CHESS STEPS #2 (600-1000)

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hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to chess steps this new series that i've been putting out uh this is episode number two and i'm playing against subscribers in this episode with the ratings of 617 up until 9.95 so basically about a thousand uh and just like in episode one there are five minute and five second bonus games obviously you on your own can practice with 10 or 15 minutes and in every episode we're basically just kind of slowly adding on layers uh that you are going to learn and try to implement as you go up the rating ladder whatever your current rating is uh and honestly some of these games have been so high level that even if you exceed the highest bound by like 100 or 200 points you could still learn a lot honestly it really really feels that way so i'm actually sitting here and recording this immediately after episode one so if you're watching this way in the future i recorded them separately i was going to just do one giant episode but the first one was just simply too long so everything you've learned from the first one still applies uh we're going to be putting a pawn in the center of the board and for the first game we're playing uh cap hindsight who plays the opening again says that we just played at the end of episode one if you don't know what i'm talking about there's a playlist so you can go check it out but the queen's gambit and we accepted that gambit we had the gambit accepted against us and it didn't turn out to be good because we surrendered the entire center now the queen's gambit accepted is very reasonable but you should try to like solidify your center and there's two ways to do that pawn or pawn both have certain drawbacks they get in the way of certain pieces in general though the declining the queen's gambit with the e pawn is the way to go uh the queen's gambit is uh very very good and the the point is that actually now black is already taking up a bit of a defensive stance in general e6 d5 against the queen's pawn with black very good system uh we are pinned so uh you know we can develop our bishop and i have talked about the fact that the knight in front of the c pawn and queen's pawn position is actually not that great so what we want to do in the future is maybe get c5 and then knight c6 but for the meantime you know we're under some pressure here so i'm blocking this pin i'm gonna get us castled and then before we actually go to war now we're gonna start figuring some things out so again we have this tension here we're not taking off center c5 is an interesting move um one thing you can do in queen spawn positions is you can not develop your bishop passively as i did in the first game we had with black in episode one but is to play b6 and bishop b7 fiance is what that's called when you move your b or g pawns up a square and then hide the bishop behind it so our bishop will go over here and have this diagonal okay opponent takes so they got tired of the tension uh we can take with the pawn or the knight now the knight would involve in and invite a lot of trades uh the pawn is also very stable and good um i'm going to take with the knight just to kind of you know just for fun we're going to have knights seeing each other we have bishops seeing each other opponent could get confused here do some crazy thing okay they decide to take like that by the way here you can take with the queen or the knight so your knight could go like a boomerang but i'm gonna take with the queen because that's the easy move now if they take our knight we take with the pawn so nothing nothing special ah my neck has been bothering me today i slept weird you ever do that ever sleep weird on your neck oh god it's been like been rolling my neck around for like six hours since i woke up bishop d3 okay so now we have a situation where we can take we don't have to i'm going to just because it's a thing that 600s might do lower rate of players tend to have they just take everything they can so for example here i can like wander all the way down and attack this pawn it's a completely ridiculous move uh and and it can very easily be parried so you don't you really don't need to play moves like queen a3 i think we should finish our kind of development plan of putting the bishop out on this that's called a long diagonal potentially and my opponent also has control of a long diagonal if you remember one of the first games we played against yoga dad in episode 1 we had the same situation where a bishop was pointing down to our king and also the game that we played uh the first game we played with black we had a similar situation so we we uh we were under a little bit of pressure now we have kind of a kg set up so we're all on the sixth rank we're not on the seventh rank we're on the fifth rank sorry at all we don't have any pawns coming up so we can prepare for that uh in general i would say that there's no point putting a bishop on a long diagonal and then blocking it so be patient put your knight down here and maybe transfer it slowly into the middle your bishop is just so strong it'd be a shame to to block it for no apparent reason and pawn breaks back to back to this concept uh the queen's pawn games are generally very solid so i'm not recommending you any gambits yet as we move up the ratings there obviously are more gambit style things like tricky you know you can try to win an eight moves type of thing but not in the series i'm trying to trying to get you kind of playing the way you're supposed to um knight e5 okay knight e5 is the beginning of some transformations uh if you watched i keep referring back to episode one but in episode one in one of the earliest moments i played knight to e5 95 is a bad trade it's a bad trade uh because not because of material but because of pawn structure so as a 600 it's not really the first thing that's crossing your mind but you see what we've done to the pawns we've ruined them the pawns like this stood all well together yes you can argue this pawn's a bit weak absolutely but it's supporting the center queen can always protect it rook can protect it but now you've doubled your own e-pawns and here black has a very strong move it's queen g5 attacking with our long range piece and attacking the pawn in the middle of the board we also can immediately go and pressure the pawns like we have moves that just attack both pawns right away we we didn't have we couldn't even go queen c5 the pawn used to go here this is a great move i'm gonna play it because as a 600 you need to be thinking about how you can be coordinating pieces together on a jackpot like this so um maybe my opponent moved the knight with the intention of moving the queen and doing the same to me that might have been it that might have been the point the problem is that you're you're not guaranteed to do that right like if if i give you two more moves sure but the difference with my move it's not a hope move i don't care about mate if you stop mate i get your pawn so i don't care about checkmating i mean i do but if you stop it i don't care because i'm gonna get e5 right so good so they stopped it i'm pawn up now and i'm attacking a second one so this is good we've we've taken advantage of the inaccurate exchange by my opponent instead of knight to e5 in that position my opponent probably should have just slow played there was you can't do anything immediately here it's a slow game take some pawn space advance a little bit maybe connect your rooks try to take an open file if you can't play with your pieces like knights bishops queens they can't do much yet you gotta play with your pawns right so here we have a situation we're under attack on the one hand i can threaten a mate but this is check so i'm not gonna mate my opponent right so you can just you can interpose which we learned in episode one or you can play h6 like that and there you go that's it and i'm gonna launch the new series um on youtube literally as i'm recording this episode i'm launching episode one isn't that cool hard-working businessman thank you for your support rookie one okay no threat uh again i can threaten a mate they're gonna block so you at this point and throughout this episode we're gonna have to just see stuff like that like they're gonna block they're not just gonna let you mate them right uh so what do you do i mean you can advance a pawn you can you can play many moves here that don't weaken a whole like don't push a pawn in front of your king there's no need to do that rook on the open file you know when in doubt let's bring this rook into the game and now we actually have a very serious threat believe it or not this is not the same situation if we go queen d5 which threatens mate we also use the rook as backup to hit the bishop i didn't even play rook