What If Turkey Was In WW2? - Ataturk's Turkey

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so here's me might in my own business fighting the Japanese back and forth back and forth over and over again and again damn these Japanese are so strong I've never fought a Japanese as strong as this I am impressed with the AI and then I suddenly i zoom back and I'm like oh dear hey I am feedback gaming and this is the strategy game known as house of iron for in my last video I played his New Zealand and it was a very combat orientated you guys seem to like that so let's do another combat orientated one less about the build more about me doing combat dings if you've noticed I am very close to a hundred thousand subscribers do me the great honour of pushing me over the edge give me a subscribe give me a bell tell me in the comments that you did it I love you today's game is going to be turkey I would say the most powerful non-aligned nation in hearts of iron for let's see what magic we can do how about we roleplay this as none aligned the rule for this game is we are not allowed to declare war we are gonna be a non interventionist interventionist Turkey what does that mean you're gonna find out but first trivia time who was the last Sultan of the Ottoman Empire who was the last Sultan of the Ottoman Empire if you know comment below first of all close air support guns convoys national focus we're not gonna select one head one doesn't know it's because you get to political power per day if you don't select a national focus and we need P P back trees military factories here and here you'll find out why soon research looking for machine tools and a field construction and interwar artillery production factory output construction soft attack delete all but one for a change right that's new now we wait oh you can also merge your Navy up as well if you want to this isn't gonna be a navy game if you want a navy game click on the I in the top right you might like that video all that video all this one maybe I don't know as you can see I'm getting 2.07 political power per day because we're not selected a national focus which deluxe one political power per day 150 political power we're gonna go with this boy because start working down our focus tree now we're gonna go for industrial effort gonna go for disperse industry we're also gonna rush improved artillery alright we need 10 percent support before we can proceed I'd like to get involved in Spain I'm gonna be a bit limited cuz that's fired really early next up construction effort gonna go for superior firepower there we go repair then we're gonna expand civil support and also do the raids there we go and that pushes our stability just below 50 delete that one division our one military factory is just finished just just on time in a sit on a national focus and not collect it so we can get enough political power now we ignite boom if first thing we need to do create a new division template with one battalion of infantry we spam Elise now say six of those and then we to train in the meantime we can work down our focus tree so we're gonna go for army effort to get boosts for artillery down the left side before we can deploy these divisions we need them to be at least 20% trained so there you go 20% boom another one in the east another one in the northeast and why not another one in the center and then another one in the center there we go select all those divisions assign them to a general you have to wait a day because there's a weird bug though if you right-click and you move them immediately they cancel their orders so now they'll go there we go give them all orders where you want them to go now this is gonna be the quickest flip of ideology ever there we go beautiful alright now we need to spam out at least 60 of these 94 why not 94 divisions so here's the exploit boys you need to have a large pool of divisions no matter what side in this case very small at your fingertips to be able to send volunteers in mass in this case to Spain we're gonna probably gonna be able to send at least four so I'll select four divisions pop them here convert them to more of an ideal template well change you to something else just so we can recognize who is who have the pawn and you can with the elite division with some support artillery nice also we're gonna start building in Istanbul because it has better infrastructure the minute these divisions are pumped out and convert move them here and exercise them we also need a little new field marshal - oh he's pretty good intrenchments nice so this is the way it works you need a minimum of 30 divisions deployed in your nation to send volunteers there are two factors how many volunteers you can send the overall size of your army based on divisions not manpower battalions divisions and the amount of land OH by the nation you're sending the volunteers too you should be at least be able to send five volunteers on the efforts done we're gonna go for equipment effort now we deploy all those divisions boom we'll stick them in Istanbul there we go four divisions ten volunteers and we can send five oh nice a selected one more pop him here and just get those boys exercise I don't want to wait too long but I want these guys to be at least look trained to level two before I send them