Surviving For 14 Hours As Poland - 30 Minutes of Hel

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we have inflicted on Germany 70 point 9 million casualties I think that is beautiful hey welcome back and what is this more 30 minutes of hell you'd think after the punishment of the first game I wouldn't want to come back right well you know what allomere I'm actually having fun okay I've got to the point where I perfected this strategy so well I feel like in every eventually I can completely decimate the Germans the big question people kept asking me is what happens if you just continue this scenario forever and ever and ever what would the eventual outcome be and this video is gonna answer that question so are you ready are you relaxed right now are you sign your chair are you recline back and are you ready for 30 minutes of hell part 2 but what have we got right now this is not the same save game as the previous one because it was an Ironman game I decided to delete all my units and he got capitulated when it comes down to research now I'm working on rockets and nukes why because I've got nothing else to research and this is the division template we've gone with or captures soft attack reconnaissance engineers and support artillery I have inflicted on the Germans 7.3 million casualties only currently the 14th of May 1946 so we've got a lot of time to go they have roughly about a hundred divisions there are no I don't serve and they have about 2 million manpower in the pool and this is a very familiar pattern you've seen before right Dave hitting these 2 divisions to try and encircle these ones in the center and at the moment because Germans pretty strong because they've conceived they've got no issues in the East I've got no issues in Africa if we look who were against right now you can see that everyone is against us even Peru in South America though yeah this is a pretty strong Germany in circum and you say oh why not for the thousandth time there'll be a lot of these in this game if you've probably gathered now if you're watching this video and scratching your head and thinking to yourself what is going on what am I looking at right now that means you haven't watched the first video you wanna go watch the first video this one get it now now click it I've also managed to build a maximum for here as well even though it's the most part Destin at the moment because the AI is just letters and he came out planes they've got at 1,800 closer support six hundred fires they've got a lot of planes too so the AAA is essential as you can see we're hitting a lot of support planes with our AAA meaning it is essential because otherwise we'd be getting bombed heavily and won't be able to move due to the lack of air superiority now I'm not sure what's causing this but the AI seems to hit Warsaw over and over and over again and don't ever stop even though their chances of winning are exceptionally low due to well in this case my defense being like over a thousand but they still keep hitting into Warsaw over and over again I presume the guy who got the original thirty minutes of hell he did it with this method but I don't know what causes the AI to constantly keep attacking you over and over again like it is doing now I don't know if you guys know comment below alright time for another pocket always lock in the one division try and stop them from flowing back troops in and boom there we go again stop stop stop stop stop now I would usually stop everyone at this point and only attack in with the division that wants to break the middle line because that's the guy who needs the XP but at this point doesn't actually matter that much these guys have got so high skilled they don't even getting that much XP anymore around about seven and eight skill level they don't get a lot of XP oh by the way this guy's a lot better than he once was in the previous game he didn't do very well on the attack and was mainly on defense he's a little bit better than he once was and also he's got adaptable hey so what else has gone around the world there's a perpetual d-day happening here I own Spain has taken Ireland that I didn't swap anyway d-day happening over and over again France UK USA landing over and over again Americans are the lead of the Allies now which means allies check change color they are now Liberty blue in Australia again invaded by other Japanese New Zealand are doing ok I guess we have a beautiful rata Koshien Empire beautiful isn't it nobody comes into research and we'll check their progress although infantry weapons are done to all the passive bonuses are max if maxed artillery max anti-air we've maxed rockets as well as regular artillery Evan touch tanks because the production cost is just too much he'll take too long for speaking of tanks we do have tanks they could have captured so many of them from from the Germans I was so tempted to make a few divisions cavalry with a few medium tanks in it as well but I never bothered at the moment we're doing so much firepower this wouldn't even give us an extra anywho and we're also gonna progress Dunbar Field support to guerre superiority which is probably something we won't be able to take much advantage of anyway due to the fact we lack planes but we are intercepting