d8 i'm not i'm not gonna lie to you i did not play this with this in mind but it's a nice byproduct our queen teams up on a straightaway and a diagonal with the bishop and the rook that is very nice and that move kind of forces me into it you know because it's attacking my queen so now this is not mate by the way because this queen covers that's what notice the door opened for the queen however however we can still go all the way down and then we can force the king into checkmate we can go all the way down sometimes people have a blind spot for this they forget that you can go to the opposite side you only want to get in front of the king right you only get one it's not just about getting in front of the king ah it's also about and and now we see e4 and the queen takes the bishop so that was nice that was that rook move just changed the whole game bringing that rook to the open file is so useful right rook takes and now mate is not the most important thing please don't go here a lot of low-rated players doing this i don't know why they yeah so so at this point what i would do is i would bring my second rook because why not right you want the rooks together but it's also perfectly reasonable to just well gotham taught me to eat the ponds right when i'm up so fine eat the ponds eat the ponds we can take this one or this one very nice ah very be very careful so my opponent even though they doubled my pawns uh did open up an attack now luckily i can take the pawn i can go here and i can go like this and by the way now the magic of chess you attack me i attack you i gotta be very careful here uh one thing i haven't talked about too much yet is time management because i'm trying to be you know slow and steady walk you through everything that's under attack i can push it i can also defend it while not forgetting about my bishop so i can just push my pawn regards everything uh we also luckily have this getaway on the back rank uh yeah one thing i haven't talked about too much is about time management i'm trying to be trying to be instructional and uh that is the price is that i have to be a bit slower but obviously as we keep playing i will try to speed it up a little bit now i would like a rook trade i can force a rook trade with a check obviously as i've talked about many many times already like that is like the easiest way to to just win a game at this point though as well because the pawns are in front of the king you'll notice the king's got a lot of weaknesses a lot of open space around it so we could go down there with the rooks so we could just bully the king here on the second rank with our bishop and probably checkmate as well imagine a situation where the rook ends up in the corner instead of the queen so this bishop is just priceless for us uh furthermore if we tie the bishop into the e4 square like we we for example just so you understand this is called an outpost so a square usually in your opponent's territory that you cannot be kicked out of and that generally means they cannot attack it with an equal or lesser piece for example if a pawn could kick us out here we wouldn't be here the rook can't because it's worth less and there's no knight or bishop so because this bishop can be glued in like this that is a very powerful outpost square which will survive the entirety of the game now i've talked about simplifying with rook d1 that is probably still the easiest thing to do here uh and i just will do that but this bishop is so strong right and now moves like c3 oh that was made i miss maiden one i just oh i miss me oh my god my subscribers are going to make fun of me rook h1 uh yeah yeah i was just so focused okay i'm gonna miss made i might as well be dedicated to the cause of missing maiden one and i look crazy i just said it out loud i just said rook h1 it's because in my mind i had prepared myself mentally for rook uh for uh king f2 i just prepared myself for this move and i just didn't think about king h2 but it's funny uh but you see the bishop guards the pawn yeah and so the opponent resigns this is probably a fair position to resign in but again i wouldn't resign at this level just they just know they're playing me so they're probably confident i would checkmate them but rook h1 is made there you go um so yeah queen's gambit we've seen it now with white end with black very nice that we actually got a chance to see it on the other side i think my opponent yeah my opponent's 11 20 rapid so this is like not a bad player at all i mean this is not a 600 oh a lot of people have much higher rapid ratings um so we we kind of just were normal here and we could have played with the c pawn perfectly reasonable i'm trying not to take off center and surrender the center so i played uh i played what i played and then pawn takes we could take the pawn or the knight um and uh you know bishop takes and we had some trades and did i have to trade there not necessarily could have just finished my development but look folks as long as you're not there's a difference between that trade which is borderline equal and this trade knight to e5 is a very bad move by white at this point the position is totally balanced and we would have had to you know bring the rooks find a pawn break but just one bad pawn structure decision splitting your pawns and doubling them it changed the whole course of the game because now i could make easy threats right i could play queen g5 and things of that nature and from there there it was uh it's this kind of constant constant uh thought of improvement and at the same improving the position and at the same time just analyzing if um our opponent is threatening us so i've played d4 several times i'm gonna play e4 again and uh we're gonna see what happens at this point 770 and now 900 and things like that 800 900 folks are going to be playing more solid openings so we have again we're going to follow our philosophy of taking the center and my opponent's playing probably a french defense yeah so e65 this is known as the french defense um so in the one of our first games i just took so you can take you can also defend your pawn with the knight and you can also push and it all kind of leads to different stuff um i'm gonna i'm gonna take and so we have we have an opening known as the exchange french so this is the philosophy that i followed in in game one um queen takes oh wow okay well we can immediately attack the queen which which a lot of people would be tempted to do um pawn is decent right because d and c d and c pawns best friends if you have a d pawn out sometimes a c pawn out would also be quite nice uh we can also attack it with our knight so i'm going to play the natural move which is obviously just attacking the queen with the knight duh um right now i did break my policy of cpan is the deepon's best friend because i was so distracted i can attack the queen oh my god that's what happens that's what that's what sometimes happens but the danger of wasting time in the opening like this is um okay knight two six danger of wasting time is you just let white develop faster um now basically any bishop move is fine even this one because they can't take sometimes you have blind spots for this at the lower levels you just forget this is protected also if you the final game of episode 1 i had a move like d5 and i couldn't be taken in this case d5 is not good because i can just get taken i'm gonna put a bishop in the center of the board and because my opponent played a bit strange in the opening they cannot move their light squad bishop out so it's blocked it's not the worst thing but it's not the worst thing but it's it's could be better it could be better so knight f6 i'm gonna castle that's basically been the strategy throughout all these games uh everyone's sort of playing in the middle and i'm doing the same i am not reinventing the wheel bishop d6 yeah again like bishop g5 these pins are quite useful bishop e3 so it's a perfect example of just an open game right we we've traded a center pawn i mean my position's a bit more open i have a bit more space when i start talking about space uh as well which is um the concept of how many squares you fight for on your opponent's side i obviously have more space because i've developed four pieces this bishop's not in the game i have a pawn threatening to move forward and now is like one of these moments yeah so what's next what's next well simple improving moves that do nothing h3 a3 uh rookie one does something it grants us even more space like we fight for more squares now rookie one is a move you play instantly now what if we want to like do something about this pin knight e4 if they take me i take their queen the problem with knight e4 which i'll play it is that there's just bishop back and one movers at this level they just they're not great like 94 might work i don't