50+ Helldivers 2 Tips and Tricks to go from Beginner to Pro! | Myelin Games

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welcome back hell divers this is 50 plus tips tricks and weird things about hell divers to take you from a noob to a pro it's probably everything I know about the game after about 50 hours I'm sure there is stuff I am missing so if you spot anything let me know if anything's incorrect also let me know and if you get to the end of this video and you don't learn anything then what are you doing here we are losing the war against the robot and we need you on the fields right now defend in super Earth we're going to cover things from movement Tech combat specific enemies equipment Maps Etc if you want to skip ahead you can look use the chapters below let's get into it okay starting with movement you can jump from higher Heights by using a stem before you jump the stem does like healing over time and so by the time your back is broken you'll be mended again and you can just get up and walk it off the jetpack allows you to reload midair even with weapons like the machine gun that would normally pin you stationary so you can jetpack and reload jetpack also allows you to open your strategy so you can jetpack open your strategy punch in the code and basically be ready to roll with a strategy you can shoot behind as long as you don't aim if the weapon is singlehanded you can actually fire behind yourself this also applies to Primary Weapons like the SMGs you can just shoot them behind yourself other weapons that require two hands will make you spin around and you'll lose a valuable speed you can also go into the settings option and put reticle on always and that way you can see where you're aiming behind yourself other thing you can do with strategems if you're on mouse and keyboard and you're having a hard time punching in the codes whilst running is change your strategy list to uh press which will open up the list and then I Chang my up down left right to actually the arrow keys I press the button open the list and then take my hand off the mouse and I can use the arrow keys this way I can actually keep on running when I'm in a tight pinch and I can use strategems on the Run rather than standing still I don't know if this is an issue for controller you have to let me know if you or the enemy shoot spores it will send you flying if you're in a good position you can use it to escape the enemy or in my case most of the time I just get flung straight back into the enemy and die instantly you can actually slide in this game by running and then crouching it seems useless I guess right let's talk about combat if you see a patrol you don't always have to engage patrols especially once you start getting to higher difficulties you actually really want to avoid patrols because a lot of enemies a lot of armored enemies and even like bile Titans can spawn from patrols so you just kind of leave them alone if you do attack them you want to attack them as quick as possible and prevent a bug breach you can you can sort of tell when they they're doing a bug breach they stick their butts in the air and they start waving this orange stuff out you want to kill them before that orange flare comes out it's the same with the robots actually just shoot like a red flare so if you see a patrol either avoid it or nuke it as quick as possible especially for the harder difficulties bug holes can be closed with lots of different uh weapons and support tools not just grenades you can use Rockets you can use grenade launchers you can even use the auto Cannon you got to be aiming a little bit towards the base of it but you can use the autoc cannon to blow up bug holes as well the autoc cannon is also extremely good at taking out Outpost from a distance you just shoot straight into the Little Red Zone and you get get a kill on The Outpost in the robo Maps if you're out of everything you can use a last resort and just literally Chuck in a support item this includes friends and allies anything like anything comes down in a drop pod will actually blow up the uh the bug hole and it even works on the robo dudes of course as you drop in you can also drop in on enemies and do some pretty big damage it's a risk versus reward though especially if you drop onto a bile Titan okay weak spots for automatons they are often like a grill behind the vehicle in this case a tank that you can blow up my preference in general for automatons is to use the auto Cannon it seems really good and taking out a lot of different automatons here's me taking out a tank at range with an auto Cannon like I said you'll notice the weak spot on the back of many of the units with the little light up Grill just Target that to do some big big damage talking about weak spots as the ship flies in you can shoot rockets and and I also think grenades at the engine and the whole thing will crash to the ground this is really useful in higher levels do you keep getting killed by your turret you can lie down on top or just stand on top of your turret and that way you'll never get friendly fired don't bother running away from grenades from automatons you can just easily throw them back at your enemy now be sure to only use this on friends but you can melee friends for a very funny exchange M them off an edge but be mindful though they might get some Revenge as you do an epic extract always throw down some sort of ordinance as you extract for additional cool points right let's talk environment many of you know this but if you see the Spore spewers you can take them out from distance with rockets you can even take them out with just like your primary weapon just keep shooting them and when you destroy the Spore SP which is these