IELTS Speaking Practice - Live Lessons on the topic of MONEY

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october beautiful day nice to see you here great today we're going to be looking at the really interesting topic of money get the right finger money we're going to be looking at cash we're going to be looking at wallets we're even going to be looking at credit cards and maybe even crypto coin cryptocurrency the bitcoin why not do you know i've just checked is it twelve thousand four twelve thousand seven hundred dollars it's gone up by four percent whoa how do i know that i'll tell you later so we're going to talk a lot money we've got lots of language around idioms collocations talking about spending money and saving money being rich being poor it's a hot topic it's a very popular ielts speaking topic so we're going to have lots of interaction today on the topic of money great let's see who's in the house from uth bekid stan sulcumor good morning hello there hola meet wageland nice to see you here deleo hi mem good send eeps here adam's tools interesting i assume you're adam hey thanks adam uh eastside chad nice to see you die hard fan thank you very very much jt balubor with your mask on i hope things are getting better or at least well it seems around europe things are not getting better things are getting worse with the kovid as we go into autumn and winter but everybody stay safe so nice to see you all here today we are as i mentioned on the topic of money um just before we dive in if you are on youtube then please do remember to subscribe to the channel so you can find out about my videos at the weekend normally sunday and also future life classes right which at the moment are on thursdays 10 o'clock spain time looking at different ielts speaking topics and the language you'll need for them great if you're new here my name is keith from the keith speaking academy um i run the website which is www.keithspeakingacademy where you can find out lots of stuff lots of information about the speaking test tips and ideas for ielts and lots of material to help you study in fact i'm going to show you right because the material is all here on the website and lots of it is in the free live lessons tab here so actually after the class um three or four hours later i upload all the notes we've had and you are able you are or will be able to find them here they're all free but if you do want to leave a donation to help me you can but otherwise you can just go through and you can find out all of the notes you can download them here if you're on a mobile phone and you just want to read them directly then just click and you can go and get all the information we did photography last week which was great so you can get all the information there about photography there's the links questions lots of practice it's all there right so three or four hours after the lesson that's where you will find the notes and if you haven't joined the facebook group come along and join us there's lots of exciting things happen happening um we're sharing tips and ideas um lots of questions about the topics that we do so you can actually practice and getting ideas um and also we have a lucky draw so every friday a lucky draw i give away for free one of my online courses so anybody who comments on my friday lucky draw post can win a course great and the courses are well there's two now i've got ielts speaking success which is on udemy and coming very very soon i have a second course which is fluency for ielts speaking this is a course it's based on the fluency gym it's intense practice to improve your fluency and intonation actually very natural english intonation this course is going to be on udemy i was planning for sunday but it's all been put onto udemy they have to approve it um it's taking longer than they normally does so i think monday or tuesday next week it will be ready and you and i will tell you and you can go and uh go and have a look if it's right for you of course great let's come back to money let's see how you guys are doing hey shakun hello nice to see you and uh richard shout out there you go there's your shout out richard sandeep good morning syed ashad nice to see you here facebook guys i can't see your name i do apologize i know you're there but i can't see the names alea velazquez money and she's got all the dollars and the swag bag everything ready to collect the money right brilliant nema hello great so listen let's start as normal um looking at a bit of vocabulary some kind of basic vocabulary or essential vocabulary let's say on the topic of money and i'm going to begin with a mistake because mistakes are how we learn hooray embrace your mistakes so sometimes and i think because of a translation problem people say yes i gained money right now you can gain weight and get fatter but we don't really gain money so what we would say is i earn money so by working right if you're working then you're going to earn money earn a wage earn a salary by that's earning money by adding value or adding value the reason i add that right is because i remember i learned this years ago right it's a really interesting story right a guy is working um in in a company and says well i'm fed up with this company they just don't pay enough right my salary is so low they don't pay enough and he was speaking to his boss um and he said i think i'm going to leave because i just don't get enough money um and his boss said to him it's not that the company doesn't pay enough it's that they don't pay you enough because they pay lots of other people more money and the guy was thinking oh why is that and the boss said to him if you think about it you get paid for adding value the more value you add the more you get paid so if you're only working the minimum giving little value you get that much money right if you add more value you will get more money it's true in business probably true in life i think and i i have taken that nugget of information with me all the time i think it's absolutely true by adding value you actually do make or earn money earn money or make money we can also say spending money yes win money right but you can win money that means that you're gambling at the casino right so you don't win money with