know they might do something completely nuts we're also threatening here to take and open up the king which we saw also in episode one now if you're just watching episode two because you're like i don't want to watch zero to 500 your loss but uh we had a very similar situation um but as long as a pin can be blocked like we saw in game one of this episode like bishop e7 and we don't have anything because the bishop and the queen together totally solve the problems there 94's not a great move rookie one or breaking in the middle with d5 or ah this is a very common blunder so now this is going to be a mini tactic the opponent probably calculated bishop takes pawn takes right and they're like oh i'm gonna have two bishops i kind of like that and maybe they're not worried about the opening of their king but danger levels how do we deal with the threat on our bishop we move it we protect it in this case protecting it is stupid because that's a pawn what's worth more than a bishop the king what if we take with the knight and now that pawn cannot protect both things this one i've not been playing these like knockout tactics but this one i'm gonna play this is a very common thing people will forget you can take and if the pawn has to take that pawn no longer is going to be able to have a protector so this is a super common tactical motif i'm going to play it because i because i am and um now bishop takes h6 and now the rook is gonna have to move so the black probably will have to move the rook and the the the way you you justify all this is you somehow get the queen because now you have to start thinking about oh mate right that's that's the first thing that has to cross your mind checkmate open king but it's not so simple how do we get the queen over here i mean it's it's not it's you can't just go boop and boop you're gonna get taken right you can't even go boop boop because you're gonna get taken so what do you do you move your knight okay sure we can play knight h4 and queen g4 huh knight h4 we also can play a very flashy move knight e5 and say oh no my knight you know knight e5 is a very flashy move knight h4 is also very flashy knight g5 is idiotic because we not only lose our knight we also block the king so knight e5 is yeah it's one of those moves it's a very very fancy move i i just don't know if it's 760 level like i feel like if you have a person that plays that that's just that's just not nice so i'm gonna go up with my queen um but that's again that's how you need to visualize the queen doesn't have to move to get involved in the game but i'm gonna move it because i'm 770 or whatever that's that's what i'm that's the difference maybe right um that is the difference that's why you're here that's why you're here to learn bishop my fate i love that move that's such a good move that's an excellent move this move is like you're not going to check mate me that's a great move love that move um on the one hand we we can trade because we're up on the other hand we can say no i don't want to trade because i i'm losing one of my attacking pieces to be honest with you both is completely reasonable and third of all we can actually protect the bishop and say if you take me i will be replacing you with my queen queen e3 is a very high level move very high level uh like 27 29 level but uh i yeah i feel like the bishop would be forced to move here um it it feels more human to play bishop f4 it's just like no i don't want to trade because we're also thinking about space right you just your bush it's so spacious when you when you have such activity you don't just want to trade off all your pieces because the truth is you want to trade when you're up but we're up a pawn so you trade and then you blunder boom now you're losing so okay bishop g7 um again if you're still obsessed with bringing the queen over you can continue to try but it's gonna be tough so what i would do here at this point is um i would probably bring my rooks like again we've seen that a lot when in doubt bring the rooks to the middle if you want to break like you want to crack the position open and do this you're more than welcome um i would probably move a rook though before you do that like just just this is just so useful i can't stress enough how useful it is to just bring rooks to open or semi-open files because you have backup you have permanent backup don't forget about the rooks and the thing is that like i don't know what that move does that that just seems like a very quickly played move i don't think we're trying to run the king to the middle so i've completed the rook journey and now we're gonna have to make decisions we can't just dilly dally we we have everything we have all the pieces situated right around the middle of the board there's only so many useless pawn moves that i can make right at some point one of us is going to have to do something by the way when the king moved over i could have snuck in i could have actually it's a move that kind of is like a little bit of a blind spot right i could have snuck into h7 and messed around but so f5 gate is open gate is open uh i've prepared enough so now it's time to break in the middle right we're doing a pawn break so we have good support queen bishop guard the pawn and my rook on the e file is also open right now so i have more pieces playing i have six pieces both bishop's knight queen two rooks that are playing my opponent has not moved two pieces we're on move 16 they haven't moved to their pieces which means if my pieces are coordinated they're not just standing around on you know the edges of the board i've done a better job at getting my pieces involved in the game which is that's what that's how it should be that means you did good should be proud of yourself congrats right so we're we're happy um yeah what more to say you should be satisfied with the development of your position um night before okay well don't uh don't blunder anything yeah you basically just as long as you don't hang your queen in one move um you can play here here here a lot of safe moves obviously this is sort of a backup plan um you have a very advanced move which is queen a3 pinning the knight to the king that's an amazing move but i think it's more human to like play queen b3 or queen d2 so i'm gonna play queen d2 attacking the knight but queen a3 is a very very it's also super rare to have a king on f8 that just that doesn't happen the king generally castles and stays in the corner i think my opponent might have just seen my clock also and is trying to play a little bit faster uh which i do not recommend trying to beat me on time but now also these two pieces work together and anytime you have a piece protecting a king like that offering an exchange is always a pretty decent idea uh obviously the the mistake made in this game by my opponent was playing a slightly dubious opening a slightly dubious opening and uh ultimately stopping your own natural development because you brought the queen out you you kind of played a scandinavian defense with queen takes d5 but it wasn't oh no oh no they forgot that i was attacking their knight that's a one mover yeah you saw bishop takes and in general you should be very careful wandering down here you can always kind of get locked in so just be careful that i can't shut the door on you but this is a problem because now it's check and you lose the bishop so you got a pawn but you lost the bishop and the knight and you already did not have a lot of pieces out right you had all your pieces on the back rank over there so now it's going to get a lot harder it's going to get a lot harder because now you're in check and you're gonna be losing these pieces yeah and the worst part because you went king f8 i now have this diagonal that's me not only do you lose two pieces you might get made it that's tough to see but because i've been moving my queen so much i am actively thinking about what if i go all the way to the other side of the board and in general always be looking at your long range pieces what is their eyesight like how far can they see how much of the board do they see if you have a diagonal attacking piece ah queen h8 it's a very it's a very pretty checkmate you know up close and personal with the king um right but yeah you're kind of stuffed here it's uh it's a tough position i mean like i said queen takes d5 so in positions where the e pawn takes the d-pawn right something like this uh and then the queen comes out like a scandinavian if you're gonna go passive you have to develop actively you cannot give up tempo in the opening and be passive you understand what i mean if you're already going to be giving up some tempo with your queen you have to develop aggressively and actively right um going to the side is much more common but the thing is once you've already committed a pawn you really should