The Advanced Chess Bots Are Terrifying

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many chess players like to practice against  bots and it can be a little bit of a different   experience than playing against humans i already  made a video playing some beginner bots on but today i'm going to start with nelson  who's 1300 the notorious bot that brings out his   queen early and end with a 2200 master level bot  hopefully this gives you a good example of how to   navigate the intermediate and advanced bots  i expect a challenge because these bots are   actually really difficult to play against we're  going to start with nelson timestamps are on the   video player here we go uh i will begin with e4  and nelson probably will play e5 okay queen g4   coming soon what that's not even the right square  nelson doesn't know his coordinates okay well two   pawns in the center against the french defense  is good yeah there it is there's queen h4 the   point is of course that g3 is met with this you  guard your pawn i think nelson's gonna go here what i thought like this move made sense because  it fit the style but i'll play g3 attacking the   queen kicking it out and then i'm just gonna put  my bishop on g2 okay e5 i mean i might as well   take it why not because this will help me develop  another piece so now i've developed three pieces   and the queen is still in the middle of the board  i can already go to punish but just get the king   out of the middle of the board and uh the lesson  here is that since we have a lot more development   than nelson we can immediately start swarming  with moves like this improving our position by   winning time and i want to land this move so i'm  thinking maybe even like something weird like this   give away the bishop but knight c7 also  shredding open the middle of the board   instructive moment trading pawns to open up the  e file black is already completely losing this   is already very good we can move the knight back  and then go like this this is very good for us   because black has no development at all  and we can just keep creating threats uh   the knight is hanging i'm thinking maybe queen  e2 check because that also protects the knight   whereas removing the rook there didn't  do that and now i'm thinking bishop to e3   although i gotta tell you so much stuff is winning  here bishop e3 looks very good just attacking yeah   and now nelson is sacrificing the queen i can move  this bishop anywhere and it's a discovered attack   i can also finish my development i'm now bringing  a rook uh maybe queen takes with a check then   the bishop blocks i don't see anything  wrong with this move this is not a threat   because it's pinned and i can go f4 and try to  go f5 trying to utilize this pin can still go f5   oh no but then i would lose my knight now that  the pin is gone so i'll move my knights in the   middle and then f5 is coming okay of course i  will trade i'm very happy to trade be a little   bit careful here don't ever get your queen pinned  it's not a threat but i'm just simply saying f5   and there there we go nelson blunders and  now we shred it all open rook takes f7 rook d7 pinning the bishop take the  pawn pin is strong there take this pawn   because he can't actually take back we're clowning  nelson i hope all of you just destroy nelson after   this check still can't take my queen um take  another pawn i mean we're you know what just   this is going to be our revenge game for all  of the bullying that nelson done of you all   i am going to take all of nelson's pieces you  can skip ahead to the second game if you want   but i am going to get revenge for humanity  in this game i'm going to bully nelson   and i'm going to take all of nelson's pieces  first and then i will make a bunch of queens   so i've lost my pawn here but i  have check and then i have check   and i'm just winning the bishop and that's  it now we go let's go this is for humanity   actually wait i haven't taken his last pawn  i said i was gonna take his last piece right and now you notice i'm not moving my queen  because i cut the king off on the back rank   and that's gigi well nelson is a good person  to start with or a good bot to start with   because nelson is just annoying and  once you can consistently beat nelson   now we're going to play ithabel who  plays c4 it's the english opening good   good line against the english is just e5  putting a pawn in the center of the board   uh knight c6 is good and now what is isabel  gonna play okay isabel is playing the two knights   now one thing i like about the english is  the move f5 before you move the knight to f6   it's gonna be a cool opening idea against uh for  some of you to put two pawns in the center wow bot   is playing the best move d4 look at that the point  is that you go e4 now and d5 here is the best move   that is also another way to play uh black can now  get very aggressive h6 knight goes to h3 and g5   well i can also play bishop e7 i'll get aggressive  i mean i'll try to play creatively pray pray   creatively knight e5 to get my knight out of  danger queen d4 looks nice but is not a threat   uh because i would have just played bishop g7 that  is officially the bot's first very strange move   all bots do this what is what i don't understand  any of these moves okay what if i just   put my bishop on g7 and castle my  king oh that's actually not a bad wow   that was actually pretty creative okay i guess  i have to push my pawn out of danger then 96 oh my goodness what whoa whoa the bot was doing  