The Actual Helldivers 2 CEO Joined My Lobby...

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I've been making YouTube videos for about 7 years now and I've never been invited by a CEO of a game as big as hell divers to play with him and the head of product testing on the game in their game patrique and Johan very kindly joined us for an episode so I get to witness a CEO get blasted across the map at Mach 2 hell divers 2 has a bunch of surprisingly realistic features War Thunder like armor hit boxes with an in-depth terminal ballistic simulation partial reloads for your weapons simulated magaz even the functions of some of the highly fictional rifles like the shoulder mounted autoc Cannon are technically possible in real life and Ghost in the Shell as they're inspired directly by real life weapons by developers that have actually shot guns before there's just a lot of care put into all the designs behind this game so I was ecstatic to play with the people behind it there's a bit of interesting dialogue about the game's design choices from stealth to how nice and pretty the friendly weather looks oh but there's also just regular gameplay with me the devs and a random player that joined us too so I'm sure we can get some more games in the future with maybe some potential new updates or something so make sure to subscribe to the channel uh to get notified of whenever I upload some more hell divers 2 videos and also make sure even more importantly to have fun watching the shoulder mounted Al Canon is my absolute favorite it is very fun also you know you should really make these fire tornadoes roll in and just tear up the landscape as another Well fun you should oh no exactly oh no be careful what you wish for [Laughter] Drew yeah so there is actually a a pro Strat in the beginning of the mission it depends on like if you avoid calling in uh equipment right as you land the chances of you attracting a patrol is less really so they they spawn a loud noise yeah exactly we I think we ignor the noise from the first H pods that come in because we don't want to be a super unfaired player but the second H Point hell pod that actually attracts rols yeah it's and and and any Patrol beyond that like all of them anything that conceivably makes noise makes noise yeah I I I noticed that in a uh I was doing a solo level I think a level eight the other day just totally solo and I real realiz that I could throw grenades far away to bait patrols away from me which the moment I realized that I was like wa this feels like I'm playing Ghost Recon ex bugs so I spoke to uh PC Gamer yesterday and one of the questions was like Stealth gameplay is that something that you're going to index more on in the future I'm like well it's not really that we have Stealth gameplay it's just that everything just has to make sense like the all of the enemies they have hearing uh sight they also some sense have like an approximation of smell within close radius oh smell interesting yeah I mean it's just like if you're if you're in proximity of some of the units that are very like sensory aware like the stalker they will detect you no matter if they can see you charger oh that d oh what hell uh I bounc the shot of the charer yeah oh no I immediately got crushed so yeah um oh left leg is open front left this escalated quickly so I don't know if you noticed right there but I I don't want to do like a whole like analytical video for what he's talking about because it's literally in the middle of gameplay that he says this but he said that we didn't design a stealth system for the game we just designed a sound system that worked like the detection system in the game it is regular it's what you would expect for bugs to be able to detect you with sound sight hearing uh the Sprint and crouching all helps you stay stealthier or louder it's funny because he's not describing a zero or one sort of system he's describing something that was built from the ground up to feel normal to feel realistic and like if the bugs were real creatures that's how they would detect you so it allows for Stealth gameplay but it's not like Stealth gameplay is required or like they built a stealth system for the game they built a realistic game and what that creates is the ability to use stealth and I think this one bit of discussion that happened after our play session that I I I don't want to leave it at the end of the video CU it's so important to what I mentioned here in the first few minutes this is exactly why I feel that this game is special yeah I mean we're so surprised and and happy by by the the reception of the game like the uh uh especially like the the combination of some of the milin features that we bring to an arc like somewhat of an arcade game mhm it seems it was like one of the thoughts that we had when we started making this game that you know what these features aren't are just a lot of fun and and they create a lot of Dynamics in the game and it's something that that more people uh deserve to experience rather than those that just install 4,000 mods for Arma and go at it I was going to there we go I got one hit on it oh there's two there's two and a and a charger I'll go grab my rail gun wherever it went so 600 600 or 900 RPM on the machine gun that's a good question I'm a I'm a slow fire rate kind of guy I love that feature by the way that's so cool you guys added that you know it's a um when I did military service in in Sweden there was one guy that had uh there was something wrong with his m240 and uh the