take back in the center with a pawn because as early as move you know five you're gonna struggle to develop your pieces and actually i did not play a great move knight e4 the bishop slides back there is nothing the computer thinks that uh knight e4 actually thinks it's the best move but uh for the purposes of 700 chess i wouldn't do this like i said i would play rookie one i would connect the queen and the rook and then at some point when you're ready crack it forward but this is a very common tactical blunder and it happens but my opponent defended quite well they just king f8 was a little bit suspicious and then um the blunder it happens it happens gonna lose material sometimes and it's okay um okay i'm playing uh somebody named god of the beat next i've got the black pieces um e4 so we haven't had an e4 i guess you know in a while um i'm gonna play e5 um now lucy and i are deciding what to get for dinner so knight f3 this is very common knight c6 this is the most universal opening bishop c4 um yeah in general knight f3 knight c6 bishop c4 first of all is known as the italian and i've talked about putting two pawns in the center if possible it's not so i always say knights uh before before bishops right the italian is the one exception where if you play like that you could get yourself in trouble like if you play knights before bishops okay and this is exactly this is exactly why so knight g5 is something known as the it's trying to get the fried liver it's punishing you for blocking your own queen and now there are tactics on f7 right and that's that's very tough to block um so on the one hand if you've never seen this before you would lose knight takes f7 get forked and lose your rook on the other hand if you have seen this before there's the best move here is d5 which attacks the center uh the second best move in my opinion is bishop c5 known as the traxler the counter attack and it leads to some pretty wild positions um i'm not going to act like i'm well prepared in the trackster i'm going to act like i've never seen this before and i'm going to play d5 right and so you should learn the traxxler if you're going to play in king's pawn positions i mean i can't give you a separate traxler master class now but you have to you have to know what you're doing and playing in the center is generally a good idea now the best move here is to move the knight believe it or not that's we're getting to the level where you actually have to have some openings memorized you can't just play here this is a very this is a very dangerous weapon for white which is one of the reasons it's actually better to develop the bishop first and then the knight and then castle um we didn't we actually are getting ourselves in a little bit of trouble here so the the move i like to play here is the move knight to a5 knight to a5 is a very decent move it attacks the bishop and it kind of slows down the initiative right they give us a check and now let's say we play not c6 which is the best move but just bishop d7 we we don't know the opening we stopped the check and now we just take with the queen and we're pawn down we're pawn down but we might take this pawn back we go oh i can just take or take with the queen or take with a knight right okay let's take with an eye i've never seen this before i'm gonna take with a knight okay cool so now what we could have a wild game here knight c3 so do i take if i get taken i can just take back right so what have i not done yet i haven't gotten developed you know bishop c5 bishop b4 bishop e7 i don't have to take i could but i don't need to so i'm going to play bishop e7 i haven't gotten developed my bishop is still bad and my king's in the middle you know by the way if at any point you guys have been thinking about attacking this night totally fine love it hate that where that night is right now i want to kick it out i'm just choosing to attack it with one of my pieces i haven't developed all right so big debate thai food pizza what do we want for dinner and also trying to kick that night out knight to e4 and now i'm going to castle okay i know i can take and really what i'm trying to teach you throughout the series is besides how to like be an awesome chess player uh is is like if you don't need to take don't you don't always have to take everything okay now we obviously have to take i hope they play queen f3 queen f3 is a really nice move it guards the night but it also we're getting to the advanced level this is the the most advanced game of the series so far because we got ourselves into a very very very difficult opening and if you don't know what you're doing in that opening um and i will show you let's move our queen out of the way like 26. um the best move is knight a5 and not taking back with the knight we'll analyze after you're more than welcome to skip but d3 okay what have we learned in this series when in doubt let's bring some rooks and if you're wondering why i'm bringing the a-rook it's because where else are you gonna put the a-rook if i bring this here why is my rook gonna be stuck behind these pawns right so when in doubt just bring the rook to the middle we have no danger to our position so we might as well develop a rook and it's a very balanced game this game is such a free-for-all um it's such a free-for-all like you don't know what's gonna happen it can be anything anything it's it's a crazy crazy tough position okay queen f3 um is that attacking anything believe it or not that's actually protected by our knight admittedly the night kind of sucks like i would love the knight back into the middle of the board um we can also take a little bit of space with our pawns this is a common idea like we can move bishop or whatever or get a little bit more activity with the bishop uh we can also take some space with pawns we can also bring our knight back to the middle queen trade i don't hate it i wouldn't like spend your entire existence in chess trying to trade pieces but i don't hate that either so all those moves are okay um f5 is quite reasonable i think it yeah like we could we could bring our knight to the middle again let's also not forget that if we move the knight what happens have you been paying attention continuity right so the knight guarded the pawn but not if we right then we're gonna have to be ready to lose this pawn and maybe some more not easy not not an easy position at all it's probably very very balanced which uh is one of the reasons it's worth learning the traxler the fried liver like these openings because it really helps you you don't just play some some openings and you're just some random moves in the beginning of the game and hopefully not lose so rook d7 bishop d6 is completely fine again i wouldn't trade a bishop for a knight for no reason we also can go danger levels knight d4 which attacks some stuff but play simple simple chess so the pawn is attacked the pawn is protected it's a perfect example of not thinking about where the opponent is going to go knight takes c7 would have been possible at this point i kind of just want to kick the knight out this is we had a similar situation over there like if a piece is sort of bothering you there is absolutely not nothing wrong with just kicking it out you can play a6 i don't blame you at all and um yeah now again taking some space with pawns if you if you can and on the one hand ah this is actually a case of taking a bishop into a knight being not bad because again what happens damage structure doubled isolated a pawns and now we split b and c apart so that's actually not not the world's worst trait um again knight d4 not really a thing because queen takes b7 but let's see if they do it let's see if they do it we forgot about this okay they take can take with pawn or rook i'm gonna take with rook do they see this how fast will my opponent play this move queen takes b7 just free pawn and maybe a second one they missed it and now i go oh my god i can move my pawn out of the way oh my god i can't believe that they didn't take my b7 puns crazy h4 can't i take this just seems like a move like three and a half seconds on this is not okay you cannot be just it's only queens and rooks on the board now so you you gotta look around right you gotta look around you gotta see what i can take like i see that this has vision this way and this way i see that the rook has vision over here it's you know queen sees this pawn by the way very lucky it's protected because if i get in over there i'm going to beat up everybody queen g3 is not a bad move attacks my rook in my pawn like this so oh look at that now i can go here that protects both now this is this is a pin right pawn and and queen here so a very interesting move will be f4 it's a very dangerous move because you've already lost one of the pawns near your king it also kind of doesn't exactly