Horrible. (GTE 39)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite series on the internet guess the elo over the past year of recording these episodes many of you have laughed cried and everything in between over the five games that you see on your screen but this episode had two games that were so absurd and filled with horrible mistakes that i featured them individually in their own videos i hope you enjoyed today's episode i hope it brings out many many emotions in all of you and before we jump into the games i'd like to thank the sponsor of today's video nobody see youtube doesn't know this but before we recorded today's episode of guess the elo i lost like 90 of my blitz games you don't know that because you watch over there unless you're a double agent you watch here and on youtube but so today since i'm playing so poorly i'd like to watch my subs play their game so we have a karo khan advance variation and now my favorite variation c5 hashtag gotham caro con course hashtag probably other courses that recommend it gotham chess.com bishop e3 okay this is an absolutely horrible move white should not be strengthening the center with a bishop that doesn't make any sense because just take and then play knight c6 and then you you know you put the pawn here this is not how you try to stabilize the center now that actually didn't happen it turns out that black plays b6 which is just an absolutely terrible decision like you know one of my first lessons like a minute into the karaoke is you play c5 in order to put pressure like this you do not care if they take the c pawn why did you just now decide to defend it you weren't defending it here how does this even make sense okay fine and white doesn't take anyway white goes back to re-strengthening the position knight c6 okay knight f3 bishop okay see this is why you need this here because bishop b5 is so much more powerful now um wow aggressive and yeah completely lost now bishop b5 wins for white it wins because black doesn't have enough material and and defenses for this uh white to play hold on why to play and win why to play and win how does white apply more pressure white does something called a clearance sacrifice e6 to play knight e5 e6 knight e5 very nice moment you might say what about f6 actually f6 is a little bit of resistance but it's still plus six so you know your position's terrible but of course that doesn't happen because these players are probably rated like 700 800. e6 okay great oh now black is almost better hey we're gonna have a fun time this is gonna be this is gonna be a good episode i'm very this is gonna be a good one okay knight d2 okay take e5 free pawn okay we took the knight i mean e5 free pawn black has not made so so far black has played 12 moves i would have played none of black's moves uh after if after the after the first three okay good that's the first move i agree with what is this it's like i mean it's like white is being held at gunpoint or something and just playing chess i mean white house what is queen c1 i mean this literally makes no sense why your queen has been given the powers of the chess gods to travel long diagonals and you slide it over like a king the king is the most beta piece doesn't make any sense knight c6 knight f3 okay so yeah judging by how quick black is to capture literally anything that they can probably like 700 f5 oh my god f5 now do you think white remembered on passant no chance right oh man they get a hundred points for even remembering that move that's a terrible move it's a horrible move just knight e6 here wins a pawn but okay takes queen e7 pin yes oh oh good move yes taking everything nice rook end game by 800's everybody's favorite subject i predicted by the end of this we're going to see like three queen promotions four blundered rooks they have a chance to prove me wrong but okay okay there we go beautiful yes why not just clean pawn blunder i mean like yeah you got six of them just hang one no problem well i mean you know in the rook end game you should probably double up your rogues you know just make sure you don't hang anything ah just give a point away whatever and now black is completely winning because black will create connected past pawns e and f together walk the king walk the rook's game over takes takes rookie one oh my god incredible okay so it's probably like minus five yeah it's minus five because this is how the game ends king f6 king e5 push oops push push king up push push king up push that's it and the king is cut off the game is over it's not minus three if you let stockfish run here it's going to show you how it's completely lost actually the game is over okay push the pawn no of course yeah i mean listen when your rook gets to the other side of the board it also can become a queen right push the pawns push the pawns like they become queens so push them there's e3 f4 you don't need to think here okay the king also doesn't become a queen if the king makes it to the final rank i mean it's 20 22 but no push the pawns jeez louise okay take h3 that was your whole point yes nice uh-huh uh-huh there we go okay now we're going yes yes i was joking you're it doesn't okay okay okay so that was actually a shockingly normal end game um that was a shockingly normal end game like i i i i'm actually completely flabbergasted by by how well that was played uh but judging from the opening uh i am going to say yeah i mean bishop e3 not good you have to take d4 you have to understand like what you're playing here there's no need to defend the pawn that you already were gonna give away i'm gonna say between seven and eight hundred that's what i'm gonna say between seven eight hundred and if it's not that then i don't know i don't know anything about chess between seven and