How To Win At Chess (Ep 11, 1100-1800)

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welcome back everybody to another episode of how  to win at chess a series where i play against my   twitch subscribers uh and i go up the rating  ladder i play 10 minute games and i walk you   through all the stages of the game the opening  the middle game and the end game uh i had a uh   an interesting day today i got my first dose of  the uh pfizer vaccine against kovid and then i   came home i took a nap so i'm a little bit out  of it i'm recording this at 11 o'clock at night   so hopefully uh even though i can't really move my  arm um we can at least move our brain a little bit   it's gonna be a tough episode um we are playing  first against an 1100 and we are ending the day   with an 1800 it's one of the more intense i think  how to win at chess episodes that we've ever had   uh and i'm gonna start with d4 so obviously i  always like to mix up you know the opening and   um of every single game we have d4 d5 and you  know i usually play a bishop before london system   it's kind of tradition for this series uh  but today i'm going to play the queen's   gambit now i'm going to see what my opponent  is playing he plays c6 kara khan players will   like this this looks like a karo khan but c6  d5 against d4 c4 is known as the slav defense   uh i have a lot of ways to play this i'm just  gonna put two knights into the center of the board   the good thing about this defense for black is  that it's very solid the drawback of this defense   is that black doesn't have a lot of active  development oh and i should tell you all once   again uh that we are recording offline so you  guys have really enjoyed this so i'm gonna keep   on doing it so bishop to g4 in the slav is not  bad black wants to play e6 with you know while   getting the bishop out first of all i can move  the knight to the center and hit the bishop but   second of all the the major issue in this opening  is the fact that if you move the bishop away so so   so early i can take on d5 and then play queen to  b3 i want to show you all how to take advantage   of slight inaccuracies now if you're just 1100  in this position you might just think well let   me just develop my pieces and be solid but i also  want to show you all how to punish positions right   and so in the queen's gambit if the light squared  bishop for black moves out of the way um a lot of   times this queen can come to b3 and attack the b7  pawn and there's certain benefits to this because   if black pushes the pawn up one square then the  pawns are on dark squares now and so the light   squared complex is very weak and there's a lot of  tactics like for example this bishop can come to   b5 not teleporting through the pawn but moving the  pawn up and then bishop to b5 knight to e5 attacks   the bishop but then serves an entire other purpose  of attacking on the light squares and queen to b6   looking for a queen trade right so queen to b6 we  would have played knight takes d5 would have been   the idea and then if the queen took us we would  have taken with check and then we would have   taken back so i'm first thing i'm thinking about  is this obviously check is just bad they'll block   or block or something uh knight e5 is definitely  the first thing that i'm thinking about because   it just attacks the bishop and and you know if  i slow play the position like setting this up i block in my bishop you know and i'm not so  sure i'm going to bishop b5 is just going to   win me the game so i like this i'm going to do  this now this knight has trouble developing it's   essentially what we're doing from here on out  because black played in inaccuracies we're   getting something called an initiative which is  a long-lasting kind of combination of moves that   creates threats and forces your opponent to react  like pawn takes pawn and then queen here and now   knight here is all forcing black to react because  the threat is to you know take the bishop and then   take right and black has already blondered by  going here uh black has lost the sight of this   pawn so knight takes d5 now wins upon but i  gotta look around is there anything better   um but the thing about an initiative is that even  though you're creating a lot of threats back to   back to back you're not weakening your position  you're not overextending so knight takes d5 now is   just a free pawn because the bishop is no longer  guarding it now if knight takes black is just lost   because i take and by playing that early b6 move  oh no oh no two threats now and the game is over   i mean black is just blown off the board here  because of those weak light squares that they   created so queen b3 now we see this kind of idea  in the queen's gambit to punish the light squares   that's like everything that we said and you know  if you're watching this and you're right at 8 900   and you're like i don't know how to do this in  my own games this never happens in my own games   1100s don't play like this against me the thing  is you you have the opportunities that's what a   lot of people don't realize oh no no no no no  no those things exist in your games like you   can win like this against the 1100s granted  yes anybody who plays me in this in this uh   in this series does come with more nerves  because they're like oh my god i'm going   to end up on youtube i want to look good and  it's not that it's tainted played a bad game um   it's just that you know the truth is that just  at a certain level it's not just moving pieces   out and then in an abstract way like  i'm developing and therefore it's good   um it you know the slav defense is played in  two ways you can play it closed with e6 that's   the semi-slot or g6 or a6 trying to go b5 or you  can take this pawn immediately d take c4 the the   drawback of moving the bishop is that it's a  theoretically slightly less accurate move and if   you know your stuff with white you know the little  kind of strategies of the position um and you know   the the uh the right way to play it in the wrong  way to play it you'll know that like this is a   possibility and you know i'm very curious uh  after bishop g4 if cd5 and queen v3 is correct   and yeah i mean machine machine likes the cd5 and  after cd5 it actually thinks that black should   take my knight so actually the computer thinks  that i should have gone here first it finds   something slightly more accurate than what i did  uh because then it likes this this and queen b3   and and white is actually already plus 2.8 so it's  crazy that white is like completely winning on   on move seven and all black did was move a bishop  out so the way you you remember this kind of stuff   is like if you're a queen's gambit player and  you play whatever queens you have a decline but   queensland declined you won't move your bishop  out right so you play the slav don't move your   bishop out so quickly you have to play a little  bit more solid because queen b3 and knight c3   will put too much pressure on your queen side and  uh you know what would it have been better for my   opponent to do here probably lose this pawn  so knight takes if takes takes uh and if um   you know if knight takes and queen takes b3  i would have had to take on f6 before i right   before i took back otherwise i would have lost my  knight but you know beyond that my opponent uh got   scared of my forward knight move and again this  breaks the rule of not moving a piece two times   in the opening right but for good reason because  we try to get the bishop and try to get the bishop   pair and and weaken our opponent's position  and uh that you know that's the magic of um   that's that's the magic of going up the  rating ladder is that you start learning these   intricacies of like all these different  openings my opponent says i embarrass them um i'm trying to give them a pick me up e4 i'm  gonna go d5 i'm gonna play my gambert repertoire   um i'm saying now you know not to move  light squared bishop in those structures   learn don't be embarrassed okay so e4 d5 is the scandinavian defense if  i take back with the queen but i'm going to um   i'm going to play knight f6 this is the uh an  invitation for my opponent to allow a gambit   and this is in my gamut's course link is in  the description but a lot of people do play   like this and then you're not going to be able  to play a game but essentially for example if c4   you can play icelandic gambit if d4 you can  play bishop g4 that's the portuguese gambit   but in this case you re i mean there are no  gambits uh knight c3 is a very solid move   i think last episode someone did this against  me and you the thing is when you don't need to   take in the opening a lot of people see this snap  take don't even think about it not realizing that   if i take you you just take back i've lost the  piece in the center like my opponent shouldn't   do this because now think about it y'all think  about it i'm playing with white now i have   more development that's not supposed to happen  it's move four i'm not supposed to be the guy   with more pieces out and normally scandinavian  is is you know there's a knight that's coming   out to hit the queen but we don't have that  anymore so now for every move beyond this   point i'm going to quickly go for a long castle  and i'm going to have the lead in development   and then we are going to translate that lead into  development uh lead in development into an attack   so yeah this is very common uh knight c6 or you  know pinning uh most people will block the pin   here if they don't block the pin i you know you  can actually just take and damage the