a job no you earn money with a job you win money when you're gambling and just to make sure that's clear gambling we're talking here about gambling like when you're playing poker or at a casino for example if any of you go to the casino sometimes people think vesting investing is gambling it may be you are gambling a little bit right if you invest you can make money if you invest wisely right make money um yeah normally investing we talk about making money rather than winning money but for some people investing is like a casino right it really is you can earn a fortune if you're lucky so to earn a fortune is to make a lot of money a fortune is a lot of money um some other expressions here he spends money like nobody's business he spends money like nobody's business that means he spends a lot of money right he's a spendthrift it's interesting because thrifty is not spending money but a spend thrift if somebody who spends a lot of money right a big spender somebody in the comments had a similar expression spending money like there's no tomorrow there we go all right sophia hello nice to see you back here let's bring you down here spending money like there's no tomorrow that's excellent great let me add that one in there spends money like no business she let's make it gender equal right i mean do women and men spend money differently of course not of course not all the husbands are going i don't know of course not it depends on the person she spends money like there is no tomorrow you probably have similar expressions in your own language i suppose this is a lovely expression we have in england he has more money than sense right which is the same idea he's spending money like there's no tomorrow i mean spending too much money on stupid things that he doesn't need he has more money than sense than common sense great some people are like that right donating money as adam says you can donate money as well let's add that on because that's probably worth putting in you can donate money and that as you say is to charity which is great you can donate money so these are all different collocations right now if you're interested in collocations i am going to recommend this tool to you right um and i recommend this a lot but i think it's such a powerful tool right right it's a collocation dictionary so if you're not sure is it make money win money save money and how what other words can i use with money go to ostic i mean it's a it's a treasure box right it can make you very linguistically wealthy you will learn and earn so much through it so let's put in money right and here absolutely amazing i mean i just i just love this so it gives you adjectives right big money easy money making easy money um private money pocket money right spending money for children we talk about children having spending money the verbs whoops have borrow bring in collect earn get make raise receive wow look at that i mean that is absolutely brilliant and you can go through i won't go through all of them now but um stash away so save look at this right save set aside stash away wow great language so it's it's a great tool um oh you know go go and use it it's oztik and it's absolutely brilliant in my humble opinion and it is just a humble opinion okay so let's um have a look i'm going to give you a little test now i'm going to show you three questions and there's a gap fill see if you can tell me the missing word in the comment box just put number one two and three and put what the missing word is right are you ready there you go [Music] what do you think right there's a bit of a lag on the comments so i'm going to wait a moment gautam well done for number one delio as well well done remember just put the number so i know which one you're saying emily nice to see you again and spot on yes rich and number two not quite number two is a bit difficult okay everybody's got number one spot on right that's quite a common expression it costs an arm and a leg quite a common expression well done um i'll just underline it make it clearer it costs an arm and a leg with pronunciation right notice we do lots of linking here um it costs leg arm and a leg say that arm and a leg it costs an arm and a leg you can put it into two it costs an arm and a leg or you can do it as one sound it cost an arm and a leg excellent nice what about number two what we got shakun says against oh i paid against the odds that's interesting i wasn't thinking of that against the odds is is usually used more with your fighting against the odds when you're trying to do something or make a change and it's not an easy one because everyone's against you you're doing it against the odds i'm thinking of a different expression here to say it was too expensive has anybody got it right we have great we've got fjung fiong has got it for number two it's over i paid over the odds right that means it was too expensive thank you fyong fantastic paid over the odds again if you can um you can do it just two phrases i paid over the odds over the odds can you say that over the odds i paid over the odds nice or link it together i paid over dover dover like dover the city i paid over the odds i paid over the odds i paid over the odds hunky dory nice number three oh no sorry number three no given the answer duh keith wake up i gave you the answer by mistake i paid through the nose right that doesn't mean you're putting money up your nose no look that's two pence look at that two pence coin you don't see these very often nowadays two pence when you can't see it when um where are we here we are when i was a kid right this two pence you could buy a mars bar um some candy with that now you couldn't buy a piece of fluff with that i mean it's worth nothing nowadays absolutely useless so why do we still have coins should we move to a cashless society some countries and i'm thinking of china are already moving quickly to a cashless society where there are no coins there's no cash it's all mobile phones wechat maybe credit cards even credit cards are old-fashioned right i think nowadays it's all going to be apple pay google pay swipe your mobile phone anyway sorry i'm jumping ahead let me slow down a bit um so i paid through the nose it was too expensive right i went to the shop and i bought well