Hearts of Iron 4 Opener - Japan starting strategy guide

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hello everyone I'm sorry Owen welcome back to hustling for openings and as you requested we're going to have a look at the Japan Japan has a pretty straightforward usual starting strategy which is kill China grow strong and then join whichever side of the conflict you want but you know I tend to do as much conquering as possible before we joined the main fight so we're going to do just that let's select all our units 71 regiments we start with two pretty good field marshals and general I think we'll be using one of the field marshals and a general that's like the field marshal now we start with various units we start with the reserve infantry which is just six infantry some cavalry some infantry mixed with tanks some motorized submarines and some regular infantry so that's quite a lot of units now we will need ten Marines we start with one marine so I'll select all the horses all the cavalry switch it to Marines so Ike told the Marines and attach them to a separate unit now we got one too many and this one's regarding experience so let's detach him back here and we are left with 61 units of various types I could theoretically keep the tanks which are relatively strong soft attack 63 heart attack 14 whereas now actually know what they're pretty much the same although this is a lower combat with but I can't afford to keep producing tanks all the time so what we're going to do is change all our units into the same infantry template just regular infantry so we end up with 10 Marines and 61 a regular infantry now we don't need all of you in the same place I'm going to detach some of them to a reserve army that is going to be helping our actions so this army is going to conquer China for us actually hmm maybe I could just use all of them maybe later you guys are going to conquer China for me now we have to be cautious so you know what now let's let's stop all that we can start too early because it will get excessive attrition so we're going to assign them to their proper spots a little bit later on okay so what are we gonna do we're gonna conquer China and we're gonna conquer some other people as well let us select he's gonna be yeah let's say a skill so by skill yeah his skill fire but he's only in general where he's skill for being a field marshal field marshals obviously being stronger in later on if you you know level them properly on the other hand this guy is already level 5 and Generals level faster I'm gonna use this guy for the naval invasion let's plan the naval invasion the naval invasion is going to happen from here to see em let's let them prepare and as you can see Marines are elite so they are going to receive supplies quickly whereas regular infantry will receive supplies after the Marines do outdated equipment in production that means submarines here just make sure that all the other ones are put on repeat and these submarines can you know be completed also as Japan you start trading some oil from the US we don't need that well we'd only use it for ships and they're not that expanding bottom to us okay let's forget the planes let's forget the artillery let's prioritize at the support equipment we only have six aluminium so let's do that many and the rest goes into inventory equipment that's about right for now as for the focus japan has some very strong focuses but we're gonna start with fighting and the chinese outdated equipment to regards and those and submarines so let's not worry about that actually let's build some convoys as well all right don't write resources don't worry about that you don't care about the ships okay let's build some stuff up let's build military civilian military civilian military mm-hmm some more super than maybe even more civilian military this is full humor military and a few more civilian now we're gonna be taking over quite a lot of factories from other countries and that is perhaps why we'd need more civilian but a healthy balance is good okay we start with signal with for research thoughts this time it's gonna be a little bit different because we're going to start fighting very early so I'll start with this and as doctrines I recommend doing either this one or this one either mobile warfare or mass assault I mean each of them is strong in its own right I suppose but I do have a weak spot for massive salt so just because I prefer it I'm going with it mmm the remaining two sorts do researchers speed up and let's do basic machine tools and that's about it for now okay mmm let's let the game run and round up our Navy in the meantime we want all our ships to be ready to help our invasion of cm select all these ships and move them over here from there we'll be staging an invasion now we should do the same with our planes let's take on all the planes that are on the of the ships but we do have quite a lot of planes here I'm going to assign them here and to northern China where they will give us a superiority for our coming Wars and then we'll move them a bit south ok these guys I'm going to garrison in Japan and give them a commander just because they might want one they're going to be used as reinforcements for the guys that will do the naval invasions or possibly the guys that fight China now this is an important moment because I am not sure if we can do our plan if they agree to our demands and give us this bit of land so if the plan doesn't work and that might be why maybe they agreed here they refused so I'm pretty sure the plan will work ok the next focus will be war with China we could try Chinese puppet but that is not what we want we want war with China all right and let's start planning this war with China I'm doing it late because there will be some serious attrition in this area attack plan here and attack plan here the focus we're doing is giving us a war goal on Shanxi I think and China itself we can attack them simultaneously or we can take these guys out first and then attack China which