Helldivers 2 makes war look pretty fire (I'm enlisting)

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Grandpa Grandpa what is it little Micha did you fight in the galactic War the galactic [Music] War bro this [ __ ] is still [Music] alive oh Jesus Christ no die F still it's okay Grandpa you're home and safe now I loved it bro look how many there are dring down my Eagle I got see this look at how many are coming down let's go let's go God Viet Kong POV oh [ __ ] this is awesome oh my God I wrote a blog post a while ago about why I hate video games because this is what it does that it feels like the male fantasy I'm like coughing blood you see me St let's see if this will help nice little hug it's okay it's okay all right Welcome to Hell divers 2 everyone's newest Obsession real quick in this game you and your squad will be launched from space into alien planets where you will destroy everything you see let my boys and I demonstrate fing oh my God awesome bro guys bro dodging a NE is like he's dead he's [ __ ] no way go oh my God Christian I didn't know you were there pleas please why am I slowed why am I slowed stri I got to go I got to go CHR using teamwork like that you must complete your objectives like blowing stuff up or escorting the innocent civilians or blowing stuff up there's a lot more like the different weapons and bombs but I'll do the exposition later but yeah that's hell divers fresh from Super Earth I see try and keep up I'll do my best sir go Dive [Music] Dive all righty boy ready to die for super Earth for democracy oh God what oh my God he just got sh half oh no not like this this Laser's actually kind of good holy [ __ ] yeah the tower shooting at it's staring right at me it's looking I hit it ah holy [ __ ] h B is being armed clear the area what I'm running did it work three no 11 10 oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] go go go go go go go Oh my Jesus Christ name your super destroyer ship song of Honor oh no sword game sword game sword of honor is there a [Laughter] sword you guys name your [ __ ] all right I'm custodian of family values that's what I'm that's a [ __ ] nameing sword of Honor entering low orbit proor of Conquest entering low orbits where's the custodian of family [Laughter] [Music] values are they dead no Titans coming in two two Titans two tit we surrender hold the line for Titanfall I'm throwing my orbital laser good kill good let me get oh move I [ __ ] head shoted it dude that was awesome so it's like you have to do land [ __ ] you get some [ __ ] [ __ ] the ship's there I'm trying to go fore go in going that's a swarm is everyone nearby oh my God I'm in I'm in I'm in I'm going I'm going F come on in no come on man run run oh Jesus Christ oh my God I'm not going I'm going go go go ior look at this champ we find ourselves in yet another hord shooter bro I know bird yeah burn [ __ ] ugly bastards burn a burn myself hell yeah not soon off push them back watch our left flag oh hurt what the [ __ ] was that I love fighting the bugs dude it's so much more fun than the I'm like the opposite down I love how juicy they are when you shoot them can we set off a hell bomb again all right who pushed me uh I'm in a terminal right now boys I am under the map how sorry this planet's like reach man this where noble 6 [ __ ] died holy [ __ ] it is dude what the [ __ ] I'm getting out of here I'm a Survivor I'm a Survivor black oh my God I found very samples there's another button that we got to press hang on I'm escorting our proud citizens I got something for this big boy oh just one more just one more only 20 only 20 civilians the rest stay behind we already got 20 out of 20 sorry guys wa everything reminds me of her it's crazy dude that didn't kill them holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my God they're dead they're dead watch the one more one more wait they won't come behind us will they let them having almost 10 RAR can you explain those to me in Deep Rock terms this is the sword of Honor guns the progenitor of Conquest reporting for our new sector and what of you family values oh awesome bro wo oh dude powerful for democracy step back oh my God what strategy was that 500 leave the ban right there leave it right there yeah holy [ __ ] awesome beautiful I kill it may I just save it for the 500 kg yeah I need that too dude you may have noticed this game offers a wide variety of war crimes different rifles machine guns flamethrowers orbital strikes n pal strikes there's this thing in the game the guard dog it's like a personal drone dedicated to defend you he missed ah bro your guard dog has like zero Trigger Discipline yeah that thing is a [ __ ] killer ow what the I'm going to shoot that [ __ ] dog if it lasers me one more time bro some of my favorite weapons are the two person ones where you need a buddy to reload you I got to tell you there's no deeper Bond you can form than that load me up load me up if I hold X to you that's it right like no you just hold the gun no there we go get the [ __ ] out of here yeah hold it hold it that's all up D go just shoot just shoot go go go it appear it appears anything that is are we going to terminate this illegal broadcast damn straight bug propaganda yeah I don't get it how do the bugs have an illegal broadcast aren't they just Mindless bugs it's what you're saying is that the governments of superar are lying you're calling them Liars that's you're talking I'm just asking for clarification they hate democracy in all Freedom they can't hate democracy they don't have an understanding of democracy hang on I'm going to call some air support reinfor oh there's a hole oh God my guy dropped out of his head reload I'm going to shoot your guard dog bus it's not really that guard dog is like aiming for me man I'm like running away from it car dog ow why did it say don't drink and drive shouldn't it be don't drink and dive oh missed opportunity damn oh my God so we could drop our stuff reinforce ready guys I know right supposed to be I'm lasering them we'll never be free can I get a reinforce dude this [ __ ] grass don't missile me Z thank you don't worry I got Trigger Discipline thank you yo armored come here [ __ ] oh my godor wait betray your what the [ __ ] you killed me somehow I was out of it no no that's impossible I have Trigger Discipline Do we leave someone behind what is going on with my camera dude the cameraman got left behind dude he's getting bombed I'll handle the terminal you heard her I'll handle the terminal you ammunition myif waa wait what the hell is uh they