FREE IELTS Speaking practice online: Topic - HELPING and VOLUNTEERING

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hello my friends good morning tuesday 14th of july nice to be here it's keith from ielts speaking success hello and welcome today we're going to be looking at the exciting topic of helping others volunteering and things like that we'll be looking at the whole topic vocabulary language some different questions we may ask and answer on this topic um and well we'll see we'll find out how we go good to see you here good morning a few quick hellos to all of you um abby lasher first in the house saurabh sanveen gul safa raj niraj good morning guys nice to see you emily i think from taiwan right nice to see you jt dalvi um hello and rejuvana muhammad saki bose nice name love it brilliant nice to see you all welcome to today's session it's actually a gorgeous day right not just a nice day nice it's kind of very overused british english word it's nice he's nice yes it's a nice day but today it's a gorgeous day right absolutely beautiful the sun is shining um there are no clouds although there are one or two wispy clouds in the sky and it looks really nice where i live there's a cool sea breeze coming in which makes it kind of fresh not too hot not too cold great hi joy from abu dhabi nice to see you again and here good morning goldie sharma good morning and from facebook we've got um unknown people how can you all be called unknown what's happened to the avatars in facebook that is strange oh i know why because facebook's disappeared right fortunately you can still access me on the facebook group right keith's ielts community so if you're not there come and join us the facebook page has disappeared as you know i think but the face face facebook sounds like sean connery the facebook page the facebook page has disappeared unfortunately oh dear oh dear but the group is still here so most people today if you're on facebook i don't know your name because it comes up here as unknown i do know you but you're unknown so i will only be able to say hello to the uh the youtube gang right good um so this session is going to be lovely as well shelley i hope so too indeed i mean very positive spirits just to let you know right thank you very very very much for all of your support and beautiful comments that you've given um it's going to take a few weeks to work out what is happening with uh my issues around the british council but we will see what happens in the meantime we're still doing the live classes the website is still up um there was a change for a day or two but everything's back to normal um and the youtube is still up and the facebook group is still up so if you want to join the facebook group please do come along um it's just called it's just called i'll show you what it's called this will be the easy way to show you bear with me it's called this keith's ielts mastermind community find it on facebook and you can come and join us there okay right so what's happening today what are we going to do today this is what we're going to do today we're going to talk about helping people about volunteering about charity about how we help why we help all these kind of questions right which i think will be really really useful and exciting for us okay now then let me just pull in my things okay where do we start we start with some essential vocabulary right when we talk about helping there are probably some very very you know basic words that we should know so i'm going to share these with you first of all right let's just have a quick look here at some essential vocabulary you can go over here my friend system audio is down why is the system audio down okay let me just check that you can all hear me i'm assuming you can all hear me just give me a quick hello or a quick yes thumbs up to confirm that you can hear me quick thumbs up can you hear me okay rachel says yes susan yes okay i've got a system problem here but if you can hear me that's good thank you very much excellent that's what matters most so helping right to help so we talk about to help someone out right so we can say i like to help people or i like to help people out so the use of out is really nice so we can say i like to help people out why is it nice well because it's natural english it's a phrasal verb right help out it doesn't mean you're taking them outside it just means you're helping them right so it's a nice way to express it another couple of nice expressions is to give a hand or to lend a hand right very often when you're helping people you say oh let me just help you carry your bags and you know if you're almost giving your hand to help carry the bag um or if the teacher's carrying the books let me just give you a hand you're literally giving your hands so they can do their thing everything their work their job so to give a hand not give my hand no no no no not give your hand no a hand give a hand right lend a hand and what happens you'll notice as i say it lender hand lender so this connecting lender lender that becomes a and lender hand giver giver give a hand just try it with me right first of all just repeat with me lender i lender i lend a hand i like to lend a hand one more time i like to lend a hand good let's just do the same with giver giver give a hand i give a hand i wanted to give a hand that was hard i wanted to give the hand i wanted to give a hand hooray brilliant that's it to give a hand nice good let me give you a hand lovely let me give you a hand emmy likes to help old people out good for you emmy i think that's really really good um is it okay to use you in general yes it is yes we use you a lot to refer to the people not just you right um but you generally for people absolutely brilliant good some interesting uh comments there right okay allow me to give