How To CRUSH Beginner Chess Bots

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in this video i'm going to take on five  of's bots from 250 to 1300   i'm actually going to end  the video by playing nelson   who everybody hates because he always brings out  his queen and tries to take all of your pieces   and the point of this video is the fact that i  know that a lot of people like to play the bots   it's a little bit less stressful than playing a  live person at the end i will give you my advice   of how you should combine playing with bots and  playing with humans uh but let's just see how to   do this okay i'm going to change color game by  game i will start out actually with the black   pieces so i will give wayne the black pieces wayne  is 250 wayne is from is this singapore singapore   e4 okay let's go e5 see what oh my goodness oh  well good thing i uh made my video recently on   bringing the queen out so early opponent says  a great opening for sharp play no this is just   not good the point is to attack the pawn and  laser beam us here i'm just going to play the   move knight c6 best move then my opponent is going  for a checkmate and has nothing to say by the way   so there's a few ways to prevent this the best one  is to just go g6 now because the pawn is protected   queen slides back to hit this i'm actually  going to offer my opponent the queen trade   it's not the best move necessarily but the queen  trade will make the position a lot easier to play   uh and uh yeah exactly see now my opponent  says no i can't live without my queen   so let's play bishop g7 finishing our development  and then we're going to castle what what it what   this is one of the reasons actually i'm  not i'm just going to castle my king   i don't believe in playing bots actually the  the reason is like king e2 moves like this   bots play completely normal chess and then they  do something completely insane right uh i already   have a check do i need to play it i mean it's not  a bad move it attacks the king and the pawn but   the king will just slide out of danger i can also  play d6 and get this bishop into the game somehow   uh maybe offer a trade of bishops that seems  like a fair trade okay opponent doesn't   see like the bot is just moving  its king back and forth which is   it's not like losing but it it it's also not  how human beings play no human being would play   like this right but we have to start with this  bot because it is the lowest level let me take   so now what you're not even  going to take my bishop   but well okay i guess i'll move my bishop out all  right so with the king stuck in the middle i want   to play d5 at some point so that we can trade and  i can open up a line of attack if i play d5 now my   opponent controls that two times and the bishop  is pinning the pawn to the rook so i can solve   all these problems by playing this rook over so  that then on the next move i can play pawn to d5   now my bishop's out of the way sorry the  the rook is out of the way of this bishop   and i can open up the center of  the board i think the king is gonna   okay so wayne clearly just doesn't take pieces i  think that's that's the programming here because   now i can just keep eating are you gonna take this  okay so i guess wayne is just literally programmed   like not to take anything anyway we're going to  keep trying to open up the center of the board   okay if that's the only lesson  that we take from this game   then that will be the only lesson we take from  this game when i continue to just take everything   that i am allowed to guys not taking a thing  knight here is a good move uh the bishop will   open up to see this rook and the knight also  has vision on the bishop and this pawn okay now   wayne takes something and loses a rook of course  you can take the bishop but rook is worth more   and now we will just have to learn how to convert  this position i'm going to try to do this rather   quickly because i don't want to spend too much  time and we will move oh that's another free rook   yeah wow uh i feel kind of bad let's  defend the pawn and bring in the rook   okay let's take the horse excuse  me while i get out of trouble   wayne you're down 21 points of material  and this is checkmate in two moves   rook takes pawn check defended and now rook down  i don't know what that was that was weird wayne   that was a weird game but basically for  these early stages you have to avoid getting   checkmated and if you just finish your development  and play principal chess the bots will blunder if   you just don't go crazy the early stage bots will  absolutely make mistakes so for the next bot i'm   gonna play with the white pieces against millika  um oh is that uh that's serbian okay let's play e4 b6 so e4 b6 interesting uh two  pawns in the center if you can   without getting captured there like this this  is obviously not bad uh now two nights if we can   you know two nights this is also protected against  this and now two bishops so our opponent isn't   fighting in the center with any sort of pawns  here which means that we can kind of take as   much central space as possible the standard good  move for the bishop there uh is because you can   actually have vision on some of these pawns but  the bishop here doesn't threaten anything so i   