eight hundred is my prediction uh let's see thirteen hundred thirteen hundreds played this game what was it blitz it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if that was blitz it does not matter they were horrible they were absolutely terrible they were so bad i'm actually just gonna walk off this recording i am thr no this episode is done on episode one good night goodbye y'all are so bad goodbye i'm back youtube there's going to be an edit i just wanted to get a yogurt bowl i've never actually shown food on guess the elo why do i do that look at this little yogurt bowl here cashew yogurt hemp seeds blueberry strawberry uh wife made it a little energy boost in the middle of the guest the ela recording anyway let's go back to guess the elo wow those people were absolutely horrible crazy all right game two e4 d5 takes takes knight f3 oh proud owner of the e4 course this is what i recommend against the scandinavian defense on my e4 course d4 c4 normally people do this and then they can't play the c pawn um but uh this this and this uh is the plan right so you love my content i made you play chess again wow well hopefully i don't make you quit i mean chess is a brutal game wow black was so dedicated to the craft of the scandinavian black moved the queen out of danger even though there was no danger look at that amazing i mean the whole point is to move the queen out of danger it's not this does nothing in fact the queen is even more of a target now there should be two okay good you should have five okay so ah i think white is almost winning let's look at the eval yeah white is winning plus two if white just attacks the middle aggressively white is winning and this is generally common for the scandinavian like these pieces don't make sense white can get a very quick initiative uh i like rookie one and yeah now now it's time for d4 i would not be shocked if knight a3 is good too oh the point is that you want to play knight c4 or knight b5 and if bishop takes you destabilize this but no one's playing that d oh yo you g3 is so solid you have to go d4 i mean bishop b4 is like absurdly dumb i mean it does that's it's like uh like you already moved the bishop you understand like what's going through the human brain like you're thinking okay d3 that doesn't do anything okay uh you know i develop my bishops i gotta finish my development no black just goes rook ooga booga like what is black's thought process is black's thought process i'm just gonna lose my rook like i don't know i i just i i mean there are so many ways to stop bishop takes rook like this which i hope to god you didn't play in general if you're moving a bishop into an attack and it can just be parried by a pawn don't do it it it's now it's plus four for black i'll do bishop c5 more pawns are going to follow dude d4 knight e5 d4 b4 one of those most please yes fine b4 is better but wow knight takes e5 as the top engine move yeah b4 just wins a piece but okay this is good too thanks it's the ball morphy mate double check oh my god if you play bishop b if you had played this moved your king and rookie eight i would have 100 subs i would have given to 100 subs you didn't cause you you missed it but oh my god it's the paul morphy mate bishop b5 double check king d8 and rookie 8 mate oh my goodness double check in the middle of the game wow you guys remember the double rainbow meme that's what a double check meme is knight takes d4 nah bro did your opponent really play bishop takes b1 first of all you have the mate again but i mean you didn't find it once you won't find it now look at you look at you all professional i'm not gonna take back why would i take back you know i have discovered check and then i take usually try to like show your opponent you know you could have done it in a more fancy way this is how you set traps in chest you go oh no my rook check and you win the queen right you checking you in the queen but okay fine bishop d3 nice nice castles okay so it's probably still about plus five plus six yeah it's plus six um b4 is winning but even if you don't find that queen d3 huge attack on the king side you play okay fine okay now what uh-huh yeah so you're still winning but you're messing this up because let's guess the elo it's not so easy to figure this out right queen h5 maybe bishop d4 okay that's a move has no threat wow not only does that not i mean this doesn't have a i mean it is just queen h6 you know it's um wow and you go from mate and two to oh they found it they found this move well at this point you might as well just go for the whole thing just go hang mate just you know sepuku done all right game is over for losing a mate in two position but okay rookie seven oh you actually blundered it oh my god you actually blundered it and they didn't see they didn't see oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god rook takes it's still made it's still made it's still made you know what you deserve this for putting your bishop on b1 okay you messed with biology all right you tried to reproduce a lizard and a dog i mean i don't know what to tell you you what does this bishop be one you bastardizing this the the the setup of chess all right what does this bishop b1 this is why you should have never put this here this bishop should be here okay it's a family guy reference you guys remember this no fam no you don't remember this the elephant and the penguin on the ship no family guy reference okay g3 now you're not getting mated but you are going to get your rook suffocated you deserve it what a move look at this covering oh my god oh my god okay beautiful now we actually have an end game very interesting position rogue d1 oh now you're losing your rook covers your back rank you bozo it can't cover both i mean i mean i'm