you a hand yes good to help someone help some out brilliant jane melody welcome back nice to see you too so we can as well as saying to lend a hand we can say to lend a helping hand or to give a helping hand right because literally it is a helping hand let me give a let me lend a helping hand i like to lend a helping hand i love to lend a helping hand i often lend a helping hand guys do you remember last week we looked at the juggling with the balls i haven't got my balls excuse me i haven't got any lemons to juggle today but last week we looked at juggling where you learn a new word and what do you do immediately you start using it in simple phrases in the present in the past the present perfect right i often lend a helping hand i've often lent a helping hand last week there was a woman struggling with her bags coming out of the supermarket i lent a helping hand right brilliant so this is what we need to be doing right as soon as we learn a new expression use it you can type it yeah or you can speak it better just to speak out a couple two or three phrases using it brilliant hooray i give a hand 101 give my give me a hand to learn english you want me to give you a hand to learn english i am lending you a helping hand to learn english brilliant nice some good phrases there guys very very good lend a hand in learning english yes you can yes so lending a hand doesn't have to be physical with the hands actually it can be abstract great question yeah nice very very good and to pitch in right to pitch in is to hmm is to what so to pitch in right in has that feeling of going in joining in participating so to pitch in is to participate to jump in or to go in and help so we use this um very much when there's a task to do right imagine there's a group of people and we all have to dig a hole come on pitch in and help joining right it's similar to joining in so join in and help so we often say that i like to pitch into help right at poor pitching and help in at work i like to pitch in at and help [Music] when else when we whenever we go round to somebody's house if they're doing a dinner party i cause i like cooking i like to go to the kitchen and pitch in and help right pitch in and help brilliant pitch in the discussion smiling gem yes picture the discussion absolutely can we pitch in and help covered patients with some groceries yes let's just put that up because i think that's a nice one yes we can we can pitch in and help covet patients with some groceries very very nice good yep excellent a good few examples there last week i saw my old neighbor struggling to lift her suitcases to her house so i offered her a helping hand very very nice that's great great nice and here we've got nikhil is doing a bit of juggling i always like to pitch in and help pitching remember chin pitching because you're linking pitching and help pitching and help somebody from korea my mum always calls me when you do a class tell your mum to join the class father you love to pitch in and help i do like to pitch in and help vera vravraj i pitch in myself in ngo during this right um right but don't it's not reflexive so you can't pitch in yourself so all you do um i pitch in in my i pitching in myself i pitch in i would say this i pitch in i pitch in for a ngo for an ngo sorry to no n an an ngo if it's the acronym it has to be an right i pitch in for oh i've got rid of your in come on keith pull your socks up that's me i pitch in for an ngo during this pandemic pandemic okay nice excellent so very good let me just come back then for a moment bring in my notes again um actually don't bring in my notes bring me in bring me in let's see so i'm going to look at um very briefly a part two question um we're around volunteering right and so i'd like to look at a few things around this part two question so here we go part two getting ideas the one minute preparation and talking so a lot of students ask um how do i get ideas in part two well the thing is right is if you're familiar with the questions obviously that helps because you can prepare ideas before the test um which is good if you're in the test and it's an unfamiliar question or the first time you've seen it then really i think you should just get one idea don't brainstorm lots of ideas thinking oh maybe that maybe this what about this don't do that because your one minute will finish just like that right in the click of a finger your one minute will finish so try and get the first idea it may not be perfect it may not be the best but if you can do it get your first idea if it's a true real situation or a real idea it's even better but if you can't if you think well i've never i've never volunteered right let's take this question at the bottom right the question describe an experience when you volunteered to do something and you're thinking well i've never volunteered then make it up invent something make up a story right um but just think it very very quickly if you've got a true example that's better right so that's about getting ideas get your first idea really really quickly and then spend the rest uh the remaining 40 seconds with your preparation and i suggest the one minute preparation right is to get or to make three blocks to talk about a block i mean topic maybe so maybe you talk about what it was for example why you did it and how you feel about it right maybe why is everything underlined i don't know so those might be your three blocks one two stop underlining thank you three might be that now you'll notice this might be the same as the bullet points and if you think the bullet points are good use the bullet points if you don't like the bullet points you can make different ones right it doesn't matter about the bullet points the main thing is the question the main thing is that top question which was describe an experience