Habitat ONLY Challenge Full Playthrough!! | 25x Crisis Strength | Stellaris 3.2

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greetings sir ansarette and welcome back to stellaris with mia lathrix and of course welcome to our last full playthrough before we get back into modded playthroughs because honestly this is something i really want to do and since the game is updated recently and apparently this is now a lot better to do i think now is the right time to do it before we get back into the mods themselves so today we're doing a full play through with the rule that i'm not allowed to step foot on any world that is to say i'm only allowed to have habitats perhaps not even allowing myself to have ring worlds a habitat only run which means we are going to probably have a hundred plus habitats by the end of the video honestly that is my goal that's a side quest to get 100 habitats but let's see if we can even survive doing this because the last time i tried to do this i ended up really disliking the experience but i now know that the trade value system is a lot better because of the tradition changes with merchandise and everything else and there's been a lot of quality of life changes habitats have changed since last time i've done this and honestly i think this is going to be a lot of fun and every time i go void dwellers normally i end up just basically becoming a normal empire with a few more habitats than usual i end up getting some kind of migration trees or end up rushing synths or something like that and then going on normal worlds and everything is all same me so today instead we're going with avoid dwellers with the rule again no planets habitats only i think this is going to be weirdly relaxing after a very quick test game i did yesterday i also feel like this is going to be one of those runs where i consider my victory condition simply surviving the endgame crisis and allowing it to eat everyone else so us staying in a very small pocket of territory since i think we're going to be playing very tall here and as long as i can survive in that territory forever i consider that a win rather than necessarily destroying the in-game crisis as is the normal victory condition so with that this is the empire we are going with the floating tride guild using one of the new aquatic portraits which honestly after playing a quick test run with i have really grown to adore these things there's something about this portrait it's so alien and so spicy which is a weird thing to say i really really like it i undervalued it when i first saw it but now maybe one of my favorites like top five at some point i'm gonna have to rank all of the appearances my god me doing a tier list that might happen in the future now the lore of this empire like all void dwellers they live on habitats above their world because the world itself has been torn asunder but unlike the usual void dwellers they were not the original creators of the habitat in fact they were simply moved there by some beneficial force perhaps a forerunner species perhaps one of the fallen empires it is simply lost to the ages because when that happened they were simply a primitive species they know not exactly why the world was destroyed but within the habitats themselves as they became more technologically advanced which i imagine would happen very quickly when living on an artificial habitat they learned from the very few data logs available that perhaps their species themselves were to blame perhaps something about this species could cause an end event where a world would eventually be destroyed perhaps this is a liar from the people who put them on the habitat perhaps they weren't so beneficial but they took this to heart and now they will never step foot on a world for fear they will destroy it completely believing in the kindness of the species who move them to the habitats they have became fanatic xenophiles and egalitarians resources were scarce on these habitats so they have become somewhat competitive however they are egalitarian through and through trying to share what they have to ensure the survival of their species and hopefully as they continue they will thrive in this new galaxy so basically they've been fed propaganda that they themselves are world killers perhaps they were that or perhaps that's a complete lie but either way they will take that to heart so no worlds for this species only habitats and most likely as time goes on they realize perhaps they were lied to they'll become a bit more isolationist i was actually super tempted to do a isolationist run with this because we're gonna need so little spice but i do really want to go with a trade value build because apparently it's so much more powerful now especially being able to get so many merchants on habitats with every single district giving you a merchant and then every single one of your commercial i forgot it's like oh it's called the building which gives you clerks can also now give you merchants if you go down the right tradition tree it's very very powerful so fanatic xenophiles is what we're going with we're also going with free trade it's because we love everyone and mastercraft inc now this one i'm not sure of because as soon as we get a federation which i'm rushing we won't really need to make our own consumer goods but i think this will make life a lot easier in the early game plus it's one of my favorite civics now with our species we are thrifty intelligent and nomadic and we are void dwellers nomadic because we are going to have so many habitats i think will be useful since we're going to have a lot of immigration but we might have migration treaters as well perhaps going into zeno compatibility so i think for once this might be a really good trait i'm not too sure i don't normally particularly like nomadic but we will see we are also of course void dwellers which comes with the origin giving us extra output on habitats but making sure we don't ever go on a world although we also get minus 10 population growth which is pretty brutal and because we are egalitarians it means we are going to go with utopian abundance so again nomadic maybe not the best since unemployment's fine on planets but we will see we are also fleeting because i just kind of think that works with this kind of species who have survived living a primitive life on such a confined space don't know why i just think it fits again really love this by the way the portrait just everytime i look at them i think this fits this particular empire really well since it does already look like they're sort of floating in a zero g environment which i really really like obviously they're meant to be in water but i think it works and our home world is salvation funnily enough this is actually the second time doing this intro because originally i was going to go pacifist rather than egalitarian and really play off the whole perhaps we are destroyer of worlds and we will turn our back against that but i think the extra influence gain we're going to get from egalitarian along with utopian abundance is just going to make this whole experience a lot more fun and that is pretty much it of course we're going with the aquatic designs again and we are going to probably rush becoming emperor or at least custodian to get loads of influence so let's go and so with all that in place we begin our ascendancy to become emperor hey everyone futurelathrix here as is tradition with these full playthroughs first of all i just want to say that this full playthrough was probably the most relaxing full play-through i have ever recorded there was something to do with just managing over a hundred habitats but also not really moving out of your space and just focusing on that and nothing else that was kind of zen in its own sort of monotonous but really enjoyable way so much so that we ended up making probably the longest full