seems like a better idea because then it will be separate war yeah I think I'll take these guys first and they're not actually although I am NOT certain I might do both simultaneously anyway let's assign half of these units here they'll take some serious attrition though which is a bit of a problem this is why I delayed it okay let us continue also execute your plans right Spanish - the war does not concern us and not the business in basic training I realized that but I still need reinforcements let's change the priorities I need a lot of stuff for reinforcements I could have deleted some of those units just so we would be at full fighting strength but I believe we were better off just having more of them as you can see we're suffering a bit of attrition but it is not huge attrition and we're about to attack them so it won't matter anymore I suppose I could detect them everywhere suppose I could attack them everywhere now I think attacking Chengzhi first will give us a nice starting position for the Wall of China also we need to call our subjects into the war we start with two subjects I'm in cocoa and Manchurian Machuca which yeah they're gonna be helpful now I could go for the extra research slot now but it's actually being and gonna be more helpful if you go for the improved national spirit which will give us tons upon tons of political power so let's do sever sino German tires and declare war start with these guys now if you select call allies it will sometimes not work for helpful as impose they should be called in they haven't been so I need to click call all eyes manually now we also have a war against China itself but I think taking over these guys first is going to be better for us which is why I'm not declaring war in China itself just yet okay I suppose we could do concentrated industry now and construction we did a little bit of an infantry bonus already and we're moving towards their capital actually no just go straight towards their capital that should be quite easy for ya no not this time then yeah well and we can modify the government now there are two possible good choices here indigo would decide onto a course for extra political power or go with an infantry expert for improved conquest I think the infantry expert is is a prudent choice just to limit the attrition we're getting because by winning the war faster okay they'll surrender now so they have take all states now they should all reassign to this order and so they have let us modify the order by dragging this around hold all divisions so they will redeploy properly and set our behavior to aggressive we could let them redeploy but let's just attack straight away and make sure to call your allies in so that you can attack from here as well okay that's an attack against China this is going to be a long and difficult fight and the Chinese United Front will form soon which will requires to drag the frontline over here but we also have enough army experience to modify our basic infantry unit we're going to modify it by reducing its combat with 222 which is the perfect amount for us I could also add support artillery but it isn't necessary at the moment similarly we could edit in this unit to have the correct oops to have the perfect combat with as well and for them the perfect comfort - it would be 20 because they are under a general without the without the skill that mm reduces comfort with and I'll also give them a recon company that should make them a little bit stronger also let us send our fleet on a mission to scout out cm now we could mmm know what I'm gonna try this I'm gonna merge them into one fleet and give them the best other world we have who's the best one a number of ships retreat decision chance is there someone that increases a range not really let's just give them the guy with the house I like his uniform okay and the mission is gonna be to patrol these areas so we can invade cm okay okay and now the Chinese United Front will form and then all will be clear why do we need a war with China why can't we just the taxi arm why am I not justifying the war goal yet well Chinese United Front forms and that means they opened the country list you have major countries here now China is not on here but the Chinese United Front will make them annex they're just next someone here those or next these guys and these guys which will make them a major country okay and these guys are at war with us as well so what we need to do is drag the frontline over just so we're fighting on all those and our planes are doing what they're supposed to be doing we'll move them closer when we get another airport now why is this important because being at war with a major country that's wait with them till next these guys as well and they have in just a moment being at war with a major country gives you some bonuses but we'll get back to that soon now we can choose a founder own faction then you can do that you this semester political power or we can choose access leanings I would recommend access leanings because that opens up the option to get this bonus for land doctrine and it doesn't make you join the axis I don't you shouldn't join the access but it makes you you know doesn't make you join them just makes Germany like it more okay and we need one of them to get the extra political power that I was talking about earlier mmm and when we look at the country list China does not count as a major country yet but when the month takes this will be updated bill month has ticked they should count as a major country now and here it is China which means I can now almost instantly fabricate a war goal on cm and for almost no political power this is what we wanted to fight China also to conquer China and we have to be on aggressive otherwise they'll push us back and this will be difficult fight but we should manage now I realize I could add these units to the fight but I think they'll be better used elsewhere okay we're not making gains but we're not being pushed back either this is good enough this is