some super weird stuff oh my god it's hitting my   queen and my bishop aren't you glad you stuck  around this is not just gonna be a beatdown   i have to lose material i have to move  my queen and then this oh my goodness   okay i did not expect to make i can cut  this out of the youtube video but i won't   i'm gonna teach you all how to come back  in a losing position d6 okay so what do i   have after being down a rook and two ponds i  have a massive center massive massive center   and all of my pieces are really well developed  this king is still stranded in the middle of   the board which makes me think i can attack it  i just have to figure out how g4 doesn't work   finishing my development i can take on c4 if  i take on c4 then something with e3 happens   um e3 knight c4 doesn't look terrible finishing my  development also doesn't look terrible just to get   one more piece into the party the knight is just  being rescued okay e3 here we go we're going to oh   well now i can like take and then  see i don't want to take right away oh this is like juicy okay let  me take the horse and let me take this with check and then some sort of i've i've got to have something here i'm going to sacrifice a knight maybe knight d3   knight e4 the king goes back to e1  i don't really i don't know kingy e1 king g1 really what about like f3 oh my goodness we're  using the fact that our opponent's king is so weak   knight g6 knight h4 is mate look at that rerouting  the knight oh my goodness that's a mate on h4 check and now the king has to come out to  h3 the bishop oh what an epic comeback of   course i will take the bishop because we're  attacking the rook here oh and that's it the   bot is basically it's it's giving in g4 take and  queen g5 here i'm looking for something beautiful   check let's activate the rook the rook is the  only piece that has not participated in the attack   we must have a mate we just must have a mate  mean check here check where is it where's the   mate i don't i want to be careful i don't want  to just move my queen like like a lazy person   although maybe i can honestly maybe i can just  play like knight c5 guarding my pawn and then play   queen e3 is this this is leading to a mate bishop  comes back to f6 check and queen to g5 wow wow   that was crazy i mean i i got a little bit  i missed this whole idea of moving back and   then oh my god what a crazy see computers are so  weird that's the thing about playing bots is they   just play such strange moves it would have been a  lot better for me to put my bishop on c5 probably   uh or fight back right away with like c6 for  example here you know c6 uh to block this pin   but bishop c5 i gotta tell you even here there's  like b4 weird position and again you don't need   to need to play like this uh the main move in this  position after knight g5 is actually to just play   it a little bit more solidly i just created this  giant pawn wall but the pawn wall ended up working   because later despite us being down  so much material we have such an   active set of pieces we shred open our opponent's  position and we're able to win the game crazy   okay now i'm going to play miguel i'm  going to play d4 was a positional player i'm gonna play bishop f4 e6 playing the london e3 miguel is 1900 i  actually played miguel already once and uh   it was a brutal game so the general rule of c5  c3 in the london i'm gonna finish my development   with knight f3 miguel still has not played d5  okay now he's played d5 now knight d2 this is   a main line london okay so c4 is a bad move uh  c4 is almost always a bad move in the london primarily because you can play something with  like queen side expansion but more importantly   white will play the move e4 in the future so the  way you will set that up is you'll maybe put a   knight on e5 for example and then play e4 and  you'll break in the center in fact i'm already   wondering if i can just play queen c2 and e4 so  you can't put your bishop on d3 but it's okay   because a locked center benefits the  player playing with white in the london   so you can play like e4 even now breaking open  the center like take take and now this is just   a weakness i expect queen d5 yeah and now  if i trade it's i'm kind of helping black   so i'm thinking i'm just gonna  slide back one square not trading   opponent plays a little bit more aggressively  with the queen in the center i mean i want to   finish my development in castle but i also kind  of like lining up my bishop on this diagonal i don't know g3 looks really  good is my bishop trap with g5   no is my opponent beating me to the  diagonal also doesn't look like it okay   castles castles oh yeah this is fine this is fine  ah see opponent doesn't want me to move my knight   because this is going to be mate the only knight  move i have is this or just the night move that   protects my bishop and then i'm not so sure  that i'm i'm really accomplishing what i want i still think ultimately i will have to  do that to like move my knight and then   try to but for now i'm just going to put  my rook into the middle behind my queen   opponent is expanding on the queen side generally  a good move to meet this incoming b4 queen side   attack is to play a3 and b4 is just not so  good now that's why the computer goes there   uh this bishop is always protected so it's also  not any sort of material being won with this it's a very tough position actually very difficult  i mean i i this queen is very strong i'm most   likely going to have to trade something