IELTS Speaking Practice Live Lessons - Topic of CHILDHOOD

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hello hello there good morning how are you nice to see you um it's keith from the keith speaking academy welcome and this good and this good morning and this morning we're going to be looking at the topic of childhood children toys things like that we'll be looking at well vocabulary maybe some idioms pronunciation all to help you talk more fluently on the topic of childhood and children great so welcome all of you it's nice to see you here for those of you who are watching the recording here please do um subscribe to the channel if you like it um it's called english speaking success here do also please turn on the notifications so you can get uh well a notification of course about the up and coming videos i normally release a recorded video on sundays and of course we have this the live lesson for about an hour tuesday and thursday 10 o'clock at in at on in who spanish time it's 10 o'clock in spain here in europe so a quick hello there to everybody here hello to sandesh binita hannah blessing aidan cuprit valencia mary anne hello parmindaslata great so um it's keith i do i live in spain so i do like to speak spanish but of course i am british and i'm from manchester originally so today um if you're just uh arriving in the classroom do come in today what's that what does that remind you of snow white disney childhood right reminds of us it reminds of us reminds us of our childhood and sure enough today's topic is children childhood we'll be talking about toys we'll be can't drink we'll be talking about so excited we'll be talking about the way you know childhood has changed we're actually in the perfect room because this is my daughter's bedroom right and i think my daughter's childhood is very different from my childhood which was very different from my grandfather's childhood right now my grandad right he used to say to us back in the day when i was a boy we didn't have all of these new toys that you had we had to use our imagination and he said this was the only toy we ever had a wooden spoon we used to go to the kitchen get the wooden spoon and we would play with this for hours yes grandad really what did you do grandad and he would tell us right and we would use it for fighting it could be a sword it could be a magic wand it could be a dagger and they would use their imagination and i used to think granddad you're old times have changed when i was a kid right we didn't have the internet somebody the other day asked me they said happy birthday and they said how old are you keith hmm now i didn't answer but i'm going to tell you now between you and me right come in close between you and me i'm 52 so i was born in 1967 i grew up in the 70s and the 80s as a teenager and we had very different toys this was one of my favorite toys do you remember this right this is called the the slinky and it used to go down the stairs that was a great toy that i had as a kid and we really yes we but it's a secret don't tell anybody we used to find our own toys we would go to the uh to the forest or to the wood and find these things right i got one of these the other day it's a conker and it comes from a particular tree and what we did as kids we would make a hole right so you make a hole in the conker you put a piece of string in and then you hang it and what you do is you fight your friends with it it's a chestnut very good thank you tao hyun um it's a chestnut um so we would take this conker we call it a conquer and we would fight our friends i don't mean we would hit our friends one person holds up their conquer and then the friend goes oh it's broken wait a moment let me just repair it quick repair man oh the eloquence perfect tv right we put it on and then what we do is we go and you'd hit the other conker great toys it wasn't a toy it wasn't an ipad it wasn't a phone it was a toy from nature and we got lots of toys from nature um and i realize i have become my grandad uh dear guys topic today not over here over here childhood we're talking about children childhood and toys right for those of you here for the first time welcome very very nice to see you there is the first time here welcome lovely to see you so what we're going to do is we're going to talk a lot about children and toys and how times were different right memories in the past does that sound okay let me get that t great excuse me so um just before i begin a very very quick thank you to some people who have made a donation on the website to help me spend more time on the lessons on youtube and thank you elena and yuri kaizaki thank you very very much really really appreciate your support okay so let's begin i'm going to kick off or begin right metaphor kick off right we're not playing football but we're going to begin with some vocabulary um very basic vocabulary talking about child right so remember child is the singular one child plural is irregular five children maybe you have three children or four children okay and different collocations so we can say talking about a child a well-behaved child i was a well-behaved child at school or i was an obedient child okay obedient is the same you follow orders or you do what you're told by parents and teachers i was an obedient child listen really to the stress right and repeat with me so you really get the stress obedient good not over but obey obedience i was an obedient child great now maybe you were the opposite you were not well behaved you can say i was a difficult child or i was a naughty child right naughty is a very good word with children so you wouldn't use naughty for an adult right if you do something wrong or you don't listen to your boss you're not naughty right naughty is for children a naughty child or a wayward child right the same meaning naughty not well-behaved wayward i was a wayward child brilliant keep repeating with me right really work on our pronunciation i was a wayward child brilliant we can talk about oh we've got some other ones here