This Build Makes Automaton Missions a JOKE (Helldivers 2)

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one day not too long ago the helldivers 2 Community lost the creek and many of us swore a Blood Oath never again today we're going to go over a build that's become my go-to when fighting automatons in particular and it is damn reliable even at Hell diive difficulty which is where I do the majority of my diving these days so let's make like John Connor uh no not that one the good one there we go and kick off our anti-robot campaign with armor which believe it or not is actually a key part of this build I don't know about y'all but nothing makes me more Angry than this these little bastards who quietly stand off to the side and randomly hit you out of the clear blue sky with a rocket launcher for Omega damage don't get me wrong lasers are annoying but robots with pocket rockets are the bane of my life and now when I do automaton missions I am borderline addicted to armor with the Fortified ability reduces recoil when crouching or prone but more importantly gives a fat 50% resistance to explosive damage now I'm going to take a quick moment to plead to the the devs over at Arrowhead and ask that this armor passive be added to more armor sets in the medium category cuz I'm pretty sure that right now fortified can be found only on heavy armor with any potential exceptions like the B24 medium armor living only in the superstore and look if it's in the name of democracy I'll drop some credits for the war effort but yeah make a mental note if the B24 set comes back into the rotation or you find any other non-heavy armor with fortified I'm going to hard recommend that you pick that up I generally like medium armor for the additional mobility and when comboed with fortified it goes hard in automaton missions again lasers are always going to be annoying but now I at least have some vote of confidence that when I get tagged by a rogue rocket at a left field it won't be an instant [ __ ] you type situation if you don't have medium fortified armor I'll continue to say that armor with the Democracy protects passive is incredibly beneficial for letting you tank stuff that would otherwise kill you literally half the time I've been preaching that armor for the past two build videos but this Twitter clip from player printer paper 18 sums it up quite nicely no I walked on a mine oh and they all spawn on you wait what the I mean seriously godamn moving on why don't we talk about Primary Weapons and before I skip merrily down shotgun pedaling Lane we should talk about the plaz one scorcher aka the final weapon unlock in the standard war bond this weapon is fantastic at droing Bots from medium to long range and can even take care of these annoying Scout Striders which can often be tricky to deal with due to their armor and protection and it's nothing fancy you don't have to get around them or anything just a few shot Center Mass on their big shield and they go down I will tell you though I think there are two flaws of the plaz one one is that they have a shallow mag you'll definitely be dropping those Bots easily at range but you'll also be reloading fairly often fatal flaw number two is that it can be difficult to deal with enemies up close with the plaz one if you're used to running a shotgun or other close- range primaries I usually run the Redeemer together with the plaz one instead of my usual Senator to get quick breathing room up close if need be if you don't yet have the plaz one unlocked shotguns can still shred through Bots up close just be sure you're careful at long range more on that a bit later for grenades I like the g16 impact just to quickly get damage on Bots that might be closing the gap on you I know some folks out there might be quick to mention that impact nades are kind of iffy on destroying bot Outpost buildings which is true but while it can be tricky you can definitely still do it just got to get the angle right you can also just wait for the door to open up and for a bot to walk out and then Chuck your impact nade in the open door and the building blows up easy peasy all right strategy time pretty recently the orbital 380 barrage got buffed in the form of both longer duration and Tighter spread and good Lord is that that effective especially in automaton operations find a bot Outpost Chuck that bad boy as deep as he can back up and spend the next half a minute with a big dumb grin as you watch the entire base go to hell granted the eagle air strike remains a great option for being able to f up outposts accurately that being said I am getting dangerously close to adding the 380 to my permanent strategy rotation on automaton missions yes it is more chaotic and not accurate at all but it deals so much damage and is so much fun when the 380 bombardment is finally over just walk in and mop up whatever's left I'm telling you if you haven't used it yet give it a try on Destroy command bunkers and sabotage Airbase missions it is damn fun next up an old familiar face The Shield generator pack yeah I know as I've mentioned before it did catch a Nerf but unsurprisingly it is still really good automatons are deadly AF at range and The Shield Pack keeps you alive not much to it I will say though that if you're looking for a little variety the jetpack is fun and gives you the ability to GTFO of tight situations quickly and if you bring a certain kind of [ __ ] it we ball energy to the party you can also use it to literally jump and land on top of Tanks which if there are no other enemies around to shoot you is actually kind of a great way to deal with them in general next we got a strategy weapon pick and for this you got two options standard or spicy and the one you should go with is whichever you feel more more comfortable using to fight hulks let's start with spicy and my official pick for this build the anti-material rifle yeah you heard me not Material material it'll take a few shots to the face but you can use the AMR to kill hulks reliably at highle play if you're feeling cheeky you can also deal with hulks by just shooting their arms off which yeah is mean but also hilariously effective remember bot bullying is always encouraged if you're not feeling adventurous and you take your Curry mild if you eat it at all fair enough your fallback option is unshocking the rail gun yeah it got nerfed but in unsafe mode it remains a good option and very reliable at taking down hulks if you haven't tried the AMR in a bit though for real give it a shot on bot missions it's a fun weapon it doesn't need to charge can shoot pretty quick and it has more ammo final strategy IMO should be reserved for dealing with either tanks or turret Towers which are deadly as hell if left unchecked I've been experimenting and while the eagle 110 is a fun option I got to say that I'm calling back on a second old familiar friend the orbital rail Cannon strike pretty much the hell diver's booty call at this point we can't help but go back and you can't blame us it doesn't miss has unlimited usage an allright cooldown and unlike fighting bile Titan bugs it's a guaranteed onot on both turrets and tanks at max level difficulty the orbital laser continues to also go hard if you're getting really overrun but for a quick get big Target off field Now situation it's incredibly difficult to do better than orbital rail I feel like I shouldn't have to say this by now but I'm still going to I really like this build but meta or otherwise at the end of the day use whatever you enjoy and whatever you feel is effective and with that in mind don't shame or grief other players for using what they enjoy I've heard we're getting a new war bond and possibly some other stuff on Thursday in Hell divers 2 and I'm going to do my best to try and check that out on Ye Old stream channel hope to see you there if you've got a build that you love for automaton shreding please feel free to share down in the comment section thanks very much for watching [Music] peace
Channel: Fallout Plays
Views: 245,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, Helldivers 2 update, Helldivers 2 Nerfs, Helldivers 2 railgun, Helldivers 2 railgun nerf, Helldivers 2 Best Build, Helldivers 2 Meta, helldivers 2 shield backpack nerf, helldivers 2 shield backpack, helldivers 2 breaker, helldivers 2 breaker nerf, helldivers 2 slugger, helldivers 2 slugger buff, helldivers 2 punisher buff, helldivers 2 anti material rifle, Helldivers 2 Sniper, helldivers 2 malevelon creek, Helldivers 2 Build, Helldivers 2 Automaton Build
Id: d6RqNBA2i6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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