THIS! Is The ULTIMATE Paratrooper Division - Hail to the Qing, The Dragon Swallowed the Sun

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there we go and we split them nice and evenly all right planes are in position and i think we just go right hey i'm feedback gaming and this is more the hearts of lions four which is a world war two grand strategy game think risk but 100 times bigger think civilization but real time this is your game so this video is going to be a combination of an achievement run combined with how it used to be 2018 an expansion pack for hearts of import came out called waking the tiger it was about china and it added lots of focuses for china and it revamped the focus tree for japan and it also added a focus street for manchuko the satellite state of japan in northern china iron man historical regular manchuko let's go story time i was one of the lucky few that got early access to this expansion pack apart from the theme of china the expansion pack also had the theme of monarchism germany got a reworked focus tree which you could bring back the kaiser japan could go monarchist and so could china but china was a little bit different you couldn't go the monarchist path through china itself you had to do it through the japanese satellite state of manchuko and restore the qing dynasty and that is the achievement we're going to do today hail to the ching baby as manchuko restore the qing dynasty that's right i say the british way not dynasty come on guys say it the british way the correct way royal britannia i've just spotted there's two other achievements i could go for two the dragon swallowed the sun as manchuko break free from japan and annex your former overlord without being in a faction cool the good the bad and the weird as manchuka have max level infrastructure in every own state and generate at least 15 units of oil seems pretty straightforward so let's get all these manchuko achievements so prior to the release all the content creators got early access to the dlc so they could try it out they could either review it to make videos or articles or in my case make a video one thing that was clear about the ching manchuko path was it was horrendously difficult and on release there was a patch that buffed manchiko for this specific china path and as we go through this achievement guide today i'm going to talk about the changes they made to make this path a lot lot a lot easier let's go all right first of all we have a bunch of divisions nine divisions to be exact there are two ways of getting rid of the bandits you either throw guns and manpower at them and you instantly get rid of them or you play six divisions in each one of the four areas of china and slowly and truly pacify them it's sad to say it but the easy way of doing it is the quick and easy path by just getting rid of them by hitting a magical button so first focus we are going to go for is pacify the countryside and they will hit that magical decision research we're going for machine tools so we can keep that production going to begin with and we're going to start working on artillery at the very start of the game we're going to go down the entirety of the tech path for artillery from the very beginning until we get to the very bottom without stopping madness right and that's it we're done five speed let's go all right pacifier the countryside is done now we can hunt down the bandits and it's as easy as one two three wow easy no more bandits now we're gonna work down the path of assertiveness so let's go for trade delegation first and let's pump out a load of infantry we're gonna go for this template to begin with uh we need 24 of these so we'll pop these out and just deploy them as soon as they can be on the battlefield right we're one civilian factory so what i'm going to do is build one military factory in our capital right there and trust me that's going to take a while until 1939 in october all right deploy those divisions and then prioritize the equipment so we'll finish these divisions up and deploy them all then we've got the 424 pre-deployed maybe not full strength but ready to fight right we're going to go for concentrated industry and we're going to work on the next level of artillery improved artillery next focus we're going to go for is assertiveness which makes us a puppet of japan instead of a imperial protectorate so in the pre-release edition before manchu got buffed this focus didn't make you a puppet of japan that means that when japan declares war on china you instantly have to join the war against china you have no choice you're forced into it but when you become a puppet you have the choice whether you want to hit the button to declare war in the past this caused a lot of problems because it means you had to declare on japan before japan declared on china and as you'd imagine you had to do a lot of things in a very short period of time because you didn't want to get sucked into two wars with japan on your east and then china on your west when it comes down to political power we are not going to spend a single pp point we're going to save every single point because there are some spicy decisions coming up that weren't in the pre-release that got added later on and remember to deploy every division when you get to 20 right assertiveness is done we can request control of the railways we now have one extra military factory will pop into guns next focus we're gonna go for is staff the court with manchus deploy the last two divisions and there we go 424 sign it and we'll promote to field marshall you now we have the ability to divert machine tooling which gives us one civilian factory