off all right these guys are sufficient right now let's send them volunteers five of them air volunteers go we'll also send them equipment as well send them fifty a month get into position and start holding the front we're also gonna work on more equipment effort to boost our artillery more soft attack early game is gonna go a long way we're also gonna send our planes over as well right we need radio now so we need electronic mechanical engineering and add on an extra battalion of artillery upon an extra factory for the most part I don't think we're gonna win these battles but we'll gain a little bit of XP and a bit of experience with the troops too and also for the generals everyone wins gonna go for war economy too we pushed out from Madrid so we're just gonna go into the center and push here and try and split their army in half this is a bug if you hover over your strengths it says you're not receiving reinforcements the only explanation I can think why this happens is cuz their nation is split into two so deliveries are going here even though they should go here why I have no idea I'm gonna keep making military factories then we're gonna resume focuses on industry all of a sudden I don't know why but we've currently got supply back once again this is a book I don't know what causes it if I don't know comment below now we can go for the boosts on our artillery plan now is to split them directly to the middle from north and south that is perfect ideally right now I could do with a lot more XP so what I'm gonna do is send in attache to China they won't accept because the low of opinion where you fix that is better relations once you bounce out your production of artillery you can start upgrading it in this case we're gonna go for improved artillery there we go and now they've changed the mind this is useful because it has more wall support which is more defense for the Chinese and also begin a bit of XP and I think they gained a tiny amount of organization to 2% wow there we go and now we have split them because they're capitals in the north I'd recommend pushing southwards go we're breaking them so we so much more soft attack 121 verse 33 I don't know how you managed to get there a Long Goodbye almost lost our planning bonus so I'm just gonna stop and go again after you built your infrastructure through national focus check where the ideal sites are to build new factories 10% more artillery and also some anti-air next boost is for the next artillery upgrade and we got him can I get next research [ __ ] and we're also gonna go for construction three construction three is unique for Turkey it allows you get more steel yeah twelve extra steel which is a big deal because resources a big deal for Turkey you've only got a little bit steel and this chromium is useless until late game get out I'm gonna try and push dead through the center and see if I can go over this flat land in the middle of Spain the artillery rain in Spain falls mainly on the plains and some on the hills it's a little bit late in 1938 but I'm still gonna go free trade and with that we're gonna have to import a tiny little bit of steel from the Soviet Union oh this is easy easy easy easy boom encirclement we can go for construction effort now to free civvies got 100 line XP we're gonna boost mobile defense innocent a few guns some of the old ones to China more artillery reconnaissance the view of this strategy is while share in the conflict you can keep making the division large or large and Roger gaining more and more momentum gonna go for the industrialists right at this point we need to build infrastructure more Mills isn't going to help us we need more resources to power those mills but infrastructure in Istanbul for the more steel and more for here for the extra steel that we'll get when we complete this focus soon but don't seem to be pushing anymore so what I'm gonna do is make a spearhead this way and hopefully we can cut off these here now we can rush for advance artillery we can also get some of the basic guns that could have used all the research bonuses on artillery there we go man that was like a knife through cheese right now we're gonna split them through the middle again some lovely plains here mountains in the north but when we get through the plains that won't be entrench in the mountains anyway go got another 100 percent boost here spend the XP there we go cut them up I think we'll go all the way to 40 with now we go for 36 to run out of XP right Construction 3 is done we can go for the steelworks and also go for some extra improved soft attack damage to the republic Greaves death of Mustafa I read that as Mufasa F in the chat from Mufasa got the ability to go for infantry expert tempo sent attack is juicy and they're gone now we're going to train a bunch of new divisions loads of new divisions another 25 gonna go for working conditions stability is good Warriors have returned by eight divisions next up we're gonna work towards armor effort so let's go for motorized effort first just to check up what we're doing right now and we're pumping out loads of one battalion division so we need guns working a little bit on a a lots of artillery low base support equipment and a little bit on planes too right we deploy these really scrawny divisions that we're never