work tactically because a four if i take even though i lose my queen i actually win a queen as well so rookie four there's no threat right but maybe you wanna double your rooks that's what my opponent is doing um here's a fantastic example of continuity you go oh what a stupid move i have f5 but the rook used to guard the pawn so you've now accidentally allowed rookie five which you didn't you just stopped rookie five but you're like oh f5 f4 boom boom boom and open you said they missed it they forgot the rook no longer protects right so again we're gonna trade rooks because we're up material uh and now you can also offer a queen trade it's not a good idea to trade queens here for white because not only are you a pawn down because i damaged your structure like this i doubled your pawns it would have been different if i doubled them like this because at least you have some pawns in the middle you shouldn't trade queens so this is good uh i'm playing for a small trick here with my long range piece similar diagonal to last game by the way long diagonal queen diagonal but this also opens i think they see it i think my opponent is responsible they're gonna try to move the rook now they do and now again it's a case where i don't need to take necessarily uh i can go all the way here because that was my idea anyway to go on that diagonal i don't think it's the best move i actually think it's better to attack like this but now there might be chaos so here's a very good example of how you can lose a chess game instantly you have an idea to take pawns right queen takes pawn also takes a pawn and guards c2 so a very good way to lose here would be takes takes and forget about the queen taking you and then you resign that would be very tragic okay so i can take one two three not this because it is now protected as a res you see this as a result of the pawn moving that's so hard to see queen c2 i like because it's a move that creates maximum danger right um it's a good move uh it leads here to potentially a disaster potentially potentially a disaster yes awesome move so it's mate and if i play rook up to f7 they just check me and we repeat moves so this is a moment you might freak out and you're like oh my god they're attacking everything in my position whoa so you're like oh what do i do you can check and actually get back and defend mate you can also just defend mate from a distance that also is a possibility right you can also try to repeat moves what i'm gonna do is i am going to check force the king here and give another check so i've survived the checkmate portion of this attack now i can take maybe push um i'm gonna take uh it's probably not even i don't know maybe not the best move right this is hanging so it's a crazy position i i can't give the check anymore it's like oh my god what am i doing right if you move the queen too far you get checkmate you're like oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god okay queen f6 as long as i don't get mated what do i do right how am i going to win this right no time on the clock first what i would do is i would uh i would make sure that you can trade some pieces and you don't just repeat moves you also be nice to just kind of get the king off the back rank right h6 king h7 you have still this if you need it the queen moves somewhere right but you've defended you kind of survived oh my god very scary though could have been it could have been a disaster could have been a disaster you could have lost the game oh my god it would have been so bad um queen b3 okay so let's check let's slide out of the way and opponent is potentially setting themselves up for disaster because they just took their eye off the ball it's a very deceiving position white has no attack white has no attack the only attack that white has is if we hang mate so they protect it very good now queen a1 check and taking this actually works like we we actually can go give this check and we actually can win this pawn because there's no mate for a very brief moment there's no mate but now there is a threat on our rook there's also back rank problems right so it's kind of funny like in this position you might have to do something completely absurd like just cocoon like make sure your king just cannot get mated right super super and and defensive but as long as you give them that breathing room that breathing room is gonna be everything so something like h6 is super useful but there's still an amazing move here by white which is rook c6 i mean if they see that that's that's so impressive to take to take and see this pin is yeah okay that was maybe a little bit too much now our queen can start picking up pawns as well right doesn't really matter seeing f2 is kind of difficult let's take on a3 f2 is like across the board but we're still up and you always have to keep an eye on your own checks queen d6 wins the game for us because we're gonna pick up that rook we're up two pawns it's a scary two pawns but we're up two pawns sometimes you gotta play some defense by the way if you're an 800 you might have lost this game like 10 moves ago so i'm trying to like right i'm trying to teach y'all how to like chill out a little bit um yeah tough chest is hard right now i don't have this now i don't have this so what do we do let's go all the way back it's crazy look at this i mean i don't know we could and oh they blundered they blundered check they blundered this check always look for checks we'd have four and uh the rook is hit and uh yeah again just like we've been talking about trading queens is good here but sometimes there's also various background things but what we're gonna do is we're gonna we're gonna immediately go for the queen trade we're not even gonna opponents shouldn't even you know they should move like queen e4 or something that was a hard that was such a tough game it was such a tough game get the queen off uh try to hunt the pawns with the rook you might not be so successful because the rook you're gonna you're actually gonna need some help you can't just win this game with your rook it's impossible so you're gonna need the help of the king and the other pawns uh don't stalemate by the way still never too late like look this is almost a stalemate luckily they can play f4 right so we got a little bit lucky uh and uh yeah i mean f3 right f3 f2 and here don't don't freak out for example after king g2 what you do here is you just bring the king and again don't stalemate make sure that if you bring the king to help king can always move right so something like this get the pawn easiest thing to do now that was an awesome game i mean what can you say uh the reason why early on i did not recommend taking with the knight is because that plays directly into the fried liver and if you don't know what the fried liver is like you've never heard of this in your life after this video whatever pause go watch a fried liver video because these positions are so dangerous i would not recommend this to anybody and yes as you move up to 7 800 this is some of the stuff that you're gonna have to memorize you can't just play uh chess like i'm gonna move my knights before my bishops no sometimes even as early as move three or four there's crazy stuff there's insane stuff that you could just get blown off the board and a sign of a good chess player is not losing the same way like five times okay it's just right like sign of a good player is you you you have to learn from your mistakes and this is one of the rare cases it's better to develop the bishop first because then you have castles right and bishop c5 in this case is actually very reasonable move in this case you don't have bishop c5 you do if you would like to learn fried liver and traxler which are two of the most incredible dynamic opening weapons that exist in e4 e5 positions hopefully we get some more of them yeah you know what to do um you gotta that's that's a little bit you know i'm pointing you in the right direction i can't i can't feed you everything but i can certainly try so we've played e4 and d4 let's play another e4 game we've seen the french this this we've seen a lot of different stuff maybe we'll see e5 i don't know okay so now there's a lot of openings here there's gambits which you can kind of aggressively play um so knight to f3 knight c6 and actually i'm gonna i'm gonna do that i'm going to play bishop c4 and uh maybe we'll get a fried liver oh oh wow should i do it and then are they gonna play the traxler against me let's play knight g5 now we are ourselves and oh we have a traxler so the crazy thing about this is that um and again i played i almost played this with black in the last game but now you're learning back to back the point here is that if white goes and ventures in and tries to you know get some material here bishop takes f2 is a crazy crazy crazy weapon and