Stellaris | One Planet Challenge FULL Playthrough!

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greetings sir answer s and welcome back to stellaris with me alpha x and of course welcome at long last to the one planet challenge the challenge as you can very well imagine in which you are only allowed a single planet for the entire playthrough now this has a whole host of benefits and a whole host of negatives which hopefully we can work around and it will at least be a very very unique playthrough but before we get into the details I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has been showing their support over the last few videos of comments and likes and such it really does mean the world to me especially since this is a type of series which is a little bit difficult to put together and quite risky for the channel with its extended runtime it really does mean a lot to everyone who has been showing their support and it really makes me want to ply more and honestly that's not difficult thing to do since the Loras is one of my all-time favorite games and it is just nice to figure out that this might be the way forwards in terms of stellaris content on the channel so thank you so so much for that and with that out of the way let's continue with the Empire we are the science spider laboratories which means of course we are spiders who like science and the reason for this is I've never got to use this port right and in my opinion it is my favorite port right it's well I'm a bit of a weirdo when it comes to things like this because I used to keep black widows as pets I used to breed tarantulas during university for a little bit of extra money and I still have several pet tarantula stew this day so I like the spider portrait and science spider just well it just fits the theme so going along with the science theme we are indeed materialist although we are only a regular materialist the reason is I think that fanatic egalitarian is going to be very very powerful with this particular Empire type the reason is if you are only having one planet it means you are having a very small population this population will all be on your capital world which will get a huge ethical when it comes to their faction choices that faction then can get loads of extra influence the idea is you will be able to have all all of your edicts up almost a hundred percent of the time if you go with fanatic egalitarian at least that's the idea in my head it also means there is a reduced consumer goods caste but that's not particularly good since it's only one world but I really do think this is an interesting way forwards also I found that egalitarian factions are the easiest to please so you'll be getting lots of bonus happiness as well and then going on with that we do have regular materialist although it does give a plus 5% research speed which is really nice we're actually taking it more for the academic privilege this means that all of our spiders will get plus ten percent happiness and plus ten percent resource gain if they are getting science resources in other words their tile resources for science is increased I can do the words we are going with democratic the reason here is mostly because we're we have to because of fanatic ER terian but this is actually where I started everything because unity is going to be very very difficult for this Empire every time you get a new system your tradition cost increases by one percent and you don't get unity from systems the same 1% also applies to science but you do get science from systems so it does counter out at least in the early game until you do things like the science Nexus which is the final goal of this empire rush towards the science Nexus build that and then just outpace everyone else by so much hopefully we will become a dominant force in the galaxy either via a huge Federation or making vassals especially tributaries which will be able to fund us and our limited economy our economy will be very weak in this game at least in my head it will I'm not someone who plays a tall Empire very often so this is going to be very hard now if civics we are going with life seeded because we only have one world we may as well make it a 25 Gaea world and then we have beacon of Liberty giving us a bonus 15% unity I'm really hoping this helps counter out a few of the problems we're going to be having don't know if it will but it'll be nice if it does we are of course spiders we are science spiders we're going with the regular ship stuff because I just prefer that and we've tried as you can imagine we are going with intelligent and natural physicists although now I've said that I do want to swap that back out I was going to if physicists but instead I want to go of engineers because we need engineering research to get to the galactic wonders to build our science nexus we need this with quick learners I was I was very very torn between quick learners and talented talented gives us a higher level cap quick learners means we get to that level cap faster I think the early game will be very difficult for this Empire so I think quick learners might be better and then swap it out lighter name and class we are on the pretty planets which orbits science star exempt just that original with names we are using the arthropod cities our adviser voice will of course be the materialist because that's what we're going with actually know the egalitarian democracy with Empire name we are the science spider laboratories we have a web for a flag and we are using the arthropod ship type and that is pretty much that our leaders are the lead scientists so let's continue forwards when it comes to difficulty I am going to have everything as default except for advanced AI starts because I absolutely hate that and I'm so glad that so many of you agree with that because in the previous video I was very worried that some people might think that me lowering this one particular part of the difficulty might be a bit sketchy but thankfully it seems like lots of people find this as annoying as I do so huzzah for that no difficulty we are going to go to up into the Commodore difficulty other than that everything is the default the early game is going to be very difficult so let's begin and then talk some strategy so we begin instantly putting our spiders on academic privilege so they get bonus happiness and bonus tile output and here we are at the top of the map very very close to the galaxy's core so we are going to go straight for discovery and then if the enemy are nearby we might go into domination or supremacy but most likely we will be going into harmony and prosperity afterwards this way our economy won't be too bad and our planet should be incredibly powerful by the end of this I want the entire planet to be just completely science labs and the art of unity building that's all I want here and I don't want too many systems affecting our science and most importantly affecting our unity so with that now it's need to wait our science ship is going we're going to get as many science ships as possible because we want as many anomalies as possible we want loads and loads of stored research we really need this head start in science and as for science not a bad start we get some research speed monthly unity and the engineering facility very soon the Empire will be our precursor events and honestly that's great we could have got these cyber X I believe at least i think this empire can have that one which eventually gives us a ring world which is obviously completely useless considering we're not allowed to colonize it this one will give us a system which has +10 to all sciences and will give us a huge unity boost once we find the home system though that's going to take a while but hopefully with all the anomalies we can get it quite quickly I've just realized something we have actually spawned in a really good place and it's not immediately obvious why it's these we have one two three black holes all within very very close range of us and the reason why they're so good is because you can have a black hole Observatory which gives you ten of physics and since they're all so close we don't need to have too many systems to grab them the only one I'm concerned about is this one because it doesn't seem to really be connecting to any of the High Plains nearby which means I might need to go around to grab it which might be a few too many systems either way though at least three of them we have very very close this fourth one is close but might be difficult and this fifth one here looks like it will definitely be difficult so this is exactly why I want to have as many anomalies as possible I just completed my first anomaly which gave me 146 engineering research this is massively boosting our regular research I believe it gives us the same amount of research as normally guess and then that's drained from the stored research either way it massively speeds up how fast we get a tech so I want as many of those as possible early on so we get a nice early advantage our economy will never be fantastic mostly because of energy but we could very easily outdo everyone else with science so it is weird I've gone fanatic egalitarian rather the materialist but I think that will work out better as well bleak once I get edicts and factions this system managed to have a grand total of three anomalies and because of that we have loads of extra research here which is really really good now early on it's not too bad to grab quite a few systems because the system science tends to out why the negative percentage the problem really starts to rear its head when you have some systems like your home system providing most of your science and then loads of smaller systems providing very little because then the percentage they're contributing is worse than the science they're also contributing or something like that there is math involved which I am optically good with maybe that's why I'm not good with the tall player style oh that is a wonderful wonderful anomaly okay so we just got a free scientist now this scientist not only is I believe max level Gavin give me the scientist in fact beyond max level she also has fantastic traits and will give you additional science Lichter so there we are and eventually she'll literally just give you free research that's a lovely star thank you very much and now I kind of wish I was focusing on physics I'm tempted to go with this purely because getting as many spiders as possible early on is really good because you want all these tiles filled yeah that's maybe a better choice but right now on that technology and there's the free science Defense Grid supercomputer and automatic exploration now that is why better my thought I thought you gave us something else like sensors maybes randomized I mean probably is well it's good for us now let's build ourselves some more scientists well more sign ships I don't think we're building the scientists themselves unless our labs are really that advanced already here's one of the big bonuses to being a democratic you get these mandates which you can fulfill wouldn't you fulfilled them you