like trees that are putting Spore everywhere you actually clear the fog from the map in this scenario I just actually just use my shotgun some side objectives will require you to use a terminal but you don't have to there's AAL broadcast side objective you can actually just shoot this Tower with a Rockets With Grenades you could go Overkill like I did here and call it an air strike on it and you'll actually complete the side mission very very quickly talking about completing side missions quickly the artillery battery you can just transfer all the shells straight to where the opening is before accessing the terminal soon as you access a terminal I'm pretty sure it spawns in enemies so go find all the shells put them right near the entry of the artillery battery and then turn on the terminal put them all in and you'll complete the side mission instantly another thing to note is that these shells are different like sometimes they'll be explosives sometimes they'll be static sometimes it'll be a mini nuke be very mindful if you find a mini nuke that obviously are fantastic but uh be careful of friendly fire on higher levels be on the lookout for this structure here this weird bulbous rock it spawns the samples the super samples which the highest tier samples that you need every time I found this I have found five or six like I've found the almost the max number of Super samples around it back to a bit of information on side missions when you find this antenna tower the radar station this will reveal all the points of interest on the map you can do it by yourself you'll hear an audible beep when you get the radar station in the right direction if you hunting samples and you've used a radar station to unlock all the points of interest on the map the ones that are undiscovered will be a diamond shape and the other ones that you have already looted will be like a pin drop however sometimes I think it's a bit buggy and it doesn't always recall that you've got everything or maybe you can't collect everything there but it is a good indication of what you have and haven't done on the map I'm sure many of you have seen this in previous tips and tricks videos but if you see a c container always throw a grenade or use some explosives blow off the door and you'll get a bunch of goodies in there from support items or or medals or requisition slips or even I think the the shop currency here's a nice fun fact those uh beacons that say salute to open if you press e on it you actually will just open it but you can just open it by saluting just use your emote and it will pop open is this useful I don't think so you still have to be quite close just some basic map knowledge here open the map uh if you're on PC right click and you can move around and pin things if you're on control I'm sure you can do the same just have a look at the bottom right hand corner for the control scheme and you actually open your map move it around pin to where you need to go I didn't know this for like I don't know 20 30 hours these are actually bombs if you see a dead charger that you didn't kill it's got like a mini nuke on it and uh it's fantastic if you can draw some enemies to it and blow it up if you see these broken drop pods always shoot them to blow them up and inside you can get a support weapon uh or just general support items like this time got a guard dog if you're playing the automats and wondering why you don't have your Eagle strikes these uh anti-air areas is like a side objective and they get rid of or they disable your Eagle Strike so take them out and you'll have it return to you often with some side objectives you'll be given a hell bomb so always check your strategems you can actually place down a hell bomb to blow it up it's often the side objectives that are like destroy the samide or destroy the research the Rogue research station you can check you'll have a hell bomb in your menu and you can place it and blow it up I often found I was lost on these really quick maps to seal the bug holes and then some of time when you check your map for this map specifically that the darkened areas is actually where all the the bug holes are I'm sure the map probably reveals more to it than we know so far so I'm going to keep an eye on this to see what other things you can get from the map right let's talk enemy specific strategies starting with the charger this is the thing that's going to cause you the most grief when you first start hell divers the biggest thing that changed my strategy with the Chargers is don't dive I was always diving out the way and kept getting caught uh it can work but I actually find it much more consistent just to jog slowly and when they get a little bit closer start sprinting cut the corner uh and then you can get behind them to hit their weak spot which is their bottom of the back autoc Cannon does a fair bit of damage to it it's not the most effective strategy I'm going to talk about the most effective strategies but if you don't have access to a lot of equipment yet if you blow up that weak spot don't shoot them anymore they will just bleed out and they'll fall over and die you've basically finished the battle once their butt explodes right here's a better strategy if you have the rail gun or friend with a rail gun you can take out their front leg in fact actually don't think you just need the rail gun I think you just need explosives so if you target a leg and then everyone can shoot the leg once the armor is off leg will explode charge is now dead if you're getting really sick of charges this is not a super effective strategy however it's very fun put on a flamethrower and cook it the flamethrower looks so good uh this was very therapeutic to get rid of these