knight takes f7 bishop takes f2 we can get our king hunted out into the open so it's generally considered that taking with the bishop if they play the traxler is the best thing to do why because you're just going to win a pawn they don't get to castle anymore and then you will just come back so you'll play bishop like back to b3 and black has lost the right to castle and has a king in the center of the board the traxler normally um if you allow it and again this is one of the most curious openings in chess if you play like this there is bishop takes f2 and that is just a lunatic line where sometimes your king ends up like out here and it's just too scary it's too scary and i don't want i don't want us to go through that right um so i'm gonna try to play still standard normal moves in an opening that's extremely crazy right so this is a real opening and it it it's actually it's quite insane and i'm again because i'm playing my subscribers um right because i'm playing against my subscribers they are playing some of these openings that i recommend um so definitely makes sense so let's continue development knight c3 okay um i guess we can come back like this we're actually under quite a bit of pressure i mean bishop g4 like it's it's it's not a super pleasant position and yeah there you go so i'm gonna play i'm gonna play h3 and they take yes see i i don't know about takes here probably i would have just kept the pressure because it's so hard for me you know i can't get my bishop here i can't unblock i can't block this pin um so now i'm gonna take with the queen we saw in first video taking with the pawn is terrible you open up your king now i have to be aware of how my queen can be attacked i have all of these different pieces ready to attack my queen queenie so that move doesn't doesn't strike me as a crazy move by the way knight d5 check is awful because when knight takes my my queen is under attack i might move my queen over and try to attack the g7 pawn that doesn't look crazy i also might just play d3 to get my bishop into the game right d3 seems like a relatively reasonable move as well like i'm just trying to follow basic principles you know if i get attacked i get attacked right it's up to my opponent they're the one that played the aggressive opening so um you know i'm a 980. okay knight attacks queen so queen can go back to where it came from do not walk into an attack and queen g3 also pretty reasonable uh yeah i'm gonna go queen g3 now folks this looks like you blunder a fork you don't because the knight covers but you have to see that right you have to see constantly how they can attack you as well so g5 very aggressive move very aggressive move um now knight d5 is still terrible because even though we're trading knights i'm allowing knight to e2 so what i'm gonna do right now is i'm i'm gonna get my pieces out there's a great move knight h5 is a very annoying move continuing with the theme of attacking my king i just kind of want to trade some pieces like if i get bishop off the board night off the board i'm not in any more dangerous so this is another kind of strategy of when you're getting attacked you try to trade some stuff so i'm gonna take this i'm not even gonna hesitate i'm just gonna take it and now i'm even gonna try to trade some more so i'm gonna try to trade these nights these knights right a move that i've been trying to play for a while try to trade so now i've traded some pieces i'm still not totally out of the woods and bishop takes b2 is the thing right so i'm gonna i guess i can go back to where i was but i can also danger level it doesn't seem stupid right so you attack my bishop i attack your bishop ha you take me i take you and we're gonna have some sort of trade here yeah great move awesome move that's called a desperado if you know that you're going to lose a piece you might as well lose it for something so i have to take with the rook i'm not going to lose my queen bishop is hanging they could also take my rook first before they take my bishop probably the best move is to not bring my king out into the open right i should probably take and uh yeah now i'm gonna take with my pawn and there is this but there's another move in this position that looks good but isn't it's this move and that move is not good because i would have taken the a7 pawn but now folks when in doubt the handy-dandy rook and that could be an issue because that is the only open file on the entire and they guarded immediately wow good job by my opponent so how am i going to get to this king you know how am i gonna get to the king i want my queen somewhere there infiltrating some how do i get pawn trade maneuver my queen somewhere you know queen e2 queen c4 yeah maybe maybe queen c4 queen c7 right i want my queen to infiltrate it's a very very complicated game right now uh and it's it's gonna be a queen end game like last game we had a queen and rook end game right um rook f8 um so rook f8 do i take i don't you don't have to take i will because here i have a fork but i'm not gonna play it all right we want to get to the weak pawns right look at that that is i mean i don't think of 1000 plays that fork i think a 1000 probably plays queen b5 which was always the plan but queen f2 is an amazing move uh and so now in a queen end game where it's equal material it's gonna come down to two things number one who can get the pawns that are the most important in this case this is the most important pawn because i can promote so black has an e-pawn which can promote if i can get in and take pawns and promote my pawn i'm obviously in winning shape black is trying to defend right so maybe queen a5 trying to go to d8 or take a7 good move here is b6 regarding everything um well queen d7 hangs this pawn and the second thing is your king safety so if if if black sacks a pawn but finds a way to land me in the perpetual check like if you just draw the game that's okay it's okay to draw but again it's the most important pawns black has this e-pawn that e-pawn is going to be very annoying and if you start pushing that e-pawn i'm gonna i'm gonna be in some serious trouble so okay that's not that's not the e-pawn right so we're not we're not pushing a pawn there uh but black probably has everything quite well defended honestly and uh yeah i don't know i mean this is just queen and six versus queen and six to be honest it it i don't a know d3 and we're gonna have to play a little bit longer ah let me respond to wife so ladies and gentlemen queen takes g6 is a very risky move but i'm going to play it and it's very risky because if you go for a pawn end game a protected pass pawn for your opponent might lose you the game so you have to bring your king right you have to bring your king it has to be as active as possible um and the thing about pawn end games is that the person to run out of moves first is going to lose what does that mean so that means like for example right i'm gonna slow play and try to coordinate my pieces in such a fashion that my opponent has to give way to me first there's something called zuzwang it's a german term it means you're a stalemate and any move you make is a sir is something you're surrendering to your opponent now in pawn and games like this yes moving one square is the way to go usually you have to move one square at a time um again unless you're kicking a king out like you play g4 king e4 together now i'm thinking here to play c4 why c4 because i think uh it's good if my pawns are together right a4 also i don't think a4 is actually that bad i think a4 is also very reasonable a3 is also okay it's very tough very tough to but you don't want to play move like b4 because b4 kills your mobility on two pawns you now no longer can move at all like a b4 is a very rarely going to be the best move so i'm gonna play a3 i'm just gonna wait what does my opponent want just one square who's gonna run out of moves first who has to give way to who first had i not brought my king my opponent would have just walked in and taken my pawns right so now we have this weird moment okay e4 is a huge commitment because now you're not defended by the pawn it's the king the king is forced to be the guard so if i go king d4 here black plays king f4 total chaos right like i don't know what the heck is going on um but we can make our opponent run out of moves g4 king to e5 and now watch this c4 and black because black got the king tied down to the pawn black ran out of moves so now the king is gonna have to move it's gonna have to go back it's black's out of moves black has no moves i waited for black to overextend just slightly and now if a5 this and you know the craziest thing about this end game is if it was my move and i had to give way black is winning that's how that's how close the margin of error is a5 i go a4 black is out of moves that's so hard