playthrough in terms of sheer years played within the game i was gonna stop several times then just kind of carried on so this week has just been incredibly zen because of habitats but as usual i am here as well to chill for the video these full playthroughs take a very long time to record with over 50 hours of footage in this case and it takes a long time to edit them down and it is also poison for the youtube algorithm so if you do enjoy these videos then likes and comments all that interaction really does help out so so much and allows me to make these videos which is the style which i absolutely adore to record and edit and everything else and hopefully i will be doing full playthroughs of other games fairly soon as much as i do love stellaris i am also thinking about extending my horizons so if you would like to see that again comments and likes help out a lot expanding my horizons i've been recording for a week i'm very tired now back to pasalathrix and the relaxation of habitat management and so we begin next to the galactic core so then how are we going to start this ultimately i think this will become a very very chill run after this little starting section because what we're going to need is to quickly map out where our choke points are going to be because we're going to have quite a small amount of space because of how we're playing this we're going to play incredibly tall because we just don't really need much space at all to put down loads and loads of habitats i suppose in the way then we're kind of playing wide because of just how many different colonies will have but either way we don't need much space it's all about mapping out what we already have and i'm also going to try and rush as fast as possible into a decent bit of unity the reason is once we have the mercantile merchant tile which everyone's actually called the tradition we can then start turning our trade value into both energy and consumer goods or energy and unity either of which will be fantastic for us then once we form a federation with someone it will be both consumer goods and unity in addition to energy whoa that's a lot of energy very strong start lovely okay yeah i just wanna get everything started as soon as possible now here's a building i don't normally build even if i am playing um i tried value empire but here we go just for now put down the corporate culture cycle has been refitted and let's start getting everything sorted adaptive economic policies by adapting a more flexible approach to economic affairs we will be able to recalibrate our economy to anticipate every eventuality so with that we then have marketplace of ideas so we are now gaining a lovely chunk of unity so we can rush a lot of the stuff we want which is great and honestly this is just a really strong tradition tree now having our clucks give one extra trade value each which is then affected by all the different modifiers and of course having merchants from our commercial zones we're gonna have some really profitable habitats later on and for now we're still having a good level of economy even though we're siphoning it off for unity so it's all well and good okay so to begin with i will be starting to grab systems before trying to force more habitats just to make sure we do have choke points chosen probably there we'll find out soon enough i will create some more science chips audrey over 100 unity now uh one thing i didn't even consider is that this here the commercial enterprise also affects trade districts you know which our habitats have so we have a lot of merchants now and merchants produce a lot of trade value so we have just absolutely tons of trade value which means we have tons of unity which is lovely because we're rushing through everything so yeah prosperity is next for some more stability and resources from jobs just nice nice and greedy so we can start putting down all the habitats and then the next one after that will be either discovery or diplomacy depending on if we can find someone first just making sure we have all these basic systems though right now so all that influence is going towards this rather than making more habitats then we're gonna just completely stop growing really this will be it and then habitats habitat some more you guessed it habitats and maybe some cake okay we have our factions being egalitarian we really really want to please them so the first group the actual eagle italian group is how can you have 75 approval when i've gate i've gave you everything you want some people just can't be happy then we have the xenophiles which are at sixty percent indirect zeneology and new contact well that's gonna happen soon but indirect we can do that straight away so passive study that'll bring you to 75 there we go lovely i'm surprised that this isn't more skewed honestly 60 40. oh well still well good so that's now giving us almost five influence a month lovely because that's been really holding us back greetings lovely so we got very lucky here they absolutely adore us and getting them into our federation is going to be incredibly easy they have a vassal here straight away it looks like they made their own vassal like straight away i don't quite know no 25 pubs what did you do there unless that was a primitive civilization maybe that was a primitive civilization they uplifted very difficult to say either way for some reason they've split but they both like us so getting them into a federation should be nice and easy uh don't know what's going on over there these though apparently are hostile so yeah what i need to do is get my construction ship to give us these two systems then all of this is ours i didn't quite go as far that way as i wanted but that's fine and then over here as long as we have this system we're fine so it pretty much good to go now all this is being protected by the fallen empire so this should be enough space this should in theory be enough space now even a black hole which is important because we do need the mata decompressor later because minerals might become a bit of a problem maybe okay yeah i've definitely decided to go with these because i didn't realize these fellas over here the militarists are also regular materialist so it's more likely these two will get to like each other than the spiritualists and we want the trade league there we are they wish to speak with us nice and quickly we are in federation i definitely have had federations faster than that but this was a very decent speed regardless so the main reason for this federation um thank you for putting your envoys in as well the main reason for this federation is now we have the trade policy trade league which is energy unity and consumer goods so with that we now need to get rid of mastercraft inc honestly i thought that would be better than it was for this it was good because it's such a lovely job look at that they're producing almost two engineering research almost 11 consumer goods and 2.5 just regular trade value that's a really powerful job and it has made this start incredibly easy but was it really needed i think if we didn't find a federation member this quickly it would have been really instrumental but because we got very lucky in that we're in this cluster it didn't really pan out that way we have 114 consumer goods a month well then that's kind of absurd a system has been charged that's a lot of energy which means we can have loads of alloys um yeah that's it then now we just white and try and get more influence as we go we need to become the custodian to max that out 100 approval currently from the xenophiles fantastic we should have more of them we now have two habitats on the way soon their tentacle glory will be all over these systems which is a weird thing to say just need more influence so we'll get some more influence by going down the route of domination in the tradition trees then we'll get more