good enough going for no missions which ones oh you're the SI striking type yeah I don't really care about that very much okay first first provinces being taken also from us it seems like we don't have enough troops on this front line isn't it can I tell you to give me forces although if I request forces will I have to give me all of your forces when I have to pay maintenance for them I'm not sure but give me all of them have you given me all of your forces it would seem so it's a sign all of them here ok are they giving them supplies I don't know I hope they are giving them supplies ok that should help the frontline a little bit Rajat in justification of conquering cm is ready let's attack cm conqueror and let's justify another one we can pretty much just fire wall goals against anyone as a Japan without them being guaranteed by the Allies which is wonderful so this time we're going to just against Tibet so we just always have something going on as you can see our naval invasion is already going to see em ok they have landed attack the port we need the port you're talking over a river but our guy has a bonus to it I suppose I should have landed here instead axis leanings gives us a bonus with Germany but most importantly in opens up the improved national spirit bit also do not join axis suppose that could go around but yeah here we have it with his hours okay now we're going to did you get as much experience not much just get some okay actually mmm that's transfer to unis to this army and now I'm going to assign this whole army to the landed guys cancel all the orders they saw in the front line and ordered them to attack everything and take over the country now you will notice that I only did the naval invasion with the Marines and now I am also assigning to him the auricular troops so that he can transport them here easily and take over the country easily be super aggressive get all the troops that should do it unless they're pushed out of the port which shouldn't happen I'm getting back to China how we doing here make sure that everyone's assigned under the unit's I pulled from these guys as well need lots of reinforcements actually we have gained a lot of military factories let's get some more guns going okay continuing and we have taken Beijing isn't there an airfield there isn't there in there if you know it's in the Beijing 3 and the bit that we haven't taken yet I suppose it's a big city all right and I suppose I could edit the templates a bit more but I first need to research of the field hospitals and the logistics divisions must assaulted doctrine increase wonderful fishing for Tibet is done let's declare war in Tibet soon they will start joining China in an alliance that is not a problem for us now I'm going to just for Google against Nepal just so we're always justifying something and attacking someone okay tons of troops have landed can I make you expand a bit you know attack from there they're suffering attrition but not for much longer do not abandon Bangkok we really need that area okay this is going well let's see how we're doing in China proper fine we're making gains very quickly let's transfer these guys here they will have an easier time covering the area okay it would be ideal if we could make no seeum has surrendered wonderful we're gonna take all states am I still just the final someone oh no we just finished just finished in the power it's the war justifying Bhutan and now this is an important bit we're going to build some ports we're going to build some ports here we're gonna build a huge board here and we're going to make it the highest priority apparently we lost a unit you guys do nothing and hopefully don't get too much attrition then you guys move down here we're going to be invading Iran yes really and we do have some political power to use I'm going to get an army logistics expert the supplies are a bit of a problem for us okay construction research done and mechanical computing research done and other stuff as well let's get field hospitals and logistics companies so we can add them to our units mmm possibly also this now I'm bitterly still let's do concentrated industry as you can see we're advancing really quickly through China now make sure you don't win at the war just it's close to winning get them down to around this far this far but don't win the war yet okay and the focused and we have taken this this gives us tons and tons of political power just look our base has become a three when we can get the silent workhorse it will be even more I probably should have higher than earlier now we're going for spiritual mobilization which will give us tons of men in power yeah our next choice should be the silent workhorse maybe should have been the first one but we didn't make some nice conquest here thanks to it seems like China did make some gains as well but a guy is gaining experience we're just making him stronger and stronger justification for Putin is done let's attack Bhutan and we're not ready to attack Iraq yet but the first naval base is done so we can start planning the invasion shouldn't have garrisoned and we can invade any way that has ports so we could invade here and take these two we can invade here thank you this one I think this is the best spot just land everyone between the ports and then advance on them now it's going to take him 70 days to plan which is a long time we're not going to start just fine on Iran just yet because of that these guys need to prepare a bit also our fleet where's the fleet the fleet needs to rebase over here okay they have started adjoining China in an alliance we need to rebase here so that they can take care of doing reconnaissance on the way of the naval invasion this is not great but acceptable let's move some of the guys over here then do I own this airfield yet no not yet okay let's hope this works out well how we doing reinforcements not too great ace pilots promoted good right you're pretty much ready let's start justifying the work or doesn't matter which and