to calculate but that's what king and pawn end games are all about it's like you can't overextend your pawns you can't get your pawns frozen active king is so important but this pawn should not have been pushed it actually was a golden statue and you shouldn't touch it because if i start doing all this exotic stuff around it and i walk my king that pawn is always gonna be coming down the middle but when you tie your king like this to the defense that's it now none of your pawns can move in fact the middle pawn very very rarely wants to be ahead of others so you'll notice that over here i didn't put my middle pawn forward because i would have totally frozen everything i might have been okay before this move but uh the reason why it was okay here is because the king was being forced backwards like we're forcing the king to an uncomfortable position right so a5 is played here's a4 and now that's it and now i'm gonna win this pawn and because i have the two pawns in the middle what i'm gonna do next is just like this i'm gonna use my king to break through and i'm gonna i'm gonna be the one with the golden statue remaining so or or or or or or we can now come in this way but then we might get met at the door and then we have no moves it's kind of funny you go king of fire like oh like look i go king of five if i go king of seven i have no moves because you're not gonna sack the pawn why would you do that that doesn't to give an another passer that doesn't make any sense i'm like ah damn that didn't work okay let's go back let's go for this other strategy right oops you got to be knight that's something called opposition they oppose you they don't let you in right so there you go king d4 now we're going for the other one and now we're winning c5 i'm gonna break through and we're totally fine on the other side of the board totally okay and we are we're gonna win that's how we're gonna win this one hmm how are you guys doing you guys still here an hour of watching these are long episodes but hopefully they're good um it's quiet opponent resigns yeah i i mean honestly there was not a not a huge amount more that i can analyze during that game like that i i i did everything i again we had a fried liver traxler uh and if i haven't convinced you yet to study these completely insane lines we're at the level now where you're gonna have to and i i could have walked through that minefield and i i could have gotten destroyed and maybe i will uh and i'm trying to give my opponents opportunities throughout these games to kind of showcase their abilities and i mean duck played duck's name is bennett i think bennett played super like a super game i mean this was awesome it was awesome like everything like i try to you know negate the pressure by trading pieces like that is a high level concept and i and then this beautiful tactic here in an end game a queen end game which more likely than not is a draw you know this was a totally drawn end game grandmasters would maybe play this out maybe white has some really advanced way of playing this for a win i don't know but black has a really good position so let's hope let's hope the last game is is as good as all the other games that we've seen so far so splashy is from india i i don't know if splashing misspelled zeus but splashy's a strong player so c4 it's the english we haven't seen this yet i'm gonna play e5 in the middle of the board um right um e5 knight c3 and now we can't put a pawn in the center so we're gonna we're gonna just develop knights bishops normal stuff we haven't seen in english yet uh okay yeah this is uh this is very good so now how do you what do you do here right like what do you do um our strategy for the most part has been taking like or defending our center so in this case our center is well protected and we can either develop slightly passively or slightly more aggressive right to b4 we can also take and then put a pawn in the center which is another thing that we've been doing so you're kind of good with you can also defend just again if you you play a little bit passively let's let's take right um and let's put a center a second pawn in the center so we have a situation here we're supported with queen and nine and that's sort of been my strategy like if you can put a second pawn in the center you should do it so now we're gonna have to develop a bishop we can pin either knight personally i'm a bit more of a fan of this one because we're closer to castling so we are just gonna play bishop before and play short castle right by the way king is open but that's not really a scary thing okay bishop d2 short castle and we're actually in a very funny spot here uh this is a moment where our opponent is a move away from castling right and it looks like we should just finish our development there's something here it's not like winning or anything like that but there's something here it's the fact that we can delay their castling we can delay their castling by forcing them to move the bishop that's guarding the king we waited we waited just for this moment yes we can develop our lights bishop but we're getting advanced we're going to start getting to the level you have to pose problems to your opponents problem is i'm not going to let you castle also i can take your pawn so because you played in a slightly inaccurate way in the opening i can already take your d-pawn but i don't see that i only had one idea my idea was i want to check you i want to make it not so easy for you to castle i want to make it so that you have to play defense here against my rook how are you going to do that it's going to be with your bishop you don't want to move your king right what are you gonna do that's like that that's so important you go i haven't castled yet can i delay that somehow some of you might have said oh you could have taken this knight too not really because that doesn't actually stop them from castling right okay bishop e2 so when the king castles the only thing that's going to be protecting the bishop the queen and the knight right but the knight's not going to be guarding it because i'm gonna take it so in this position queen e7 i mean by the way knight takes d4 but queen e7 my point is that if you castle i'm going to take and take this this is a very advanced technique very advanced but it's there and it lands and it lands and now we take the bishop we take the knight we take this and that's so small it's the smallest of details but and by the way if you you could have taken the knight first you could have taken the knight and then played like this but then they would have been like wait a minute if i castle them that's not good now queenie two and we are a piece up so sometimes if you just follow basic principles in the opening good things can happen out of nowhere if you get castled first often times and the opponent is still a move or two away that's when you get an opportunity to strike right and now rookie two and we've had games before in the series where we've just been a clean piece up so all we got to worry about now is simplifying trading a rook trading a bishop into a knight or or whatever and not blundering backrank mate so at some point we're gonna play h6 and all of this is uh is only possible because we played d takes c4 if you had just played normal moves could have been also completely fine you just wouldn't have won the game or got in a winning position that fast but uh yes i'm just gonna take for example right here you might uh be in a spot where you're like oh gotham told me to trade when i'm up yeah but gotham didn't tell you to hang mate in one right now that's not a problem so you're just let's say you play bishop here and you attack that pawn simple and it's really hard in positions like this to actually create any sort of counter play when you're a thousand and you're down a piece in a position with no queens no rooks how are you ever going to create counter play for example i want to trade with you it's just so hard like as long as the other player doesn't hang mate it's almost impossible because you just don't have the firepower you're playing symmetrical pieces rook rook knight knight bishop bishop you just can't beat me unless i drastically weaken my king right so there you go bishop takes and and and when in doubt bring the rook i want to trade drugs right when in doubt bring the rook it's been like a motto right been a motto of the whole series so rookie 8 and also i'll just play h6 but you don't need to play h6 if there's no rooks the knight cannot deliver back rank mate so this is actually a fun moment taking is just the auto move and it's fine but taking actually improves my opponent's position it helps this isolated pawn a pawn that has no neighbors and is blocking everything to transfer forward and actually attack my knight and if you try to be fancy here that's