influence via some of the tech we should have a decent chunk by the end and i am really glad i ended up going ignitarian just that extra little bit of influence from these two is lovely the one time we get a decent sized relic world for the rubricator is the one time i can't land on it well at least we have it so it looks cool yeah oh okay about to be able to make our next habitat new technology discovered doesn't really matter where these go they're gonna go on every single one of these worlds eventually but i am focusing on the mineral ones for now so we can get those lovely mineral deposits although i did see someone say apparently you can now do a decision to like add mining and other things to the habitats which don't have the extra one okay this one doesn't have one i'm sure someone said you could but i don't know how maybe you need a certain tech for it we do have the ascension voidborn that's mostly for the extra um building slots since i don't think you can get all of the building slots of habitats so any extra is very welcome yeah first of the new habitats though is now inhabited again i am super happy i ended up going egalitarian rather than pacifist because of that extra influence is so useful because it is the thing mostly holding us back i'm currently producing almost no alloys because i am going into machines quite a bit i got droid tech weirdly early so we're making droids so they can do all the jobs now it might not be a great idea because you know populations and stuff but the thing is we are under utopian abundance so overcrowding isn't as bad as it might otherwise be because unemployed floaty fellas will give us unity and science there really hasn't been all that much to talk about it's now 38 years in and i have completely used up every world on the first system i think yeah i can't put down a habitat anywhere so we move on to the next and we'll just keep on going less until every last one of our systems in this lovely tiny little empire has is completely coated in habitats also i did end up going with nutritional planitude maybe that was a mistake i need to start growing a lot more food well that's a little bit faster than i expected this system is completely taken up already this is a very small system attached to our home system and that now will have three habitats on not much else really has changed over the last few years just now i have upgraded my species because we have gone down the route of genetic engineering i don't really know if this is the best choice here i i would like the psychic one and the machine on would always be very powerful but i do like this species kind of staying as it is for now and the species is now simply rapid breeders now it has more space and a lot more world to choose from i'll have to have to choose from i think it only makes sense that the population growth will increase dramatically so i finally updated our civics and honestly there's less choice than i thought because of how we're set up with our ethics and everything there wasn't many good choices but we just had to get rid of mastercraft inc because i think i have like two of these jobs now because we're generating so many consumer goods and that's only going to continue as we get more and more trade habitats as the game goes on so yeah i've changed that we now have public relations specialists giving us extra diplomatic weight and extra invoice for even more diplomatic ways and we have media conglomerates giving us extra happiness i was tempted by brand loyalty and that's kind of it at the moment none of these are particularly useful to us i mean extra leader experience is nice but not really that powerful the living state okay so it's actually the main thing i really wanted here for two reasons first of all you get more influence that's pretty fantastic but then also this is going to be really good with our empire because we have almost all of our worlds all of our habitats in single systems just all cramped into very few systems having that on our starbucks is above giving plus five stability to everything is actually quite a lot for very little so that's really good that is insanely useful so i'm gonna prep the starbases because soon we're gonna need that okay so we just reached rank three of our federation which means now we can do the most important thing which will be changing our vote weight to diplomatic this means whoever is the strongest will essentially have control because diplomacy is fantastic oh come on or even get there are you really going to stay at zero okay not quite a hundred come on now will you allow this yes you will fantastic to have to buy any more favors so what that's essentially done is now yeah vote white is equal meaning that everyone would have a one-part vote diplomatic means your vote completely depends on your diplomatic white and then you put your weight towards that and obviously that's what we want because then any other challenge we make will be us leading everyone else although our economy no our economy is already a lot stronger but also our diplomatic white is stronger and we can improve that by sending the envoys back over here so right now we are by far the strongest number three and soon we will be able to completely overrule them both i'd probably do that already since you're so weak yeah but still that's the whole point so we continue onwards with our nice relaxing play through matherix is back in charge but lathrix is a benevolent ruler so everyone gets a nice tried value and a monthly energy credits bonus for a while and i gain full control of our trading guild so the moment that doesn't really give us two oh no it does already give us the influence i thought it was next fantastic and then after that level four the president gets just like the bulk diplomatic white increase so yeah so we have an extra envoy extra influence then extra diplomatic why ways all the other bonuses go towards everyone who just plus 10 tried value and of course we do get stronger together extra damage versus the end game crisis i've also now now opened up three migrations i'm hoping let's see at least what there we go because i'm going to get xeno compatibility and since we're going down the genetic route this means we're going to make some really powerful species which is good so good news bad news good news we might get our custodianship a bit faster bad news it's because the great khan is here we are not yet ready for this this is incredibly early only 10 years after it can spawn i'm gonna have to now spend all my alloys trying to defend this system thankfully there are no wormholes in our territory or el gates nearby uh yes okay there's nothing over there that's not open yet obviously so that's not a big deal quite a wormhole the closest wormhole is over here so we're gonna have two points to defend at most i'm hoping only one and i think we can make it work i think i can act as a blocker for the great khan the progenitors over here the fallen empire will also block them so they can't get around to attack out of federation members nope nope yes they can darn it i really didn't see that system i was blind that one system well we'll see as we go well the horde is destroying the militarists who are putting up no fight because their ai apparently really wants their fleets to sit right here this is where they sit this is where they're at home they are here and this is where they stay not you know where they're being attacked at one point the great khan actually destroyed the subspace ruptures over here it still says they're there but they're not and lost most of its health their fleets were nearby and they ignored them and then they wanted to join our federation so we allowed them just so i can see fully what's going on i had to have a science ship over there which no longer is there um there's not really much else to say that is attacking everything nearby