structure   and yes you are gonna have bishop knight for two  bishops but they will have a bad pawn structure   so give and take knight to c6 now we're not  taking now we're not taking now we are not taking um yeah that last subscriber felt bad about that  game it happens y'all like that's the thing you're   gonna play thousands of games of chess in your  life sometimes you're gonna lose like a buffoon   i have games i'm laying in bed i'm playing  you know on my phone and i i try something   new in the opening i'm dead lost in 10  moves am i embarrassed no you know if a   chef cooks a bad meal experimenting then are they  embarrassed i don't know i can't speak for chefs   i suppose i should stick to my domain i don't  maybe chefs are terribly embarrassed if they   cook a bad meal i have no idea maybe i  just broke like a massive code you know   uh now fighting fighting is very different  because you know professional fighters fight   once every five months six months in the case of  conor mcgregor or some of these guys who make all   this money you know twice in three years or  something but you know or kevin holland who   fights you know five times in a year but you know  if you have a very bad performance it can be very   embarrassing because it's on the world stage and  you don't have time to you know get back in there   uh but kevin holland is doing that right now um  d3 okay so a couple of ways to play this because   we've castled on opposite sides i'm aware of a  game plan uh in this position uh man i'm getting   distracted all over the place uh today i apologize  um i didn't want to keep somebody waiting that was   a time-sensitive response uh don't use you  know you can message people when you are uh   playing games but don't use your phone for other  things now i am aware what i was going to say that   in opposite uh opposite side casting positions  you know one of the game plans is to attack the   opponent uh i want to go e5 for example but i  actually i actually like e6 and bishop d6 now   i also just like just belligerently just showing  my intentions i want to go in pawn storm but the   thing is i would much rather this pawn did not  exist no disrespect to the spawn but i want my   rook to see that right like i i don't i don't so  i it's you know uh it's this weird thing where i   want to get rid of the pawn but it's really  hard to do that because why doesn't have to   take it if i push it so then i'm going to need  to push more pawns but for now i'm just showing   my intentions that's all i'm trying to do we'll  see what my opponent is going to come up with   um because the truth is you know okay h3 right now  in this position there's a there's a concept now   normally you see that your bishop is hanging but  i'm glad you know we're early into the episode   so nobody's clicked out yet right you haven't  clicked if you if you don't even think about   it so now you can learn something here this is  something called the fish hook or the fishing pole   essentially there's a concept in chess where  you can leave a bishop hanging like this   especially if it will mean that the opponent  taking it will open your rook to their king they   need to be castled in that direction you need  to have material ready to go in that direction   so if my opponent takes i now  has i have a laser beaming rook   this pawn has transferred which means my queen  can go there and together they will just deliver   a fatal blow like you know there's nothing  now furthermore i've got moves like bishop   to d6 now that's a great move not taking the  bait um probably i need to move my queen here   i would imagine because uh if i go all the way  back then this loses a lot of its power although no i like queen of five i was going to say like  you know my queen still sees that square but   you don't want to play for tricks the the idea  really here is that this bishop is just very   good i mean it's i'm not playing for like garbage  tricks that bishop is very annoying because it   cannot be taken and in being immortal it exerts  tremendous pressure on the side of the board   next for me is maybe adding another pawn or a  bishop to d6 uh and then again i would love it   if i could put my rooks here here and there's  no g and h bonds yeah and uh that's it you know and then we just kind of bulldoze all right and now we wait okay this is a little  bit oh i get it i get it that's not a waiting   move like they want to play b4 they want to  play b4 okay well bishop to d6 is my idea now   sacrificing is really a fascinating one you know  i get this question a lot like when do i know when   to sacrifice that listen i get it it's not so it's  not so easy to know there's no clear guidelines   this is the way you got to think about  it how many pieces can go and help right   if my queen gets over here i need at least one  more piece i don't have the time like you know   i i need to go bishop d6 at least and that's not  even mate because the knight covers um they can   move the rook and add a bishop to defend they can  maybe move the knight somewhere and then bring the   bishop in this way maybe they bring the bishop to  f4 and now the bishop will defend so if you don't   have backup like quick don't sack if you don't see  a check that does anything don't sack like if i go   take take take and then i come like all i have  is one check so for now i think i'm gonna leave   it i think i'm gonna play bishop d6 at the same  time i really like this g5 idea but i think i   will just go here because it feels correct it  feels right to just bring a bishop to the party   uh now i have a new piece and now maybe i will  sacrifice by the way i have to tell you like maybe   now i do sacrifice because i'm already guaranteed  at least one piece and at that point when i   sacrifice because my bishop is already there who  do i have to remove just the night because the   night is the only thing stopping mate i can do  that by deflecting the night with my knight and   then we just win so this move takes away the h2  square and it takes away the bishop coming to f4   and that is how you have to gauge whether or  not you sacrifice in the game of chess and   now i think b4 is too slow and i think  we take but i just want to be sure now   this is not the only thing you calculate  of course you have to take a look at some   you know some other stuff uh namely you know  can they attack me they can they can play moves   like c5 or b5 or knight to h4 it's very very you  know to skill developing the skill of forecasting   threats for your opponent like how can they attack  me i'm not the only one on the board that wants   to win the game you know if c5 i don't think i'm  too scared i mean first of all i can keep sacking   sack one of these two guys i actually think c5  is a very like reasonable move and i think at   that point i'm gonna do something called danger  levels uh and i think i'm just gonna threaten   mate utilizing my sacrifice and then maybe they'll  move their knight to guard maiden attack my queen   and then maybe i'll like move my queen and attack  the really it's gonna be it's gonna be chaotic but   i think c5 is a good move because it kicks away  it kicks away um my bishop my dark squared bishop strikes me as a intelligent decision you know i  think i think i think c5 but but c5 is so hard to   play here like i'll be blown away if my opponent  plays this move just doesn't get scared of what's   going on near their king realizes that really  the the big problem is the queen's helper it's   the queen's backup and then i i have no forward  moves if i go here and knight takes if i go here i   mean do i really want to trade a piece not if i'm  sacking then i'm just lost i mean it's a game you   know i know it's lost but at the 1200 level maybe  it's not so easily lost now knight to g5 okay   i obviously can't take this um but that's  attacking that so i need to i either need   to move that or create a stronger threat now again  they've abandoned this completely so first of all   you know can i go here i don't have a follow-up  check after that queen e5 is a battery   and it threatens that it's actually a very  similar thing to what we saw last game   um queen e5 f4 queen takes rook looks good  right but let's just think about it for a   second i mean i can also just back up like  the truth is i can wait i don't have to rush   now this thing this is a bit risky you know  queen e5 but it it it looks like i'm getting   at least the free rook for that move and then my  opponent has to decide whether to take a bishop   or take this pawn and fork my rooks but it's  all slow because i'ma get a full rook like just   a rook no questions asked because it's a fork  and it's funny because we just saw this kind   of pattern in the last game the queen and the  bishop line up um i think the only move is f4   because if you play g3 to block my mate well then  i can take both rooks and that's even worse um so now you can kind of you know the the thing  about the win at chess series is i want to teach   you all how to think and anticipate what your  opponents want what you want different types of   positions but there's a lot of openings at play  like this scandinavian this gambit you know if   you if you buy my course you'll obviously know  it in more detail if you don't get the course   you'll at least have as rookie one is actually  just a checkmate blunder my opponent missed both   of my threats wow that's definitely nervous  because i think a 1200 in a in a regular   game we'll see that i think my opponent just got a  little bit nervous and now king f1 bishop g2 queen   g tour queen each one is made but essentially  what