FREE IELTS Speaking practice online: Topic - Getting Lost and Maps

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hello my friends good morning welcome it's Thursday the 25th of June very nice to see you welcome to the live lesson for IELTS speaking success my name is Keith if you don't know me I run the website IELTS speaking success as well as the YouTube channel and the Facebook group welcome today we're going to be looking at IELTS speaking part 3 questions today on the topic of maps and getting lost have you ever got lost right well today I'm gonna help you find your way hopefully metaphorically as well as literally right metaphorically find your way through the jungle of IELTS and English learning but seriously we're going to be looking at in part 2 there's a question describe a time you got lost in a place that you don't know and in part 3 we're gonna look at some of the questions related to that it's all about getting lost about maps about finding your way stuff like that great stuff okay a few hellos hi Ali and Anna and Rimba Parveen nice to see you Anna on Facebook great sent gianna i liq see who you in and Gaghan on youtube hello shackin on facebook and we've got on YouTube Kyler as Lauren and II Peter and over on Facebook again Faline and Antonia and rau wow we are nice to see you guys welcome come in come and have a seat make yourself comfortable as we get ready to find our way through the IELTS speaking part three right so if you're just joining just to let you know we're gonna be looking at this okay we're gonna be looking at oh no that way that way Maps part three getting lost don't get lost great so those of you have had the test recently thank you lots of you have been share your questions on Facebook and YouTube and the website thank you very much I'm sure it's a big help to everybody good luck with your results there are more and more tests starting up right now in different parts of the the world and I was just going to say to everybody it's been a very difficult time and it's still difficult because many places are still facing them confinement or lockdown and I know it's really difficult with IELTS and preparation to stay positive but do stay positive right we are here in this little community to help you stay positive work together and keep focused on your learning right you will make it do be patient talking of being patient I've had quite a few students who who've told me they've done the exam they didn't get their score so they've done the exam like two weeks later and then two weeks later and I you know I've had lots of people saying well I've tried three or four or five times like after a week or two weeks and again and again and I was thinking about this I thought that was very very strange I thought if you're doing that right it's absolutely fine I understand it's often a sense of urgency you want to pass quickly because you need to get your score to study abroad or to immigrate but I do think it's all in the preparation right I think if you're repeating so often and so quickly you're kind of relying on luck you're hoping you'll get a better examiner better questions topics you're more familiar with and you're kind of hoping what's out there will be better my suggestion for the day my thought for the day is don't focus on what's out there focus on you I would suggest waiting at least a month or two months before doing the testing so that you can focus on you change you right in two weeks you won't change but in two months you can change change three things change your level of English a little bit you can improve your exam technique and change your attitude so many students I work with are afraid and nervous right my suggestion for your attitude is be happy right be excited enjoy your study and enjoy the test it's great fun it's a small change in attitude the problem with fear is you can't say to people oh don't be afraid don't be nervous it doesn't work right you're still nervous in fact you hear the word nervous and you get more nervous right if I say don't think of a pink elephant what have you done you you thought of a pink elephant right if because I said being elephant don't be nervous what do you do Oh nervous I get nervous so you have to replace your nerves with something else right change it for something else replace your nerves with enjoyment happiness fun a sense of fun enjoy your exam and things will change anyway that is my tip for the day great brilliant good morning everybody nice to see you all just to remind you know over here I'll get used to that we're looking at maps getting lost in part three let's see I've got a couple of questions coming in which we can have a look at just as we're starting off okay this is an interesting question from Asif over here can the informal accent like I ain't I to do this i order pray be used in i'll speaking test yes so this is not accent I see if it's not accent it's in formal language so just to be clear we're not talking about accent or pronunciation but in formal language yes we can use ID is a contraction I would absolutely I ought to I order I oughta yep that's a weak form that's perfect spoken English absolutely I ain't yes you can use it's very very informal and some parents don't like that but if you use it naturally then yes to be honest if you're using ain't I'm guessing you're already a very high level and you can use it naturally because it's such an unusual contraction but yes the answer is yes in a quick word okay good people looking for speaking partners excellent am i late again I don't know are you late again right so here's another question the last one just for the moment cool cool you you says can you suggest a method for learning vocabulary next week we're gonna be looking at vocabulary learning next Tuesday this week we did listening next Tuesday vocabulary great okay as I kick off just a couple of words let me hang on I was just checking in on I wanted to go in to post something on YouTube come in come in where do I get in here bear with me one moment right I'm live now okay