when you volunteered to do something that's the most important thing but then you want to get your three blocks your three topics that you're going to talk about and in the last five seconds have your first sentence ready so when the examiner says can you start talking now please you straight away have got your first sentence ready and you go confidently straight in with your first sentence i'm going to tell you about a time i volunteered for my local charity save the cat or something like that but you've got your first sentence because a it makes a good impression b it gives you confidence and c there is no c there's just a and b right good impression good confidence it will just help you so many candidates really they at the very start um they have not even thought of the question and they start mumbling oh i think i um oh um and and all the hesitation comes so get your first get your first sentence right your first sentence ready okay that's not how you spell ready i know it's just i can't see because too many things on my screen get your first sentence ready and then start talking right okay so let's have a look at some ideas let's come down to this one because this is quite tricky right describe an experience when you volunteered to do something there are different kinds of volunteering just to be clear so formal volunteering right when you go to an organization and volunteer so that means to help out for free it's non-paid right so volunteer means you choose to do it to help you choose to help and it's for free it's not paid there are many different kinds right you can teach abroad a lot of um chinese students teach chinese abroad a lot of american and british students teach english abroad this often for free and this is volunteering looking after the elderly right maybe in your community is uh volunteering there's child care wildlife conservation right trying to work with organizations i remember a time when i lived in malaysia and i came across an organization um that was trying to protect the in particular the tiger but also the orangutan and some different um animals in borneo and they had set up a lot of volunteering opportunities for young people to go and pitch in and help out with wildlife conservation so that's quite common in certain countries maybe it's just community development um somebody mentioned before uh helping out with kovid especially right now in many communities um food for well for now i was going to say poor people um food for poor people or food for for people at risk um you could say below the poverty line and this depends on every country but you know even in uh so-called developed countries like england we have people at risk below the poverty line and who need um food to help them out actually not just in covid but in other times of the year but with covid particularly there are food banks so working you know working with the we call them the food banks um helping with the food banks for the people who have maybe lost their job and gosh there are so many right and who cannot um provide for themselves another kind of volunteering is festival volunteers now this is a bit of a fad uh a bit of a fad is a a fad is a fashion right a fad it's a bit of a fashion in england in particular because we have a lot of cultural festivals music festivals where people go to reading and glastonbury to these big pop festivals and volunteer they volunteer to help out set up the equipment maybe help out with food or different things and they do it because oh but that's jumping ahead we're gonna look at why in a moment and fun fares it's the same thing people help out at fun fairs so there's formal volunteering right but there's also informal now what do i mean by informal well exactly that where you don't go to an organization but just in your everyday life you volunteer so for example your mum or your dad says okay okay because they're from sheffield okay did you know that your mum and dad are from sheffield and they say okay whose turn is it today to help do the washing who's going to help the washing so who's going to wash the pots or wash the clothes and you know maybe your mum or dad from sheffield ask for a volunteer from your brothers and sisters to help in the at home maybe your teacher if you're at university uh or school even if you're a school would you be doing ielts probably not but actually actually even your headmaster if you're a teacher i'm sure your headmaster asks for volunt volunteers right who's going to help and you know volunteer volunteer means you choose to help but sometimes the headmaster says it in such a way that you you can't say no right right keith i'd like you to to help out today are you happy to do that okay i'll volunteer volunteer so maybe cleaning the classroom if you're a student or helping out at school if the school is running an activity you volunteer to help out if you've got children right and your school the children's school is running activities often the parents volunteer to help out if there's a fair or a show you maybe you help out there or at work if you're working then usually there's some kind of activity or project where the bosses will ask you can somebody help lead this project right even in your team right we need somebody to lead the project who would like to help it's a great learning opportunity to develop your skill set to grow your confidence to develop your professional skill set did i say that already who would like to volunteer and so you can volunteer at work as well okay so there are different kinds of volunteering good let me find out what you guys are writing just a moment while i have a a cup of a cup of joe right i've never heard that before but a student was asking me the other day can we say a cup of joe for a cup of coffee and i my conclusion was it was an