i what i wanted to say is like you know the   scandinavian the way we we played it here with  the long castle y'all gotta y'all gotta start   castling longer more because people be castling  short because they don't watch my content and um   you know the long castle the opposite  side castling is uh is crazy leads to some   some really imbalanced and dynamic positions  uh as far as this game goes my opponent had an   inaccuracy so they took my knight all right like  and the craziest thing is like black is already   doing better after knight f3 like the computer  evaluation is like almost on on you know on black   side and um after d3 it definitely is on black  side you know now for me probably the best move   is to just take the full center but i got hostile  and if you play the move h5 in a game you know   um this hot this kind of fishing pole idea  and then this whole just understanding of   you know sacrificing when to sacrifice and looking  at the at the computer oh looking at well this is   where the computer just tells you you're an idiot  it turns out that i had this queen e5 idea a move   prior i was so tunnel visioned on sacrificing  uh and yes c5 is yeah c5 is the best move here   i was so tunnel visioned on sacrificing it turns  out that i can take take and play queen e5 now   which is hilarious so that's actually a lesson  even in victory which not everybody likes to do   we like to celebrate our wins and only analyze our  losses i had this move a move prior but because   my whole plan that i verbalized was bishop d6  bishop sacrifice i sacrificed and i didn't play   queen e5 which is really funny i just didn't  i didn't even occur to me at all to take on f3   and play queen e5 originally because i was so uh  fixated on the sacrifice well there you all go   but uh yeah that's the beauty of this series we  play and we learn and we get better all right   so last game i played the move uh d4 um  this game i will play e4 and i will see   what my opponent does again i'm gonna try to  play some of my lines oh but this one's tough   yeah yeah if i play my caro prep this might be  really bad but you know what you know what let's   do it poor nimblet might run into my corocon  defense preparation and now advanced variation   for the win this is the best variation  to play against carl khan okay opponent   plays the second main line c5 the idea being  that you're trying to make me take and uh   you know kind of damage my center but  what's funny is that that is white's most   critical response because you're basically  calling black's bluff and you're saying hey   and i don't know what you're doing here uh  but you're down upon now my course is f4   to defend this but i'm going to pretend like  you know i'm just a random person random 1370   random 1400 and i'm just playing bishop b5 because  i know they want to take so i'm pitting them and   just if anyone's confused queen a5 check does not  win a piece here because i can just play knight c3   uh and if d4 that that's actually not guarded  because of this pin a little bit complicated   looking so uh bishop d7 solves the issue of  the pin but i'm pretty sure hangs another pawn   unless i'm absolutely insane now the only concern  there is the fact that my queen's a bit close yeah   and maybe i don't like being so close and  then like the bishop is going to come out   so i'm trying to think maybe what i do is  i just i just try to defend my center but do i call the bluff do i punish  the early mistake fascinating stuff ah viewers i don't know i guess we should call  the bluff right so let's play queen takes d5 now   e6 and see here's the problem i can't guard both  my pawns the only way to do that is to play queen   to d4 which is just bad um and you know this this  game is an example of why you should learn your   openings like f4 is the line i would play here  this is how my course with the white pieces goes   my e4 chords but this is the thing i don't know  the bishop b5 line so i'm already worried about   the tricks even though i'm an international master  like think about it if i'm stressed in the opening   what are you guys thinking about you know when uh  i guess i'll go queenie four i think guarding this   pawn is more important than guarding this pawn i  think losing this is fine whereas losing my center   pawn could be very bad um but here's the thing  like i don't know i don't know this opening at all   i don't know where we are it just looks a little  bit scary for my queen to get attacked black is up   down a pawn but you know has more development  than me bishop and knight is out and whatever   so i'm i'm figuring things out i'm i'm stressed  about my 1300 rated opponent i mean i cannot   imagine what some of y'all are going through  when you get stressed in the opening um anyway   developing a piece still don't know which way  i'm going to castle i could continue the trend   of just casting long every game and showing  you all the power of it maybe i'll do that   uh okay now obviously you do not take here oh  my god i hate when the you and y'all be doing   this just taking for no reason oh fair trade so  i nah cause that's not a fair trade you goons   no it's not all right um i can go back  this way or just go all the way back   but i think i should go here i mean b5 i'm  not like super worried about just drop back um i don't know queen b6 for example   attacking here actually if my opponent does that  i might have to play this very ugly night move   because i don't actually see a way to guard this i  guess i can move my queen again but i would rather   develop a piece to an ugly square and defend  my position then move my queen again and try to   defend my position if that makes sense you've  got to make the ugly developing move if it   kind of does the job uh okay maybe bishop trade  maybe maybe that bishop is very strong uh but   also maybe just developing a piece yeah like just  no questions asked move the knight to the center   you know because here's the thing y'all we're up  upon so if we both get all our pieces developed   i'm just up a pawn the only advantage my opponent  had three moves ago is the fact that they were up   in development but they played a couple of passive  moves although they are developing their pieces   uh and now it no longer matters that we were  down in a little bit of development early on   so i want to go knight g5 yeah i kind of  regret not moving my bishop back here by   the way i want to go knight g5 but they're not  going to hang mate they're going to move the   knight somewhere here which makes me think what  if i develop a piece like a bishop or you know   let me be a good role model and let me just  castle because again i'm so like i promised   y'all long castle but i don't think it's practical  i'm gonna have to spend time moving my bishop and   in that moment that i move and don't castle there  could be ways my opponent just attacks me somehow   now the game plan is interesting because  we're up a pawn when you're up a pawn you   need to identify where in the position  you're up upon this is my extra pawn so   you know it's not really felt so still we're  gonna have to use kind of the mental checklist   okay what does knight g6 do targets this pawn but  it's not hanging and it opens the queen yeah okay   my turn to think chex captures attacks nothing  in particular i can take a lot of stuff it's   all terrible i can attack the queen protected by  my knight that doesn't look like a terrible move   i can play bishop to e3  creating a trait of bishops   is that good for me does it damage my position no  is it good for me and well i'm up a pawn that's   a very active piece i haven't moved my bishop  yet let's do it they can't attack me in any way   they okay decides to take instantly now i'll just  draw back so what have we done we traded bishops   we traded a very powerful bishop for a bishop  that hasn't moved yet now again the v7 bishop   is black's problem the other thing is we move the  q what is this mr 1300 come on no that what what   what i'm actually a little bit disappointed i'm  not gonna lie i haven't been disappointed in the   last two guys but this guy's damn near 1400 he's  blundering a night blunder like that yeah yeah   yeah no no no that's no good i was just getting  in the groove of explaining the complexity of this   middle game and white having a space and the guy  just goes and hangs a horse but i do suppose that   that does happen ah my opponent says  i mouselipped what what did they what   they just wrote a message in discord uh i said  how was that a mouse that what what what could   they have possibly intended if not to take i mean  it's okay to admit if you blundered i don't know   that was strange but uh i will analyze afterwards  just hypothetically the thought process   um now that we are up at night and upon are we up  no no we're not up on we're just up at night next   phase of the game is to you know either take  it to an end game trade queens trade rogues   win the end game bishop knight vs  bishop which is completely winning   uh or go up and and here and uh just go for mate  now i don't really believe in that one right now   i just don't i mean i think black  will just play like f6 for example   um so maybe we go the queen trader out  and actually here a queen trade is forced   it's forced because if they if he doesn't trade  queens with me i'm going to take the bishop   so if you move your queen i'm going to take  the bishop you move the bishop i'm going to   take your queen anyway so that is you know  there are two ways right and if we get the   queens off the board then we're happy because  the queen is a very powerful