get a nice chunk of unity based on how far along you are in the game or is it the income of unity you have either way lighter in the game you get more unity that's the point let's grab a combat roles yeah yeah Wow our neighbors are going to hate us fanatic spiritualist authoritarian it's literally our opposite well actually our opposite will be fanatical authoritarian regular spiritualist but still you get the idea and they're right there oh we need to grab this as soon as possible I want all of these black holes please okay so yeah an episode we're already ahead on tech but they have overwhelming fleet be complete let's just continue we now have faith in science meaning that every time we get any kind of research we then also get three months worth of unity which is really really nice and there is our first faction giving us three influence essentially doubling our starting influence which is really fantastic like I said egalitarians are very very easy to please normally with factions and not happy until you do certain requirements but with egalitarian almost all of their requirements are passive and you start with them anyway if you are in fact egalitarian so they're just happy to be there which is nice for me long updated turning on research grants for the first time hopefully now we can keep this up and near permanently it's a plus 10% increase to our research speed so many things going on at once okay and with that we have finished discovery and of course we're going to get technological ascendancy although I am tempted by interstellar domination we can always give away our systems lighter to a vassal that's the thing but I really want the extra research speed right now and this is why you should always research every single alien you find because this is giving us plus 5% to our energy and that is permanent throughout the entire game does it seem like much now but that's going to be so so helpful welcome aboard Admiral wonderful a rank for Admiral who is a mercenary warrior plus 10% of IBM plus 10% of fire rights I've also decided with unity I am indeed going into supremacy to begin with because we are going to have some serious skirmishing almost straight away not only are they blocking us access to one of the areas I really wanted but also well they are going to be hostile so we need a fleet and the problem is we can't afford much because we're only going to have one planet focused around science all of our money is going to come mostly from our systems which isn't that much okay you guys should like us right good unfriendly but at least you have a plus modifier eventually we can be friends and hopefully we can have a trade agreements well I'm really beating you in science I have been very lucky to be perfect eyes I've been very lucky with anomalies at the moment we still have 800 physics stored didn't think like that much I thought I'd like 500 but still as you can tell we are getting a lot of bonus science at the moment and here's almost 400 society not bad not bad at all +5 sense of engine for athletes with this leader we should have really really good evasion right now this early on we have more influence than we can currently use that's pretty nice I think that's the first time I can ever say that this early on in the game now admittedly we don't have much money so our expansion efforts have been heavily hindered by that but even so very nice complete so many anomalies this is not going to be a kind world is it not many people who are going to like us well I should say a kind galaxy but you get the idea on the upside I have been very very fortunate of all the events at the moment although nothing really long-term all of the short-term bonuses have been fantastic it's the only reason why our fleet is as strong as it is we keep on getting minerals and we keep on getting little bits of research I don't think I've not had stored research this entire time I just got some more Society research and just look at that consistently having stored research Construction complete absolutely lovely now admittedly these are still the auto designs but look at that rank three weapons already rank two armor yeah a craft aren't too bad at all so this is a bit of a glitch right now I can't declare rivalry I'm going to save the game turn off the game and come back and most likely that's now going to work now back in the game as you can tell by this being all messed up you there declare a rival right now it works I'm not quite sure that's a glitch or just actually yeah I'm not quite sure what is going on there and you need to go over there as soon as possible please yes please okay with that fried making goo-goo Wow nobody likes us yeah this is going to be a very aggressive play throw I was hoping that perhaps we can make some friends but no complete I'm going to spend all that money on finishing off the fleet really should start using fleet manager earlier on but I'll do that a second anyway I'm going to start climbing some of these systems I want to weaken them to the point where they're pretty much stuck is inferior to us and then we can Vasily's them later but right now I just want access to this section there are two black holes there and there currently I can't make the observatory's anyway I haven't got the research but when we do have that research it's 10 physics per one so I also want to try and expand up to here since this has both of these which will give me 10 society so this is pretty much the size of my empire this is all I want probably most if not all of the game we started in a really good place on us life just going to wait until I can make a claim here and then this will be discovered just need six more influence gamma hurry up let's discovered [Music] to war to war we go here's hoping that they aren't quite as strong as us they say that they are equivalent but we are doing quite well though for our military engaging enemy station so I'm hoping although its equivalents we might have a slight advantage yes we definitely do okay get them right now actually stay put stay put we don't want their station to be helping out although we should win this fight we want to win this fight well engaging there we go hello glory of science what a good start close to status quo already well this is a good first war hello well you're going to like us at least whoa how big is your empire yeah you're very powerful hopefully we can be friends later and you already have a vassal geez oh come on you're taking over this well you know what I'll just make a claim for it before the end of the war how about that plus 10% via writing now in effect through the power of influence we have claims even with the negative modifier of being at war if you're in a hostile war your claims cost a little bit more Oh actually a lot more it's double completely didn't know that nice c'mon let me make this last climb actually maybe this climb would be better that way I can make a rivalry but that's going to be way too expensive and I always grab it later I would say that was a successful first war so these fellows just gave us a gift of about 1500 energy then they gave us a non-aggression pact and now I'm charging them for a research agreements these are gonna be our bestest friends for the first time we don't have research grants and we have ran out of stored research that's a sad hello artists what I would like from you is an art piece because right now how you see is utterly dreadful and I would like to make these guys out tributary as soon as possible before they're no longer inferior to us so that's definitely a thing with these guys the fellows are just kind of half conquered I'm going to leave them there forever I don't even think they will turn them into into tributaries because I won't be generating that much money it's better for us to just keep them as rivals because I more influence and be bonus fire side percent unity per neighbouring rival we'll just leave them there as a unity and influence generator for all time well done that's your role in the galaxy you may be friendly but rather you be a rival purely for that extra influence yes please and there we are the black hole observatory perfect since I've just made four star bases it turns out this one is going to be even more special because we have the curators eventually when they like us we can get this the curator think-tank plus five to all sciences as well although I do think I am grabbing too many systems for a tall playthrough we just have such a good starting area I can't help myself I need all of this our science is now struggling a little bit with our neighbors we are only equivalent with the strongest Empire and then only one step up from everyone else it seems so that's actually quite a concern considering that's one of our wind conditions so I need to consider just how many systems I will end up grabbing so I definitely want to go up here and grab this because this will be 20 society Plus this resource here plus some extra science oh that's lovely I definitely want to grab this because Dark Matter will give us a plus temps and research speed lighter so essentially up here grab this grab that the rest I may leave honestly just completely leave it alone over here we definitely want to go down here and grab the singularity once again another observatory that's +10 physics which we plus 50 physics in the end for all five of these star bases which is pretty nuts once again make sure to research every alien here's +10 Tyl physics thank you very much always always research aliens +5 set minerals actually go this way instead the flesh is weak so we are going with Cyndi's this time around purely because they have such good bonuses if they are scientists they get +5 sen research speed if there are admirals they get bonus fire right they're just such a good population type yeah that's definitely the right thing to do now we've gone down this route before quite recently and I think next time I want to be quite Federation heavy and I want to be psychos but this time I think the robots are definitely the way to go +8 influence oh I love this build the one planet challenge is awesome yeah our science is definitely suffering right now so we need to assume so I really do need to consider dialing back I am definitely getting too much territory and this is going to hurt us later on although we've had a fantastic start that does not necessarily translate to the end game did I mention we've had a great start so here are the traders and this is really good because it means if we build a star base here which of course we're going to a star port is now already under construction this star port acts as if it's above a populated planet as in we can have trading hubs so this will become our energy generator oh thank you speaking of energy I'm guessing you wish to be our friends who are you you guys okay well I would love just love to have a research agreement with you apparently we're quite equal because you're not that happy with this I mean you're happy but not ecstatic so at least we get a little bit of minerals from you a small amount of minerals I can do words shall I do a non-aggressive