Helldivers 2 - Aggressive Play vs Automatons (Solo, Helldiver Difficulty)

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getting a solo hell diver win on Hell diver difficulty and automaton is quite a difficult feat today I'm going to be doing just that while getting all the main ins side objectives we'll talk a little bit about the automaton faction as well as uh orbit synchronized what's up ladies and gentlemen getting a solo held diver win on Hell diver difficulty against the tomaton is quite a difficult feat and today I'm going to be doing just that while getting all main objectives and side objectives and we'll talk a little bit about the automaton faction as well as why I don't generally tend to play much against them so for strategems here we'll be going for the 500 kilo as well as a barrage and the autoc cannon ini so I'm really just going to be testing here the barrage I feel like I haven't quite found yet a comfortable load out against the automatons I know I enjoy the autoc cannon and I know I enjoy the 500 kilo but I feel like I'm often times unsure what to pick for the third or fourth strategy so we'll be testing here the barrage uh let's call here for the autoc cannon right away we spawned right on the extraction Zone since it was near one of the main objectives oh my God is that seriously spotting me from that far so we got the eye of Sauron here uh already spotting me from half the map uh yeah so let me go ahead and get rid of that first I suppose uh this is one of the reasons why automaton is so frustrating to me literally just started all right um get rid here of this little guy and we're going to be throwing a 500 kilo here on the power I'm not exactly sure if that's going to land that seems to have landed a little bit far away we kind of stay close to it all right that did it how' you like to taste them Tower down I Sauron already called over here three reinforcements we'll go ahead and get some distance here from these guys or else we're in deep trouble the auto cannon on the Striders and it's a one hit oh we already got a tank there surrounded by little guys looking pretty bad boys looking like a rough start something see if I can gain some distance here looking pretty ugly so against the automatons what you want to be doing often times is uh you want to constantly be getting your distance from the Bots as a solo player you want to keep as much distance as you can and of course constantly use cover to your advantage prevent yourself from getting rocketed or shot and just given a free kill found something that when you get in these situations where you kind of got enemies coming from every side what you want to do is just get as far away as you can oh I'm so glad he got shot in the back I'm also using here The Punisher shotgun giving it a shot as well testing the Stagger seems to not quite successfully get rid of Berserkers I mean it's fine but it's not great oh we got a Hulk all right that's pretty Grim let's see if I can land on this Hulk right away since he's kind of hanging around on his zone no I couldn't that was kind of awkward ready to liate oh boy against the tomaton is so easy for you to get lost in that uh that death Loop where you respawn die respawn die respawn die what I recommend doing most of the times is you don't want to respawn close to your body often times the automaton will just like kind of Rush your body and will kind of put you in that situation where you just constantly get in like a death Loop and you can't quite get out of it he we got some Devastators here flanking I'm going to get rid of these guys we got about three enemies here and that should pretty much Clear most of the Waves here uh yeah I don't see any more enemy in sight seems like we've gotten the distance space we wanted got the main objective here so we're going to be dealing with these little guys they're probably going to be calling a reinforcement here and even though I recommend getting maintaining your distance I'm going to get close here to these guys oh my God yeah so that's why you want to keep your distance reest for automatons just one rocket and it's enough to get rid of you joining the is a one of the biggest reasons why I don't exactly play against automatons I find it to be a much more frustrating experience it's oh boy it's also harder of course but it's more about the frustrating aspect of the rockets for me that's what really does me in oh that's two Hulks that's nice and I reloaded that by accident we already got two hulks here not looking too good 100 kilo bomb is coming back here so I might are they stuck seems like they kind of got stuck on each other oh boy that 500 kilo is going to do enough no the hulks are still intact oh boy yeah the Flinch is pretty crazy as well in this game it'd be kind of nice if Arrowhead kind of release like a booster that uh reduced Flinch I feel like that would help a lot against automatons right having a booster that like once you get shot your aim doesn't like go as wild I feel like that that that's that'd be pretty useful I feel like flinching is like such a big part of uh automaton worlds being so hard like once you get shot at you're pretty much dead you're just going to be flinching everywhere and missing your shots is that a tank no that's a rocket Devastator hey hello to democracy okay that's that's a Hulk that's a Hulk that's already like the fourth Hulk we've got in this game just started too okay Auto climb God damn it another