Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: France stops the war

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hello everyone I am Torrio and welcome to my newest Hanceville in for challenge this one was suggested by one of you guys quite a while ago and it is actually very specific I don't usually take challenges that are very specific because that doesn't give me flexibility but I do like this one what is it well we have to prevent the Second World War from happening at all nothing can be easier we just play as Germany and don't attack anyone well not exactly the challenge actually defines what would constitute the Second World War and who we have to play as so the goal there cannot be any war between the three major factions the allies of the axis and the Comintern if the Allies fight the axis we lose the Allies fight the Comintern we lose the accessify the Comintern we lose that is provision number one provision number two is we have to start as a country that is not initially a member of any of those factions so we can play as the UK and any of the profits we can't play as the German Reich and we cannot play as the Soviet Union that still leaves us quite a lot of options we could play as the United States we could play as Japan which are very powerful but also very far away in Europe it leaves us with France and Italy as good options Italy would be pretty straightforward as if I just country you can start fighting early but I'm actually gonna do France because I have a kind of a cool idea on how to do that unfortunately that idea requires some random numbers to be in my favor so this is actually the third time I am attempting this so how are we gonna do this well the only sure way of preventing the eyes the access and the Compton from fighting each other is to attack in the next all of them before they can have a chance to fight each other so let's start regular difficulty Ullman mode and historical focuses as France France almond - I've been deleting other failed ones all right what do we have to do first governments reform we need that vodka power as France we have the digit jointed government modifier and we are gonna be starving for political power which is very unfortunate oh there isn't anything that can do about that right at this moment we start with a very big army but and we're gonna want to make it even bigger and I don't like grandpa and doctrine research is problematic for France because we have a negative multi-mode start to see our anyway let's produce a bit of support equipment in artillery and a lot of inventory equipment oh wait a minute we don't really have military factories doing all right let's reduce that and increase that we'll get some soon speaking watch it let's build some military factories in the provinces with the best infrastructure hmm this should do it for now what we're going to need to bring all our troops to France and Trainer some more hmm I think we might just train basic infantry for the colonial brigades yeah why the hell not let's train a lot of those okay let's impose and speed things up hundred and tween iron ships that could be enough to launch an invasion of Britain but I do have slightly different plans we're about to finish government reform which means someone else is gonna finish your Rhineland and yes essentially our plans depend on the outcome of Rhineland this is why I'm trying it for the third time because I need a very very specific outcome so we need to oppose Germany then we need Britain to back us up and jemmye to back down which is crucial for the particular plan i want to enact so this is an act of war rally and the British come on British Britain support us perfect now we need Germany to back down perfect and this is exactly the outcome we needed well third time is the charm apparently okay good now we can proceed now we're going to have to switch our ideology both supporting the right or the left have their advantages in our situation I'll have to think about that but remember kids both fascism and communism are evil I mean in real life in the game they're very very useful now we have very little political power we just spent all that we got from Government Reform on opposing Germany but it is worth it all right and I should be deploying all the troops we're training because we need numbers not quality we need tons and tons of troops and why did I need to oppose Germany and have Britain back me and then the Jemez back down well I didn't want to fight the Germans but I needed to be part of the Allies and now I am we do face a bit of downtime because we do have to perform the ideological shift workers are threatened with strikes now this is the point where we should decide if we want to go communist or fascist why do we have to choose now well because if we increase the support of communism here and to be more difficult for us to support of the right so what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of those if we support the left it will be difficult for us to take over Germany but easy to take over the Soviet Union and the reverse if we support the right it will be easy for us to take over Germany but difficult to take over the Soviet Union and it will also take more time I think we should support the right so let them strike I make sure to keep deploying troops although we should always have some manpower in reserve so we can deploy ships as well go and we can get early mobilization for three cool and that's support at the right so right-wing support can start trickling in it doesn't take more time because we already have a lot of communist