Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: Bhutan Takes All of Asia

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hello everyone I am Torrio and welcome to another one of my house of one for challenges today we're going to play as Bhutan that tiny little nation over here and our goal is to take all of Asia well at least all of continental Asia because I really don't feel like island hopping um anyway let's try I actually am not sure if I'm going to succeed in this one I had a strategy for it planned because I've had it on my waiting list for a while however that strategy is no longer valid so I'm going to have to adapt to the situation and see where that goes there are two valid options here and we need to our ourselves with Japan or the Soviets first and that will determine the rest of our run basically I think I'll try Japan and if I fail them I might try the Soviets anyway first political effort we need to change our ideologies to join either the Communists or the fascist next we don't even have good weapons so it starts with and dad as for construction let's build a land force I suppose four will be enough here and let's try and go to six over here probably won't have enough time we will see next well there's no next was just on pause and wait for political power our plan will largely depend believe it or not on whether Spain becomes communist or fascist with political efforts are done we can hire an advisor we've decided to go with the in Japan so let's get a fascist and demagogue as for the next focus we're going down and this path here actually I could have gone to limit it conscription before I hired him because we are not in such a rush to switch ideologies but hey it's too late now although we'll get militarism quickly so we'll have enough manpower the best doctrine for us will actually be in the grand battle plan doctrine I don't necessarily like it normally but we will have to defend quite a bit early on and it's going to be very helpful we do have some points to spend let's get limited conscription nationalism I focused on allows go with militarism the single best focus there is in this focus tree open up political discourse Spanish Civil War now this will determine a lot of our strategy later on so we do have to pay close attention to who wins in Spain we're going down this path all the way before we start doing anything else also with militarism and done we can modify our Devine templates let's make some Mountaineers two battalions per unit should be enough we only have to research thoughts so we do have to limit ourselves but we will make up for it later right the first six units were deployed let's train them up also mean to hire some generals it can't be good cautious no puzzle either not very good let's try again inflexible strategist perfect you're going to be my Field Marshal and you're going to be an unyielding defender that was my fault construction going not great membership struck two three here ideological fanaticism is done wonderful we're going to move to technology sharing as soon as we can and in the meantime let's get some factories going and we could actually switch governments right now if we discredit the government but we can still get a little bit lucky and get events that will let me save those 50 political power points and not describe the government so let's wait we're not in a hurry two units here and four units here Japan is attacking we should now get involved we are at 43% okay then let's discredit the government and hold a national referendum that will tell us fascist now we can join in Japan in the war against China and that's asked to join their faction and now they should call us arms here we go let's join immediately now I am at war end in an alliance so I can do technology sharing which means extra research slot let's see if this will be faster it is 45 days only let's do that then let's get an army defense expert and our goal is complete should i attack immediately I suppose I can and you can keep training let's attack Tibet should not pose a bigger threat to me I could even try and invade them but it is very likely that I would suffer very big losses so doing that very big unnecessary losses now we have called Tibet into this war and they have joined and the Chinese United Front now we have to rely on the Japanese too you know defeat all of them while I provide a distraction we will be defending our territory our well fortified territory and distracting the Chinese troops so the Japanese can have an easier time conquering them and then will reap some spoils we are Mountaineers defending in the mountains with a defensive Field Marshal a defensive advisor and a defensive doctrine so we should be fine even against overwhelming forces did I mention I hate those events now this is going to take a while because we need to wait for the Japanese to beat China whilst we provide a distraction but we are getting a little bit crap again ambush ah is actually quite useful to us because it gives us extra entrenchment and extra recon while entrenched so it is wonderful for defense that's the third time I'm doing this it's apparent we're not going to have any political power this run because the game decided it hates me the enemy is exhausting themselves upon our