going to use anyway and now because we have an overall larger army size with divisions we have the ability to now send seven divisions to China like these boys convert them over we're gonna add an extra battalion of artillery extra two battalions of infantry and these guys are now maxed and will exercise these three in the back to get them ready for the next expedition so gonna go for reconnaissance two - I'm out of people trading with us zero nobody likes Turkey there we go we're ready now seven divisions go got the boosts for electronics two so we can rush all these for more guns you say why not we can also kill some of these divisions - to get some guns back there you go that's balance that problem out there we are we have arrived and where do we go if we try and push them in the scent on the lowlands that seems like a good idea to try and split them in half right planes are in position our troops are here staff office plan get the planning bonus all right let's go we are breaking them it's just a little bit slower than it once was before gonna go for the doctrine boost okay I think the right place to push here is this little pocket that we've got here to try and separate the two front lines because every time we can encircle Japanese divisions that's actually gonna be a big win for us and go for the offensive infantry expert - you know they'll only some more guns to them right now they're really struggling the most to rejoin the force in the South now and I can't push through a mountain so it's gonna be a waste of time I'm gonna go back to the plains and make an actual real difference here can we break the Japanese line in the plains let's see it does a little that we can we should always try and break them in areas where we can combat them and take advantage of all our soft attack for the most part the defender has the advantage that we can attack in areas which have the our own advantages in this case all this juicy soft attack and we have to have flicked the most damage possible there we go working on the new fire working on our artillery doctrines electronics an import just a tiny amount of Steel just so we can keep it with the artillery for a boost on our doctrines they tend to go for extensive conscripts yawn alright we made an lovely push in the center here we should just stop build our planning bonus get my organization back up and then push all the way to the coastline hopefully in house if I'm fall it's always a balance between how many military factories you've got and how much you can effectively produce with the materials you've got we don't have a lot of materials at this point we've currently got 15 military factories we've kind of reached the tipping point we're having to import a lot of steel to maintain our production at this point more military factories doesn't help us we could probably produce a tiny little bit more but then the result is we're going to end up straining our economy by having to import more steel from the Russians in this case civilian factories is the way forward time for another push need to narrow the front line we've not gonna have divisions to hold this much so that'll be more ideal the more we stretch our frontline the more likely we're gonna get encircled we're very close to tiles away it looks like they've lost that momentum they're not pushing anymore so what I'll do is I will narrow the front line to here and blitz it whoa people are trading with us and they're taking in US Steel Siam Omen Nepal and Estonia go this is it the final push can we split them in half I believe in miracles but that is well be going now I'm pretty confident we can push them back here what's this a first in circle miniverse the Japanese oh boy that's beautiful and look at this I got desperate they get they're like no we're not losing that one division supply here is pretty trash we need to push out this bottleneck so again this is getting a bit dire need to be very careful not getting circled myself meanwhile on this side of the focus tree we were the option for political power useless useless political power political power and stability political power and division recovery war support and technology there's a reason why I'm not going down this side of the focus tree because I don't need political power right now don't like how narrow these frontlines again again as we push south Japanese are pushing with us directly behind us so I think I'm just gonna turn around for a little while and just push back into them let's try some slightly different tactics off of the divisions here half the divisions here go if it's not planes when breaking through or as depressing they've got a thousand defense rule but then again we brought that one and we do it on the other side well I think we've done it boys have we done it is this it oh nice wee divisions exactly groundbreaking but it's better than nothing deployed it of divisions now I can send an additional three see if we can get some divisions off guard the good news is is we've held back the Japanese and it looks like they're not losing any more land now damn I didn't we were able to get this far we've broken the river and that's a big river too so usually it's really difficult to break through you know what let's do it let's push across here and see we can split them in half