we in select a new focus the student movement okay we have enough political power to hire this island workhorse he will pay for himself very very quickly probably should have done it mmm it's a little bit earlier okay hmm I suppose I need to paint an older hair oh this is one of the subject armies this is why it has a horse okay perfect now I'm gonna keep building this pod because we might need it for supplies or whatever this is why I'm not stopping at one bit of a port one would be enough for a naval invasion though one would be enough for a naval invasion reminder do not join axis okay you're ready let's send the fleet out on mission on the mission we should be able to assign them here soon okay mm-hmm maybe when we get a little bit more Intel this is what I was worried about because when I tested this I didn't have them all combined into a single fleet apparently this causes problems which ships have the highest range I think submarines maybe make sure but can you check the range somehow okay max range let's see which have the highest range 4000 kilometers that is a battleship right yes this is less this is a less even less and submarine this is also very little okay so we need to select the battleships as a separate fleet I think nine battleships right-click the Cretan fleet from this group yep all battleships now let's give them a guy as well patrol see now it works now it works it doesn't be enough to start a naval invasion once we declare war so let's declare war okay let's see who we're at war with as we're supposed to be wonderful and Iran has joined the Chinese alliance Chinese United Front which is completely fine by me okay we haven't taken over an airfield so let's move our guys over here and get some air superiority and we can modify our country I think it's time to get at the army morale guy I would take this one but he's only a specialist I think this is better right were invading Iran Hindenburg instant and student movement this leads to the extra research slot way to make good use of it come on land your troops boom and we can already see this is undefended mat we'll be better off if we can get both of these ports so let's try taking both of them before we do anything else get some supplies Kenley seems like we can yes will you stop where you are okay we have two ports now I'm going to reassign we want to need Marines anymore so I'm going to change all of them into regular infantry and to keep all of them here scrap all your orders hold all your divisions assign everyone here and order you to attack go and that will give us Iran and that will give us our brain eventually all right wonderful how is the war with China going it is fine although mmm I wish I could push more in this way logistics companies are done and field hospitals but I should probably be forced I'll start adding them to our units I should probably be able to at least keep the ones that we have supplied and that's a research of the FASTA research machine is the technical term the first research machine all right this is going great and this is going semi great almost great take this one just kill it's still five you're not gaining experience as quickly as I'd like you to maybe we should have given this to oh yeah this is not correct you know what he doesn't have the army with bit so the infantry doesn't work as well okay I have another idea we can have the main Field Marshal run this as well we just have to micromanage a bit more I'm unaware of any penalties of them handling too many orders so I just have to make sure to assign these units to this on the disorder and they will be able to benefit from his superior skill wonderful yes superior skill extra research slot is done now we could go with army primacy so we could get the land doctrine bonus faster or could go with warrior traditions mmm yeah there's the warrior traditions this is a very nice bonus to army recovery and now let's change our economy mm-hmm they're not strong enough for us to do this I wanted to do total mobilization because as Japan had tons of manpower and total mobilization reduces your manpower but we don't worry about that okay we have conquered too much of China apparently okay let's go for a war economy then it is better than partial mobilization still and we have a free research slaughter that we just got mmm I am going to devote it to this method infantry equipment okay as you can see we're making gains what skills do you have supply consumption reduction max entrenchment and on combat with well these are not perfect skills but with his higher basic skill they're going to be quite useful indeed now you have to micromanage if you do this because you let them do their own thing and they'll start sailing back to China which is not what we wanted them to do okay Iran is defending themselves we don't have enough ports here we don't have enough port here we're not getting enough supplies let's remedy that let's build two more ports in each of the controlled provinces so we can get more supplies over that should be sufficient okay then how would you earn reinforcements almost there almost there and we're also making nice gains in China let's move over here you'll be more efficient now again be careful not to win the war yet and we're going with hmm I suppose we could get another one of these guys they're mostly naval or air guys but I think we'll be fine if we do the concealment expert it's going to limit enemy air support where we don't have that support are we doing fine the Soviet Union is sending them volunteers which is a bit of a problem but all in all we're okay warrior tradition is helpful now we could do Imperial austerity which will increase our industrial capabilities or we could go with army primacy and armed innovations for the doctrine research I suppose let's do this first we'll reduce the consumer goods factories slightly alright doing well now I ran a test game of this and in that game taking over Afghanistan pre-approved extremely cumbersome maybe with the better guy it'll