support that would be much quicker but I do have a plan Spanish to the war still not triggering support are the right this is giving us quite a lot of writing support but that's also to write them your right-wing rhetoric because we need all the support we can get and then I all stop doing focuses for a while because we need to gather up a certain amount of political power strikes over good Spanish Civil War let's see who wins I think I would be better off with nationalist Spain winning but we'll say if you have a power complete now we do have negative modifiers to doctrine so this is going to take a long time to research but we're doing that nonetheless what the [ __ ] is finished we get a fascist demagogue and we're not taking new folks for a while I need to gather a poker party hire their silent workers and then open a political discourse do the referendum and justify some war goals I have set up some armies tend to be exact yes that's how many we need and time to give them some orders you guys are going to take care of the invasion of Poland yes we're going to do that but are you John yes we like it because you are one of the offensive ones let's promote him and let's use Maximus the other field marshal Berta Jean going to be primarily uncharismatic aggressive assault organization first these 224 armies are going to be responsible for the conquest of Britain so let's give them the best generals you are going to be enabling invading Poland let's give you the guy that looks like captain darling from Black Adder so darling there you go now these two armies on garrison orders ports and victory points the same goes for you you are actually going to secure our shores from invasion and that leaves us with six armed is not counting the training regiment because well Britain has six subjects so you guys are going to Canada and taking over their ports you are going over to South Africa and taking over the ports at the Roger you guys now this is important because I need to make all of them actually participate in the fighting Malaya for you it's not important that they wind I need to do this now because doing army of aggression will actually make me leave the ice so I have to put my troops in position already 153 political power only 35 percent fascists support so we're going to invest that in assigned workhorse and it looks like Republican Spain is winning not really a problem we will be able to handle both them and their Soviet Union at the same time I think I think I mentioned I'm deliberately not doing focuses even though this would help us technologically and this wouldn't help our military it is more important for us to be ready to do stuff early and for that I need political power national Spain was annexed by Republican Spain Hindenburg incident the Hindenburg survived interesting we could have Victoria if we were playing as Germany I fascist support is 43 we're still far away from being able to do the referendum but we can start army of aggression I sure we could have started that a while ago but I missed the mark which is a bit of a problem still we'll manage but I need to distribute all these troops already even though they're not trained here because once we finish our live aggression we are out of the eyes the fork armies are full and the rest shall be distributed more or less evenly yeah really missed the mark and that should have started it a while ago no matter we'll be fine but we need to open up political discourse and once we reach 50% support we'll need to do the referendum and then justify some more goals you're still quite a way off aren't you all right we've got troops in New Zealand with your troops in Australia although I might have sent them out a bit too late we'll see Oh China happens when the focus finishes we're going to be thrown out of the eyes now when we get thrown out of the eyes are the troops we have an enemy territory we'll try to return home oh when some of them didn't get there on time and they are going to try and reach our home as well yeah that's a pity I was a bit tardy with the distribution should have sent them out earlier no matter we'll win anyway I thought we have to do is spam the H key on all of our troops once we are thrown out of the islands because well we don't want them getting back into our territory I do a army of aggression we don't want to do any of these focuses just yet that's what we do you want to do is make sure our troops do not return home and ones that are example down here might want to try and do that so let's unpause and keep spamming H so they stay where they are it's only applies to those that can actually get into our territory so like the guys in India but that should be enough to stop them doing it so the only ones moving are the ones at sea right now which is good you guys just sit there and wait your turn I'm not going to start any new focuses for a while again this is deliberate and because we're about to do the referendum and start justifying war goes at the moment we start that I'll get back to doing focuses let's quickly make sure that our interests are secured in Canada yes in South Africa yes Raj Malaya as well Australia and New Zealand good let's do the referendum as soon as that is available and it is available boom we are now fascist thank you very much we want to start justifying a war go also since we've done that we have aggression we're getting normal amounts of political power our logo is going to be against Poland and for that we need 11 more political power there we go why against Poland well we need to attack someone who the United Kingdom will