they're not really doing too much this fleet's kind of just been sitting there oh because it's not the great khan now that would explain that so we've had plenty of time i'm now putting battleships into the federation fleet i'm grading the station and i've gone more towards alloys rather than research so actually we are we are able to make quite a bit i'm actually making a new habitat again after quite a while i'm also on the galactic council now so now i have to wait until i can do this in a hundred sorry one thousand eight hundred dollars i was being optimistic then so you might be wondering why am i not really going for anything why am i not really attacking the horde except for maybe sending out a scout right now just see what's going on the reason is we could be putting more alloys now towards our fleet but we need the horde to be here for quite a while only while the horde's up are people going to accept this are going to accept me becoming the custodian then after that only if the horde is up will people accept me extending the term limit indefinitely oh here's where the horde is okay so i've jumped so that's kind of ooh the thought process there we need them up for quite some time and now i don't really want to go emperor because becoming emperor means we'll end up losing our federation which means we lose that lovely trade federation um policy here trade league but i do need unlimited time as custodian and custodian itself both of which the galaxy is ultimately fairly against i was hoping the whole take point thing would work without federation fleet but apparently not maybe destroying these will get them finally moving colony because honestly they could easily fight back against quite a few of their fleets initiating invasive maneuvers no they're not following along memories because they're not a true war the great khan has perished that's actually surprisingly quick and this numbers from my random events so yeah the horde man should take all of this but they've been a little bit passive actually climbing new space just kind of patrolling their space they have they did start moving towards my bastion here but then i he put the federation fleet there as well and i just kind of sat there now like ha ha just you wait until you move my kind of goal honestly was just defend these two federation members because we only just grabbed those because they were desperate and it's kind of just happened that way there's a pirate fleet there but not the calm so i'm hoping now is that they'll break up oh no it's not no no no it's not um no no that's actually really bad we haven't got term limit extend oh no uh is anyone is anyone currently building habitat problem is they're gonna their support will change when the khan is gone so it doesn't matter if i force it through now by stopping the habitats that was just way too fast so i've got until my term is over to get an overwhelming majority to vote for me now thankfully some of the empires died in this at least died earlier it's actually quite a small galactic community i know it's just a small galaxy uh the medium galaxy suppose so i could do is trying to get fivers with the other council members then use my influence there yeah i don't think i'll force it through so i'm going to continue on and that'll be that really yeah it was in fact the horde splinters so now we are safe there are now going to be multiple new true empires which are fnatic military xenophobe is that what they always are yeah so we have the true horde over here then we have these successors i don't know what you are uh is anything else of them just those two there's the successors those the true horde again maybe that's it the horde and both of them over here okay so it's just two new empires i'm just going to ignore them then do you want to rejoin the federation sure another thing to mention is that clone vats of course can be used to breed specific ones so now we have the perfect half species here all of the worlds could have the clone vats to produce those now the issue then arises am i going to get enough jobs to keep up with that population growth and that's going to cost so much food it's going to really hurt our economy but if we can keep up then this means we're going to snowball incredibly quickly after this point and i'm going to go a bit crazy with it so all five of those are gonna have clone vats start producing the perfect species if only we had a psychic species in our empire as well like the rackets trying to get the perfect racket son you'd have all the genetic stuff and psychic and void dweller that would be amazing we now have plus 17 influence a month since we have just activated will to power and of course we are still the custodian although i still haven't extended my term limit so i don't know if i'm gonna be able to do that but we're gonna try our best our diplomatic white is now not you you so 24k now about it 25 gonna need a lot of favors for this the problem is also some other people favors so it's gonna be difficult actually do i own your favors okay actually not too bad only one there how about you you owe favors to me already so haven't me how do i check who owe favors to i don't know if there's an easy way to do it because they will use those against me that's a thing fantastic i mean oh no the great tempest is here it's a terrible tragedy for the galaxy in no way does this benefit my political career so yeah now they're all on my side here so i'm just gonna save them to get this into the proposal queue and then i can just wait again i do have a stronger fleet now to deal with these shoals so i am going to go and uh help out our federation member the rest of the galaxy can um i'm sure they'll be fine [Music] that went a lot better than expected honestly okay get back over there let's just take out the ones in the el gate and then we'll just sit there and that's pretty much the crisis over though we won't tell all the lovely people here now will we after all we are their guardian we are protecting them we're doing all the things which you'd expect us to do now i am saving up a little bit of influence since now i can start building mega structures i at least want the science nexus um then i am tempted to grab galactic wonders i don't think i'm going to allow myself to make ring worlds it would be great for me but i'm going to go completely habitat now i've got to this point we may as well go with that kind of ruling um but yeah so we could go master builders into galactic wonders that would at least allow us to have the mata decompressor and the dyson sphere should help out a lot but for now definitely going with master builders which will also help out with our many many many many habitats we currently have 44 which are inhabited still want to get to 100 by the end of video at minimum kind of wishing i was using a uh a outliner mod right now like tiny um is it called tiny outliner the one i used to use well either way i wanted it to be the last truly vanilla run and after this we will be using mods anyway there are a few mods i want to test out on any mods which you would like to suggest feel free to this has been a really relaxing run there's just been so little subtle stress everything i've done is just been nice and straightforward mostly just staying in our own little area just making sure everything's working away just keeping to ourselves because we can't have planets really conquering other systems and other empires really doesn't matter to us at all now we could have done um i was thinking about upstairs a moment ago is it could have gone into nihilistic acquisition oh wait no i can't because i'm xenophile never mind ignore that as i'd say though uh perhaps if we weren't a completely different style everyone we could have stole people for our habitats but yeah yeah it turns out i couldn't have even done that so it's absolutely fine as we've