USEFUL Tips and Strategies the Game DOESN'T Tell You in Helldivers 2 - From a Level 50 Player

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hello hello everybody this is nasrai coming back at you again today with another hell divers video you know I honestly never expected the first one to do as well as it did but in the spirit of that here we are again I don't know if this one will do as well either but uh you know we're just here for the fun of it now what we're going to be talking about today is just going to be some general tips for the games not really a numbered list or anything but as you can see I made it to level 50 and I'm going to be sharing with you some of the hidden knowledge that I found out through playing the game that has helped ease my experience some of this information will be relevant post patch because it applies to the way I still currently play the game so hopefully I'll have some things here that you may not already know about if you're very avid player of the game some of these things you probably will know about but other people that are newer or maybe just you haven't heard something that's on here so hopefully I'll be able to help you out a little bit we're going to go ahead and jump into a mission here but the first thing that I just wanted to point out which seems rather obvious is the planets all have a day night cycle and when you're picking a mission you can see that little Moon next to that planet there or that mission there or the little Sun next to this one so not only can you tell by looking at the actual Planet but say you're kind of matching quickly and you just want to know what your lighting conditions are going to be that's a really quick and easy way to tell whether you're going to be doing a night op or a daytime Mission with that being said I'm going to pick a mission Jump Right In in and make a cut to the mission so we can get right to the tips for game play here so I'll see you shortly all right so now that we are down on the battlefield here we can test out and show you guys some of the tips so the very first one is a very simple concept here when you're going to resupply of course we all love our grenades our impact grenades for B spewers and Bug holes and robot factories Etc but anyway when you're going to resupply there is a way you can pack an extra grenade so if you have your grenade in hand when you go to resupply assuming you have less than full grenade so two or three is the target you're going to want to have here and you resupply you'll notice that now I have five grenades in my hand I can Stow that extra grenade switch back to my gun resume my combat Ops and just carry that extra grenade around with me this has been a really helpful trick for me especially on missions that have those bile speing giant fat tick bugs because the impact grenades will take them out in one hit so packing the extra grenade when you're wandering into a bug Nest or into a heavy combat situation can really be invaluable now this will work not only with the supplies that you drop in but it'll also work with map found grenade replenishment boxes that you can pick up and as well it'll work with the armor that gives the passive for extra grenades so I believe that one tops out at six grenades but if you resupply when you're holding four or five it should tip you over to seven in which in case you'll have an extra grenade there honestly super useful but let's get on to the next tip here I don't even think I need a cut for this one so we all know the breaker shotgun was nerfed in the the L last major patch that kind of altered things in the game and that's left room for other guns to shine and while I still think the breaker is a fabulous gun I do think that it is not necessarily the blanket best gun for every general purpose situation anymore and I found a lot of of love with the pump shotguns now this one specifically is the one that shoots slugs as you can see in front of us here we have a hive Defender and a brood Commander here now this shotgun will make easy work of these guys it'll shoot right through the armor of the hive Defender here and he's quickly dead also with the brood Commander go for the head and legs take off their head they're basically on a timer till they die and the legs will prevent them from getting to you but something else I like about this gun because you may be thinking well the pump shotgun is not so great when you are swarmed but this gun can basically function at zero ammo due to animation cancelling the reload as you can see me doing right here so being a pump shotgun it has a special feature like the revolver that when you reload this gun you do not discard the extra ammo so you can basically sit here and animation cancel your reloads when you're dealing with a bug breach or a big swarm and basically have effectively infinite ammo at least until the point where you run out of your stocks that your character is physically holding I found that this tip makes the shotgun here pump one specifically much more versatile cuz it has some of those Auto firing qualities that you're missing out on from the breaker that we just lost and with the Slugger version specifically you get that punch through the medium armor here so again this trick really helps and you can do it on the go just keep shooting I find that it is a little bit easier to time the animation cancel for the reload when you're in first person but you can do this in third person just fine as you can see we took out all of those enemies that are following us with just this shotgun here and we didn't have to use any orbitals or anything else to really support us and we effectively never ran out of ammo for the combat anyway now now we're going to have to restock but that's the second tip for you