fire rate went up to was it like a over a thousand wow and it's like that it's like almost mg3 levels of ridiculous or mg42 level are ridiculous and then eventually the uh the um uh what's the English word for that like the um the guiding rod for the spring mhm uh yeah snap wow so it turned the M m240 into a single fire machine gun as his his military exercise for a weekend I've shot an mg3 once and I still think that that was like the coolest gun I've ever fired just such fast smooth recoil too a lot of recoil with just how much mass you're throwing out out so fast yeah probably I did have a malfunction once on a dp28 that was runaway it oh really exciting yeah it was only runaway we only had maybe 20 rounds to go but I just held on the last 20 rounds and they were like yeah cool you shot it and I was like I wasn't shooting the last 20 he just kept going I had a Runway a runway for uh m 249 wow when of the military service as well my glove got stuck in the trigger oh 200 round two 200 rounds rounder for n didn't die I yeah I didn't have a grenade I'm calling in resupply coming back there yeah so a lot of these uh features like the uh Team uh Team crew we team Ser weapons M and like fire rate of machine guns is based on like real life experiences of like this actually something that we learned to do in in when we're conscripted yeah I uh I I think a lot of the military guys that I know realized that when they when they found those game mechanics it's kind of like uh oh someone in the office you know has some sort of military experience to be knowledgeable enough to know that some machine guns have variable fire rates and some like whenever you're using a a mouse rocket system or something you might have to have a loader yeah it's uh in Sweden conru is mandatory still or used to be um because we're such a small country we need to have a Defense Force but we can't a mass Defense Force yeah so everybody does well it used to be like that but it's not anymore but uh everybody at least did I think it's 7 months uh of military service and then uh beyond that you have options like the National Guard and so forth which is oh I'm so sorry that was my head yeah I know there was a hunter that I thought you like a hunter yeah I'm AET I have yet to see anyone online though fire all 100 runs from an aut cannon full auto that's the designed for yeah that's a challenge take it as a challenge I uh I set that as one of the goals for the autoc Canon was basically I want to be able to fire 100 rounds full off that's a straight thing run oh yeah by the way I'm calling in a straping room that's fine oh I wish I had an assault rifle that also had the uh gas pressure regulator gas regulator was it for fire rate or suppressors uh for fire rate okay so Arctic temperatures uh make the oils in the gun um like stiffen so a lot of the the the actual practice of changing the gas pressure is because we're we can f the Swedish army is used to fighting in Artic Arctic conditions I'm not going to fire the auto cannon at the charger without the exposed leg because that was uh close there we go exposed uh which one uh front right left I guess left left for us left for us his right [Music] reinfor I'm entirely lot of shafts o watch that Crossfire feels like I haven't played a game in ages I haven't played the game in ages well I played yesterday but yeah also the definition of Ages I did a couple of quick uh random games yesterday just to feel out uh the community and how everyone's approaching things uh we should go east east okay yeah oh we we missed an objective up there as whatever whatever you guys want to do we have uh 25 minutes oh yeah yeah we can go for the let's let's get out east I just got distracted killing bugs yeah I hate how that happens oh wait I love how that happens you want somebody to carry that backpack for you oh you could if you want yeah or I can I can get another backpack oh yeah you have another nice support if you kill a um a small bug in time I forgot their names the very small ones uh before it before it calls uh do you cancel the bug breach yes okay so there are like alarm mechanics uh that we use uh for all patrols essentially gotcha but um the bugs have more units that can sound the the uh alarm uh the Warriors can as well uh the hunters can the Scavengers can and I think that's ah right yeah interesting yeah so it's not just the like the the automatons have the one single sword guy that can call right uh I think all conscripts can oh they can no no no no it it was changed towards uh yes before release I think okay H it is just they com I'm sure I'm sure the community will tell us yeah which I mean those kind of nuances I I think always make makes for a cool differentiation between between different factions in games it's like this this faction has three or four units that can do it this faction only has one uh it's like the system is already the same or still the same but the the manner in which it is used is different does anyone see it I got it oh it was over there nice and it's one of the funnest names i' heard that the community calls it the mushroom uh so it it's one of those things like we've had an eternal name for the for the sports viewers for what is it at least like four years and then when the game is launched it's something else yeah I mean the community will attribute its its names to things yeah but in the same in the same way as I call the uh B Titan The Strider yeah because that's what it was called internally for the longest time yeah oh that I see a