Helldivers 2 - Heavy Armor Auto Cannon is God tier (Helldive Solo)

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I can count I can count real good actually I'll have you know I'm a counting expert howdy and hello my name is do hope you're doing good the autoc cannon got an indirect buff because heavy armor makes you take 10% less damage and Rockets don't kill you as often anymore so autoc Canon is even better now for me at least rocking without Cannon oh blocking it my bad and rocking Eagle strik I don't even want to n I'm doing 380 mm barrage and then I'm doing bubble Shield it's going to work out trust scorcher Redeemer impact and heavy armor that makes you take reduced explosion damage by 50% I'm playing jalter now I'm I'm jalter with essentially a weaker version of an RPG it's going to be awesome the Bron is Gibby's I forget his name of it and then the shield generator is bubble Shield will the barrage hit anything worth hitting this is it probably not this is the solemn Duty for which you were B I found Zeus's door knob for super samples deploy equipage so cool Downs are increased I think it's cool Co downs and Dro no it's wait it is cool down no it's drop down time so I can be a little bit of a Deen with Supply packs then resupplies I'm so glad they nerfed the duration of those the effect of those negative effects themselves cuz they were atrocious so if they they bug breach if they bot drop it's completely fine although I kind of don't want Hulk to get on me just yet there's something here that's perfectly fine I'm a big fan of Bot dropping trigging a bot drop in a place you're not at and then running away also a big fan of not getting shot by 18 kajillion Devastators over there singing Kumbaya for some reason but maybe that's just me I'm by myself on that one the stamina is a little noticeable here or lack thereof am I hello thank you okay Jammer so that thing was D it was below my wait what that thing was below me so hitting the bounce shot wasn't a thing instead I had to go for a direct shot and I'm not a fan of the scope of any gun honestly like especially the autoc cannon autoc cannon and quazer Cannon have weird Scopes all right it's going to be scorcher for anything that's not Devastators hul and tanks so small dudes and Striders it's scor your time got reload before I'm out of ammo say hello to democracy I'm a mantle warlord when I don't want a mantle it's my specialty the the hills is too strong we got to Nerf Hills wait that's not the first time this happened I've been jumping up a hill trying to shoot and Bing myself earlier was a rock liate six shots shoot reload if you're at six out of 10 you can't reload so you may as well just shoot what you can to get the full reload to have all full 10 shots is a full on math equation with arrows there hasn't been a point to use my stuff quite yet my Gibralter Loadout okay the are if I was a little higher there'd be fall damage right there dropping a p 200 meag so I can break that Tower from over here facility destroy and I should have a bunker out here the bunker out here should trigger another bot drop andag by the time I do this SE artillery I do not like that that's a bit of a boring thing for me cuz it just takes so long but if you have a SE artillery I'd suggest dropping a supply pack there because it'll be there for a while if you're solo just moving rounds willy-nilly this my map by the way I never showed that so we have this all that what the second I hit a bush it closed my map and I I clicked it ping guys there's no way it doesn't hit it there's no way I I refuse to believe it doesn't hit it out of the 30 seconds it'll be active if it doesn't I'm never using it again thank you we were running out of time it wasn't that I didn't believe I just the Clock Was ticking you know okay for objectives let's say we have when you have an objective that has a fabricator on it like the the previous stratum Jammer do you have to break the Fabricators or are they just there for fluff and the main thing is the actual objective like the stratum Jammer or insert whatever can be spawned near Fabricators at the entire POI I said like I'm like I'm live streaming you guys can answer that but I just I'm not quite sure cuz I learned that you don't care about the the Fabricators on the main objective but what about side objectives me it's a we bit different T asset your War you are ofer it's fine I can't get one shot by those anymore I'm not even scared but I am going to break that the second I can just in case something crazy happens I want to make sure I have full stems I was told you can toss these and they said to do something with grenades and I tried that and almost blew myself up so I didn't try it again War you are in of enemy artillery yeah I can maybe use smoke everyone says smoke is cracked they just can't recommend smoke enough I can use two smokes look at me I'll do smoke explosive warning you are in range of enemy artillery I lied but I didn't mean to lie rep we're giv this kid slippers how how how is just a random Hulk that can do that to me warning you are in range of enemy artillery that's Twisted they buff the Hulk for fun dude I how does that even happen that's like a horror mve I'm playing Five Nights at freaking five nights on the creek right now my life for super sending down fortification warning you are in range of enemy artillery warning you are in range of enemy artillery how does that guy sneak up like that it's probably because I shot but I shot so I could I could reload my gun all right I'm not trusting The Barrage take these out I'm simply