I can come in there so first of all a big thank you as always to the donors who are helping me run these life classes and dedicate time to them a big thank you to Alina book it over to Don guru DPT narak and alum al marisel thank you very much really really appreciate it now a couple of resources for you because I mentioned on Tuesday a resource called link queue right which is useful for listening practice there's another couple of resources that have come up from the British Council and I don't know if you know about these so I wanted to share them with you let me just show you here from the guys at the British Council they have two free courses in fact to be honest they've got lots of free courses but they've got this one let me show you here let me get rid of me I have a beautiful girl instead of me understanding IELTS listening right the other day we've looked at listening this is a British Council program it's free join the course for free you can do it on its own future learn you just go in to register and sign up for it it's it's great I mean it's a really good course it goes for about well you need to dedicate about three or four hours a week go I'll put the link in the notes and then you can go and check it out but it looks like a really really good course the British Council are great right because they're providing all of these courses for free I am a big fan of the British Council I used to work for the British Council so of course I'm a fan but I think they do some great stuff there's also this one understanding IELTS writing so many of you are worried about writing and want advice and guidance go and check out this one understanding IELTS writing again it's a fairly short course you get engagement with other people on the course as well learn about writing looks fantastic right go and check those out I will share the links with you now and I can do this on YouTube but not on the others but later after the class when you download the notes you can go and get all of the contacts so bear with me I'm gonna put this at least here so at least for those of you in YouTube you can get both of the links there right excelent I think that was both of them yes they're both in there writing listening and writing okay cool now what else are the resources lots of resources oh yes I was going to remind you about this resource one more resource those are really really useful this one of course you've heard me talk about before is I talky I put up an advert on I talkie I think I talk II like cambly is a great place to find a teacher or a tutor reasonable price to practice practice practice and you do need to practice right on the link for this one this is I talk you've given me a landing page here when you buy one lesson you get a second one free which is great or they will send you a voucher for ten dollars in credits when you make your first purse purchase this is only available for new I talking users so if you're new to I talkie you can go and check it out speak with native speakers and go and practice your IELTS there this is not by the way advertising a class with me my schedule is completely full I'm really sorry it's completely full but you can find other teachers there on on I Torquay and go and practice with them which will be fantastic again the link will be in the notes I can share that with those of you err on YouTube at the moment and you can check that out but that I think it's a really useful place to go and find some teachers and to go and practice okay cool SuperDuper let me just put that in the YouTube box and I apologize to Facebook users yes I apologize to Facebook users because I can't post there at the moment but you'll get it all later righty-o let's get into the questions so Maps and getting lost okay we're in part three the cue card here is this one let me share my notes first of all with you not this one okay this is so the cue card is describer time you got lost in a place that you don't know the questions we're looking at today are here our Maps important for traveling why do some people never use maps how has the way we find directions changed over time and as some people have the skills to find directions faster than others right ok cool questions let's kick it off with the first question okay so the first question are is our Maps important for traveling what do you think right some people say yes absolutely maps are so important for traveling says any Fiona says yes and UN says yes rim / certainly yes Abby Lasher says yes it guides us good let's have a look what else have we got let me where's where am I where am I Here I am yes okay what have we got yes yes yes can we talk about Google Maps yes you can talk about Google Maps absolutely yes they help us for navigation very nice good good a port of us said yes it's it acts like a guide it acts because act of course is is a verb right it acts like a guide great Abby Lasher says yes it guides us good now it's important or it's it's crucial right that's nice you can say it's crucial let me move out the way it's crucial absolutely but it does depend right Joey says yes digital map is really helpful remember if you're in the singular right you want to say ah a digital map is really helpful great absolutely interesting Kyla says I think that maps are not important very very good right good answer there whoops come out of the way are maps important so you don't have to say yes you can say no ghouls Saffir says of course important of course they are important when I go anywhere I always use maps great this is nice from Raj it helps as a reference very nice it helps as a reference good like it what else have we got now this is a okay interesting concept maps help us in navigating our way around new or unchartered territories yes maps help because it's plural right new or uncharted territories uncharted territories is a bit formal I think if you're speaking new or undiscovered places maybe I think uncharted territories sounds like you're a cartographer right somebody who makes maps they're here from Samara interesting