yesterday actually i went to buy some nails to hang up some pictures um and i paid through the nose they were so expensive okay great now then good any comments coming in costal costs ah nazila thank you very much it cost an arm a leg well no no zilla it cost a normal egg it was expensive right that's the past so cost because it is the past it cost an arm and a leg it was expensive so i'm talking in the past here so haha i was right everyone say why not costs why not costs because it's the past tense right of course in the present it would be it costs an arm and a leg yeah how to how to say it was cheap good question right that's very good question how to say it was cheap jorog nice question um we can say oh it was going for a song yeah strange right it was going for a song for example that is it was cheap and again i'm going i'm keeping it in the past tense just for consistency can you see that let me take that up a bit up keith up it was going for a song it was cheap it was going for a song it was it was dirt cheap also we say it was dirt cheap if it was very cheap it was dirt cheap right i got this motorbike it was dirt cheap doesn't mean it was dirty it's just very cheap anyone else for cheap are these idioms um yes taruna these are idioms if they if the words have a slightly different meaning like paid through the nose because i'm not literally paying through the nose it's idiomatic right they are idiomatic any other ideas for cheap it was dirt cheap nothing's cheap it's all relative right cheap as chips that sounds like a belgium expression cheap as chips though i think we say that in england as well it was cheapest chips it was pretty cheap yeah you can say that it was cheap as chips it cost me air i've not heard that before i haven't heard that dead cheap ashraf says yeah it was dirty cheap it was dead cheap but dead right is just i mean you can use that with anything it was dead good it was dead expensive right dead just means very it's strange right why would we use dead which means no longer alive to mean very it's very strange it's dead strange okay excellent good question let's move on from expenses expensive and cheap let me just make sure you can see all of this sorry there we go and just on pronunciation right there's a lot of was there w a s was when it's not stressed we pronounce was was it was going can you hear the difference it's not it was going it was going say that it was going it was dirt cheap it was dead cheap it was was and there's a z like a z like a b it was it was dead cheap it was cheap as chips great excellent good so i'm going to move on i don't know what's coming next what's coming next let's wind up find out i've got a question for you great we're going to talk about expensive things do you like to buy expensive things do you tell me what you think do you like to buy expensive things the answer's got to be well it depends right yeah lots of yeses yes sometimes people say cheap things are more expensive which is true right because cheap things break and then you have to buy another and so sometimes it works out more expensive to buy cheap things and it can be cheaper to spend a bit of extra money but get good quality right no i don't have enough money if it's quality if the quality is enough i buy expensive clothes okay let's share a few of these great good right this is a nice one from no i don't have a deep pocket very nice expression right i don't have a deep pocket uh lots of money very good expression like it uh sadib says it depends yep it depends i wonder what it depends on yasmin says they are value for money so i guess you mean yes if they are value for money i'm going to change that just to make it clear to me and maybe to everybody yes if they are value for money value for money so is not cheap or expensive but it's the right price for the right quality or a good price for the good quality great right okay and of course here so here my answer depends on what trung says obviously depends on what kind of things we're going to buy right great very very good just a quick tip for you right if you get this as a part one question do you like to buy make sure in your answer for part one you say i right otherwise you're talking dude too generally right so throng here you say obviously it depends on what kind of things we are going to buy that's very general that's good for part three but for part one i would say well it depends on what kind of things i am going to buy because in part one you need to talk about yourself right so that's just a tip throng this is brilliant because i didn't say this was a part one question but just so you know if it is part one make sure you talk about i in your answer right be specific right tarek says yes i like to buy expensive things what things do you buy tarik what kind of things do you buy here's an example then sourab i love your avatar that's great if i have to gift someone then i may fork out some money for the same fork out some money that's great yeah do you like to buy expensive things let's add this in because there's some good language here i like to fork out on um gifts so i'm just going to change the font because i we have a different font right okay bear with me bear with me i like to fork out on fork out money you can say four count money or just fork out on something great expression um okay i'm going to have a look see what else we can share okay ishmael says partially yes because it depends on what i am purchasing so purchasing is nice to buy to purchase you can use that when speaking as well not all expensive things are good as i was saying right well sometimes expensive yeah no not as i was saying i was saying expensive can be cheaper not always true as abdul razak says you can sometimes expensive things are not good quality yes right elvis says yes but i cannot afford now this is a really good example a ford is a strange word so we tend to use it i cannot afford it i cannot afford a holiday i cannot afford i can't afford a new car right i can't afford it so it's make sure you have it in there but i can't afford it right spend wisely okay good good here's another final one chung says no i'm not a big fan of luxurious luxurious i think you mean luxurious luxurious goods luxurious what a crazy word