piece for black and well what to say ah that's an interesting move  essentially saying you can take my bishop or   i'll take your knight well i'll make that  trade now now i'll trade bishop for night   and queens now i'm very happy now we're  in a rook in game and i'm a bishop   now here i would i would just take the queen and  bc3 and uh well again just like a few moves ago i   was saying you know you got to play to your  strengths we are stronger on the queen side   uh we have three verse one and if rooks come  off we will just have more pawns there so   activate the rook target weakness right  target that weakness which can't move   always make a loft for your king oh my god  just like my opponent just did do not get   bankrupt mated do not get backrank mated you  have to think in the mind of your opponent   i mean they're thinking how what is the only  way i survived this position so just just do   yourself a favor don't get back crank mated  uh maybe even get your king off the back rank   now the king is safe among the pawns and uh  probably we will double up we will double stack   and go to d7 that's the game plan h4 you say why  did i play this just to freeze the pawns end games   are about you know thinking about the way your  opponent wants to play so we immediately get to   the seventh rank which is very important in end  games uh that pressures the f7 pawn if king to g7   it's pinned that's the beauty you have three  pieces right you are completely responsible   for finding tactics and end games checks  captures attacks that's not a good move   but this is because this pawn is pinned to the  king and now bishop takes and if the rook goes   here i will do you all a favor and simplify  this down into a pawn end game showing you   that you need to be confident in your transition  abilities like this taking games to completely   winning end games where you have now three versus  six you have three on two on this side you have   two pass pawns so you can literally just push  pawns because you are on two sides of the board   right g3 okay now we have a two on one and a pass  pawn on this side so we push we could have also   taken and black resigns because again if black  just hangs out in the middle we will push if   black gets too close they leave what is known as  the endgame square right this is the you know you   count how many squares you are away from promotion  and then bang bang bang bang like this so you you   cannot come here because now we will just push  this pawn so you know there's obviously a little   bit frustrating i was a bit disappointed that  blunder happened um if it hadn't happened right   and like for example the opponent played this  move just hypothetically one two three we would   go rookie one right let's say the opponent plays  just rook c8 so the way you approach a position   like this where you are very clearly better and  up upon like this is a game that you know um uh   how to describe this is a game that uh like how  many people would win with white if they were 1300   and up upon probably 60 65 you said that's crazy  like but whereas like a grandmaster would win   this game 99 times out of 100 with white which is  interesting right because white is so much better   here like almost completely winning because black  just really has nothing very passive bishop this   knight targeting nothing i mean h4 h5 is one  plan here in fact h4 is the top computer move   and the idea of h4 is realizing that my queen  and my knight are very close to the king   and this knight is super awkward in general  knights on g6 and b6 can be attacked with flank   pawn pushes like this and for example h5 is just  a horrible weakness like you can immediately go   punish that mistake now you are up two pawns  right then you will come back to this square   and advance your h pawn again and if the opponent  gets scared right and let's just say they run away   because they don't want to see you coming now  you're going to bring your second rook you   will slowly improve your position while thinking  about this thought process do i have any checks   do i have any captures do i have any attacking  moves right while also thinking for your opponent   you know can they attack me okay sure but you  know i can play knight e4 and maybe get into d6   but knight e4 is a very tough move to play because  it on the surface it looks like it loses a pawn   for example they might take and now you have to  find takes takes and the only move basically that   gives white any advantage here which is knight  into d6 defended by your rook disconnecting the   queen from the knight and winning the rook you  know uh sorry attacking the rook on c8 so now two   threats you've disconnected the circulation here  and this now you're guaranteed to win material   even a move like this just this and now still  those two threats exist so you say well what's   like what do i learn from that levy you're just  making peace you're just making moves on the board   y'all have these things in your games but  chess is hard like you have to find this idea   and if you don't find it and instead you move  like back here and you lose this pawn did you   ever really have the advantage right it's like  one of these things like you have the advantage   if and only if you play on this one set alliance  which is why a 1300 with white in this position   would win maybe 60 of the time because it's it's  difficult to identify the correct plan or the best   move all the time but if you try to apply this  checklist in your games um you know it will be   to your benefit now from this oh my gosh my next  person isn't online uh get in live chess please okay well youtube dear viewers uh you know now  we uh sit here and await while my opponent has not shown up in life chess there it is  we're gonna try to apply this checklist yeah   um have i played this person before never never  played this person before strong player all right   we played uh e4 d5 uh a couple games ago let's  go e4 e5 so we're going to play our our saw our   gambit repertoire potentially but we'll see maybe  this guy's gonna play vienna against us oh vienna   now i have to show how to beat the vienna system  bishop c5 is a tricky move against the vienna um   and uh it's very unpopular let's put it this  way it's not a popular move at all but might   you know white can play against it in the same  way as usual with d3 and f4 uh but uh white can   also just play d3 like bishop g5 for example  the thing is not a lot of people develop the   bishop first a lot of people develop the knights  which is significantly more common uh right d3   and see now the difference for black is i haven't  played knight c6 which allows me to play this move   very common thing to do oh something's in my  eye very common thing to do against the bishop   and try to play d5 now white can prevent this  i'm not like refuting my own you know course   but white needs to remember to like for  example pin my knight so i cannot play d5   but a lot of people forget they just panic a lot  of people if you take them out of their comfort   zone they just totally melt right but um knight  f3 allows d5 no allows me to play this move oh   my gosh guys there is just something in my  eye i think i got it out okay wow that would   have been my new opponent d5 so take take  and i guess what bishop b5 check is coming i don't know i don't know very tactical  game already like the bishop was targeted   would have been better probably for my opponent to  play bishop g5 but you know that's the beautiful   thing about uh layer uh levels to the game  of chess all right this should be five okay   i cannot reveal all my secrets knight to c6 now on  the surface if you're looking at this going wait a   second gotham can't your opponent just take on e5  because you are pinned yes have i made a mistake   we'll find out i actually have no idea maybe i  did make a mistake but my logic was to castle   and essentially bait my opponent into taking a  few extra pawns than necessary that was my idea   sacrifice a pawn or two right in the castle here  that's a kind of a soft spot i'm in a castle now   the night is hanging and if my opponent continues  wandering into my territory then what's gonna   happen is they're gonna win pawns but they're  going to trade all their pieces in the process   and then they're going to be two pawns up but i  have no pieces out and that is when i will say   oh oh were you trying to attack me now they have  to take so now there are two pawns up now we pause   so first things first that rook is hanging now  you know to the untrained eye you just make a   rook move but to the trained eye you start  looking at things like bishop takes f2 check   king takes f2 queen to b6 check and then you win  back the bishop you also start looking at bishop   to g4 which attacks the queen you also start  looking at queen b6 and just giving away the   rook and just sacrificing and going all in that  one i liked the least um that one looks a bit   too extravagant um you also start looking at d4  it's a very fluid position wow rook b8 is the   last thing that i want to play because it allows  my opponent to get settled and i don't want that   now in eight minutes time is it possible you  work out everything perfectly probably not   you might get lucky and do it probably not uh  i can't even work this out perfectly so bishop   takes f2 king f2 queen bc by the way they  don't even have to take theoretically they   could just move their king um but let's just  say bishop f2 king f2 i also have knight g4   to attack the king uh which is  defended by my bishop kind of like that   i do kind of