lot of people calling it a BT just saying the first letters of the words for some reason yeah I mean that it's if you really quickly have to shout oh speaking of like there BT yeah B Tian is maybe a little bit slow ah damn the right torso is open right side of the torax nice oh no I'm going to die to scavengers again re H unfortunate send in that's a lot of stuff okay let's see if we can uh clear out oh man I did not see that charger oh we're walking into another Nest here uh BR Commander uh yeah we're let's get pushed back to towards his legs hurt front left I'm sorry you're good you're good oh no there's another behind it no yeah oh my gosh SK get out get out you got you got to put commander on you as well oh jeez I sto charging there got to be another Mushroom around here right the Char yeah there must be right no oh a weap okay I'm going to randomly do a streaming run how am I alive oh that killed the what reinforcing whoever's down to your right oh I just don't have grenades legs legs I'm out I'm out heavy you know what on my position heavy behind you oh I can fly yeah we're surrounded Heavy's uh charger's leg his his left leg strike okay he should be dead soon he's dead I am I am down I'm out okay watch strike watch strike okay dang I put ammo down right near that bug reach here I've got a I've got an I'm going to set up the auto Cannon back here I'll do a g thing as well Co up with it another BT oh another BT okay distract him so he doesn't go for the rail Cannon or the uh yeah turrets put on some no called you in close to him if you want to try to smash him yeah yeah I'll smash him oh my gosh uh too much too much fog couldn't see him yeah orbital air burst got me I got you again I'm try to slow him down I I I feel like I'm wasting dudes yeah we only got three reinforces left oh wow really yeah we only have one objective completed ooo no I'm focusing on chaff not today I've got orbital rail Cannon y oh no this one close should be dead yep yeah the it's down y wait the second one oh okay has okay I'm going to try to bomb that one there's no way it didn't hear this comat yeah come on I'm running for my all Cannon hit him a little bit I think my can must have died oh no the B is on me please go away Mr B Titan good sir where is it uh oh there right there I'll I'll try to pull aggro from it do you have your backpack still oh watch close watch close oh it's hit quite a bit I'm going to call an air strike on him yeah oh shoot unless he oh nope I I panicked you want you want backpack back back oh do it let's [Laughter] go Auto cannon at 20 M that's the that's the most efficient operating range for that weapon it would have been great if I knew how to hit yeah you know there's there's this little thing called recall you have to oh aim below grenade is my corpse oh no a he [ __ ] me up okay I'm going to run for the eggs no matter the cost play The Objective yeah that's what we should have been doing oh you're alone Drew oh y stand I really love how how the community finds things though like the leg meta for uh for the Chargers like that wasn't the thing we we really realized before launch that's something the community just evolved and I picked up on and went like yeah okay this is how you fight them and that stuff's great it's so nice to see the community figuring figuring stuff out in an a game that is uh systemic like this right because they're going to find stuff we have no idea exists basically but it's funny when you take that kind of approach to game design um of being more agnostic to the outcome and and focus on designing systems that are robust enough to to handle a lot of different varieties fre two charers two charers uh oh they didn't push I'm I'm however pulling two Chargers uh your ingame voice started activating a friend of mine actually uh mentioned that uh for bug n or for egg egg clearing you can use the gas strike oh really which is super killing eggs and it has a very wide area so in in many locations you can drop a gas strike to just clear out the eggs interesting I haven't tried it myself but uh he swears by it the uh anybody with a laser like a laser cannon is also super effective at this just to cleared out with no ammo usage save some resources mhm I really like the the dynamic nature of the maps too going down towards the the egg hives the bug hives and having it all be foggy and you know obviously bug riddled and then you go up here to where it's more natural and the lighting clears up fog goes away yeah something we've talked a lot about is like the the fog and its ability to affect gam play uh and just how claustrophobic it gets especially with an enemy that prefers Mee oh and and the same thing goes for you know uh sunrises sunsets uh when you get like glare from from the Sun and it's so easy for game developers to be like well that's an annoying game experience where uh I can't see when I'm looking into the Sun or but you can also just embrace it and say you know what shooting towards the sun is generally more of a problem than combat in open environments mhm and and we tend to go for just what makes sense yeah so if you if you're fighting and looking into the sun it's going to be more challenging than if you have the sun uh at your back same applies to fog of course same applies to snow rain whatever it might be fire tornadoes fire tornadoes yeah don't step in those that's Happ I promise requ support should be coming this direction also the fact that the autoc cannon has like a Luger style like a p8 style action yeah that is so