Helldivers 2 Best Stratagems Post Patch, All 48 Stratagems Explained, Best and Worst

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in this video I'm going to help you understand some of the best strategems right now in Hell divers 2 so this has changed a little bit since the patch a few days ago but we're going to go through these and I'm going to help you understand what's good and what's bad so real quick for ones that are bad we're just going to kind of skip them so machine gun very good early game and then horrible late game anti- material rifle not that great early game bad late game stalwarts okay to good early game bad late game Expendable anti-tank is actually pretty good mid game for just having a way to blow up armored enemies but then is pretty bad late game you know in general uh but I wonder I wanted to try it more and see if I can find a way to make it not totally suck late game but hell diver 9 Solo or something like that not not really going to do much for you most of the time uh recoiless rifle is actually not that bad you don't need someone to uh load it for you I think the best way to use it probably is just to have the backpack on yourself and slow reload and then you know use it and when you get a chance to use it use it again um it can actually kill some of the big enemies so it's not the greatest uh straty ever but even late game it's definitely like plausible to use it especially if you're playing with four people solo not so great because eats up your backpack slot and also it's just there's better options is really what it comes down to but it is a nice way to damage um the biot Titans and the the armor or the Devastators and stuff destroyers and stuff and automatons and different things like that so it's a decent strateg flamethrower s tier this thing's uh right now after the p uh most recent patch does 50% more direct damage when you directly fire on somebody and that made it you know one of the best strats in the entire game right now for the terminates automatons garbage it's pretty much garbage for the automaton missions because you kind of just going stand in the open and fire at enemies and when they're shooting back at you with rockets you just die so automaton is terrible terminats it's like s tier it's you know the best one of the best or whatever the best I personally like it the most for the termin missions autoc Cannon is um pretty decent actually but uh it just the problem is it doesn't kill the heavily armored enemies very well if at all and that's kind of the problem because if you get to late game and you're doing hell dive difficulty and stuff the problem is you never have a problem with killing the smaller enemies you there's ways to kill them with just normal Guns and Things if you know how to play it right the main thing is you would need strategems for two things you need strategems for killing the armored enemies and you need strategems for clearing large amounts of enemies if you start getting overwhelmed so this one doesn't really do that for you it's definitely a really fun strategy to use and it's definitely good it's just to fall off late game cuz it Doesn't fill that niche of killing heavily armored enemies uh there's one Niche scenario which is the kill terminates mission on Hell dive and you get up on this one rock and you blow the the abds out of the bile Titans and then then nothing get to you on the Rock but that's extremely Niche so late game not so great but it's it's it's an okay sty it's just not the best late game um rail gun is also one of the best if not the best strategems late game uh they got a Nerf recently so it's not nearly as good it was the hands down best thing in the entire game and now I got nerfed to where it's more balanced but the problem is you have to change it to unsafe mode which you do by holding the reload button and then doing your secondary fire which is right click mouse keyboard in order to swap it over to unsafe mode if you don't use it unsafe mode it's pretty bad it's still good but it's just not that great if you get unsafe mode you can Char overcharge it a little bit and then it'll work like how it used to where it'll penetrate armor you can kill Chargers and bile Titans with it but it got s a pretty big Nerf so now it's four leg shots to knock the armor off of bile Titan where used to be two and the bile or the B I mean the charge I say charge or b anyway uh it's four shot to knock the leg off the charger for or the armor off the the leg of the charger now used to be two and the bile Titan used to be able to either one shot it or five shot it or 10 shot it depending where you hit it in the head and stuff and now all those numbers are basically doubled so it's not as good as it used to be but it still kills brood commanders and the bile spitter spewers and stuff in one hit if you do it right on unsafe mode so it's still an insanely good weapon definitely a viable option and then also for you know the uh automaton missions it's harder to kill them now but it still can kill things with like the head shots and and stuff so it's a good thing not the best best ever thing but it's it's definitely good still um the spear is kind of weird so the spear is like good but it it's tough to get enough value out it especially with how long the cool down is this 480 second cool down and it only has four shots including the backpack reloads so it's decent and automatons are killing the tanks and stuff and it's okay for