borders and we have 6% more contribution and just because of that and extra research thought that will make for our defense a three hundred and seventy seven experience entrenchment terrain country commander skill wonderful isn't it it was delay our construction research we have more pressing matters to attend to namely all the computing machines we got for bonuses from secret weapons and I'm going to use them on this this this and this and get a ton of research buffs just from that Republican Spain has won the war it is very likely we will be turning communist then I do have quite a lot of war participation 5% without holding in in territory so I'm going to try and get Japan to give me some I don't actually need any of this territory however if I hold something and that is important to them that they are going to take you know as one of the first actions and then now can I take Beijing that should be quite expensive mmm then it will cost them more to take it and thus I will be able to get more stuff in the peace deal yeah they only believe I've earned enough to - one bit let's take Beijing because it has quite a lot of victory points give me China is pulling their forces back which means it will soon be possible to take it to bed and now we wait until these guys attack and lose their organization and then we can strike back like now this will require some micromanagement oh this is given let's see how that goes now the Japanese won't give me anything else because well no I'm controlling Tibetan territory but the phone calls as well I'm going to be controlling all of the Tibetan territory very very soon Tibet has kept elated mmm how long and yeah there it is okay okay it seems like my plan worked Tibet and sink yang are still up for grabs yay wonderful now do have not points to do that that's another matter but they are up for grabs and I do need them because I need to connect my territory to the Soviet Union and Afghanistan let's shadow puppet everyone and hope they don't spend their points on the screwing me over take over all of China all of China that is left okay and that is it this is the thunder dragon empire now we have two options we can keep doing what we're doing or we can get a puppet however with the amount of factories we have it would be a huge waste to not go after the final research slot before doing this now the plan is to deploy as many units as we can so we have the manpower in the bank so to speak and then release our puppet that's also started justifying a war go on Afghanistan hopefully we can get them next to a research thought - let's deploy all these units and then now and that's a make up of it co minister China here you go release did you guys maintain your manpower levels you did okay cool now we have a puppet with infinite manpower why Communist China and not China well because they have better better stuff better modifiers and the focus tree anyway now with this puppet we can make units we can make a lots of units lots of very very powerful ones let's make a colonial template of the Chinese I'm going to need some more generals anyway this guy's going to set a trap we're going to let the Afghani in here and hopefully encircle them communist revolutionary please and we finally have five research slots great Germany's attacking luxembourg now oh yeah I haven't really been paying attention to Europe but Poland is almost almost taken over and so it's Luxembourg anyway if my predictions are correct Republican Spain and and the Soviet Union will crush a Germany together with a little aid from the Allies i won until my war goal against Afghanistan is ready guaranteed by France seriously bloody hell why would you do that stupid to France well my whole plan is going to crap is I'm not interested in fighting allies and just yet so unfortunately with the chosen course of action and we do have to wait for the Soviets to be fight in Germany and for us to be communist Spain is actually going to be quite powerful once they are out of you know recovery after the civil war but if they join against Germany I think there's a pretty good chance of communist victory now that we have enough political power and will support to go to war economy how's my community support 24 that's fine I was probably going to stagnate around 40% or something like that we will have to help it with decisions we need to ditch in Japan for the Soviets and with the Soviets conquered Germany in Italy and get some production potential here if we can and then use the Soviets to take out Japan and then turn against the Soviets let's open up political discourse and the final computing machine is done which means our research is extraordinarily fast now yeah I should really go to free trade should have gone to free trade at the very start almost the research business would have been very useful okay here it goes Germany attack the Soviet Union now we're going to observe the situation but I'm pretty confident the Soviets will first lose some ground but then start gaining it again and Republicans Spain should help once they join the Comintern and here goes now what I want to do is also join the Comintern as you can see Germany is clearly losing in the meantime heavily investing in my infantry Japan demands french indochina and I can get my