Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: Belgium forms European Union and annexes most of Europe

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hello everyone i am torio and welcome to another one of my house of info challenges today we're going to play as belgium and form the european union this challenge has been requested by you in the comments quite a lot of times and i have had it on the waiting list for a long time well i'm finally getting around to it let's go with ironman mode historical focuses regular difficulty forming the european union is now a decision that can be taken and in order to do that well we don't need to own all of the current european union we do need to own the benelux countries germany france and italy not that much on the one hand but on the other we do have to defeat germany france and italy and the united kingdom as well well because they'll allow france of course okay let's get going political effort of course we do need that political power we'll need to change our ideology i'm going to switch to the superior fire by production because it's my favorite let's get rid of the fighters get some more infantry equipment and a bit of support equipment as well now we don't have a lot of manpower we need to remedy that i'm going to release zaire and that is going to give us manpower because we're going to use colonial templates of course belgian congo now has 31 000 manpower well they'll have more let's get the colonial template going i'm just going to use this infantry template we might augment it later let's switch all our units to that one also let's make sure to get more troops i'm going to be training this a smaller template with my own troops and then switching them over to the colonial one because i don't want to be ferrying troops all the way around see ivan paul's and their manpower has skyrocketed we're going to use all of that let's have a quick look at the decision we could do that on the way to get some more manpower we'll see maybe i'll do that and to realize european unity we'll need luxembourg dutch french italian and german provinces yeah we can do that we'll have to beat the uk as well though let's deploy these guys ahead of time all the time and immediately switch them over to the colonial ones spanish law has started but it's not going to affect us most probably ryland has happened and we did political effort now we're going to move on to naval and industrial efforts why naval well we will need some ships i'll need to research them too and that gives three dock outs which is quite a lot so let's do this i think i want to go with two full armies of that and now that we have done effort we can hire a guy that will change our ideology we can go communist we can go fascist uh we will go fascist because it is going to make our life a lot easier have we used up older manpower yet oh yes we have no matter they should go to limited conscription soon let's keep using up their manpower i'm not going to open up political discourse or do anything of the sort just yet because i want to spend that political power on getting a silent workhorse which is also why i'm going to delay the next focus a little bit so we can get the silent workhorse as soon as possible unfortunately i forgot to research any ships so for now we're going to be producing convoys but i do need to start that research quickly so we can get them quickly and produce a lot of them and that is going to be crucial let's open up the political discourse submarine researched now let's do transport ships precious in the government yes definitely that increases our fascist support by 10 percent thus we're almost ready to switch our governments almost all fascist assault divisions wonderful and that means we can now switch our government and now we need to discredit the government or we can wait um no no let's do it now the cost is not prohibitive discredit government hold national referendum boom and we won't be able to realize european unity from now on because we are not democratic but worry not we can go back to that i'm going to need to wait a little bit and gather up some political power so that we can start justifying i think we're good to go in terms of justifying war goals let's start with the netherlands because they have the guy that makes it more difficult and now luxembourg as well why luxembourg is it worth fighting for well yes because if we have both netherlands and luxembourg as belgium we can take the decision to make this all our court territory okay it's all good they have not been guaranteed finally belgian congo has gone to limited conscription which is great nationalism focused on doing militarism let's hire an infantry expert china is happening we could have used that we could have allowed ourselves for japan to get a bit of china but we don't need that we'll have some nice manpower from other sources let's do military youth for some extra extra manpower we are pretty much set and ready to go oh i could ban communism and we have our first wargle unfortunately we're going to have to wait quite a bit until the other is ready and we do want to declare those two wars at the same time fortunately i have timed it well enough justification for luxembourg is ready let's declare i am going to declare both of those walls at the exact same moment as to you know not have them guaranteed by anyone all right here you go let's see how well we can enact my plan luxembourg is going to fall luxembourg has fallen wonderful that's luxembourg let's annex everything the dutch is indies have been called in good let's just focus on their victory points come on come on focus on amsterdam we don't need any of the other stuff and pass a few times satellite and take all states wonderful now we have 49 factories we will be able to do the next research start we have all this territory we can pass a decision that will make it