Helldivers 2 - Best Way to Farm Samples & Walkthrough/Guide

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howdy and hello I'm do hope you're doing good and here's the best way to get samples and held Dage 2o look for defense campaigns they're not always here but when they are there's a mission type you can do that has crazy sample density in certain areas and that will be retrieve essential personnel as seen as such the icon is a up arrow on a shield the other mission is going to be called emergency evacuation with a solid Shield the map size is different and the sample density is different you can get the same samples on both Maps but one will take you a lot longer these missions both say 40 minutes actually whoo they changed it I I lied they changed it before they both said 40 minutes but this one now correctly says 15 minutes and the samples are still crazy even after all the updates so I assume that this is intentional the less land mass the better you have potential for a lot less of the junk po you're not looking for it if you're just searching for samples and whatnot and you can still get things like super credits too just saying also way less time to travel so this map setup the way it kind of is or similar ones let me get basically 80 samples solo which I think is crazy it means that now if people believe that the more focus on the objective the better they can stand the objective but I'm out here getting shamp for the Squadron I'm doing the same old the usual nuke G okay cool making sure I do not have scorcher it's not bad vers bugs I really do prefer the sickle though cuz a load out I have right now rail gun is for all the armored enemies and then the CLE is for all the critters and so is the gas strike and then if I need the nuke to kill multiple things to be quicker there it is it's a decent load out I think I like it a lot and the jump pack goes crazy as well I can't move my Jetpack I wanted to go right but I couldn't this is it this is the dut now will I get kicked for doing this let's go ah and find out but look at the land area on look at the land on the mini map and look we have 4035 is that not crazy I think it's a bit crazy just so many samples for such a small map to explore and this level eight difficulty I think you can get the same samples seven I just couldn't find a map that was oriented like this for the example which in a full group when you hold shift it makes you climb I keep forgetting when you're a full group you shouldn't worry about the size of the map too much but for sake of example I wanted to show you that even on these smaller Maps a lot of the time you can get crazy crazy samples I remember on inar the robot Mission there was times where the smaller Maps only gave you 15 of the green samples and that's that's it which was less than ideal all right here's the strategy I'm going to save that blinking light thing for later they're destroying people beyond space and time something crazy um I'm going to Nuke these charges I think s i kind of hoping he would be a little bit closer that new kid if they surviv that requ one survived that I'm impressed no they didn't roll and smoked this the first main POI I've gone to oh there's no samples do Li pipe give it a Ganda sample acquired support is it not insane look it isting oral strike and there's more over there as well but I should hopefully not forget that's a location we'll see I don't have any way to open up the blue and orange bins except for gas strike so every 70 seconds I can do that there's a bug breach on me reinforcing and that's that's one of the reasons why this is so beneficial is that I can take away bug breaches from the Squadron the only thing is I need to try not to die that way I can keep the aggro over here I can keep the potential to spawn bug breaches away from the main base and if you turn off your compass which I did it won't tell you there a bug breach but you can sort of feel the ground shake and it gives you slight indications that there are bug breaches happening and this is why I bring gas strike requesting oral strike I'm going keep going straight so they fall the exact same path War you are leaving the mission no I'm not tactically positioning I don't know what my plans are is that double doors okay and this is going to be more shampel most likely yep requesting air support reloading I was hoping for a few more than six kills thereat Z yo I need uh more of the young gas strikes you like Freedom never sleep there's another another bug breach on me I need to find a way to kill these dudes found cuz there's even more samples in this in these three pois there's 40 samples dude easily 40 samples ow feels good Hunters don't slow me reques oral strike calling in orbital strike reloading okay I did a jump pack this guy knew 29 kills that gas strike Mission at 10 minutes remaining they repositioning how's that guy up here make it make sense if I'm quick look at the hunter what is [Music] that of democracy okay I need I need cool Downs there's a another bug breach on me I'm trying to get these shamp dude I need them so bad but so far I think I've gotten three or four three or four breaches on me which means that my team is getting so much leeway to just press buttons for free and all they have to do is handle the random patrols that are just roaming around which are