right there now for our next tip here involves the mech now there's nothing inherently super special about the mech itself but something that I've figured out is if you are taking a lot of damage and your Mech is around something that I didn't know that you could do until I figured it out was that you can say dive into your Mech get into your Mech at low health and have some protection and then you can worry about stemming inside of your Mech now the reason this is so great is because it can really help prevent you from dying if you happen to have a Mech around and say you get out to close some bug Holes without wasting some missiles or pick up some samples or whatever you happen to be doing your outside of your Mech and you get ambushed you can heal while you're inside of your Mech which can really prevent you from potentially trying to run around frantically and heal you know it gives you a little bit of a minute to collect yourself heal at the cost of a little bit of Mech armor so that's something else that's extremely helpful that I've noticed if you are in fact having fun with the Mech of course you can also in the mech step on all these hazards with no problems and you can see that we're Rocking The Shield bubble as well now this isn't something that I have extensively tested but as you can see with the shield bubble still being on while we're inside of the mech I do believe and you could just see that it ran out that wearing a shield bubble gives your Mech some extra defenses against getting swarmed from taking damage there otherwise why would the shield bubble be taking those hits and then dissipate and have to recharge as you can see my shield bubbles back up again well let the robotss hit me or not the robots sorry we're fighting bugs we'll let the bugs hit me some more and you're going to see The Shield is taking these hits and keeping my Mech alive cuz the shield just dropped again so something else another tip that could be very helpful for you is if you are the mech pilot in your squad or if you're just playing with mechs bringing the shield bubble can give your Mech some extra survivability now generally this isn't always helpful because the mech runs out of ammo a lot of times before it dies but as you can see when when you're getting swarmed that can definitely help out now we have a charger boy here right now I'm actually going to hop out of the mech and go to our next tip which is honestly great for newer players that want to play on a higher difficulty hey no no no no no you get over here don't attack my Mech so how do you take out Chargers now that the rail gun has been nerfed and say you don't want to run around and shoot them in the legs all the time so you want to be quick about it and even a level one player could do this on a harder difficulty so what you're going to want to do here here is pack your starter default orbital Precision strike as you can see I got that in my hand you're going to let the charger charge at you like you're a bull rider and you're going to let him run past you as you can see whenever he does that he stops he turns around and he doesn't move until he lines up again for another charge so just like a matador just like we're in a bull fight here we are going to have our orbital Precision in hand we are going to let him run past to the point where he's not charging us anymore and we're going to let his charge be interrupted and then we're going to pitch this right at his booty hole so let him oh he ran into a rock there I mean you could use the Rock and his stun is the same thing but I want an organic dodged Matador style bull charge here that we can use so he's going to run past us there he's going to stop to turn around and he's not going to charge at us until well we kind of ran out of time we pushed it to the Limit there but as you can see it killed him cuz when he stops to turn around that really uh gives you enough time to get that orbital in there and get an instant free kill on a charger now this can work against two Chargers as well assuming they're both following you and not split up amongst your teammates but it was a really helpful thing that I figured out which let me ditch the rail gun honestly in favor of some other orbitals to play with now you still might want to bring the orbital rail Cannon for dealing with bile Titans but for Chargers your default starter level one Precision orbital strike is all you need to effectively take them out and we're going to try and find another charger and do that again make it look a little cleaner there but let's continue on our mission here for giving you guys tips another quick little tip here is that Mexican stomp I don't know if everyone's tried this but if you melee in the mech as you saw me right there you can stomp on little bugs and now for our next tip here now we are pretty well stocked up but assuming we were out of everything no grenades all of our orbitals on cool Downs nothing explosive and no way to take out this final hole well you can use your support orbitals As Weapons that's right weaponized support orbitals like a resupply here let's go ahead and do some animation cancelling and take out these guys that are following me here and then I will talk to you about weaponized orbitals since we just got jumped in the middle of doing all this get out of here I don't need that Mech anymore anyway it did have lots of missiles but it is what it is so anyway assuming we have nothing left here go away we can call in a trusty resupply as our weapon so we'll position it like so there and the resupply in theory will come down and act as an orbital and take out our pesky bu hole here something that I found to be very useful and actually would have helped me out a lot in my last video is weaponizing your support call-ins