american saying a cup of joe i've never heard that my i noticed some australian people have never heard that and i guess the issue was it's it's kind of slang a cup of joe and it's used in certain countries and not other countries so i wouldn't use slang in ielts because there's a danger if you're examiners from england and they don't know the expression the slang it may not help you but actually this is not coffee this is tea right let's see what you're writing um as as i'm seeing what you're writing let's share a few of these because i think they're very good of examples to give you ideas right aliza you're not a lisa sorry i'm late too why are you all late don't come in late here we go elisa this was a good one let me get rid of me the w oh this is interesting the ww the woof what a great acronym the woof that's what dogs do the woof organization joking aside the worldwide opportunity in organic farms it's a great chance to lend a hand at the same time to meet different countries cultures and learning about organic crap crops good great can we ashraf yes you can repeat the words two times ah no you know i thought i should cover all of the bullet points no you don't have to there's nothing in the evaluation about you must cover all the bullet points right not at all no you do not have to cover all the bullet points great good what else are people saying street children says trisha that's right i always give my helping oh remember sorry that's a really good point trish a very very good point not my helping hand i know you feel like it's your hand but it's not it's a helping hand i always give a helping hand to those street children trisha very nice great and good for you yeah so you now you're right so to volunteer to help out for free working for the dole well jane working for the doll if it's free and you choose to do it then yes that's could be volunteering right i assume you meet you mean helping people who are on the dole right i think that's if that's what you mean yes um if you're helping people who are on the dole on the dole by the way means without a job yes some interesting ideas here install clean pipes in poor areas yeah here's a nice one babysitting right so long as you're not paid raghav many in many countries people do get paid for that um yeah free medical services and of course you know that brings us to the charities right lots of charities um do provide services uh as such and we're gonna talk about charities in a moment right good ideas which reminds me move on keith okay so describe uh yes i'm gonna give you an example okay so here's the question hang on let me bring it up describe an experience when you volunteered to do something okay so i'm going to tell you about a time when my project my project let me start again i'm going to tell you about a time when my boss asked me to volunteer to lead a creativity project now this is going back quite a few years when i was working in blah blah country and i had been there for a couple of years i was working as a manager as a project manager and one day we had a meeting and in the meeting my boss revealed to us that they were creating a new group within the organization to get creative ideas and to brainstorm create our creative ideas so they could bring creativity into the workplace and my boss was asking everybody um who would like to volunteer now i thought this would be a great opportunity to develop my professional skills to meet different people from the organization and to pitch in and get involved in a really exciting project it really resonated with me the idea of creativity in the workplace so i put up my hand and i volund i volunteered to help out you know and to give a give a give a helping hand i thought it would be a great opportunity and so i did i joined the team we were made up of um different people from different departments and we had to look at creative ways of doing things in the workplace it was a really exciting experience i really enjoyed it i got a lot out of it i did build new relationships and also um develop some quite interesting skills as well as boost my own kind of self-confidence in the workplace and that was a really nice experience nice experience nice that's it right that's my my answer now just going back then right let me go back and show you what i thought about so i i did think about this a little bit for a minute before the class let's take helping away um and this is what i actually wrote down so i had a minute to think about it so i what i wrote down was this so the question was describe an experience when you volunteered to do something so i had very quickly my idea was about the time my boss asked me to participate in a crowd in a project it was a creativity project or something similar um it had a special name but i chose this word because it's understandable and then i got my three blocks right my three things so i talked about the background right i was living in blah blah country at the time i was working as a project manager right so that kind of background i was living in at the time or i was working as a at the time um i used that lovely trick right i had moved there some years earlier now it's not a trick but it really is nice because you can use the past perfect right a past before this past moment right so i was living there but i had moved there some years earlier so look at the tenses look at the variety intenses i'm able to use when i'm talking about the background um and i expect you know my boss was looking for whoops not here here my boss was looking for and i put my hand up yeah so we've got the continuous past continuous simple past i put my hand up i decided to pitch in and all of that in the background so that was a very uh i think a good block especially talking about a past experience i talked about why i decided to say