just reached our 50th habitat we are now also just about to become the permanent custodian of this backwards little galaxy there we are so now we're forever the custodian which means we're forever going to have all that lovely lovely influence which is great for us because well we still have 50 more habitats to go if i used to put another system wow yeah i've just moved over to that system over there i'm also starting to build a science nexus i'm on the first phase of it right now so i have a tiny little research bonus yeah it's gonna be really awkward uh actually you know what other fella who's moving over there yeah just grab that system instead we'll pop down the stuff there did someone grab one of my systems technocracy that was naughty i need my systems i'll still be fine though i haven't put down any habitats here i've got all this chunk over here which is i guess too expensive them to grab and i have all this chunk here and here and we still haven't put down any eye here either okay yeah we should be okay plus the good thing all the habitats is we're gonna make it very difficult for anyone to get through our borders because i'll probably just put down a load of um fortune sabotage in those three systems our three choke points i guess technically this should be a choke point as well i'm just thinking for when the end game crisis arrives i don't know if i'm going to be completely ready i'm not going more towards tech i've just hit 10k so that's actually pretty good but we're not super powerful we are scaling it very quickly though now that we have all those clone vats and everything else we are scouting very quickly we also have 8.6 k tried value right now which is paying for all our food our minerals everything else although they are a minus now i am buying like 500 of each every month actually i think about a thousand food okay the science nexus is finally being upgraded to its final stage i think it might be a little bit light for galactic one does that at the same time all i really want is the mata decompressor because we are using up a lot of minerals and even with a few of our stations being mining stations it's just yeah it's just nowhere near enough though to be fair a lot of them look like this right now with too many specialists since we rushed all the buildings so it's a bit hard to say what i'm meant to do next i'm still of course just rushing as many habitats as possible a lot more we could be doing but all of our resources is going directly into habitats so now we do have 65 of them a home system is completely saturated this one is almost now saturated all of these are already we are going to hit the the 100 hopefully before the end game crisis spawns but likely bef uh yeah likely after the end game officially starts in 2350 so 23 years to go until the end game crisis or at least the end game begins and our ally has claimed the l gate for themselves and is capable of defending it apparently which is lovely our main fleet is heading towards 200k not exactly super strong but at least it shows how our repeatables are starting especially since half of this federation fleet is just random designs from before so that's okay and yeah the tech's going well everything is super relaxing one more of the systems is now completely saturated and we're moving on to the next already we are at 77 habitats all in one sector it's been so fun micromanaging them though honestly hasn't been that bad because there's been so little else to focus on it's just been really remarkably chill well it's a little bit light but we are now building a mata decompressor and now we have all of our final choke points so we have this one over here we have the actual black hole itself we have this one here since i'm not going to be really building anything in this bit of territory here or here we have this one here and finally the one over there it's actually not all that many and athlete power is terrible we've got to be honest completely honest there is terrible i am really hoping that the end game crisis gives us a few more years um if it spawns in straight away i'm not particularly hopeful here but that being said my alloys are now starting to look decent so i could start focusing a bit more on the fleet itself along with the repeatables we're actually in yeah we're in an okay position but not a particularly super strong one this is definitely a mediocre level of power for this light in the game i don't know if i want to say i'm confident or not on the upside we are now on 88 of our lovely habitats and we have so two there and yeah okay so we have two already ready and at least one more being made so i think we are guaranteed to get the the hundred at least before the end game crisis shows its face our species are looking fantastic and now cybernetic has even managed to work its way in which is great now sadly you can't genetically give cybernetic to the species if they don't already have cybernetic i tried it just as that horrible noise and we simply can't do anything about it but a lot of our half species now are looking fantastic because remember the half species getting extra trait points and an extra trait pick so this is kind of how they're looking we have thrifty charismatic natural physicists which is kind of where i'm going right now a lot of energy weapon damages what i'm currently stacking we have the biggest brains and we are fertile so we have lots and lots of them so that is going to be uh why can't i give something oh because some of them have cybernetics so i can't do that it's fine if you then we have so many different human species here the humans really get around that's uh what i'll say in this galaxy here we have loads of different species but yeah every time one of the species gets to a decent number i then convert it to the perfect version of itself just really happy that it turns out these have become the dominant force within our empire the galactic defense force has been founded the galaxy will become a safer place i've never had this event actually worked before so this is the event where one of your uh people will kind of vanish after everyone blacks out in a room in the science nexus only for the next day the person to come back essentially it seems like he can travel through time or do something like if you read the full events and it gives spark of genius i will just give him an eye i know it gives one of these two i've got exactly what he was before but yeah that's a good leader hostile fleets construction online i think it's about time to finally remove the grey tampers threat mostly because we are now so powerful that no one can really outvote us so we are now actually going to save everyone well done everyone there you go we are the tempest savior plus a few of the great tempers were getting through and attacking how did the covenant grab yeah i trusted my allies to keep the el gates and that was a terrible idea okay so some of the habitats now are going to be our fortress habitats these of course are only going along our borders these will just make it far harder for enemies to get through very easily because the endgame crisis is now just around the corner and honestly i'm only partially prepared if i didn't have defender of the galaxy i'd say oh i wouldn't be prepared at all to be perfectly honest i've definitely seen wise i could have done this entire run better but it's been super fun learning that kind of stuff since i normally don't go with look how big these things are and normally i don't go with um with habitat spam i used to a very long time ago many many versions of the game ago but since then it's just not really been a thing i've found particularly fun so it's been really enjoyable only doing that and just look at how many habitats we have in fact how many do we have now so you have 99 in this sector and we have three there but uh one two three four of them are