the bile Titan although you might using all four just to kill one if you get bad shots but uh it's it's an all right option it's not the worst thing ever but there's probably better things but if you're in group of four I mean it's fun to use and it can kill the heavily armored things fairly well so you can give it a shot it's it's all right you know um now moving on to the orbital cannons so the orbital Gatling barrage is not very good it doesn't even kill the weak enemies very well which would be the only thing it could even kill the only upside is the cooldown time is only 80 seconds so you can spam it but overall late game at least not very good early game still not that great honestly uh the orbital air burst strike this one is actually okay um it fires like three of these things in one spot so it's actually okay for clearing groups of enemies especially if you get them to run through a choke and then you throw it down in the path they're walking through and they'll keep walking into it as it shoots all like one then another and another it'll keep clearing the weak enemies doesn't do much against the strong enemies but if you need something for clearing weak enemies it's all right and it's an early game option and the cool down is really low so it's all right it's decent uh but not the best but but decent uh the orbital 120 mm H barrage now maybe I I don't know I don't know how other people feel about this one but I think this one's terrible mainly because the inconsistency and randomness of it like you can even see in the video here it's just erratic where it hits and considering enemies are chasing you it's like at least for this one the automatons maybe a little bit more cuz they kind of hang back a little bit more but just it's just too inconsistent the same for the 380 mm H barrage I don't know if it's millimeter but mm uh this one is same thing it's just so inconsistent I I just I'm not a fan personally I just think even if it was great the problem is the inconsistency so even if it's like oh this time it was great other time it was terrible and one time being terrible just makes it awful then you just die so not a big fan so the orbital walking barrage is um similar problem pretty bad because of the inconsistency of the accuracy on it now in theory you could like try something of like throw it sideway or throw whichever way and then run and run the bile Titan through it and hope that a bunch of them hidden you could kill a bile Titan or sa for Destroyer or something ah it's just too it's too much work too impractical I'm not a fan I think it's kind of bad um orbital laser is pretty good it's definitely a viable option it can kill the heavily armored enemies pretty easily and after it kills them it'll start swiping around killing other random things too um so late game yeah this is definitely a viable option if you want to run this as your main way to deal with bile Titans Chargers destroyers different things uh it's definitely viable the only downside to it is the cool down is really long it's 5 minutes and you can only use it three times per uh per m match I don't know what to call it per Mission I guess and so that can you you can run out of it basically but if you have four people and everyone has it doubt that'll really happen unless you guys actually use at the same time too often but it's it's a good it's a good one um orbital rail Cannon strike now I don't know how other people feel about this one but I actually think this one's really good but only in certain scenarios so in some of the automaton things it'll just One-Shot certain things uh some enemies will get one shot like Chargers can often get one shot but the main thing I use it for is inter termined missions and the biot Titan if you blow the abdomen out of the biot Titan and then use the orbital rail Cannon strike it'll on-shot the biot Titan and it only has a cool down of whatever that is like three and a half minutes or something so uh with if you don't have the 50% stratum coold down effect then uh this one is you know you can use it often enough that uh you can generally deal with a lot of different enemies if a multiple people in a party have it you can deal with pretty much any number of biot Titans or destroyers that show up using them potentially uh maybe not the best ever but I I've been running a lot lately with my flamethrower just cuz I flame thr out the gut of the bile Titan and then use it to finish it but maybe may not the greatest it's definitely viable though absolutely a viable option then we got the Eagle strafing Run I've never really been too much of a fan of this one um because there's better options for Eagles but if you want to try to clear weak enemies early game it's good for clearing weak enemies uh late game I'm not I don't think it's so good the eagle air strike similar thing it can clear enemies but it's a little inconsistent and it's kind of small early game it's reasonable late game I don't use it it just doesn't seem like it does enough um the eagle cluster bomb now this one I would I personally believe to be S tier because uh even late game it just it is so good for clearing small enemies and just for do doing some damage to the stronger ones and it covers a very very wide area so it it's just a big area you got a big group of enemies chasing you you can turn around and throw it whatever way you're facing when you throw it the bomb will go right and left from that so don't look 90° to your side