you can do this with the guns you can do it with turrets you can do it with resupplies whatever you need to turn into a weapon do so in the name of democracy another tip we have here is say you end up finding yourself in a high spot and you think you're going to die when you jump off well I kind of covered this in my last video but if you stem before you jump you will have a small window of pretty much invulnerability at least from you know low amounts of damage and fall damage so we're going to go ahead and stim here and then jump off and as you can see we didn't take any damage so that's another useful feature of stems Beyond them just obviously healing you taking away your injuries and completely refilling your stamina so that little window of invulnerability is quite handy for surviving in sticky situations another helpful tip that I have for everybody is say you're on a mission and as we can see far off over there somewhere there is a radar Tower it's an objective but it's not on the map so if you are able to Ping an objective from a distance you will now see that that objective has been added to the map when it was not there before so that is an ex extremely helpful way to navigate the map to spot things from far away to put them on your map when they otherwise wouldn't be to then plan your route through a map to get through and get all of your objectives done thought that that one was helpful and it the game doesn't really tell you about that so that's something you can do to help your team out or if you're playing in Solo play get another one of our Matador charger kills in here oh no it's bouncing let's get him to charge this way still works as you can see one mag with a the sniper rifle we'll take out the Spore spew another little tip I have for you guys is confusing enemy pathing with water sometimes like here in this stalker Nest when I took it out you'll find like a little Lake here that's got some deep water and as you can see when I cross it the monsters the bug monsters over there they won't cross they're going to start trying to path around to get me from the other side and I can just wax on them now as soon as they start to come around this side you can just hug this rock right here duck back over to the other side and it's similarly they're not going to be able to get you from over there run back over and as you can see with some ponds of deeper water the bugs pathing is completely destroyed so it's not going to work for all your shallow pools of water but this is definitely a trick that can help you take out stalker nness and help keep you alive while kind of funneling enemies into a place where you want them to be so you could take them out with every advantage that you possibly can as you can see I've directed them all the long way around this Lake and as they're walking around them I'm just gunning them all down here and if I ever got overwhelmed I could just skirt right on back over here and they're not going be able to get me as you can see they're starting to path back around to the left now after a little bit of confusion so just an easy way to kind of trap enemies and mow them down in situations where you might other otherwise find yourself surrounded and kind of boned a little bit so that's just something there that helpful I felt like uh was worth pointing out something else that I found incredibly useful has nothing to do with game play really itself but by default let's call in our sniper rifle here so I can show you what I'm talking about by default the weapon swapping in this game goes from your main weapon that you're using over to your pistol now I find that to be not terribly useful especially when I'm packing a second gun here they want you to like long press to swap between your sniper and your primary weapon but what I've done is just swap that so in the options you can quickly change it so that you can swap between your two Primary Weapons or your primary and your support weapon if you will and then you have to long press to then pull out your pistol so that's something there that's worth noting long press swap makes it easier to swap between your two big guns when you you are in desperate need so weapon swap mode Hell divers classic there you can see it's in the options I'm getting tore up out here but I wanted to go ahead and throw that out there also look how I've got this one down my dude is he died there but as you can see I was just reloading and shooting nonstop so another helpful tip I have for you guys is kind of specific to Rocking The Shield barrier but not completely so you can of course drop items in this game if you bring up your inventory options you can drop your backpack you can drop your samples you can drop your support weapon Etc so some times where this has been extremely useful for me which I'll try and replicate here are one if you are near the extract at any point in your Loop through the map and you're carrying samples you can obviously drop your samples at the landing spot where you're going to be extracting and they will generally stay there until the end of the mission I've never have them despawn or fall through the map or anything like that so if you're worried about let's say running into these eggs right here and getting killed and not being able to extract with your samples you can drop your samples right there another pretty critical usage of the drop function to say you're rocking a shield bubble like I am and you happen to stick yourself with a supply drop normally this would be like instant death and of course I missed right there of course I did let's see can I call down I can call down the sniper rifle but normally that would be instant death as it's going to stick to your barrier and um yeah it's basically going to kill you so it kind of