Helldivers 2 Players PUNISH Toxic Hosts!

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okay this is actually insane look at this it's Joel joining a game and giving hell divers an unreleased vehicle what in the hell this is just one of those things that makes hell divver so godamn amazing look at this you can see in the chat look ah Joel has left the mission Arrowhead Joel joined the mission and then spawned in this absolute monstrosity of an armored vehicle I mean look at this this is just crazy I love this this is so good so this is as far as we know the first time this vehicle has been officially seen in the game now there have been data Miners and people that have found this vehicle and managed to do some sort of Wizardry and find images and even I think some videos of the vehicle but this is the first Like official video we've seen literally Arrowhead throwing this into a random game and can you imagine how awesome this would feel like if you're these guys you just playing the game everyone knows who Joel is by now in Al divers some guy called Joel just appears and he's got the arroe head tag you're like who is this person and then suddenly they drop in this that is insane now maybe this isn't real right maybe this is just players users hackers I don't know having fun but I'm going to believe this is real because I think this adds so much fun to Hell div is the idea of this sort of active DND campaign that we in this massive Galactic W and by the way the Maestro himself can just drop into the games and just give you stuff honestly this is so cool it's so cool I I'm loving this guys let me know what you think about this in the comments comments below but like as a live service this kind of stuff I think it's just it's great it's unparalleled it is honestly it's actually genius I love it it's so good I mean look at this vehicle what in the hell yeah so I think it's about time we talk about stats at the end of a mission stats mean literally nothing in Hell divers 2 in fact if you've got tons of kills you can argue that you're actually playing the game wrong now I know I'm going to get slaughtered in the comments for saying that I love going out there and just annihilating loads of bugs you're seeing all the gameplay clips that I put out there I love it just fting bugs engaging patrols just doing whatever right I'm here to kill loads of bugs and I love it but I'm also going to still do the objectives yeah however there's a lot of people that put emphasis on the stats at the end of the game and they'll say things like oh well maybe you've got a level 50 skull Admiral with you but they don't have the highest number of kills and a level 12 has more kills that level 12 may think oh I'm doing more here I've got more kills but we all know that actually the way hell divers 2 is played is you need to complete the objectives you need to kill the elite and heavy unit cuz they are the most dangerous and crucially you need to collect the samples now of course you can just go into missions and get involved in a massive firefight and honestly I think that's a goddamn cool thing to do I love it I think it's one of the strongest things with this game especially with the terminat they feel fantastic trying to fight back that wave of terminat as they're trying to sort of Crash over you and your team but if you are hyper gaming power gaming being try hard super sweaty then yeah you are here to complete the objectives to basically get involved in in as little combat as possible cuzz the way this game works I'm not I'm not too sure people are actually aware of this but if okay so okay okay let me just throw this out there if you're all running around on the map like in your own sort of Direction you're not together as a team you will cause more spawns because there's more chance of spawns happening cuz they kind of happen around players so if you're all together the spawns will be happening around you right so you should be a to deal with them or move away from them however if you start tagging these groups attacking them it can cause a sort of Cascade effect where you get a ton of bug breaches or bot drops and then you end up with way too many enemies to deal with and then you could potentially run them back to your team now of course you can run away from them and lose aggro from them and all of that stuff but generally if you're engaging every single Patrol and also in fact even on a basic level when you see a patrol you'll look at it and think okay should I take that Patrol on you've got to know that if you don't kill it fast they will call for reinforcement so you need to kill them really quick they may have elites with them you might not have the weapons to kill the elites so maybe you can't kill the charger because you're rocket maybe you don't have it or whatever you just don't have the ability to kill them so it's going to be difficult um so why would you engage them but obviously if you want to engage them just engage them but basically what I'm trying to say here is the stats at the end of the mission are not indicative of how you performed in that mission hell divers 2 is a game where stats literally mean nothing the whole point of Hell divers 2 is finishing the mission and maybe keep keeping the super samples right that's it right that's it if you finish the mission you've done it that's it good job it doesn't matter if you got 1,000 kills