This Animated Titanic Movie Is Horrendous

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Okay he changed the title AGAIN. The title, FOR NOW, is "This Animated Titanic Movie is Horrendous".

Gdi Danny, I can't keep up with you sometimes! šŸ˜‚

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Meljusenr šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Dec 19 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

That END THE SCENE bit had me crying with laughter!

Really loved Danny's physical comedy performance in this video!

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 9 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Meljusenr šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Dec 05 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies


šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 9 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/fondlemeLeroy šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Dec 05 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

The title is wrong on this post

The actual video title is "This Titanic Knockoff Is Insanely Bad"

Sorry I posted it before Danny could make changes.

Edit: he changed the title AGAIN.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 9 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Meljusenr šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Dec 05 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

nbd but the first upload had a little part where he talks about jontrons video about this,but then he reuploaded w/out that, I wonder why

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/januaryjamba šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

Some people in the comments of his other videos: Danny swears too much!!

Me: I love it! He doesn't overdo it and he's unapologetic about it! Also I love to see people complain about it!

Danny: doesn't even say the word "damn" in this video.

Me: I feel attacked right now.

(He's still funny and doesn't need to swear to make me laugh, of course, but I still feel attacked.)

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 4 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Meljusenr šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

Iā€™m still wondering where the kid who fell off the ship with him went.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/ktownres šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies
a girl with an evil stepmother and two evil stepsisters a creepy unlikable love interest a bunch of little Mexican mice and a rapping dog what are these things all have in common you might ask they're all elements of the perfect movie about the Titanic guys today I'd like to take you on a trip back to the year 2000 to talk about the best movie about the Titanic ever made now if you know anything about the movie Titanic you're probably thinking to yourself but didn't that movie come out in the year 1997 and it did the movie Titanic came out in the year 1997 but a lot of people don't know that an animated rip-off of the movie Titanic called Titanic the legend goes on came out in the year 2000 and oh my god it is atrocious it's totally insensitive to the tragedy that was the Titanic they added in all these quirky characters like cartoon animals and a silly bumbling detective and on top of all that the movie makes no sense there's a point where I watched this movie like three or four times still didn't get the plot and then had to look it up on Wikipedia to find out what was going on even the name Titanic the legend goes on is a bad title the legend I don't know if I describe the Titanic is a legend it's a very well documented tragedy but satanic is a legend dude it was legendary bro know what go ahead and buy the movie to go get on DVD or something if they still sell it because I want you to believe how bad I'm going to make this movie seem because you're not gonna believe me when I tell you but before we get into it let's talk about today's sponsor raid shadow legends yep that's right your boy got a sponsor so let's talk about it in case you've been living under a rock for the past couple months and haven't been watching other youtubers promoting this game rain shadow legends is a huge sensation right now is one of the most popular games in the mobile gaming world it's an RPG that changes everything about our PG it's rated as one of the top three RPGs on the Google 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gonna do just go home and think about what happened and there's no way you can escalate from there from the Titanic but it turns out it was just a flashback this the movie starts with a flashback of the Titanic sinking and then we go back to before the Titanic even happens either way a very somber way to start a children's movie to be sure so this movie's actually got a bit of a Cinderella vibe to it as if it wasn't already knocking off one movie they're just straight-up ripping off Cinderella as well as girl Angelica is travelling with her evil stepmother and her evil stepsisters she's sort of like their servant and they treat her like garbage stop moping over that picture you're never going to find your precious you're never gonna find your mom you idiot oh you miss your mom cuz she died or something get a life dude you're wrong I will find her and my father too I'll find them both anyway they get to the boat it shows a bunch of people getting on the Titanic you see families getting on the Titanic different people getting on the Titanic there's also some geese wearing bonnets getting on the Titanic I don't know why there's just this whole subplot about the animals that live on the Titanic that totally baffles me why would geese even be interested in a transatlantic cruise to America I don't know but there they go on their own little ramp that animals have their own little ramp to get on to the boat it's going to be plenty to keep you busy above this tub so the thing about this movie that it's gonna make it kind of hard to make this video is that there's like 900 different subplots going on and none of them make any sense and the worst part about it is all of the subplots start at the exact same time they try to introduce them all at once at the beginning of the movie and Angelica misses her MA and her stepmothers an evil witch and there's geese