cool it's uh one of the things that Patrick is most proud about he and one of our animators terrible I'm so sorry oh the bind fight uh disengage we should disengage I'm doing like a a weird bort Direction air strike joining the a support oh my gosh the charger just flew up the wall okay Mr B Titan what do we do with you I am out of stamina and that is bad uh what the oh V Pon turned around no he just had to walk around some oh a it's the on the B destroyed at least yep it is so it can't fuel me oh no but it poked you got oh we both died the same time didn't we yeah pretty much jeez okay well we managed to deliver some democracy mhm but it wasn't it was unmanaged democracy at the end at least yeah oh that quote from one of our community managers unmanaged democracy posting oh yeah instead of posting unmanaged democracy posting I love the amount of propaganda I've seen just hell divers like in in Universe propaganda the last week yeah it's super great like all all of those posters and people are making videos about it and it's very cool and it's something we saw in the first heads as well with the same you know um everyone fights for the same side no one quits you don't do your job I'll shoot you myself uh but uh but it's so much more Amplified now that there's a big community and just the stuff that that the community has generated so far um like someone made the stratum hero as a web page so you can just play it and someone made a hell diversio I think it is that that monitors the war in real time and predicts outcome of planets it's great to see how how engaged the community is in in the game it's it's funny with the with the angle it took when it comes to the uh The Comedy of the game and the satire like a lot of this is uh um it's basically you know the meme era when it was like a long criticism on the uh on US foreign policy mhm um I remember me reading 1984 and uh uh Big Brother theu uh Edward snowden's book when we're making the original hell divers and we start we started meing in interly at the office around like democracy and and so forth and it just turned into to turn into a an in joke at the studio that then of went into the game uh and then it's fun now to see that spreading like especially when people are talking like they speaking in that hell diver jargon mhm sweet Liberty my leg I wish we um would bring back the or or finish the other Concepts that we had for the drop scene where you can see it from the inside as well that would be very cool to add at some point oh oh you're saying a first person inside of the Pod yeah so there's three segments in the scene uh in the drop scene with like I think four variations each so it pieces that together based on like yeah just to get variety every time you drop uh and we had we had planned one that was uh oh no [ __ ] watch it watch it watch it it's the strum Scrambler oh there is oh God the uh the operational modifier oh no orbital Precision strike yeah Superior firep power I blew somebody maybe yep oh no uh I have no idea who that is though this is a random I'm coming through I wish I had my grenade launcher I called in leg it leg it leg it leg it I got you I got you oh leg it oh run run run got it okay grenade launcher thank you you're welome wait oral strike oh no this is the most he operational modifier oh no I landed water oh okay sh so this means that my Eagle 500 pounder is my grenade launcher okay uh it it changes uh every time oh it changes every time great yeah yeah but when after you after you put in the combo uh you can see the color of the ball in your hand Strat ball and then to on the left hand side it says which one is activated oh I have a patrol Patrol on my my location yeah and S okay I'm going to get this spw let's uh get the spawner someone's guard dog there oh grenade I'm trying to toss it back I toss it back nice cool feature by the way oh my God cannon turret there's a can turret with I have no idea from where yeah where uh it's uh I saw one where from behind us somewhere prision strike I'll probably kill that building yep Hell broke oh Hulk Hulk Hulk fire okay oh God I'm empty going behind him yeah do it loading oh sorry Drew you're good nice you should be dead soon there you go okay yeah oh wait he's still is he still walking oh now he's dead uh it'll blow up calling in reinfor okay that's that's a little bit too close range for my for Comfort oh broor you're good I dived right across your line I was a little bit too slow to F this is so bad there's a hell bomb and if the cannon shoots even close to me it's going to set off the hell maybe sneak around it oh there's an AA in placement over eyes on nailed it oh you did and the Destroyer missed huge group there oh they're on us yeah maybe we should just disengage actually let's yeah run it's eag straight R I almost jumped into your light of fire again watch you through I want to pop you like three times in the same way okay okay uh we can go Northwest thank you sprint also makes quite a lot of more noise than regular walking oh really yeah uh you're more visible I believe yeah more visible and uh and noise so I think the enemies I think the the regular detection range is 80 and I think it goes up to 100 if from standing and walking to sprinting I really love the I saw someone with a lot of hours in t play play hell diver solo level 9 difficulty and that was oh God damn it I blew up I do that was awesome to see my go like a steal game is to see if I can level 9 solo it I mean it has been done now has been done but did we say about the