well in my opinion maps are useful but not important as long as we have someone who knows the area right good ok brilliant good some good ideas there let me share with you then I'm gonna come in I'll take away the question just see there's a bit more space and bring in some notes to share with you can I make this bigger slightly can I get out of the way yes okay good our Maps important for travelling so with this question write our Maps important for traveling it's a very very common question are blah blah blah important for blah blah blah right our computers important for communication our maps important for traveling it's a very very common question the answer may be yes it may be no I think very often what you may do is say something like it depends right it depends if da da da da da then yes on the other hand if da da da da da then no right now that's a very simple template that can help you with this kind of question our Maps important for traveling it depends if you're traveling in a new place you have never been to before then yes I think they're crucial if on the other hand you're going to a city or a place where you've been before or a place you know like the back of your hand then no maps are not really important right there's a nice expression if you're going to a place you know like the back of your hand which means a place you know very well nice little expression okay if you're going to a place you know to know like the back of your hand then no it's not important we can also talk about they help you find your way right Maps help you find your way or Maps help you orientate yourself I think maps are really important because they help me orientate myself in a city I've never been to before right so instead of unchartered territories which is a bit formal use some nice grammar a place I've never been to before right that is showing off your grammar in a really nice way especially for places you could say where or not where places I have never been before especially for places I've never been and again you could say too if you want I've never been to before especially for places I've never been before right nice bit of language other things we can talk about ah I have a terrible sense of direction so yes I need a map right a terrible sense of direction you can talk about you or you can talk about people yes some people have a terrible sense of direction so yes they need a map it's useful for planning your itinerary or your journey so your itinerary and itinerary is just your journey it's the different places you're going to visit right if I'm going to travel from Manchester to Rome in Italy I'm gonna go Manchester to London across the channel to Paris and then down to Rome that is my itinerary it's my journey that I'm going to take ok can you say that with me itinerary I sinner very good for remember for becomes firm for planning your itinerary oh let me break it down your itinerary links your eye and your becomes yeah you're right sinner airy you're right sinner Airy for planning your rights Hillary good remember to stress planning itinerary listen for planning your itinerary last well it's useful for planning your rights inner Airy can you hear the dum de dum de dum it's useful for planning your itinerary and fast it's useful for planning your itinerary for the band-aid people they're brilliant now I was thinking about this cuz recently I had a friend well not recently I had a friend I've always had the friend recently I had a friend who went on holiday and posted his itinerary on social media so you could follow him on on Facebook every day he was updating this little map showing you where he was right because nowadays we have websites where you can use digital maps to plan your route or your journey you can book hotels you can book flights you can book trains and stuff there and then share your itinerary in real time good expression with friends on social media in real time means you know as it happens like live like now you know live as it happens like this class right is in real time so brilliant I think that's really really clever and something you could talk about right cool now then let me just come back and see how you're all doing yeah good some good ideas there brilliant Hill tracking great good brilliant lots of ideas for some nice ones here brilliant so let me share just a couple of your your comments as well because we've got some really interesting things from jayanta who says however sometimes the navigation systems take us through unsuitable roads and streets in order to take us through the shortest route that's so true how many times have you ended up in a farm because Google Maps thinks there's a path or a road there yes brilliant nice yep good let me show you another one with grace up here grace you're too big I'm sorry actually no you're not too big I don't mean big I mean your writing is too big yes it is significant for those travelers for those travelers right I am gonna correct you here grace for those travelers I'm not sure why you've got an apostrophe especially if you are new to the place so you won't be able to get lost so you won't to be able to get lost is strange right why would you be able to get lost it's not something you try to do so we can change that grace if you are new to the place so you won't get lost get lost and you will be able to enjoy your trip instead of worrying nice grace love it instead of worrying instead of with the gerund ing nice instead of worrying where place which place it's either where you are going to or which place which place you're going to brilliant very nice grace love it thank you very very much nice very good so change we've exchanged a few things there let me come in just to make this real for you I'm gonna share with you an online route planner right just to show you what it looks like it's so much fun if you're going on holiday you can check this out I think it's route planner calm but watch this cuz this might also give you ideas to talk about in your test right especially about maps let me show you this