decided to put the bishop here bishop has now  moved two times which is not good it just moved   here now it's moving here it's pinning the  knight to the king but what if i just castle   and now let's move for a third time  okay i can go bishop e3 or bishop   g5 let's go a little bit more aggressive  attacking the queen it's not necessarily okay i like how milika says  okay you can have my queen   i mean oh sure all right well now we're up a queen  so just like last game we're gonna have to find   a way to get to our opponent's position there are  moves like knight to g5 which attacked upon an f7   but i mean it's okay i mean i'll play it but  of course yeah it's just stopped with one move   so now i'd like to move e5 to move  into the center attacking the bishop   i was just gonna say this also frees up my  square for e4 to trade the light squared   bishop because now that we're up material  we want to trade but uh i i ball free bishop   now i want to go queen here but then it  will get taken but i want to go to f7   so what do i do i'm going to trade the light  squared bishop from my opponent now it's gone   i'll put my queen on f3 attacking the pawn on  f7 good move very good move defending this uh   we have a few options i mean i can bring a rook  to the open file so now i have a rook playing   that knight used to protect this pawn that's a  concept called continuity by moving here we notice   that this pawn now has no guard and it's a triple  fork and my opponent says giving check doesn't   mean you are winning but what if i give check  and then take a rook and then take a second rook   i like how these bots they've programmed  have the most illogical trash talk ever   is that more free stuff this  queen is going to take everything   check this out i'm pitting the pawn to the king  so this pawn is not actually protecting this pawn   which means i can play rook takes pawn  check king cannot take because of this   pawn cannot take because of the queen now i can  take this horse and then i will take this horse in   reality what we're going to do here is give some  sort of ladder checkmate so the easiest thing to   do uh once and okay my knight is under attack so  i'll just move it to be responsible the easiest   thing to do in a position like this is to take the  material and make sure that you are not going to   stalemate your opponent so make sure every move  is coming with a check that way it will never be   a stalemate and now we have a check made in two we  have multiple checkmates in two one that i'm going   to show you is the queen and knight pattern so i  would love to give a check here for it to be mate   but i need the king on this square so i can put my  queen in front of the king protected by our knight   so what i do is i give this check forcing the  king to move here and now the queen is like this   in general as long as you stay principled  against the beginner bots two pawns in the center   knights bishops out in castle they're going to do  something a little bit ridiculous in the very very   very early stages quite frequently uh and i said  i was gonna play santiago i'm gonna give santiago   the white pieces i'm gonna play with the black  pieces buenos dias go easy on me i'm just learning   pretty straightforward indeed let's play a  sicilian defense against e4 here he says i'm   already a little nervous the second move of the  game what do you mean nervous so d4 generally the   whole point of putting the sicilian uh pawn  here is to take right we want to take is it   going to bring his queen out okay night there yeah  there's no real way for me to hang on to this so   i just have to get my knights and bishops  into the game so i'll start with this knight let's see if he plays knight takes right so now in  the sicilian you actually don't need to take this   knight uh it does bring the queen out for white  but we don't have a way to really punish the queen   for being there so this sicilian with g6 and a  bishop on g7 is known as the accelerated dragon   is what i'm playing i'm playing the accelerated  dragon sicilian just developing my bishop to g7   from where it attacks the big diagonal wow  santiago is playing very well here if he takes my   knight i'm just gonna take back so we're keeping  the tension between the knights uh i'm gonna   develop my knight and then i'm gonna go castle the  king this is really impressive so far so good from   santiago yeah i mean this is this is great i love  this uh we need to get the bishop into the game   there's two ways to do this actually you can play  d5 right away just jumping into the middle i'm   gonna play a bit more passively with d6 it's not  necessarily the best move but now queen d2 the   point is you are lining up and trying to go here  i would imagine uh i can finish my development   with my bishop i can also play this move knight  g4 which tries to trade off my knight for the   bishop if the bishop were to take me i will take  back so knight g4 obviously cannot be a bad move   and okay that is officially the first weird  move of the game see like i said all bots do   this they're programmed to make a mistake at some  point uh our plan was to go here but if you notice   the queen used to guard the knight our knight  and our bishop both hit this so by moving here   the queen no longer