guarantee Poland is a sure bet if we can increase the world tension sufficiently now we wait and now I can finally again start doing focuses now we face a difficult choice here we could woo Italy and create a powerful faction involving France Italy and all the land we're about to conquer from Britain or we could wait and to do John Germany later in order to do all the 66 on Germany I think we might actually benefit more from getting Italy under our wing right now once we start fighting Germany we won't have to fight Italy so let's woo Italy our Navy is not going to be particularly great but or we need it to do is enable the launch of a naval invasion against Poland so that we can an exponent as well these three and once we have enough political power we're also going to start justifying against the United States we don't actually intend to attack them not yet at least but just fighting against them will increase the world tension so much that the Brits are sure to guarantee Poland feels good to finally get some political power woo Italy we have created a new faction with Italy Italy is actually going to be quite helpful they have a good Navy and which is very important they are not going to uij Germany and once we have a lie to them our next focus should be for the extra research thoughts let's pursue that I do have enough political power to start justifying the will go on the United States so that we can get a guarantee on Poland from the British let's see if that works yes they have guaranteed them immediately no reason to continue just to find the war goal because we don't really want to fight the United States at the moment we just want Poland to be guaranteed by the Brits did cost a simple copper but it doesn't really matter man cuckoo capitulates really hmm interesting don't see that often we can't do war economy yet we could do free trade for better research in factory outs but I suppose I'll do that we will have a lot of Steel anyway our work on point is almost ready which is a good thing we are prepared I have a set up troops all over Britain although I'm leaving some key victory points on occupied so they want to round out right away this is important what else well not much we're going to be conquering some other people as well this army that I'm currently using to garrison France is going to do some invading once we start fighting but we'll see that in a moment I'll probably lose most of my fleet here while this invasion is trying to get through I'm not sure I actually need to do it you know what I don't want to waste forces let's just send one unit rather than ten yeah because I just want to send someone to fight Poland in case that's necessary for us to I should get a peace deal but I don't want all of them to be killed at sea which they probably will oh and we have some here and some here that is my mistake I suppose I could send you home at this point and the war go is ready ok you know what they're almost there let's let them get into port before the attack right there you are let's declare war as declare war and not immediately kill Britain because we need all the puppets to join the war so Poland and there you go defy war now I don't need to kill Italy although that could be helpful I suppose I will call Italy let's see him Britain Jones perfect how far from capitulation are you almost there oh I was close I probably should have left some other victory points alone let's make sure we take all the non victory point places expand our reach a little bit but make sure to not capitulate them too quickly yeah their troops that were here got teleported I forgot about the mechanic yes of course they did now we wait for them to call everyone in and for Poland to join the Allies because they inevitably will and now they have German volunteers yes please also now I could've easily just for some Mughals I think yeah ten days effect they'll join the Allies and they'll be conquered so that's that's the purpose one of the purposes of this I mean the other was to prevent naval invasions in the initial days of the fighting but that's kind of done British Malaya has joined us have a look at Malaya we have secured some territory not all of it you can't move but you can run to these ports you try and attack this and British your rush has been called in well he's moving he's not moving because he didn't have organization Tangier it was motorized units can actually help a lot and quick in a quick takeover yeah I should have waited a little bit before I gave the orders because they they weren't moving because the organisation was very low there's my naval invasion launch where are you yes it did so we will actually have some combat with the Polish which is what we need to do all right I was supposed to check on the ROG how are you resupplying can you resupply from Bangalore that's actually very useful let's run to Delhi any more important victory points in the area not really but you can try and get over to these and you well you guys just get the front line that deals with the Raj Canada it's look yeah that's looking fine although mmm sama here might have been a mistake yeah it's dead yeah well but you guys actually prepare a frontline or are we still waiting for South Africa and Australia and New Zealand I think South Africa I did put my troops in quite a lot of positions yes they should be able to do quite a lot they have two ports New Zealand and Australia have joined all right am i able to get a port in New Zealand probably not yeah all the ports were taken I might be able to build a port quickly here although that is not very likely