quite a number of their bombers I suppose that's something the our bombing is very heavy - I imagine what they're trying to do is wreck these forts doing a decent job of that so give him that so we can do a few things to spend the political power working conditions for stability war bonds for extra TVs pretty much sure we hired we've got a bit of communist support because we went down the path of Comus ours we could work towards jet technology I guess that's something it's got a fighter we have one veteran horse division and one season horse division think they were the ones defending Warsaw and the a I just kept bashing their head against us over and over again hence the experience all right we're gonna go for rocket engines and we're gonna go for jet engines as well rockets and jets and boom let's go it's weird how the AI thinks we can't win there some divisions are no imposition no we arrived was the two medium tanks gonna go into the pocket then oh no what have been so awesome would have captured so many currently these divisions have a capture ratio of 20% the 20% of all tanks in this division if we encircle it all let's do it let's do it you know what I'm feeling ballsy let's do it interesting how they think the counteract is a little bit no you stay tanks are so fast one and Mon do it did we get one of them we all must have look in the log and we hover over here captured 80 medium tanks in the last let's look at last month yeah was itwas we've got some SVG mediums and mediums just to clarify it took me 30 attempts to record it and successfully do 30 minutes of hell that was the thirtieth attempt that I made the 29th attempt is the one I got the achievement but I wasn't recording but the other 29 attempts were all attempts where I've tried to perfect the strategy before I hit the record button started to do it a few people asked me like I'll show the previous recordings ain't gonna hit the record button unless I know I'm gonna get it so that's I guess it's my mindset maybe it would have been cool montage of me throwing the keyboard across the room and mashing my monitors a half every time I failed it maybe oh the decided attack or saw and failed miserably I just realized too that we're using the defensive guy let's go for the offensive we do have desperate defense as well even though we don't need it as pushing now this should be a clean I like the right flank the left flank holds for just a few more hours and you go love the AI panicking oh no he's got an incircle division oh no and they given him my first thought when I was gonna do this again I thought to myself you know what I could do I could make it like an ASMR thing because I don't know about you guys but watching encirclements constantly get close he's actually kind of therapeutic for me it's almost like a deep tissue massage though I thought to myself what if I made 30 minutes of ASMR and then I thought that's a stupid idea please Dave no please no okay naming no names here but if you want to see if someone's cheating over 30 minutes of hell achievement when they load up the game look at this bar now obviously I'm laying the game right now and I've researched for very much if I cannot research all the hand machine tools tax which increases the production efficiency cap now the ones cheating they've loaded the game up in civilian or recruit mode you should see this bar should be significantly further along than it would normally be it's just a heads up any kind of youtubers out there they'd be trying to deceive you hmm okay I'm putting on my theory hat right now and I'm having a bit of a theory crap so I right-click on Germany I see they have up to 500 to 900 divisions that's still a lot and they have a lot of factories man powers taking a little bit of a hit my prediction is that some of these strength bars are not all the way here we go friend 89% and 87% for an 83% so it eventually reaches the point where a membership I'm not sure this is a fault of the AI or just I know I guess players can mess up with this but they they mess up the production where they're not producing enough of a certain item and consequence of that Oh Oh having a bit of a problem here now you probably thinking oh my god this is the beginning of the end I don't think so cuz if you look really closely a hundred and six divisions there a sixty seven divisions there UK is one hundred and sixteen America has 395 personally I don't think this is gonna make any headway I think I've got a lot of work to remove more of the divisions of manpower before this becomes a problem but this just shows that the merit the Allies the Allies were able to land which tells me that maybe not all their divisions are ours shipshape as they should be my goodness there's ten divisions in the hot spot I'll be stupid not to push now you stay stay there please no seven running away yeah they all got pushed out I tried oh is this an allied Dunkirk 52 supply needed Bernal capacity one here we go for Jess yeah now in a public statement say the new British Prime Minister Winston Churchill has announced the new government's intention to steer away from the course of appeasement it's a bit late for this it's 1947 and literally all of Asia Africa and Europe have fallen to the Germans what we will stop