over 90 days cost 50 political power and can be hit four times this is a really good deal so make sure you hit it four times right let's start producing artillery we're gonna put one military factory on equipment and the rest are to be on artillery you'll see why later on all right next focus we're going to go for is expand the imperial guard which gives you four units of seven two divisions these are very spicy hey machine tooling don't forget to hit it again you've got to hit this four times that's the second right we're gonna work towards radio now and this field marshall is gonna be an organization first dude we'll go for offensive doctrine two for that plus one attack and here we go here they are four divisions seven twos and they're all maxed out veterans very very strong gonna go for local arms procurement four military factories and a decision that gives an additional three military factories that's a lot of military factories with one focus and then radio hey tooling press it next focus we're gonna go for bolster nationalism and then we can get rid of the veto which makes all of our advisors cost more political power all right let's exercise these divisions level three here we come artillery more artillery and make sure we produce the best quality artillery and also make sure we import a little bit of tungsten from the soviet union oh look at that 1939 artillery in 1937 with manchuko nice purge the general affairs council it goes without saying but this decision to divert machine tooling was it in the pre-release so these four civilian factories are a buff japan has gone to war with china and they're calling you to arms right now you're gonna say no thanks right we'll start working on construction now now we've purged the general affairs council you can press this button crate underground workshops this wasn't in the pre-release so this makes guns 25 cheaper very good but it also makes their validity drop by 40 basically means you can put guns in a lot of hands of people but they're literally made of dust so the minute they fire one or two shots the gun dissolves but it also gives three off-map military factors which definitely makes it worth it and also we're gonna hit this button over and over again prepare to seize the army depots i think you pressed this four times over and over again and when you go to war versus japan you get a big bonus to attack them as well as a bunch of free equipment a lot of free equipment it goes without saying these weren't in the pre-release all right next focus we're gonna go for is invite japanese settlers invite them to probably in the next month or two eject them lol we need the extra research lot so we're gonna work our way down the reason we do this one now is you can only do this when you're at peace with japan so get those two civilian factories for free now because we no longer have the veto we don't have to spend extra political power to go for advisors and whatnot so let's go for partial mobilization all right press this button again prepare to seize the japanese arms depots press it again again and again the more you press the more guns you get for free right next focus is going to go for is the two free civilian factories and we'll plop another military factory here all right we're going to deploy another 24 of these divisions and we're going to prioritize the equipment once again and just drop them as soon as they're ready we're gonna get a lot of free guns from the japanese when this war starts don't worry if divisions are under strength and then we go for law university another tactic that's quite effective is to train a bunch of these divisions these are the big two sevens not actually train them because you want to produce them just so you can bait japan into giving you a len lease what i can do is just ask for the guns from japan request guns need guns and artillery we'll say no but we'll say yes to the guns on their own sure there we go and the focus we're going to go for is superior firepower for all the soft attack and some more military factories here here and here right deploy all the divisions them here give them a general pop them to the field marshall and pop them here and then exercise to level three next focus we're gonna go invite foreign investors for the two civilian factories now right now we need to import one more tungsten so i'm not gonna do that so to bounce out my production i'll take one off there and there and there we go our production is balanced now i'm gonna work on my basic weapons now start working on guns that aren't world war one ones and we'll do the final prepare to seize the army depots and more artillery i told you we're gonna go for this the entire game and not starve artillery is very strong and that is practically all the focuses you need so at this point there's no reason waiting any longer let's go for the independence war be aware when this focus completes you will declare war on japan so be ready all right first army the one that's currently in training will pop you on the korean border second army that is train will pop you on the border of menchuko and finally the very very strong artillery division army is going to go on this port here need to cover all three front lines and also don't forget about it but this tiny front line here will break off some of the menchuko troops and pop them here now this is a glitch for some reason it doesn't spread all the troops over the front line it just gathers them on the ends i know it's really dumb here 18 divisions it's because we're considered to be in the same faction so it just kind of bugs out i really wish they'd fixed that but i'm not going to worry