let's try it probably won't work but we can try it Australia well that's model but and much better we actually took several ports yeah they were all be in the peace deal and Britain is the only big one so what we'll just be able to annex everything in this way four more days I could probably take over all of Britain in the first strike but then they wouldn't have enough time to call in all their puppets and then the eyes would technically survive which is not something we can allow right I'm just a common Belgium is ready let's immediately attack though Georgie arise and we'll get them perhaps I can get a quick a naval invasion going for the Dutch East Indies you know it's prepare it with this one you know just this one unit my fleet is not needed where it is I can change their orders perhaps they can secure that you think these for me they ever mention I hate naval management Belgium has been called in good oh and I was supposed to be just forgotten Airlines was now hey justify we don't technically need them to fulfill our objective but the extra factories will help our cookies the Netherlands is ready but we are not ready we're still dealing was Belgium should I take Luxembourg as well I suppose I would benefit more from taking Switzerland because that's more land to attack Germany from how are we doing in Canada not so great but ultimately it doesn't matter it just matters that we fight just occasional Switzerland is ready but my troops are not in position yet Belgium is defending more than I would expect them to defend let's take Luxembourg just because this is there it has a factory I think three factories well everyone attack Brussels thirteen Belgian units there that's a lot of Belgian units not their factories extra research slot now for Cairo you don't care hospital okay that's not good that's actually not good how did you connect your territories yeah I wasn't paying attention to you for a moment and see what happens that is bad oh you idiots the naval transport those morons did a naval transport of course they did cuz they're morons okay how do I fix this all of you guys are into North has just attacked them from the north idiots you will take care of Netherlands and the rest will take care of Belgium we don't need to defeat the Netherlands we just need to defeat Britain while they are in the war and we've done some fighting right Midlands join allies how about their puppet once you're done with them we can take care of Switzerland how is my attack on Britain yeah I wasn't paying attention to them for just a little moment and everything went south it comes to that the goal has to save the invasion of Britain there's fighting between us and the Netherlands Dutch East Indies have been coding and this is important does my naval invasion actually go there they have launched if there is some fighting between us I can finish the fight with the Brits and we'll get volume is completed and capitulated good and I'll get what I need you can now move to Switzerland and to tackle them all of this will make it much easier to deal with the Germans because we'll have a nice long border so the Dutch East Indies this is important can you land yes again can you take a victory point now I should be able to also fight at least one of their troops which might be quite useful yeah you go there maybe that'll be enough okay I think I'm safe to finish off Britain as quickly as I can now Glasgow and then we push for a victory point and they die you only need a tiny bit more like for example London go it's undefended you can just walk in there and that's the end now the Kingdom has capitulated let's see if everyone is in the Peace Conference god damnit Dutch East Indies are not in the Peace Conference perhaps I can take them through the Netherlands yes I can ok that is going to be sufficient apart from that it seems like everyone is the new zealand australia ROG South Africa oh I didn't see how well our troops in South Africa did that's a pity you know what I don't feel like puppets at this time around I'm just gonna take everything oh I forgot to declare war to Thailand but it doesn't really matter they are here I do have a war go but we should have started another one right before the end of the war because of the quick ID justification but we are going to be in a good position so what should I start with Ned learns some tight Duchy Steen is this crucial and other than that just take everything I could satellite Pakistan for some extra manpower I suppose no I helped ass a few times oh crap Italy took a brilliant one that happened and for the rest I think I'll just pop it Britton so we can take over their fleet and use some of their manpower now that is a lot of manpower how many factories do you have in the area I maybe I should just take factories instead you know what I don't really need a fleet let's just take all the British territories before other factories congratulations Italy you can have the NOC if you want you don't good let's end the Peace Conference we took Poland and Belgium and another's and Britain and all the British puppets good now I do have war goes on Luxembourg and Switzerland we should immediately use them and then expend a bit more I think I should do well if I had a Greece in Yugoslavia then we go through Romania from Poland and from Italy we can attack as well then we'll have Germany Canada surrounded let's conquer Greece and that's conquer Yugoslavia because we should have enough time for that before you know Germany attack we've won we have 349 factories and that is a lot of factories let's for the final border with