Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: Restoring Austria-Hungary

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hello everyone i am torier and welcome to another one of my hearts of iron 4 challenges today we're going to do something hopefully short and sweet um it's not a particularly difficult one but it should be quite a lot of fun we're going to be playing as hungary and we're going to be restoring the austro-hungarian empire more countries can do that for example jar slovakia is a very good powerful candidate however hungary has a special focus treaty dedicated just to that so let's start as hungary ironman mode historical focuses and regular difficulty as usual yeah i tried it once before but i made a crucial mistake so let's try again we're going to follow this focus tree and invite a habsburg prince first balanced budget produced a lot of infantry equipment relatively generic research and start by making some extra civilian factories in the area we start with 16 units they're not particularly strong but they will be enough for whatever we need for now and that's in pause for militarization of rhinod and from balanced budget we go to strengthen the monarchists also we should immediately hire a silent workhorse i'm saving our political power for now because we might go to war with austria shortly we've done elected king and now we invite back the habsburgs in the meantime i'm producing inventory equipment but um i suppose i'll make some artillery as well we might modify our template by some support artillery and here he is otto von habsburg who will give us quite a lot of political power now we have two options regarding austria we can demand a referendum or attack them uh normally referendum is the better way to go but if we attack them we would get rid of the treaty of trianon still i think referendum is what we should do if they refuse we can still attack them i'm saving our political power because if they refuse the referendum and we attack them i will be able to go directly to extensive conscription on the other hand if they accept we'll just get all their troops let's see referendum defeated really okay then that is unfortunate but at least we will not be burdened by the treaty of trion let's do that then a next war goal against austria and attack immediately our troops are ready now we will have to do some manual management in the area we're most interested in the victory point so let's slow this down a little bit so i can um manage manually we'll need a victory point but not just vienna we'll need more than that security armament has been bypassed yes i think i'm not going to select a focus i'm hoping to defeat uh austria very quickly and then go directly to the restoration of austro-hungary also now we can do extensive conscription we will need that manpower to attack others and there should have some troops here but if we do things right we might be able to just bypass them let's move for salzburg and innsbruck um taking different routes so that we can go around enemy troops if there are any alright there's some resistance here but we should be able to encircle vienna okay one of you should change the route this way they don't have enough troops to secure the whole border so i can just go between them can you guys get across here probably not but if i take salzburg from the north let's speed this up and take vienna as well then we win salzburg is ours alright now we just need to finish off vienna and vienna is about to be ours and we win of course i'm going to annex everything i really thought they would agree to the referendum oh well we win now i'm going to restore austral hungary that will make all this our core territory and thus increase our manpower which is already growing since we went to extensive conscription i think we should improve work conditions now that will increase our stability and thus give us more political power and then we can go to partial mobilization we've done restoration of austral hungary and now i'm going to protect joe slovakia now this focus has a chance of failing um if i remember correctly from the event files we have a 40 chance of them joining us directly being the next 50 chance of them being a puppet and 10 percent chance of them just refusing us all together if the last one happens we might need to restart um of course it is preferable if they are just a next but the other options will serve our plans as well the problem is that if we don't annex them then the germans will attack eventually right we have some political power let's go to partial mobilization hindenburg incident oh i actually forgot to appoint a field marshal well that was a bit of a mistake let's move our troops to the just like in border i don't actually intend to fight them even if they oh they agree to a closer relationship that is unfortunate i was hoping to just annex them but i suppose that's good enough we only had a 10 failure chance all right i will be able to request their troops unfortunately that means we'll have to defend them from the germans the next thing we do is we need to claim transylvania but for that i'll need more troops in the field so let's deploy all the troops we have that is not enough i suppose i'll switch all the cavalry divisions into infantry divisions i'm gonna need to train a couple more that is unfortunate it's a slight mistake just a few days of a delay and unfortunately i don't have enough army experience to modify the template which would be the fastest and simplest way of doing that unless i quickly get a military theorist that might