dropped the [ __ ] what someone do this someone do this what you doing it's a [Music] puzzle got more holes over here huh I love snowy environments I really like how the environments affect us too sucks to walk log into missile control system guys it's bugged for me it won't let me press a can someone else do this what the [ __ ] this looks like it's bugging no way bro we're at the end [ __ ] [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] I got the I got it I got it get out get out of the way get out of the way [ __ ] bugged again that sucks [ __ ] this dude I don't care about the snow planet anymore colossal waste of time I didn't know this game was ass people said it was good that's actually pretty funny a US politician just weed out would take back the [Laughter] creek you feel so epic dude w oh what the [ __ ] I got killed by my guard dog bro oh my homies hate guard dogs no no we like the guard dogs they're trying their best dude this planet looks so good right now beautiful wa purple Forest bro out of breaker ammo there's a there's a uh oh my God oh my God oh my red thing over here the end the the Japanese taking comfort women like [ __ ] oh my God all right who needs ammo damn look at guard dog go bro look at BOS go ah BOS he shot my leg I saw it oh [ __ ] you get away from Mead dude that thing is walking around with just one leg he's a Survivor the indomitable termined spirit or something like no they're not allowed to have that die holy [ __ ] he had no head and two legs and he was CH wow really indominable indominable tur dude look at this skeleton that's scary man look how big that is if Skyler was a termined which one would she be she' probably be a charger cuz they're the most I vote that we keep one of the bugs as a pet St do not F what the [ __ ] was that what just happened to me what what was that I just like slipped and fell let's get the [ __ ] out of here what the [ __ ] is that what's happening I'm just stuck in like the hell diver joining area where the the game has some bugs I mean there's a lot of bugs but a lot of bugs how do you spawn over time or just there let them spawn let them come let them come all right chill shill he loves his job I think at some point you just you learn not to reload get some get some get some come on land on him land on him got him let's go you guys look funny it's like you like you your there is Aion what the [ __ ] my God that's not my fault dude it's amazing to me that this game has a very fleshed out free pass and then a premium pass for the people who want extra stuff but the primary pass is the free one what is it about these H Shooters they're never like greedy or predatory betrayal why get out of the way get out of there bro bro I dropped some samples make sure to get him should be near one of my body parts it right next to your leg oh my God beautiful samples boys you and me are going to get a lot of samples approved deploying reinforcements oh my I'm a man on a mission I am abandoning the mission I'm I'm bleeding [Applause] out goodbye Brothers how did I do that ah Catgirl hell diver moaning on the console I'm not going to pick a favorite that's too cruel but I will say that hell divers 2 is the most immersive and epic feeling hord shooter I've ever played every Mission has its own cool atmosphere and like 5 minutes into each one things will pop up hordes of enemies countless orbital strikes and explosions everything's on fire your screen is shaking your friends are screaming into your ear it's a great experience I guess that's what happens if you let players throw like 30 air strikes of whatever they want countless cinematic moments it's like being in a movie beautiful watch them burn yeah yeah I believe in the hype guys this is the best new game I've played this year the guard dog's going crazy dude I got some of the give you a pack slur slur we should go on Christians ship next time you want to go in the custodian of family values yeah I just saw solar playing hillers 2 that's what I just saw the pure pressure got to him dude so this is the custodian of family welcome aboard do you guys even like me at all we're the [ __ ] reinforcement pleas I threw you in got him he's dead there we go I forgot they explode that's a sunburn Marvel character dude that's a sunburn shut the [ __ ] up why aren't they moving are they stuck on the stair St for you this is another one of the game's bugs this is you guys experienced the uh the weapon bug yet where you just straight up won't pull out a weapon you're like not yet but I'm exited 500 kg bomb I want that so bad it's always been my dream ever since I was a kid I'm coming certified champ champy going on Champion going bro the meteor shower what the hell someone killed General redon [ __ ] I'm watching it shoot charger land on oh yeah that was enough to kill him he's dead youed sir sir we're out of space in the ship Sir Sir and I'm flanking the what just happen Boogie 298 has entered our orbit dude I remember when you CR wait did you get the ad offer for robo Quest what no but like I would be a perfect promoter of that game cuz I love that [ __ ] it's like just an actual good game standing in an eagle a [ __ ] [ __ ] I dropped three supers I would not have made it in the war dude I'm like out here stepping on land mines that are big and bright glowing red this is the mexer flank oh get that tank man come on yes holy [ __ ] oh that's cheap game that's cheap that's some cyber punk ass have you seen the new Dune movie yes bro so good he got one shot by the charger as it was written yeah he just he shits when he is as the prophecy dude I have a [ __ ] clip where we saw three at the same time it was hey what the [ __ ] okay you kind of deserve that you stood it wasn't me you went from it's your fault to it wasn't me what's average YouTuber apology I'm a head to this bug out bug Nest oh yeah there it goes this is not good like land on them and then they just fall over sorry sorry reinforce oh you're guard dog sorry bad dog bad dog dog what the [ __ ] is wrong with you oh [ __ ] dude level 15 I can buy I can buy the 500 kg oh I got it I I definitely killed I got this boys oh my God let land right bro that's right on the [ __ ] oh oh my God [ __ ] annihilated him hang on I'm trying to get oh God be oh today's featured xan Clan meme is a Tuan meme I am so sorry like the video and I'll give you your own guard dog [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: zanny
Views: 1,669,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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