in i mean what what the rook can just go back oh my god this is legit the worst game i've ever seen this is legit this is the worst game i've ever seen oh my god it's made again it's made again it's me again i can't breathe i can't breathe oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i can't breathe it's a draw it's such a queen i can't do this anymore oh okay in queen end games guys queen end games keep your king and queen off the same diagonal just please please oh god oh god oh god oh my god is white gonna win by mate white is totally winning by may right that's what's going to happen here black is like i don't want it to eight queens oh my god it's king f7 it's king f7 mate oh my god oh my god black is so absurd please just trade queens and push the just push the button oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my oh my oh my mom oh my god oh my god listen sometimes people get upset because oh my god games like this i mean listen i am not disrespecting whatever faith you are a part of i this game there's nothing else i can say this is legitimately nothing else i can say this is this is the this this is completely completely completely insane this is the most insane game i have ever seen i'm not joking ever you both hung mate seven times nine times i don't even know i don't even want to guess your rating honestly i don't even want to get i'm kind of scared to guess your rating okay let's go through the opening absurd play by black i'm thinking 900 to a thousand probably right it's got to be like 900 right like no what do you guys think no shop you know what i would say 900 to 1000. that's my guess i believe these people are between 900 and 1000 that's what i think all right high 700 high 700. shout out to javron hi 700. wow i might make this game into a separate video i honestly i i'm kind of sad that you submitted this game for guest the elo because this is th this game could have easily easily had its own video it would have had a million views i this was a rapid game okay i'm done yeah i'm not i'm done i'm good i go no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i'm gonna have some of my ball and then we will continue okay gotham sub playing e45 very nice principle central move okay so far no complaints so far no complaints good stuff here by black i mean now maybe c3 d4 okay white is going for fried liver even though black has the optimal setup to stop it this you don't go for fried liver when it's impossible to do yeah because of castles now this is just bad thank you redshift blue for the prime okay oh fish hook fishing pole boop and boop right that's okay that's actually very interesting okay this is just terrible i mean beautiful move by the way this is a straight out of the video called um uh stopping early queen attacks in chess so you just you come in you punish it you punish it you attack it yeah queen d1 and now just strike in the middle oppa oppa beautiful amazing but this is guess the elo so knight g4 yeah well no you're not nobody's playing b5 which is the top engine move knight g4 okay i don't know what we're doing but okay f3 yeah it's kind of a problem holy crap knight takes c2 check with what purpose why did you do this like think about your logic me go here they take migo here what what is the logic you attack rook and they move rook you lost horse your other horse trapped you know sometimes folks you gotta take the l sometimes you just gotta be like oh i got nothing i gotta go back take the l it's okay all right that's all i got to do so uh knight takes c2 check knight f2 hg okay so white still has absolutely everything you want white has just got d4 and queen h7 mate also opening up this white's got an amazing position what does black do queen d6 so now if i was white i would play d4 oh that happened it happened oh my god it happened d4 is a great move f5 okay the game is over just take the bishop white wins just take the bishop that's what happened the game is over queen c5 the game is over d6 what it's like mate i mean you lose every piece i don't understand the game is over what what what what are we even looking at here just what this should be six request seven i take everything i take your queen what i mean just just this right just bishop f7 yeah oh [Music] oh you are so lucky and yet it's still plus six okay even here it's still plus six because white is up a rook okay you could have been down everything so it's actually funny here it was better to play g6 but i mean that's never happening wow incredible so you you still win it back but it's okay okay uh-huh yeah great move okay this is black's best move of the game actually black's best move of this entire game would have been not playing it because the chess has been nothing short of awful but the second best move is b6 because you you when you're down material you have to counter attack on the king that's that's honestly the only way to go in chess you just got to counter attack the king so bishop a6 bringing the rook i love this oh and your opponent literally walks directly into a wall and loses the rook amazing amazing beautiful now you're not even losing great good job beautiful stuff knight c3 amazing yup now you're going to do some bad stuff right back to your opponent not wow knight beat look at how tricky this move is knight p5 is an incredibly tricky move if you take it's mate sorry if you take its promotion wow okay check yep uh-hum queen oh my god you won you won it's mate with the pawn oh my god you cut off the king you cut off all the king's oxygen incredible i love guess the elo i i is the best series look i'm sorry if you find it repetitive but this is just purely the best series i mean honestly this is just incredible stuff yeah white just didn't know what to do why was uh