appeasing be late for that I have a plan and try something very outlandish and a bit weird I've got so much political power I'm gonna basically spawn a crap ton of generals and I want that guy a brilliant strategist what I'm actually gonna do now is promote my existing guy and the brilliant strategist onto you mustache is doing it for me and this guy gonna be replaced by a new field marshal which is this guy which I can't do at the moment cuz I've not gotten a PP oh wait a few more days I can promote him boom this gives him an extra traits lot without shadow of a doubt the UH knocking go for would be offensive doctrine to gain an extra +1 attack now what we have now is a young general doesn't look very old the glasses and the mustache and the bald head but he's young and fresh and he he is gonna be trained up to a god so long story short is this guy's a brilliant strategist meaning that whenever he levels up he's more like to get points into attack and planning hopefully lots into attack because that would be ideal the United Kingdom is justifying on us the cure oil imports ins public focus for Iraq in Iran and gains claims on the gains claims on Venezuela what was I gonna do with me are they manually justifying no okay that's a book that's a book alright five divisions boy there's enough to level you up Go Go and I think he has leveled up but the numbers haven't updated there we go he's got four into attack now he's pretty close to the last guy we just deep promoted to Field Marshal so progress we can add defensive doctrine to YouTube alright you can go for fire too now jet fighter to 407 boo who starts do it we're gonna search strategic bombers because right now we are working on nukes every time I look back at Vichy France has expanded just a little bit I think before I know it Vichy France is gonna start creeping into Germany soon oh the Battle of Ireland is on the Spanish have been pushed out of Ireland that's an alternative history scenario that I don't think is ever happen biggest problem arriving right now is when we send one division against them we're breaking them in the encirclement which we don't want that to happen we need to be able to get the encirclement there you got it ok I'm gonna do women in the workforce as well mister prevent my manpower dropping too low I'm currently on on a little serve as well I prefer to drop down to extensive if possible then the other thing we need a gain from that is extra production and the production is pretty good alright how's our boy doing he's currently level three he's got five at attack about core of the way to camera leader or all the way to infantry leader he's looking pretty good alright I'm gonna do it let's make the nukes let's make nuclear reactors this will probably take a very long time to finish it'll take three years to make one get it we're gonna do it anyway we're still gonna do it has it reached the tipping point Germany right now is that on all I don't serve with zero manpower zero and they either go scraping the barrel which is quite frankly one of the rules rubbish conscription laws because it only gives an extra 5% recruitable compared to a hefty 20% for all adults er 20 to 25 I don't know you might be looking like the beginning of the end this might be the turning point oh my goodness there's just two mediums here I have to do this I have to do this the t's is too much I have to do it did boys two mediums and one Infantry Division the greatest encirclement of the mall well Germany isn't messing around right now I can count one two three four five six seven eight it's like 20 going on thirty medium tanks around me what is going on do you think they're converting their infantry to tanks because they use less manpower right now just to demonstrate what's happening just to sum it up in a few words right now polish horses are defeating German medium tanks ah now that is amazing can we go for tags I got excited over two and now I've got four okay we've made two bombers so don't worry about that we've such a large stockpile of support equipment artillery and guns we don't need to worry about that anymore so the main priority right now is fighters but with the lack of resources we get a hefty penalty of 72% I won't forget I made the most of all gone our boy now has seven in attack he's so good and get this he's not even a max strength either because we still need to get cavalry Li leader and infantry leader I'm not sure what's causing this but my war support is in decline oh it's enemy bombing okay we're gonna have to do more wall propaganda then so it's a good thing that we're producing as many fires as we can we now have we have now successfully captured 1600 medium tanks from Germany look at all these variants of Panthers you know what let's do it I'll weigh angin I have to take one infantry off leave the cavalry because this is a still a majority cavalry division and then out of a single armored piece and have we got enough we do it let's do this I don't know how long we can keep this up for there because you think about this is gonna consume fuel now mmm I never thought of that let's see let's see if we can do this yep we've got the tanks now and failing to pierce some of them but this help is break I don't know I guess it's extra