pact am I ever going to go toward these guys not for a very long time so yes your friends research is done as soon as I can afford them we're putting down the observatories lead for 10 physics each I didn't even realize as a black hole right there I got so caught off everything else I think I mentioned earlier but I just completely blanked about that so that's fantastic we are now cybernetic plus five cent research speed lovely we have a little bit of physics toward research - and our research please thank you very very much we on our 98 physics which is just fantastic you guys I would love to be your patron thank you very very much and let's see I want you to grab both of those then grab this all is well and good we are currently researching star holds so our stations are going to be even more powerful which is really really good and I think I'm going to stop grabbing systems right now and it's happy where we are and as soon as my ships are upgraded ships there we are now we're going to go to war take these two systems this system over here that'll be the last of the conquering just leaving these guys here as a rival for the plus 10% unity eventually we will get unity for our vassals as well but that's only 5% I'd rather just have a permanent little mini rival destruction complete you know I verse thought I wonder if it's standard practice or at least the cheesy practice to maybe grab a planet and then turn it into a vassal just a single one planet vassal just to get this the bonus unity and then the same for rivals as well just leaving one planet alive in fact what I could do is make a claim here and here take those two planets turn that into a vassal then we have a vassal and arrival from one group I'm not going to do that but that seems like a really powerful thing to do we now have the star hold technology so let's upgrade everything we have so I really want is to set down the hydroponics bays this way we don't need any food on the main planets and we can dedicate it to energy unity and science and then eventually just science and unity do you feel beautiful unity one more Observatory now are being created we are going to have so much science by the end of this okay at this point I think I need to either split the fleet or just destroy these stations because this is getting really annoying now so honestly all we really need is this one particular system and we are victorious so with that I'm going to allow our units to heal up and upgrade then we're going to go to war with our new neighbor and in fact before we even do that I would like to make you our rival once again I need to restart the game ah so that is a thing so of course if an enemy becomes pathetic to you in terms of the relative power you can't have them as a rival so you can't do the thing I was mentioning earlier in which you have just a single planet and then declare a rival then keep on doing that so you always have the maximum unity bonus that makes sense okay now here's a problem the fellows we're eventually going to go to war with these fellows well they have suddenly got a defensive pact with two other empires including our friends so that's a problem I think I might have to just hold off there because I don't think we can really go to war with both of these now that we've stopped expanding we have so much influence we have managed to turn on pretty much everything we have capacity overload production targets research grants map the Stars and then all of these campaigns from our energy production discovered things are going really well and now we have protection rackets and soon we're going to war with these fellows thankfully they are just about inferior to us since they recently lost their fleet I think someone sent a raiding party against them or something because they were equal to us and had equivalent fleet power and then suddenly it was all gone but they weren't at war so I can only assume that a raiding party well didn't end favorably let's say I'm still kind of what more growth speed yeah I really want the planet to be completely populated soon we are now finally transferring into science which is lovely and so begins the war with our neighbors to make our first tributary later I'll go back and make this tiny little group here the same well that's interesting I didn't even know that happened so our Raider leader yeah our Marauder leader I should say also became a cyborg well done good idea so here's a side note we have too much influence I don't think we are ever going to need as much influence as we are currently generating so because of that I'm going to now swap over to fanatic materialism that will increase our research fee by 5% and it will make the egalitarians a little bit upset for a while but I think it's worth it we may as well have the science modifier embrace faction there we go we are now fanatic materialists now let's turn those back on well that was nice we just got some Marauder ships for free feel free to join the fight I guess I can use you to grab some of these lesser systems in the background fortune has been very favorable today it seems the war has ended we have our first tributary okay return home and get yourself healed up louder next up one of our former allies these guys over here oh no they were inferior to us no longer wow they have caught up of tech yep we need to really focus on some science at the moment still though we can do that quite easily now that we have these guys as tributaries funding our scientific efforts who needs a scientific grant when you can just go honker entire systems the conversion of our home world into a almost pure science world is certainly underway and now our neighbors are once again inferior to us only just though it keeps on going back to equivalent I think they may have a slightly higher naval capacity than us because I don't know how else they keep on getting equivalent to us so either either we need this war very very soon we've only just about guy positive energy production right now even without tributary so let's get into position go to war and hopefully we'll have a second tributary we are now finished with the domination tree which means we now have the bonus unity for every vassal and every tributary we have sadly with this with the domination finisher effect I don't think that applies to tributaries and that's kind of all we want we don't really care about vassals I never trust vassals to go to war for us or with us so I don't think they will share tech with us but if we ever do get a vassal then well we can share tech with them it's kind of like a force to research agreements now with this I'm very tempted to just leave it until we have something we want more though galactic force projection although it doesn't sound that good having that extra capacity is really nice because it makes other empires inferior to you at least in terms of the point counts and then you can make them tribute areas a lot easier but it feels like a waste it really does one vision is more unity which is nice is there anything else we really want mastery through nature that means we get one more tile on our home world which is okay extra levels yeah let's go no executive vigor or transcendent learning I think we do need more levels on our leaders so that's what we're going with at the moment I think all of our scientists are maxed out well I except for this one who died recently yeah they were all on five now they can go up to seven and we have no stored research it's so sad at the moment I'm just going for some of the cheaper researches so that we can get more unity survey complete getting very very close to victory now in fact once I take this planet I really think we've won wow that is one heavily defended station survey complete and down it goes hello so let's see defense here is a little bit better than I expected that's shame and we are victorious we now have a brand new vassal and we have this yep one more observatory now the problem is this will put us a little bit above a starbase capacity which is a shame so let's remove one of these yep you're just an anchor no you're on a black hole as well it's every single one of my stations located no you're the one exception but you're already all built up but I need the energy that's a shame okay get back to base it's time to heal up next target but I assume you're probably not inferior to us you have far too much space no you are why is that technology oh ok so you've got why too many systems and planets and your tech is suffer for it that's good for us how about these guys down here I could find them that would be good oh no these are these so no oddly enough the Fallen Empire is not inferior to us who would have thought we are now doing the repeatable Sciences increasing our energy weapon attack speed and damage and then eventually also shields that's not too bad I don't think we've gone as tall Empire as we really could have but I'm ok with this I think we're doing all right it would have been nice to have more than one planets but I think I would have gone against the whole one planet idea anyway construction who would have thought ok that's almost finished so what do I want to do next I'm honestly thinking despite the fact that you have a defense agreement with these guys the only fellows who really like us I'm going to go toward you anyway because you own all of this I'm turning you into a tributary would be lovely it's also quite easy to defend against these guys because there's only two ways in they really have over here and over here so if we block a this we must go through take all of this and force tributary now you guys are going to be annoying you don't have much but you are kind of in the way so I guess it would be take out all of these stations I can't reinforce move through here take all of this and it's going to be an absolute nightmare a fight but I think is the best next we could just go after these like originally planned that's gonna be a bit of a nightmare as well not many easy choices how annoyed would you be if you were in this fleet seeing your friends just going on past whilst the main enemy fleets attacks you yep that seemed a little bit cruel honestly now one thing I've just remembered I've been completely forgetting about is this policies need extraneous as defense in depth which is worthless to us instead I'm either going to use hit and run or rapid deployment rapid deployment means we're faster and have longer range weapons but hit and run means that more our craft escape when they're meant to be killed and if we do lose a fight more of them will survive I think it's going faster right now though we'll catch that fleet as it attacks the station they'll just go back around and start taking their space oh you wait there that's what you get for running away from your friends yep take those out then take that well here's something to do after the war we've found a psionic entity and a very very special looking system indeed now I believe this gives us some tech which makes our leaders better I believe it increases their learning speed is in their experience gained and their level cap either way it's