somebody's only got 200 kills because that well I mean a th000 kills would be an incredible amount let's say somebody with 200 kills and then you know somebody with 60 kills the 60 kill person may have been running around the map completing objectives while you as a 200 Kill player are involved in some massive war that maybe you don't need to be involved in but you're involved in it anyway and you loving it but the other person is completing the objectives or it could be the other way around the person with all the kills could be the person who is all holding back the Swarms in some way you know and the other players doing the objectives so there's a lot of different ways looking at it but basically guys the stats literally mean nothing in this game and I'm also going to throw this out there they're probably bugged we know the arc weapon stats were bugged I mean they give you more accuracy than is possible cuz you'll end up with like 120% accuracy what is that even about um so yeah they're probably not even accurate anyway but listen guys don't like literally the stats don't mean anything all that matters in this game is playing the objective is collecting the samples and completing the mission that's it that's literally it that's literally it do you guys remember this post from Yohan the CEO of Arrowhead these says this is a sh well this is so shitty also very hard to solve we have some ideas but no conclusion you know what let's try this hive mind do you have a design suggestion and now this is quote retweeting this message I have been removed from matches due to using a single strategy or particular weapon the host doesn't like people will kick for the tiniest reason on the upside though though those matchups have been few and far between but frequent enough to be notable now the reason why I want to bring this up is it is becoming more common a lot more common I I mean I've been kicked from games simply because I they don't like the load out I've bought I've literally done nothing I've landed and they've gone no we don't like this person's load out and kick me out of the game I mean it's insanity this is happening more often now I think as players are sort of getting more I don't know Annoying now the only person who can kick is the host so if you're a host of a game you can bring up the uh the list of players you know where you mute the players and you can kick them if you desire which you know is not great I don't think I've ever kicked anyone in a mission there are legitimate times where you would kick someone if they were relentlessly team killing or doing something absolutely insane then sure you know You' kick them but the problem is with the host being able to just remove people at will it can create some frustrating situations now this I'm just let's just break this down cuz this is taken from Reddit and I think a lot of us will agree with what's going on here I am now a traitor to democracy I dropped into your suicide dive on FY Prime tonight F1 as a latent fourth Squad I saw that you were kitted with plenty of anti-tank ordinance so I equipped for hord clear I a level 50 super Citizen and death admiral of the sces panther of science will descend with my trusty scorcher store Rover doog and em and gas orbitals and stick to the team leader wiping everything short of biot titans from Your Flank we were 10 minutes into the match with no primary completed and one reinforc left so this isn't a very good situation is it anyway and you almost instantly died in front of my eyes I picked up the precious super samples stealing my Reserve to deliver them to our Democratic scientist back on the ship I soon discovered that this team had zero Comm on leadership and was spread out far away from each other effectively quadrupling the number of enemies spawns on the map I yelled to B3 to follow me and we beled it to the two objectives completed them and headed for Evac just after calling the ship I heard your screams in my headset that you're here for the samples and we're about to get kicked I break off from Evac and make my way to you I Aid the search and keep each other alive for a while longer then I hear you berating everyone for not knowing how to play and more threats to kick Mutiny as I watch my teammate B3 go down and disappear from the server I made a desperate choice I ran with your super samples to the edge of the mission area and kept on running I wish I would have stuck around to hear your pitiful complaints and whining when you realized that what I had done but I was already tired of hearing it I ran as far away from the missionary as I could before the missiles ganked me I hope your last Squad he bailed as well and that you found yourself dying alone right before xville with n's sample to your name well well well okay so this is a bit of uh justice taking place here against a toxic host of or even just a toxic member of a team no this is you know you've got to love this because it's like I love I love using this phrase but it is kind of like emerging gameplay it's literally they've punished this guy cuz they're like you know what we don't want a toxic person we don't want somebody screaming abuse down the microphones we don't want any of this so you know what we're going to do we're going to get rid of your super samples of course this means well none of the hell Di has got samples but as the user seems to indicate most people left the