breakthrough so that's been helpful the arm is debatable because there might pierce most the divisions anyway because their equipments so advanced but I love extra firepower it was a long way I'm not sure why research Jetfire - because I'm actually gonna make any of them because we've not gone because we've got concentrated industry and not dispersed internet production lines is a bad idea I won't do that everyone seems to want to be in the allies guys allies I seem to be in fashion at the moment we have an interesting little proxy war thing going on in Peru as well I don't think Peru's gonna last very long though the Dominican Republic just joined Japan I don't think they're gonna survive very long either okay a guy's been promoted infantry expert cavalry expert this guy should be a force to reckon with with horses infantry now I think we should give up our dream of nuclear reactors because I don't think it's gonna work we're just never gonna get enough planes to get air superiority and we've run out of fuel nice so I think we should focus on a a run out of fuel the downside is our Air Force is basically gonna do nothing now because they'll suffer from a big penalty in the air on the other hand the tanks don't behave indifferently they don't get a performance modify all they do is get reduced speed but the speed is already 4 km/h anyway so the speed is no different so ok I just bought this lack of fuel is causing tanks to move slow now we have to go back then ah that sucks it reduces them to 1 mile an hour basically 1 kilometer per hour alright well there were your lesson learned 8 South Africa has just fallen they control all our the African continent let's do this again and again and again and again is this the last Slovakian division that is the question I doubt it is about our reports are still [ __ ] guys this is like massage for me this is like meditation this is the most relaxing experience about playing house of a m4 and I can't believe I'm recording this for YouTube this is literally bliss from our adventures pocket if we can grab it more we can they could handful of divisions we've managed to get six seven eight nice more than we would have got from the hotspot so good every now and then I see like a big stack of infantry moving by I'm always tempted to try and get around it probably's I don't think I've ever pinned them for very long did we try let's try that's the objective I'm almost nervous that when you do like a crazy maneuver like this it might you might just overextend yourself just by a little bit too much got the big stack in the center here but keep it in pen there's gonna be a really hard job coz there's just so many divisions 26 divisions all my goodness can we get this that would be the mother lode 25 divisions can we get this oh my god can we get this 20 are they're escaping they all got out oh that would have been amazing so close so far whoa they just built a big radar yeah they have Wow holy they have a lot of divisions on this front just thing not much here in Normandy hmm paradox you trying to make history happen by scripting the AI hmm right this is the home stretch that breaks the back of Germany they have about a million manpower reserves there on scraping the barrel they've been done scraping the bar for a while so imagine they're fully mobilized at 25% unless they switch out from blitzkrieg to desperate defense then they might get some more recruitable part but I don't think the AI does that but anyway if we manage again to zero manpower on scraping the barrel they'll hit a point where they'll just falter and that's the point we're heading for right now I don't know what's happened but suddenly a ton of Italian divisions have just appeared I'm not complaining that means we're gonna get a big encirclement I have to admit our golden boy our legendary boy is not leveled the way I would have liked he's the usually very balanced and that's not what I want I would have wanted lots of attack and pretty much none of the other points yeah well I feel like I'm seeing more divisions than ever but even though they're all like really low strength divisions there's definitely a lot more divisions from other members of the axis now other than Germany I feel like all the others are propping them up it's really tempting with the excess manpower and excess equipment to make more divisions but as you can see I'm really close to support my supply limit here I don't know what the a arse got the confidence room but all of a sudden they're attacking me over and over and over again I don't know why I have no idea I feel like almost walk away from a computer and just making a sandwich it just keeps going on and on oh my god that was a beautiful overrun beautiful textbook encirclement the pan has arrived in Cornwall and got stuck in Bristol just north of Bristol I have a feeling you know if I lose the UK I'm not gonna better pull this back a pan right now is probably the strongest nation in the world a thousand divisions five million man power and pull biggest Navy I get the impression the UK is run out of spaces to build because it's just making forts like everywhere a the liberated Ireland and in the same process they unified Ireland Wow you know what guys I think this is what hell looks