a good bit of research and I want it but first we must liberate these people from themselves for the greater good also here's something which I keep on forgetting if you have conquered an enemy station even if you are still at war with them you can indeed use that station to start producing units repair your vehicle's everything now the repair one is fairly obvious but yep I am now using their own station to produce more and more ships we want to invest in a Ministry of Culture we are advancing in this world this galaxy and so I would very much like the Ministry of Culture right here which is 10 unity and a plus 5 percent UNC modifier for the entire empire now this will slightly hmm here's the problem actually if I do this I don't have enough food do we have any space anywhere for a farm I guess we could spawn here yeah yeah sure install we can add some more stations I can just do this and I'll just rehab the deep-space site later you Ministry of Culture you are you forget some more systems you've almost won once more we are victorious lovelace so here's a problem we're not only neighboring these fellows are we not wow they have way more space than I thought though these were really easy to conquer despite how much space they have that was lovely but yeah you fellows are going to be annoying so I'm going to have to do is make a climb take over the climb and then after the truces expired then go to war to make you tributaries so let's all quick look see where you are well I would do that but your equivalent to me anyway so I can't do that regardless what I need to do is take an area from you then vasa lies the area that's way too annoying maybe I'll do that in the future hopefully we'll find a wormhole which attaches to this section later there's a wormhole over there so Science Vessel could you please go and explore that that would be great and you too can go home mmm boy clouds we now have an additional civics lot so I'm either going to go through meritocracy increasing the level cap and the pool size of our leaders or I may have idealistic foundation this increases the happiness of all of our people which would be nice since that would increase all of these resources so more unity and more science from the home world that would be pretty good and that is the reason why currently I'm going into harmony although I'm starting to think that wasn't the right choice and maybe prosperity would have been better yeah I think prosperity would have been better out the to but it's a little bit light now and we almost have utopian dream it's still going to be good and the plus temps and happiness yeah it's still going to be good I just don't think it was the right choice and with all that happiness I do think then that's meritocracy is better we are going to get plus 10% happiness from all of the traits and plus fives and happiness from utopian dream I think it's better that our leaders are improved further now that is beautiful all this lovely lovely science top grade construction complete next up I guess I may as well grab cruisers and in a second we can finally use Dark Matter increasing our research speed by a further 10 percent I should have brought some more anti shield stuff shouldn't I yes I should I'm mostly empty armor Andy hull missiles would have been good as well just ignore the shields shields gone and yeah look house look how low it's Hollis and now return home you need to survey our scientists are now confident our knowledge of the L gates and the technology behind them is sufficient to abort their maintenance cycle if the attempt is successful the L guys in the whatever-it-is system should now allow immediate access to the distant L cluster prepare the project only once I've got my fleet back but prepare it anyway so I managed to get almost all of the L gate research from the amount of anomalies I've been having I thought we may as well do something while we're just kind of waiting around like perhaps start the end of the galaxy you know the usual marvels of medicine so this is from over here ooh an izakaya world that's just mean because I can't colonize it neural tissue engineering this will give our leaders a 25% increase to their experience gain yes please but first go deal with some Raiders I don't quite know where they're going research speed plus 10% if we get that resource ok I like this place I really like this place make sure this is ours as soon as you possibly can please gray crystals complete plus 10% kinetic energy and explosive damage well that's pretty darn lovely I can't find anything so far it's been empty is this an actual event just nothingness I always thought something happened but now I am getting very nervous now I'm exploring everywhere Oh what about here this is the original homeworld right sure it's the home system I should say I don't know harmony is completed so we could go with the Colossus project that's always good it's always very powerful defender of the galaxy is always awesome defend ourselves but honestly what I really want is galactic wonders but we just haven't got the research for it yet either that or synthetic evolution both of which we're just waiting on on the correct sciences so I think for now we'll just leave it a quiet stroll a sensor sweep of the planets has revealed a strange energy signature emanating from its lifeless surface incredibly it appears to be coming from a lone science spider that was found aimlessly wandering around in the planets southern polar region it's in space okay so we found a space resistance science spider in the ell guys of course we have hello hello fellow science spider how are you I am at present not interested in engaging in mating rituals my sleep cycle rapidly approaches and I will soon lose consciousness perhaps we can reproduce it at a later time okay gonna cool it now that's not a science spider that's nanites that's made up of nanites I should say or something like that because that is Spider oh did I get it wrong just a moment let me just ah yes uh-huh forgive me it was not my intention to speak of reproduction when our species is clearly not experiencing lighting season yet inviting a selection of psychoactive narcotics Oh to hell with this it's getting too complicated yes I'm certainly not a spider well that was obvious so what exactly are you then it's been a long time since I spoke to someone who wasn't me once upon a time there was a civilization you might call it of nanites do you know what nanites are good these nanites were called gray tempest I believe they were the ones which attacked me the last time open the L gates may be similar anyway by their creators although their internal self designation code was infinitely more complex anyway things turned sour between the nanites and their creators fighting broke out when things finally settled down only the nanites remained but before they were wiped out their creators managed to disable the star clusters soul exit gate which I've just opened why do I feel like this is going to go horribly horribly wrong from here so where do you fit into all of this well the nel IDEs found themselves were a lot of time on their hands a few millennia was spent on fruitless attempts to leave the cluster but after that they began experimenting with different shapes and forms for a time they even recreated the civilization of their creators as it was at the time of their demise right down to its individual citizens I am the lights experiments aside from the dormant nanites that can be found covering some worlds the entirety of the gray tempest or whatever you want to call us has beacon has been condensed into me so you are the great M pused the entire thing spider form interesting my consciousness embodies our entire civilization as some I look well I figured you would respond better to someone wearing your own mug I confess the life I've been enjoying here on the planet has grown little dull over the last few centuries you could join us Wow the gray temps than I sighed yes please join you never mind you want me to throw myself into the flailing appendages of the first bunch of random aliens I ran into I just I don't even hold on let me just get this straight you actually thought I would swear some kind of fealty to you even though I don't know anything about your bizarre Empire or its sordid past are you for real on second thoughts what the hell why not I like this guy sign me up no no I'm serious I'm getting some good vibes here and I think this could turn into quite the adventure I hereby pledge my loyalty to you for the next 2,000 years let's make it five thousand what can you do welcome to K what can you do ah so we can't make him turn into warships oh that's a shame I've done the fleet's things before it's impossible to maintain any kind of coherence personality okay but a single massive warship is fine I can do that if you want to I could also assume a smaller form for fighting on the ground that's interesting or a governor Wow so this is a really good event I'm taking it why should we call you we are calling you gray okay welcome to the labs so the great tempest is on our side that's that's interesting hi Dre this is gonna be great obviously first of all I want to see the warship ah so proud the void in search of prey again this will certainly bring back memories 41000 where are you gray gray I'm currently blind you say you're there but I can't oh that is beautiful give me a target I need a target we need you as a governor let's have a look-see what you're like as a governor governor gray that identity building speed increased energy increased minerals increased beating building cost reduced level ten out of ten sadly no science but still gray is in reality a dense swarm of billions upon billions of advanced nanites yes you did now transform into a ground unit massive it's a 1,000 strength single unit that is really powerful as well obviously though we're going with the warship I mean come on we have to look at riding fleet Oh gray could you please go and kill those okay they're going to go like this most likely if they're trying to get to cyan style oh no wait they'll do this go there this is gonna be great hello riders meet grain ooh someone wants to be our Protectorate oh no he's also declined who asked for that one second fight I was not paying attention because of all this hello I will accept I don't get why okay great soon as pure whole and what happens if he dies I'm assuming it was respawn license I accept I'm going mad he clearly has shields and armor we are too weak to survive on our own in this hostile galaxy will the science spider Laboratories protect us of course we will even with that weird voice that main gun is just awesome which gun even is it is it the energy arc cooldown it's meant to be 12 days though so that can't be right these spheres are definitely these so I don't really quite know which is firing but even so the amount of damage gray can do to armor specifically is just insane though it seems to be good versus everything just armor itself is definitely more vulnerable sadly the one thing grey is terrible at is actually bombing hopefully we can