guys this way I don't think it's the most effective but it is a lot of fun early on versus charges this is what I did I used a jump pack over them which looks super cool get behind them and the rail gun is easily my favorite tool at the moment if you shoot a charger with the rail gun you actually stun them and they'll do this little slide uh if you shoot them enough times the head just literally explodes and talking about exploding heads the rail gun is super effective on bons you can stop their spew if you hit them with the rail gun I don't know if it's just the rail gun it's probably explosives in general imagine if you shoot them with a rocket uh that it might interrupt their spew as well and I think it's like three or four shots with overcharge and they're dead right let's talk interactions if you hold the reload button you get a lot of different options for different guns like for example the machine gun actually has a different RPM that you can change to always check what options you have when you pick up and play with a new gun uh some of them can be extremely powerful like I mentioned before the rail gun actually has a safe mode and a unsafe mode right there's a drop menu button so you can drop your backpacks in case you pick up something someone else's you can even drop samples a really interesting thing to do with samples on higher difficulties is you can drop your samples at the extraction point that way if your team gets separated and you don't have to backtrack to try pick up samples they'll be right where you need them at the extraction point if you don't have a microphone in there is a ping system you can just tap it to Ping a location but if you hold it down you also bring up a Communications menu where you can uh say sorry need supplies thanks Etc right let's talk about menus I completely missed this there is in fact a day and night cycle for this game it it's obvious now that I see it depending on which part of the globe you are it looks a little bit dark and that's night and if you're on the other side and where the sun is it's it's day and also so there's a tiny little symbol next to your marker that says shows a moon or a sun meaning it's a day or a night uh Mission however the day night cycle continues once you're in the game so you can go in at night time and the sun come up or vice versa and it will change something else that took me a while to notice is there is an effects uh or like these modifiers on each map you'll see on this one there is a weapons experimentation and you actually get incin Minds all the time as a strategy there's also an environmental condition where you get rainstorms which is reduce visibility there's also an operation modifier and this one interferes with your strategems uh some of them can be a real pain in the butt like I've had ones that limit your strategy slot by one so you get one less strategy slot so you always check the effects on the high difficulties right we should talk about uh missions and how you pass the missions because it feels very counterintuitive in when you die but you still actually pass the mission the only thing you need to do for Missions is actually complete the main objectives as long as you do that if your whole team is wiped you actually still will pass it and you won't lose the operation remember that uh you got to complete the missions in the operations to get bonuses so if you are operating a little bit higher levels and you don't think you might make it just be led to the main objectives don't wor about your optionals or doing outposts any of that just do your main objectives and at least you get that win similarly people kind of freak out with the timer in the top right hand corner when that timer is up you don't actually fail the mission you just lose access to your strategems that incluses includes your reinforce so there's no more spawning after that there's no more uh resupplies there's no more orbital strikes there's nothing so you do need to be kind of getting out at that time but also I think people freak out a little bit too much that that time is more of a suggestion of when you should be leaving right this one took me a little bit of time to notice as well I only thought that you could look at your strategems in your U like load out menu before you go into the map you actually can click on equipment so if you're playing with someone else and they pull you through into the hellot and you're not quite ready you can change your weapons you can change your armor still uh it's r on keyboard and mouse and then you obviously can select all your strategems too here's a nice useless tip for you uh when someone leaves your party it says that they returned to civilian life however if you kick them from your party it says that they have have been court marshaled all right let's talk about equipment now there are some weapons that have a separate supply of ammo like the recoiless rocket and the rocket itself when you call these weapons in it'll actually have two sides to the drop pod one will be the rocket and one will be the supply pack if you you can put them both on yourself and reload your own Rockets similarly you can do that same thing with the autoc cannon you can reload your own autoc Cannon however you can have a second person that picks up the supplies and reloads your stuff for you and if they do it it is quicker as you've likely noticed strategems can be stuck to enemies however uh the red strategems won't actually track it'll be the initial point that it landed on the map and that will be the focus point however blue strategems I think just like in general friendly strategems will track right let's talk armor there is light medium and heavy armor they have different