luxurious luxurious there's no x it's a look luxurious goods right brilliant so do you like to buy expensive things i like to fork out on gifts i'm going to throw in a few expressions i like to splash out on something same thing right fork out splash out all meaning spend a lot of money i like to splash out on something i like to fork out i'm happy to dig deep into my pockets and buy expensive things if they are value for money that was a good expression we had right before i'm happy to dig deep or dig deep into my pockets and buy expensive things if they are value for money um yes but i need to keep an eye on my money or on my wallet somebody said keep an eye on my pocket pocket we use in different things like dig deep into my pockets um keep an eye on my wallet i think would be more would be more common yes i need to keep an eye on my wallet what else do we say um what else can we say here do you like buying expensive things no no what i can't afford it yes let's get the afford in i can't afford it um no i am this is a nice expression i am a bit strapped for cash i'm a bit strapped for cash let me take that out for you at the moment strapped for cash means having little money right strapped is literally oh how do i explain strapped a strap is on your bag right when you carry a bag you have a strap so a strap ties you up so if you're tied up or strapped you're you can't move strapped for cash just means you don't have much money right it's a strange expression but really colloquial nice one that's right don't have much money it's a bit like i'm on a tight budget at the moment i'm on a tight budget or i'm on a shoestring budget string budget all of these meaning exactly the same i don't have much money i can't afford it i'm a bit strapped for cash at the moment i'm on a tight budget excuse me on a tight budget or i'm on a shoestring budget literally shoestring strapped for cash great be really careful with the prepositions right lots of them here keep an eye on my wallet strapped for cash strapped for cash on a budget on a tight budget on a shoestring budget all of those brilliant good um so that's it listen i'm going to move quickly on i can see lots of comments there going through but um frugal is a nice word yeah frugal i'm very frugal no i am quite frugal or thrifty right careful with money have i spelt that right no i can't see why i'm writing at the moment the screen is hidden okay so i'm uh no i'm quite frugal or i'm thrifty frugal and thrifty very very nice words great you know in england we have pounds and pennies right this is a penny um and we have an expression right if you see a penny on the floor if you see a penny pick it up and your day will be full of luck that's what we say see a penny pick it up and your day will be full of luck we have lots of expressions with penny i'm going to spend a penny what does that mean it doesn't mean i'm going to go and buy a piece of candy it means i'm going to go to the toilet i need to spend a penny do you know when you're in those maybe embarrassing situations and you need a toilet but you don't want to say i want to go to the toilet he goes i need to spend a penny and if it's a british person they go oh okay toilet's over there if they're not british they'll probably say well the shops are closed i need to spend the money why because in the good old days right when we had the public toilets you had to put a coin a penny into the door to open the door to use the public toilet hence the expression i want to spend a penny right brilliant listen i can see lots of brilliant expressions coming up here i'm just going to share a few of them very quickly i'm in the red meaning um i'm in the red that's bad right i've got no money i'm in debt i've got no money this is another british one very nice be a pennywise not a pound foolish yeah with similar one take care of the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves right so be careful with your money i'm a penny pincher yeah which means i'm pitcher pincher i'm a penny pincher not pitcher i'm a penny pincher means somebody who is a miser so a miser is someone who doesn't spend money right so pinch to pinches to steal or to pinch like pinch out so to pinch to to steal or to keep for yourself i keep the pennies look at these please i've got a whole a whole can you see that a whole box of pennies i'm a penny pincher they're all for me right a bit like scrooge from the christmas story evan eyes are scrooge or oh from oliver do you remember the guy from oliver i can't remember his name but the the penny pincher who's hoarding and looking at his money by the way i don't sit there every day looking at my money the reason i've got these i'm not penny pincher is that these are british right of course in spain i know i'm in spain we have the euro but in england we still don't have the euro we still have this strange thing with the queen so when i go back to england and i come back to spain i always have some spare coins so i just keep the coins here so a penny pincher is a negative thing it doesn't mean you save money it means you don't spend money it's worth every penny that's another expression with pennies right it's good it's worth every penny it's good value for money we said okay we'll share more of these later on as we go through the class right um now a question that a student asked me and i want to get your opinion on this a student the other day i said that they got a question in ielts speaking about expensive things or an activity that was expensive to do and uh said what what on earth is an activity that's expensive to do i mean can you think of an activity that's expensive to do so i was um i was racking my brains thinking well um let me see expensive activities i'll share a few but maybe you guys have got some ideas right so i thought some sports activities that are expensive sports right like golf you need to buy the club all the clubs maybe the special shoes and uh stuff so if there's pricey equipment pricey meaning expensive then some sports can be expensive right like golf or scuba diving holy moly you have to buy the wetsuit the oxygen tank uh the certificate maybe so pricey equipment traveling can be expensive especially if you're in first class then traveling can be expensive