usually pretty light and not a big deal and I don't know if the patrols I don't know if the bugs can summon I don't words I don't know if the bugs can summon bug breaches themselves or if it's just the random ones that happen just cuz it happened requesting sry requesting orbital strike I wish there was a sound Q for this thing I really do the leg G 10g my sense in these PVE games is always not dialed it's like there it's floaty because I don't want to be sweating crazy hard and it makes me feel self-conscious cuz folks will talk trash it's like bro I know I can aim well in games there's no point in taking it that serious in a PVE game I'm not trying to get arth arthritis at a young young age a ripe age of 26 Passad I disagree with that last shot right there and the cool thing too is you don't need you don't need to call in Supply packs that much at all because of all the random supplies lying around I just don't want to die out here my main goal is to not die draw my my two things are to draw aggro and not die if you do die it's fine but it's just not ideal of course the thing that can wble me lives a single one of those gives you back all stems I didn't know that there's a b Titan I heard it you got be vigilant of where these things spawn on this map they can get kind of caddy Wampus which normally they don't but on this map they do is there a POI out here or is like I just stuck a good way to or an easier way to find stuff on these missions in particular is to Simply look for stationary bugs although sometimes they kind of just bug out like those are but normally a good indicator is the bugs just aren't moving cuz they're guarding the POI in a sense and be very careful of these explosive gas canisters a bug hits one of those things you're near it you die can't tell I here the footsteps of the B anymore now I can okay bro so me and M2 are both getting the samples and then D1 I'm Diamond one he is getting other stuff he's getting the the actual objective a CU it's most efficient to do this Mission get all the stuff you want to get complete it for sure and in the process you get and work on that stuff as well I feel like that makes the most sense to me I never broke this door open did I I could nuke it bit excessive but I could minutes we can't St this low longer yeah yeah yeah it calling in oral strike surely we're we're making major leeway major Headway I've gotten 40 samples by myself basically didn't James Bowie already leave almost committed the self to doku look at me we're only missing we actually we went over on the green samples and now we're only missing 11 of the wait we went over on the orange samples and now we're missing 11 of the the green why are colors the hardest thing in the universe I do this thing where I have the jet pack on and I never use it I don't know why I'm like this how do you say that guy's name more or less all Destroyer join more Lessa realistic I don't know how you that guy's name oh my God no dude no oh you lived that's not as fun you should have gotten the you should have gotten the same treatment I got they put Center blocks on my pod and they sent me straight to David Jones front door okay there stationary dots out here see and a bug breach on mayun or either on me or close to me one two F chill I know you can kill me even without your head I get it you're better down requal strike this might be a throw but if they don't push me I'm chilling so far my personal best was 60 actually no it was 83 samples in a single run but I deleted the footage because I had far too many things going on super credits medals I think I had I deleted so many hell divers recordings alone I removed a terabyte of footage cuz I was running out of space on my 4 terab drive and unluckily a bunch of Clips I went through and labeled in my Premier Pro 83 samples Solo or 83 samples all by my lonesome like all that nonsense gone maybe for the best I think that people enjoy this stuff more a little bit like just showing exactly how it looks because it's pretty easy to show you guys content and do it in a misleading way which I don't do I try not to at least but it is very easy to just to say oh this is so simple and in reality it's not but this is very simple just don't die all you have to do if you're doing this is not die grab samples other stuff don't die and even if you do die it's fine and looky there the Squadron handled the objective it's not always going to be the case that that happens just because people are running strange loadouts run what you want to run but recognize that some guns in the current state with the current philosophy of balancing are not good against certain monsters like the sniper the anti-material rifle does next to nothing vers Chargers it does vers battle Titans so if this person if James BWI was the only person watching the base they could not do it and James BWI helping with the base would be a terrible idea because they would just be contributing to all the heavy and B Titan spawns by just being at the base and that's not a big deal lower level lower level your builds don't matter that much but on freaking level eight level 9 difficulty it helps to know what you're doing I had a guy earlier who is mowing a b Titan with the minigun of the exo suit which does nothing to it but they were putting rounds they were hoping and praying that one of