defends the knight and we  could get tunnel vision here and just take the   bishop because that was our plan but the opponent  has made a mistake that knight now has no guard   right so we just take it and okay well now the  bot is basically malfunctioning the bot is doing   what bots do so now that we are up material  we can trade i'm gonna trade both pieces   this is not under attack uh so i can maybe move  my bishop out a square bring my rook next it's   not a bad move now my rook is on the open file f3  okay i see the queen and the king lined up on the   same diagonal i'm thinking that here maybe i can  play a move like queen b6 going for the weak pawn   and i like that but there's one more move that's  very very tricky with the move queen to b6   uh and there it has to do with this  i'm thinking maybe i slide back here   you know why i'm sliding back like i  said queen and king on the same diagonal   bishop here would win it's a tactical pattern and  so i moved my knight back plopping my bishop into   the square where my knight was pinning the queen  to the king and now i can take i'm trying to be   careful but you still found a way to attack me  well you didn't take my free bishop santiago right i mean okay now you see this this  these games are kind of showing you how   to beat the bots like survive be solid don't  blunder anything and they will self-destruct   um and now just like the past few games that we've  played at some point it's going to be time to   bring in our pawns shatter our opponents defenses  opening up the position now our rook is here   but the most powerful piece that we have is the  queen so i'm going to bring my queen out to swarm   the king and deliver some sort of checkmate the  queen now comes in again being that it is the   most powerful piece we have we should look to get  it involved uh now i can give a check the knight   has to block and the easiest way to win this is  we need to add one more attacker to this knight   like this and queen takes knight as  checkmate and that's the end of the game   so this game honestly was pretty good i mean  we we had to know an opening you know we had   to play principal chess like we had to  get both knights out put our bishop on   a square castle short and uh create a position  which more or less looks like a standard game   and then this is really like where i played maybe  the first kind of slightly tricky move which is   knight g4 just basically trading my knight  for the bishop uh so that the bishop stops   protecting this knight in the middle and the bot  just immediately played two very strange moves   and we were up material the rest of the game was  simplifying finishing our development and then   finding this one tactical little trick with the  queen and the king lined up if you don't do that   and you just play like you know queen b6 going  for pawns that's also fine but throughout the   game it's constantly monitoring what what  are they attacking can they capture anything   and so for the next few games these are the more  intermediate bots uh this next bot is named maria   uh maria loves to sacrifice an attack don't accept  too many of her gifts because there are often   strings attached okay sounds absolutely  terrifying let's see what happens hola   i hope you're ready for some spicy chess  let's play d4 i'm gonna play a london   whoa the england gambit against d4 well  great pawn takes pawn i mean i like material   f6 okay well what if i take that  two that's just two free pawns   bishop b4 check so the best move here since  my opponent didn't take back is to play pawn   c3 attacking the bishop and maintaining this  threat i'm not going to do that because even   though it is the best move if i play c3 the  game is literally gonna end in five moves and   uh i don't want that to happen i actually  want there to be some instructional value here   uh so let me play bishop to d2 i  just honestly i want my opponent oh   my opponent just hung the bishop what is what  what is going on here okay now i'm gonna play c3   again i want to make a slightly longer game oh  my goodness what are what are these bots doing   why wouldn't you just go here to threaten  a checkmate okay now i'm gonna continue my   development but if anything this should give  all of you some confidence that these bots   play some really crazy and weird stuff let's go  e3 bishop out and then i'm gonna castle my king   bishop out and then i'm gonna castle my king whoa  good move i was really hoping my opponent wouldn't   do that pawn in the center hits the bishop in  fact it's not good to put a bishop in the center   if it can get hit with a pawn attacking it so now  i'm gonna have to slide my bishop out of danger wow what is this are we trying to create  some sort of attack on my king here   or just in general very aggressive okay in  positions where you're lacking space which   i kind of am it's important to find a way to  trade pawns to in an advantageous manner for   example this move is not a trade uh this move  however is a trade if i play c3 c4 because then   i can open up my position and my knight gets out  that's exactly what i'm going to do now my bishop   is in the game a little bit more if my opponent  plays knight takes d5 they are pinning themselves   to their own piece so here i can add a piece  to