Germany a tiny bit now that we have satellite at Dutch East Indies and Pakistan we should have enough manpower to do corneal divisions and to do them effectively you guys have almost a million and you guys have almost a million that is perfect we'll have enough factories to produce guns for them I don't have enough manpower to you know to send into the battle the goal you can return to the mainland and help with the attack on Switzerland speaking of which where's declare war on Switzerland I have to reorganize my armies a bit soon justification Germany yeah they're not really just fighting against me they're demanding Sudetenland so we still have quite a lot of time before any serious fighting starts as declare in Luxembourg Luxembourg is taken Peace Conference in coming take Oh state the other consultant is going well hmm they are resisting you take three it is not going to be sufficient for them to capitulate yes it is take everything please and that's the end of Switzerland let's expand our forces there as well do we need to do anything extra in the area not really no let's get ready to conquer Greece Yugoslavia and Romania I think I'll pop with Greece Greece is a very effective puppet you guys well you should be fired for allowing naval transport around here but yeah well and most of Africa is ours as well right let's have a look at our templates now I'm going to add Recon companies and more stuff later and make it a twenty with us start at the unit I'm gonna have to research some support companies soon which is why I started to build all those cars and extra support equipment although I might have overdone it a bit now let's do some clonal templates as well from French East Indies just copy an infantry division let's see which one is better this one and same from the new Mughal Empire Oh this gives us access to engineers even though we haven't researched them good let's copy this one and edit them appropriately twenty ways as well and support artillery edit the same here but with extra engineers that's alright technically you can't build the ads but they could so yeah we can now all of you switch to this template Germany demands Sudetenland in a moment let's see what happens they might go to what would you also vodka but all the stuff I have been doing and yes they are just like I has capitulated which was very quick and also very predictable just vodka was annexed our justification in Greece is ready I should just declare war immediately my troops are currently ready to fight Romania ok nice declare war then on Greece and Romania defense the room I think yep Romania has joined and we're ready to beat them up hmm seems like Italy's not providing us with enough supplies in the area and we're through the Romanian defences know-it-all should be easier jimmy crimes and memo right we have to be wary of them as usual but the other hand Romania is actually going very well motive Ribbentrop and then then they would like to attack Poland but Poland no longer exists justification for Slovenia is it ready well that's attack and at least just fine on them as well interesting well I will do that for you let's call them in maybe I'll even give you something who knows well I do the crest is about to be ours well not right now but soon there all right to take the crest and that might be it I'll just focus on the capital please as you go slugger you're sort of claims Bulgaria well that's not gonna do you much good and attack from Italian territory actually has faced some resistance we are they enough and that is it for Romania I would like to Papa domain because they actually make a great puppet very aggressive and so on but they also tend to give the serve Rabia to the Soviet Union and that's not something I can allow so let's just take everything I suppose I could have taken this bit for myself and then give them all the rest but yeah let's paint the world a little bit more blue extra research for two done now we can focus on aggressive stuff and we are getting German volunteers this can actually be used as a trick because even if they want to attack me they won't be able to as long as I have volunteers from them and this army needs a general oh captain darling how could I forget here that's a lot of manpower and that is also a lot of manpower okay good this is the new Mughal Empire so you guys are gonna be using the East Indies template I should probably secure my borders against the soft union as well getting into Greece now and that's it will you go slow all right you wanna take that I'll take Bosnia then and soon yeah yeah that is a nice coastline that's it what a Ribbentrop pact okay now what are you doing next Denmark in Norway and then you can do what with France if you so choose all right all right we'll let you do Norway and Denmark if you want we don't really mind in the meantime we'll get ready German interests in Scandinavia Germany is attacking Denmark job you go do that and no way all right in Greece is taken care of I'm gonna pop them National Union of Greece let's have a look at our manpower puppets you're almost out and you are also almost out so we might want to stop using their manpower why to have six full arm is using that so that might be sufficient let's go to 10 for armies right work is much done how good a t-distribution this will be sufficient and also building force everywhere because I don't need to attack them immediately I can let them bash against my defences for a while and they should be doing wood fronts right now I think that's a look know what they're doing the extra research for that's fine that's high an army