those bullets would penetrate and hits peut brain take it out what else we got I like the anti-tank pick a lot and the turrets if you put your turrets in a good spot they can do a lot reinforement budgeted and no mortars is huge Tesla Tower interesting we need to get anti anti antimaterial rifle kills anyway I think everyone's using the anti mature rifle is because it's a current daily yeah ammo give this guy more ammo but we are only missing how many samples we're only missing two samples I think which is insane and I got all but 15 I would have gotten more 20 seconds I'm scared that thing where is my rail gun we got to handle these ball Titans approaching pickup pel One landing sequence initiated watch where you're standing count ini we have all these dudes just guarding it it might be wise not to be camping at the extraction point and be away from it a little bit that way the monsters don't pile up around the extraction Point complete I should have grabbed those samples I didn't think about it I didn't think about it when someone dies that's the main goal but I also saw we had 2 seconds left viory was never in that's me I should have grabbed the samples I know I said the s word a lot this game or a lot this video samples but what else am I going to call them and it's not that I need them either I'm just showing you guys what you can do and what I recommend doing cuz I'm already maxed out on samples I've been that way for a long time now and these missions pop up I've been meaning to make this video and I never do cuz for some reason I'm stuck on this idea of trying to do better or not do better but trying to seek perfection in a sense which is so dumb so doing it live like this kind of helps with that or live for me not life for y'all it kind of helps I think I got around 50 that run I'll probably show you a bunch of outtakes here or just a bunch of random tidbits after this young do didn't make the cutc back I got 53 samples and they got 17 that mission can last you a maximum of 177 minutes keep in mind even if you fail the mission don't just leave if you do need things like the samples because if your teammates have them you can still extract the extraction ship comes whether you finish the mission or not if you finish the mission you can wait to call the extraction you don't have to call it it'll get called no matter what once the timer hits zero giving you guys two extra minutes sometimes four depending on a certain modifier that I don't think you get in these missions and that is how the whole a roughly 17-minute match thing happens so just be aware of these things an extraction ship comes for you no matter what unless you all die in which case they'll get your bodies eventually and put them in a coffin and maybe have a service who knows I'll put you in the space force dumpster [Music] dude I think that that's so crazy dude oh I wonder where the team's at right now surely they're doing just fine the first mission I did this today they did really well that 29 out of 50 now here's a joy you can cross those little what you could do that would be really smart is drop your samples off near the extraction point or near the base at least that way if you don't make it back for some reason they're there or at least the ones you currently have are there if my team can't finish this Mission it is not on me I summoned away three bug breaches make that potentially four potentially four bug breaches so [ __ ] stupid they never hit the buttons dude how are we at 0 to 60 the moment you land the very moment you land you hit the button and you get at least nine this is why I don't recommend doing level 9 difficulty for this Mission we're going to get 31 green 30 Orange and six Super I guess it's the hardest difficulty we're getting less samples reload you can get the same you can get 4030 onel on a level seven Mission if you're still on the fence about getting the samples and have one person Press buttons just know this if you all get buttons and fail a mission you get no samples if three folks get samples and one person pressing buttons can't do it well you still get samples even if the mission fails in this case this person had the freest time and still messed up what was the load out they're rocking a mortar and they're rocking a thing they're rocking a exo suit that's a you're relying on a lot there if your Exo Suit dies or if you don't know how to shoot your Rockets correctly you now have no way to defend the base and you can play how you want to play but recognize that the choices you make will impact your chances of success especially when you're shoot you see see what I mean if you don't know how the thing works and you're relying if you if you rely on the mech suit you don't know how it works you're in for bad news you're in for a bad time
Channel: OhDough
Views: 168,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 samples, helldivers 2 sample farm, helldivers 2 best way to get samples, helldivers 2 retrieve essential personnel guide, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 walkthrough, helldivers 2 sample guide, helldivers 2 mission guide, helldivers 2 best sample mission, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 retreive essential personnel tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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