the route planner video it's it's not a videos me but listen I'm gonna show you how this works it's quite it's nice I think next holiday I'm going on I'm gonna use this route planner right come on my friend here we go nowadays websites where you can plan your itinerary and this is called route perfect right show me later that's fine let's imagine right I'm planning a trip from my house Santander which is in Spain and I want to take a trip up to London gonna see some friends up in London right I'm gonna go for not 12 days I've got to update seven days let's go by car update trip and this is so cool because now look at this it shows me a possible it actually gives me a possible itinerary with different places to stop off overnight one two three four five different places including London and Santander and here is the plan how cool is that but it gets better because it shows me my first stop Santander tells me about the city there's beaches its historic I can look at some pictures well you won't get crowded beaches like that now or may actually you still do because so many tourists are so irresponsible but then I go to Bordeaux right look at that Bordeaux and if like scroll down it tells me about Bordeaux as well I can find out more about it I can find out about tours the next place this pedestrian friendly city known as the garden of France it looks quite nice woah a Cathedral to visit and that's tours which is the third one here right this one it's brilliant and if you go in and click here actually where was it Santander it gives me more information so I can plan my trip I can find hotels I don't want a hotel in Santander because I live there great but it's brilliant right you can go in there you even find out everything you need to find excellent so that is nowadays we have these digital route planners that you share with your friends as you're going as well brilliant how cool is that right very very nice great so that's the route planner now then a few people are asking about the the captions on Facebook guys if you're on Facebook you can just turn off the captions right it's very very straightforward if you just can you see here you've got your auto captions on so it comes on automatically but you can just turn it off down here so if you're on Facebook you're in control you can turn off the the captions yourselves right cool cool cool let's carry on with the next question Oh before we carry on I've got more vocabulary for you here we go so with that question right what was the question again I've forgotten the question our Maps important for traveling right are maps in reportin for traveling with that question we can say if we're talking about digital maps like Google Maps they are useful they are useful or write useful invaluable worth their weight in gold nice expression right something that is useful invaluable we can say it's worth its weight in gold in the plural worth their weight in gold the weight is out how heavy it is right try saying that with me worth their weight in gold good notice the work so it's not a auras it's a worth their weight in gold worth their weight in gold worth their weight in gold and it's true right digital maps are worth their weight in gold if you're driving in a city you've never been to before having that digital map to help you navigate through the complicated back streets Wow it's it's essential so it's worth its weight in gold however if we're talking about paper maps the good old fashioned paper maps without a compass they're pretty useless the compass right is that thing that shows you north south west east do they're pretty useless and other other expressions we can use pretty useless notes is pretty right not just useless em pretty useless right use your adverbs a waste of time a waste of time notice the of becomes of to remember on Tuesday we talked about weak forms of becomes of a waste of time say with me a waste of time a waste of time a waste of time there are wastes of time they're ineffective or they're worthless or poor things they're worthless poor things great some nice expressions right let's move on then as I said to the next question why do some people never use maps I don't know I do know actually I've got a few ideas but I'd like to see what you think yeah why do some people never use maps tell me what you think and I'm gonna come into my read date tea today I love your comments really they're great yeah good okay let's get in less lesser share some of your your thingamajigs finger magics thingamajigs things well here's a nice one so here we've got Foom says well it's likely that they have difficulty in reading paper maps very very nice right to read a map we do say to read a map excellent okay okay Michelle this is nice I'm just gonna make a slight change but your idea is good because their knowledge right of that place so they are not using a map I'm not there sorry they have yeah thanks for sure because they have knowledge right they have knowledge of that place they know that place like the back of their hand remember I don't know the back of my hand that well actually it's a strange expression because they know that place like the back of their hand great so Malika says some people don't know how to use the digital map or paper map that's right they haven't learnt it they just don't know yeah maybe so Anita says because they find it inconvenient right good Abbi Lasher says because they know the route good they know the route nice or they have someone with them to navigate wrap hinder my favorite student because they know the routes like the back of their hands like the back of their hands normally it's in the singular right normally like the back of their hand I know you've got two hands brilliant red this is nice right maybe they're familiar with the place maybe they're already familiar with the place brilliant good okay so let me come in I'll just take that off and let's share a few notes that I've got here with you a few ideas so well okay why do some people never use maps with this question right why does some people it's