give me enough experience let's modify the template slightly bigger and there it is now i can do the focuses i'm going to claim transylvania first because if they agree i get land for free and if they disagree i get a modifier that will speed up my war justifications let's request all the troops from joslovakia it's 22 let's go to three full armies now if they would agree to just be annexed we would get their generals as well unfortunately they did not now we do have to tread carefully here we have to be wary of the allies uh guaranteeing them in japan now we will have to annex joslobaki but that can come later let's see what the romanians say to our ultimatum i am ready to attack them if they disagree romania refuses to give up transylvania that is fine because we'll actually get a nice modifier that will speed up our wargle justification now we can justify war goes quickly of course the allies can still interfere with us much will depend on how the arbitration here goes i think the best outcome for us is to get a little bit out of the arbitration so we don't have to attack them immediately and in the meantime use this buff to justify a war goal on yugoslavia let's see if they don't get guaranteed now we probably won't need the extra claims so let's instead do industrial revitalization let's see yes we can approach someone about the mediation actually before we do since we are just trying to work on you the summit it could theoretically get guaranteed i'm going to improve relations with the allies this doesn't do much often but sometimes it can be helpful and who should i approach let's approach germany oh oh cool we'll lose the national spirit war preparations however uh we have already gotten everything we need from romania and we use that national spirit to justify war goes on yugoslavia let's send our troops to the yugoslavian border and we get transylvania back did it become my core or not it is not my core but i did get land and factories cool if i can get yugoslavia as well before all this fighting starts um then we will be in a very good position to resist germany because they will probably attack us for sudetenland now theoretically i could give it to them and strike back at them at a later date speaking of germany i should probably get some thoughts going on the border with them yugoslavian factories will be helpful in getting those forts in place oh monster jehoshaphat is still pumping out troops which is great i'm going to request all those forces and use them to strengthen the armies that are preparing to attack you gossip end of the spanish civil war wargles progressing still no guarantees so far so good italy announces claims on yugoslavian territory well not for long there isn't going to be any yugoslavian territory soon check for guarantees no guarantees vocal is ready let's attack we don't need to call any allies in um yeah let's go we should crush them easily now see we're already through but you guys should be moving and cutting them off why are you not going towards belgrade it's undefended take that good you go here belgrade is ours how far are you from capitulation uh not that far did i miss something how big is this just one victory point oh i missed lubiana okay they are cut off from supply though so it should be relatively easy let's just focus all of you on getting lubiana quickly and we got a dockyard we have a reintegrated other railroad so let's move towards the extra research slots and see what germany is doing this is always a concern for us synthetic rubber okay and here goes yugoslavia now let's consult the map so we can make sure that our borders are the actual historical borders and not just you know take whatever we can take all right looks like we don't need montenegro we do need donation we don't need serbia we do need boss yeah do we need verdina yes okay um i think i'm correct in assuming that this is what we need now let's also get some puppets i'm going to satellite serbia and montenegro and that is the end of the war now what we need is to annex yo slovakia and take bits of poland and italy alright let's send our troops to the german border because we're going to have to resist an attack from them also i suppose we should have gone to free trade earlier to boost our industry and maybe edit our template to make it better oh i need to research engineers i still haven't that is a bit of a mistake and let's make it a 20 with pure infantry unit and then we'll add some support to it and exercise everyone while the germans are still not attacking let's hire an army regrouping expert i think i can safely add artillery detachments as well there you go let's see ah demand to that land here it goes should i go to level five faults let's go to level five fours oh montenegro made a unit give me ports level seven hopefully that will be enough to defend since we are going to be defending against the german attack let's hire an army defense expert for full armies should be sufficient to hold them off i don't know for sure they demand to that and end i can give them a war goal how long until this expires let's wait a bit see what focus they do next oh actually maybe i'll be able to strike back at them probably not though just in case let's make orders my best chance is to hold them back and let them suffer losses while they attack me it is time to refuse them are they going to attack me probably but why did build up fortifications we'll see in a moment how effective they are alright so far so good they have not attacked me yet what's your next focus restart eastern claims it would be best if