offense expert socks adminstered Italy yeah expected as much suppose I could just beat up Bulgaria in the meantime Bulgaria has a chance of joining the axis but that wouldn't really be a problem for me yeah sure why not let's get a quick war on Bulgaria you know what I should probably promote child go to a field marshal because his level of 5 now let's do that you're going to replace this guy how many stores do we have quite a lot there right Oh logistics whiz it that's gonna be useful and defensive doctrine and charismatic and I need to research some good support companies we are now following the army path so that we can get the army reform which will delete our penalty for doctrines oh you're doing well annoy actually do I still have a fleet and don't really know who's just famous be Bulgaria I wouldn't expect is that you're about to be defeated anyway alright as we said some support companies signal is very important so no way was not annexed by the Germans Jeremy what the hell are you doing alliance with Italy well that's not gonna help they are in an alliance with me in better gums researched and start working on building here the better guns just occasional bugera is complete mass attack if you want to you know join the axes so it would be fine with that China has capitulated and Japan took a lot of stuff also I'm gonna invite Greece to this war why can't I call the others whether this war screen often gets bugged a invading Bulgaria any Germany won't attack me yes you do and you go for partner and that should be it you know just take everything all right this right Bulgaria doesn't exist well with France okay we're kinda ready should probably go to work on me now then again if I am in a defensive war perhaps total mobilization will be an option let's make sure to get everyone unbalanced we don't need to be aggressive this time around it's not too aggressive and finally we can do the army reform how are we doing an equipment very very well now I forgot to research you the better computing machine and nuclear stuff let's do those go on Germany attacked me already come on Germany what if I leave a little opening here will that be enough for you to attack only not it might be time for us to just justify war on Germany and get this over with because this is taking way too long that's justify war goal on them hopefully they will attack us and not even other way around but we can manage if we are the aggressor as well hmm and they did war with the USSR they have vocals on us and them now we can't let them go to war with the USSR that would fail our challenge so it's only fair that we attack them and this Virginia's preparing to attack Finland for the third time our justification on Germany is ready I think it's time I was hoping they would attack about they clearly are not interested in that so as declare war on Germany just like that we're not activating our orders apart from the one on us person but that one will be quite easy they're not feeling strong enough to attack us good let's call everyone else in should i attack hungary as well and they're about to join the axis i won't have to so what union declare the war in finland yet again let's modify our templates a bit and engineers and signal companies - all of them and finally we can have research doctrines normally yeah let's add field hospitals as well we're about to finish off the austin area i just activate all of these orders no I probably should yeah why not I do have two armies that are kind of without a job right now so it's less but let's assign them as well yeah just activate everyone Germany shouldn't really stand a chance and I am unbalanced so we want to lose too much in this fight yep go kill kill them destroy them quickly hungary has joined we are attacking there as well let's pull back and see yeah seems like all those Falls were completely unnecessary we're just cutting them up well that's what happens to Germany if they don't have Italy to help and they don't have Poland to expand into Soviet influence in Europe ooh that's not great actually yeah really doesn't have to do those force around the Germany they are much too weak to worry about at the moment dwindling by the hour and the Soviets don't seem like they want to fight us but you know what I don't actually need to fight the Soviet Union for the challenge to be successful because we defined the Second World War as a conflict between the Allies the axis and the Comintern any two of those but we eliminate the eyes and we have and we are the Manatee axis and we're about to as you can see from this picture over here then there is no opponent for the Comintern that would count as the second world war in that case the moment we defeat the Germans we essentially win German Reich has capitulated that's the end of the war that was quick didn't even go to war economy right so that the peace conference happen and there it is Germany has been defeated and so has Hungary let's take all states Greenland is left I didn't manage to at Iceland unfortunately Italy did but they deserve it ok then that's it we have taken over Germany and everything around it so I suppose the challenge is complete not only have we taken a large part of the world but the Comintern doesn't have any of the original alliances to fight so there cannot be a second world war as we defined it I suppose I can still fight the common tent justify war on Spain they will surely join the Comintern once that is ready and then we can destroy Comintern three armies should be enough to destroy them and some easy to follow all those against the Soviet Union