is this gonna be enough firepower I don't think you will we've been a dent in them but we can't get all the way to the coast I'm really trying though oh is this gonna be it though is this gonna be it once you've broken them they're Auggie's low and they're entrenchments broken so you just keep pushing on your gains that's usually a really smart thing to do oh my goodness we did it now when you start producing motorized just one factory will be enough we'll do this so we can get enough support quipment for logistics otherwise we have these problems as long as we are briefly around fifteen civvies that we can currently build anything on that'll be enough to keep the economy rolling pushing into these mountains is just not gonna work so I'm gonna have to turn around and push towards that the flat land making some progress right Japan now is at war with the Allies so hopefully this might distract them and cause them to put less resources into China all right boys let's go all the way to the coast on the other side on the last push this is the maximum extent that we could push to at this point breaking these divisions is really tough I think a lot of them have high experience yeah they're entrenchments awesome as well so we ain't breaking that so what do we do when we turn around and start bashing into the other one I guess over and over and over again until we eventually break through we are making gains it's kind of slow but working so here's me might in my own business fighting the Japanese back and forth back and forth over and over again and again damn these Japanese are so strong I've never fought a Japanese as strong as this I am impressed with the AI and then I suddenly i zoom back and I'm like Oh oh dear well it explains what they're so strong in China because there are no troops here hmm see is there nothing to go for anymore that's good for political effort now this is the first decent encirclement I've had in a while maybe they'll retreat and to go back to mainland Japan but that was a hefty 20 divisions I guess I must be over because I'm not in that list let's see if we can do our final push here as well get out get out get out the American occupation and the mainland's is definitely an impact on their fight in China because they've lost all the momentum and a lot of the divisions are disappearing I'd imagine the turn this island into a massive stronghold in the West right we've done all our doctrines now Jacques Renault's almost done so we don't need an attache because that only gives us extra XP and right now we have we've already maxed out any who contra tech I know and that there's an unusual end of the conflict in China mmm and now with its huge Navy is a puppet of the United States greedy China is also taking Korea nice and boys ah back give them a new icon Victor's of China I was beautiful make even more beautiful a single heavy tank at this point I'm running out of things to research so I would recommend going for excavation just to get that a little bit extra steel Sears we've got so much political pile letters play general roulette no no no no he's okay no no no no no no no no no no we have rolled one god Goodman he is gonna be our new leader and we will promote our old general to Field Marshal position logistics wizard offensive doctrine and a thorough planner and now we need to wait for heavy tanks to be done and our infantry equipment time for the final battle here we go they are the boys I don't think this symbol is appropriate anymore now we need this oh there we go let us push back the Romanians I'm so easy to find out how well they're gonna perform here we go they can't pass them a thousand soft attack 250 break through yeah okay and having trouble we supply interesting let's slap on a reliable engine to you this will just reduce the amount of losses through attrition which at the moment is zero opportunity here if we could push it a Rostov we can encircle this and what I'm doing is grab two divisions pop them here just to prevent them capturing this port I'll actually no I need these four and I think about it and then everyone else push into here and some reason won't let me draw a frontline don't know why I think you might because I'm a volunteer I'm pushing into a nation that isn't the primary war leader you don't plan on sending any more volunteers will cancel all this reserve army and all the guns can all go to the Russians the board I can find in here where I'm not actually having any impact on the war effort sure I might be holding them back I'm pushing them back in select points is the lack of air and without air cover I'd just don't seem to be doing that much damage with the full air superiority they're reducing my breakthrough which is my offensive capabilities for the most part so we're stuck into like a defensive posture that's all we can do made a few adjustments about an extra heavy tank which gives extra breakthrough and we'll lose a little bit of fence which makes me think you know if I'm playing defensively do I really want to get less defense or more break through so I decided to move here and I saw all the lovely Plains here's all planes awesome this is gonna be easy to land in right then I'm actually getting the circum in here oh there's like eight divisions here that's our beautiful encirclement