why i did this and i talked about what happened right why i felt it would again great grammar even if i say so myself i felt it would help me build you know professional skills i felt it would help me i mean that's great right um it was a good it was a good opportunity to to build confidence maybe right and then i talked about uh what what happened at the end basically what happened so i joined it was great and that's going to be really simple past i joined i pitched in i i enjoyed it as well i learnt a lot and so on and so on great so that's it just to give you a kind of an idea of what of how i would approach um a part two question like that okay excellent wow you've got some great ideas still coming in gosh if you will never be stuck on for ideas because they're all in the chat box brilliant mohammed great so let's just for a moment let me just share a few of these because i think these are really good ideas blood donation yes absolutely yes hadi helping disabled people yes absolutely in the companies this is so true yes pranjali yes i used to volunteer for the csr so many companies this was true in malaysia as well where i worked the corporate social responsibility committee often want people to volunteer yeah this is good janet i'm volunteering the flood affected people right very nice adjective the flood affected people very very nice well this is okay this is a very good question from dixa sending food to the ngos is an example of volunteering um [Music] not really right this is donation so you're donating money or food that's donation volunteering really is when you give your time you have to give your time to help out so i don't think that's volunteering no i think that's donating right yeah so blood donation we've said yes absolutely right you're talking about my cup of joe yeah now here's a nice one from amit right sorry i'm in your way i worked as a volunteer in my college life where um i gave assistance to my friend to perform on stage and they did their best with my cooperation and i got a certificate for volunteering a play yes i gave assistance yes i helped out gave assistance is quite quite formal amid i gave assistance i mean the doctors give assistance when you're sick it's quite formal i would say i helped out i think it's better okay great um okay good so listen let's um why why does time go so fast i don't understand how sometimes time is slow and sometimes time is fast i think it's riddle time time for a little riddle just as we are warming up okay right great i'm just reading your comments they're absolutely fascinating quite a few of you have volunteered in the corona pandemic yeah absolutely yes i'm very well today so riddle time ah great right okay so here's the riddle right if you're ready for this and if you're not tough it's riddle time this one is really difficult right it's really difficult so i'm gonna catch you out tonight now okay riddle time listen carefully what is greater than god more evil than the devil the poor have it the rich need it and if you eat it you'll die great i'll read it one more time okay what is greater than god more evil than the devil the poor have it the rich need it and if you eat it you'll die wow i'm actually going to write this out for you to make it easier but this one is quite a tough one right yeah absolutely absolutely and it's meant to be difficult where is it here we are down here what is greater than god more evil than the devil the poor have it the rich need it and if you eat it you'll die time no peace no diamond no time no patience no money no spirit no poison no oh now you're getting the answer now you've got the answer yeah yeah well done marriage marriage oh but if you eat marriage you'll die if you eat your wife you'll die maybe um god peace no you've but some of you've got the answer quite a few of you have got it and let me put one of you up here here's the answer nothing nothing right what is greater than god nothing more evil than the devil nothing the poor have it nothing the rich need it i don't need anything i need nothing if you're rich and if you eat it you'll die if you eat nothing you'll die oh well done quite a few of you got that very very well done some very very good answers but you did it i'm trying to find who got the answer first who was the first one to say nothing it's gone now it's so hard to track your comments seriously never mind you know who you are you know who got the first answer um brilliant good so the answer was nothing that's it that's the riddle now moving on let's cover that up let's come over let's ask you a question let's me let's ask let me ask you a question i'm going to look at a few different questions right why do some people volunteer okay there's my first question for you why do some people volunteer i said we're going to talk about why so why do some people volunteer write it down in the uh right down in the box below just tell me what you think why the some people volunteer write down your answers below and i'm going to start putting your answers up straight away because we've got some brilliant answers up here right saeed saeeda they find solace in it solace is like comfort right great priya it gives the sense of satisfaction that's nice right gorpina also talks about satisfaction right the satisfaction of contributing okay for young people particularly as ola says to gain experience yes um because they want to help nice twinks good for humanity purposes very nice right this is just an interesting anecdote from hadi having volunteered i can say the most beautiful job that someone can do is being a volunteer right good nice trin says it brings them peace right satisfaction peace sounds like a beatles song or a rolling stone song satisfaction peace contribution experience right because they have good souls maybe nice absolutely