attack the knight like with knight to c3   however if my opponent takes my knight taking the  queen here you have to understand your queen is   also under attack but then you go here that's  called a captured chain so for example they   get a knight i get a queen they get a queen i  get a bishop which is a fair trade and at the   end of that i am still threatening to take the  knight and my bishop is still threatening this   so that trade actually works out quite well for me  right then i take the bishop this knight is stuck   and my bishop is threatening to take so now it's  a good instructive moment do i take the knight or   do i take the pawn and you will say well levy of  course you should take what's worth more not quite   because i should actually take the pawn that will  result in attacking two more pieces and the knight   is still in danger if i just take the knight i  lose my bishop so it's important to think what   our opponent is going to do so bishop there well  now i'm definitely going to take the rook here   and this knight has to get out by taking the pawn  the knight does get out by taking the pawn i'll   improve the position of my bishop very slightly  or maybe attack it with the rook very tough to see   the difference this is under attack so i'll move  my bishop to kind of have a long diagonal control   okay can't take that so let's bring the only  piece not playing into the game which is my rook   it sees this knight that is just  a free knight okay that was weird   rook h7 and now i i the the easiest  thing to do here is to swarm the enemy   with our rooks so we got rooks from both  directions this is a good move defending   uh maybe i bring my bishop back to attack  the rook that doesn't seem like a bad move   is that a free pawn now looks like a  free pawn to me also attacking the rook   rook goes there attacking our bishop okay so let's  slide the bishop out of danger and counter-attack   the rook and we just take it okay now we can do  something called simplifying if i take the knight   i lose a rook but i get a bishop two pieces for  the rook is a good deal even though i lose a piece   that's supposed to be worth a lot and for this  game we are going to bring the rook back and try   to checkmate our opponent with uh rook bishop and  knight just if possible we're not going to promote   any queen and i want to do this just to show  you how all these pieces coordinate knight to g5   check okay uh now we can push our pawn  because i want to play bishop to f6 check   i want to play bishop to f6  creating a little box here   for the king oh and it's just checkmate that was  very fast i thought the king was going to run away   but actually we created a barrier here so this  is covered by the knight this is covered by the   bishop and this will be covered by the rook  so rook and bishop create this little box   and then the knight takes away the square also the  pawn can take away the square if you don't have   a knight the pawn can take away the square i know  we had made in one but i just want to kind of show   how these three pieces can create a very powerful  box and i think in general like gambits against   the queen's pawn are not very good white can get  a very good position and then just be solid yes   i could have won the game a lot faster but i  don't want to just like win in three moves i   feel like that's not as instructive as playing  the game out for a longer period of time now   it is time to play nelson i think i will  play nelson in two games because nelson   uh brings the queen out extremely early  and uh well let's see queen h5 very good   like i said knight c6 we had this against an  earlier bot people hate playing nelson nelson   just tends to fight uh okay well that's a bad  move nelson tends to fight with just the queen   bishop b4 or bishop c5 are both good moves you  don't need to go too crazy yet i'm going to   play bishop b4 just in case i ever want to make  this trade okay knight to the middle take take   and then i can move my knight to the center that  looks pretty good let's also not forget what oh   fascinating okay so two of my  pieces are under attack here   well i mean look i've already moved my  knight right and it hasn't been taken   so i can just sacrifice my knight for a pawn i  mean i'm gonna lose one of my pieces anyway that's   called a desperado i'm gonna make this trade  because normally it's a bad trade but now i just   move my my bishop out of danger and i'm up a pawn  rather than having lost another piece okay nelson   you are very hostile okay let's move the uh the  bishop out of danger what are you gonna go here okay well castle right when in doubt got  to get my king out of the middle bishop c4   is there a threat doesn't look  like it although there could be   uh there very well could be a thread the  knight could come to g5 on the next move   so the bishop hits this the queen hits this makes  me start thinking like should i somehow find a way   uh to make a trade here if possible so the first  thing that i'm thinking of is queen f6 it's not   a pretty move but at least i get nelson's queen  off the board and it it might be worth damaging   my pawn structure and wow nelson just goes for it  immediately uh okay he goes for a rook attack so   i can move my rook here or here i honestly don't  