white white was like conor mcgregor okay white was a savage in the early stage of the game attacking ruthless power you know brutal but when unable to find the finish like in the nate diaz fight gassed out got counter punched and then just got tapped out what can you say wow yeah i mean this is kind of an important thing when you when you go from completely winning to just winning use your other pieces stop fighting with the pieces you have get the other pieces out and look at what your opponent wants to do the second you take your eye off your opponent's resources is when you get punished wow i have absolutely no idea um the opening was so gibberish the tactics were so scatterbrained but the ability to come back was also really good i'm gonna say like 100. i'm gonna say like 1100 11 like a low 1100 player 1573 versus 1613 what how does that even begin to make sense how does that even begin to no i don't understand at all i mean what is this opening how does white just have some garbage opening they play i don't get it i mean black played great knight g4 doesn't make a this doesn't make no come on this is a 1600 losing material like this and then and then the 1600 allows the attack i mean the whole point dude you didn't take the knight earlier because you were worried about the attack i mean it's just like such an impulsive game wow and then here i thought okay white got a couple of lucky moves you know blah blah blah that's crazy wow maybe drunk 1500 okay next game incredible and 1100 doesn't find the way to take back guys but even at the end i mean even the end like this whole thing like i'm gonna move my horsey it's gonna get taken and then and then and then i'm gonna make a queen oh he didn't do it you know it's like i i mean rook h8 is such a bad move for a 1560. wow okay anyway d4 e6 nice french defense exchange okay some scandinavian french all right queen d8 okay so it's a french scandinavian passive okay great play by white beautiful all the bishops out great a3 yup all right perfect so far so good best game thus far um a6 black is trying to play b5 okay queen in the middle i would bring the rook to the middle first before you choose where to put the queen rook is less flexible you know rook is gonna go to e1 okay so you don't know where the queen's gonna go yet so just move the rook over okay with b5 fine yeah move the rooks no finish moving the rooks okay d5 is not a bad move yeah more flexible i don't know what i said this is not a bad move you just trade everything so yeah at this level it's a lot of like oh if i push d5 they take i take they take i take they take i take good but you lost your advantage your advantage is the two bishops and more center space oh you have to right do this okay d5 fine big trade yes and your opponent allows you to walk right into the position [Music] oh so your opponent sees that the bishop can take this but not that the bishop can take this interesting interesting stuff bishop f6 what now you're gonna lose this pawn too okay white is playing actually very well maybe 12 1300 black is not playing that well take it okay rook g8 movie regis oh i see i see it's not so simple here uh oh yeah rookie one is unfindable what white played rookie one rookie one defends the knight i mean hits the knight it defends the bishop by attacking the knight wait i don't understand what about this now you can do this oh because there's no rook g8 because you attacked the knight see if you just do this immediately which is what i thought then there's takes takes rook g8 defend attack and black wins the bishop and black wins the game by putting the rook on e1 first you actually create this threat with rookie one wow wow wow i mean h6 is just wait what why can't you take on h6 now but no one's no one's gonna play this that's not human rook g4 is that the best move take that's it i mean just beautiful game jag pick up the pawn yes force the rook trade incredible beautiful stuff what this is gonna be like a 600. okay white played okay i wouldn't go bishop d2 like here there's no reason to play passive like play aggressive play bishop g5 uh but uh okay yeah i mean you could have a6 b5 is a bit weird um a6 b5 is like an intermediate trying to play but it's not that good because it just weakens the queen side it's not that good of an idea it's much better for black to just play b6 to not over commit the pawns it's just good not to like overextend your pawns like this where they could be targets but yeah rook d1 is not great it would have been better to play rook e1 um [Music] wow so white could have been anywhere from 1200 to 2000. no no twelve hundred to like seventeen or eighteen hundred black if black is near white's rating like if we're talking this is a group together fourteen hundred fifteen hundred however if there's a rating discrepancy white might be like eighteen hundred seventeen eighteen hundred although i don't think so because i don't think a seventeen eighteen hundred trades all the pieces they understand that their pieces are a bit better so i'm going to say about average rating about high 1400 low 1500 that's what i'm gonna say let's go we're about we're about to get such a shocker it's gonna be like a 900 who played this game thirteen hundred thirteen hundred that's actually very impressive i did not think that that was a thirteen hundred i i i i gave you some good props the you finding rook to e1 you finding rookie one oh sorry you guys can't see it i apologize i forgot to change them yeah rookie one was an incredible find yeah you got a brilliant move for it i mean i yeah i don't know what to say i mean rookie one is uh an incredible move yeah so either you're just very underrated or you cheated this game and you sent it in i'm hoping for the first one i mean rookie