knock out the fortress nice and early don't to keep going round every time oh I'll go round anyway let's do some more damage oh I love that mind weapon so much now the good thing with making a vassal like this is that the new vassal will have my level of tech so it isn't as weak as you might imagine so that's very very nice indeed now as soon as we have a truce and you are no longer at war I will attack you again and hopefully make you a tributary if not I will claim all of your systems and feed them to my vassal a time of relative peace our fleet has been upgraded now to use missiles and is almost 90,000 in strength which isn't too bad at least for the current year and gray is currently relaxing as governor yep we are being partially ruled by nanites it works we are now converting into synthetics which will be here time for immortality all glory to the science bot fine I'm sorry holy guardians or kill you later anyway now science bots I want to improve you straight away so what I want is this allowing you to have more output and I would like you to have bonus unity and is anything else we really want up keep lowered is good but not really necessary hi there we go leader experience game percentage because at the moment you can already get to level 9 so I guess we could instead improve your max level but I'd rather get everyone to that max level first we can always change that later so glorious science oh there is this as well though loyalty circuits bonus happiness might be nice considering the recent events but even with the minus 10 they're still not at a hundred so yeah let's mutt let's make them happier I think they deserve it that bonus happiness that's really expensive never mind I'm sorry they don't deserve it that much they deserve it but not that much I let's turn you into birdies that looks awesome today we go to war to break up a federation honestly their Federation fleet is getting really scary and honestly we should have done this way way earlier but finally let's see how much damage is going to cause us probably quite a lot honestly we've managed to isolate half of their fleet and because of that they are going to go down quite handily they do have a fair bit of point defence annoyingly and we are focusing almost solely on missiles so that isn't the best but still let's get that Federation fleet before it completely runs away over here we are sending in grey to essentially defend this section we're also making a bastion slowly to provide some cover support this is honestly quite a difficult battle both sides are able to reproduce their armies incredibly quickly and I keep on beating the back only to be beat back myself I'm finally making some ground into this area we're finally breaking 3 as well with grey so now great and start causing some havoc and hopefully draw some attention away remember if grey dies he does eventually come back I did learn that by reading a few forum posts so what happens is essentially grey disperses back into that into nanobots and then after a few years he will return once again he is immortal he will not go away which I'm very thankful for because he's a very very powerful ship even though suddenly you can't play with other other fleets which would be really nice Construction complete also it's getting way too late on my stammers coming back so oh that is horrible do I even bother trying to take this it would be a nice choke point Wow would be a perfect choke point these both my allies and Eve wow they kinda get there look how far let's go round yeah we need to take this this will stop all reinforcements from this Empire we need more ground forces and I've already making them so well well done me but also I wish I was making big master concrete and the fleets I've been making over here you and you can you please merge and you can act as a bit of a Defence Force in here instead I really need to grab this system plus 10% resource production plus 10% whole region yes please how expensive will it be not as bad as I thought on its life oh because the wormhole I guess perhaps that counts with this oh not the wormhole the L gates now sadly all the L gates are located here seriously like they're not useful to me at all in terms of warfare but well that's helpful this battles been going on for so long I've even swapped back over to hit and run giving us more chance to disengage when we lose fights or at least lose ships normally not something I use meat the most overpowered event look at me I am the mid-game crisis now well I made a mistake it turns out the how to station over here and I didn't notice so we really need to take all of this to prevent them from spawning in this location then we can slowly attack downwards and downwards and they can't attack us back over here it's just a mess I think the Federation are swapped so now the Federation fleet is there I've been selling all my resources to my vassals for some minerals at very low prices because that's all I can afford at the time and gray is doing an okay job stopping them from attacking us from here still I don't know if this is going to be a win honestly it's it's a mess I'll say that much we're winning but perhaps not enough to get the end goal we'll definitely be able to do status quo because we can do that now and we have lots of influence which means we can claim a huge section and pice can make this vassal supercharged I wonder if I could claim this as well here's the thing if I can climb all of their worlds at least oh look it's Belarus anyway if I climb all of their worlds we would still dissolve the Federation it just means I don't get a new tributary well that's a backup anyway but that doesn't mean we have to conquer these worlds and that's well I'm still going to be difficult yes yes yes okay oh my god we were just coasting on a hundred percent for like a year any second then that would have just oh I am so stressed out right now okay so who we have just won my energy is going down rapidly in fact I couldn't have lasted much longer I kept on trading even with resources for energy at the end there which is just awful so the big upside here is now they no longer have a Federation fleet which means their force is now pathetic in terms of their firepower so these guys are no longer huge they're the only reason they were a threat was because of the Federation that's gone our next target is actually going to be these guys down here although it's going to be really annoying because we have to take at least one of their systems so we count as neighboring them because right now I can't demand tribute so I need to go here make a jump take just a couple of systems doesn't really matter how much we take as long as it's now neighboring them and then we can go to war with them and take everything we want okay also I forgot to grab all this that would have helped yeah living metal probably would helped okay everyone go home and then I'm gonna sort you out I've mixed my fleet now as well there's actually two types of Corvette one which is missiles one which is rail guns and lasers because the enemy kept on countering the missiles and honestly that could have lost us fight right there as well wow I need to get drink I also converted both of my hubs into shipyards so now this one's going back to me it's a trading hub completely now actually and this new one will be our only shipyard no exactly a strong thing but we don't normally create serb forces that fast prosperity is now finished we could get the Colossus project that would help out five flights in the past certainly makes them surrender faster we are ending well we are getting to the endgame my speech is completely gone now I don't really know which one of these I want to grab of course I really want Galactic Wonders but we're just not getting the rare mega engineering research I've been waiting and writing boosters not happening we will also get the ascension theory science soon which will give us one more perk so I guess I could wait for both of them to happen and then just go for the cluster project now yeah let's do that let that be a lesson Thank You vassal essentially deals like that so what kept me going during the war effort and now one thing I can do very soon is Myka Colossus there is going to cost an absolute fortune just these keep on trading that's broken it that's interesting a fallen Empire is going to war with these guys huh very interesting also since when when my borders open they've closed their borders out with red for second they look like I'm going mad it's going that definitely we have just got ascension theory and with that if we take a look-see we can now use ambitions Scientific Revolution plus 20% research speed plus one alternative which is really really good and over in Yuma see I decided to go with defender of the galaxy I feel like we need this right now I'm not as strong as I was hoping we would be honestly I have seen plenty of mistakes I've made through his playthrough I've been looking at the footage to see where to clip things and yeah I could have done this better I really could have I feel like the one planet challenge is very harsh on mistakes and I've made plenty I feel like I've been carried by some really good luck and I still don't know if we're actually Oh to win the game now if we can turn these into a vassal we really should be able to win but until they're inferior we can't do that so we're just sort of waiting i've also went ahead and made a little station over here this means that we can go to war with these guys when they're at peace and we can turn these into a vassal at least and then we will be neighboring these guys so we should be able to do all that before the endgame occurs now as for mid game crisis that still hasn't happened it may be because i keep on saving and reloading because this is the fifth day of playing now I should say so I have reloaded five talked about four times and that did cause problems before with delaying stuff although I'm not quite sure if that is the truth that might be a problem and that could actually really really mess us up we'd rather had the earlier on than later the only thing I don't want to happen is this do not want these guys to wake up because I already hates us do not want them to get more strength I'm tempted to attack them although I think I'll lose we will get some really very good tech from it now we get this unlocked if I had this earlier I would have got this rather than defender of the galaxy so this unlocks the ability to make a science Nexus if you have selected wonders as well which the Ascension perk to light for that now I'm afraid so I just disbanded a large portion of my fleet so we're no longer so so far into debt so what I'm going to do is just take these systems and keep them going with a wide end ply style now because honestly we just need the resources we're just sort of stagnating and even if we do turn them into tribute areas all I want is their money but I want all of it I'm saying that if we do turn them into a tributary we will win via domination well you could always win with someone else so this is the Arthur avoid Colossus it is so weird-looking