and throw it cuz then it'll go straight in the direction you're going so you want to whatever way you're looking at it'll go left and right of that so turn around completely and then throw it and then turn around completely again and run away from where you threw it or else you're going to blow yourself up but uh because of that you can angle in weird ways around terrain stuff and get it to cover an entire chunk of area that will guaranteed to have much enemies I mean I've had it before where I threw this and it literally killed 40 terminates so if you get this just right it can just clear all the little ones basically if you do it right insanely good I put it as s tier personally I think it's insane nap strike I tried this uh it it seemed pretty pretty pretty terrible because the all it really does is puts on the dot onto them for flame damage which is damage over time on the enemies and the flame dot it doesn't really do enough damage like cuz in this video in the background right he's standing oh he died they're chasing you they're not going to stand in it so they're just going to um run out of it and take like a fifth fourth half of their HP and you still got to kill them yourself so it it's it's not really going to do much for you and again late game s you know hell di difficulty it's not going to deal with armored enemies it's not going to deal with any of the real problems you're run into jump pack um very very good early game because you can cheese you can get up on top of rocks and then just hang out on top of rocks and deal with situations very good if you feel overwhelmed a lot of the time you can just get it whenever you're find things to jump on rocks and then reassess and take your time and understand what's going on it's good for new players late game it falls off because there're just better options it's like yeah it's nice I could do that but I'd rather just kill them all and not have to turtle on top of a rock and get stuck and be pinned to dip there you know like it it's good early good for learning the game Bad L game Eagle smoke strike hilarious because it's actually good but there's probably better options so if you want to play stealthy as a solo you can use this to get away from enemies it works you got to throw it in front of you you got to be running and throw it in front of you where you're going and then have somewhere to you want to go through it and then cut left or cut right after going through it and then the enemies will run through it and if you're not there immediately they get confused and it just loses a lot of aggro it makes it possible to disengage and as a solo doing hell dive difficulty if you're you know newer to it and you're struggling it can make a difference as long as you learn how to use it correctly and how to lose a lot of the enemy aggro with it it's just insane it's kind of hard to lose B Titan Agro because they can kind of see over it a little bit but everything else you can basically just lose huge chunks of groups chasing you and disengage and reassess and come back in and do whichever way you want so uh I would say a tier type of thing B to a tier late game but it again there's better options it's better to get good enough with all these things and good enough at the game to just kill everything ideally but if you're not to that point yet this one can definitely help you a lot the eagle 110 mm rocket pods uh I had such high hopes for this one I tried it so many times it's terrible sadly because the thing is is it it targets the largest Target near the stratum Beacon so I thought okay maybe I can finish off a um biot Titan with it and it doesn't even though I blow out the abmin with biot Titan and then throw all three of these back to back to back the bile Titan it still doesn't kill it so basically it just doesn't do enough damage it it's kind of weird it just doesn't do damage so not good Target large enemies doesn't actually hurt them pretty bad all right 500 kg bomb s tier this one's s tier it's just uh it's kind of boring repetitive to use but the main thing is you can kill a bile Titan with it you can also kill big chunks of enemies with it you can clear objectives sometimes with it you can like close bug holes with it uh it's really good when there's um too many of the big enemies and you need to clear some of them out now it's kind of hard cuz um you have to be really skillful with it so like a bile Titan for example you need to place the strategy and then you got to run up to the bile Titan to make the biot Titan try to stomp on you so that way it'll stand over the bomb and then you got to run and then dive away and try not to die it's really hard to use correctly but if you you know bring your skill level up high enough with it you know getting used to it and learning how to use it correctly then it goes above and beyond uh definitely a big learning curve on it to get value on it but if you you know go through that learning curve and actually get the value then you can kill the big enemies with it you know one to one each one kills one also later you know you get a ship module for the eagle so ship module um and then there's the uh not power steering um expanded weapons Bay and increase Eagle stratum uses per rearm by one which gives you two of these per rearm and that's when it really is good before that it's not so great it's still good but whatever once you get that then it's good you get use two and then you got to rearm the eagle that's