randomly happens I I don't know if I'm going to be able to replicate it here with the sniper rifle and I don't want to wait to find out but if you ever find that you get stuck by your own support income coming I don't know if they patched it maybe you can't anymore but you can quickly drop the backpack and run away from it and then this supply drop will fall on that and not you now that's only relevant with these supplies and support weapons with the blue beam the red ones generally do not track so you don't have to worry about those ones like the orbital strikes and whatnot but the blue ones do track and it is possible for you to get stuck unless they patched it before uh I found out so dropping the backpack will be a clutch function if you ever need to get out of being stuck by uh what is otherwise an instant KO the last tip I have for today which I don't know if I'm going to be able to capture in its Perfection is identifying what me and my friends have since dubbed I it sounds like a 12-year-old saying this but dick Rock All Right dick Rock butt plug Rock ball sack Rock whatever you want to call it I just dropped in on this Mission literally right here and looked around and I could see it right there so it's 300 M away we're going to run up to it but the thing about this rock is the samples the pink ones of the super uranium variety will always spawn at this rock now many of you may know this already but the reason I bring it up is because there is on the map and this is why I don't know if I'll be able to capture this cuz it's it's going to find everything but there is a fake dick Rock on the map oh there right here side by side this is perfect all right so right here is the same Rock and I call this one fake dick rock this is impostor dick Rock impostor dick Rock always always always will have this spiky ugly torous ball sacky growth attached to it here and I found that these super samples for me are never at fake dick Rock now you might see this rock off in the distance and you're like oh it's dick Rock I found it and then you get there and then for me it's always always ammo again I've never found no I can't die right here this is too convenient but anyway I've always found that fake dick Rock never has anything it's always at the real dick Rock which is further up the hill here just trying to ignore this stupid Hunter who's already taken like two slugs yeah so fake dick Rock has the spikiness on it but real dick Rock up here this one will have our super uranium samples now if you're playing on harder difficulties there's still only one of these on the map like I played on insane and little B A hell dive and just more samples will spawn around the base of it so as you can see here super uranium always at dick Rock and just be on the lookout for that fake rock that's going to try and get you excited and then deliver nothing so yeah that's about it for that tip right there that's about all the tips that I had for y'all today I mean there's plenty more in the game there's so much going on and so many different little systems and attention to detail going on in this game but I didn't want to keep it too long I figured I'd throw out at least 10ish or could have been give or take two or three things that really help me play the game and get through some really lesser known things as well and some simple things that you may have just overlooked with that being said I do hope that you appreciated and enjoyed this video maybe learned a thing or two let me know down in the comments if there was anything in the video that you didn't already know or if you are also a hell diers skull Admiral expert and you knew all of this stuff with that being said the final thing I'm going to close out on here is the load out that I'm currently running post patch uh I do like the light armor build I do like the pump shotguns I do like the machine gun secondary of course the impact grenade nothing has changed but the armor that I'm really enjoying running is this light armor that's got the throwing range 30% buff and the 50% limb Health not not only does limb health help keep you alive during you know strenuous situations but the increased throwing range really helps you land your orbitals where you need to and from a further safer distance as well now there is a variant of the light armor that's got the 50% explosive resistance I think that one's a top Contender also but out of all the armors that I have so far in the game I've just been enjoying this one the most until the uh ginro the wolf Brigade armor that's leaked that's up and coming I'm probably at least going to be using that helmet I don't want to spoil it for anyone that doesn't already know but cool cool new armor Cosmetics have been coming but that being said this is the one that I've been enjoying running the most the orbitals now are a little bit more flexible again I always bring the orbital rail if I know I'm going to be fighting Titans but even the default starter precision as you saw is great for Matador and bull fighting with chargers and taking out holes and everything else you can use your supplies when you need to and a pinch to take holes out and kill things if you absolutely have to and uh if you like this video let me know maybe I'll make another one and try and collect some more tips with that being said I do hope you have a great day for democracy have a good one and we'll catch you on the next one peace out
Channel: Nasdorachi
Views: 109,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers, helldivers 2, useful tips, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 level 50, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 guide
Id: 5GSpJoyFJlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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