our core stuff which will give us more manpower and also we have a new puppet the belgian east indies which can be a bit problematic because they will make japan attackers most probably however they are going to give us quite a lot of manpower now we're going to allow ourselves with germany and focus on beating up france and britain extra research slot is finished oh in order to start the next one i need at least 51 factories which i can quickly do by just stopping to trade and then we can re-enable the trade extra research sort let's make a belgian east indies colonial template and make it a 20. that is going to free up a lot of manpower for me also now what we can do is repudiate is that how you pronounce that and the treaty of london which will return the benelux to its former glory let's do that now we are leo belgicus cool and from that we'll form the european union soon that gives me when we impose that should give me a lot of manpower and it did a reunification of the low countries now while getting ready to fight france we should seek an alliance with germany otherwise they might attack us and we wouldn't want that yet with the secret weapons focused done we can get those research speed bonuses very very quickly so let's get on with that let's add the signal companies to our units fate of jehoslavak is being done soon the wars will start fate of johas the backer is sealed and zog submits to italy all right two more focuses right yeah mode of ribbon drop and then they're going to attack my beloved poland in the meantime we're almost ready to take on france pawn refuses ultimatum okay why are you not attacking you have attacked i wish to join your war you don't want me to about when france joins about now yes yes you do want me to do that wonderful france's mind then go yes britain is calling everyone in oh and please very welcome thank you oh at least still hasn't joined the war good more for us we want france give me oh they're trying a naval invasion well i have a garrison to port let's give some manual orders not too many it is looking good all the expansion is being done from our territory which means we should get the french stuff go take paris for me just a few more and they'll be done for is that it france yes it is and look at this beautiful let's expand our port garrisoning and get ready to invade britain we can put up to 50 units onto naval invasion plans so we'll have one army of 13 and three armies of 12. that's and support artillery companies we do have some artillery we have stolen from our enemies perhaps that will be sufficient let's activate those invasion orders just in case the italian fleet decides to wander into the english channel which will probably not happen enemy ships 27 to 32 do we have a superiority we do which means this might be the moment to do this okay let's risk it let's send all our ships over to the english channel go this should be enough to launch our naval invasions will it be enough to launch our naval invasions well we'll see in a moment yes it was enough okay the trick to this is to have more ships than they do doesn't matter my ships are [ __ ] and they'll get destroyed in a moment and what matters is that invasions can get through at least one should be able to and when that happens well the british don't stand a chance hello britain let's take london we will need to take ports quickly now these guys will probably get killed can i retreat you and so you were just sacrificing one army for the sake of controlling all of the united kingdom soon croatian stuff happening won't matter that much see the british are never ready for this and my my fleet got obliterated of course it did sabrines are [ __ ] but that was enough to launch the invasion and it should be enough to carry it and thus we have four armies in the united kingdom some of those troops will get intercepted and killed by the enemy fleet but it won't matter if you win in the end i'm about to take london and ironically it might be better for us to not take london because these guys should be cut off from support now yugoslavia has capitulated what about britain okay take newcastle and we're done full or they're done for the united kingdom has capitulated to me and that is the end of the war now to get a lot of stuff which is going to be quite important let's do a shadow puppeting of france and older satellites so that germany can't do you know vichy france if we take all the coastal stuff and the province that is bordering germany then the germans won't be able to take anything ah that's too much damn it but in the first round the germans are probably going to take poland anyway so that's fine right this is as much as we can do in the first round let's do that okay what did you take they have taken lots of poland which leaves us to do what we want with the rest of france good all right that is it for the conference and now well we are quite a world power aren't we we own france uh quite a bit of stuff elsewhere and britain is our puppet well britain is not as strong as it used to be because the germans have taken quite a lot of their territory but that's fine oh we also have canada we have several choices now i think i'm gonna do order 66 we haven't done that in a while alternatively i could expand my power take over turkey and the balkans here i could destroy the soviet union and so on and then turn against germany and italy but i think i might be in a position to defeat them right away so i'm going to train a lot of new units and switch them to colonial plan templates of course more units that's as many as i can train i've modified this to be easily trainable so we can have a lot in the field now um yeah i'm going to need to distribute them all around germany and italy and then declare war on croatia that's yeah seems like a good plan and finally we can do war economy and definitely looks like i'm not going to have enough