equipment done thanks to focuses producing the best guns house commands to vote a36 only lolly I'll see Germany can't push even a tiny bit into the Soviet Union the Japanese are preparing to fight the Soviets I wonder if they would manage no I don't think so the Japanese are also about to join mm to enter war against the Allies which is not something we want to get involved in and if when they're getting beaten by the eyes we can come in from the other side with the Soviet help or without it and beat them up almost there but we must remember that oh wonderful this is all that we needed so now we discredit the government screwed the government now communism is at forty eight and with this it is at more than that 53 we can switch national referendum and join the Soviet Union in their alliance first of course we need to leave another Japanese alliance leave faction thank you very much join faction we will not agree why maybe that'll change when they realize we're also communist and it it did ask to join faction hello Soviet Union ask them if they want me to join other war German Soviet War enemies Hungary Slovakia Vichy France kingdom of Romania Germany Italy go and we have joined under the war should I call the Chinese Empire in yes I think I should shouldn't the United States be joining the Allies now maybe not they were going to be throwing tons of our troops against the enemy lines and they're going to be dying but our manpower is practically infinite and that is going to give us some war participation my goal is to get some production potential from Europe if I can and then have a powerful Soviet Union at my back when I face Japan finally the United States is joining the eyes which will hastin and the defeat of Germany and lend-lease from the Allies that is juicy and this I realize this is going to be long and tedious but at some point we will win and I don't really care what we can take here let's do total mobilization I'll reduce consumer goods factories fall of Rome well that was quick the UK is doing quite well 3% for Bhutan that's pretty high I was expecting the Soviets to provide better infrastructure Italy will probably not last long Japan how are they doing quite well we're almost in Berlin if I could be the one that can't said that would be quite helpful wait a min so Vichy France has switched to the French commune Vichy France has switched to communism well there should be an out of the war for them in such a case shouldn't there anyway and we're progressing through Germany the other conference well that can work in our favor if we play our cards right now maybe Soviet Union will be willing to give me some control how about Brandenburg can I get Brandon I could get Brandenburg well that's amazing give me those all those juicy factories yeah you know that state stand against fascism that's a bit late isn't it your run is actually doing quite well well they will be taken care of but for now under doing quite well just a moment and that the Germans will be surrendering they all still have to deal with the Italians German Reich has capitulated good news oh go to our first dockyards you mean we have no ports yeah we hold a dock yard but not a port well that has changed now I need to trace a few convoys so I can actually transport troops Navy which I can't do now the war is about to end and I'll have to well work quite hard to actually get something I'll do my best of course oh yeah then Lee's give me and let you then now hear this Italy has capitulated okay good what can we get actually we can get quite a bit of Germany not much at all so though that's fine oh I actually need his factories all I need these factories innocent turn and the conference good very very good now I finally have enough factories to fund my campaigns my future campaigns against everyone around infrastructure and civilian factories military factories will ensue however they can wait a bit now that's Japan have a non-aggression thing with the Soviet Union not sure doesn't look like it all right then but first we need to prepare an attack had a bit of a break and I have set up my forces for the invasion of Japan hopefully that will be enough how is my reserve of guns quite huge I could actually switch them over to larger unit template let's and do and that if we were communists instead of fascist when we set this puppet up we would have gotten not 30% of our troops but 10% of our troops in these and play so we could have out more but once I reduced and their independence it's going to be a slightly and better no it's 20 for me wonderful infantry template one yes let's use this one on all our colonial templates I will not have enough inventory equipment I will have almost enough inventory equipment but we're producing it rapidly so it should not be a problem I have also changed my economy to be limited exports so that we can get all the steel we're actually extracting to be used in production let's start justifying on Japan well as get North Korea as the goal 30 days until we can attack the Japanese so we can attack Lithuania ooh we're guaranteed or some crap oh bloody hell soft union you idiots are you at war with the Allies yes you are I want Joseph well I am a healthy buffer between them so there shouldn't be any fighting in this area and no