much better so that's it for Eagles that's that's how I feel all those ones so for the bridge all these little ones in here orbital Precision strike it's good early game to be able to deal with things you can combo with the the jump pack get up on a rock and then keep throwing it down at bile Titans and Chargers till they're dead or something but uh there's a little bit of variance between where it lands so it can't just blow you up if you throw it really close to you and uh good early game terrible late game not enough value even though the cool down is really low just just not enough value in my opinion and then the gas strike is interesting I tried this a few times and it's not that it's bad it's just there's better options so like you can throw it on a giant group of enemies chasing you all the weak ones can run through it and maybe die maybe but again you run the problem late game of I need to be able to deal with the bio Titans and the Chargers and this is not going to do it for me so it's not good late game in my opinion it's all right though you you could do it for fun playing with four people because there's not that much pressure and you it definitely can get value it's just not the greatest thing you can do um orbital EMS strike is uh good and bad so like it can be insanely good but it's also it doesn't last long enough the cool Down's really good though so like there's better options is really what it comes down to but if you're in a group of four maybe you could be that guy who uses it and maybe it would help people or something and buy you proba you can build strategies around it but there's generally better options but it's definitely a fun one to experiment with I probably want to experiment more with it in the future just cuz it's got potential to use it in certain ways but overall there's better options so I put like b or something it's it's actually kind of okay but it's not the greatest um orbital smoke strike is good and bad it's basically the eagle smoke strike but instead of getting multiple uses it's just got uh basically um a minute and a half it's minute 40 second cool down and uh so if you want to do the same thing as the other one that we talked about the smoke strike you could use this one and depending on how you think you're going to use smoke strikes I prefer the eagle one because a lot of times I'll need more than one smoke strike to disengage if I'm going to play that way I'll do one run through it I still got a few things on me and I'm kind of you know like I just keep running keep running and throw another and run through run around a rock and then lose them so just having one it could work but I prefer the Eagle One personally um the HMG in placement it it feels so promising and it's terrible it's just terrible I it's just again you probably promise doesn't kill armored enemies and uh yeah it's okay for the smaller enemies but also you're stationary and if you play this game enough you know first off they have rockets on the automatons you just get blown up and for the terance you know a big part of the game is kiting you want to be running away while fighting a lot of the time because you don't want to get overwhelmed especially later on when there's lots of stronger enemies and this one's just not going to do it cuz it's stationary and you got to stand on it so it's just I don't know not as good as you would hope it would be um Shield generator relay I'll be honest I haven't played with this as much as I should because I played too many termined missions termined I think it's probably terrible cuz they just are melee enemies and they just walk right through it and just blow it up and attack you the one upside though has an absurd amount of HP I did notice whenever I throw in the termined missions that they would walk through and attack it and it would take them like 20 seconds to blow it up so it could be a way to group them up and then you throw a 500 kg bomb on it right as it's about to blow up and then it disappears and the kg bomb lands and everything blows up something crazy thing but I just feel like it's not worth of stratum slot and terminat now in automatons it can be good because you're dealing with rain enemies uh I don't have a ton of experience with it but there's definitely potential I feel like there's probably better options it's always better to be aggressive and just not have to be stationary and get shot at but you know there could be a time and a place it definitely would be viable uh I can't with confidence give this a good rating but my suspicion based on my limited use is like a b or a rank type one you know it's not s tier generally but maybe I'm wrong I don't know that's where I'm after playing this game as long as I have uh Tesla Tower again I haven't played with this one as much as I should have uh but I I have mixed feelings on it because it didn't seem like it annihilated the strong enemies so much like a charger just comes over and blows it up was what I understood uh I'd haven't used as much as I should in order to you know test it enough but it seemed like really good for the small enemies like insanely good for the small enemies and uh I haven't tested enough but I don't think it's good enough I think bile time would just destroy it right like that's what I assume at least uh I only attest it more though sorry on that one I'm not 100% on this one and then for the automatons uh again I haven't tested enough on the automatons but I'm