protected so let's just go to the middle knight to e4 attacks the bishop can't be a bad move it's protected might get trapped f3 is a possibility in the future um but my next move is i'm gonna bring my rook that's my next move no matter what so all right rude d8 rookie eight man it's tough to record for an hour you can show your support by not watching my videos with adblock or buying a course my courses are pretty sw pretty sweet so opening courses boot camps but if you're 68 minutes into this video and you're like damn i'm still here or if you're like your sixth time watching that's also a thing hmm just drank like three day old water by accident and it did not taste okay so what happens my mind wanders i was supposed to drink this this is the water i brought for the recording of this episode i absent-mindedly grabbed my thermos and was like wait a minute [Laughter] okay i can't take this but i can offer a pawn trade i can also play like a million moves you want to still play this a5 b5 c5 like literally doesn't matter uh knight c5 is fine to try to go knight d3 pushing a pawn is fine i want to get my rook in the game though so a pawn break is pretty useful for that also my king is not ever going to get backrank mated so f6 is just a useful move it's a good move my opponent's best move here is actually to attack my knight because my knight is guarding this pawn wow yeah now i have to lose this pawn i have to lose this pawn so i played f6 i didn't think my opponent was going to do this and now they are going to win a pawn very nice removing the guard maybe they don't even realize oh they don't realize they're chasing me now i have a triple fork so sometimes you uh you give your opponent a little bit too much credit but at the same time sometimes your opponent makes you an accidental genius so they make you triple fork them i wouldn't have seen that move do i take e5 or b4 50 50 it i don't know maybe you worried about you know you're worried about that so you take like this i don't know i don't know now there will be an instructive moment if they take this pawn will be the famous bobby fischer bishop trap there will also be an instructive moment if they play rookie one tactics so rookie one and bishop takes a7 rookie one just looks good because you're like oh i'm pinning the knight i'm so smart knight can't move but it actually it's you oh that's not good that's not a good move uh you don't want to trade i mean you i mean if they're kind of surrendered to the fact that they might lose the game which i kind of understand uh two on three situation so in general you're gonna have to find some way when in doubt also put your rook on the enemy second rank it's just the best space for the rook it controls so much and uh either in this episode was it this episode i think one of the earlier games of this episode we had a bishop light square bishop that got defended and just stood powerfully and that's what we're gonna do right now we have another situation where the bishop is just so strong that we're gonna leave it there and we have a three on two is what i meant so when the pawns fall we're gonna have a c pawn that's a good move i like that move now the plan was to just go harass the pawns but i'm gonna set up something right so bishop rook together now anywhere our rook moves is going to be a check and if we also attack the enemy rook my opponent might play this and not realize i can block the attack on the bishop oh oh there you go so now i'm gonna continue here rook a2 also a good move hits the rook and the pawn and is protected so b5 yeah and now you know you can start trading off the pawn you also could just sack but like you don't need to do this at all to get rook and six but just trade just trade the pawn because at the end of the day we're trying to win the battle of the game on the queen side so a6 c6 whatever and it actually does kind of help that we created the back rank thing for the king because it's never too late to hang mate really rook d1 rook d it's good that our king has some breathing room we never need to do you see why i am making this series do you understand now because of because of that that could i'm in the mind of the player yeah i've coached enough i've coached enough so ab5 is yeah now we have this and our king is always going to be safe among the pawns and this game will be decided by the past pawn on the queen side i'm that's how i'm going to win this game we don't need to worry about this although it's very tricky here because if you take you lose your bishop ah but we have seen what we're about to see before first of all you could just push your pawns together more often than not pushing the most advanced pawn is better because as long as it can be defended it's a constant nuisance and folks when you have the back rank pawn def rook and pawn coordination with the king on the back rank like this we've seen this either in episode one or earlier this episode you're gonna win the game like this the pawn is gonna defend the rook and there's gonna be a king in check or a king pinned to the rook if the king was on h2 we couldn't do this but that's okay because we would have decided the game with those pawns okay now the easiest thing to do two queens don't even hesitate make two queens because enough pawns like this white wants to be stalemated uh you know queen takes g2 is the best move but two queens two queens get out of the way make sure that white always has a legal move with the king of the pawns two queens and now you can start giving checks when the king is in the open no checks i i want you to just be you know cutting the king off now you can give checks give checks you never know it might be checkmate for example with your pawn but again you have queens so check and now how can i check check check check let's go check has to be checked otherwise you accidentally stalemate and now check mate look at that just gave some checks just gave some checks poked around a little bit and we ended up mating maybe you don't see queen e4 maybe you accidentally you know you accidentally go here and now it's like okay at some point you will deliver mate you know with two queens so that is the easiest way to convert this game um yeah i mean english or not english at the end of the day what did we do we put out knights and then our pawn was challenged in the middle we didn't have to take because we were actually defended i decided to take sometimes it makes life a little easier to take you don't have to worry about the stress of whatever in the opening um not the queen's gambit though the queen's gambit is actually something we want to reinforce because uh if you're taking a center pawn into a center pawn it's actually okay because now you're both left with one center pawn but sometimes taking an off-center pawn like in the queen's gambit you give your opponent the opportunity to dominate the entire center of the board and i just put a second pawn in the center because i could if i couldn't do that i wouldn't have done it but at the same time bishop here is fine although remember i've talked about getting your knights messed with you can let your opponent wedge some pawns in the middle and start bothering your knights something that might happen and then you may need to kind of come back make sure you're safe castle um and yeah definitely the most instructive moment here is oh i'm not just gonna develop they haven't castled yet so let me open up the position because when you have the luxury of being castled and your pieces are standing actively notice that a player with white should very rarely have pieces like this if you've noticed throughout this series i've never put my bishops like that i just haven't i don't put my bishop so passive because what's gonna happen is the game is gonna happen and they're gonna have to move again you need to be more active with your bishops like for example bishop before counter-pin me be a little bit more aggressive right like the bishop should if anything castle first but that was the instructive thing we lined up on the piece that was protecting the king and we got it and the rest of the game is is history appreciate you all very much folks thanks for hanging out with me for an hour and 15 minutes um this is chess steps whatever you want to call the series steps to your glory success and uh in the next episode we're going to probably go up to about 12 1300 as always let me know your feedback but i think everything is going quite uh quite quite smoothly so i will see you in episode number three
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 645,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: ScY7qXkmTwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 15sec (4635 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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