still being colonized so i don't count it as us reaching 100 yet though we do have 100 habitats currently either being colonized or colonized it's not 100 fully colonized and now our trade value is sitting at 21 000 and we're getting way more energy now since we're no longer having to buy minerals with the second stage of the amateur decompressor just about to be finished in fact this is the only um choke point we have which isn't being protected via fortress habitats but the thing is the next choke point is actually shared with this one because it goes all the way around and down and here and these are going to be fortresses so here's the stats of a fortress station stronghold build speed is increased orbital bombardment damages reduce that's honestly the main one and defense army damage is increased most of the in-game crisis it's really the bombardment which isn't the biggest worry so it's just spam strongholds and then a planetary shield generator okay so right now still no sign of the in-game crisis i mean it's only one year but still we do now have the full 100 habitats i'm very happy to say that yep we have achieved our goal which is lovely and my god the micromanagement of this is a nightmare a lot of the world you'll see which are basically finished like this i am just leaving and the population moves to the new habitat so new habitats are getting full really fast now in fact at some point i am going to reach this weird kind of point where the habitats being built i'm not building fast enough for the population it's gonna be a nightmare but it's fine remember our unemployed populations still produce resources except for the robots so you're the only one huh yeah that's the only species which isn't under utopian abundance well now it is yes so like i was saying there we go any of our species which are unemployed will still produce resources so it's fine it's not too big of a deal really the biggest problem is more housing and i think the problem there is i've gone too much into trade districts and not enough into habitation districts now thankfully i do have a lot of these lovely habitats which aren't yet fully upgraded that's like one of the last things to do is very expensive for very few districts but it is something i can do in addition to building so it's going to be a while before it becomes a serious problem and then population growth will just kind of naturally stop because of overcrowding so it's not too much of an issue but yeah a bit of a stability problem at some point that's going to tip over to the fact that i can't build more things faster than they're naturally growing so a bit of an issue now back to the point i was gonna make originally which is this we currently have two fleets over 400k we have a over 100k fleet here and then a almost 200k fleet here so combined that should be able to take out any fleet of any end game crisis as long as they're not stacked up plus we do have advantages if we're in a system with our citadel like extra fire right extra weapon range so right now we should be able to hold out long enough to become strong enough to fight back that's the point of trying to make i think i have successfully done that and i'm honestly tempted just to go you know what all these other galaxies always are the empires you with your worlds you can be left at the end game crisis i have this blob it's my blob it's precious to me oh i haven't seen this event in so long the guardians of the galaxy so to sum this up these fellows realized some kind of crisis happened and now they've awoken because of them the thing is that's already kind of over um i've never seen it so light either normally during the event i assume from the grey tempest or maybe from the great khan well if they go to war with us we will obliterate them at this point um i i'll just make sure to continue to build up my fleet as i main priority my ships already kind of counter these guys as well because they're really good with their shields um and i completely ignore shields with all of my fleets i've got archimedes and i've got strike craft as the main weapons the archimedes ignore armor and shield and the strike craft ignore shield so does their armor and hull yeah i just don't go to war with us and we'll ignore you because i can't take your worlds oh god there's actually a thing if we go to war with them i have to make sure not to get any of their worlds otherwise the run is scuffed i will be heartbroken if we somehow end up in one of those worlds don't you bloody dare lads we're egalitarian we're xenophiles but you don't want to get us mad you don't want to know what's on the end of this tale i was thinking like a stinger than other things that could be said there i just had to stop building one of these star bases and i've spent all my influence on ending a session early which means now we can go ahead and expand our galactic defense force oh that's so annoying i just thought xenophobes um there is a chance the xenophobes will wake up and then they will fight the xenophiles and that will then trigger the war in heaven the war in heaven has a chance of tearing our federation apart unless i join the defender of the um what's it called the independence federation which will stay as long as i'm the leader will stay as my federation type but i really don't want that we might have to go to war with the fallen empire but i need to figure out a why to not get the world i guess i could just have the rule if i do get the world i've got to transfer the people off instantly so destroy the colony here's wishing i had the colossus of oh you know what should have had the glasses i don't know what i would have sacrificed for it but yeah if i had the classes i could have the world cracker and from that i could simply destroy worlds when i'm at war with them i kind of want to do this one again in the future because i have really enjoyed this as as kind of silly as it's been i have really enjoyed this and um yeah i think going with a colossus is a really good idea for now let's keep on building up the galactic defense force if the remnants are wycombe we go to war instantly to prevent the war in heaven from starting okay the unbidden are our crisis for today you know i haven't had the contingency in so long i think the next time i do a non-multiply through or just a non showing off for some specific playthrough i really think i am going to force the contingency because i haven't seen them in so long i've forgot half of their mechanics so either way they've been are now here hey i'm beard and how you doing okay so on the upside our ships are perfectly made to counter these things because they have the archimeters which go through their shield and their armor um see i say that technically speaking kinetic weapons are better um but this is a nice nice backup it's a it's a backup it's a backup but what we do need to do is change everything to pure shields so here's a wishing we had fought the um end game the uh fallen empire because then we'd have better shields what do i do about this what do i do do i do my duty and help out or do i sit here and bask in the glory of habitats okay so i'm gonna do is i'm going to wait until i am fully prepared you know what i am actually going to stop over to kinetic ah we've already got so much into strike craft yeah but kinetic earth shields are so good here okay i'll do one last one of these because that's what all these are kitted out with i'll use the fleets i currently have and i'll use those as i slow down measure so i'm gonna send them out and just attack small fleets whenever i see them attack the stations whenever they're undefended just be a general nuisance which will slow down the unbeaten significantly even with just a half decent fleet you can do that quite effectively and just slow the enemy down it won't be enough to defeat them just yet but obviously every year we get