on the shin this guy's hitting on this sexy girl and the detectives on board to solve the case what case I don't know he's just there and they also just do a really bad job of introducing every character and what their motives are like this woman she comes out of nowhere every time she talks you're like what did she just say oh yeah that thing that people say Tarija taliadau and why is he doing that I get what this guy's doing he's trying to pull one of the suitcases out of the car but what is he doing what is he's just like losing his balance for no reason [Music] Oh Angelica you really are hopeless here you are let's help it's a smooth crossing hold up does this student know the Titanic is gonna sing it's hope why did he deliver that line so ominously hope it's a smooth ride I just genuinely hope that it's a smooth ride and I don't know anything that would lead me to believe that it won't be there's so many people that introduced so many people get on this boat there's a family of mice there's this bird who's like a male bird or I don't know what he's got like a satchel like he's gonna deliver mail there's a touring band of Mexican mice yeah what's with the costumes guys leave me alone tourists in your wait till they're home muchachos yeah this part did not age well I mean none of it did but this part especially is kind of like huh they're Mexican mice they got big sombreros they're in a mariachi band or something and they all want chili but don't want to get home so they can eat chili call her at once this is Angelica's fault come in young mum please go fetch my ward Angelica pickering down in third class I don't know who that guy is or why he's so short and why his suit looks like it was made for a normal-sized person like he's a child who's trying to pretend to be an adult and they never explained who he is and he never shows up in the movie again his only role in the movie is to walk in like and then he leaves and we never see him again so even though Angelica's traveling with the evil rich stepmother and her two stepchildren and she's kind of like their servant she's in third class and they really put it a work you didn't pack out clothes properly you clumsy girl blaming her for stuff that she didn't even do those bits of broken china drunk which transitions us to the part of the movie that's about the animals we go to the storage part of the ship where the animals I guess land and this part of the movie is probably the weirdest scene of any movie that I've ever seen and I'm not just saying that to be dramatic it's so weird that you probably won't even believe me when I tell you what happened so I'm gonna try to play as much of the scene in its entirety as I can how about if she comes to our party mama you're having one aren't we will talk to Fritz about her you know there's something you should know so I'm gonna tell you so don't sweat it forget it enjoy the show working on Jaime now it's time to unwind kick back relax take a little your mind yep the mouse thanks the dog for saving his life and instead of responding in any sort of way that makes sense or has anything to do with what the mouse said the dog starts rapping about how it's party time I'll be busting the moves and I'll be Busta Rhymes will be bustin double laughing cuz it's bonding time all aboard the Titanic it's party time there's so many things that don't make sense what is going on he's rapping rap wouldn't be invented for several decades the dog is suddenly wearing this like tank top and athletic shorts he wasn't wearing that before the second he starts rapping he's just all of a sudden in this hip-hop outfit the animation is creepy it doesn't match up with what he's saying sometimes it's downright horrendous he keeps showing his creepy hands clapping like his creepy fingery hands it's a dog you shouldn't have fingers he's got little furry finger it's not cute it's creepy it's not even just like a little jingle that he does and walks off either it's an entire song it lasts for like at least two minutes it has a chorus and has verses they're all about party time he's using a an antique radio as a boombox obviously because boom boxes haven't been invented yet so he's got this old antique radio this seat is the weirdest part of the movie and it's one of if not the weirdest scenes I've ever seen but by no means is this scene alone in how weird it is this movie is full of scenes like this during pretty much every scene of this movie at the end of it when it cuts to the next scene I'm left wondering like what just happened what is going on who knows what's around the corner I dream of my first building going up in America progress Sir William progress one must always be ready to progress you humble secretary even I could someday become their ups even yoga if you mean me I think I'll take a stroll around the deck what what's that what was that exit he said like a million things and then just left and no one was even talking to it I feel like they took like eight different lines of dialogue and smashed it into one edited them all together I believe this movie was originally in Italian and then they translated it to English for an American release and I feel like some scenes they got lazy and didn't want to go through the trouble of translating them so instead they just had the voice actors just grunt and make weird noises instead of talking like this scene where the thieves are doing a little robbery you're walking around in someone's room in the dark and they're trying to steal some jewelry uh-oh looks like it's time for some romance I bet you look ravishing in this no dude but dude that that's weird don't knock over someone's laundry and then just start looking through it Creve and she's like happy about it too she's like oh this nice man just knocked over my laundry I was carrying and then started rummaging through it how romantic ah dude stop being creepy what is this scene oh geez I knocked over your laundry sorry I'm such a klutz I'll help you pick him up whoa are these your underwear they're so big I'm gonna put them on my head I'm gonna rub your hand hey do you want to get married and now they're in love she walks away and they're in love I guess that's all it takes you know you know what they say when you know you know and she knows that she's in love with this guy who runs into people