assume it's back they have Rockets I I would assume they target it I I have not used it a whole lot uh so if you guys want to play with that one feel free this is the one that I actually know the least about just I've only used it like twice or maybe three times uh I'll have to I'll to get back to you guys on that one but again it has potential it is strong it just I don't know how good it is against the big enemies is the problem and that's what all you run into in Hell ey difficulty all right so going on to the last or is this the last section there's two more section all right engineering or or the engineering Bay antipersonnel Minefield insanely good early game just to have something when you're level one to clear a bunch of stuff and then late game it's just not good enough it's just not enough value and the cool Downs too long Supply pack s tier insanely good you're basically your options late game are Supply pack or the shield generator which we'll get to in a sec or the guard dog um this one if you're really skilled and you don't find yourself getting overwhelmed a lot this will allow you just keep killing and keep killing and then keep killing and reloading and just keep on killing keep stemming keep throwing grenades never have to stop and also if you use a normal resupply you can fill the backpack back up while also using the normal resupply so you kind just go forever it's very very convenient good and allows you just keep unloading on enemies forever it's my favorite personally for backpacks I use it all the time uh but some people prefer other things like if you I don't I I don't find myself getting overwhelmed very often because I usually just keep up with the enemies that are on me so uh I don't find the much of issue automaton maybe not quite as good because of the the the shield generator can protect you from the random rocket that comes comes out of nowhere and prevent you from dying just some random rocket uh so that might be better in automatons but for terminat I feel like Supply packs better because if you get good enough control of the situation it's just you have more um control and you can just uh keep firing killing these forever grenade launcher um a to S tier it's good uh after the rail gun Nerf it's definitely a good option uh the problem is it's just terrain based so it won't explode on the ground unless you're looking down at a an angle so if you're looking up a hill it'll just roll along the ground and go under the enemies which makes inconsistent but it is good it can kill a charger pretty Dam pretty darn fast a bile Titan I've never been able to kill one with it I've unloaded multiple you know things into it multiple magazines into it and can't been able to kill them but it's definitely a good option especially early game it's pretty good for killing the Chargers and things highly recommend it until you get better options and maybe in late game and it's good for closing bug holes on the missions where you have just closed like 10 to 20 bu holes uh pretty good for that Laser cannon um this one isn't this one this this one got buffed recently I haven't played it much since the buff um it it is decent mainly because it doesn't use ammo so you just keep using it forever um and there is apparently a way to kill Chargers with it I was told but it's not that great and then I don't think you can kill bile with it I don't know that you can kill the Destroyers or Titans whatever they're called on the automaton ones um it's an all right option you know it's all right mainly because of the unlimited ammo it's all right that's what I'll say I maybe it's insanely broken um I'd have to play a little bit more it's definitely all right to good I personally there's better options but you know if you if you like it go for it and try to see if you can Master it and find a way to make it the best that's it's it's possible maybe question mark but it's all right all right incendiary mines um I never used them much again the the dot damage from Burn is just not enough um so it's just what's it going to do it's they're going to catch fire uh there's a little bit of explosion that damag them too so it could be all right but again it's just it's just not enough value it's just like I used it all right well now back to normal gameplay for the next 3 minutes and it killed something CU I still got six Chargers chasing me and two bile Titans all you know it's not that great all right so guard dog uh this one's insanely good um it's definitely one of the best especially when you're still getting used to the game CU it'll kill a lot of the small enemies for you what it's really good for is when you get sworn by the hunters in a termined mission you can just run away and it'll keep them off your back basically so if you find yourself dying to that all the time you can run this helps a lot um and it just helps kill a lot more this it helps kill a lot of small enemies that's really all it is uh so it it's just good it's good for newer players that's my opinion and late game it's still pretty a pretty good option if you want to run it if you like it ballistic shield backpack i' I'll be honest I've never even actually used it because I just know that there's better options uh for the automatons there's like a scenario where you four people and one guy could try to distract them I assume a rocket will still screw you up which is the main problem that you're going to run into so I could be wrong cuz I don't