here's an interesting one from max because they have sympathy with people in need right nice sympathy just make sure we get the right preposition there well done max have sympathy with people in need absolutely uh because they are generous right great so lots of different ideas there excellent good let me just put up a few up here um these are a bit small aren't they riddle we've done the riddle didn't out we go let me make this a little bit bigger and i'll just add these to what you've already said basically um okay so let's put what you said first so we get to gain experience was a nice one so as well as get gain experience um [Music] get a sense of satisfaction that was great they find solace in it which is a bit like peace right um so and then give something back to the community so the idea of giving back is a great phrasal verb right but to give back to the community especially the older you are the more you have benefited from the community and you want to give back to the community it's a nice expression below make a difference in people's lives because when you help out during the pandemic or during or helping the flood-affected people in bangladesh you can make a difference in people's lives you can really help them so notice the collocation make a difference in people's lives so remember when you're learning these just make two or three phrases i make a difference i like to make a difference last month i volunteered and i made a difference right just remember to juggle your your language as you're learning it very nice um develop new skills maybe we talked about developing skills or build self-confidence you can build self-confidence you can build self-esteem that's belief in yourself and well-being right often you feel good when you volunteer and help out maybe it provides a sense of purpose somebody talked about a sense of purpose a feeling of doing something meaningful to provide a sense of purpose right so very nice collocation again a sense of purpose so here really focus on the collocations brilliant some very very nice answers there very very nice okay excellent love it so nice let me come back so some lovely ideas there so that's we talked about why people may want to to help um let's talk a little bit about this question because this question um does come up sometimes in this topic of helping out about charities right um i'm going to ask you all this question where are we here we are i just need to make it the right size so you can read it and this one about charities is this question okay so what role do charities play in your country charities by the way just to be clear because i'm not sure if you all know about charities um what are charities charities are things like this things like what keith things like this oh come on this one let's get rid of you let's get rid of me so charities um earlier somebody somebody mentioned the woof the wwo f um but also we've got the wwf the world wildlife fund amnesty unicef right who look after children bra the breast cancer research foundation oxfam as well is another these are all charities right so they're organizations non-government organizations that help people out okay um so the question for you what role do charities play in your country let me know and let's start sharing choco charities play a pivotal role in vietnam great nice good they want to make a better world right what role do charities play so tell us more so that's maybe why but what what do they actually do what do they actually do so they help out others good so you want now to go into more detail how do they help out others okay they bring help to the poor good how do they bring help to the the poor so now we're getting closer charities like money volunteer and help to the poor as possible so they bring money and volunteers that's how they do it so again give us more details what exactly do they do okay good we've got an example so you would want in a question like this then to give a specific example in my country the red cross and then go on to give an example in my country the red cross helps poor people by taking donations and buying medicine so they can help people who otherwise cannot afford to pay for medicine something like that so you're taking a very specific example the red cross you're saying what they do how they do it and you're digging deeper and deeper right because this is you know typically a part three question you want to go into more detail right so you're giving me some good ideas here they're very general but of course in the test you'd go more specific right yeah so great you've got some very good ideas institutions that help people okay and now we've got a nice one here um oxan says in my country charities play a crucial role in attracting people's attention and considering the rights of people around us who are disabled or animals which are on the verge of extinction he says down here extinction that's nice right some very very nice language there and he's going into quite a bit of detail fantastic so here they provide the funding at the right place that's nice right giving the right money at the right place to help the right people again and you would go on to give a bit more detail yes this is good as well things speed up the process of helping others in need helen says they protect endangered species that would be interesting to know helen in your country which which species do they protect how do they protect them and so you can go on to give a lot more detail for this kind of question okay fantastic brilliant very very nice i will share with you a couple of ideas so what role do charities plays well just a few words that might come up here that as we said they raise funds right put money in the right place to reach the right people as as you said somebody said earlier so funds just to be