yep that is truly truly bizarre to war we go just Wayne slave jumps over okay let's teleport in the warp drives are so so good for the Colossus because the glass is so so very slow anyway it's better to just go very slowly even slower than usual after the jump and then this jump okay keep an eye out for enemies coming towards us but we are going to abandon the Colossus here to attack their fleets there we are and goodbye to your entire planet I'm assuming everyone's gonna hate us now right like even our allies yeah here than our allies that is a problem that it's definitely a problem because well we can't make trade deals if everyone hates us first still so here's a problem technically right now I have more than one planet but thankfully they are all under unrest now I would give these away right now but I can't do it whilst I'm at war otherwise I simply would as you can see I'm not allowed to transfer systems until after the war is over so it's a weird little thing I suppose I don't count this at all to breach the one planet challenge because again I'm getting no bonuses the unrest is just unreal for the next few years it's just something I have to do in order to give it to my vassal okay as soon as I get this world back I'm actually going to do status quo the reason is they are now inferior to us because we've taken out enough of their stations that their naval capacity is much much lower than it once was so then that means we can go to war with them and force them to be tributaries later just take that back please then I'll call that a victory that's a weird pirate I mean it's going to lose but still we a pirate okay all done status quo please and then let's as soon as we can give you fellows those systems so this one and eventually that one so we have to go along here so do that then we'll do this again and again hello sure is some minerals going what did I do that I can kill them without two seconds of any of my ships and finally this one they are so now we are back to only one planet the main planet lovely though I have never seen those before okay so you're now in a defensive pact with those fellows hi who on earth are you I can't see you on here so clear I'm going black there we are apparently a rebellion happened over here at some point the war begins okay you there teleport straight over there and where's your leader there it is you jump over to here and I start taking everything they have hopefully despite the fact we say larger territory this will be an easier war than the previous one because we're not fighting on two sides and we're only fighting against one actual enemy it's going much better this time currently as long as we force them into war exhaustion we should almost win already now the one problem is this they have ganged ways all around their system so this fleet here is going to have to just sit here otherwise they're going to keep on taking all this back not nice so that's why we were neighboring them I was a little bit confused one of our recent protectorates these fellows here were neighboring them here so that is why okay then that's good to know it was a little bit confused I was looking for a wormhole anywhere here to see if that connects to our places but no turns up it's over here well that's that question now sadly I did just lose my landing forces because I kind of derp toughing wasn't paying attention let's try that again shall we so once again landing forces please get your butts over here so we can continue this war glorious war well that showerhead okay so I lied let's take over some planets and makes life a lot easier for me fear the wrath of the Xenomorphs Construction complete that's where the fleetest wins hmm I guess we could just warp on over and kill them or we could just grab this and I'll probably probably be the win as well if I can use the words in stuff and not quite but still miss plenty more things to take around here the best possible outcome oh whoa hello domination victory for a second others looking in the minerals but yet we are technically well we have technically won so the one planet challenge is complete now the thing is would it be a true run if we didn't face the endgame crisis and I would argue no no it's not so what I'm going to do is take all my fleets back and then we're going to take over these guys over here make these tributaries as well upgrade our fleet and wait until the events occur I'm still waiting for the mid-game crisis okay let's just continue them everyone get home now is there an easy way home yes there is because of that wormhole beautiful now I don't have to manually teleport everyone gray is currently chillin here although I really should move him here instead then as soon as we go to war what we're going to do is gray will start attacking down here so they can't retreat and the rest of our forces will come up from over here and then that should be a fairly quick victory the last Empire will be this Empire and or two empires that Empire and this Empire this will has no force also that's not really too difficult okay good good good now I really need to start using fleet manager a fallen Empire just declared war with our subjects I'm going to surrender I know it's silly but here's the thing oh that's why they're upset with us because these idiots have my claims against them so we're going to revoke all claims against the Fallen Empire and we're going to be humiliated which the - temp sent happiness we've been suffering from that anyway because of the Watchers which I'm eventually going to go to war with so I surrender it's no major issue although apparently they did this they attacked one of our scientists in fact our leader oh I am going to crush your skull eventually so yes now I'm going to have a new election seems like you're going to win by a landslide though I'd rather you win with the extra unity uhm I vote I vote I vote I vote and that's why voting matters kids especially if you're an all-powerful sort of omnipresent entity controlling an entire empire it really helps them with our economy now looking pretty good considering with draining money from this entire section of the galaxy and of course with the power of protection racket we're getting even more from that we're actually looking really good to take out one of these sodding fallen empires which have been a nuisance this entire playthrough construction especially these ones they're about to get some serious retribution and it's going to hurt so much and they're going to meet our xenomorph pets ok I need to make sure I have enough influence always to have a grand fleet as much as I do want scientific revolution we are rapidly getting all of the repeatable that is true even though it looks like we're not earning much science because we have so few systems it's not really that bad I'm actually tempted to give away some of the system's just for the modifier but I like what I already have right now definitely could do better next time I think I have definitely learned a lot about tall empires I've played mediocre this oh I think I'm going to say I still think we are very much a danger with the end game event but now because of this I think we're going to be okay so what is more important getting the last tributary or destroying the full vampire I think the Fallen Empire because it means we get access to the better shields the better armor and such and we can turn all this into a vassal if we make climbs yeah if we make claims we can grab the world the worlds then can be manually turned into a vassal that's what we're going to do however how expensive of these clans going to be not that bad yet we can definitely make claims to all them good that's what we going to do them climb their worlds turn it into a vassal have fun being our minion certainly better than you deserve honestly our most loyal of vassals make truly fantastic tried stations now that should be enough to hopefully keep us going for the entire war plus we will be losing ships anyway so that will massively reduce our income okay here come the fleets one thing I didn't start moving because I am a dumb-dumb are you to get your butt's there please the Fallen will fade into antiquity and we will claim everything else now sadly can't wait for that final climb but very soon I will be able to let's just wait a few seconds so we can do this before going to war gam on one months needs to pass let me claim it please thank you now as I say let's wait for our fleets to get in position should be very soon and then we should be able to win we have stronger fleets and we are cheesy Corvette spamming which sounds like a food now I've said all that but still mmm cheesy Corvette spam the newest delicious addition to the spam that family of foods I don't think I'd ever try that declare war no justice there can be no peace this is what you get for being so vile to us this entire time and I really wish I could give a leader to cry but it makes sense that we can't considering greys a super entity all by himself engaging enemy station I guess you could call gray a fallen Empire his own right oh yeah that's quickly taken now they are heading towards us which is annoying our ground forces are almost within teleport range for some reason don't over leader there we go was that leader on drugs robot shouldn't be on drugs the basically bender that's great well done your vendor Futurama stick together please thank you what are you doing no you're going around why why why why won't you go around what is over there I don't know that's concerning that is very concerning to me okay well anyway begin by barman in the planet we don't need to we do not need to begin my bar but in that case just take her what's behind them you go and begin your research and I'm going to put you on passive so you don't running away in case then we just goes into the system briefly just need to pay a bit more attention that's all the drums have what bad timing which group okay good it's you you're miles away absolutely miles that's fine sir so that's the mid-game event finally occurring English another enemy fleet okay here comes enemy fleet Oh grace girl is so bloody cool Oh lightning lots of lightning very very frightening me jiejie of all those missile misses you don't need to be so serious with the missin missile where's gray gray got knocked out well that makes sense annoyingly these battleships are always focus on the larger ship first so honestly stellaris is combat mechanics are some of the reason why corvette spam works so so well okay go and take over that ground forces you should now be ready to go and take over this lovely where's the other ground forces they're on their way okay just over there good good good why did that fleet just manage to over here that's annoying in that case take this quickly okay you're next hopefully these won't go for the planets they are going for the planet of course they are why wouldn't they it make sense to do so I was just hoping they were being done you're fallin now don't get up debris so very annoyingly the enemy respawn just as I was attacking the station and the damage has been critical this is they're