Hulk that's like the fifth buul damn let me try to get some distance here oh that is not good I'm going all out here oh that worked The Punisher may not be the fastest at killing these guys but the Stagger amount is so strong that as long as you only have to deal with them you're good to go they can't even reach me all right let's see if we got enough space here to finally complete this Mission objective rather already hear someone else there it is oh boy another Patrol and another Hulk jeez see if that 500 kilo is going to land on them or not hopefully that does it they seem to be kind of just standing there oh no he's still good oh boy boy oh jeez you can outrun hulks with the light armor so this should be enough to give us some distance so I can reload my autoc Cannon but yeah all you'll always want to just try to gain as much distance as you can think about okay that was scaring me a little bit thing about automatons is you have to play overly passive which is also another reason why I do prefer ter uh games cuz um I have more fun just playing like super aggressive and I feel like that generally offers a more interesting game play to watch as well but against automatons I definitely recommend you play as passive as you can you you'll want to play as safe as you possibly can get this okay you want to be playing as safe as you can you want to avoid fights as much as you can as well cuz honestly automat are just such a difficult threat it's it's crazy it's so much harder and I actually think uh I have a video releasing soon talking about that the difficulty differences between the terminate and the automaton is just pretty pretty crazy and let's go here for the uh Escape pod we got a side objective right next to uscape pods are usually pretty easy just kind of just stand still there and just kind of wait for the data to upload Super's fin back samples we'll try to extract as well of course but generally speaking when I play against the tomaton I don't really count on every extracting I only focus on trying to get the objectives done um as they are enough of course for a victory extracting is just extra for getting samples and such but uh yeah against automatons it's such a hard feat patons are extremely dangerous we got a patrol here creeping up on us I'll try to avoid them if I can let me see if I can no got a couple of guys coming at us and there goes reinforcement oh boy bullets I dived there cuz I was pretty scared of getting rocketed in the face I'm going to be trying to avoid this here so we got some Devastators pushing up here from the South Side get rid of a couple of them I probably should have just [Music] bailed have AE of Dem let's see if I can get rid of them got to be careful with these guys cuz they explode sometimes oh we got a Hulk too yep that one goddamn rocket okay so this is pretty bad we don't want to get stuck here in the death loop as as I was mentioning earlier so we're we shouldn't reinforce back on the body here I almost died again cuz if we went for my body there yeah i' I'd be pretty dead cuz now that they're on top of my body every time I respawn there just they're just going to instantly kill me again and instantly kill me again and you know better not better to play it safe tomaton playing a safe is key Perman can get a bit crazier but tomons you definitely want to play a safe we'll be sprinting here for the next main objective I see over there the radar station as well uh so I may go for that first like to prioritize these in every game whether no matter what planet you're going up against radar stations should always be priority well almost always be priority what oh my God that Tower spotted me that's crazy dude all right jeez and we got the eye of saon over there again is it spotting me it better not be I'm like half the map away I don't think it is good oh boy yeah it should almost always be your priority stalker Nest on terminate worlds are bigger priority and for automatons you should prioritize uh artillery if you've got artillery in range I I was wondering there whether I'm going to be using a barrage here or not but I don't think I will you I'll just take them on throwing grenad that barrage kind kind of takes like a long time the barrage is pretty bad it's honestly more of like a an experiment to just kind of see how it'll work out get some get some he couldn't reload the auto Cannon you got to use at least half the clip to be able to half the magazine to be able to uh reload it okay that about did it someone asked me if I preferred the autoc cannon for automaton or if I use something else or rather somebody asked me if I use the flamethrower on automaton worlds on my last uh game play that had me use the flamethrower but uh yeah generally I do believe the autoc cannon is the best choice for automaton it's just a bit of a shame that you can't use a shield backpack with it or even a jump pack or even a GU wait why is there the goddamn eye is spotting me from half the map away isn't it no freaking way yep yeah it is we got infinite reinforcements here cuz I got that goddamn eye um think I might be using the barrage here pretty awkward code to type in we use the barrage let's see if it does anything I actually can't believe the eye of Sauron over there is spotting us from half the map away I don't uh often use this barrage I actually don't know all right I guess the range on it is pretty high Jesus they're pretty large I guess I should say oh boy is that even