just not going to do thatat you see if you Bank the shot off the the higher part of that when you're further away and it's not below you it's easy oh my goodness warning you are in range of enemy artillery I don't like whatever that was not a big fan h warning you are in range of enemy artillery autoc can doesn't to play here cuz I have to reload like the playerss Marauders you know what war so freey okay guys warning you are in range of enemy artillery okay we're just not going to do that am I missing right now nothing was there a thing saying I did it congrats must have missed the mo Dey makes sense if I can see the turrets better there I could shoot them from a distance maybe from up here it' be easier I don't know they just seem to be positioned in a particular place that was hard to get you can't tell me there's not a assist on the environment this is sketchy but we're out and there's a tank or something on me from a direction I see [Music] it those tanks are like elephants I they never forget see they're something not they're not programmed to give up they Lin the shot for that tank and it missed tragedy Ava sending down foric I'm not going to leave the bubble if it long enough I can just stay here forever actually they'll break it in time the bubble isn't that goated sadly so then Landing right there not particularly the best thing in the world throwing grenades but in reality I'm out mission is progressing pleas I mean it's fine don't think about it nothing can hit you except for that that's fine though didn't even hurt ing oral Bar CLE the area The Barrage and kill everything High Faith usually put tanks there they were generous this day expecting big things from that barrage is probably a mistake I just have to clear the hill and I win that's what we're looking for big old sending down equipment [Music] h that was weird wasn't weird cuz I was missing I'm just bad sending down fortification critical I'm making the shield look good no making the shield look slightly good one St closer to Mission comption not Amazing by any means but slightly decent half half decent oh dude if I had barrage I could only hope it kills everything here CL and this seems clamble ow static field CL excited how is it hitting over there this static F it's me like what is what even is that for Prosperity realistically BR sending down fortification how about a nice cup of liver tea there's still one more where wors Mission at 20 minutes remaining I know where I see it shoot at the light and that's what I wasn't doing is shooting at the light okay so I did 1 2 3 four I have four sh objectives and there's one more that'd be the five that bot drop's pretty good timing all things considered oral bar if it gets it it gets it if it doesn't it doesn't if it doesn't I'm never using it again but again I have faith is it just one of them I'm I'm only looking back to make sure things are going smoothly I'm not worried at all I'm going back the last one could have been the one dude the last Rock I could have done it all and now I have all the bad guys in the universe on me and the guys I didn't want to no as long as it tank tow isn't shooting at me we'll be fine deploying fortification it only had to get one thing sending down I'm so sad feels good why is it not just shooting in dude the [Music] angle we safe here I wanted those stems real bad if you're looking for the opposite Stealth gameplay I got you back but only if you want the opposite though can't shoot Hill not you can't shoot up the hill if you dive down it you're fine but if you dive down too far you'll you'll fumble little fumina action okay where's that Tower then oh answer my own question here there's a few dudes over here still wonder why six from six to 10 just got to shoot that one shot yeah so barrage was kind of a troll pick as long as they not on the machine gun I don't really care they do injury what injury at what distance can you hell bomb this thing cuz the hell bomb's up brother hellbomb request approved on it way now sending down equipment package say hello to democracy I can drop supplies there now bomb arm clear the area I'm me GG bot drop critical automaton facility destroyed we have a major automaton facility remaining and 13 minutes it's still red does that matter though going to find out objective critical Strat available I could have been patient and saved my resupply for here and that makes a lot lot more sense in hindsight I can't play up there cuz my shield and stuff will bounce off I'm pretty sure of course young Patrol on the way I mean they're going to get involved regardless I as well try and kill a Hulk if I can if I see one firing orbital barrage clear the area sending down fortification let me live it please pop up pop up pop up we're good the The Barrage is doing big things the barage is griefing beyond belief reest approved we were doing so well if I die here I a mad you have accomplished Liberty extracted your so I'm kind of scared that I don't I won't complete the mission if I don't do the thing over here cuz it's the only thing on the map that's left it's the only thing on the map left is red and if I die I don't really care too much cuz I have Auto uh whatchacallit I have my cool Downs back up naal of all things I mean I'll take it I guess my Supply pack is still at the top of this thing as well all right this angle same thing you know what becomes an issue whenever you're below it or at a crazy side angle well I was trying to survive reest appr deploy reinforc thanks for the getaway nerds after that first Hulk death I kind of just don't care about