be easier so let's attack Afghanistan to anyway although it could prove a bit problematic I look at China mmm yeah are still making gains we're a bit too quickly yeah I'm making hands a bit too quickly and start attacking people elsewhere yes it's time to go a little bit crazy I'll be invading Afghanistan the brac and so on I suppose I could start justifying a war going Afghanistan already but first let's do something else let's justify war go on hungry yes this is deliberate I wanted to do this suppose I could give you the slava as well although I don't think I want to do you the sorry because then Italy would find them and Italy would be at war with the Chinese which would be a little bit problematic for my plans so next up I suppose I could go with this still a little bit ahead of time and let's get a theorist mm-hmm military theorists just for faster doctrine research okay how we doing with recruiting reinforcements surprisingly we're doing okay with reinforcements should I'm gonna need to do this it's not gonna be speedy because we don't have enough aluminium if we do need the equipment can you go a bit faster please yeah right this is done we could do industrial effort but I think it is more important now to get the doctrine research bonuses from army primacy okay just get to take it on you should surrender when you get that okay we've completed justifying a war girl against Hungary and we're gonna tell Hungary and they're going to join the Chinese alliance now should i do Yugoslavia I'm not sure if I should do Yugoslavia but I am sure I should do Bulgaria and eventually Afghanistan I guess someone's justify against Afghanistan now Hungary can't join the axis anymore now these were occupied by the Russian volunteers let them go there and see if all of you were assigned here I've selected 16 units that is not enough units did l did the rest of you get transferred back yeah we're making gains a little bit too quickly here I think I have to reassign some troops I have to reassign some troops from here to there I suppose I'll take you guys because you are undecided where to go anyway 20 will 20 be sufficient possibly ok let's now let's go to more like 25 maybe now that would leave the frontline to expose maybe okay that's should suffice 23 that is fine I guess okay we're currently just fine we'll go on them and our guys are almost in position construction research is done we'll go with well we will need excavation eventually this is being researched this we don't really need that much let's do excavation okay Afghanistan your time has come and I think Iraq will be next although our armies will be busy in Afghanistan because it is going to be difficult to conquer let's monitor the war with China okay we'll need to slow down later on maybe even stop the plan here modified government I suppose I had to go with mm war industrialists for quicker factory build up yeah right attack Afghanistan and next up I'm thinking Bulgaria then Turkey in Greece and Romania and maybe even Poland probably not Czechoslovakia though and probably not Yugoslavia Yugoslavia is very likely to be attacked by Italy and the Greece I'm not sure if I mentioned Greece and Iraq and Saudi Arabia and Yemen and Oman okay they have joined as expected like to do the better guns yeah I think I need to slow you down a bit more let's detach some more units can i maybe can i maybe change your orders a bit cancel this and this you make sure all of you are signed to disorder and maybe to touch some more and send them over here okay perfect I think can you take over the People's Republic of China that would be very very helpful I will always switch out of aggressive to likely cause China to push back which is actually what we want army innovations because if we enter the war too early my plan won't work are you pushing here I don't want you to push here please don't push here all right volunteers from Germany let's accept of that let's attack Bulgaria and less justify another war goal this time against hmm Greece or Iraq I think I'll do a rack now yeah not much longer okay please stop making gangs I wish you'll attacking in some bits we are and some bits we are okay didn't the volunteers have come yeah please don't go to any victory point heavy locations alright it seems like we're doing too well I am going to switch to cautious which might stop the movement altogether again the justification for buck dad is done well you know what I'll do something different maybe it's just you know just wait for the big People's Republic of China to be conquered maybe hey I know I can do that like this no no more air fuels in the proximity now modified government I would go with industrial concern what call against Iraq is available but we will need to actually assign us some people there I suppose I could wait until half gans done is conquered before we do that this is a very much kind of time it is 38 so these are ahead of time as well I suppose we will benefit from this the most so even though ahead of time let's do it okay I'm defense-in-depth is done how long until we finish our innovations I'm going to wait until we finish our me innovations to start the next doctrine research and let's reassign some of those units to Iraq border to the Iraqi border make sure this is executed as well so we can attack them now I am NOT justifying war girl against anyone right now which is a mistake let's attack Saudi Arabia okay we switched to cautious I'm not sure how successful we'll be with that and now let's go for industrial effort for some extra factories and then we can go for army innovations down here hmm so now I can start at the research on the land doctrine and another research on this is very far ahead of time so let's do encryption and decryption first okay then let's check the Chinese will to fight it is too high for me at least we stopped advancing here and did we stop advancing here not really no let's attack Iraq hopefully our guys can cover it even though I didn't assign a lot of them they're getting