like you constantly make the same encirclement over and over and over again this is the definition of insanity I think I've burnt out the air some more of this now guys whoa I don't know who's got nukes is it Japan I think it might be Japan it could be chimney and they're not messing around are they yeah sightseeing a little bit strange like why view groups of so many divisions is this one to do it like a d-day mechanic can honestly say now hand on our if if UK Falls I'm screwed because they'll never be a d-day so that means that I'll never get the opportunity to bring this back it's just given me encircling divisions forever and ever and ever are that's so sad to see I never thought I'd end like this just a reminder it's now 955 and I am six seven hours into this and the UK's just capitulated it actually might make sense if you know what Germany you might be I may actually make sense if you actually take out olan maybe you know like the nation's big wedge between you for like several years that you've not really done anything about it maybe you want to do that maybe maybe maybe so the only way I can win this war now is if I deplete the entirety of the axis at every single little bit manpower they have no nation laughs that has divisions is Canada the only Commonwealth nation left damn I run out on manpower it's time to grab these tiles to hopefully get some other manpower back we'll be careful Dave oh [ __ ] all right got the manpower no we need to capture this tile here got it yep 200,000 manpower all of those boys alright let me take the lamb back and then open my piggy bank of Manpower boom easy hey he is maxed out I would have loved tendon attack though no one adaptable here you go my dude you are a fully maxed out general just encircled in the Iranian division 142 divisions holy hi boys what worth it right now would be a high man in the high castle scenario okay we need Japan to turn on Germany that would that would make things ideal I think things a little bit more balanced but it that way all right let's try something a little bit different just kind of curious to see how the AI reacts to this like I'm just gonna puncture out right now I assume the AI would panic a little bit and be like oh damn he's actually making a full-blown attack now a hibernation period that lasted oh my god like 15 years less than that no just about 14 13 years is finally over I guess the biggest problem at this point is I needed quite a lot of divisions to cover the front line to actually make pushers oh my god that AI gets really confused like which is north and which is south and then expect this today they never saw this coming the Polish push I think at the moment there are severely lacking divisions because there seems to be a lot of gaps in the front line right here hey my poppet Belarus been so long since I saw you buddy oh my goodness this is a little bit more stronger than I expected I think the AI is just woken up it's like hang on a second what's happening here then there's to be a lot of a whoa and all of a sudden I can see all of Germans divisions what what well and they just nuked me well I be honest with you that's a big surprise because they probably have nukes for a very long time and that's the first time seeing a nuke I've just realised we've just built our first reactor as well this is a full year to produce one nuke one reactor he would like send as a convoy ah hey I got a naval don't yards as well Wow never had those before in a while and the nuke directly on the same place twice interesting which have got lots of equipments where there wasn't there but imagine this the weakest part of this link is gonna be Germany isn't it so that's what I like puncture into Germany and just smash them right yeah it cancel up for barline nicking the line of defense push you guys forward nukes Danzig okay yeah put you on the right side cuz on the right front you go yeah hopefully we can make a push here but what we can and make a little encirclement here that would be nice we have the fall of Berlin oh oh I forgot war so that did you hmm and they just nuked your Manea oh it was a it was a nuclear reactor there there was oh we have six now so it was Germany with the nukes they've chose to attack me doesn't look like they're managed to keep this going for very long in a few games in certain places all right let's go everyone go apart from the Red Army in the east I was Germany looking now I think about it though if I knock out Germany it's not even gonna make much of a difference anyways the Russian Empire is a major power that's a major power white is zero factories what to realize the journey never declared on Denmark on Norway that's weird good news is I get to corner them here and cut these boys are okay to capitulate Germany to take Vienna you Nick as well let me just newt itself I think he's got an achievement for that and Duke in itself nice vital serve again I should go service by requiring first at this point be crazy convenient to have a second front war in Europe they'll be really nice oh we've guys this and this hey I have no problem going back to our original position disbanding all the manpower I have no problem doing that resuming where we were before I have no problem doing them in fact in fact I see