to  make progress so i'm thinking knight h4 is   the only way to go here queen goes back now  i will take the bishop because i just feel   like it's too strong and i have some positional  deficiencies here for sure uh my light squared   bishop is gone and i have seven pawns on the dark  squares but can i play knight to f5 look at this   knight f5 take and then i take that looks like  a serious improvement for me making this trade oh my god the bot just has bishop f6 and now my knight is just hanging  computers are so tricky so sacrificing   doesn't do it am i really gonna have to go  back man i thought knight f5 was so clever   don't see anything so this capture  opens my king but in reality this might just be open for my for me   like if i trade the queen and then lock down  this knight somehow let's take a look at queen e5   if queen takes maybe even rook takes okay i  really don't like this this allows me to win   time on the queen which doesn't look good  for my opponent check and now rook wait   what isn't that just a horrible mistake whoa  whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait a minute whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa  queen takes b5 queen takes f4 if i take take   bishop takes i mean that looks good i wish  i could get better but my opponent says i   hope you've studied your end games as much as i  have i'm 900 points higher rated than you miguel   i don't know who you're trying to trash talk  maybe we double stack also h5 h6 looks really nice   i don't know where are we moving king h1 or f4  king f2 i think time is is of the essence here   um i think king h1 and then double up right so  rook g5 isn't what what are you doing it's just   a check not a sign of weakness miguel you lost  everything why are you still trash talking me   how are you how are you ever surviving  this and now h5h6 is the killer h6 and the game looks over once you lose g7 i mean  it's all falling apart what do i even take with   i kind of like taking with the bishop i actually  don't want to allow my opponent to cover up here there has to be a way to win this for example if  i move my bishop with a discovered attack on the   rook that would be nice but i can't take  my own piece what about d5 also like this   i don't know also sacking and  then rook h5 king g8 bishop to e5 king f8 it's like a calculation exercise rook h8   king e7 looks like my opponent is surviving  let's go d5 with the threat of bishop to d4 this must be losing now now that the bishop is i  mean the rook is so far away some sort of check   this has to be it bishop f6 check  lining up here i can play rook g7 i can also play rook g8 threatening  mate no like this rook g8 but bots are always a little bit tricky so rook g8 there's a lot of ways to win this rook g7 take   take king g8 and i take and then take  and then take okay that's simple check simplify simplify has to go there i take bot  will go here i will take pawn now both of my   pawns are safe and i win very easily winning  end game opponents only source of counter play   is three pawns and my source of counter play is  being 2800 i don't actually know why it's 2800   because my rating is not 2 800. now this  pawn cannot push my king is safe and we will   win this game by advancing our pawn getting  the king out and promoting like this h6 h7 he's still saying this is just the start of my  attack but it's it's not because you're about to   lose oh i blundered rook h2 the trash talk paid  off he got me scared all right looks like we'll   have to win an end game instead all right all  right all right it's the start of your attack   you win miguel you win check just kidding because  now i have bishop f8 oppa x-ray oppa boom check   here and very easily winning cut the king off  laterally and then boom boom boom boom boom boom boom all right no hands let's see if we can  flex he just says i love game let's look at all   the voice lines all the voice lines coming in i  just went to the side of the board and i did a   ladder mate i know you guys aren't always fans  when i pre-move because you don't know what's   going on all i did there is i cut the king off and  made sure that my rook was protected as long as my   rook is protected it's creating an unbreakable  barrier i then made a queen right that's what   i pre-moved and then i brought the queen back  so that my queen and my rook would alternate   which file they cut off and then i just did the  zigzag the latter checkmate that was a good game   that was a good game now we'll play fatima and  we'll get the black pieces versus fatima is this   fatima compation determined to queen will grind  you down and happily win the end game why are all   these bots playing end games what is this lebanon  fantastic all right here we go c4 another one   hold on let me let me resign uh i just  want to make sure that the maybe the ball   will play a different opening okay never mind two  englishes fine we get to learn to play the english   uh i'll play the dutch i'll have to take some  time to figure out how to crack that one it's   move one fatima why do they make these bots  say the most like dramatic things it's a geez   anyway this is the dutch defense uh you try  to play bishop to g7 and castles and it's good   because it's relatively non-confrontational  you just kind of do your own thing this is   a mainline dutch defense there's a few main  moves here for black c6 queen e8 to try to go e5   this is actually my personal favorite to  try to go e5 now d5 here is the main line   uh and here after