it looks like to me the way I'm gonna win this is just by making these easy encirclements in the plains and I was just looking here and seen these beautiful plain I was like hmm hmm okay never taught this before this is a new one we're gonna talk about control groups what are control groups bathe their control groups repress wanna get these for to oppress these and three so number pad 1 2 & 3 on your keyboard these two like the divisions you want you press control on them one it's also a shortcut key that you saw on the screen only actually says shortcut was saved nice now if you press one like these ones to these ones 3 1 2 3 and he selects them and if you double tap them it moves towards them as well so you can do really cool stuff like in this case it's gonna go one hold shift left leg press 2 hold shift left click and then 3 these guys go in the center then we can make an organized push the reason why I'm doing this method is I usually would use planning bonus but the Mellen I can't build planning bonus because I can't draw front lines so I've got heavy tank 3 right now we're making a few of those max reliability as well to reduce attrition losses and also we're working on their meet up modern tank as well this seems to be working exceptionally well and to leave divisions behind though otherwise I'm gonna get encircled by golly I think he's got it two different circle mints is rising kind of cool because this two extra tank divisions are holding and these two were kind of making this split what do we got here we got one three divisions here we've got five divisions and here we have another two so at least a hundred thousand manpower at least so this is something potentially I could do to slow them down encircled three divisions in the front 17 reserve about seventy eighty thousand manpower nice can really push air anymore cuz the the plate the trains working against me so wanna do is select everyone stop I'm a railroad you two here and I'm going to try and make a a push from this side downwards go here and then here one of the beautiful things about Turkey's they don't have to worry about chromium that's one thing I'd have to worry about I can pump out as many heavy tanks as I like and not to worry about importing chromium this would be a little bit easy if I had to planning bonus I could generate an additional fifty four percent extra attack damage which would be massive but I can't because of the remaining issues looking good and there we go beautiful oh look at this guy oh look at this guy seven attack this is what happens when you get a brilliant strategist you're more like your role points into attack and planning this is a decent-sized pocket you know one thing that just surprised me is like the amount of pockets that Joanie made when pushing into the Soviet Union but yeah the Soviets still managed to recoup their losses and eventually be up the Germans you know it's pretty insane if you think about it get out of the way overrun you know they're like I do this again now if I wanted to just a heads up this would never be possible if I didn't have logistics as well as my field marshal with logistics wizard these divisions are 40 whip with heavy tanks and artillery battalions which is usually very high on supply okay I'm going to take advantage of the planes again I mean let's go here here here here here damn that was just so easy heavy tanks performs so well on planes there's the same they suck everywhere else alright turn around and push back this is devastating for Germany less divisions on the front line meaning everything's a lot thinner the ability to organize offenses there are a lot more less likely I could take a risk and try and go into forests but losing 20 percent of my attack is just painful and the rivers there I'm gonna lose like 70% of my attack power over a river add a little bit extra soft attack on to my tanks again again and again and again gadem army divisions we got this time all right I've got a plan this may not work but I'm gonna give it a shot we're gonna try and cut them off from Crimea a new an encirclement here if I move some troops over nice by golly he's done it well I wasn't optimistic but we actually did it we've split them off they could escape here out of this port three hundred and forty two thousand casualties by other we have three hundred heavy tanks almost four hundred heavy tanks in reserve so at this point I like to that working on moderns right north boys push here and here South boys yogi in India are unable to push here because the supply is completely trash heavy tanks through mounds easy with the ten divisions eaten completely repelled them to the caucuses what I could do right now is try and do a maneuver in the center a is an opportunity here I'll take it two things to look out for look at the time of year January December February Sh this is winter time so everything will have snow as you can see the penalty to attack is thirty percent due to snow and also be aware after that you also have issues with mud which is also a hefty penalty particularly for your heavy tanks hey what do we have here another three divisions and then again here you get the idea nice slightly more difficult maneuver that one I had to push through snow and through forest just managed to crack it just the