that as a priority in fact there's even this part of me that's saying I don't think I could win this so that actually might be a really smart decision do I dare put you through this again do I dare put you through this again yeah why not [Music] then the circle of life continues again and again and hopefully maybe again until the last time all right are we able to do a nuclear strike that is the challenge it'd be an awful shame to like this to news go to waste wouldn't there and again and again and again for the nuke dropped another nuke oh hello Japanese have landed into Alaska I feel that this is a all history wet dream yeah six and a half hours later this is the endgame the year right now is 2018 the 11th of July 2018 and this is what we have oh boy but the most part I've spent many of these years making encirclements over and over and over and over again but you probably thinking what's going on here well this is a coup this is a coup decided to boost communism inside of Germany oh I did in communist by the way and I decided to launch a coup and the coup has just fired just buy it and Belgium has become free but they are scraping the barrel with only 8,000 troops left though if you look at overall the axis you can see that the mass murderer are and adults serve while scraping the barrel and their man powers have taken a big here it's a lead not doing too good Hungary Romania you get the gist now Japan they have not been affected by this mostly because not in the right in the same faction is Japanese so they're not had troops on the border with me so I've not had opportunities to take out any Japanese troops what about USA now this is interesting though without conflict without any blood loss we have the Confederate States of America that's broken away from America and now sparked a civil war I'll know gone communist too and we also have the unaligned States of America on aligned I know even knew they even existed there you go how did they break away I don't oh you just happened if you zoom in you know this is actually one of the great legs so Japan actually controls a lake and that's it just a lake no land around it just I don't know even know and I need a fancy little trick here to try and train as many divisions as I could so what we're gonna do now is we are going to launch our grand assault yay more than likely at this point you're gonna have problems with supply which I'm actually totally okay with we just need to break out now let's go aggressive push push push and we break out we'll get more supply as we expand and have more control of our home states we do have a lot of air wings by the way but they get shredded completely shredded immediately they're not putting their planes oh no we're not gonna find them okay I guess not wise are coming a bit better now but we're still having issues with infrastructure more than likely we're gonna get new to luck so we do have a lot of nukes as well up there we go the first nuke so glorious I would imagine they probably stopped piled over this period of the game probably like over a hundred thousand nukes oh the Confederate states just joined a faction or they join the Allies okay there you go there are two Americas and both of them want to be in the allies there we go that is a lot of hours of my life wastages what was I thinking if you played this save game for I think we're hitting about seven or eight hours now I think you should point where you like you kind of lost all I don't know you've lost all kind of like meaning to life what what is life anymore oh look at that love leagues spaghetti and there we go let's go be the big push the final push the charge of the horse ours can we do it oh and we've been landed on by the i whinnies the Siamese taking Berlin's going to be a problem with at level 10 for even going around it's gonna be a problem too cuz there's level 74 a level 80 oh no there goes our ally our only Ally that's left in this world anyway well this was a fun experiment right I think you get there just to where this is going and just like the first one will end it the same way the previous one ended let's have a final look at the casualties we have inflicted on Germany 70 point nine million casualties I think that is beautiful and therefore Poland is now gone rest in pepperoni regardless this is the end enjoyed this guys don't forget to Like and subscribe and remember if you don't hit the bell icon your subscription means absolutely nothing have a good day I'll see you later good bye [Music]
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 1,173,222
Rating: 4.8939772 out of 5
Keywords: break the game, feedbackgaming, 30 minutes of hel, 30 minutes of hel achievement, hearts of iron 4 funny, hoi4 man the guns, can you beat, everything is broken, funny moments, game exploit, game glitches, hearts of iron 4, tutorial hearts of iron 4, hoi4 exploit, hearts of iron 4 exploits, broken, hoi4 funny, man the guns, man the guns tutorial, 1.6.2, uk hoi4, hoi4, hoi4 achievement, poland, surviving as poland hoi4, surviving 14 as poland, 30 Minutes of Hel, poland hoi4
Id: TfHtLxdsgt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 3sec (2043 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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