d5 what you do is you try to  put your knight on c5 and then you try to get   your your pawn to a5 to stop your opponent from  playing b4 so you let like knight a6 knight c5   white is going for b4 yeah this also sometimes  happens and actually this is not really scary   you can just slide back to where you were  and now the knight is just on a weird square   and when they attack you you can jump your knight  into the middle of the board very complicated very   messy position a lot of pieces always kind  of calculating where the pawn breaks are   uh can go e5 and then if on poisson i just  take back that actually looks very nice that's   generally a good rule of thumb in these positions  if you can successfully get e5 you are doing well   this trade is nice uh don't fall into these  things like i don't like to make trades   you have to because my knight really has  no i mean it has nowhere really else to go   and the question is do i kick this night out now  i kind of want to i don't i don't know this is   the first thing that i'm thinking of the second  thing in these dutch positions you just go for   a kingside attack white's main move is going  to be c5 that's what white wants white wants   to play c5 successfully i can undermine that  by playing bishop d7 which lines up vision on   the night and prevents that from happening  now that is just a terribly strange move   what is that surely it's not what no no no this  bishop is just a target so you know this is coming   so i mean but the bot is just gonna move move  back if i do that so i need like a follow-up move okay well let's just force the i mean surely  it's not gonna let me take the bishop right   so now do i play like my king side attack with f4   you know this rook is actually also gonna get  over here such a weird computers are so weird   they do such strange things like putting this  rook here like what what are you even doing there   sorry these videos end up just me  complaining about computer moves okay it's time for g5 and then f4 if h3 you cannot  go here because then the bishop takes you actually   have to move your knight here but that's fine  because that was all part of the plan anyway   uh now f4 i think or g4 f4 looks good i like this  even though we're giving this oh do we sacrifice   probably not it's probably probably just not a  good move to sacrifice there we probably need   our e pawn is what we are eat what that is not an  epon gotham chess need to watch your own videos   that's an h pawn we need to break out with the h  pawn that is a terrible move because now you don't   have c5 i said the only attacking idea for white  there is c5 so h5 now here we go we're in business   sacrificing upon and bringing the knight  back and we are going to be attacking   but the rook is still there which is a little bit  annoying but queen e8 no wait queen eight there's   knight g5 but then i take i doesn't want to say it  doesn't matter but it's a computer it scares me g4   computers also are like very cold-blooded no that  must be a bad move that must be what even is that   that doesn't even address what i'm trying to do on  the side of the board stop it computer i'm going   to pin you i want to pin you computer bishop f5  bishop f5 you've been pinned computer you've been   pinned computer knight takes g4 boom queen h4 is  coming but this rook is still oh and there it is   the rook has arrived now the h file  is blocked so i think what we're gonna   do is we're going to use the g file to  attack so maybe something like bishop h6   king h8 and rook g8 anticipating the opening of  this file in the future something like sliding my   king over maybe it's also useful for me to just  stop c5 once and for all so i really don't want   c5 to land ever so the position remains closed  and if you want to successfully attack a person   you need to close the position in an advantageous  way okay i mean what is rook h1 what what is this   what do you just want your rooks to hug your king  that's the stupidest rook position i've ever seen   in my life and i've played a lot of chess if  you want to attack a king you need to make   sure the center and other parts of the board  are closed the knight is now jumping into e3 takes takes the king now has no escape the queen  what is that what what are these moves is it time   to sacrifice with rook takes g2 is this the end  of the game take take and just brutalize here   that's game over that is gonna be so beautiful  rook takes g2 is coming and the bot doesn't   let me do it that's how you know you've won  the game if it doesn't take back your piece   but i can still get the bishop out  or i can still get the rook out oh my gosh the bot really lake is  convinced this is winning for me   you know what i'm not even gonna take your  rook i am going to savor this position   against this robot and now i'm going to  take and then i'm going to play queen h4   and the game is over you cannot  stop all of my attacking ideas here   i can take i can pick this up next and the game  is over that was a nice dutch attacking game   that's the you know that's the reason i make  these videos is because i want you all to   to learn uh it's quite a move uh to learn openings  as well like i can give you different opening   ideas which is why you know videos like this are  are important spawn is going to take squares away   and this is checkmate wow that was a good game  we played a dutch leningrad we played this queen   eight variation and you know oftentimes you all  ask me how to navigate closed