winters ended so we're not to deal with snow but now we have mud which is worse nice all right I'm gonna try the most balls in maneuver yet right though the maneuver is in two phases okay phase one is to push to break through they gain some ground so South Army it was along the river and the North Army just go just slightly above them engineers are also quite useful for breaking over rivers too when you first add them on you get extra River with speed bonus and then when you get the higher tier of engineer you get an attack bonus of 10% which is also pretty sweet too immediately we start pushing over the river because they broke their entrenchment and then you're gonna push down from here getting over the rivers the hard points that we break through the north and push southwards we're gonna have to deal what have to deal with the entrench we can get them while they're on the retreat with the Lowe organization anyway it looks like the muddy season is almost over - so look at all these planes I can push over the dream right now is to push southwards and see you encircle Rostov there we go we've got over the river on one side then we'll use the other guys to help push to the other side and then that is the attack path boom okay they seem to be moving right now and I'm nervous they're escaping through the port in Rostov such what I stopped them from doing that and we got them here here yeah here yeah here whoa I forgot about my armor expert what I was what was I thinking this is the perfect time to attack it is June on the Eastern Front no mud no snow just beautiful Plains we are going to encircle the troops in Crimea that is the plan the initial push is gonna push to the north and capture the river line there we're gonna wait for those guys to make their first initial push which should be pretty easy with the planes and then the second force will push through once the northern fronts broken keep going keep going now the initial break has broken through I can start pushing through the south - this will just help reinforce the front line this is a very risky maneuver about to narrow down the front line X I'm nervous I'm gonna get encircled there we go I should get a smaller encircle in the south it's not exactly the initial objective but it'll do for now alright that's it main resistance here has ended so we can push into Crimea and fully liberate got him oh my good look at all these Hungarian divisions they're about again encircled rip rip rip rip rip got him and that is probably the biggest in circum and today that's 150,000 manpower Ian it's time to go heavy on the breakthrough get rid of those artillery dip Italians will lose only six soft attack but we gained a hefty a hundred and sixty eight breakthrough holy moly let's try our new tanks then here here here and here and these boys are gonna go here here here and here Oh uses way more fuel ok need fuel fact considerably more fuel welcome to the circle of pain get out of here the breakthrough on these tanks is so high the on planes nothing can contest them and that's another one like a knife through butter and another one oh my goodness look at all these divisions like 30 divisions I think we've reached Germany breaking point manpower is pretty low lots of division seem to be landing into France Eastern Front hasn't really changed that much they're being encroaching in the north but I've been kind of trying to jam them back in the centre and the south your mind that is beautiful more modern tanks was wondered if I gone for field hospitals how much experinece tanks cuz they're not doing too bad as it is one eternity later I realize this wasn't going anywhere so walked away from a computer and I came back to this how did this happen I really don't know but this nightmare is finally over and we I finally have peace in our time thanks to the brave Turkish volunteers we lost two of them rip wait no tell a lie I don't know how it's happened but China's declared war and all the Allies no way there we go well we tried anyway peace is not always possible war never changes if you enjoyed this video with the little gimmick if not the clone war you might like this video where I spend 12 hours encircling German divisions over and over again oh it's a fun one any enjoy this video why not give it a like if you loved this video why not subscribe and if you really want to use something special why don't you ring that Bell ding ding ding now guys hope you have an awesome day and I'll see you guys next time good bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: FeedBackGaming
Views: 178,516
Rating: 4.8809485 out of 5
Keywords: feedback, feedbackgaming, america, broken, exploit, PDX hoi4, hearts of iron 4, brand, break the game, gaming, howto, fun, adsense, gamer, entertainer, google, google adsense, pcgaming, marketing, blogger, clickbank, digitalmarketing, advertising, admob, websitedesign, youtuber, branding, googleads, youtubers, mobile games, minimal, freelancer, earningmoney, optimize, monetize, hearts of iron 4 turkey, hearts of iron 4 turkey guide, turkey, hoi4 turkey, hoi4 türkiye, ww2, atatürk, hoi4 funny moments
Id: urrNodHQC6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 37sec (1897 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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