just go right it should pretty much do it let's not after with the armies that need Soviet Union yet because you know I've built fortifications of the pointlessly that can let this always destroy themselves against our defenses and finally I have a ton of political power that's finally to work on me I should have done that a long time ago should I do service by requirement I probably should yeah why not we do have a lot of equipment don't need to worry about the decreased factory potential it still shows that Bulgaria is justifying against me i glitched out a little bit a month and we're ready to attack Spain who is researching political correctness so apparently they deserve it our justification against Spain is ready and since it is Republican Spain the Comintern should defend them and thus will be at war with the swords which is what we want at the moment let's declare war in Spain get rid of the Communists and yes they have joined a comment on and called them to their defense as expected I'm going to call all my eyes now well it's not gonna let me do it through here is it I'll just call Italy the rest don't matter that much call to arms on that hand I will call Greece as well because they are quite useful and of doing navel invasions now right Whitley has joined we can attack from Gibraltar now because they have taken it from Britain okay going well and not have to be in two orders against Soviet Union no need to rush we are patient the attack from the South in Spain as usual is going very well see there are difficult mountains up here but only up here we're about to connect our territories and here we are okay Spain will be surrendering sooner just hose or attack on Barcelona an attack from the south that should be enough to take them over let's check on the Soviets no attacks have happened because they're afraid of our level for force Republican Spain has capitulated I think it's time to relocate the troops from Spain over to the Soviet Union also I do have a lot of planes to use let's just attach them to the armies that double get in position and then you can activate the orders I think we're good to go I'll just activate these orders see what happens I don't right you are on aggressive you're supposed to be unbalanced some of them were unaggressive right all of them now let's sit back and watch for a while that looks like progress to me quite a lot of progress in fact I can afford seem to have been unnecessary here but at least they prevented the Soviets from attacking us before we dealt with Spain they don't naval invasion from the Russians no Republican Spain still lives in Africa right capture Sevastopol and then hopefully get through here my guys seem to be encountering no major resistance and we're doing it all on balance that is some quick movement for that doesn't seem like anything could go wrong at this moment and yes I do realize the usual consequences of saying something like that but I'm pretty sure this is all going to be quick and easy going to Moscow or as a Russian might say of Moscow there we go follows Moscow no and we're also taking Finland because they are a bit puppet good I mean not good that they are a part of the enemy good that we're taking them do I want to make everyone address doesn't seem like I need to but I suppose I'll try we'll see if it makes any difference aggressive might be even more effective 81% towards capitulation only Finland has capitulated as a finish of the remnants here and you can continue on Japan I tagged the Philippe's they might attack me soon as well and we have finally researched the best guns not that we need them at this point others produce some anyway I always called it Murmansk but apparently it's pronounced with a hard n as movements at least that's what I've been told in the comments Japan attacked us we don't really care I'm gonna end this soon I don't think anyone has any doubt that we can just squash Japan if we so choose you know I percent and 100 ok this midnight there should be a capitulation and their peace cover is perfect so what do we want to do an excess pain the next finland and i don't have enough points to the next solids just yet let's enter turn pass pass and then the next i saw its i should do it alright that's it we own well quite a lot of territory was that ward japan because they very very wisely decided to attack the strongest country on earth and we can easily squash them if we so choose but i'm not gonna do that because it will be boring so what have you learned today if you want to prevent a particular conflict the best way to make sure it never happens is to eliminate all potential participants doesn't sound like a good lesson but it seems practical that is it for today thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed the video and I will see you again soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 438,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 annex germany, world conquest, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 annex ussr, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 france challenge, hearts of iron 4 challenge, four, hoi4 challenge, hoi4 france, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hoi4 french empire, hoi4 meme, hoi4 france world conquest, hearts of iron 4 ironman france, iron, taureor, hoi4 united kingdom, hoi4 stop the war, hearts, hoi4 ironman gameplay, hoi4, of, hearts of iron 4 fail
Id: kh9fYY_-6JE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 18sec (2478 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 05 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.