a very very common question why do some people ba-ba-ba-ba well I don't know but think about which people write and focus focus on one group of people why because it makes the answer the answer easier and the more focused you are the more likely you will use focused special vocabulary right so think about the people if we're talking about holidaymakers well they never use a map because they know where the beaches and they just walk from the hotel to the beach every day they don't need a map right if we're talking about tourists then if they are oh well if we're talking about tourists I think they by and large they do use maps however if they know the place well like the back of their hand they don't need to use a map now if we're talking about Millennials digital natives born in a digital age they will probably use a digital map but may never use the good old fashioned paper maps if we're talking about retired people or folk right you can say retired folk that's really nice it's simple natural English if we're talking about retired folk well they don't use maps because maybe their eyesight is not very good and they don't use do tool Maps because they can't see it clearly take me for example I'm not retired but listen my eyesight all over the place so other things we can say right they have a good sense of direction they have a good sense of direction that's a key key phrase in this topic right have a good sense of direction you should learn that try it with me so it's have ver have a good sense have a good sense of direction have a good sense of direction have a good sense of direction can you see what I'm doing I'm linking aren't I have a good sense of direction maybe they have a good sense of direction feel the stress have a good sense of direction maybe they have a good sense of direction maybe they like to wing it or to play it by ear right to idioms brilliant idioms and really useful and this means right is not to plan or to improvise right so if you wing it then you're not planning right so when I go on holiday not now but when I was younger right I would visit a new city I would never use a map I would never go to the tourist centre I would just wing it I would choose a street start walking and see where it goes right I would play it by ear and see where I turn up and if I find myself in an interesting part of town great if I found myself in a boring part of town I would ask the locals to point me in the direction of an interesting museum or tourist attraction but I love to play it by ear right nice play it by ear the other thing I had there was to point me in the direction of right which is to show me the way to somewhere right okay so to let me take that up for you point me in the direction of a museum can you point me in the direction of the post office like that other things right um remember this question right so this is why does some people never use Maps maybe they need reading glasses like me or they find the GPS maps on phones too fiddly right fiddly is a lovely word fiddly fiddly just means difficult to use because it's very detailed do you know on the phone I haven't got my phone but let's imagine let's imagine this is my phone and you know the screen is small and then it shows you the place and you have to press and it's very small and it's difficult and you press the wrong place and then you zoom in and zoom out but if you've got big fingers it's really fiddly to use right it's detailed it's small and it's difficult to use fiddly excuse me great word so maybe the user interface right the user interface on my great model phone the user interface the screen is too complex too clumsy too fiddly they're all similar right or maybe they're just a technophobe technophobe somebody who hates technology grips who hates technology right maybe they're just a technophobe brilliant actually you know and maybe you disagree so you could also say actually I reckon most people do use maps now adays especially digital maps such as GPS devices lovely great good some ideas there let me come back to you guys okay why do some people never use maps actually let's move on to the next question which is an interesting question right how has the way we find directions changed over time mmm-hmm guys what do you think brilliant keep going date tea with ginger I wonder if all that ginger makes my hair ginger is that why I've got ginger hair cuz I eat drink so much ginger ginger eyebrows as well maybe because I drink so much ginger good right okay brilliant some great ideas coming in let me share your ideas with everybody especially with me okay so Rama deep nowadays there is GPS yep Sameera I see it has become easier with the advancement of Technology okay now this is a good point here Mohammed is that your phone number you can give him your phone number are you trying to make friends people has okay be careful with this one and it's a great way to show ever everybody people have right people have a good sense of direction brilliant thank you very much for that also we've got maybe with online map now again remember it's either singular or plural so maybe with an online map or maybe with online maps I'm gonna make it singular just this case so sapphire suffered over maybe with an online map right and maybe in this case actually is one word but don't worry we're just speaking right digitalization has made massive improvements I just changed that great made massive improvements in helping us find our way sorry I'm great crashing I'm crashing into your answer mark mood digital ation digital digital how do you say that word whenever you get a long word right break it down into the syllables DG tell lie they shun digitalization and get the stress right sation digitalization digitalization digitalization has made massive improvements in helping us find our way great thanks Mahmud that's helped us pronounce complicated words right difficult words right Mourad this is very good no need to ask for directions anymore just take out your smartphone which is a good and a bad thing right because people don't