Kabul will be difficult but we can't let a china surrender before we're done which we won't know with what we need to do now actually switching to cautious caused them to push back which is fine actually unfortunately we don't want to win just yet okay let's select the inventory equipment designer why don't you want to win yet because I want to get as many as possible into this war as many countries as possible we'll go against Saudi Arabia has been completed let's attack now who haven't we attacked it at Greece I had to do Greece how do you mean with reinforcements we're almost completely reinforced apparently almost completely reinforced so I suppose I can start getting some artillery going all motorised let's get some motorised going so we can add and some more support equipment so we can add logistics and hospital companies to our units let's do that perfect and and let's add the artillery already as well okay how much do we need tons yeah let's get to producing artillery as well I suppose we'll keep a healthy balance for now like this okay good as you can see China has pushed us back a bit I'm okay with this Afghanistan has given up and gave us a lot of land stuff oh and our guy has gained some more experience let's make sure to get rid of this because these are Soviet volunteers excavation good now let's go with a decryption both encryption and decryption give you nice bonuses and we can now attack in Greece 27 divisions is this all that we have in the area yes that is perfect Greece let's attack Greece and justify yet another war goal this time is going to be Oman okay good oh and Romania has joined as well has joined the war which is what we wanted them to do Yugoslavia is at war with Italy which is why we're not getting into a fight with Yugoslavia and also it seems like Italy will be fighting the Allies now okay we have pretty much done all the best things about from this one yep France John oh nice Italy joined axis and the big fight is on because we have bumped into world tension so much yeah wish I could switch to aggressive people's army is done let's do the infantry offensive now I suppose I could detach some more units from this frontline and send them over here yes I could it will eventually be fighting turkey so let's make a front line over here and detach some units from this area like you yeah we don't want to be doing too well part of paradoxically we want to be able to add everyone that we want to the war before we win it okay how're we doing with supplies not too well maybe I should have built some more maybe you should have built some more naval bases from now let's go down and attack here the guys that we have selected you take care of that you take care of that these are like Russian volunteers of course and mmm this is ahead of time still still being researched still ahead of time so I guess I'll be doing mm-hmm no you know what let's do this there's gonna be worth it eventually okay the local on Oman is done which means we declare war on Oman and justify war go on Yemen and so on just a few more countries will also attack Poland Lithuania Latvia and Estonia and that will be it okay and the independent state of Croatia has formed all right how we doing as China pushing back it is kind of we have reduced the amount of troops that we have here significantly so that they could push back it seemed like we have a ton of infantry equipment stored and let's start training some units and actually get some experience and when we finally need to win the war against China we'll just throw them over here right I wish there was an airfield closer to us we could build one yeah it's fine okay modified the government let's get a Prince of terror just gonna help us a little bit with managing the conquered territories okay we'll go on the Yemen is done oh did I mention will also attack Turkey will go on the Yemen is done let's declare war on Yemen and the justifier a new worker this time on mmm Poland maybe we can get to them before Germany can okay this is all okay although we really need to be aggressive to get through the desert so let's get too aggressive maybe you won't beat China because of it if I if I cancel this order will you still be advancing please don't be advancing all right then hey this is certainly moving faster let's get army innovations so we get and can get yet and not a bonus to land doctrines oh I have to do one without the bonus that's fine just use it a bit later okay this now this is why we didn't attack Czechoslovakia jugo-slavia has just joined the Allies which means Germany is gonna be really weak in this playthrough time to justify what girl on the swing at this time and attack Poland as you can see the Allies are not guaranteeing any of these guys now the mistake I made in my test game was also attacking this container viens and they didn't join the Chinese front for some reason but rather the Allies which screwed up my whole test game so this time we're not gonna make this mistake so the arabia has capitulated some extra infantry equipment wonderful now let's select all these guys here and form two new frontlines with all those of course and assign a half of them here and half of them here execute the new plans also take care of the russian volunteers down here now i were doing in china and please don't be doing too well it's difficult to purposely wage war badly really difficult okay infantry offensive is done which is going to buff us even further right let's do the large front offensive and finally the next one is the big one am I still just fine Google against someone and yes it's about to be done with almost everyone down there still Turkey but not via stony and then Turkey this is the older we're doing it in okay a little ain't yeah your turn now and we can modify the government yet again we don't really need to i'm not researching tanks I suppose I could get a chief of Air Force for night for night operations California has joined China Yemen and Oman are going to be conquered soon that's Yemen oh no