about that because they'll just shuffle their way over automatically anyway right we need to go for some military staff so we are going to go for infantry uh regrouping logistics and offense oh would you like to give us some more unleash oh don't mind if i do go to diplomacy open country map looking to asia and you can see here the len lease this land release will alive in 29 days and this focus oh yeah so we'll get one more len lease from them before we declare war on them so here we go boys this is why you were seizing all the weapon caches from the japanese when you're at war with japan you can press this button it gives you 20k guns gives you 500 artillery 50 tanks just a crap ton of equipment and it also gives you some hefty bonuses at the bottom hot remember this wasn't in the pre-release this was added later on can you imagine how difficult it was for manchu to do this without all these bonuses right we are going to slap on artillery onto this basic division and we're going to make sure these guys are exercised so to take advantage of that artillery there we go they're all level twos now we need to pop them to level threes by exercising them not a lot of time left now so these guys uh they're gonna have to deal with being level two need to build their organization up to prepare for the fight this army on the other hand they're in position so they can push immediately everyone else we're gonna wait for the shuffle then we'll activate their plans all right let's import a little bit of steel from the soviets let's start working on basic weapons and here we go we are now at war with japan we are now ching china so first thing you're gonna do is control b to make sure these railroad all the way across exactly the same for this army on this side too but knowing that they're being attacked at the moment by japanese troops so we have to manually retreat them meanwhile here you guys are pushing let's have a little look we're still behind on guns oh wait no we've not actually activated the plan right now we activate the plan boom our weapons problems have been fixed hallelujah right we've captured this area no problems this area now we're going to push into with their main artillery troops once again all the troops that are not in position either retreat them back or manually railroad them right these guys on korea go go go and even be aggressive and make sure you encircle this guy right now we need to shut down the underground workshops because remember this is affecting the guns we've currently got in the field and destroying their reliability so press this you will lose three military factories but you can also reactivate it again in the future the glitch with this decision is it doesn't create a separate branch of guns that have low reliability it just ups the reliability of all the guns and then it drops it depending if you activate the decision or not so the secret to this is to press this button when you're in peace time make loads of cheap guns and then and then dismantle the underground workshops and then you've got perfectly good guns that were cheaper to produce and don't have reliability issues it's kind of bizarre but i guess it's kind of a glitch as well right china is asking us to join their faction no do not join their faction all right we've got a bunch of decisions now which give us stability and more support just go for them all on this front line be very very careful because you want to overtake their divisions and encircle them you've not got the firepower to fight them in a long bloody battle so remember just encircle don't fight oh look and you've been encircled you've been dunked and cut these guys off here and these guys are encircled perfect keep working on weapons and equipment and still start producing the most up-to-date equipment possible right you activate your plan you activate your plan everyone go aggressive and there we go pushing into other japanese puppet and all their troops are deorgan because they've got no supply ouch manchuko has been annihilated right the south and the west is cleaned up cancel all the orders make it on the front line boom go in go here make another front line go in go go go go go also do war propaganda against japan you want to get the high wall support so you can go for more globalization laws and i also like working conditions because stability is strong all right doing a naval invasion on top of us be aware they will do that they have got a decent navy boys here we've got a bunch of divisions that we're in training that are there full artillery divisions pop them on the front line oh just in time eh and off everyone goes beware in north and south korea there is only one port here so encirclements are very ripe in this territory and as you can see as i capture seoul oh look we've cut off the north i think we have anyway let's take this one just to make doubly sure and there we go also you've seized a bunch of planes from the japanese so take advantage of that exercise to level three and uh push them back hopefully and encircle them and there you go you did speaking of dead if you look in korea yeah these are dead as well japan is offering us peace now we do want to accept this but first we want to try and encircle as many japanese divisions as possible and to try and make japan as weak as possible for later on in the game and there we go white peace done we have an independent career all right now we get a little bit time to chill time to chill is now put all the divisions in different places around the map exercise them to level three and go from there we use this guy's army and convert these all to seven twos as well now we're at peace