they attacked me and not my puppet then we could just defend this bit which would be quite easy perhaps they will hold off entirely probably not though they have still not attacked this is curious i mean they will eventually but we did get a little bit more time than i thought we would if we could get them to attack poland before they attack us that would be amazing there will also be a bit of a problem if they ally italy i do have an army that's ready and waiting to you know secure this area but yeah it's going to be difficult fighting both of them if that happens sorry what i can actually restore the australian empire seems like i actually do have everything i need is that the challenge complete let's click this that gave me cores everywhere i think okay cool but uh to be honest the austro-hungarian empire also held quite a bit of poland so we need to do that as well yeah much more population three men power half a million that means i can train more units if i have the equipment and i don't have the equipment then again even incompletely supplied units can be very useful in defense so let's make another army mode of ribbon drop hey are they actually going to attack poland before they attack me okay this is actually better because this gives us a permanent buff to civilian industry so let's take this i'm not surprised that they're not attacking but i suppose i did amass quite a big force on the border so maybe that is what is dissuading them what have you been dropper packed are you doing dante on war now yes you are okay so if they don't attack us for the remainder of this that's actually great news so let's do nothing and wait and see what happens although i should probably secure our border with italy just in case they joined the axis and want to beat us up i wonder is poland gonna get guaranteed because it's not looking like that at the moment okay germany attacked poland and poland has not joined the allies there was no guarantee for poland which is weird but um the kingdom of bohemia is guaranteed by the allies which is uh it's a weird campaign we can do some propaganda against the germans okay our front lines are automatically extending to cover this area that's good okay you guys cover everything right we'll have to relocate you a bit uh once the with poland is done because uh poland is on its own apparently so germany is just gonna annex them german pressure towards the benelux well depends on whether they attack or not they will attack someone i hope it's benelux and not us and poland is annexed all right i need to reorganize my orders right be quick about it we don't want the germans to think we're defenseless and attack us and you saw occupy system poland all right well that's good for the germans because if they didn't honor the pact then the soviets would crush them this is a really weird turn of events i really thought they would attack me earlier that's it's good don't do it sure don't attack me let's start producing the better guns if he joins the axis okay that might mean an attack still nothing japan took stuff the longer they delay the better for us well with fronts okay that is actually going to be great for us if they do that it's august now still no attack good they have all these war goals but they're not using them should start researching extra support companies and add them to my units and here comes the last research slot let's now do some military focuses if they attack the soviets and not me that's going to be actually hilarious i could join the comment and then oh that would be amazing for us yeah let's do that come on attack the soviets now we wait and see who germany attacks because they have war goes on everyone okay they declared warren luxembourg that might be good for me see if luxembourg joins the allies now yes they're at war with the allies which means i could get involved now did france managed to get good not yet i'm wondering if i should get a wargle on the germans depends how well france defends i suppose they are keeping troops on our border so they might not be able to beat up fronts as quickly as they normally would i'm going to justify a wargo and see if that changes anything i can always cancel it if i want to belgium and luxembourg join the allies and so though the netherlands okay let's see how well they fare and in the meantime prepare to possibly attack the germans yeah they might actually beat up france and uh the vanilla countries easily but they did have a little bit more time to prepare so we'll see and there is no defense on the italian border you know what i think i am going to attack let's activate everything example capitulates come on wouldn't you like to attack the soviet union perhaps probably not should we attack i think we should yes um one possibility is we'll just beat the mob the other is we'll get killed but idiots declared war on the soviet union all right now there is no question we'll beat them up easily i don't know what germany is doing in this playthrough they got really confused apparently three days two one there it is let's go attack and let's call my puppets as well all right let's beat up the germans and take land we're gonna take polish land from them but we're also gonna take more i'm gonna need to beat up the soviet oh interesting the soviet union invites me to their faction you know what i'm going to accept it's probably going to be temporary but i am going to accept joined the commandant come on attack from my territory as well italy has joined not a problem i already have troops ready to invade make everyone aggressive france