great let's add um sheena says stubborn i was a stubborn child i like it yes you'd never listen to your parents right i was a stubborn child um well i was a stubborn teenager i think i was a well-behaved child but a stubborn teenager thank you for that comment sajan says mischievous right which is naughty it's a really good word mischievous i was a mischievous child again get the mischievous mischievous child brilliant right good nice very good i like this one i no not that one this one i was a sharp i was a sharp knife ah right we're almost there this was the um the idiom from the other day right i was as sharp as a knife in my childhood right i was very clever brilliant mad men renew i was as sharp as a knife excellent nice comments um we've also got childhood the time of our being a child my childhood we can talk about a happy childhood or maybe an unhappy childhood or a lonely childhood right possibly if you were an only child right if you don't have any brothers or sisters maybe you had a lonely child maybe not maybe you had lots and lots of friends turn off my notifications sorry um if you didn't have a lot of money you could say i was a deprived child my grandad right they grew up during the war they didn't have a lot of money in fact no he grew up before them but they were very very poor so he had a deprived childhood right um and childish is used it means you're behaving like a child so actually we don't use childish for children because of course children behave in a childish way that's natural but we often use childish for adults right when adults are being like children do you know like sometimes the politicians in the houses of parliament they go you did this wrong no you're the stupid one no you're really stupid you know they're so childish they're like little children so you could say the politicians are childish so we talk about childish behavior or a childish attitude maybe okay great good so what else have we got good any other expressions coming up well ck talks about being a gifted child absolutely if you're very very clever then you can be a gifted child absolutely okay anything else adorable child i'm an only child parania you're an only child great oh okay childish right is similar this is really good and i'm sorry i don't know how to pronounce your name but i should learn um not but in right immature very often adjectives beginning with m or p have a m um right immature and again we use that often for adults right you're so immature come on grow up right okay good some great expressions there very very nice so we've talked a bit about children childhood let's have a quick look about growing up because again if you're talking about your childhood you probably want to say something like i grew up in in my case right i grew up in manchester right i grew up in manchester you'll notice if you're listening carefully that we actually pronounce the w right listen carefully i grew up follow me what what grew up grew up can you see i grew up in blah blah blah i grew up in manchester what about you 100 different people saying a different answer it would be great if i could listen to you or maybe not that would be very confusing hundreds of different voices in my head i grew up in manchester all of these right are the same meaning i was brought up in manchester i was raised in manchester i was born and bred in manchester so born there and bread bread to breed we normally use for animals when you breed cats and dogs and you breed pigs right you bring up animals but we use it here metaphorically to talk about you know people i was born and bred by my parents in manchester right born and bred if you were paying attention on thursday last week or in my video yesterday this is a binomial right born and is born and bred born and bred follow me again i was born and bred i was born and bred in manchester nice feel the rhythm i was born and bred in manchester i was born and bred in hanoi maybe or somewhere else okay great what about you guys have a practice something that's true for you speak it out and if you want to type as well uh clear out i nourish in no we don't say that no no no right done right i was born in brady hanoi which is the capital of vietnam nice building your clauses very good i wasted my golden years in vegas um i misspent childhood right your best years you wasted why did you waste them you go i was raised in a lovely family very nice brilliant um right and i knew i grew up almost right so you've got i grew up but not at right um so we'll change it not at my born place but in my birth place that's what we say i grew up in my birthplace right in the same place where i was born nice great brilliant i was born and bred in gyeonggi-do pallava changing it a little bit i was born and brought up in ontario that's great i love her we can be creative right we can chop we can change a little bit born and bred is a fixed nightmare mobile but you're here making up a new one that's great i was born and brought up in ontario so that's great creative and i think that answers uh the question from kauba precious can i say i was born and raised in yes you can right you can be creative with the language here you can change it around a little bit brilliant emily i knew that i was born and bred in taipei i knew you were born and bred there how did i know that i didn't know this that uh here was brought up in jiangsu province this is quite funny from gracious i was born in kerala and bred in mumbai now i'm laughing because you're being really creative here and now because you're separating two activities the bread almost loses the metaphor because born and bred has that metaphor there's a danger here that somebody thinks you're talking about animals you were bred like an animal in mumbai um for me it's it's very very creative it's extremely creative but just be a bit careful with that i would say i was born in mumbai i was born in corella and bred in mumbai i was born in kerela and raised in mumbai yes i was born in corella and brought up in mumbai yes i was born in corella