we can recreate the underground workshops and get stupidly high gun production yeah it doesn't make sense but take advantage of it if you're wondering what i'm researching yeah everything that gives me more soft attack everything if you're wondering where i'm building yeah just military factories lots of military factories we've got the ability to go for war economy so i'd recommend just doing it we're gonna have to invade japan at some point later in the game so i'm not gonna go for the normal path of just spamming submarines what we're gonna do is spam lots and lots of air i'm gonna start working on fighters right now so we've gone for the extra research law extra stability extra spill to extra stability now we can go for the most broken focus for manchu china yeah there's a few of these for china i know after vassalization it offers every single warlord the option to become your subject if they say no you get a war goal on them if they say yeah you get a puppet it's so so so strong and start working on concentrated industry for more production output work on the more advanced guns and make sure you've got enough steel to keep the production up that looks good and here we go side by side said no shanksy said no guanzi click said no and longyeon said yes and xingyang said no wow that was really bad but the only one who said yes was younan hmm that's pretty rubbish this is the third time i tested this and this is the worst outcome possible so you're gonna get the most entertaining video right right hopefully so there's two things going on here having a puppet nation that's on the same side as you is good so what the ai will do is position troops on the border waiting for the moment for that puppet to join the war and attack so that means there'll be less divisions on your front line because they'll be on this front line here now you don't have to bring yunnan into the war but i actually might do because at the end of the day it's all mountains and the chinese troops won't have a lot of firepower so they'll end up taking forever breaking these big rivers and mountains so we'll see so what we'll do is play this by ear and react accordingly right next focus we're going to go for is british cooperation and to do this we need to boost relations with the british the reason we're going with the british is they give bonuses to fighters and we're going to need that because we're going to need to get air superiority over the japanese we need 75 relations 71 72 73 74 75 there we go british cooperation because we're at 76 relations and if we dip below 74 our focus will cancel so what i'm gonna do is send an attache to to get a bonus of extra relations so that doesn't happen germany protests are attached don't care right three armies now and they're all gonna be seven twos exercise them to level three and produce the appropriate equipment start working on more advanced fighters too construction always worthwhile british cooperation now go for fighter purchases which gives us five old crappy fighters yay and also we've got no manpower so let's go for limited conscription all right so these boys are going to be in reserve in the back and you are going to be in the front let's see how many divisions we can put on the front line i don't think we're going to do that many it looks like we might actually have to do the two army groups that's good because that's a lot of firepower way more firepower than china's ever going to be able to manage continue to work on the air doctrines and continue to build more military factories all right build your organization up build your entrenchment and then declare war on uh any of the chinese puppets it doesn't matter which one and now we're at war with the chinese united fronts and hopefully they'll bash their heads against us over and over again there we go and the uk would like to lend lisa's some guns you know what i'm gonna take advantage of that to a certain degree that you're never even aware of there we go oh that's it send me all the guns uk now it's export time boys all right grab the planes attach them on to our troops close their support and air superiority off you go all right there's an option here for a little in circum so i'm gonna go here and then you guys are gonna go here looks like this is a nice easy push in to encircle three chinese divisions and it is nice another opportunity here grab you guys go here and here you guys go here and here easy this guy's trying to escape make sure you pin him in place nice encirclement these tiny little encirclements make a massive difference in the war effort got the option to go for infantry leader very useful right now because we know all the firepower that we can get right we can go for camco as well which gives us better fighters ai's bashing his head against us over and over again i have no problem with them doing that so just let them do it okay it's really important that we shut down the underground workshops because we are losing a lot of guns through attrition right now we need to boost relations with the united states we can also start boosting our doctrine go for delay all right 75 mission to the united states and on support artillery onto our main division gives it a tiny little bit extra bite all right and sir coming on the city can we get him yep got him hey in another encirclement another one another encirclement and another encirclement right logistics wizard we need that supply and they're actually pushing us quite aggressively in the north too all right the extra army can we pop this guy in the north that would be really handy is there enough supply i think there is no there isn't so i need to do just