like moving my knight there  and then playing queen to b6 and you know   the the good thing i think is that at least i win  back the bishop in this line with bishop takes f2 i think i think i think i think i think i think i  think this is the best move but of course machine   will just look at this position go gotham you're  so stupid of course bishop g4 and then you know   uh if queen d2 like rookie 8 sacrificing the  rook i don't know but i i i do like this and   that's why it's so important to look for checks  because even though your rook is hanging as you   improve in chess it's not all as it appears just  because your rook is hanging doesn't mean you   need to address the threat now if you're like  700 more often than not if your rook is hanging   you should probably move your rook you're gonna  lose your rogue if you don't if you don't move it   um but intermediate players and this entire  episode is for the most part playing against   folks who are very strong intermediate players and  we will be ending with an 1800 uh we have 17 and   1800 coming up i'm gonna have to focus man i'm you  know it's midnight i'm locked in recording this   content for y'all so if you made it 38 minutes  into the video i know i know look i read the   comments y'all be like stop saying that i always  watch every minute because i appreciate the you   know the grind i appreciate you if you're reading  this right now i can't respond to every single   youtube comment that i get but let me just tell  you all this we have by far the biggest engagement   of any chess channel on youtube and that's no  disrespect to my other creators hikaru god all   the others um like on any given video we'll have  a thousand comments which is nuts because i go   around and i look and other videos have 2 300  comments like you guys are great and just know   that you know even though i don't respond to every  single one i do frequently just scroll through and   have a laugh or see someone just just absolutely  tear me apart saying i'm just the worst human   being but you're not gonna please everybody so  you know the key is to convince the haters to i   tweeted about this earlier today actually so the  key is to convince the haters to keep watching you   you know because they will hate watch that's  the beauty they will hate everything about you and um good stuff they still watch your stuff  so queen to b6 oh i was gonna go knight g4 oh i feel so dumb i guess i could i guess i  could go knight g for now oh my god i just   rushed this i like totally wow i was oh my  god i feel so stupid okay let me just take   i guess i could have played knight g4 there  actually maybe i should have played ig4   maybe i should have paused for a second because  now my opponent can play h3 um aha this is a   very good plan by my opponent rookie one i  should have played knight g4 damn it ah now   they're gonna get settled ah i'm so stupid that's  a great move and now they get to hide their king   oh man all right is there any way to punish my  opponent anyway for the way they've played this   that's the difference is that if i had played  knight g4 i would have made the king move damn oh   i'm so frustrated so frustrated could have easily  spotted that and just paused for a second because   now their king is gonna get safe and now it's a  totally different game okay could still do it but   ah yeah so i'm thinking queen d6 to target the  pawn king to g1 knight to g4 they have to play g3 and the problem with that is that they then they  can put the bishop on on f4 so here's what i'm   going to do yeah i'm going to play rook b8 now i  will because the pressure on this pawn disallows   the bishop from moving i am going to utilize the  fact that i am down upon however i have open lines   uh against the you know my opponent's development  so that they can't move the bishop now the   opponent should probably play moves like bishop  to g5 looking for trades targeting my pawn here   king g1 h3 and queen f3 if they could accomplish  those three moves h3 kicks out anything from this   square queen is active and pressuring and then  they can like move the bishop and then move   this and get the rook out white is just better  like why is playing this for a win because my   poopy head didn't play knight g4 because i was  talking about youtube engagement or whatever   um also when you're down in a slightly worse  position clock matters clock matters six versus   five minutes it's a 10 minute game i mean i  understand i shouldn't be playing the clock   but if you're a 1600 playing a 1600 clock matters  being up a minute is everything or two or three or   four or five so i've got plenty of energy today  damn this is a good episode last one i recorded   it was in the morning so i was like not energetic  but now i got lights camera action yo let's let's   put on that uh cinema lighting i discovered that  if watch i discovered that if my top light isn't   on i uh i look like you know i mean maybe in  the cinema or something kind of interesting   although this kind of hurts my eyes but  that's okay because i just i wasn't used to it all right well my opponent hasn't moved  in a minute so now we are nearly up two   minutes on the clock because well here's  the thing why is my opponent thinking   like why are they thinking surely kg1 oh maybe  maybe well here's the thing maybe they didn't   realize that king ju1 was their best move maybe  only i realized that king g1 was their best   move and i was upset for no reason queen d3 what  does that do like what is the idea of this move   they just want to activate  it what if i attack the queen well the queen i guess queen  g3 queen g3 might be the idea   so what if i check take pawn takes queen  takes anything anything anything probably not   probably not and queen g3 is on the way um  should have played that silly night move now i need to make a move within the allotted time so that i don't also tank let's play  bishop to a6 and on queen to g3 i'm   gonna play knight to e4 check trading the  knights creating a pass pawn on the e file   like this and and they better yo this okay  first of all this is also opened up and by   the way i did not take that there because knight  would have dropped back so now c2 is under attack   they might see this and get some tunnel vision  and straight up forget my queen is guarding that   but again if my opponent gets king g1 c3 bishop e3  etc they're gonna be completely fine now i wanna   avalanche my pawns i think that's what i wanna do  before my opponent can just buckle down and guard   everything so i'm gonna do that they  cannot go here because rook takes b2   so again these open lines are actually kind  of benefiting me in opposite colored bishop   positions the attacking side is for choice  because uh the other bishop cannot defend   right and so my light squad bishop is actually  incredibly powerful where it's standing   um i would like to go f4 like if  this king stays here oh oh that oh that must be winning they never played king g1  the truth is they never now if bishop takes i   can actually just take believe it or not i can  also just apply pressure which looks good but   the best move is just take that's why you always  look for captures first and then the new rook   will pin and if they don't take e3 together  these two pawns counteracting that bishop   that's bad that's very bad e3 is is game over  for white completely game over it we just   essentially we jumped on the opponent before they  were able to consolidate but the most important   move of this game was king back to g1 and it's  funny because it's the first thing i thought   of when i saw rookie one and i'm sure post game  analysis will show that but it's interesting that   my opponent like didn't even like didn't even  think about it thought for a long time never   actually played kg1 in that position i wouldn't  be shocked if the best move is king to g1 but   that is what the analysis is is for um yeah now  we wait the thing is once f5 f4 happens then   yes see now the other drawback is that the  queen is disconnected from the defense of c3   so the reason i couldn't take it when my  opponent was pushing these pawns is because   the queen was guarding but queen c3 hits  both rooks that might just be game over that   these pawns killed the circulation that  my opponent had the only way to guard   everything is to play bishop a3 which actually  isn't even a bad move it attacks my rook part of me wants to sacrifice the rook   ah they didn't they didn't do it part of  me okay check you know you know why oh wait i'm sorry can we replay  that once one more time oh my god i didn't even see that like i what the guy sacked the bishop because  they didn't want to lose a rook and then found   a fork i didn't even see that was a fork well  there you go welcome to how to win a chess   uh oh wait no e2 is a terrible move the queen  okay okay okay let's not blunder again we made a   small inaccuracy let's take the pawn we are still  equal um and we are um threatening to win the game   actually we're threatening e2 discovered check  somehow sacking and somehow playing rook here   so definitely still still very good position  for us e2 discovery check is just a loss of a   of a big piece there don't don't blunder that  i'm gonna play queen c5 kind of maintaining this   maybe we'll get rook c1 in fact  we probably will get rooksy one   i hope i mean you just played rook  d1 you might as well play rook c1 and then for me i need to i  need to somehow bring this   i don't know about that that looks really  passive now the rook is guarding the pawn   that pawn will probably win me the game and again  we're