has capitulated full of paris we'll see now that we are involved and the soviets are involved this is not really a problem not when we're so deep in german territory already well it's not that deep i think with the help from the soviets we'll do just fine what's my participation by the way it is 23 not perfect but should be sufficient oh this is interesting i'm gonna need to do this one crap i should not have called in montenegro i forgot about that it's a pity we couldn't attack them a bit earlier because then france might still be alive uh but it's all right we also get some land leaves and stuff from the allies now we're being pushed back i think i need to go to balanced at least we did take zara should i increase my manpower not yet full of leningrad really how did that happen finland okay i guess if we can maintain the pressure eventually we'll be victorious although i hoped for a swift victory i was hoping that france would survive but um at least the netherlands and belgium are holding unfortunately i did run out of manpower let's go to service by requirement do some more war propaganda i do have a lot of political power i'm not sure what to do now let's do war bombs why not the soviet union is taking most of the stuff here but it doesn't really matter we will have to fight them eventually anyway because we need these bits here come to think of it we have actually taken quite a bit of german territory and warsaw has been retaken and albania is ours let's use this army to maybe put some more pressure on italy netherlands and belgium are striking back slowly but they are regaining some territory we have actually taken over some german military factories let's make a good use of them romania is fighting bulgaria i wonder if any of them are going to join the faction oh oh cool we have gotten through in italy quite nicely i didn't expect it to go so well go run for rome can we actually take berlin that will give us quite a lot of warscar come on rush berlin press the attack and here it is ours berlin has been taken and rome will be taken in a moment as well let's make sure you aggressively go towards palermo because this is often difficult to take as you can see it's just a matter of time and not that much time actually let's try and rush hamburg it might be possible hmm getting across the street is not going to be an option probably but let's try anyway i should probably just sit back and wait at this point i'm going to have to attack romania let's see if they joined the axis on the round though why do i have to attack romania because it turns out i need boko veena as well elite capitulates cool now i can relocate these troops to deal with romania let's see if they do join the access probably not i'm gonna justify working on them romania got guaranteed by free france which is a bit of an issue for us but we can just leave that for later unless they join the access while this is still going on which is a possibility though it will not be going on for much longer since we have taken the hamburg um let's see maybe they will actually join the access which would be amazing for me you know i should probably stop all my attacks on germany vichy france capitulates germany still stands for a moment longer come on come on join axis they are doing the folks to join the access doesn't mean they will join the axis because the access might not exist um all right you know what i need to retreat all the troops from the german front line perhaps that will be sufficient because i need to make them survive for another two months and a bit the other conference really well that doesn't bind me as a player just a bit more ah crap germany has capitulated well that means we won't have the option to do what we want with romania unless i puppet france let's pop it front and let's pop at germany i do need south to roll this looks weird but that's what the map said right i also need southern poland but we don't have enough points to do that puppet injured german reich seems to be a mistake because they'll automatically get divided because of the art conference what i need to do is also saturn light is germany and west germany why can i not satellite east germany oh because the the the soviets are liberated to them that's fine so i'm going to satellite west germany alone but of course for that i need to make them smaller i can actually take all this german territory pretty cheaply because i'm occupying it but we want to preserve the historical borders so i will have to release germany from it not sure if i will be able to but i will take it directly and then hope to release germany from it i'm not sure if my puppeting will work let's check that once and for all and see because i have checked that with puppeting vichy france i have not checked that with poverty free france so let's see okay bourbon france i did actually manage the puppet france cool and germany not sure if this will be split or not if it doesn't i can return their territory to them and here is east germany yeah let's see what happens to berlin let's make sure to improve relations with britain hopefully they will not and they will not guarantee romania let's see what happens and pause east germany joined commandant that's fine what happens with the german right though libya joins the allies if the german empire doesn't get annexed by east germany i'm just going to give them some land and yes they did get the next by east germany okay it looks like i'm going to have to hold on to it for a while um even though it makes my board as bad but i'm going to rectify the situation later by