troops to properly cover all of germany so i'm going to have to make some line pluggers that will plug the lines or the holes in the lines and all that let's make tons of those just one unit troops i'm going to be using them to block off reinforcements for german troops and stuff like that let's research the best guns thanks to the focus we can do it very quickly you know we could also easily invite the united states from canada they are nowhere near strong enough to repel our invasion but we do have a clear goal and for that we only need the germany and italy yep looks like we're pretty much done filling all this up we don't really need to put them in polish provinces because this is not a german core area and core areas are the only thing that really matters but i do have access troops so i put them in denmark as well and in joslovakian poland or rather what used to be them we are ready to go i'm going to leave the faction together with all our puppets and now our troops will attempt to return home i'm going to need to select all of these units and hold them once they start returning but that will happen in a moment now i need to justify some war goals so let's do slovakia and just in case let's also do croatia oh we don't have enough podca power all right we'll do some market then now let's select all these units slow the game down a bit and when they start retreating home we need to spam the h key to hold them in place they will lose their organization but it doesn't matter no i need to have all of them selected that's better yeah i must have misclicked earlier it's fine it's fine they still haven't left the provinces and if they attempt to we need to spam h at some point they will stop trying to do that just don't know when exactly it is going to give me military access wonderful so not only are they not going to be trying to go home they will also receive supplies good probably should have given them logistics companies but it's a bit late for that now oh romania's attacking bulgaria interesting soviet union attacked finland good which means the soviets will be busy unless finland is permitted to join the axis which would be horrible for me but i don't think they will be permitted to join the access we are justifying world on slovakia and another one on croatia but yeah i can't really use slovakia why well because they're a puppet and yeah i forgot to take that into account if we attack them well let's just say it wouldn't end well we will have to wait a little longer hopefully our troops in german territory can survive that also it is time to hire a democratic reformer why well because forming the european union requires us to be democratic the germans attacked the soviet union god damn it why is this not to my liking well because we will probably have to fight the soviets after all that which is unfortunate i was hoping this would not happen in that situation it would have been better to defeat the soviets together with germany well they are still inviting me to their faction but i spent too much time deploying my troops here i suppose i could join the common town when we start fighting the germans we would have that option but first we do need to declare war on croatia democratic support is increasing yeah we have not used the war goal should have stopped the justification when i realized i wasn't going to use it i should have stopped the war justification oh well till late now ah justification on croatia is ready now we have two valid options one of them is to just attack on our own and the other is to ally the communists let's declare war for now now they should call their allies in but let's slow the game down a bit and see if they do that will depend on a few things if they feel their border with us is not secured they will not accept the call to arms oh romanians the axis that is unfortunate okay italy has been called in that is very important and now well now we can do things to italy yes we can as you can see all the provinces that had our troops but we're not stabbed by italians are now ours let's make sure this extends to all their provinces now that we have italy in our grasp almost um germany should join soon as you can see i've set up a lot of small front lines around the area and soon italy should be capitulating i might need to join commentary for no no germany has joined wonderful see that is the power of the order 66 on the other hand this is not looking so great is it because they do own most of the important provinces however now with a lot of micromanagement and stuff like that we can make it happen the forces in italy will soon be free to join the fighting but for now we do need to create some small front lines as well i have set up some orders hopefully they'll be enough to take care of germany let's see they are pretty weak because they were not supplied but now they are being supplied hungary has been caught in well that doesn't really matter when we take italy and germany it will be all over right looking better already and this is quite important we have connected our territories which means they are all getting supplies by land now and we have taken rome question is how much warsaw will the soviets get how far from capitulation are you guys italy is very close how are we doing in britain oh i have not called the men right i could i suppose but it doesn't matter really yeah let's call them and we'll get scotland cleaning up german resistance nicely how's it lay yep it looks like we just need a las peta and you know and then they should be taken care of let's try giving you some manual orders italy has captivated wonderful and gave me tons and tons of resources well not resources equipment and the same is about to happen to germany beautiful germany has capitulated and i do have more uh war score than the soviets it's still going to be slightly problematic i do need to take all the land that