dying that first death was not my fault he pulled up he insta kills you what can you do oh I'm not done yet that's right I noticed I barely even check my mini map for enemies I kind of just my my main thing is if I hear that the patrols I played a bit cooler cuz I don't necessarily want to get Agro them if I can if I can help it listen ideally extraction is available drop Do It Whatever whatever if they did it awesome they still can do it we'll see sometimes Bots remain in combat with you long after you're gone and they'll just be bot dropping to where you were a a long time ago even though the bot drop could not really reach you they'll lose interest on the way to you and I'm pretty sure that exact same thing just happened yeah they're patrolling from the facility okay so realistically I would 380 mm barrage I just don't trust it I'll save the barrage from my my base my life for super what the extraction is available he has the angle but I have weaves the web sending down foric that should be everything we go okay so let's go ahead and review the work real quick 1 2 3 4 four five we got five side objectives and then everything else is gone all the red stuff's gone that's what matters you do objectives you do the red stuff we good one two three I'll go for a deathless when it makes sense I would have been trying harder in that regard but that whole crept up he was wearing socks inside of a hallway that was recently waxed he's on marble floor that recently got whacked sliding s and slithering straight to my address pulled up with a swiftness and hit the flamethrower I don't accept blame for that it's funny how this game uses lights to mess with you they'll put lights over objectives so you have to break the light to see what you're pressing on the buttons or they put red lights on a map like this so there's crazy lens flare the newest gunships have that and people are freaking out the lens flare is not fair it's intentional which I don't think is unfair it's it's a part of it if you're on a darker map the lens flare is a bit crazier but you can still handle it once you get used to what it looks like what the gunship looks and feels like you can shoot the engines without even without like with just seeing the nose of the gunship you'll shoot the engines just by knowing becomes a memory thing the perfect wait no this probably a bad SP to bad unideal spot for what iall it wait spot for jalter the giby tech see I use aut Canon more this game look at me big things ETA T minus 2 minutes 30 seconds orbital bar incoming stand clear I like the combination and it Shields me for my own blast ETA T minus 2 minutes I think it's really snazzy except it when kills me don't do it I doing so well we're good close though ETA T minus 1 minute and 30 seconds all right don't use this build with randoms they will not like you rightfully so because this is a this build is a grief and a half autoc cannon is good Shield relay is good the grief part is the 380 mm it's just not accurate enough ETA tus 1 minute oh oh up oh out like I mentioned like I mentioned you can dive but the hill will destroy you I was going to do some crazy stuff I actually lost where I was so never mind I was going to miss 30 seconds the h too steep man Shenanigans cannot be shenanigan right there if you shenan again you'll get shenan got I mean all in all it's not bad if I play stealthier I could live more I know but what's the fun in that at this point it seems that the not the majority a lot more people could just sit there crawling through the map they wanted to but I think it's more fun trying to manage all the nonsense what I do what I prefer is the Tactical the Tactical distraction wait kills about a nice cup of Li that guy about destroyed me okay no no extraction complete I'm not dealing with it I missed too many shots almost I was scared he could kill me in the ship cuz those hulks have been shooting through structures recently they've been pulling B Titans the ball Titans will spit through walls and underneath floors and kill you the flamethrower hulks doing the same thing they're learning from their distant Brethren 1 3 three oh camera in the wrong spot AMA my wasn't that crazy the whole time we're good all right so we full cleared outstanding patriotism I heard recently I heard I don't know for sure I heard that experience is what contributes to Total Liberation the more experience you get the better now when you hear me say that doesn't mean you should force everyone you play the game with to full clear missions which take 40 minutes just more if you fail a mission it's not a big deal necessarily because you still get experience you get some experience if it's true I don't know for sure kind of hard to test that I think it's more like a data mine thing 184 73.7% 419 309 deaths 3 I was a yogger David any that's VI autoc can is cracked feels a lot better with heavy armor being the way it is and 380 mm plus Shield is funny it's pretty fun solo and thanks for watching have a good day peace
Channel: OhDough
Views: 105,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 auto cannon, helldivers 2 heavy armor, helldivers 2 auto cannon solo, helldivers 2 heavy armor buff, helldiver difficulty, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 max difficulty solo, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 update, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 geological survey
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 10sec (2530 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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