strongly station I was hoping to attack it before anything happens but sadly not quite so Kay all of you get together how's that going to go okay you're going to die to your own station that's great for us you to teleport here let's take this world as soon as we can please well these worlds you just heal up once this is repaired remember we can use this start reinforcing our own fleet and that's exactly what I'm doing currently reinforcing everywhere else as well okay if you hear some noise in the background by the weather some engineering work going on which is very loud any fluids quite strong but we have the station still don't think we're going to win though but let's just hope for the best this is a bad position to be in honestly very bad indeed still going to be critically damaging to their own fleets so that's it hold them up hopefully the station can do the rest of the damage come on please Don come on be close be close they have too much point defense and we have to smaller fleet this is not we are damaging them but too slowly D'Arnot athletes are repairing over here though who including grain could graze back we did in the winning we somehow ended up winning okay we're in - Robert I've no idea how that happened complete however the enemy won over here so one last one we're nice person I think how fossils helping us fossil no you're so going to die to this I was gonna send in gray to help out just as a nice gesture but no let's just keep on combining our forces that was a very silly attack by them very silly indeed I think I cost us as well which is occasions correct well talk about a war on two fronts but we have the Marauders over here taking over a large amount of space yet the Horde is right here so guys you two combined and then get your butts over there as soon as you have please yep they're already attacking it well that's just terrible isn't it let's go with you she's going to be a long war and I need the heals now the other thing I can do is this we've gray hello gray I'd like you to be a ground unit for a second thank you and now gray I'd like you to be a warship once again because that should spawn you in the home system am I wrong or am i right no it's closest okay how about if we go governor not ground unit governor then warship now you're the home system okay good then you can join out of the fleet and help out in defense over here sadly we can't escape this area because we've warped in until this is destroyed because it's kind of locking us in which is really really annoying thankfully I have another transport fleet on its way somewhere the great car met defeat I don't quite know where hopefully it was me but I don't knew it was me well done lads they will annoyingly return but still let's try and push them a bit further back shall we some of you cramping enemy fleet as soon as this is over we're going to accept status quo that means we will own the homeworld and one of their main worlds which is fantastic they're gonna care for any of that to be perfectly honest sauce go for the cheapest option for some bonus unity come on hurry up xenomorphs thank you status quo enjoy losing your main world there and with that let's turn this into a vassal in the galaxy it's not going back and give them the other worlds as well so it's a tale of two sides here one side is great success over here we are pushing them back very very quickly and very effectively over here on the other hand it's a complete mess they are absolutely everywhere they have destroyed half of this vassal they continue to do damage elsewhere I'm trying my best to stem the tide but I just don't have an a fleet power I can't split them up effectively enough without making them vulnerable they're doing more damage than the Fallen Empire did so we have a second fleet here which is now just about strong enough to deal with the riders themselves we've pushed them back almost everywhere we're trying to go for their hostile fleets where possible and now I'm about to invade the world based somehow took also as a wormhole here which I didn't even realize about which goes all the way over here to the riders locations yeah lots and lots of stuff to deal with it's lots of multitasking which I'm a particularly good with okay good for step back let's get you a sheep Oh leader for now there we are can I please click here thank you we are the liberators not conquerors yet you can it back good good good ok so do I send you through no I'd rather you just be here finish off everything you can over here let's try and get everything back as it was and there we are ok got to love vassals thank you very very much when did that get rebuilt oh come on on the upside all the research is now done with all of the full and Empire stuff thanks to our science vessels so now we can upgrade our ships to have the best shields the best our wealth the best shields the best thrusters and the best generators I think I've also killed all all the construction vessels down here so I should be all of that dealt with so just cleanup crew now just finishing off the last of them then they're all done deploying liberation forces after this I guess we'll go to war with these guys either these or these concrete there are liberators not Congress Pro make our vassal quite happy with us I'd imagine yeah well and yet live rights planet plus 40 oh it's the comms fleet hello hope you like missiles missiles and lots of disruptors was that the Khans police presence in the galaxy it's not going by unnoticed as robots now meet down here white how are the robots now is that mop rising yes it is here's the problem who's uprising because we might be at war because of that no it's these dum-dums that's fine death to the Great Khan fantastic yep I can't take the station then what's going on with that but it's theirs now everyone return home yeah everyone return home let's finally sort out life fleets man this has been stressful there we are so now they're just a regular very weak Empire that's fine you know you guys being in our way is really annoying I'm tempted to conquer you then give it as a gift to the machines that's a great idea I know I'm going to block entry to these guys who are trying to save the galaxy oh do they have overwhelming fleet power compared of us I'm sure this won't backfire in any way if I think to themselves as machines kill them oh it's a different group so where is this group then I can't see them oh they have a planet here okay that's curious well I still don't like these guys anyway so too bad for the high the white because all we're going to do is demand tribute and then do our usual gubbins there can be no peace research station lost yeah some pirates up there as well so they only have this one planet don't know this should be rather easy to die go over then yeah very easy then we need to consider taking over over this Empire or this Empire yeah we are know we can have access this area again which is nice now all of our forces once again returned home I need to sort out your upgrades I think it's about time we take out these fellows they assassinated one of our old leaders and have been constantly declaring war forcing us to surrender and then give the minus temps and happiness modifier I think it's time they simply fade away into history that makes it sound so much more peaceful and how it's actually going to go just waiting for the truce to wear off then we are going to war hopefully we can claim at the home system of this fallen Empire as well once again very strong fleets lots of point defense very very strong stations it's going to be difficult to say the least I'm honestly considering moving away from missiles as with so many things right now have point defense today we get our revenge let's go hopefully this land okay stick together and hope that they don't Construction complete oh they did engaging enemy station honestly maybe it would've been better just to wait outside the borders I don't know where they're going perhaps we could have fought them without the station ah they almost went as well that would have been glorious where's gray gray why are you so slow Thank You gray love you bird so much point defense gray is gonna be just completely destroyed because once again they always focus on those first yet there he goes well he made a good meat shield the very least are they ignoring our shields they're doing all we do that's really weird to sing no they're definitely not noise shields weird Construction complete okay you to form up the archives well that's a lot of defense but not enough to hold back the hordes of xenos I said you archives land you stay together still I might swipe they might come back to attack us again even though they have less number now and of course we can use the station to defend ourselves is our armored it's not showing zero zero oh is it something in the area okay what's going on with our armor oh I remember I changed our fleets because we got the new better shields they literatures don't have armor I know it's silly to do but we are still only on rank for armor no even rank five and we are currently using the full and empire shields which is above rank five so yeah four or six essentially remember six all over that's really weird to see that hey we can also we can already for status quo I'm really hoping they attack us so we can destroy the station undefended oh they're going somewhere else to attack us probably trying to tackle where we're not defending well too bad for you right here attacking their main station what has no defense thank you very much and let's do a bit of reinforcing in the background cuz why not this is going to hurt so much yes thank you I wish that could be on automatic okay lovely and this is going to be really defended isn't it yes it is okay not quite as much as the last one which is good at least as long as we can claim their homeworld I am more than happy with the result well I just got the station back and it came online just before the fight started it was offline so I thought oh this will be safe to attack thankfully seems like it's going to be okay anyway I haven't fully recovered lovely we're now also charging here this should be a victory oh why is that so close we were really in fact no we had the advantage why is that okay good to know their defense force is very very powerful in fact normally 20 forces are but still if I retreat now will they survive I mean to be fair they're all running anyway they're all broken I think it's best us to stay I think this will be a victory maybe the general died quickly I'm not quite sure what happened here well that's prim to all the ground forces decimated but we do get the home world so does it matter too much not really no they keep on reinforcing over here so let's go and take a look wormhole reinforcements have arrived just in time now we're able to take out the station still gray is so powerful versus the station's okay only two more left let's get back here and take that and then reinforce and get ready at the borders can we make any more claims before our ground forces get here not quite god that's expensive well a bit of a risky move what I've