game anyway and it was right at the end with Evac and so yeah presumably the guy left who was screaming and shouting has got nothing well he's definitely not got the super samples because this um Brave held ran off the mission area and in case you don't know what happens there is you basically get killed by the Destroyer it just goes like Oh no this is not very Democratic and you need to die and of course if it's miles away then uh well you're never getting them samples back again there are actually other ways you can get rid of samples I'm not trying to be toxic here or give you ideas um but there are things you can do like you can jump into deep water and lose the samples uh you can also throw yourself down okay so they kind of look like bug holes you find them on volcanic planets but they're just endless chasms you throw yourself down there you'll just lose all your gear and uh you'll lose all your samples as well so yeah there are ways you can get rid of samples if you really want to but yeah the thing is though this is like a wider discussion isn't it on the state of the game and the toxicity and the things that Arrowhead are going to need to solve long term because I think this is starting to rear its ugly head a lot more than it was even like last week and it's just going to get worse I think as players start getting I don't know they get an idea of the mattera in their head they get an idea of I suddenly don't like what this person has done so I'm going to kick them I mean honestly guys I'm all for just whatever happens in the mission is what happens on that mission and we're going to try and complete it some missions yeah you will get a squad of players who you can tell are damn good at the game and this generally is on higher difficulties you can tell okay these guys are cracked they know what they're doing the mission's going to be really smooth and it is I always record every game I play of Hell divers and I give them titles things like clean Mission you know great Squad and stuff like that or it would be like rough Mission a bit ropey but we did it and and a lot of the time I end up using those instead of the clean ones because they're more chaotic they're more fun you don't know what's going to happen right just some mad confrontation that that's what makes the gra gate the gra gate gra gate the game great there we go so what I would say guys is honestly just take every Mission as it goes don't be thinking oh no that person's bought a spear they're terrible why have they got a spear kick them out of the group no know be like okay we got a spear it might might be might work it's not going to work it's it's terrible you know or or we've got flamers the flamer is is a great example people taking the scorer and just trying to burn everything yeah yeah you don't really want to be near them do you and if you do go near them and you get killed okay well that was your fault you shouldn't have really been near them should you maybe it was their fault cuz they're just spraying and they're not looking or maybe it's just what happens in a war it is something though which is going to need some uh I don't know there's going to need to be added tools to deal with this I think guys if You' got any ideas let me know in the comments below cuz uh yeah um we don't want toxic players in this game so talking of super samples this is actually incredible this is the best thing I've ever seen in this game and this is a true hell diver's moment look at this the reinforcement comes in you're thinking it's fine the tank explodes and then the hell diver well the hell diver turns into Superman and flies across the map but it doesn't matter because something absolutely insane is going to happen firstly they don't die and at first I was like how are they still alive I think they might have the armor on though that reduces the chance of dying from damage uh there's the super samples literally landed on the super uranium like what are the odds of this this is this must be I mean this has got to be like infantes small like what is going on here this is this is such a hell di as two moment I have never seen such a hell divers moment as such as this hell divers moment all right guys thank you for watching the video if you did enjoy the video then let me know what you think about all of this in the comments below do leave a like subscribe to the channel because it helps a ton and leave a comment as well and yeah get back out there and carry on killing the bugs I think we've got a defend campaign running at the moment but yeah things are eily quiet what the hell is going on with the TCS when's the next real major order going to happen all right guys I've been sty and I'll catch you a lot on the next one see you soon
Channel: Stylosa
Views: 118,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stylosa, HELLDIVERS 2, helldivers, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 stratagems, helldivers 2 crossplay, helldivers 2 coop, helldivers 2 playstation 5, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 updates, helldivers 2 game, ign, warhammer, pc games, helldivers gameplay, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay trailer, helldivers 2 preview, helldivers 2 tactics, helldivers 2 details, ps5, best stratagems helldivers 2
Id: MEL2SBrnC9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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