justification for North Korea is ready let's attack and call everyone in Chinese Empire and Mongolia and Republican Spain have been : I wonder if the Soviets will accept dangerous boulders well maybe you can rectify that and then just use you for the final invasion or something like that how is this a dangerous border for the Soviet Union it'll why they count my children and sugar as well well once I take their they might join reached the sea glorious yes Oh Soviet guns thank you you can see Japan is slowly and gradually being taken care of Spain is getting into France Bravo Spain oh how far we've come a thousand guns a day now Soviet Union I'm not joining a war against the Allies at least not yet our problem is that we have absolutely no naval strength we'll have to build it up and it's not easy in the area I don't need the defense guy let's take at the maneuver guy instead who has the upper hand right now it's difficult to say but it looks like the Soviets don't really have any way of hurting the Allies except for Spain and they're holding their own against Spain so it seems like the eyes mind have the upper hand in this because they can attack the Soviets in this of it's can't really attack them apart from the Raj and Shanghai shall soon be ours and I suppose I could garrison reports but they seem to be more focused on defending the territory I'm attacking than on making attacks themselves unfortunately at this point of the game is running brother slowly East Germany and West Germany remain neutral if I start just fighting on them it's very likely that the Allies would guarantee them but it is not certain and these countries usually don't have any armies East Germany is almost certainly safe to invade so let's start with them should have done that immediately I'm not sure why I did not Japanese are relentless just need to take as many provinces as possible and they should be on the verge of capitulation yes they are control zero victory point oh Himanshu co 97 98 come on one more province should capitulate now it did which means I should be able to call in the so it's come on no still no hmm we all need to do a little bit of cleanup yes there is still a bit get here really quickly finally thank you very much now the Soviets assured and give us naval superiority and they are giving us naval superiority you guys will be able to land in Japan although if I made this army much smaller it would prepare faster so let's do that we've learned it take the port yeah I don't usually land in ports because of the a I used to Garin garrison them quite well and now we have the port perfect everyone just go to the port and North is better defended than the south but we are advancing there as well so many dockyards ok can I do closed economy I can I must do closed economy and so you really know the greatest idea ever but I really do need that steel tower far from capitulation mhm not even halfway there but soon soon enough we have to declare war on East Germany and let's do that that's not caught in any eyes they've ironed it ourselves with Japan that is fine almost everything is taken care of if Germany has capitulated to me looks like a thing eating something like here's a beak here's an eye place whatever like a sake that is why you guys have not capitulated yet Kokua Japan has capitulated and we have first pick and all the picks almost apparently yes that mean looks like we can do whatever we want to them now we do have the Soviet Union involved so we have to be cautious it is possible they'll try to puppet someone if we try and Papa Japan will get a nice navy but I think I'll prefer to get I prefer to gather their factories instead it looks like I took everything thank you very much 500 factories there right the plan is we now prepare to take on another huge enemy that might be realized that might be and the Soviets okay I can actually do is annex them and steal their manpower which might actually be the better choice I will not need them I'll just be using my infinite manpower I'll have several million if I do this right let's deploy all of these tiny tiny units they're going to steal all the Chinese manpower from me no Soviet Union I'm not going to answer your call to arms I'm going to destroy you instead alright my infinite manpower plan is almost already I will deploy all dance I can deploy that will make me however let's see how many thousands of units in the field how many how many exactly I have 5,000 units I don't think I've ever had that many see there's a thousand guys here hmm but that's not the end no no that's just at the beginning and what we're going to do now is check Chinese manpower you know I haven't used all of it yet I can still one up this iraq has capitulated and so has spain actually so one the right choice is to face this of it now i can index China but I'm not going to not just yet first I'm going to give them all the land we can so let's find a Chinese Empire our friend returned territory here we go that should increase their manpower pool novice significantly as I thought it would though no it did actually 21 million manpower I have expeditionary forces here as well now let's make sure to send them home now we take those 5,000 units and we switch them into a huge template that'll drain all the manpower