taking a holiday especially in five star star not start five star hotels so if you're traveling first class five star hotels these can be expensive activities anybody else expensive activities oh yeah shopping well depends who you are but shopping says sonam can be expensive yep paragliding that's an example of a sport that can be expensive because of the equipment similarly river rafting can be expensive not because you buy the equipment but i think just to pay to do it yeah a speedboat tour so all similar things you guys have all been to new zealand haven't you ah yes maggie maggie's been to new zealand skydiving in queenstown maybe all of you guys went on holiday together skydiving let's do the speedboat tour let's go to news was it queenstown do the river whitewater river rafting all expensive stuff yes it can be expensive what else is expensive hiking well that's interesting is hiking expensive well i think hiking is cheap i think it's it can be a as cheap as chips all you need are shoes but hiking can be expensive if you're doing the professional hiking and you buy the north face bag and the north face um jacket and you pay for a guide and so it can be yeah tyrone it's a good point it can be yes what else ah tennis that's another sport yeah tennis can be expensive um depending on the country um spain has a lot of public tennis courts so you can play for free if you can buy a cheap racket but some countries like england they're all you have to book and pay to use the court right and it can be quite expensive yeah good anything else horse jockey i don't know you can be a horse jockey can you tertiary education where you go that's an activity studying studying can be expensive absolutely yes absolutely preparing for ielts can be expensive hedia this is brilliant i was actually laughing that's a crazy idea but no it's not crazy because nowadays you can pay richard branson or elson musk you can and you can pay these guys to travel to the moon right um i think space travel is going to become the big the next big thing so traveling to the moon i think they pay about 20 000 for a ticket to go to space great idea yeah brilliant collecting collecting things collecting cars i think sarib says let me add that to the listening collecting things collecting things um yeah that can be expensive such as cars especially if you're collecting um antique cars or just antiques in general right old antiques are quite expensive etc etc etc collecting things can you see this great i think we've answered um my friend's question there i think that's great good i'm going to move on um a few more idioms because oh my god lots of idioms money is riddled with idioms i'm going to show a few idioms with you and then we're going to watch a very short video so let's have a look at the idioms first eating out more malta eating out absolutely that can be expensive okay oh no these idioms we did on facebook right i asked you guys if the following are true for you are you a bargain hunter so you look for cheaper things or good value for money do you love to splash out when you go shopping for clothes um and do you like to save for a rainy day it was interesting right you can tell me what you think but most people on the facebook group said number three i like to say for a rainy day i must save for a rain day we have to save for a rainy day and i think coronavirus has shown us how important that is saving for a rainy day was very very very popular and important because we don't know what's going to happen right splash out i'm so sorry uh talk of corolla virus no it's fine i got a i've got a tickle up my nose some fluff that's tickling me splash out we said um is to spend a lot of money oh great okay everybody's saying bless you thank you that is so funny because face to face that works and it works virtually that is so funny yes great thank you very much so everybody likes us to say for a rainy day um there's the other expression living on a shoestring right now i know someone who is living on a shoestring yeah that's true so remember that's living on a tight budget they don't have enough money oh don't have enough money to make ends meet there's the other one have enough money to make ends meet and i can't remember i'm not sure why we say that but the expression is to make ends meet um is to make ends meet is to survive especially at the end of the month at the end of the month you know when you your salary is almost finished and you don't have much money left you say oh it's hard to make ends meet it's hard to survive to have enough money for food for clothes and things like that great lots of expressions there enough money to put food on the table exactly yeah great hassan thank you excellent i've got more i've got more i think i've got more yes oh more idioms here so here you go i'm gonna put you guys to the test again so i've got four small idioms i'm gonna disappear um number one to four just write down the number and tell me what you think it is number one is something like having or had little money number two have little money number three to be rich and number four spend a lot of money great i'm broke that's nice great number three to be loaded oh to be loaded is right but the expression is he's something in it any ideas right number one we're there we've got it from uh two yet maggie and and who else has got it facebook user headier so we had to live to live from hand to mouth to live from hand to mouth to when you've got little money i'm doing the actions and realize you can't see me never mind uh number one jaspreet well done sir excellent jaspreet says strapped and you remember that because we had that earlier great i am strapped for cash uh he's number three has anybody got number three nobody's got number three you've got number four splash out i'm going to splash out on a new money or fork out right you can also do fork out great now then what about number three ah we've got it we've got it somebody's got it it's headier again before she goes to the moon hedia is you're right absolutely okay rolling he is rolling today do you remember rolling in the deep by adele i'm not gonna sing it he's rolling in it he's very rich or he is loaded as somebody shared with us he's loaded it's a nice expression he's very