positions and i   don't have a specific video yet today is january  uh 2021 i'm thinking when i'm recording this to   upload this on the 12th but maybe i uploaded it  on the 13th so i don't know but tell me what date   it is in the comments uh actually tell me when  you're watching and so the way you navigate closed   positions is available squares for your pieces and  outposts and pawn play and pawn play really stems   from understanding your opening i have many games  of experience in the dutch defense so i don't just   make up the fact for example that this is the  best move i know that's the best move because i've   studied games so you need to study model games  of certain openings that you play to understand   how to play the pawn structure how to  play the position but at the same time   you know i'm also aware that uh when something  like this happens i'm looking at the pawn breaks   right and when i see for the second game in a row  that i have this mass right the last time that   i played black i also had this you mobilize this  structure forward that is what you do that is what   you do when you have this massive structure  of pawns i just know that from experience   so this is what you do you play openings you  get certain structures and you go oh well look   at that i mean i can advance my pawns and then a  key pawn break this pawn sacrifice to allow us to   later play the move g4 look for the pawn breaks in  the position and use them in an advantageous way   we will end with ahmed 2200  rated bought i'm very scared   assalamu alaikum are you ready to play good luck  i am ready to play i hope you're ready to play d4   oh now i'm getting dutch defended i am going to  play a variation of the dutch defense known as the   staunton gambit i'm thinking to play staunton but  it's a bot do i trust the bot hmm f5 inherently is   very weakening so moves like e4 are very good  i think i'm going to play a different one i'm   going to play yeah let's play the stunting gamut  i just can't resist oh he's got nothing to say   the first of many captures knight c3 is the point  and then you play bishop to g5 okay knight c6 is   one of the moves so bishop g5 black uh cannot  defend with d5 because the point is you will   take and you will play queen h5 check and you will  win that pawn because your bishop has cleared out   against knight c6 the main line for white is  to attack the knight and then the knight goes   to e5 so again a little bit of theory and now  white has a choice both of these moves are good   uh personally i prefer queen to e2 and then  when you castle long okay so far the computer   is playing all theory uh and then when you  castle queenside what will happen is your rook   and knight defend d5 and your queen pressure's  here okay d6 always wondering if i can take and   then take back thinking i don't want to take this  i'd rather have my opponent take me bishop g4 is   not a threat because i have f3 but that is how  i am visualizing this and f4 i was going to play   but then bishop g4 and i would lose material with  this x-ray so maybe f3 uh maybe taking on f6 now   um a lot of appealing options even knight  h3 with some weird idea to go like this   i think i will make this trade now because  now the knight has destabilized the center   losing the knight for black has destabilized the  center i'm not saying i'm winning i'm just saying   i've changed the position a little bit i can  take and open up my terrible at these arrows   i can take and open up my rook it feels  correct it feels like i should be taking   uh but i'm not sure for now let's just  take back this and then we will figure it   out that move seems slow actually that  move seems really slow can't i go f4 something looks wrong here can i  not just play the move pawn to f4   right so i can't go here because of the pin but what if i take now this bishop isn't  protecting i mean the problem here for ahmed   is that he's not protecting his king very well  so i'm thinking there's a way for me to just   you know that was i meant to why did i make  a fart noise i've never made a fart noise in   a youtube video that is not i i meant to go  as in shred and instead i went that's not a   noise that anyway this is what you get  i've never done that but now i just did it   um i was trying to indicate you should shred  open the position and i just made the wrong sound   anyway uh i can defend my my guy here but then  there's this i'm thinking this just has to be   right right so now giving check always brings  me pleasure okay that's kind of weird ahmed i'm   you don't need to confess  what you're into to me nights whoa ahmed are you crazy what are you  insane yo ahmed's gone off the deep end what   you're letting me double check you you are  attacking i mean yeah i'm attacking you   what did you what oh my god dude ahmed is  crazy what is ahmed doing okay of course i   can take the bishop i don't have any mates  and the threat is still to take my knight   which couldn't happen last move because  of this if i bring my knight back somehow if i bring my knight back to c4 for example i'm  attacking the queen i feel like i should just take   this take this and then finish my development  like with g3 so what we're going to do now is   i'm thinking we just create threats continue to  create threats so i play the move g3 black has   to make a decision black plays the passive move  moving back now for example i have bishop h3 which   develops a piece with a what we're doing is we're  creating something called an initiative