up two and a half minutes my opponent's time   is ticking hundred seconds i'm sticking time  is it's moving it's moving gotta gotta gotta go but these pawns so close to you uh they now check i just said chat uh viewers  um don't play rook f2 because queen takes pawn   takes rook takes don't hang back rank mate okay  loft loft loft loft always loved always loved   because now you can take now if you lose queen for  two rooks and you end up with queen pawn versus   two rooks turrets are gonna be okay here they're  not going to be uh they're actually not going to   be so bad this is an endgame i need to i need to  slowly but surely get this value out of this pawn   but uh person's playing very well i'm gonna  play rookie seven either lining up my defenses   or going down the f file i have a tactic i  have an interesting tactic in this position   um okay so rook f2 right now is good because the  sacrifice i can promote so i'm gonna play rook f2   there's rook d8 check oh my  gosh there's rook d a check   oh my gosh there's rook d8 checking like queen d3  now i'm not losing but i like i totally blanked on   that move i'm i'm very lucky i can't be punished  here i guess we'll trade queens but wow wow wow wow this guy should be very proud i almost don't  even deserve to win this game this person just   played a great game i uh i played a big blunder  there allowing queen e6 i didn't even see that   move that's crazy i probably should have seen that  move to be honest because i'm always saying you   should look for checks for your opponent but  that's the beautiful thing about the game we   can learn and study and then boom we get hit  with queen e6 and now we look like doofuses   but it's life i mean what are  you gonna do you know it's life   you work hard but it's it's  it's not always perfect   okay now i oh no i don't i was gonna play rook  g2 in queen f2 but i don't have that at all   but you know what we do have we do have  a massive time advantage so let's go for i just realized my opponent  could have played rook takes pawn wow what a bad game by me like very bad like  i'm not even i'm not even joking like actually   a terrible game i'm not even like being like  you know overly complementary to my opponent   or anything like i i just tried to play terrible  this game uh maybe e2 just push the pawn don't   blunder anything this late in the game but  it's yeah now they just bring the rook back part of me wants to give a draw out of respect   i think i will i think i i think we'll repeat  moves oh no no repeat moves repeat moves i'll repeat and then i'm going to tell them  in discord i'm gonna tell you played great i'll say i didn't even see queen e6 that was awesome that was a great game this  person should be very happy um that was awesome   26 was an excellent move and uh i had advantage  after for maybe one or two moves but i i i   misplayed it yeah like at this point like we don't  need to look at this actually the most the most   important moment of the games were earlier um so  yeah bishop f2 was a good move this whole plan   was nike for a bad move okay i  was so worried about knight g4 uh nice rook b8 yeah so here here here king g1 yeah  king she wants the best move yeah according to the   computer yeah king g1 what is king f1 computer  shut up you don't know anything about chess um okay queen here here and now f5 is the best  move yeah this pawn attack on my opponent now   this is the last chance you have to play  king g1 and that that stops this because   you hang b2 but not with check i hope that's  clear to everybody um whereas what happened in   the game allowed me to go here and now  yeah this is actually game over and uh wow in this position i could  have played bishop back to c8   attacking the queen getting out of this  check and taking and that's just winning   man bishop e3 it's actually funny i was just  thinking this was the only move attacking this   and then i probably would have seen queen e6 and  so i would have went here this guy should be proud   what more can i say a person should be proud of  that game that was a that was a very good game i mean it's you know it's right what  what what to say y'all saw everything   of that game the whole game was absolutely  fascinating um i'll go e4 again please no caro   c5 sicilian beautiful nice uh let's play  b3 the b3 sicilian also in the e4 course um and we're good that was awesome that was my  opponent's thinking on move two already um and here's the thing here's the thing a lot of  people like to call cheat you know when a person   plays a great game but you saw that game i was  better i was out playing my opponent for a while   um and i made one mistake and they punished me  for it so please i you know there is a there's   a difference between being you know they will keep  us and being uh did i just say that did i just say   that don't tell anybody i just said that in the b3  sicilian we put our bishop on b2 and we we decided   where to put the slight square bishop i'm putting  it on b5 because there i can take the knight um and uh i will that's the idea and then i will  put pawns on light squares and the interesting   structure that you get here with  this very powerful bishop is that   you have a lot of space in the center  but black gets obviously the bishop pair um and uh what is going on i am looking at i'm looking at the discord  right now and people are going oh by the way   join the discord there's a link in the description  that's actually how you get into these episodes   i just ask subscribers i'll be  like hey guys i'm going to record   anybody want to be in the next  guest i guess the elo or you know   win it chess episode and harvest here gets  you know first come first serve 92. so this   is what we're looking for we're looking for  positions like this and by putting the pawn on f4 uh we want to put the you know the queen  on g3 ultimately liquidy one queen g3   and team up the queen and the bishop i can't draw  this oh my gosh i can't draw that there we go there we go c4 is an idea and you know in positions  of eight pawns which we both have   uh breaking positions up is a big  thing right a5 these kinds of things where is black going to break in the position  d5 knight to d7 okay the idea of this move is   to play bishop f6 see i like i i i like this  level of play because people are making like   very strategic decisions like backward night move  to trade my powerful bishop y'all pay attention   y'all be paying attention you  know i gotta pay attention here this is some good stuff if you if you  make it an hour into these episodes you   really get the good content  these are very good players   emulating the way that they play i  think that's the right word right um these backwards now why is my opponent thinking  bishop like why why hasn't he played it yet   i guess they're worried about e5  right okay now they've played it e5   i i do believe in the movie five i i  think i should be playing it and now   questions do i take with the knight and keep my  knight kind of out there do i take with the pawn   i actually think that because this knight  is so passive i'm gonna take with my pawn   that's my logic this knight is very passive now it  will take a few turns to get it back into the game   whereas now this bishop is also very passive and  i can kind of move to my next phase of the game   maybe i put my rook on d1 and put my knight  out here this knight e4 move is weird because   it allows a doubling of the structure but i'm not  so sure it's actually bad like 94 to try to go   knight f6 that actually looks fantastic i am going  to offer my opponent this damage to my structure   yep and in in a counter balance i get the open  d file i close the center black is very passive   i just need this pawn out of here but what  is the pawn control d6 right right and um   i can put like my rook there so bishop  takes pawn takes i activate the bishop let's go uh rook d1 probably that was our idea now i really i really want to make this  move happen i i'm i'm really sorry y'all   i'm getting some tunnel vision here you know  i really want bishop d6 ed6 and then i have   the double attack on the queen and the mate  and i also want to double stack here also   one more thing that we have that blunders upon  that blunders upon and now the bishop's under   attack and the worst part is that when i take  now we are also maybe trading queens uh-oh oh yeah f6 was just a blunder but it came  from the pressure it came from applying   this kind of positional pressure the  pawn blockade in the center of the board   disallowing my opponent's pieces from moving  this mobilization of the queen and this rook   placement hopefully y'all learn about this  rook placement right this replacement on d6 oh did my opponent just blunder a bishop in  all this i guess he just blundered a bishop   yeah that happens it's a very congested  position and actually the worst part is   it's much worse than a bishop  actually it's just mate like you actually just can't do anything yeah  queen takes g7 wow um here's the thing so   the b3 sicilian one of the  lines i covered in my course   uh played it more or less the way you're  supposed to play it right got to kind of you   know this opening position and here position  is it's equal i mean it's an equal position   i'll play queen e1 and uh you know this this  idea and now uh i i i really want to do kind of   the bulk of the analysis so i play the movie five  and now now the important question is taking with   the pawn or the knight better machine is thinking  about it very briefly it does believe in f takes   e5 which is an interesting strategic decision  actually