no don't don't sail back don't sail back no go here better that's better yes how's China oh crap we've advanced too much okay let's switch everyone to cautious some of the units will be lost like this one at least we won't win the war too early still need to invade two or three countries it's just just attack okay Oman has given up a wonderful yeah let's assign you don't here twin attack on Turkey once everyone that we want involved is involved we can finally win against China we can allow ourselves to win which sounds really stupid but you'll see the result of this plan are very soon of course I could do all these reduce the supply usage and all that alright that's almost the last one now Estonia and then Turkey perfect and we can fight them easily this way because they can't reach us and even if they could they couldn't coordinate themselves well okay come on China almost there ah Slovakia has given up not to us doesn't really matter that much okay prepare yourselves against Turkey this is going to be difficult Armour innovation wonderful and that's pretty much it when it comes to good focuses but the ones we got are really good so I'm just gonna be hammering them out because they might come in handy I suppose I could do construction repair right now so we do have a lot of stuff to repair but it will have repair itself eventually itself eventually anyway so let's just do all the other focuses because at some point you will want to research err stuff for example no frito cancer yeah right do more of these so you don't have steel for them I don't care hmm all right let's also do more of each of these we're about to get lots more factories Germany claims memo please don't win against China just yet still need to attack turkey still need to attack Turkey yeah switching them to non aggressive seems to do the trick you just never gave up but not to us so it doesn't matter ok justify we'll go in Turkey now's the last one and attack Estonia they should join yes they joined the Chinese United Front which is exactly what we wanted them to do alright and we have researched other better infantry weapons now as almost everything else is ahead of time I'm going to research buffs - this is 39 this is 14 so this is quite expensive although oh this increase off the tank 5% increase yeah right I can sacrifice research speed for that ok and now we can start producing better inventory weapons which will unfortunately because you consume a lot more steel with it purchase steel how many more bits do we need we need lots more aluminium I suppose I could purchase this we get 13 more aluminium - 15 more steel so that you're more steel 3 more steel 33 more steel ok let's buy some from the US not all of it that was a little bit of yeah that's fine ok I can modify the government um I suppose I could go to extensive conscription how are you doing with training new units listen training speed but it's not really a problem for us then again I can do it at any point we're not running out of and manpower anytime soon so it's not let's not do that okay we have pretty much conquered everyone we wanted we could theoretically attack Portugal as well but I'm not sure if they will join at the proper Alliance if they would join the Chinese guys all if they would join the Allies I have not tested this so I'm just going to refrain from it for now also Albania is guaranteed by Italy so it doesn't suit our needs okay hold on until we can attack and we can attack now they're gonna join Dave Jones United Front and now when I conquer China when I finish conquering China will basically be victorious against all of these so let's speed things up a bit let's go to aggressive see how well we do in theoretically I wanted to keep fighting a bit in Turkey because I think I can only take land from the guys we've actually faced in combat so I need to have all of these guys bring their troops down here and fight me so we're gonna keep doing this for a moment for a few months now if I assign them or actually do that I could assign more troops I could deploy and assign more troops which would let me win against China quickly and easily Oh too bad is pushing back that's unexpected how we doing here not great then again it won't matter it won't matter okay synthetic oil focus is done now that we really need it I suppose I could do the Divine Wind just for the sake of it and I suppose I can deploy the extra units now deploy everyone we can assign them to the main army and add them to the attack order on China now with the force of numbers we will win a lot of Ribbentrop pact which means poland will beat all of them soon which limits our time maybe I should not have justified against Poland maybe we should have limited ourselves to Romania and Hungary and Bulgaria in Greece and Turkey you get my point get planes do we have any nice airfields down here well maybe we can get access from this area well oh right there's this of course Franz bans communism yeah whatever as you can see we're making gains quickly and when we win which will happen eventually we can get land in Europe as well the details will depend I'm not sure what they all depend on I guess on who exactly we fight or how long we're in the war with I'm not just I'm not certain we'll know soon enough and it doesn't end there because they'll attack us back again even after China's done ok how long until China's done well maybe we'll let them recover a bit too much but the armies that we sent from home are getting in position even though they're not experienced they will do extremely well I believe I should probably also paint an attack order in Tibet yeah that works too logistics company bonus wonderful let's get the fuel no let's get the Recon bonus as well how're you doing yeah advancing all the time this is what aggressive gives you Belgium joined allies which means it's good that we didn't attack Belgium we're actually making gains in Turkey okay this is a problem probably shouldn't have fought Poland on this cuz that means Germany will be at war