clear is money normally donations right we talk about donations which is money you give for free obviously put money in the right place to the right people we can talk about donating as a verb donations as a noun and the person in case you need it is a donor so a donor is not only when you donate blood but when you donate money you're also a donor you make contributions so they they the actual the charities collect contributions charities collect contributions um and then distribute the money to help others others to help others out let's philanthropy is a nice word you may use here philanthropy what a great word it sounds like honey philanthropy philanthropy great word philanthropy is for example when mark zuckerberg gives millions of pounds to help poor people or where bill gates gives billions of pounds if not millions millions of pounds for the bill gates foundation to help with the uh his big thing was about mosquitoes right he donated a lot of money to fight malaria in africa so when people give money this is philanthropy so it's to it's it's a noun and it's to help people basically uh usually giving money usually right that's philanthropy nice word okay so gosh we've been through quite a few questions and uh those of you who've got good eyesight we'll see it's time for the kahoot as we come towards the end of our session today we're going to do a very quick review on kahoot but let's just see what you're all writing because you've got some fantastic ideas yeah okay let me just share a few more just as we finish up charities play many pivotal roles in my country such as children old age drug drug addiction people yeah drug addicts yes yeah good and alina has got a nice one here help the development of people in the country overall they do i mean the charities like work try to work hand in hand with the government to solve not even to solve but to help with the problems that just one organization maybe can't completely help like drug addiction like homelessness um like abuse like maybe child trafficking all sorts of things um medical relief yep good his orphans orphan people by giving shelter and food yes orphaned people so orphan is the noun and orphaned would be your adjective there yeah orphaned people great being human yeah great okay great so let's move on that's nice taran non-profits so we call them ngos or non-profits provide those who are struggling to make ends meet nice one taran struggling means finding it difficult to make ends meet means to have enough money with basic needs especially those who have lost their jobs especially in the time of the corona virus right absolutely excellent nice okay because of time because of time i'm going to move on to the kahoot and we're going to have a look there a model you need model answers let me give you a model answer then for that last question right i'll give you a very quick model answer before we do the kahoot what role do charities play in your country well in england there's actually a wide variety of different charities and they all play different roles helping different sectors of the society one in particular that's quite well known um is called the big issue and the big issue is an organization that was set up many years ago to help the homeless people homelessness is um a big problem in the uk and people without shelter and without food falling below the poverty line and so this organization set about to try and help them in a myriad of ways and one of the really interesting ways that they help them is that they have a magazine that different people can contribute to including the homeless people they can write articles and things and then they sell the magazine on the street um so these what the idea is that the rather than the homeless begging for money is that they sell a product which helps build their self-esteem builds their confidence and also gives a bit of revenue to help them get themselves back on their feet to get back on their feet so this charity the big issue plays a pivotal role in supporting homelessness where people have fallen through the cracks or fallen through the gaps in the government policy to help them this charity um picks up the slack where maybe the government hasn't been able to that was quite long but hopefully there's a bit of language you can find in there your part three answer wouldn't normally be that long right not normally okay um i'll just give you a couple of the words that i said right get back on your feet so that's to help the homeless right the homeless people or the homeless we would just talk about the homeless right to help them get back on their feet and the charity uh was set up to do something and it fills it helps people who have fallen through the cracks in the government system because obviously the government has a system right the government has a system to help people who are homeless but it doesn't always help and some people fall through the cracks right and they need help um and so this what it does it gives them a chance to get back on their feet and help them build their self-esteem right their self-confidence if you like confidence great okay there you have it my friend that's your model answer with a few bits and pieces there may be more but you'll have to go back and listen go back and rewind later and watch it brilliant rimper you've missed the riddle my friend but you're in time for the kahoot yes let's do a quick kahoot before we finish up which is a great way actually for us just to um to what to review some of the language that we've been looking at i i'm afraid we're going to have to carry on for a few more minutes those of you who need to leave you can leave of course but those of you who can stay we've got another five minutes with a quick kahoot let's find out who is going to be on the leaderboard not that that's