fascinating strategic exercise here   um taking with the pawn or the knight yeah  now it's really believing in this and it's   believing in this because you don't trade an act  of peace for a passive peace right right so like   this is not what you do here because you just  help black and i hope that for those of you who   made it an hour into this video this very small  detail helps you understand when to trade and when   to not trade like you don't want to trade the the  night there for white you just don't want to do it   because your night is so strong right um now this  move i don't i don't i i'm not gonna lie like i   i don't think this damaging of my structure  is very good probably i should have went here   uh i should have went here and then you know the  logic would have been i can do this now and then   defend yeah that that was that was better i got  a little bit too creative for my own good saying   like you know this damaging this but but again my  you know my opponent was playing a 1700 maybe they   would play knight e4 and the guy did the right  thing he traded the bishop pair to damage my   pawn structure but i was like well i get the open  file it would have been slightly better for me to   move my rook over and then protect so that i don't  damage my structure because damage pawn structure   is very immobile but then we came up with this  idea to put the rook on d6 and that was pretty   darn cool however opponent could have created  counter play on the queen side like c4 and the   truth is if they didn't fall for my bait i'm not  getting through like even if i invest fully in   this attack they're coming in on the queen side  which is what the sicilian is at the end of the   day all about it's about this queen side counter  play c4 a5 b4 you know with the queen on c7   and that all stemmed from the fact that i killed  my flexibility by killing my pawn structure   i've immobilized two of my pawns and i rely  a little bit too much on hope chess now   in a game would i play a move 94 like if i was  playing a title player no never in a million years   never because you need fluidity right you you  cannot kill your pieces you need fluidity so i   would have probably played rook d1 actually uh  with the idea to maybe play c4 and then knight   e4 or something but uh rookie rookie one is  a very logical move so this is the way post   game analysis works and then you defend the  square before you put the piece there right so   and um yeah hopefully that was instructive  and then after that of course just a sequence   of blunders unfortunately all right and  now the final boss of the video mr 1800   cloud main who doesn't play any rapid 1800  rapid uh sorry 1800 uh yeah rapid 800 blitz   cloud main knows every opening that i  play so let's play d5 let's play this scandinavian knight f6 knight to f3 uh knight t5 and queen d5 are  both moves but i'm gonna play bishop to g4   this is kind of in the style of the portuguese  gambit okay the bishop goes to e2 now i want   to play knight takes d5 and i will you can  also play queen d5 but the position that we   had earlier was that position already so just  want to mix it up a little bit knight to c6   c4 runs into knight f4 so the reason i didn't play  knight f4 right away is because you know i can get   the bishop but the truth is it i mean it's not  like some you know life-changing accomplishment   uh i did not take because  i don't want to activate my   i don't want to activate my opponent's  piece now e6 c4 is a good move here kicks my knight out of the middle but then  i will go here and my knights will pressure   the pawns which is kind of the other idea  of rotating the knight around it's a very   imbalanced and complicated position i  can also maybe take and then move back   but i think i'm just going to go back and  so what do we want well we have to decide i   mean are we castling short or are we castling  long right one's a bigger risk than the other   right now the threat is probably to take on f3  and then take on d4 but then i lose my b7 pawn   we have to not forget that when the bishop  gets to f3 right that's a problem so all right right right right a tough question now for the opponent  maybe bishop e3 d5 we just take that might be a blunder maybe not though my  opponent wants bishop b2 which is understandable   just understandable thinking queen f6  and long castle somehow so bishop f3   bishop f3 knight takes d4 bishop takes b7  rook to b8 and the bishop maybe goes to e4   i think i like it i actually think i like it  i'm gonna take on f3 take on d4 queen so so by   the way if you guys are wondering queen d4 is  garden but queen d4 runs into oh my gosh queen   d4 runs into bishop takes c6 check kicking out  the defense of my queen which is why i haven't   even talked about queen d4 i know sometimes  i only focus on one move and you guys go why   why not this other move because i've already made  that kind of mental throwaway right so thrown it   out already now bishop f3 or bishop e4 only moves  you can go bishop f3 and just trade just straight   but i kind of like my knight i don't know i'm not  gonna lie like i don't have a light i don't have a   i don't have a bishop anymore light squared bishop  but i really like my knight on d4 i really like it   it's so strong it's an outpost square a square  on your opponent's side of the board that you   kind of dominate i dominate that square frankly  and i can defend that knight with my bishop i   can defend it with my pawn i want to guard it  with my pawn but i also want to play bishop e7   and then bishop to f6 so i really want to  do this as well bishop f6 will threaten   knight takes f3 check and bishop takes b2 so i'm  going to play that c5 so this is my threat now i think king h1 is a reasonable move  maybe to get out of this being a check   although that doesn't actually  stop my threat so maybe knight c3   just developing knight c3 looks pretty  smart then i have a decision to make how to deal with c5 for example let's just castle  get the king out of the center the board's a very   complicated position oh wait was there a knight  takes c4 oh my gosh did i just miss a tactic   i just was so focused on  castling knight c4 bc4 rook b2   aye aye i just saw that and see my opponent  plays rook b1 to protect themselves against that ah i don't know   i don't know maybe well they also might just be  trying to play like knight here which is smart uh okay i can go for a little pawn play action   i can also play a move like g6 to slide my  bishop back to g7 to get out of the way of   the night in fact i really like that actually  i really like the prospect and and again   because we're playing someone so strong i would go  for a plan like this this is a very strategic game   this is not a tactical affair and i haven't played  the move c5 because even though optically it   looks nice it's just a target to be honest  like if i play c5 it just becomes a target   and i really don't like that so i'm keeping my  pawn back on c7 um now i do believe the threats   exist so for example take take take take knight  c4 attacking the rook and if bc4 i have the pin   on the b file there's a lot of tension here a lot  of tension in this position and i put my bishop   on g7 to be out of the scope of the pieces so  i have that now i have that combination i can   take here take here i can take on b2 i can take  on c4 and i will be a and i will be a pawn up   but now is the hardest part of chess i have  to evaluate that position and i have to say   is that good or bad for me and i'm not gonna lie  i can play take take i can play take take take   take knight c4 and the rook will just move like  to e2 i'm not sure that i'm truly better there   i i really like i really weakened my king  if i give away my my my dark story bishop i really i just i'm not sure and  like f5 knight c5 queen b6 man i do like the move f5 i will say i  really do like it i do like this move i like this move i think i like this move but  i could be blundering something in fact i think   oh i just saw something really wild so knight c5  queen d6 bishop takes d4 removing the defender of   my e6 pawn i take back and then they play knight  takes e6 if i take they take this and he might see   that it might go for it this this this this this  this this that thought process is right except   except i have bishop takes f2 check  winning the queen so for example take   take knight e6 check and your knight no  longer guards your queen which is pretty wild i don't know if that's gonna happen but  i think that since my opponent is pausing   um they realize that it's not working now  this is under attack and i did see knight   b7 but it just looked so dumb that move just  looks stupid like i think i can even go here   it just doesn't i mean he just doesn't look  like a smart move i mean i can't take oh no if it's a good move i'm going to  be so upset so knight f3 check   queen f3 is still guarding it i mean i can sack and then like try to trap the bish i mean probably queen f4 is just the best move it's  funny because cloud main is going to watch this   afterward and be like i can't believe he called  my move a dumb move it's just it's just a dumb   looking move i mean i i don't know i wouldn't be  surprised if it's a blunder after the game is over   yeah i'm not you know and i think this is  important because i think i need to take i'm   threatening now to take and just win the night i'm  also threatening to take and damage the structure   so but also if knight c5 i mean  i i could even go here i think like bishop d4 we obviously not going to repeat  the position uh knight takes f3   hmm yeah let's take