we will need 12 million manpower to do this but it's just our manpower is just 10 percent so hundred and twenty million manpower is the total requirement for this well now that means Landman bar starts coming in we're going to use up all the Chinese manpower and we just have total manpower 27 million well that is good enough for me and what we're going to do now is annex China Chinese Empire and X they have still not fixed the tooltip it's costing 300 not 50 and now all that manpower is my manpower and I can do whatever I want with it if I disband the army I'll have 27 manpower here 27 27 million time to set up an attack on the Soviets but first I need to modify my units a bit to add my templates to well that's a bit too many isn't it we also got the expeditionary forces they had or certainly don't need several thousand so let's disband Olivia man powers coming back nicely well it's not disbanding momentarily it's gonna take a moment to process yeah right we're left with about 500 units and 24 million manpower in the bank good this is the state of affairs this is how I distributed my guys and this net offer olders might look like sophisticated must Philon bothers just me flailing the cursor around chaotically anyway one third of our forces are going to Europe and they're going to try and take these guys out on the supplies they'll have with them and the rest are just setting up normal attacks what I can start switching you to the everyone template which is a huge unit manpower the 3% slowly slowly reinforcing until channel thing I do have to wait for them to be at full man power before I do anything otherwise how their sacrifice will be in vain after a very very long waiting period I'm finally ready to attack the Soviet you our troops in the field consists of how much almost 10 million manpower in very very well equipped units they're not very well-trained though I could train them up and but I don't think I need to let's leave the faction make sure their troops leave our territory come on get out let's go for broke and just fight on Moscow now is a 13 days now the guys over here will have supply troubles we can supply them through convoys but it might become impossible later on this is going to take a long time because there's a lot of land to cover our justification is complete no need to wait oh let's attack goodbye Soviet Union get it by Conqueror and I'm also immediately going to attack all their puppets because you don't actually need to justify separate vocals on puppets you can just click attack and it will happen time to impose and revel in a death machine Earth's pain I forgot about Spain yes oh my god it's probably not going to join we'll have to do a separate war go Romania has Joe really I'm being invited into the Allies how so can always a leave later sure I have joined the Allies mango the Republican Spain's of Athenian Balkan yes I will agree to that that should merge our wars and let me invade Mongolia ah damn it I forgot should not have joined them because now we're going to give India its land back if I didn't join we would be getting it for ourselves we have already connected our territories through Poland good just a matter of time unfortunately it will take quite a bit of time I don't have anything left to research nothing significant Mongolia has capitulated the invasion is progressing quite well we've eliminated Poland and Hungary and now dealing with Joe Slovak and Romania we are also gradually invading Soviet territory but that is going slowly for two reasons one there's a lot of Soviet territory and to there's a lot of Russians in there the United Kingdom is kicking me out of their faction and that's actually the first time I've seen that happen okay I'll make my own fashion with blackjack unfortunately India got their stuff back but yeah whatever it's fine and Lithuania is not doing so great well it's all UK's fault if they haven't thrown me out of the faction I would be fighting their battles for them now they want me back it would set me up in a unique position to maybe and do all the 66 on the Allied countries down here probably going to throw me out again no I don't really mind almost there how far from capitulation are you anyway quite far yes quite far because all the territory here that we've taken well though you don't really have victory points are there Oh first nuke on misc starting to look kind of nice I wish the holding means yes we are okay so a capitulation is coming and we have the greatest part of it all okay let's so let's just take it directly who knows do some shadow puppet thing and stuff like that as we usually do change government change government yeah dammit that because we're part of the Allies and we can't puppet because the diplomacy of the leader overrides our diplomacy and our diplomacy is communist but there is democratic and democratic countries can't do that dammit and that's it that's our conquest of the Soviet Union unfortunately little bits and pieces were left and there's still this allied presence in our vicinity well we can't tolerate that can we now if they don't throw me out of defection I might do a little bit of an order 66 know about it know that it would be necessary and but we can we can deploy our first thousand of shitty weak units you guys are