engagement range of an aut Canon oh uh teammate got me back in so I'm on the other side of the map I'll tag with him for for a bit and see if we can get the hard drives oh okay I'm I'm coming to you drew okay uh do you have the Hulk uh I have everything okay I'm I'm I'm not having fun anymore I don't like this game I don't like this game uh oh this uh bonus is this a it's a samite a samite oh that's so good quickly quickly there's a there's a drop coming have you seen this through yes yes it helps very much they're very very red alert inspired Red Alert inspired did you guys I I'm guessing you played Red Alert back in the day yeah yeah original coming and Conquer yep yeah red alert one and two are the ones that I I played a ton of in high school with my buddies yeah and I'm and I'm younger than you guys but that's how good the game is we l it oh jeez oh no I have woken The Horde yeah coming what's going on over with your place little bit little bit of stuff a little bit of action love when you see a big explosion yeah that's my best attempt at stealth ooh sey oh nice let's see if there's some nukes in there mhm oh would be nice smoke explosive that's not what I wanted oh there's a bur Circ coming but I think I can deal okay we we both died over here refor see if you can land on the Berserker I'll double Mark him oh wait it's pushing me too hard ah I turnis whooo do we get him that one berser I think so yeah okay I think that may be it I'm looking around oh wait right here more smoke if we want it up to you yeah you were uh here I'll hit the computer you were vouching for the smoke I am vouching for the smoke though I have not used it efficiently so far I have uh called it out too late loation I think the Nal is our only last option actually I don't see many more rounds around I'll do a smoke as number one explosive number two and three and then uh do that one and then another smoke at the end so smoke is on both ends y okay speaking of which what was that who killed me what happened I have no idea I suddenly you exploded they're just on you they really like me they don't care about me at all there you go so how long when you're in cover does it take for them to lose you like uh especially if you're that close can they yeah can they forget about you if you're within a certain radius yeah they can forget about you uh I think it's 4 seconds uh you have having to be out of sight before they start looking into into before they before you turn into like yes a position that you remember Y and then uh they search the area where where you disappeared that's cool for an additional maybe 30 seconds or something like that yeah and if you were in combat already they'll keep firing at your old positions to suppress you as well especially the the bugs they'll come and investigate they look around and then they'll actually spread out into a search pattern oh you have a sample next to you did he see me did he [ __ ] see me yeah their detection time is oh no oh no uh SE artillery SE artillery it's explosive no I I wish I wish I I was I wish I was playing on the controller maybe if I can plug it in to right oh no it's too to cred yeah okay what what if I can plug in the controller and do the while I'm running the claw oh my go the rifle oh see already explosive it okay no it's a tree behind me noost deploy replacement a damn it the controller you got refor it's yep we at zero I guess you better sneak now yeah there you go the particle effect when the uh Devastator gets destroyed when you head shot it the ammunition fire is so cool very nice okay okay we just need to inct for the terminal and then we're good okay yeah friend is on it Freedom mares on thanks to you you may proceed to extraction incredible never mind we did it yeah I'm surprised reload Rockets uh what's down oh h hul right here oh I got blasted off the top thank you now we got to get out of here I have no idea so many things are shooting at me uh North Northeast Northeast Northeast okay got it okay do I have smoke I do smoking on myself okay 2 minutes and then leave it yeah I'll cover our retreat with Napalm watch it that danger go that's a lot of fire let's go let's go I love calling out danger close like thir one second before it hits well it's too late oh I'm okay I'm okay go yeah good watch up grenade yep threw back right never needed strateg smoke oh watch it hul on the back I only have eagle strateg and the their anti a placement is preventing me from calling it in okay we need to split up for the h oh my gosh thank you wor oh I got killed assault Raider blew up blew me up okay uh if you go the other direction you can flank the Hulk I'll pull it this way got it got it maybe on me it's on me yeah yeah it's on on you uh down I got shot by another guys my aim it's all right it's all right 6 seconds let's just run back in I cided them away yeah okay let's just go back do it do it my corpse are sampled if you want Landing Ingress come on shot pilot clear it please Mr sh pilot use your aut kill no it's going to shoot the wo don't shoot those guys ini stand okay go go go oh I just dodged the fire run I'm going in good never in oh hey that was my 100th Mission I got the achievement yep that's one for the history books [Music] oh
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 1,351,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FJs_kqHrzzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 23sec (2603 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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