very rich he's loaded excellent good nice lots of very cool idioms so guys i'm going to move on um i'm going to show you a video now this is actually a video i got off off the internet of course well not of course no sometimes i make videos this one's off the internet and it's about being rich right being rich is it a good thing or a bad thing well being rich can be good because money helps us buy the things we want helps us do the things we want to do helps us achieve our dreams that we have but being rich may have downsides right being rich maybe means that you end up focusing too much on money and not people and relationships um you may end up what's the downside of being rich everybody wants to be rich no not everybody wants to be rich being rich doesn't mean you're happy in fact i mean proof shows us right a lot of people who become rich are actually very unhappy because they lose their friends and they you find out a lot of people want to know you because you're rich so you lose your real friends and then you can be very lonely and unhappy that said money is always very welcome please come in so being rich um this video right is about the it's one of these what do you call it i don't know what you call it but it's a video that's about what wealthy people teach their children right you're thinking oh it's a click bait video right it's a video to get you to watch it's things that wealthy or rich people teach their children my question is do you agree with these things that we should teach our children for life right so sorry let me get you in on the in on as well okay being rich a good or a bad thing do you agree with the ideas in this video that's gonna be the question right do you agree with the ideas in this video being rich is it a good not a good or a bad thing but the things that rich people teach their children right um should we be teaching our children these things so let's watch together and tell me if you agree with the ideas in this video okay let's do it first of all let me make this bigger and can i move it across no i can't don't worry i'm having fun and games with technology bear with me you can have a little rest so let's try again okay but he's going that was too fast it was super fast what holy moly um did you catch any of the ideas right yeah there was one or two ideas um here we go polyglot says success is free that was one idea sucks being success is free it doesn't cost money to be successful it was way too fast it was wasn't it yeah listen i'm gonna have to send a link to you and you can watch it in your own time but be frugal right there was one be frugal so don't splash out on expensive things all the time don't always fork out and dig deep but rather be thrifty sometimes right spend your pennies carefully right be careful with your pennies look after your pennies and the pounds will look after themselves that's probably true i think that's true right that sometimes be frugal sometimes so here was another one from kim use your time wisely it says use your time to learn and learn things rather than entertainment so if you want to make money don't watch next flip netflix and amazon prime all day that's not going to help you probably true right probably true and as i say so use your time or or as milan says to invest your time wisely same thing and then taruna says they talk about investing is a wise thing so we can learn and earn as well very very true so investing money so not only buying things because when you buy things you lose money but when you invest maybe you'll lose money but you might gain earn you might get money or make money through investing if you invest wisely and invest for the long term as they say my suggestion is do not invest in bitcoin or cryptocurrency um because i'll tell you why because i think the boom has gone um i invested some money in cryptocurrency but not at the right time and i think the boom went and then the second boom came when we had like twenty thousand dollars a couple of years ago but now cryptocurrencies are very very stable they're becoming a regular currency which means they're never going to go up and up and above that so i think they will become a currency probably not a good investment in my humble opinion but i am not an investment i am by no means an investment expert at all um yes that's it anything else all right jaspreet you've picked up another thing here no not at all because with that they only focus on problem solving situations rather than focus on their own desires because with that they only focus on problem solving situations rather than focus on their own desires well that's true so one of the things the video says is try to solve people's problems if you can solve people's problems you will make money that's partly true but you end up maybe not focusing on your own desires it's a good point um nozilla's idea surround yourself with rich people i'm not sure if that was in the video but that is probably true as well birds of a feather flock together so rich people tend to hang around with rich people and if you're hanging around rich people you'll probably learn to be like rich people aong said money is infinite this was in the video money is infinite so it's not a zero sum game zero sum game means if i make something you lose if i win you lose that's a zero sum game money is infinite means it's not there's enough money for everybody if i make money then you can make money and you can make money right everybody can make money there's enough money for everybody in the world interesting idea yeah great there was something about visualize you're right gazam see you guys did get it you got more than me something about visualizing imagining yourself as being wealthy in your 20s and 30s so believe that you can be wealthy and visualize the money there there's there's all things around the laws of attraction manifesting what you want some people believe it other people don't i think it's for each person to find out for themselves great one more the last one which came up from no el pekko rich people are not always clever and that is so true rich people are often not academically clever right there's two different kinds of clever there's academic academically clever so you're kind of intelligent academically