know the difference i guess i'm just gonna go here   and what i'm gonna do through oh my gosh there it  is that's the legendary bot move in the middle of   a game that makes absolutely zero sense i have no  clue why nelson did that i mean it was actually a   pretty good position for nelson i was going to  go here in here trying to trade the bishops i'm   still going to go here but now okay we can go here  here or here let's bring the knight this way i'll   reroute that's what that's called i'll reroute  the knight to this side of the board uh from   where it'll control some squares my bishop is very  strong and now i think for this next phase of the   game once we finish developing all of our pieces  well that's just a free pun so i don't need to   i don't need to finish my development here  now i'll bring the bishop back and for this   next stage of the game we are going to find pawn  breaks to open our position in an advantageous way   if i take this the bishop takes so let's uh  let's open the position here in the center   interesting i'm going to open this so i can bring  my my rook okay well yeah i mean now nelson's   malfunctioning so i think nelson is programmed  to to just survive the first 15 moves of the   game oh my goodness what is that what is going  on can't i just push isn't that just a fork f2   just what all right now let's just push our  a pawn oh on poissant that's what that was um   for the rest of the game oh my rook is hanging  be careful you know what i feel bad for nelson   i almost want to give nelson my rook but i'm not  going to that's not a bad move i'm gonna go here   so i can potentially get in on the open file so  let's just push our pawn this is not in any danger   let's just push our pawn let's just push our  pawn that's not free by the way protected   let's just push our pawn nelson's  not doing anything about my pawn   now i can't promote it yet because of this rook so  i think it's time to maybe bring in my second rook   we saw this same pattern last game against maria  and now the same concept i can give away my rook   for two pieces you see that rook for knight in  bishop simplifying the game okay i'm very happy   to see that trade now i'm just there's just a  bishop left and the way you get this through   is you put the rook like this on the first rank  making sure that it is protected by your past pawn   so rook b1 and that's it we are guaranteed a queen  here because even if the rook is not taken we take   the rook and we make the queen uh and basically at  this point you need to make sure the king cannot   escape how do we do that we can play moves  like bishop c4 preventing the king's escape   queen check and the king is in a little box it  goes to the back rank and we play bishop to b3   bishop b3 looks like stalemate which is  when you're not checking your opponent   but they have no legal moves in fact  the king doesn't have a legal move there   but the pawns do so we can play bishop b3 one of  the pawns has to move and we deliver a checkmate   on c2 and nelson has been slain and i will give  nelson one more game it says i made a mistake   it says i made a mistake when did i  make a mistake i didn't make any well   what this i don't really interesting maybe  castling wasn't so good this was the most   important move of the game because if in this  position you just develop a pawn naturally and   allow knight g5 you can be in some serious  trouble and i think i anticipated the move   knight g5 here which is the most instructive  moment as i said because it it it felt like   white it was gonna start getting a big attack  let's also not forget that we cannot take the   knight because of the bishop so uh that is an  issue but i had to trade the queens just to   remove all attacking chances and look how quickly  nelson fell apart once we got the queens off the   board right so i'm gonna play nelson one more game  this game i will have white uh because everybody   hates playing nelson so let me show you how to  beat nelson with the white pieces too so e4 e5   knight f3 and i think nelson's gonna go here i  think nelson is programmed to play this move right   so you just put two knights out i mean you might  as well uh i can already begin chasing by the way   but two pawns in the center is generally if  you can do it do it two pawns in the center   and trade nelson's queen this is what i recommend  just get the queen off the board ah yes fantastic   nelson has been nerfed knight c6 what are our  options protect move out of the way or or take   i'm going to play knight b5 i think creating a  threat here on c7 and nelson just allows it nelson   i've got an audience here you can't just be making  blunders like that my goodness nelson i want to   get a longer game i'm actually not going to i'm  not going to do it i'm going to spare nelson   okay well now if i take at least it's not a fork  i'm gonna castle like i said i wanna make this a   bit more instructive if you've made it this far  in the video okay now i'll take but like we were   trying to beat a 1300 level bot you know so knight  d5 i'll bring the knight back hitting the bishop   i can take i can also just finish  development i like this move   this move attacks the rook we have a lot of good  moves here so if you see a move and i don't play   it it doesn't