stats the armor rating the speed and the stamina as far as I'm aware I believe that the armor rating is bugs for like heavy it doesn't seem like it is working to have higher armor rating uh you seem to take the same amount of hips as a light armor I think right now the best strategy is still to have light armor and then pick the light armor that has the best uh armor passive these like Buffs on the right hand side the Buffs do a whole bunch of different stuff they can give you increase stems they can increase your throwing range they can increase your accuracy there is even one that has a 50% chance to not die when taking lethal damage right if you go outside of the map you'll get a return to combat zone and if you don't return to the combat zone in that time you actually will become a traitor and the ships above you will start bombarding you you can use that to take out enemies however it will not stop until you are dead I'm not too sure what happens if you get to your ship whilst being a Traer if it allows you to to uh extract or not you have to let me know down below if you've done it right when holding strategems use them as quick as possible if you take a tumble like falling off a cliff or getting knocked to the ground you will actually drop it which often ends in your own death always check your strategy cooldowns for example if you have a jump pack and you haven't lost your jump pack yet and your jump Pack's back up you can throw one down for your teammate this applies to nearly oh this applies to everything so if you don't need it and your has a spare spot or if they're a lower level you can drop equipment for them as well right there seems to be either some hidden stats or a bug for example this weapon the SMG and the revolver both say in the description they have light armor penetration however the SMG ricochets off this bug and then the revolver goes straight through it don't know right here's the rail gun in safe and unsafe mode in safe mode you can just hold the left trigger the whole time and it won't blow up in unsafe mode you'll see the little charge bar will get further and further and eventually if you keep holding it down it will explode it will kill you and it will destroy the gun and what I mean by that is when you spawn back in you actually won't be able to find the weapon you won't be able to pick it up again like you can with other equipment it is blown up it is gone you have to wait for your strategy to be off cool down and call back in another rail gun I I'm assuming that the increased charge the unsafe mode just does more damage I don't know if there's like hidden perks with it like it over penetrates or has a increased crit chance or something like that uh at the moment it just seems to Output more damage which makes it incredibly effective against bile Titans it probably is my favorite weapon to take out armored units and Titan units like this uh you just aim of the head charge it up and they're dead before they even get to you right talking about my other favorite support item The Shield generator is huge it's not quite obvious what I did there but shooting these things with the shield on I actually don't go flying I take it off and then shoot the pods I go flying this is crazy this thing the description sounds like it only blocks bullets but it doesn't it blocks melee it blocks other um CC like slows like if you get hit by poison or whatever normally it will slow you down this blocks it you don't get stunned you don't get poisoned you can keep running it is incredibly powerful I would highly recommend prioritizing unlock in that backpack when you can and the ra gun they're probably my two favorite uh strategems right now right let's end on something that seems completely useless but it's so good that it's in the game I think it adds the atmosphere rocket launchers have back blast don't stand behind someone using a rocket launcher I have even more tips and tricks but I just couldn't log on to get footage as the weekend here in Australia and the servers are being slammed uh a couple of other things I'll just mentioned cooking grenades Fant fantastic cook your grenades before you throw them don't hold on hold on to them for too long because you will blow yourself up uh Supply so when you have um like the the rocket launcher supplies like The Recoil rocket or the auto Cannon when you pick up supplies it will it will refill them too other thing is if you have the supply backpack you can press five on keyboard and mouse once again sorry I can't log on to look at what the settings are it's five on keyboard and mouse I don't know what it is on controller but if you have the supply back normally you give it to other people however if you press five you actually give supplies to yourself which is pretty huge there you go did you learn anything my professional hell divers if you did a like and comment would be greatly appreciated and if not why you watching this video for give it a dislike go fight the robots maybe recruit some more hell divers and share this video so we can get some people up to speed thanks for watching and if you like to support the channel can a comment you the word hell divers as usual it's been a pleasure this is m games peace
Channel: More Myelin Games
Views: 447,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: myelin game helldivers, myelin games helldivers 2, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 for beginners, helldivers 2 advanced tips, helldivers 2 tips and tricks ps5, helldivers 2 beginners guide, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 funny moments, helldivers 2 best weapons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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