ended up doing is using my unity to purchase this ambition will to power that gives me +5 influence per month which is obviously a little lots of influence of course what this means is I can do this I'll be having that thank you currently the only thing we haven't claimed is this one here Oh a thing ooh thing I want this thing this is a thing I wish to purchase just waiting on influence now since I don't want to go back to war with them later it's going to be a while on a hundred percent please can I just make this claim thank you very much and with that I'm afraid you are all out of time for this life and that should be that right achieve your goals why can I not have this unoccupied system unoccupied planets did you manage to free that planet at some points I had definitely captured that well either way they shouldn't be too difficult suffered thankfully a very weak planet if they win because of this because I didn't notice at some point they managed to liberate this planet that's gonna be so sizing complete move it deployed to be fair this is all we'd leave them with there we are colony of Concord and achievable goals end of the chroniclers well there we are and with that let's make ourselves a vassal let's finish off the holy Guardians while still waiting for the event peace oh yeah got the Grays why slower than the rest the rest kind of got here gray happens well we don't need him for this bit anyway they'd only have a fleet anymore so it's just the station's lovely how strong all these planets not particularly that's good and with that achieve war goals the end of the Watchers so which one of you are the Watchers because I'm going to give you all of these worlds yeah yeah you may have your original worlds back enjoy now back to whiting I was considering going to war with the final two empires but they've got a defensive my defensive pact now and although we could definitely win no doubt about it we are much stronger than they are they wouldn't stand a chance I don't want my fleet depleted right now so I'm going to just white armor up make sure everything else is okay now we do a little a few tweaks here and there perhaps take over one of the smaller empires maybe although they are good cannon fodder for the endgame crisis if not and then we'll just wait until the event occurs hello you at the Marauders we all happily accept you as a protectorate so I've been selling things she's making sure we can use the Dyson Sphere honestly I think I'm just going to spend all that money ardan reinforcing athlete if we can have one more near a hundred thousand fleas I think we'll be fine no matter what the end game crisis is I think we'll be safe so mistake by name after reading the wiki it turns out the end game crisis starts after fifty years into the endgame the end game starts by default at 2400 which means for the last 50 years we were safe we could have easily taken a new tributary my mistake my bad we could have been in a much better position but normally I'm more active anyway what I'm doing with this one it's such a dedication of force to force a tributary or vassal I didn't want to be out in position bleed and I've messed up because of that well I acknowledge that I still think we have enough force to deal with all of the endgame crises I've seen before I'm hoping that now rings true We certainly have have the abilities are very quickly replenish our forces if we need tension that's looking better now we're climbing all the systems nearby it looks a bit more complete around here in a bit less spotty which is very very pleasant indeed you're finished just wait and influence then I'll grab this one finally we've completed this find the home system it took a while but it's right there that really faster than going wrap I guess it is yeah the yutz home world giving us quite a bit of unity energy and minerals would have been better earlier but still I'm sloppy enough for that Construction complete galactic power surge is this the unbidden I can never remember either way almost time let's get back to base reinforce add more guns the unbidden ok this is honestly in my opinion the easiest of quite a few of them now where are you Deary where are you indeed so dimensional anchors portal portal is right there ok not so far away at all can you all please get ready to rumble okay so the unbidden let's see what are you good at again you are good versus oh you're terrible versus shields and we're just using shields oh and you have no armor which means an missiles are gonna go right through and us rip you apart now I could come to think about it what it could do to make my ships even better versus these fellows who swap out for the Devastator torpedoes because these do bonus damage versus no Armour never mind lord of missiles keep as you are mr. beebe honestly not so difficult i think we're winning the one planet challenge hello master would you like more minerals yes please thank you okay let's get ready make sure to stick together the end fleet is still incredibly dangerous we do have defender of the galaxy though meaning we are doing bonus damage to these fellows let's go whoa where all of your fleets here at once I should not have appeared here though if you're going to just let me fight you one at a time that's fine release the missiles are they go straight for the hull they ignore all of that shielding we are the hard counter I'm sorry all construction vessel kill it oh it's like a fire-type fighting a grass-type it's just so beautifully unfair okay we need to take up the anchors let's go here and take up there big ol fleet while it's still unprotected well it's unprotected from other fleets I looking at the fleet either is hiding underneath or it just spawned for the glory of missiles no Michel best I've so many cool that's just died we are a tide of death we know is when nowhere near as powerful as the Commonwealth of man was at this stage and honestly that's my fault I should have pushed for galactic wonders imagine right now if we had double the science because that is what galactic wonders would have gave us I am a little bit salty about how I played this game honestly but ultimately we did win just a lot more oh that was bad our fleet to split our fleet just accidentally split thankfully once again we are the hard counts to these fellows either way we win so we know all together missing in action what happened to you you're a full health okay I don't what just happen then but somehow we just lost one of athletes I don't know why either also another thing I would really like to do with this is I would love if I had the feudal Empire's Civic because that would allow our there we are feudal society that would allow our vassals to expand rather than cause things like this to happen essentially it means our vassals would be more powerful more useful to us stick together please okay one of the construction vessels are dead at least go here go here take out the construction vessel that should make the portal open well it's all you open obviously hence White's throwing things ass but it'll make it vulnerable to attack still don't know what happens those are the two groups those other two groups they're missing in action swiping a full health I don't know what occurred then if you know feel free to tell me I would love to learn and good bye returning next month oh wow they have replenished their forces quickly I don't like my odds right now I've got to be honest you have 200k no no we should be fine what should be fine especially with the bonus damage from defender of the galaxy I also really miss having stored research that was fun anyway unity yeah we do a bonus 50% damage and we are already a hard count so those two things combined are very nice indeed okay I fleets up Auto returning all the life and science star well that's gonna be a while well maybe it's not wise hold nope as my dad I should have stopped them before they got here but too late for that even though they are massively outmatched in terms of numbers they're still doing a lot of damage in fact I think they're going to win no lesson leaders has suffered a critical malfunction the galaxy is a safer place we are victorious invasion defeated and with that we are done we have defeated the endgame crisis quite easily we have controlled the world through domination leaving only a few major empires left because we just wanted to be safe we could have got them but mistakes are made there so then final thoughts final thoughts on this run well boy am i annoyed to myself and quite a few things so the one planet challenge loads of fun especially at the start really forces a different play style I think I needed to be a lot more active in the mid to late game I was a bit complacent and that really hurt me I made a crucial mistake when it came to unity getting the Colossus project which was utterly worthless in the end what we really really really needed was this galactic wanders if we had the science nexus it would have literally doubled our science in everything except engineering where it would be close to double and with that and with so few systems we would have got way more science we still had loads of science by the end just look at what some of our fleets if we look at this go into damage look at these modifiers explosive weapon damage explosive weapon damage energy damage energy damage attack speed everything else same of shields up to a bonus 30% when I only got +5 % per repeatable tech we could have got double all of that and with that we could have very easily attacked to the other empires without using all of our forces and that would have made me far more dominant at the very very end another thing is we still want to quite easily I think the next time we play I will have it at a difficulty one higher I feel like I've got to a point now where I can deal with this difficulty a bit too a bit too often a bit too reliably so I'm either going to up the difficulty of the endgame crisis or up the overall difficulty I'm not quite sure which feel free to tell me although the Empire will definitely be an empire focused around science again but this time not the one planet challenge so I really do hope you've enjoyed I've enjoyed the start I enjoyed the mid-game I messed up so much and just got a bit disheartened near the end but still really enjoyed it these are definitely a type of video I love making a browser grande salle I am now also incredibly tired this has been 19 hours of footage which I'm now going to edit down hopefully it is editable to two hours or less probably a little bit more like usual thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed the video then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps out may help set the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris as a series you wish to see continued in the future and the opinions ideas tell me thank you for watching and good bye now I'm gonna get some sleep you
Channel: Lathland
Views: 305,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 112min 57sec (6777 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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