necessarily mean my move is better  honestly i'm just i'm just trying to kind of make   progress in the position now we have a little  tactical combination so i'd like to land this   check but i cannot because the bishop is covering  if i take the bishop and then the knight takes   and then i give this check i will be hitting  the king and the knight so we take which is   one of our most forcing moves picking up  three points of material nelson takes back   and now we have bishop here check and we will be  winning the night the bishop takes we did it yay now what well i see a king on the other side so   i want to open up the middle of the board maybe  i can do that by putting my knight here if nelson   takes i take back it is protected and the e file  is wide open okay so maybe something like bishop somewhere so i can maybe i'll put my rook  first setting up a little sneaky attack here   now i can even take the pawn by the way  because even though it looks like can be taken   the rook is checking the king uh  this can be captured with the rook   because my bishop is protecting okay so now any  move i make with my rook is going to be a check   uh because my bishop will be attacking i can  win a pawn or oh i can set up something so mean   i want to go here because then if the king  right now the king can take the rook cannot   take this is a double check with my bishop and  it's actually also mate the problem is that if   i move my rook down the king can take it but  not if i bring a reinforcement of a second rook   that would be an issue and that's exactly why my  opponent does this now i play rook to e8 double   check king to g7 and i can slide the bishop  back attacking the king on the diagonal rather   than taking either of the rooks of course i  can take the rooks as well and i think now   i will do that transitioning the game into an  end game where i have a big lead of material   we'll win this by promoting this pawn so how do we  do that we have to move the bishop out of the way   uh that's there's nothing there i mean that  that's a free pawn i can take it but i think   i'm more interested in in this pushing  the pawn although is king g5 gonna happen   nelson's aggressive with king end with queen  that is a bit annoying although we can use a   pattern from the game we had last time i can  leave my bishop and play this rook down thing   defended by my pawn it's literally the exact  same pattern that we had in the last game   now i take the rook i move the rook out of the  way and i make a queen yes i can take this but   now i believe we will swarm the  king and deliver mate queen takes f6   protected king here rook czech king  here f3 is checkmate in one move   there you go a little pre-move there style points  there look at that nelson has been defeated with   white in with black i hope this was helpful if  there's any other bots that you want me to play   on that annoy you please let me know  but as i said in the final part of this video   i will talk a little bit about bots in general and  why i'm actually not a big fan of playing them so   people play bots because in general they feel a  little bit of stress uh playing against you know   actual people in rated games they get some  sort of anxiety they feel like playing the   bots they can just restart if they make  a mistake or something along those lines   and that's okay if you get you know if you're fine  playing bots and practicing against them that's   completely up to you what i will say is as  you've seen from the games in this video   bots are programmed to basically do normal stuff  and then just completely explode at some point   bots don't always play real openings they'll play  like two moves of an opening and then do something   completely insane and that's one of the reasons  why it's better to just find a training partner   one of the best ways to do that is to join a  chess community like we have a discord with   over 12 000 people in it jump in there and play  play against the person play unrated games if it   gives you anxiety um the only real incorporation  in in my chess career that i ever used of bots   uh is just uh analyzing my game with a computer  that's my personal opinion but uh if you like the   bots and you want to keep playing against them  hopefully this video was helpful it shows you   that if you just stay solid and don't do anything  insane within the first 10 or 15 moves the bots   just totally malfunction one more piece of advice  bonds tend to play instantly right you saw in   these they respond within one or two seconds  take your time do not play at the bot space   you set the pace of the game and you will be  victorious all right see you in the next video
Channel: GothamChess
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Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, nelson bot chesscom, nelson bot, how to beat nelson bot, chess bot, chesscom,, chesscom bots, beginner chess lesson, chess lessons for beginners, chess lesson interemdiate, chess, chess computer, scholars mate, wayward queen attack, wayward queen, beginner chess, how to be good at chess, chess games
Id: xuSU_i16HZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 42sec (1962 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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