speak to each other this is nice antenna nowadays we seek help digitally yep so Anna says I reckon that people used to ask for directions more in the past and nowadays we focus more on digital maps this is a nice sentence Anna because you're comparing in the past and nowadays which is great and that's really really good ask for directions so we talk about directions normally in the plural if you use direction in the singular you're talking about north is a direction South is a direction but we ask for directions brilliant thank you Anna right let me look for some guys on Facebook because there's fewer of you on Facebook so let me try and get some right okay Seba this is good it facilitates our life not to get lost and waste time finding the correct directions great nice good nice brilliant no hi Noah in the past we could use paper maps or ask pedestrians what a lovely word pedestrians love it that's people who are walking now we have Siri ask Siri I always expect Siri to start speaking or other useful apps double PE to ask great brilliant I'm gonna add a P for you lovely very very nice let's come and have a look we've got okay this is interesting a few of you have mentioned this by posting directions on the road by government's officials directions on the road so you're talking about the the signage these big signs on the road right which is true which we never used to have also by communication with local people right yes oh that's interesting depending on your country this might be now or it might be in the past I guess okay cool super brilliant cancel I'll take you off and let's have a look I'm just going to take off this one as well let me share some ideas with you here we go so here was the question how is the way we find directions changed over time okay now as you said a few of you have used these expressions right in the past you can also say something different in days gone by right it's nice still natural absolutely you can use it in days gone by we used to use paper maps in fact we used to ask pedestrians the way great okay we used to remember used to is sir we used to we used to ask people that diet the way right ask people the way lovely we used to ask people for directions okay just be clear for directions or better still for directions we used to ask people for directions this will confuse you but I'm just telling you this for your to understand clearly what's happening when you listen when you've got a vowel and a vowel we normally join them with another sound either as you're a were to Wes so we actually say to ask we used to West people the way it's a software it's not were it's a software if you listen carefully we used to ask people the way we used to ask ask it's a very soft war we used to ask people the way and I tell you this not to teach you for speaking but more so when you hear it for listening skills you can record it okay try it with me though because it's you know I like to get you speaking we used to ask people the way we used to ask people the way good and now we used to ask people for directions great remember the four directions and all together we used to ask people for directions nice great so it's a very soft W okay what else have we got here well we even use the Sun right that's true we use the Sun to know where the direction North was but now it's become digitalized again a difficult word deep Jeter not Hatter dg2 lized digitalized digitalized stress on the D digitalized now it has Blair now it has become digitalized great or we have become rather over dependent right over dependent great word and it's true right if you don't have your GPS then you're walking down the street and you think oh my god how can I find my way and you think can I can I ask somebody huh I've not asked anybody for the last 20 years what am I going to do we've become rather over dependent notice the use of rather right instead of being a bit boring and say well we are over dependent no we are rather over dependent and squeezed in the present perfect we have become rather over dependent on GPS tools and there's more right now it not only can we find directions we can also find restaurants museums in fact you name it almost anything in that area or in that vicinity nice word vicinity is in that area okay in fact you name it great expression you name it just means anything right anything right anything and everything do you like fruit yeah I like apples pears in fact you name it I love everything you name it just means everything so so this refers to Google Maps right it now has the Explorer feature Explorer restaurants near you or a pharmacy or a I don't know a shop near you and you can find anything you know in fact you name it you can find it on Google Maps in the vicinity where you are okay lovely jubbly also I just wanted to show this inversion right it's nice not only so we invert with not only with the inversion instead of saying we can write not only we can no no no not only can we so it's not a question it's an inversion with not only not only can we find directions we can also find restaurants this is slightly more formal right this is the kind of structure you may use in writing but absolutely you can use it in speaking as well right excellent very very nice good so just one or two ideas for you there to share okay now then we are coming towards the end but before we do let's just have a little share let's have a look at what you god I'm gonna spend the last few minutes I'm gonna review a few words with you and then take one or two questions and then tell you about next week oh and also the riddle I forgot the riddle we always must have a riddle should we do the riddle now yeah let's do the riddle now okay guys here's the riddle here's the riddle are you ready what is black and white and red all over what is black and white and red all over light mm lights not black I don't think sky sky is interesting is interesting okay let's have a look at some of these because these are quite interesting sky you got this hang on sorry wrong one cuz I've got a different answer but