puppeting east germany i don't want to give it to them now because i'm going to be fighting them and well why make your enemy stronger right i will need to reduce the independence of my puppets by sending them some land leaves and building some factories for them everyone is cancelling non-aggression packs with us but we actually don't have any quarrel with the allies we just need to take romania and then beat up the soviets anyway we do have our work on our let's attack well when they seated this rabbit to the soviet union that is unfortunate but not a problem in the slightest because we're going to be fighting the soviet union anyway and we don't actually need west arabia i think we need bukovina and we need study 12 and these as well i think yeah the attack on romania is progressing quickly and smoothly although it is also quite unnecessary now that the soviets have taken the land that we needed still let's get another puppet let's satellite bulgaria and puppet the romanians that will do it all the remaining territory that we need is now held by the common turn so let's get ready to beat them up we will start by indexing joel slovakia we're going to send them all our stuff in then please like literally all of it i wish you good to trade the territory in the game because i only need like a little bit here and i would be willing to give up all of this we can finally reduce their autonomy let's do that they're now a colony can i now build stuff in your territory yes i can okay we already started building military factories on in france but that can wait let's build civilian factories all over charleston camp we can lower bohemian autonomy again it's still gonna take a while why am i building civilian factories here and military factories elsewhere well i'm going to be annexing this and i need civilian factories more than military ones and elsewhere well i'm not going to be nexting them and when we lower them to integrated puppies they will give 75 of their military production to us we should also do that uh region-wide industrial integration let's get some more building slots now i never know if it applies to only one area or too many areas let's click and find out first i want to make sure i don't have any empty slots i do not let's click that and see nope it only applies to one well that was a waste of political power oh seems we can reduce france's autonomy because i've been building factories in their territory that will give me some extra military factories and civilian factories not a huge amount but some and that will speed things up in other countries as well i want to do the same thing to germany and italy so i can use their factories as well interesting the soviet union attacks turkey are you going to join the allies or something no turkey is not long for this world and we can lower the economy whose autonomy uh italy's it anyway that's fine we can also reduce german autonomy great that will give me even more factories see 131 military factories are received from our subjects oh finally we can annex bohemia let's do that okay cool now all that is left to do is beat up the soviets now if i were to replace some of you with artillery it is not necessarily worth it but um sure i guess i can do that the sneaky sneaky unit uh i suppose i could use cavalry instead i'll just use cavalry it's going to be involved in the order 66ing of the soviet union we don't really need to do that but i have really grown to enjoy that tactic and i'm afraid they might patch it out soon something is going wrong with the game it went really slow is a big naval battle going on somewhere come on speed up okay this is barely playable come on speed up i'll have to end the video okay the game has become almost unplayable it's so slow i'm going to have to change my plans a little bit i don't want to just end it here because we still don't have a bit of territory but in order to make my borders exactly what they're supposed to be without having to defeat everyone i'm going to give land back to east germany and then only attack here so that we can get the land that we need and not fully defeat the soviet union why because look at the speed at which the game runs it will take me several hours to defeat the soviet union at this pace right so let's go to manage occupy territory and where is germany east germany return territory there you go oh wait a minute oh crap i thought this would go to them as well and i can't release poland because they would take this as well okay you know what let's let's all just pretend that this is not here okay you know what uh i'm gonna have to change my plans i wanted to order 66 it a little bit uh to have them distract the soviets while we swoop in and take the land that we need but you know what i just uh this all the deployment has been going on for like half an hour so what i'm going to do now is just get this over with i'm going to leave the faction leave comment on justify a quick war goal somewhere let's see how long would that take 125 how about you 160 about spain probably 125 as well uh 215 okay let's do that on germany here justify wargle there you go on pause and hope that it happens relatively quickly yeah i'm not going to do the proper order 66 i just scattered them around their territory i was supposed to station them into important victory points and all that but uh let's not let's just attack them and take the bit we need and then proclaim victory oh finally the game seems to have sped up a little bit just a tiny little bit once the soviets attacked iran not sure why doesn't really matter to me