killing anything I hope it is other than me of course the Watchtower is still looking over here I don't know if it's still yeah that's the Flinch I'm talking about and that's why you stand behind rocks when you're dealing with the tomaton the Flinch is insane and that's the only reason I died there if there was less Flinch I would have annihilated that Devastator devs please give us a booster that reduces Flinch aim Flinch please it be really useful against automatons and I don't think it would be overpowered at all I just think it'd be that type of thing that's just it would just be useful yeah in case you didn't know you can shoot the autoc cannon on the on the top of the vent and the uh amaton factories Fabricators whatever and that will get rid of it in one hit as you saw there okay let's see if we can finish this radar station before we bail we got quite a lot of enemies coming in throwing a 500 kilo here as they creep up on me R station's done I should probably do that uh Watchtower now let me get rid of a couple of these guys don't want them chasing me down actually I'll just bail I'll just bail I was going to fight them but I don't against automatons play it safe I have a hard time remembering that but yeah automatons play it safe man you don't engage that much play as safe as you possibly can and that's how you're going to be able to get victories okay let's try to land the 500 kilo here let's see oh that's good that's good that's going to take it down attack that's good yep all right so that's three or four side objectives done I don't know three or four uh we only got one more now and it's the mortar artillery whatever um this is the most dangerous side objective in my opinion in the entire game across both factions I'm going to call here the exos suit even though I don't think the exos suit is uh very good against automatons I feel like you're just a walking Target with it but uh going to use it anyway since it's free and put it on see if I can uh get rid of the mor mortars from uh from a distance that's one that's two need to find the third one now got a tower there going to take down that Tower already like the third Tower I've seen this game so you got to be real careful here when you're dealing with the tomaton cuz all of these shots actually do damage to you you don't have the same armor that they do boy the mortar is right behind this wall if I can reach it got to be careful cuz this Exo Suit goes down I go down with it and that's the mortar exit still not smoking so we should be good to use it for a little bit longer I think I see some yeah I see some smoke coming out of it um I'm not going to want to risk it I don't know if I'm crazy to think this but I feel like when you use the exos suit you're much more easily seen as well like I feel like you definitely notied this in automaton worlds they shoot you from like half the map away it's like you just become this blowing Target almost I really don't think it's a very good choice to use it in automatone Worlds right now I only used it cuz it's free oh boy that was so close glad that guy's missing his shots here on my left okay so we got the launch code here somewhere the launch code I know we got some samples around here but I'm not going to just going to get this one but I'm not going to fuss about it oh I'm stuck all right all right we got uh reactivate the power generator and we'll be able to go to our main objective after that right now we got a couple of enemies behind us but uh we're just going to be running to the next objective got a couple behind us couple to our left couple to our right but hopefully we can outrun them not concerned about samples plus I would probably lose my life over it this guy's going to spot me anyways so might as well get rid of him this is starting to become a problem cuz they're starting to accumulate and they're not quite giving up on the chase uh I'm going to throw a barrage here God damn that code is so awkward for me to type in it's so long probably because I've never used it hopefully that barrage will be able to get a few of them K so they stop chasing me down War areion feel like the bares are pretty weak right now I feel how do you guys use your barges like what's the best use you've got for them I've been trying bares recently looking for a solid reason to use it but I can't quite convince myself to use them I just don't think they're good I would imagine they're even more so dangerous when you're playing in group to play cuz you might accidentally just kill your teammates as they walk into it we got a strier going to be using this cover here of course always playing as passive as possible so those guys are still chasing me all the way back there a Devastator here do it that did it look those guys back there they are not giving up oh we got a Hulk and we got a reinforcement and coming it's not looking good get rid of this hope real quick okay oh boy getting rushed not today take a step back here use the Rocks back here keep your distance this rock is still out of Zone give it a Reload we got the trors I actually kind of like the Tremors cuz I feel like it messes up the enemies a lot more than it messes you up cuz it stuns them completely but for us players it just slows us down oh boy oh boy oh that's not good that is not good get up get up War you are the mission are oh boy by the way when you're playing against automatons use that dive to your advantage it's pretty insane cuz it makes them Miss