stronger and stronger and i will continue to keep on building habitats especially now i'm finally grabbing the other systems we have because i ran out just normal systems for stuff in a protected area so yeah that's the goal now as i'm saying looking we are going to continue to build habitats oh is it worth going down the route of kinetic oh it's just been look at how many upgrades you already have in energy basically it's just our architectures this just means our archimedes are the main weapons strike craft are okay but it takes too long for them to get into the fight and by that time the enemy hitting us they will be one shotting us at this point since we just don't have enough upgrades especially into shields with full kinetic you you do basically do more damage overall because of the bonus damage to shield and to hull although it seems like the arc meter would do more overall because it's ignoring shields which be mostly are the maths is on the five of full kinetic but we're just so far already so far into this research i kind of assumed it was going to be the scourge because it's always the scourge at the moment and i was clearly wrong i just had a cuffing fit directly into the microphone so hopefully i edited that out so try to at saying this we just fired all the archivists and a couple of the smaller craft did go away now this is their largest current fleet only the fleets have separated now here's the problem with the strike craft it just takes way too long to get there now these energy weapons are going to be pretty useless in my opinion since they're just going to hit the shields now the federation fleet is made up of way too many corvettes and everything else they're just going to go down but at least there'll be a meat shield the strike graph will do a lot of damage now it's here um that could have gone better could have gone worse i mean we did definitely win just we lost all of our meat shields there so but again that was their largest current fleet they may have their super fleet somewhere but i think that split up as well unless i just can't see it currently so that's good so that's their biggest fleet dealt with now them expanding into this area has been slowed down significantly even as one fleet being destroyed slows them down since they don't start off with that many even when they split [Music] could we take out that one that one is significantly smaller i think we might be able to what i'll do is i'll set up in this system no doesn't really matter no we'll uh we'll set up here stay where we are as far away as possible and i'll try and reinforce so what we need to do really start changing some of these other citadels into shipyards well soon to be citadels anyway because we don't have the mega shipyard this time because i didn't have enough influence because i've been spending it all on habitats well there goes the titan right is that it okay that wasn't too bad again lost some but i didn't expect really to be winning much at all right now so very happy with that let's make a move to here just be really careful i don't mind losing all my fleets right now as long as we take out enough of theirs that's slowing them down that's all i care about [Music] i imagine this will be the last fight we have before we have to flee if we even win this one oh come on strike craft do you think yeah well it's i didn't mind if i lost this right craft oh look how close that is so close okay so we took out one of their well their biggest fleet we took out one of their second big fleets and then we've almost destroyed that one okay that's fine i mean i know the unbiddens here but i'm still having a really relaxing time my fleet's pretty much back to where it was already we now have five fully operational shipyards all with maxed out shipyards anything else because we don't have the mega shipyard it's the way i'm trying to compensate a little bit and all of our new habitats and yes we are still making loads of them are going to be foundry habitats so our alloy production is going through the roof and i also kind of remember to do this militarized economy for some reason i thought it was just a flat negative or positive but specifically from jobs and we aren't producing consumer goods from jobs so this isn't really even a negative we're just getting more alloys which is lovely the second portal is opened though it's right in the middle of unbidden territory so that's interesting so now we have the aberrant who are here to fight the unbidden as we just sit here and build habitats there they are orange versus blue i mean the main problem is really just the fact it's spawned in another one the main fleets which i still don't know where the unbidden version that's gone i think it has actually just split up which explains what's covering so much ground so we are being a bit surrounded now annoyingly oh unless nope yep that has definitely been so our defense fleet is now at 1.1 mil which is lovely our federation fully about 500k and about 250k uh regular fleets when they're completely finished which i'm now constructing since the other two are finally fully built up things are looking good and we're almost at 2k alloys per month again this is nowhere near as strong as i've been in past runs just not even close but still we're okay though there is a very real chance we end up becoming just an island here as the umbid and devoured the rest of the galaxy because i feel safe here as long as in my territory i get a bonus to my fire rate i get all the bonuses of the citadel which is increased fire rate and everything else for ships in that system it's pretty good however i am currently very close to getting maximum rank with the federation which will give us plus 25 against the endgame crisis and i also about to pass a united front giving us plus 20 damage in addition to that that's a lot of extra damage so once both of those have passed we can really start hurting enemy even more so than we already are so all we need is one of our federation members to survive and this one is very close and once the unbidden devour here we can always of course just climb this system and then move our borders forward just a thought these fellas may be the last fellas alive if i go down that path purely for the bonuses wow i just missed that it said engaging hostile fleets are moved over and it's already over a united front has just passed which means now we are doing the plus 20 on top of our defender of the galaxy still not great but it'll do i am starting to think that maybe we should have just gone kinetic but it works it works you hang towards me yes you are okay just need to back off a bit then since our weapon's out range okay is the next color that's really close uh back off back off back to our system new technology discovered we're having some clashes down here of team charmander versus team squirtle meanwhile up north team squirtle is pushing against bulbasaur's territory [Music] and team lothrics is sitting here slowly amassing more and more regular flights probably should start climbing areas now we have got enough power that we can make a serious dent if we want to but i am tempted to go with the whole concept of just i own this like little patch here and just let the others fight for eternity because it is kind of fun i do like the idea of every single one of these planets having a habitat so it's like a perfect little sphere uh blob thing it's kind of funny at this point it's just the three unbidden types fighting each other very little taking over new territory because they have essentially won i'm fine with that because that's one of my win conditions here so what i'm going to do is wait until this system here is taken by the unbidden then we move out we take that for ourselves that way we can put down our citadel here so basically moving that settle forward then all of this is then being protected permanently