so you study well you go to school you get good scores in your exams that's academically clever but then there's kind of street wise so the general cleverness or intelligence so not academically but you know how to do things you know how to treat people you know how to listen you know how to get people to follow you you know other things right there's different kinds of cleverness and the many rich people drop out of school right they don't go to college steve jobs richard branson lots of um kind of entrepreneurs they leave school at 16 and they because they're not academically clever but they make huge businesses and become very very rich so that's probably true very very good excellent i'm going to move on because i've just seen the time it's 11 o'clock and i'm going to move on next to have a look we've got two more things to finish up if you can stick around for a bit longer i've noticed my lessons have got longer and longer and longer they've gone from what they started like half an hour right this was like a year ago we just did half an hour then they became an hour and now i guess because it's once a week an hour and 20 minutes is about normal but i hope you can stick around we're gonna look next at model answers okay model answers come back down so this is where on the topic of money i'm going to ask you to ask me a question any question and i will give you an answer this could be a general live question it could be a question you think is an ielts speaking question um and i'll just give you some answers for two or three questions on the topic of money so let's have a look dive in deep and let's see okay oh there's a good one okay let's take this one as the first one this is from biran uh do you think it is okay to lend money to friends or family members great so i'm just going to copy this great be around thank you very much it's a nice question whoops i'm just going to take you off for a moment that's a question from b ran do you think it's okay it's a good question i'll just come over here so you can see me a bit more clearly okay right do you think it's okay to lend money to friends or family members um well i think by and large i think it's absolutely fine to lend money to friends or family members um i know some people have reservations about doing that but for me friends and family members when they are in need or if they need a helping hand then you know i think we should be the first people to help them out so if a my brother or my sister asks for money i would probably go ahead and lend it to them provided i had enough money to do that i mean i wouldn't put myself in debt and go into the red in order to help them out by lending money so it would have to be some money that i had put away or put aside and that i was free to use and help them out so for me i think it's um absolutely fine to do that great that's my answer nice let's anything else anything else oh there's a lot of people with the same question so let's this one is obviously a popular question is money everything to you i will just paste and copy thanks tejbal i see if quite a few of you got that question as well okay come back is money everything to you okay not at all by no means by no stretches of the imagination whilst on the one hand i think money is important we need um enough money to buy clothes and food and to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle and maybe it's nice to splash out every once in a while and treat yourself to something special maybe some clothes or something similar but for me certainly money is not everything i think there are much more important things in life such as relationships with friends and family enjoying the little things or the little moments in life i know it's a bit of a cliche but smelling the flowers a beautiful view watching a funny moment where the kitten is rolling on the floor playing with the wool those are also very important things so whilst i think money is important it's not the most important thing for me right great now remember i will with help get some transcripts we will do the transcripts copy this out it's going to be in the notes later so later on this evening you can download them and go and check the language i'm using there right right any others let's see okay let's try this one this is a looks like an interesting question from tourette um is it good to buy products with famous brands okay is it good to buy products with famous brands is it good to buy products um is it good to buy products with famous brands i think i don't think i would phrase it like that i might change it a little bit but let's leave it for the moment that's good i think it's clear what you're saying so is it good to buy products with famous brands um okay i'm not one for buying famous brands partly because they're so expensive but also because expensive things are no guarantee of high quality sometimes you can fork out a lot of money on an expensive brand and end up being really disappointed um with the shabby quality of the product that you get now if you're very rich and you're somebody who spends money like there's no tomorrow then that's absolutely fine to buy products with famous brands in fact i think a lot of those people don't care so much about the quality but rather they focus on showing off the brand to other people it's almost like a status symbol and so i guess in some respects you're paying for that status symbol rather than paying for the quality of the item that you're buying so as with many questions it depends on who is doing the purchasing great good it's actually really good um reviewing the vocabulary and the idioms beforehand because that put them all into my head and it was really easy it just came out very naturally to use some of these expressions we've been using right fork out splash out very good luxurious brands like it nice questions guys that's brilliant good um that's enough questions i'm gonna move on we're gonna end up today with a little look at vocabulary review it's kahoot time right kahoot if you don't know it is an online game we're going to play together in order to review the vocabulary from today and to see if you remember all of the things that i've taught you or some of the things that i've taught you kahoot it's great