and then rummages through their stuff and then rubs their hand rich boy coming knocking over my stuff that's my type that's my type is something wrong master William I met a sweet charming girl I don't know who she is or even what part of the ship she's in she's vanished into thin air we're on a ship in the middle of the ocean she can hardly get off you'll bump into her again oh that's kind of a creepy thing to say too isn't it her eyes were like Oh nanny Oh dude is so weird why did they make the Lovings you're so weird look now he's getting all hot and bothered he grabs on to his nanny and shakes her around to tell her how beautiful this girl is so he goes off to find Angelica instead of continuing to creep out his nanny excuse me madam you were talking to a young lady how can I find her I know she often comes out here for walks oh I must go in now is chilly I just want to see her again I I have something to say to her why does no one in this movie exit scenes properly what was that he's still in the middle of a conversation with her and she's like I've got to go keep talking and she just turns around and walks out the door it's like the animators got halfway into every scene and the director walked in and was like at the same end it now and the animators were like okay but we should they're just in the middle of talking they just started a conversation and and the scene is over okay all right okay fine chill just I guess she'll just walk away in the middle of a conversation is that what you want I would've thought you'd be upstairs listening to that wonderful singer I was too busy looking for someone now that I found her I'm not going to let her get away from me okay it's not just me right everything that comes out of this dudes mouth is really weird now that I found you I'm not going to let you get away come here oh look they're so in love they love each other so much I'm William Wilf short I don't even know your name it's Angelica will I see you at the reception tonight [Music] Angelica why'd it why can't know one end conversations properly in this movie well I see you tonight are you gonna come tonight I gotta go I'm just wondering if I'll see you at the event chilly out here I'd really love if you came she's so beautiful one weird thing I'm noticing about this movie too is that every time they switch scenes they have an establishing shot of the boat to show you that what's taking place is still on the boat you don't need to keep doing that I know that we're still on the boat the whole movie takes place on the boat the movie is about the boat now will is at the reception and all by himself Sulkin he's all lonely reminiscing about all the times he and Angelica have shared they play a little montage of all the times they've had together which is two times if you remember so it's a very short montage but then she gets a dress from this nice old woman she goes to the ball and she finds him and they they dance and they have a great time and they fall in love they confess their love for each other nothing they could tell me could prevent me from loving you nothing could prevent me from loving you we'll find your parents - and he promises to help her find her parents remember that remember that plot from the beginning of the movie yep that's still happening being in love is the best thing in the whole world she'll have no cares from now on just be happy happy happy no man they're gonna sink I mean I knew that was gonna happen cuz that's what happens in the Titanic but for God I got too invested in the story and I forgot that they were all gonna die darn so anyway the boat sinks obviously everyone gets on to the lifeboats and we'll and Angelica gets separated and Angelica doesn't even know if we'll got on a lifeboat the next like 10 minutes of the movie are just people screaming and drowning and falling into the water and Angelica trying to find a will but then eventually she sees him it's not him never mind dude we we don't have any room on the boat sorry hang on it's William oh there's we'll finally they found him wait what happened to the kid that was with him he was holding a kid before he's just gone so wills on the boat they kiss they're so happy and that's like the end of the movie oh except for this part that the mouse narrates at the end about how everyone's doing now wait a minute wait a minute why are you going the movie isn't over yet don't you want to know what happened to everybody turns out everyone lived happily ever after we're sitting really pretty to thank us for saving him our friend the ship's cook put us up at his new place of work the mice that were on board the ship now works with the chef on the ship they have a restaurant together the wrapping dog works with the detective now and Angelica and we'll get married and they live happily ever after okay so my thing is I've you can't make a Titanic movie where the ending is like everyone lived happily ever after because they did it they totally brush over the fact that 1500 people died that's how many people died on the Titanic that's most of the people there were only like a little over 2,000 people on the Titanic but this movie just totally forgets all about that and it's like but the mice opened up a restaurant with the chef what is this movie supposed to teach kids that the Titanic wasn't that bad anyways sorry this movie was so bad alright guys well I hope you enjoyed this video if you're new here make sure you subscribe and turn up my notifications to join Greg see you guys next time with a really interesting video where Santa leaves me a big present under the tree when I unwrap it it's warm gallon of milk and I'm lactose intolerant and he makes me drink the whole thing hi this video is over now you'll find something else to watch or just watch this video and oh we had a lot of fun but you can't stay on this hands-free forever this video is over now so why are you still watching this
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,803,524
Rating: 4.9550095 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, react, reaction, reacting, awful, humor, titanic, knockoff, ripoff, bee movie, ratatoing, the legend goes on, legend, goes, on, movie, review, insensitive, bad
Id: egcnXF_5xqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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