on f3 it's obviously the  best move we need to damage the pawn structure   actually it might have not been the best move like  the computer will probably find something else   uh bishop takes bishop is always gonna be good  this is the problem in this position is that my   e6 pawn is very weak i have some simple ways to  deal with that by playing moves like rookie eight   but then my bishop will be taken so  in all likelihood i should take on b2   first oh wait isn't there just a fork after  don't i just have queen e5 that's just a fork let's just straight up a fork y'all oh and if knight e6 my queen's hanging but i can play like queen e5  for example and guard the bishop   and then when knight here i just take so i'm gonna  get a bishop and a knight for my troubles i think but yeah 96 has got to be played now i can't offer  a queen trade because pieces go backwards yeah um okay i definitely do think  queenie five's the best move knight f8 ah my arm big question do i take  back or do i make another move you say what   what do you mean make another move gotham are  you stupid you have no other moves i do i do   um i can play like bishop to d4 because the knight  is stuck but of course i am thinking to just   take i mean i don't like the bishop's getting out  the bishop will come here for sure and then if i   can play c5 oh oh i think my opponent should go  c5 by the way i wonder if my opponent sees that   c5 is a really nice move if i take i lose my  bishop if i play knight d5 they take my bishop   because if i take i lose my knight c5 knight d5  is just a blunder a terrible mistake so i would   have to go knight back which is ugly but necessary  but now man this is a whole nother level to this   gets of this win at chess stuff these later games  uh you guys are happy you watched this far right i gotta go knight c8 my opponent's two  minutes down which is important but   if i lose a piece i'm i'm dead if  i lose a piece now it's over so hey   look for checks look for checks check king  to the corner okay check here rook attacks   check and then my bishop comes back and we win  because once my bishop escapes bishop at knight   versus a rook is almost always better for  bishop and knight like not even close uh   but um with queen and two rooks it's different  i mean it's the heavy artillery right it's the heavy artillery so i do need to be  careful but i i am trying to stay consistently   pressuring my opponent on time as well okay  queen d7 threatens i have no idea what what   does it threaten i guess my knight is like sort  of paralyzed rookie 8 ah rookie 8 interesting   so probably bishop e5 is necessary i should  probably disconnect my opponent's position here a   little bit bishop e5 rook takes there is nothing  there yeah bishop e5 maybe opponent will go f4 actually what if they do go  f4 bishop takes rookie 8. g's a little bit too close to for  comfort um i can give a check and king f1   first of all i can kick the queen out  in fact i think i'm just gonna do that yeah yeah yeah bye go bye no one will miss  you go away get out and now i think i'm happy   once the queen has been kicked out i  think i'm happy oh my arm really hurts   uh wow wow wow wow the discord is  talking about cats beautiful stuff a stressful round today it's good i knew when  i selected these opponents we were gonna have   very good games i'm very happy this is how it  turned out i know you all enjoy the content so now is just kind of the next phase like i just  need to i need to consolidate here in the best way   check king f1 queen h still nowhere  near over though which is hilarious i wish it was on c6 that attacks the queen kicks  the queen out again oh no it allows it to enter   that wasn't very smart of me actually that wasn't smart at all because  this is about to happen oh gosh um okay uh i've had better days of chess probably some rookie eight move let's give a check i have an idea here's my idea y'all   my idea is that if the king goes here i just go  here and we win so king f1 is probably forced   and then i want to go here anyway we're  gonna try to hit him with the big sneakies something like that i think king f1  is forced here oh but then bishop h2   wait what is wrong with you you you  imbecile just bishop h2 is force mate wow it's been a long episode y'all i'm  sorry it's amazing that moves like that   just pop up like i want to go queen  g1 stupid so like why wouldn't you   oh yeah and then it's over let's just switch too well it's actually not quite over because um like opponent can still make  some moves let's go bishop h2 now there's no checks for my opponent here here  queen b1 should be game over no checks again   yeah check take gg because now now we're  also very close to mating ourselves   there's no checks for the opponent even though  the pieces are very confidently standing around   that was a that was a brutally tough  game wow that was hard that was hard   these are serious chess players and now  it's made in two check in mate good game   very decent game i wouldn't be surprised  if my opponent played like 90 accurately so   the opening was very tough very close uh i  made a big decision to transform the structure   bishop e7 bishop to f6 and uh yeah okay looks  like i could have just done this immediately crazy just totally didn't even like i castled and  was like wait a minute and uh oh my gosh   yeah r1 was a bit passive actually it turns out my  opponent could play a bit more aggressively here   but i mean rook b1 was decent i think g6 was slow  yes he you know it was it's funny i was saying   you know c5 i didn't like because it becomes a  target and the computer's like c5 is one of the   best moves my plan here was maybe a little bit no  it likes it okay now yeah and so now the best move   for black is to play the move f5 i'm very happy i  found this move uh and again between moving your   pawns moving your knights and bishops you know f5  is a very important move because it uh it it kind   of really challenges white's coordination like the  coordination of all of these pieces is is suddenly   kind of put to the test because you have nowhere  convenient to put the knight if you put it to d2   it loses i take you're gonna lose one of those  two pieces so if you go to g3 i mean it's just   very passive and i will play c5 e5 e4 so i will  mow you down in the center of the board i'll play   like c5 e5 right now your knight is paralyzed  you stop the one move threat but you paralyze   your knight for the rest of the game which  is very bad uh so knight c5 was the best move   and knight b7 was was was was the  best move knight a6 or knight b7   crazy and i played yeah i played normal wow  and if and see now if my opponent had taken   it's it's crazy because in my head i looked at  this position and i thought that i was doing well   oh my god well of course i missed the i missed  the whole point of knight b7 i thought i was   fine here but it there's just this move oh my gosh  yeah that's crazy that's why you have to analyze   with machine but you also have to say you know  some things are just not humanly practical i mean   i didn't even see this that's crazy wild stuff  wow so knight c5 was the move played in the game oh my god oh my god wait i missed  i just missed the win oh my god oh my god wait what i could have just went here that's just winning it's the second  time in this video i have this tactic   because g3 i just take oh my god oh my oh  we gotta cut the tape this is ridiculous   how did i miss this twice in one video well i  oh my god no yeah i did miss it in that game how did i not see this it threatens mate  i'm actually pretty frustrated at myself   okay and then after that what was going on so it turns out it turns out that queen f6  was bad and i should go for the queen trade   because apparently my opponent was winning  somewhere here so if my opponent anticipated   my move rook to d8 and in this position  played rook d1 they would have stopped rook d8   and apparently black's position is lost because i  can't move my knight is dominated which goes all   the way back to this position with this move c5  the only move yeah there's a wow this is a very   high level game activating the queen down to  the back rank threatening rookie 8 rook here   rook d1 wow my opponent actually had rook d1  and now very important i kicked the queen out   very important all this stuff i now  check and bishop h2 and i take my chance   wow what to say all um thank you for watching  another episode of how to win at chess   uh as always appreciate the support i know i've  mentioned a couple of times in the video but i do   have courses on openings and a beginner bootcamp  for people rated below a thousand uh link is in   the description although after watching me miss  queen and bishop batteries for an hour maybe you   don't want to support me with that stuff but uh  yeah leave a nice comment feel free to respond to   somebody in the you know in the other comments  as well and i will see you in the next video
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 907,199
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Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess rating ladder, climbing the rating ladder, chess speedrun, daniel naroditsky speedrun, gmhikaru speedrun, e4 rating climb, d4 rating climb, chess openings for beginners, chess lessons for beginners, london opening chess, how to win at chess, how to get better at chess, win at chess, winning at chess
Id: RaZZ-P806SI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 57sec (5037 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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