there may be different answers sky it's black yes it's white mmm more blue than white red at sunset possibly possibly eyes black Oh black is the pupil red they can be and white but the thing here what is black and white and red all over at the same time colors no lights no lights not black humans black yes white and red do you know some red humans are they from Mars don't know about red not not humans moon black red oh well possibly not bad but no coffee black red coffee hmm interesting not quite flag black and white and red oh that's nice actually it was Hammett Hammett said possibly but no oh come on guys nobody's got it mmm okay if I write it out for you this might help you guess Oh somebody's got it one person two people now you've got it now you've got it okay I will write it out for you and then you will let you'll see why mm-hmm let me show you hang on a minute bear with me when I write it out you'll go oh that's what he means that's what he means what is black and white and red all over let me take you away Hamid what is black and white and red can you see how I spell red right there that's ooh where are you going so the answer and a few of you have got this now is the newspaper it's black it's white and red to read right it is read by many people it's red all over oh well done very very nice excellent so to those of you who got the right answer I just play with all of my toys here having great fun well done quite a few of you got the right answer there okay excellent so let me just just recall some of the interesting expressions we've had today to know something very well I know it like the back of my hand right when you don't plan to to wing it or to play it eeeh right to know where the north and the south is I have a good sense of direction right exactly good what else did we have today we had quite a few in the past in days gone by we had some great pronunciation digitalized digitalization digital maps when we look at a journey and we plan different spots different stops that's the itinerary itinerary we can talk about tourists or holidaymakers holidaymakers right brilliant what else anything else that was useful it's all useful right it's all useful great so last few moments let me pick out one or two questions if you do have any questions if you don't that's it I'm going for my second breakfast well you still got answers to the riddle let's see any questions newspaper newspaper newspaper brilliant oh okay here's a question yep very nicely okay actually a few questions okay Manas is not only that at a do I like English but I also like yes it is also correct in English naturally speaking we tend not to use the but not only do I like this but I like this not only do I like this I like this as well we tend not to use the but but you can absolutely yes Abu Bassam can you make more videos for part one Wow I don't know there are quite a lot of on YouTube for part 1 if you want more you can certainly go to the course on udemy there are lots in the course on udemy but as I go along yes I am making more videos I don't know about part 1 I'm actually thinking about new videos at the moment so that's a good idea for me SD can you put light on the computer-based aisles and advice on computer-based or paper based right ok first I mean a very very short thing here I guess is just they are essentially the same so not one is easier than the other it really depends the key question for you is are you comfortable with a keyboard and are you comfortable typing rather than using a pen right I don't know why I'm showing you a pen cause as a pencil as if you don't know the word pen but if you're comfortable with your handwriting then the paper test is better some people are comfortable with the writing with a pencil and rubbing it out other people are more comfortable with the keyboard so whichever is more comfortable that's the key when it comes to the reading do you actually get the on the computer test you get the quit the the text here and the questions here so you can see both write on the paper test you have to turn over the paper read the text and turn over the question then come back and it's a bit more complicated but some people like that because on the paper it's easier to highlight right on the digital it's a bit more difficult so it's personal choice what you're more comfortable with okay brilliant good anything else before I finish oh it's a good question is there any effect of gestures on speaking band score no not at all none it test of your language not of your body language but a good a good test a good question remedy great okay guys I'm gonna finish up here thank you very very much for joining me today as what else there's nothing else other than to tell you about next week so next week right what I'm gonna do on Tuesday is vocabulary skills how to learn vocabulary and then on Thursday we'll be looking at some part 1 questions right I haven't chosen them yet but as our friend requested we'll look at some part 1 questions so Tuesday vocabulary skills Thursday part 1 questions that's it from me I would like you very much to enjoy your day if you have any questions then do just a message me or let me know any suggestions I really appreciate them in the meantime enjoy your day enjoy your tea enjoy your studying if you're taking the test enjoy it remember change yourself as Gandhi and Kennedy and Einstein all said right don't try and change the world outside change yourself brilliant take care everybody bye-bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 29,260
Rating: 4.951807 out of 5
Keywords: ielts Keith, ielts speaking success, ielts speaking topics 2020, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking test tips, ielts speaking public building, ielts speaking part 3, ielts speaking part 3 questions and answers, ielts speaking part 3 tips, ielts speaking part 3 band 9, maps ielts speaking part 1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 4sec (4024 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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