think I've ever actually used it but just in theory there's so many better options is is the issue I run into with it that even just on paper I'm like there just there's no way like I'd rather kill them than Turtle you know what I mean that's always how it goes in video games but maybe I'm dead ass wrong maybe it's the best thing in the world but I've never seen anyone use it I've never used it it just it's just not reasonable feeling Arc thrower um this one's actually insanely good but is a catch so um it can just kill enemies like crazy you never have to reload unlimited ammo just keep going and going and going insanely good for killing small enemies uh not so good for big enemies um you get to a charger you get to a destroyer or whatever the tank or something useless basically I mean it it I don't even know if it can kill him I can't remember but all I know is if it did kill him it took me forever and it was just not worth it so uh insanely good for the weak enemies if you have a party of four you could be the guy who uses it and just all you do is focus on clearing small enemies and leave it to other people for everything else but overall you know better options is how I feel so not that great you can use it it's fun it's not the worst thing ever but it sucks for big enemies Shield generator pack s tier it's basically this in Supply pack the guard dog's also an option but this is Supply pack is basically how it goes for backpacks this saw a Nerf recently because it was too op and it's still pretty darn good mainly because especially on automaton missions it protects you from that random rocket that might just kill you and you're just running around and suddenly a rocket hit you and you're dead and that's kind of where it's at you save your reinforcements you know use less reinforcements in automaton Mission don't just die to a random rocket pretty good A to S tier probably s tier at least right now U now we got down to the robotics we got machine gun Sentry this one is so good early game and then just so bad late game so when you're lowlevel and you don't have any strategy unlocked because you're too low level to get them um that's when this one is really really good uh and then there's also the Gatling Sentry which is the better one ideally use the Gatling Sentry it's just better uh but same thing here they just kill all the weak enemies they don't do pretty much anything against the large enemies and the CH like a lot of the large enemies will prioritize them I know specifically Chargers the second that charger a charger exists and this exists it'll run straight to it and blow it up no matter what it's just it's programmed to do that so falls off once there's a lot of armored enemies they'll just kill them immediately so it's good early bad m to late game mortar Sentry is actually insanely good early game maybe not as good cuz it's not so good for clearing small like insane amounts of small enemies but it can annihilate the large enemies so if you put it in a position where the large enemies either can't get to it or it takes them a long time to get to it uh they might just kill them and never get to it it'll if you can get it to unload all of its ammo and then disappear or you know go away from running out of ammo then the value from it actually just asinine and it has a pretty low cool down of 3 minutes so it's definitely a good option you know you definitely try it's really good for the kill terminat kill automaton missions whatever uh but you know it will run out of ammo eventually you can upgrade the ammo ship modules but by 50% um and that helps a lot but definitely a good option consider using it it's it depends on the mission and things depends on what you like to use I don't use it personally very much if ever but it's definitely good I have used it before it's definitely good um guard dog this another version of the same thing this one fires a different type of weapon instead of a beam it fires like a machine gun um I don't know they seem about the same to me I mean maybe one's better than the other but more or less the exact same thing so you could try out both and find out which one you like more I I haven't used both them enough to know is like the laser better than the machine gun I I don't know off hand uh but they're both basically about as effective as the other so more or less same thing good for keeping new players alive uh good late game too but better options if you're really really skillful late game Auto Cannon Sentry is one of the best strategems and one of the worst strategems at the same time so if you can get it to actually fire then it's really good because it will annihilate the heavily armored enemies and it'll kill lots of the weak enemies and it has a lot of ammo like look at that video they just destroyed the charger and a few shot just annihilates them right and it fires fast problem is it turns super slow so until you get there's um one of these things is it this one yeah this one makes sentries rotate towards new targets more quickly the level three one of the robotics Workshop once you get that maybe it's a little bit better without that it turns so slow that you'll be lucky if it even Fires at enemies because I mean this thing to do a to do a 180 takes this thing literally like 30 seconds or 20 seconds it turns so slow and because of that it'll just never shoot a lot L it'll throw it down it won't shoot at all and then it'll just get blown up by a charger or