uh i do need to attack them and beat them quickly iranian communist authority had been puppeted eight more days now these units should be able to squash the soviets they are pretty powerful soviet union has now attacked afghanistan not really my problem unless you know allies get involved or something but they're guaranteed and nothing happens it seems justification is ready all right let's attack them east germany declare war not calling in any allies oh actually the soviets are at war with the allies that is interesting so we have just attacked them let's go now the soviets should join and we can finally take all the territory that we need we are being invited into the allies which is interesting should i hmm although if i do that my troops might be sent home let's just wait until uh the soviets accepted the call to arms from germany do not advance into germany greece resists soviet ultimatum cool um okay you know what i'm gonna accept the invitation to the allies why not we've joined the allies i suppose i could join a british war against the soviets that would probably do that trick oh yeah let's do that japanese american one no that's not the one i want to join just want to join the one against the soviet union okay you know what whatever let's do it let's join i just want to beat them up already there we go and be quick about it please you know what just fun let's call all our puppets in see if franz and italy do well anyway i did my order 66 guys get sent home yes they did because i did it wrong but i knew i did it wrong this was not the general intent okay we've almost taken bucavina and we have taken galicia apparently book of venus taken alicia has taken and it looks like we now have all the territory that we needed how's franz doing actually not too bad not too bad at all we could let the game run we could continue and we could easily beat up the soviets and annex that territory but seeing how slowly the game runs at this point i'm not willing to do this i would say we are more or less evenly matched against the soviet union but we also get all the allies on our side and our puppets are quite powerful so if i were to you know just normally continue this of course i would give better orders around here take over east germany then focus on taking republican spain and then finally move on to slowly slowly move into russia finally beat them up and annex all the territory i could want so let's just clean stuff up here to make sure it is evident that we are going to win and then we'll end it alright relocated some armies romania is not doing great because i never should have called them into the war no matter we'll be fine anyway resistance over here is being cleaned up all right now you can see everything is under control and progressing nicely let's have a look i think at this point our victory is certain so i'm not going to continue this because the game just runs too slowly for me to enjoy it in a new way but have a look we have mopped up eastern germany soviet north africa has capitulated okay cool we have mopped up east germany we are pushing into spain now that i have sent troops here and we are making constant progress into the soviet union so this war will be won we also have the whole might of the allies on our side as for restoring austro-hungary um if we have a look at the map i'm pretty sure we got all the stuff that we needed and more i wanted to make strict historical borders unfortunately the game slowdown doesn't let me complete that it's a pity but i would have to continue doing this for several more hours just to beat up the service probably or i would just leave the game to run on its own and then return and see that the orders got screwed up and undefeated or something like that so yes we're going to end it here uh to reiterate we have taken all that used to be austro-hungary we have also puppeted some people we have puppeted france italy germany bulgaria romania serbia montenegro and albania so there is a little extra at least the southern borders are good currently we are at war with spain and the soviet union which were i'm 100 sure we would eventually win if i continue doing this for two reasons we are very powerful we have a powerful industry we don't really have manpower but i can still use puppetman bar and i just haven't done that yet also there's a lot of puppet units i could requisition and again another deciding factor is that the allies including the united states are on our side and the soviet union is in retreat okay i'm gonna end it here i hope you enjoyed this little challenge and make sure to let me know what you think in the comments and what you would like the next video to be and that's it for today thank you and i'll see you soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 882,785
Rating: 4.8665895 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 australia-hungary, world conquest, hearts of iron 4 fail, hoi4 annex ussr, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hoi4 austria-hungary, hearts, hoi4 austro-hungarian empire, hoi4 austria hungary world conquest, of, hoi4 annex germany, hoi4, hoi4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 ironman hungary, taureor, hoi4 challenge, hoi4 annex italy, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hoi4 ironman gameplay, hearts of iron 4 austria-hungary challenge, iron, hearts of iron 4, four, hoi4 meme
Id: WwuX0ay_QwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 52sec (2032 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 06 2018
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