spread them out a little bit more and that will spread out the supply over these two supply zones there we go all right we'll do war propaganda we'll do war bonds and we'll do another encirclement another one start making combos now that's gonna be really important for later on whoa soviet medium tanks that are now encircled oh 12 divisions all right they're going their north wants to push now looks like they've uh moved more of their troops southward so just push and uh everyone just push i think at this point we've completely defeated them the wuhan encirclement of the soviet medium tank division in china historical game by the way so this is what i was talking about earlier look here look at this all these divisions are chinese at least 30 divisions on the front line maybe even more than 30 just waiting for your nan to join the war which they're never going to do because we're fighting most of it here oh no what is going to happen here oh no oh no soviet union what has happened to you how you have fallen those mighty fine shiny tank divisions now defeated i'm not sure what's up to the ai but they've suddenly come to life and they're actually being a little bit more proactive and there we go 941 and i'm finishing the 1943 last artillery tech so worthwhile because all the firepower you get is immense all right yunnan time to join the war continue working on the doctrines getting the boosts and uh made an encirclement here in the south not a biggie but right now things are getting really dug in there's not a lot we can go for here so uh air warfare theorist and ground support expert and industrial concern just one thing to note to do burma road you need control of yunnan and the mountains connecting to the raj and to do the hump you need control of this state here so you're not going to progress down your focus tree until you have control of these two all right we can move the capital to beijing which gives us more support and stability i'm gonna make some naval dot yarns just the odd one two three four and those can get our convoy production up a little bit because it's very low at the minute only 19 convoys all right i'm gonna break through in the center pop all my main strong divisions in the very very very center staff office plan and this may be the final push don't hold your breath okay artillery production is way way way behind assigned another five factories into there this last push has been pretty painful just squeezing all my divisions through the center to grab victory points there we go artillery focus 3 is complete january 1942 and it is a 1943 focus tree so you uh i think in all fantasy it's actually worth just rushing all of this the extra soft attack goes a long long way right they're at 96 percent and it doesn't look like they hold anything i think the reason they're still holding on is because they've got taiwan which they got from the white piece with japan all right push across the entirety of the front line see if we can make some progress the only victory point they've got now left on the homeland is that one shamdoo start working on some reconnaissance divisions pop that there import a little bit of oil because we can't keep our fighters up is that it 99 so that's it all the victory points now on the mainland are gone so i just have to eat in there to their territory and it'll slowly and truly give me a little bit more surrender limit towards them there we go 100 ouch that was painful really painful all right pass on everything and then just take everything done got him all right make a full bottle line move everyone over exercise to level three just chill for five minutes we can do the mama road all right we need to annex yoonan now the easiest way of doing that is to send them all my convoys and uh just a crap ton of guns which we will all get back by the way when we annex them there we go making a few civilian factories i built them here look a little bit of anti-air as well right burma road is done we need to go for camco to get the bonus for the fighters gamco local fire production okay we can recall the attache now now we've also got the bonus to rush for fighter 3 and the minute this completes we'll go for camco to get the bonus for the agility so when this finishes it gets all the bonuses and this will be a very mighty fine fighter 3. right let's import the aluminium which we need to get from the cervix because they border us and rubber from siam i think we can get that through land as well better division uh with reconnaissance and anti-air now we get the medium aircraft designer to get the agility in the attack for the fires all right we need to do the hump now we need to get relations high enough with the united states and britain so spending more political power again and also start to work on some better airwings as well and exercise those to level three right let's do the hump fighter 3 has been done whack on a fat engine and some range a little bit of range started working on some transports and you've guessed it paratroopers you've asked for it over and over and over again for a thousand times what do you try paratroopers dave here we go paratroopers and that's from an intelligence agency feedbacks intelligence agency welcome back dave so chinese puppet states are actually harder to annex uh because you need more points instead of the regular thousand points to annex it cost two thousand five hundred so yeah that's why it's taking so long all right i think the soviets have closed their economy yes they have so that means i can't get any steal from their aluminium from them that's a nightmare okay so i think we're gonna have to do the same limit our exports