like almost all of their shots as well as of course equips you out of fire oh I'm I think I'm dead here I'm dead I'm surrounded I'm going to have to reinforce here I'm going to have to reinforce uh a little bit farther away if I go right back to my body it would be oh my God I did not see all of you guys oh no please spare me I only got one life back that was awkward typing in that's going to miss the goddamn hope not looking good boys War you are leaving the mission all right get my distance from them get rid of them always get as much distance as you can while slowly kiting them down get away from gunfire and stuff your life should be a lot easier wondering if I can kind of make my way back oh boy how am I going to get out of this I'm trying to make my way back to my body cuz without an autoc Cannon I'm not going to be able to deal with these uh hulks but got my uh autoc Canon strategy back so here's what I'll do I'll throw the barrage and I'm going to get my auto Cannon here back safely going to run away from the threat entirely before we go back there see if that barrage kills anything some hulks coming up there map's reallyy hard to see isn't it hopefully it's not too bad for you guys guys it's how about a nice of Li we got the auto Cannon We Got The High Ground here I love this High Ground on the radar station it's all oh boy I was going to say it's always amazing but why did I like not take any damage from that rocket do you guys see that reinforcing did that like do like no damage to me that was weird I have full health well nearly full health get rid of this oh my God Jesus okay two hulks down Army's down no it's not down still got a couple more but from afar with the autoc cannon we should be fine unless they got one of those heat sinky seeking missiles generally you should be good I think we're good now now push back onto the main objective we're able to we were able to clear them out oh boy yeah I don't want that app is really red okay I'm scared cuz usually these patrols here they walk around with a commer which uh are the little oh you see that almost those are the little guys that can call out for reinforcements you can spot the commoners by their red blades usually pretty sure they usually carry uh either two red blades or like a red blade and like a pistol something like that that's that's how you usually spot them always kill them first because they're the ones that are going to be able to call for reinforcements then you can worry about the big guys okay so we're going to call here the generator and after the generator we're good to go for the main objective I'm not going to be picking up the samples on my body not really caring too much about the samples West just going to activate the generator and go for the main objective got all the side objectives now we only got two main objectives left and we get the victory ammo here making progress I'm pretty good to go be taking the long way around so I can avoid this Patrol trying to avoid most most of the combat and I'll just make my way to the ICBM also cuz there's 10 minutes left and the ICBM may take quite a while if I get stuck in like a reinforcement Loop so try to go ahead and make our way there so we uh make sure we have enough time to complete this so how do how do you guys feel about uh playing against automatons do you guys enjoy playing against them or do you rather play against terminats usually I prefer the terid I feel like they're more chaotic they're more chaotic fun patons kind of force you to play like this a lot which is like avoiding a lot of fighting generally speaking I kind of like to take like every fight I can um but it is not going to be a smart choice when going up against automatons you'll really just be asking to die if you do that but I see a lot of people have a lot of love for playing against a tomaton so wonder what it is that uh makes a lot of people enjoy playing against the tomaton I find the game uh the pacing is like a lot slower it's fun but it's uh it's a lot slower okay so we're close to the ICBM now we got here [Music] the oh there's yeah that's the commer right there as you can see with the red blade but we we're fine we took took him out right before the reinforcement came this is why it came to the ICBM as fast as I could good cuz if he got that reinforcement out I would have added like a minute to the delay here be completing this Mission rather that's a Comm as well get rid of him one more him him okay now we can deal with the Striders oh there's a commer back there God damn it still got the uh reinforcements so we'll have to fight these out before moving in it'll be a death trap if I just run in there right now so we'll just kind of wait I'm going to call a barer who knows maybe can do some good he sniping them from afar this is also why the autoc cannon is so good against the tomaton going to be your best choice from for uh taking out enemies from afar feel like the rail gun is still pretty good but I think the autoc Canon is more versatile against the automatons he let's wait for the barage to do his thing little guy just kind of standing there okay now we'll wait for the barrage I think all the enemies are dead but we got to wait for the barrage and that was really close to me that's it is here got to be careful reload there's something trying to shoot at me but there's a wall in front of it Devastator with that goddamn machine gun so deadly all of the Devastators are just so incredibly