with all these guys as well yeah probably involving Poland Estonia and Latvia and Estonia was a mistake on my part I got a bit too greedy but soon we'll see the results and then you can adjust the strategy accordingly okay can you win this already don't be slacking off alright our focus don't need a focus don't really need to focus but let's do it and how is our doctoral research we are almost done with this soon we'll have China in our grip yeah maybe I I was a little bit too lenient on them I should have had this hover around where it is now rather than at forty something and because that probably cost us Poland and Hungary at least we'll know for the future right just ignore Poland Estonia Latvia Estonia and just go for Hungary Romania and so on type L something mortars done I suppose I'll do the hospital company yeah that's fine that is fine alright let's let's finish this please can you just send a strike force for their capital probably want to learn but you can try manual management can work wonders sometimes and this can do the same extra doctrines okay and be faster please yeah I could use some tanks probably but I wants to key I like to keep it simple come on come on just go here once we take it we'll win Romania has not joined the Chinese front Remini has not joined Chinese front which keeps Bulgaria and Greece relatively safe is it to us kind of advanced weapons let's do ok China has capitulated now now Germany's in this war as well which is a problem but we can demand Poland if we wanted to anyway we have more we have more points it start demanding or I could start by passing let's pass a couple of times just Bolton Germany just wants a lot of Polish stuff let's let them take some Polish stuff is possibly enough to take everything else let's see let's start by China start with China diggle States no I can't how worried nobody else has taken anything okay I suppose I can do it manually not a problem let's take all that let's take Bhutan as well while we're at it Germany has taken bits of Poland which it doesn't really which doesn't really bother us at all okay that is all of it now hmm let's take Saudi Arabia just to make our map living and look nice and to get all the oil there as well Afghanistan very well defended positions took a lot of effort to take now kingdom of Romania this is a curious issue because this is not the same warm King of Romania seems to be in a separate war with us well that's not a problem for us we'll be able to take it any way they can Istanbul taken Bulgaria let's take as much of Bulgaria as we can let's take much as much of Greece as we can let's take Hungary hmm doesn't be too expensive isn't it a thousand why does this cost a thousand all right forget hungry whatever thousand seriously is this strategic value or something I'm not sure how this is calculated how does this so much if I take in Bulgaria yes okay what else do we have left we've taken everything from China we have taken everything from the People's Republic of China Bhutan Iran Hungary not really Afghanistan yes Bulgaria yes Iraq Saudi Arabia Greece is it because it's so far from us or is it because we haven't fought them I can theoretically Popat Poland which would be hilarious okay how much can I actually take it I can take it this area how much of Hungary could I take okay if I leave this one oh that's a lot of aluminium I like I want this okay let's let's leave them in dismal these bits of Poland alone and only Poland is left only this bit of Poland is left and we can't take it let's pass one more time Germany has taken it that is it the Soviet Union is justifying war against us now I'm fine with that that would have happened anyway I believe because they want the Polish bit I suppose I could have left those for the Soviet Union but that is your decision because I'm only showing your strategy now at this point we're still at war with Romania Tibet and Nepal I believe that won't be a problem really just move your troops in take Romania and probably get ready to fight the Soviet Union although at this point probably won't be that difficult with the base of the factories and resources that you just acquired and it's only 1939 also these guys are still in the Chinese alliance and we are also next to them so we can attack them quite easily and I don't think anyone will guarantee their independence and now if you want to if we need their help against the Soviet Union we can join the axis and get their help against the Soviet Union yeah I'll probably do that we own China we own the Middle East we own turn we own Turkey we owned most of the Balkans and we know we own a half of Poland so that's a pretty good start isn't it I know this was quite a lot of work compared to our previous videos which were much more straightforward but um that's results isn't it if I were to do it again I'd probably leave Poland Lithuania Latvia and Estonia out of it and just focused on Hungary Romania Greece Bulgaria Turkey and the Middle East and we'd be able to complete that a bit earlier and the resulting amount of territory that we would get would be wouldn't be much different so basically that's probably what I'd adjust and then now well now choose to pick a side in this situation I'd probably a lie up Germany and Italy to beat up the Soviet Union and then betrayed them to kill them and conquer them yeah that's president and probably pretty much what I do but this video is already way too long so I hope you enjoyed this little starting strategy for Japan and we have pretty much gotten all the necessary resources at this point I had to join the axis and they helped me kill the Soviet Union thank you for watching I hope you enjoy this I'll see you soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 211,094
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Keywords: taureor
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Length: 76min 30sec (4590 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2017
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