one is is it's you know everybody has a great game they play right 54 18 is a healthy sleep schedule changed my mind what what does that even mean i don't know whatever you're confusing anyway back to the main that was a great game hopefully you didn't cheat uh anytime you guys submit games with moves like rookie one i'm always like but then you know everybody accuses you of awake 54 hours sleep 18. oh no i i i always make jokes that that like i hope they don't cheat because everyone in chat when they see a nice game just accuses them of cheating because chad is awful chad is sitting there like eating their own boogers like i would have i'm 1500 now i wouldn't have played that move and then like they're actually 700. because that's the thing you don't actually have to tell the truth on twitch you could just say you're 1500 but you're 600. anyway final game of today's guess the elo a lot of fun recording this one um so uh yeah here we go here we go e4 c5 wait i didn't put who's who what am i doing gotham sub is white oops gotham sub random noob there we go okay i don't know what kind of a sicilian defense this is uh yeah in general i don't tell beginners to play sicilians because you're gonna do something like this you know it's like uh it's like like when i leave my dog downstairs not in his pen he eats my shoes you are eating shoes right now d4 yeah i wouldn't do d4 but okay d4 is fine i mean black play the reason you don't do this is because you don't want to put so many things on light squares you're just committing all your you're committing too much yeah now e5 is winning for white good you found it okay don't go g4 because then queen h4 check don't get excited well we are in for an incredible game queen h4 check king d2 knight takes f4 all right here we go queen f3 beautiful queen g5 i wouldn't i don't like this move i don't like this move i would play h4 in a heartbeat oh within queen e5 never mind i love this move great move no human being here plays knight db5 you probably played king d1 look at me look at me hands in the air like it's good to be alive and i'm a famous rapper people in the past are all crookedy handlebars flowbots anybody i i predicted it but yeah queen e5 okay opponent blunders knight back to e2 that's actually findable because you're like oh i'm under attack and i want to attack the pin piece pp on the pp okay danger levels okay take the bishop i mean take the knight okay don't fine i don't care let's guess the elo nice attack the queen that's what i would do here okay attack the queen nice check block okay you forgot about your knight being protected don't take the bishop because then i check you and win your queen good attack attack attack attack queen trade though problem okay bishop block don't put pieces in the line of sight of the opponent like this because they can just play moves like d5 okay idiotic move just queen takes bishop yes oh your rook is uh oh what nice queen c2 okay okay chilling queen yeah wow this is uh this is quite a game i think white wins this game why is it not the king d2 takes ah ah yeah yeah this is how you trap it this is how you trap it so sometimes when the queen yeah it's not like this because then the rook is not defended you have to move king d2 incredible but okay you're gonna lose all your pawns pog yep your opponent just gobbles everything and you're barely even worse black is up five pawns and you're barely even worse because you can play moves like queen e5 or queen c3 attack this queen attack this rook no development by black again swiss cheese position right all pawns on light squares so uh i would like play h6 and sack my queen look at this i would do something like this look how badass that is that is so cool and the pawn just goes that's never gonna happen but yeah you're obviously gonna take oh my god now white is winning for sure white is winning for sure good night it's 4am in india good night goodnight goodnight opinion on the antichrist uh this is let's just uh let's just watch this game this game is the antichrist um king e1 okay so you could have gone to the g file which wins apparently or e1 i don't know why this doesn't win computer thinks that when you move your queen in to create a mate you're gonna get checked you should have gone to g1 where there's no way to check you when you play queen d6 okay i mean that's yeah that's why this is a bad move but now uh okay you're threatening mate but again uh there's this stopping it good oh you savage you threaten mate while simultaneously hanging your own your bishop was the blockade out so it's made in one they don't that is embarrassing how do you find the move one move away from ending the game on the spot jesus sorry i've been summoning him a lot this video all right that's the draw check check check check black just decides to play b6 rook d7 oh my gosh oh my gosh apparently it's a draw after queen a3 king d2 queen a5 etc in a draw that's never gonna happen uh queen c5 check that's it no more checks well i mean there's queen g1 but then you move out of the way black resigns i i eight to nine hundred i don't even i don't i honestly i i died i died i died i died eight to nine hundred i don't even that's i i don't even i don't even know 10.99 [Music] oh my god 1100 by white and 1073 by black oh god oh oh boy yep well that's a good way to end this episode this episode had everything i'm gonna go back to eating my bowl
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 593,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, guess the elo, gothamchess guess the elo, guess the elo gothamchess
Id: -UyZeZAeXPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 40sec (2260 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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