deadly they're like the hunter equivalent of like automatons oh boy oh Jesus I almost got soloed by a little guy I mess that up oh man that was close I can get rid of them now hold in 48 776 if these guys will let me okay reload 48 7 7 6 okay pull the valves one two got a Patrol coming in again think should be able to get these uh locks open first got to resupply here on the ramp I should have called it in a bit closer to me but now it's done okay now this first countdown takes quite a bit get the little guys out should be only Devastators now let's just get rid of these guys oh boy I have to reload here but this is an awkward place oh boy oh that was close and that was even closer oh jeez all right we can still go back to our body we don't need to go away since there's no bots on top of my body democracy has landed pick these up got to be careful here one more life and it's GG okay got some Devastator back there think I got him one shot and the last countdown now and that's pretty much it pretty much entire Mission so we've just completed all of the main objectives as well as the side objectives for the ICBM against the automatons so reiterating you definitely just want to keep your distance as much as you can never really go back to your your body once you get killed on that first death you don't want to reinforce right back on your body cuz you'll often times find yourself surrounded by enemies and Devastators which will just lead to your instant death unless of course you are in a situation that there is no bot near your body but uh that will be rare um I'll be making my way here to the extraction Zone but I'm really not counting on it I may just try to kill as many Bots as I can can before I make my way there since I don't really have any samples to extract with me anyways this one oh we actually have three but yeah I think it'll be mostly just we'll see we'll see we'll make our way to the extraction Zone the mission has been completed now everything's just a little extra got a little tank there uh let's take a couple of engagements and talk about it a little bit for the tanks I definitely recommend using the rocket pods which I don't have here I only have the 500 kilo I should be able to do the job so I threw it a little bit closer but I want to bait that tank a little bit towards me should be perfect Landing yes it was there goes the tank this is how you're going to have to fight when you go up against automatons is cover shoot cover shoot cover shoot it's the only way you can really make it as I say that I get blown to pieces on but really it's the only effective way you're going to be dealing with automatons en generally you shouldn't even fight automatons you should just try to run away from them because they're pretty tough but if you have to fight him you're absolutely forced to use your cover and just kind of peak shoot Peak shoot see this situation that I'm in is pretty ugly out in the open but we only have Berserkers charging us so maybe we can afford to stay here get some get some that's all the Berserkers we got a Devastator so we're in a horrible position here we're out in the open try to get rid of this Devastator close to us got a creeping hul more Devastators and yeah so we've just been caught out of position throwing grenad hopefully I can still get out of here I know I got enemies here to my left I'm kind of afraid of calling them in we got something here to call for an explosion hell pod hopefully that'll get rid of the Hulk I did get rid of the Hulk okay that's good we got a bunch more units you know as you get later on in the games and automatons it's just going to be units after units after units try to fight them off but the Hulk here try to snipe out the hulky okay that was awkward Bo goes the Rockets that's the crazy thing about automatons man those Rockets you know they're just able to one hit you so easily I've also attempted to use heavy armor with the rocket protection against automatons but I don't feel the lack of speed is going to make up for it I don't feel like the arm the extra armor is going to make up for the lack of speed I guess I should say but yeah that's completing all the main objectives as well as the side objectives in automaton worlds also a little bit of my thoughts as to why I don't generally play against automatons and also because of this 289 kills it's not bad but it is way less than the 700 to 900 kills that I tend to get in termined Worlds which in my opinion make for a more fun gamep playay but yeah let me know what you guys think in the comment section below let me know what you think about the automaton faction in general thank you guys for watching I'll be catching you guys in the next one peace
Channel: takibo
Views: 47,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, no commentary gameplay, gameplay tips, helldivers tips, helldivers 2 tips, helldiver 2, helldiver 2 gameplay, helldiver 2 tips, helldivers 2 helldiver difficulty, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 best weapon, helldivers 2 best strategem, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 solo helldiver difficulty, helldiver 2 solo tips, helldiver 2 solo gameplay, solo gameplay helldivers, helldivers solo gameplay, helldivers 2 tips for solo players, helldivers 2 best tips
Id: dlP6Vd3FeW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 15sec (2475 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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