find ways of people to trade with us japan has declared well on yunnan wow okay i guess we're eating up a little bit of uh indochina okay i'm gonna justify in korea and uh every time i've done this before they join the japanese faction and if they do that's good because then we get to annex them yay right can declare war on korea now they're not guaranteed by anyone and they join the faction of japan oh no taiwan f japan's not messing around popular question why aren't you defending your coastline because i want them to drop so therefore i can encircle them so therefore i have to fight less japanese divisions in future does that make sense finally we can annex gnn oh my goodness that's way too long and then we delete all their divisions all right we get all our equipment back which we literally pumped thousands upon thousands of guns into them and up our transport production as well produce a lot more of those claim the mandate of heaven so in the pre-release you needed macau hong kong that one and taiwan now you don't if you probably guessed it if you take out macau hong kong and all the others you practically turning into a world congress because you have to take out the allies or potentially the axes and take out japan it gets so messy so that achievement has been massively simplified thank you paradox i love you right we need naval bombers just a handful not that many this is probably like at least the 10th naval invasion japan's done so far that this is just insane when i land on the mainland they're gonna have no divisions wow india capitulated i blinked and i missed that right paratrooper division it's going to consist of 10 widths with support artillery and with anti-air how many can we make 11. they have lost to us 894 000 manpower strangely enough there most of the losses were to india i'm going to actively hunt for enemy ships now so we'll go for sea of japan there we go very very effective eliminating the submarines is the main priority because if i do a power drop i'm gonna need supplies with them today and they're gonna have to come by convoy so i need to make sure all those convoy interceptors are removed or well most of them anyway absolutely wrecking their navy the mandate of heaven hail to the ching achievement unlocked done there used to be a considerably harder achievement it's been made a thousand times easier all right we're gonna cheese the paratrooper limit there is an old exploit with this but i just can't be bothered let's just do the method where we just spam out loads of divisions then we can make lots and lots of paratroopers the more the merrier all right gonna max that range out on that naval bomber as well all right deploy those divisions and create my total troop count and then i can spam a bunch of paratroopers there we go plan ahead by building infrastructure and these are the areas i need to build it up to max and then i need to get oil which i'm going to build synthetics in this starting region oof okay we're getting the big ones now big oof right you've been selected to be my commando general because you are a commando paratroopers glider planes boom so when we land now we go for a very long time before we need supply transports here they are almost got a hundred of them there we go and we split them nice and evenly and then we just need to get the planes here all right planes are in position and i think we just go right do we just go yep we land and we've landed ten divisions five and we can grab our port and then that's that wow okay that was really smooth probably because japan's lost so many divisions through naval invasions isn't that great be really quick mop them all up grab all my fighters assign them to the paratroopers let's see if the how far the paratroopers get before they get stopped i think at this point for the paratroopers to proceed uh they need some more support on the ground ah let's go 40 widths there we go regardless our contribution is 71 so we're pretty much going to get all of japan japan it's over done all of japan all of siam all of korea the dragon that swallowed the sun achievement unlocked i think you can actually cheese that achievement by not you on x in japan but anyone else annexing them so something that's nice to know now we cancel all of our imports then we go free trade then we build a lot of infrastructure and on the back of that there are lots of refineries and then on the back of that we go construction engineering do some excavation for more oil and other bits and there we go the good the bad and the weird this is an achievement where you go afk and leave on five speed hence the reason why i missed it on screen but i got it there you go and voila currently guys ad revenue has tanked the lockdown has totally frozen youtube economy if you want to help me out the best thing you can do in these dire times is become a patreon the link is in the description below thank you boys and girls
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 582,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOI4, hoi4 guide, hoi4 tutorial, hoi4 la resistance, hoi4 la resistance tutorial, feedback, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron, hearts of iron 4 guide, hoi4 funny, hoi4 cheats, hearts of iron 4 cheats, hoi4 exploit, break, hoi4, cheat, hearts of iron iv gameplay, hoi4 achievements, hoi4 memes, china, hoi4 china guide, hearts of iron 4 china guide, Hail to the Qing, qing, qing dynasty, The Dragon Swallowed the Sun, hoi4中国, 中国, 中国二战, 中国帝国, 帝国中国, davefeedbackgaming, hoi4 la resistance guide
Id: xKA48V0P6bY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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