from us the umbiden can't jump and i will consider a victory once all of the choke points are completely defended and the ambition are unable to get through and then i'm just the permanent ruler of my little blob here which will be slowly made into perfection in fact i'm even building a dyson sphere now i'm asking for an empire i had loads and loads of battleships all stacked up ready to be built and i've changed well i'm going to change all of them to build federation battleships because there's a bit of a weird interaction in the game at the moment where our actual maximum is only 600 but i am definitely building far more than that and until those battleships are made the game doesn't understand i am going why over the federation limit so yeah i'm gonna sell absolutely everything i have to try and get as many of those out as possible now i could have waited longer stacked up everything a little bit more but this is what we're gonna go with just and you have to do it manually as well if you try and do the reinforce it'll just go to its natural cap so hopefully that should be it come on bombard the world do i want darn you purple transmission that's really irritating but still i want them to have easy access over here we just the only thing we need to do is make sure this world doesn't fall the system can fall just not the world itself lovely so i've actually done what we want already so we're going to put this small fleet here just one off there just in case we do have gateways by the way pretty much everywhere now we have a gateway here for this choke point we have gateway next to our main shipyards we have a gateway which is just being built here we have a gateway just being built here we have one there already so we can jump around nice and quickly so once i grab this system i can put a gateway there but i still want my territory to be where the choke point is just because of the bonuses we get for being in our own territory so can someone please destroy this world i know it's very cruel and these have been generous lovely alloys alloys allies i don't see them as a resource that wasn't a total slip of the tongue there at all you're all just going mad so to be perfectly honest at this point we are completely capable of just destroying the endgame crisis that really isn't in dispute we have some super fleets already our tech is going insane we could be doing so much right now to just wipe out huge sections of them and just honestly just destroy them there really is nothing stopping us but i'm kind of now convinced that i love the concept of just seeing the three factions of the unbeaten fight it out as we stay here the reason is i never see the three phases of the unbidden they normally destroy each other too quickly normally one of them will get the upper hand and obliterate the other one especially if one spawns quite badly in fact the aberrant spawn right next to the unbidden so i was certain that was going to happen i thought that it was going to be a matter of the aberrants born in they get obliterated and then it just goes back to the unbidden for once all three of them oh is there a fourth either way the three currently here are seemingly equal i would say the regular i'm bidding are doing worse because they're so badly spread out but it's somewhat equal right half half and then mutatus so that's like with the mutant species so this is kind of a triple half there i don't even know it's just what's happened now it is so incredibly satisfying going back to the repeatables i haven't been doing yet because of just how fast they complete it was two months until i think this one now which is three months for the shield upgrade over and over again i know it's weird that i haven't been doing the shield upgrade considering with versus the umbiden who are counted by shields but i've just been focusing on damage instead but now i'm able to get the shield so quickly uh the federation fleet is already at 2.4 we have normal fleets about to hit 400k all of our new battleships are completely shields with only one set of armor just because of energy reserves uh over here yet all the same as before and i believe our defense force is about to hit two mil and as this month rolls out we're back into positive energy because i have built refinery stations so now everything is stable and self-sustaining [Music] only three battleships lost there and that was a 2.5 mil fleet i think that's a problem with this system it's too small so in that case can you please stay at the back that way you have more time to attack the attack speed now the energy weapons is just stupid no several battleships so it is pretty much just playing out as i said before they get a little bit of territory from each other then they get it back and it's all kind of just equaling out the unbidden definitely look the weakest out of the three new technology discovered it's very rare we actually get attacked i'm now at war with the fallen empire and like half of the galaxy purely because i want this system back so as soon as we can stay at squirrel the war will be over and i'll grab the system i'm seeing a lot of this just changing hands over and over again team squirtle is attacking team bulbasaur which is more of like a orangey yellow when you actually look at them rather than green and they wish to preserve the throne of venusaur you killed some federation ships you meanie well i've been playing this for way longer than expected just because of how chill it's been it's been a really fun and different experience but now it's safe to say i've got every single achievement i wanted to done so if you take a look-see trying to build a habitat every single system i currently own has a habitat above every world where it's possible to have so let's just take a look at a couple of them with no actual world taken at all every single planet which can have a habitat has a habitat which means we have over 180 habitats currently inhabited and then we have two more which are just about to be inhabited with the culmination ships now being built our regular fleets are now over 600 000 fleet power which is more than powerful enough to deal with pretty much anything when they're stacked there we go there's some normal ones at full health at the bottom so any new ones being created that's how strong they are our federation fleet is almost four mil this one over here is almost three mil we are pretty much safe there's no way the enemy could possibly get through and we have gateways on every single chokepoint so if somehow they broke through by stacking up we could then stack up and take it back pretty much instantly the guild is complete in my opinion we have the dyson sphere we have the master decompressor we could build the mega shipyard if we wanted to but i just haven't seen a need to i think we are done and this was a really really fun experience and i really do hope you've enjoyed it as well we are the custodian forever defending our little friend over here when they're absolutely under attack and other than that we're just gonna stay by ourselves maybe eventually expand out when we're completely out of space to grab some new territory for habitats but that's not going to be for a long time so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris is a series you wish to see continue in the future the next full playthrough is almost certainly going to be a modded run and there's a lot of mods i wanted to take a look at with gigastructures still having stuff i need to look at as well but i'm thinking some different things first so thank you for watching and goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 99,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: khZpNvOlCLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 16sec (4036 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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