important right no okay here we go so for those of you who are new kahoot is a game that we play together you can participate in this game and i'll show you how so here is the the website um it's kahoot so we're going to play the classic game okay so what you'll need to do is join at i need to turn down the volume [Music] so what you need to do as you can see is go to and write the number eight seven seven zero zero three okay if you can get into kahoot then that's great if you cannot you can type your answers in the comment box okay um so this is just a fun game right we're gonna play we've got a few questions to revise somebody on facebook wants my sky blue shirt uh maybe i can donate it to you um so you all these people are joining we've got 72 players so remember put it in your browser enter the number you can enter your name we've got bruce mahina aisha blue sky prakesh sierra boris johnson boris johnson's on the game boris welcome we're delighted to have you here interesting to see if he wins right everybody on best behavior the prime minister is is joined us right here we go kahoot let's start the game okay i think we've got oh filling's here great well done let's start you've got 20 or 30 seconds to answer each question and you have to choose theresa may we'll have the whole cabinet here all our ex-prime ministers have joined us they are no pressure um you have to choose between four choices right it's it's multiple choice okay let's start come on okay helping and volunteering help i need somebody not when helping we can say i help i help what i help in i help on i help up or i help out what do you think you've got 16 seconds left it's a time thing come on you're against the clock if you can't join just put your answer yeah put your answer in the comment five four three two one the answer is of course help out 78 people got that's not bad not great but it's not bad okay well done all of you well done the scoreboard so this is who got the right answer i'll get out of your way who got the right answer the quickest now look at that theresa may was in fifth place that's interesting she was faster than boris johnson uh siju you're at the top of the board let's go to question number two i help others because i can um a difference oh let's just get out of the way i can build do make or develop oh 16 seconds lots of makes in the comment box but are they right of course it's make excellent well done make is the correct answer 101 people managed to get make and i think everybody in the comment box as well that's reassuring excellent let's check out our leaderboard whoa look at that emmy you are top of the pops emmy fastest and both right aisha well done kk well done oh now then theresa may is ahead of boris johnson history is taking a strange turn she must be very very happy today maybe i'll get more politicians on my live class in future here we go guys question number three and the last question which is the odd one out kind generous self-esteem unselfish now this one's not so easy so which one is different three seconds oh this one was a bit more challenging right so this one the actual answer was um self-esteem right because kind also is the same as generous which is the same as unselfish right that you're giving kind generous unselfish all have the same meaning self-esteem means self-confidence so that's different different meaning in this case okay that's it let's just check oh who's gonna win who do you think it will be theresa boris emmy let's find out third place aisha well done samira gopi came out of the blue out of nowhere well done great love it well done guys that was nice let me close close cohoot excellent well done so great that guys brings us to the end of the class for today i hope you enjoyed it i'm just going to show you very very briefly on the website there were a couple of changes to the website but it's kind of back to normal at the moment if you want the notes from today right just go to ielts speaking success that's this one over here you can see that ielts um just go and look go to the live lessons here and there you will be able to see um not me take me away this is where we run the live lessons and you can download the lesson notes here just click on download if you want to watch them again of course so you've got all the past um all the past lessons and notes there that you can just get great that's it um let me just close up we're going to finish here for today thank you very very much it's great to see you all here um and to be back with the live classes do join me on thursday uh what's the topic on thursday i always forget i forgot even what the topic is i think the topic on thursday is home talking about your home right different rooms where you live who you live with home is a really interesting topic right and a very important one so that's it for today thank you all of you for joining me if there are any questions i'll try and pick them up next time i will have a look and uh thanks very much have a beautiful day no have a gorgeous day i'm going out for a little walk in the sunshine in the moment and then i'm gonna have an apple great enjoy yourselves take care my friends see you thursday bye bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 31,089
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Keywords: ielts Keith, ielts speaking success, ielts speaking topics 2020, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking test tips, ielts speaking part 3, ielts speaking part 3 questions and answers, ielts speaking helping others, volunteer ielts speaking, ielts speaking volunteer work, helping others ielts speaking
Id: BcaJUZv60tE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 12sec (4392 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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