going to be garrisoning stuff they dare to kick me from the faction oh well now I can't do the older 66 any moment that I suppose it doesn't really matter and I decided I needed to set up a barrier between us and the eyes because they're going to be attacking heavily and from this side if I can set a barrier out of Puppets here that would make me considerably safer I wonder if I release Germany if I were to release Germany would it devolve into a different Germany let's release the German Reich as a puppet let's see what happens to it this secures my borders over here if it survives because you never know what Germany and now we also need to secure the south we can mmm we can release Hungary Vulkan socialist Union well I suppose I could also release Ukraine as what keep me completely safe release Ukraine okay and that ladies and gentlemen so mostly gentlemen is going to separate me completely from the main forces of the Allies Asia according to some random internet maps I found it goes like this so we need to take British Raj this bid this but this this this this this listen this and this bit the key here is to not call the puppets in and then the enemy can do nothing about that well the human enemy can but a I doesn't i have rearranged my forces a bit as well yeah I really think that puppets should work we'll see in a moment I guess here's the war go attacking Nepal yes they're going to be calling everyone in but we don't really mind now if I understand correctly show me that I'm at war yeah the game is running with difficulty at this point yes my puppets are not involved and I think they will not be involved and thus we're safe here I mean they'll take the areas in between and Spain but that is an acceptable loss oh crap what happened here yeah that's really seen the German Reich for you so never release the German Reich I guess if Poland doesn't join them I'm still safe so it might not be too horrible although it's probably horrible going well so far although very slowly because at this date the game plans like that still just fine war goes I don't think I'm going to finish this mmm because of how solid the game runs and I would still have to justify war goes on Turkey Portugal Saudi Arabia Yemen and Oman but I'm going to assume that if I can you know reach this area I think that's good enough did I warn Turkey I'm just weighing on Portugal because Portugal has two cities one over here and one over here and we do need them British Raj has kept elated wonderful let's do a bit of a cleanup operation of course now how's your attack on Singapore poor almost everything taken but we still do need the Portuguese in cities and Singapore still haven't taken Singapore I must admit at this game speed I'm not at my best because it was a running sauce oh yeah I just left it running well I wanted to get a drink and of course the British landed mmm I'm rectifying the situation and I'll be pushed out in a moment finally their justification against Portugal is already Macau is about to be taken and here it goes so now it's only here the British incursion and Singapore remaining and the Middle East but pretty much conceded that I'm not going to pursue this anymore Australia has taken my Islands that is unfortunate but I did mention among interested in continental Asia the eyes haven't landed and are we taking stuff in Europe but honestly I don't have enough mental strength to combat them because I was supposed to go to sleep three hours ago so I'm just going to ignore this incursion and hope that I can accomplish what I've set out to do very quickly finally British Malaya has capitulated we have taken Singapore good that's a lot of factories isn't it all right let's have a look at the current situation the eyes are attacking us yeah they've landed in Japan no matter I did say I meant continental Asia at the beginning and we still haven't fully taken over the Middle East well you know what I am going to end it here I'm going to classify this under good enough because I'm very tired and the game is running very slowly and my PC is overheating I hope you enjoyed this video I certainly did enjoy the initial uncertainty of what to do depending on situation in Europe anyway that is Bhutan takes Asia well almost all of it and let me know what you think in the comments let me know what I did to write what I did wrong and make sure to suggest what my next challenge should be I'll see you soon good bye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 439,833
Rating: 4.9298096 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 bhutan challenge, thunder dragon empire, hearts of iron 4 fail, hoi4 annex japan, hearts of iron 4 challenge, world conquest, union of red dragons, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 annex ussr, taureor, hoi4 bhutan, hoi4 challenge, hoi4 ironman gameplay, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 annex germany, hearts of iron 4 ironman bhutan, hoi4 bhutan world conquest, hearts of iron 4 bhutan challenge, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hoi4, hoi4 annex asia, hoi4 meme, hoi4 bhutan empire
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 31sec (2191 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 07 2018
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