fun so bear with me a couple of seconds while i just log in to my kahoot account and then we will play together we will learn together here we go kahoot yeah great now then what's happening here yes okay thank you advertisements come on everywhere right good thank you okay i'm gonna pull you guys in so that you're watching with me here we are we're gonna do the uh this kahoot here we're gonna play the classic one-on-one one so if you don't know the the guys what you have to do is to log in to um and then put in the pin so there's a game pin there it is sounds like dracula so it's www um [Music] it or you can use the app go to the game pin 562-1944 put in your name and you will be in the room and you can play the game with me so brilliant we've got quite a few people joining already cookie mina jiggs ross angel sammy brilliant i'll just give you a few seconds to get as many people in as we can if you can't join don't worry you can also give your answer in the comments box as normal that's absolutely fine as well creepy music isn't it halloween music absolutely you've been missing it well welcome back it is kind of halloween let's just listen to the music look at the kahoot it's halloween because it's just around the corner [Music] how are you good so listen let's get in there let's get in there come on not there here oh it's gone the website's gone where's the website gone it's halloween and it's just disappeared come back come back seriously right something's gone something's disappeared bear with me i know i'm doing something right there we go right let's get in come on all this messing around start money i love to splash when i buy clothes what's the preposition here i love to splash blank when i buy clothes the meaning is spend a lot i've got 20 seconds boom go for it five four [Music] wow fantastic the vast majority of you got it 90 people splash out or fork out means to spend a lot of money great nice one let's see how the leaderboard is doing sandy up at the top and sounds like the fluency gym is second place great let's move on that's too expensive expensive i think you paid blank the nose i think you paid blank the news come on guys if you've been watching you'll know this one [Music] whoa a hundred of you that's right a hundred of you got through right pay through the nose is to pay too much money it's too expensive brilliant well done you've got it where are we next sandy is staying up there and toxi has moved into second if i pronounced it right and mary brown in third question number three i don't have much money right now so i am living on a blank i don't have much money right now so i'm living on a blank [Music] very good shoestring right we had quite a few for tightrope tightrope yeah you know what it is but it's not an expression living on a shoestring is the correct one well done nice let's check the leaderboard oh sandy's been knocked off the top by tonksy right timu's coming in third place it's the fourth and final question i am a blank hunter i like to find the best price now here you have to type your answer ah it's a bit more difficult you have to type your answer i am a blank hunter i like to find the best price you can type in the comments box as well i've not done this question type before i'm not sure if it'll work be careful with your spelling or it won't work [Music] john louise nice very nice [Music] so i've given you a bit of extra time here haruna that's interesting but not very common [Music] but possible maybe yes [Music] right oh okay so bargain hunter right i'm a bargain hunter is definitely the most usual and the most common you could say i'm a discount hunter six of you said that and quite a few in the um in the comments box as well a sale hunter you could say you know i like to hunt for sales but really really the collocation here is a bargain hunter i'm a bargain hunter that's the one excellent well done so let's find out who is top of the pops third place [Music] got laugh out of the blue and who's first [Music] [Applause] well done tonksy or tonksy or tonkshi i'm not sure how to pronounce it forgive me but well done for coming in first place nice [Music] oh excellent brilliant so that brings us to the end of today's live lesson all on the topic of course on the topic of money thank you very very much for joining me if you are on youtube please guys do remember to subscribe and turn on the notifications i love saying that and that's it just to remind you um what i've got a video coming out at the weekend on fluency some really important tips on fluency and it ties in nicely because i think early next week you're going to be able to see on udemy the new course fluency for ielts speaking it's based on the fluency gym um and if you want to find out more actually you can go and have a look a little bit at the website if you go to the uh the uh the keith speaking academy here we go keith's all over the place if you go to the website right and go to the fluency gym because the fluency gym is where all of this started and there's a bit of information there for you about the course you can find out more about it and it's going to be coming live on udemy early next week great that's it thank you very much for joining it's been a pleasure as always being with you talking about great topic of money i'm not sure about next week's topic i've got a couple of ideas but if you have any suggestions do let me know in the comments box or um on the facebook page facebook group you can let me know there as well in the meantime final word if you're taking the test this weekend best of luck i hope it goes really well for you and i look forward to seeing you all very very soon next week take care my friends have a great weekend thank you bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 75,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, keith speaking academy, money ielts, money ielts speaking, money ielts speaking part 2, ielts money speaking, ielts speaking money topic, ielts speaking money and finance, ielts speaking money and happiness, ielts speaking expensive activity
Id: KgZfa5sZu3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 34sec (4594 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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