like the rail gun stratum right use this quite a lot um the orbital rail gun this is maybe I want to blow up a charge from range I'll throw it into a pack before I even get near the pack and immediately they see the the thing and they run straight at me but like I might be behind a rock like how would they know where I am but they do and they come towards you it is kind of immersion breaking so maybe this is something they'll look at um and of course they can make tweaks to all of this stuff they can change the way enemy behavior is I would say though the automatons have got another issue where in ire squads of automatons just seem to appear which is like it's like the Berserkers will just appear and there'll be like 10 of them and you're like what in the hell they're just behind me they just run at you with their chainsaws and cut you up so yeah they're kind of weird things and this is sort of as we play more of the game as players get used to Hell di is they're starting to sort of download and work out the way things happen in in in in you know regards to spawns the way enemies react and this is just kind of part of understanding the game I guess but it's up to the devs to keep spicing this up uh and make it feel more organ organic I guess so talking of making it feeling more organic do you guys agree with this should clearing all nests and bases equal less swarms at extraction now I spoke about this in a previous video but this is um I don't know about this because you've got to think like the fantasy of the I mean it's a game at the end of the day right if you're going around the map and you blow up all of the nests then no terminates will spawn on the mission so then you just walk to the extraction and leave that would have made for a very good extraction phase would it like you know you have to think that destroying the nest yeah it's an objective and I think that's why the devs have put it in as a bonus objective unless it's a you know a blitz Mission and you're going around destroying Nest or or tomaton factories but going around destroying them and get the bonus XP at the end of the mission to me to be honest that's probably enough the longer you remain on a mission the more the enemies will spawn and I know that sounds counter intuitive because it's this moment of hey we're destroying their nests we're destroying their factories there shouldn't be more of them coming they should be less but the way the game is balanced the way the game plays is it leads up to this CR Crescendo of the extraction and that's where things get really insane and if you haven't been taking out the big Elites you know if you've got loads of bile Titans still walking around you're probably going to get swamped by them and and that's sort of the fantasy of the game so I'm I'm not I don't entirely agree with this I think that this is okay as it is in the game just giving you additional XP if you want to go and do these bonus objectives um but like less swarms at extraction I don't know I think like there are different ways they could approach extraction they could maybe have the enemies spawn further out from extraction so it looks like they're running towards you instead of like as I said fighting a lot of termined at the moment it's the same with Bots though cuz Bots just drop straight on you with the drop ships but termined um breaches will just happen all around the extraction they're not happening and then they're running towards you so you get that moment of like that sort of you know you're on the beaches at D-Day final Last Stand kind of thing firing into the massive waves of enemies coming you don't get that feeling cuz they're just on top of you anyway um so yeah maybe the little tweaks they could make um but yeah I'm I'm not sure I agree with this the CEO has been active over on X and this is really interesting because the user says would you consider armor set Buffs and perks to entice fellow hell hell divers to wear a complete armor set and the CEO just says not really it doesn't make that much sense why matching clothing or armor would do anything special than it well matching this is an interesting uh look behind the the curtain I think to the way the CEO rolls old Yohan because you think of it this way right this is like a World of Warcraft approach isn't it there other games do this as well right does destiny do it I don't know don't quote on that but yeah set perks Diablo games you action RPG games they love that you know you got set of armor on get special ability MMOs do it World of Warcraft does it and all of that stuff um should it be in Hell divers honestly I don't I don't really care like if you had a full Recon set on and it maybe gives you some sort of special Recon ability I wouldn't mind that right I think that'd be pretty cool but yeah the CEO doesn't seem to agree with that so yeah I don't think we're going to see armor set bonuses anytime soon now I must admit this meme is highly relevant the normal gun dog so the gun dog that's just got the assault rifle is absolutely garbage this thing spends ages reloading it's terrible but the laser version is absolutely sick and is becoming my favorite backpack mainly because I'm on my rail gun Arc at the moment but it is so good it's so powerful it never really runs out of ammo CU it's a laser just keeps firing but it does massive amounts of damage as well it annihilates terminat it's so good all right ladies and gentlemen thank you for watching the video remember if you did enjoy this stuff then do like the video and subscribe to the channel and leave a comment below tell me how you're getting on with hell divers to it really helps the video and it helps uh grow as well so that's absolutely awesome and yeah thank you guys for watching I'll catch you lovely lot on the next one see you soon
Channel: Stylosa
Views: 36,670
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Keywords: Stylosa, HELLDIVERS 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, ign, warhammer, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, ps5, best stratagems helldivers 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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