belongs to germany all the german cause and all the italian cause we're going to start by shadow puppeting everyone because the soviets tend to puppet stuff you click take all states and then satellite and puppet everything and then untake all states this way nobody else will be able to pop at them see this way the soviets will be unable to puppet the countries here and now i need to block them off from taking their land directly well i can't do that as far as i know i can't block them from doing it but i can focus on baiting them into taking polish stuff yeah let's give them some more room to expand here hopefully they will spend their points on taking the bits of poland slovakia hungary and croatia here and not then try to take italy from me which would be a big problem let's end the turn and see okay so far so good congratulations soviet union you can take the rest i'll let you okay let's have a look now all we really need to do is wait um until we can switch to democracy although i suppose i can invade romania in the meantime i could also invite the soviet union but i do like to keep those challenges fairly limited in their scope meaning that i don't really like taking more than i need to in order to fulfill the challenge but it's going to take some time for us to you know switch to democracy so let's have something to do in the meantime let's invade romania should i your next britain i suppose i could public call for elections well this one is of dubious quality because it increases our support growth yes but it decreases our political power gain which is very problematic oh our justification against romania is ready um let's go and take them i could attack the soviet union as well i'm pretty sure i could succeed i would need to reorganize my army a bit to do that though romania will give us some oil which is welcome join belgium in european unity romania okay good lots of equipment take all states please bruton bruton britain wilson be ready for annexation britain is ready for annexation but we don't have the point to do that we're pretty much ready to annex um britain but we don't have enough political power to do that which is a sad sad thing yeah i shouldn't have you know accepted that democratic event british raj has capitulated to japan we are at 40 support for democracy it is time to discredit the government and it should be available now uh more than 50 yes i always forget that here you go referendum we are democratic now united kingdom of the netherlands and that lets us do realize european unity here we go european union why are we still orange shouldn't we be like blue unification of europe has happened and we are now european union look at our manpower oh we're blue now good beautiful okay that pretty much does it but um feels a little bit anticlimactic should i beat up the soviets as well yeah let's beat up the soviets as well go out with a bang how's the equipment fine ah justification is complete okay let's go out with the bang take out the soviet union quickly and efficiently the european union declared war on the soviet union at the great union's war so how about that war goal still no bonus that is very disappointing i suppose i'll justify maybe they'll join on their own now looks like it's going well enough looks like spain is not going to get involved pity but that's fine hmm i don't think we'll be able to attack spain i think we'll be done with the soviet union before our world london is ready that's a pity oh can we enact britain now we can let's do that british empire lovely shade of blue good yeah seems like spain is going to be saved oh crap japan attacked me i don't feel like dealing with japan i'm just going to ignore this all the japanese allies are joining japan in their war against us i have no idea how they think they're going to win this but that's not my problem okay say what if if i can annex the soviet union before this war goal is ready i'm going to let you off the hook and let you stay out of the european union if that happens well consider that your lucky day sauvignon has capitulated oh right that means two things one spain you are only 20 days 21 days away from being attacked um but it is your lucky day because i'm going to let you live as for the soviet union well right that should be sufficient okay we have a next the soviet union we're still at war with japan and we're about to get a wargle on spain but i have decided to let them off the hook okay i'm going to end it here i hope you enjoyed this little video let me know in the comments what you think about it what i did right what i did wrong and so on and of course most importantly make sure to suggest any future challenges that you would like to see me do one more thing i am thinking of setting up merchandise if you're interested in that let me know if and what you would be interested in you know like t-shirts cups and stuff like that what you would like to see on it it's just an idea i'm entertaining right now but it might happen in the future so yeah let me know if you're interested in that sort of thing and that is it for this video i'll see you soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 505,088
Rating: 4.9104905 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 ironman gameplay, hearts of iron 4 belgium challenge, hoi4, hoi4 annex united kingdom, taureor, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 fail, hoi4 belgium challenge, hearts of iron 4 ironman belgium, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 european union, hoi4 belgium world conquest, form eu hoi4, hoi4 ironman belgium, hoi4 eu, hoi4 belgian empire, annex europe, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hoi4 belgium vs uk, hoi4 meme, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 belgium
Id: 1h7VGCnEh3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 24 2018
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