something but if you get it to shoot dang does it give value so potential to be S tier most times B tier once you get that upgrade maybe a tier on average you know it can be really good it's I like it a lot I don't use it anymore cuz I don't have that upgrade without that upgrade I I don't I'm not a fan rocket entry very disappointing so it's effective against armored targets and the turle primarily aim at larger enemies problem is it doesn't really kill them like it it yeah it shoots Chargers it shoots bile times it shoots destroyers tanks but it just takes so many Rockets to actually kill them that they'll come over and blow it up before it kills them it it generally will not even kill a single one at least when I used it that was my testing what I saw when I I tried it many times and it was always the same result it just doesn't kill him fast enough um yeah I don't know I just think it's not very good you could try it and see if you get different results but that that's how it was for me EMS mortar Sentry I've played with a few times and I feel like it has potential with certain Str like you'd have to you'd have to strategize around this strategy but I just don't I don't know it's it's just there's better options right it's better options like why slow them when you could just kill them might be a little bit better on the automaton missions cuz they're a little bit more stationary and then it could stun them and they stop shooting and then you can more easily just sit there and aim at them and kill them uh so I'd say it's probably better for automatons than terminates but also there's probably better options but it's better than you would think because it'll keep shelling as opposed to the other EMS is uh you throw it down and then it's gone in like 20 seconds and now wow they're in a whole strategy just to stun one small group of enemies this one just keep stunning enemies left and right all over the place and give you lots of openings to kill a lot of things which again is better for automatons I think I think it's probably better for those better options but if you like it go for it Patriot Exo Suit this is the newest one um this one's insanely good honestly like dude it's probably s tier I would just I would say because this makes it so you get at least when I made this video makes so you get three p ex suit so this one gives you two you also have one by default when I made this video um and so and it has a cool down so you get it back like I guess um and the exo suit is just insanely strong now you can't reload the exo suit once it's out of ammo it's out of ammo you can the ex can run over enemies and stuff and um only small ones Rockets are broken overpowered the Rockets if you hit a charger in the right spot it's one or two hits I think two hits in order to kill him hitting him in the leg uh it can kill biot Titans the machine gun can just mow down whole groups of enemies uh it's it's insanely good if you had four people who all ran this it's the mission wouldn't even be hard on Hell die difficulty you just everyone just keep bringing in EXO suits and just clear everything go to the objectives and win and get whatever you want and be done I mean eventually you'd run out of them I think the problem would be solo you'd eventually after three of them you know you'd be most of the way through the mission but you'd run out and then you to play normally because you wouldn't have any ammo left you know use the ammo in all three of them but it's it's really good definitely a insanely good option um so that's it that's that's all the things guys guys I I just wanted to go through the stratums with you I just want to do only stratums in this video because I already know this video is insanely long just talking through all the stratums so let's not go on to weapons and other things we'll save that for some other video and we'll try to Target each one in a different video because of how long it's going to take to get you through ins and outs of every single one of these things but I hope that helped you out guys hopefully that gives you a better idea of what you should use or what you even would want to experiment with and help you to save time not wasting your time trying out ones that really are just trash like some of those ones I pointed out that are bad every test I ever did there just terrible for some of those ones uh and hope you hopefully helped you better understand what's good early versus late like some things are really good early and then terrible late like the machine gun ging set centry for example uh but yeah hope it helped you guys that was one of these videos to help you out so now you have a better idea of what are the best strategems right now when I made this video in Hell divers 2
Channel: Kibbles Gaming
Views: 49,562
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Keywords: Helldivers 2 stratagems guide, Helldivers 2 stratagems ranked, Helldivers 2 stratagems best, Helldivers 2 stratagems weapons, Helldivers 2 stratagems eagle, Helldivers 2 stratagems orbitals, Helldivers 2 stratagems, Helldivers 2 best stratagems post patch, Helldivers 2 best stratagems for automatons, Helldivers 2 best stratagem weapons, Helldivers 2 best stratagems early, Helldivers 2 best stratagems solo, Helldivers 2 best stratagems, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 guide
Id: -eitjr1-J7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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