in chess   an initiative is when you create a lot of threats  and in doing so you also improve your position   if queen b5 queen e4 don't i just take that  looks pretty good for me so this counter attack   on my rook isn't gonna work okay if the bot  played it that makes me a little bit scared   what if we just play queen takes b7  now this is a triple fork no okay   rook d8 so i cannot take if i take  he's gonna take with the bishop and my my piece is still under fire here um rook day was a great move i did not see that so probably the best thing to do is go here here and some sort of way  where i give away a knight but i don't   lose my rook in the corner oh rook d8 was an  excellent move very silly for me to miss that   at the same time at the same time what if  i just move my rook for instance like here and then ahmed will take and then  i will take and i'm down material but there's no way i lose that game right so first  of all rook f1 there's also rook d2 first of all   first of all also just going for mate so maybe  i have to play rook c1 which i like a little bit   less but the point is that i'm i'm sacrificing  a little bit of material but my opponent's   king is so bad that i have chances regardless  because of how bad their position is but this   is a big decision it's a big decision i can't i  can't just i can't rush it i have to calculate i have to calculate this but i don't see anything  else the problem is if i play something like 92   what's gonna happen is take take take and  i'm hanging here so i'm thinking rook c1   i'm thinking gotta play rook c1 take on c7 and  the count is that i have a bishop in one pawn   i have a bishop and one pawn rook f1 here would  blunder queen to d1 backrank checkmate which is   brutal uh maybe finish our development with knight  e2 i want to go knight f4 queen d6 yep queen d6   of course wanting to trade we don't want  to trade because we're down material   queen b7 there is this queen a6 i  don't think i'm losing anything on that i don't think i might be definitely queen  traders last resort so we're gonna go here here   here queen e5 okay no queen e5 which  makes me think i should play knight to f4   and try to go knight to e6 yeah but  ahmed is beating me here ahmed is winning hmm rookie eight if i play bishop  to g2 uh bishop to g2 there's a   very cruel defense but i'm still gonna play it  it looks like i'm i'm getting something here what i don't oh there is a mate oh there is a mate oh my gosh i can't take i gotta go here wait  did the bot have that on the l no way oh my goodness rugby won and  if i take it's the same thing well i have to change the title here i'm gonna keep  this that was an amazing game it's not beating   more bots it's playing more bots aren't you glad  you watched 35 minutes into this if i take with   this there is check and then the rook comes in on  the back rank oh my gosh i'm gonna let it do it   well i actually didn't have a choice i'm not  i'm not really acting oh my god rookie one we can play again but i'm afraid the outcome will  be the same all right ahmed okay okay fair enough   let's analyze that that was a wild wild game  oh the overlay is terrible ew it looks so bad   it looks so terrible ew i'm not gonna no  i'm not gonna subject you guys to that   okay so it was a completely fine game and  then the bot struck with the move queen to e4   and you know what's crazy you guys you guys were  seeing i saw this but i thought that after queen   b7 i was creating sufficient threats but then came  rook d8 and this is i guess where i messed up i   went for this and my logic was i have a bishop and  a pawn for a rook and my opponent's king is very   weak but notice what the bot did it brought back  its queen and immediately went for a queen trade   of my most active piece when i declined it kicked  my piece out and then the second it could move   its king it got its king out it brought its rook  out and detonated a nasty shot like this that's   really instructive and i don't care if i lose  because there's still so much to learn here um   i'm not gonna cut this out and always pretend like  i'm gonna win games so wow queen e4 and then the   nice idea rook to d8 if i took the rook there was  not night takes because then i win the queen but   there was bishop takes and somehow it all works  and i can't i can't draw arrows wow what a game   so what i mean definitely here i shouldn't have  done i shouldn't have done what i did i should   have played queen f3 that's probably what i  should have done queen f3 to create a threat   here finish my development and then it would have  been a much better game queen f3 92 and the what   you would learn from a game like this is i got too  aggressive and i miscalculated a forcing move for   my opponent i misevaluated a transformation from a  position or i just missed how strong queen e4 was   and my opponent used the danger levels concept so   wow that was a lot of fun very fun game i'm  gonna get revenge on this bot in the next episode
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Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, nelson bot, bots, chesscom bots, staunton gambit chess, staunton gambit, dutch defense, intermediate chess lesson, chess bots, hikaru bot speedrun, hikaru bots, chess lesson for intermediate, chess lesson for beginners, beginner chess openings
Id: -ZVbDR3sRRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 55sec (2275 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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