and bread in mumbai i think the listener if they're english will be smiling at that i hope that makes sense gracious but you know great excellent let's move on any others just before we move on yeah you don't have to say a place you can say in a hilly area i was born and bred in a hilly area right um vivian yeah my motherland is malaysia some people say motherland fatherland yes yep brilliant we've got all of that nice some good comments there so brilliant some nice expressions there talking about kind of basic vocabulary and just to finish up on basic vocabulary we're talking about memories right so we can say i remember of course you know i remember i remember my childhood well like my grandfather remember i remember when i was a boy we used to or you can say recall i recall my childhood i recall when i was living in manchester we used to or i have a clear memory of my childhood in manchester i have a clear memory of my childhood so all of these are different ways for us to say i remember right so it's good to build up your vocabulary and build your flexibility right flexibility is so important never never never just memorize the answers and don't just copy answers i give steal the vocabulary steal the phrases steal the ideas but then be flexible and create your own answers creativity brilliant i mean that's what real high-level language use is about right being creativity being creative as well as flexible brilliant good i'm going to move on for a moment we're going to talk next about this right we're going to talk about active activities you did as a child right so what did you do as a child i mean what do you remember from your childhood things that you did right i'm gonna have a drink and i want you guys make some comments down here let's have a look what did you do as a child great like to pretend a lot yeah pretend games was really popular i used to play with so here you either should say a friend or friends right hide and seek oh one of my favorite games hide and seek yeah brilliant used to very nice so notice because it's a habit repeated again and again we used to we used to play hide and seek i have a clear memory of stealing powder milk or milk powder from the kitchen in my childhood really i hope your stealing did not carry on gangan okay now this is this is a kimiya you're almost there if my mind serves me you're almost there the expression you're looking for is if my memory serves me right right i used to do so that's what we're looking for kim here but great if my memory serves me right i used to write and then you talk about what you used to do oh nell fantastic great i recall i was a good runner fantastic i usually played soccer after school yeah joined the club me too we used to play soccer so used to or usually played both of those are great right really really good sabbah you were a naughty difficult mischievous wayward child sabbah i tease my parents right just remember that d there right i teased my parents ghoulsafer we always played in the streets right which is less common now well partly because of safety but partly because of corona virus right nasilla says we would play where are you come back we would play lots of made-up games right brilliant made-up games very very good so we usually played so let's say let's make a few a note in made-up games or pretend games we can say both of those it would help if i could spell type we usually played made-up games or pretend games right excellent good um we played what else did we play hide and seek is a great game where one person hides and the other has to look for them right we always played in the street yeah what else can we add in here if my memory i'll put this one in as well serves me right as quite a nice one to remember i used to play in the streets great i used to play the streets fantastic good what else did you do right clara we used to play actively outdoors back then that's nice back then let me add that because i like that back then is a nice time indicator right just indicating when it was adding a bit of richness to your language back then very nice great yeah good eat mud maybe asanka used to listen to stories okay yeah as far as i can remember when i was in when i was in childhood not when i was in childhood i would just say in my childhood right that'd be much more natural um as far as i can remember in my childhood i used to play football with my friends right that's nice let's add that one as far as i can remember i'm laughing at my typing i'm trying to do three things at once and it's not working great let me roll you out as far as i can remember excellent good so those are different activities right you all do there's lots more up here um oh doctor nichelle i remember dancing in various forms like classic ah right not in various forms i remember dancing i remember dancing in different ways i remember dancing different styles let's say let's make it just a bit more natural yeah i remember dancing in different styles like classical folk western yeah rolex could i say i was used to playing hide and seek um not really because that means that it's something you got used to doing right and i think here you just want to say it's something you did as a habit so grammatically yes you can but i don't think it's the right meaning here it's more i used to play right i was used to something means you were accustomed to doing it and i wouldn't say that's quite what we want to say right okay brilliant good let's um i just want to share a couple of others i wrote down here with you and just to emphasize because we've said used to right i used to go so these are what we call past habits so not just once you can say i played football but that might mean just one time you can say i usually played football that's great or i used to go to the park with my friends right i used to plus the uh the verb i used to go or we would again a regular past habit we would sit there for hours chatting away now chatting here means talking not chatting on the phone because we didn't have mobile phones when i was a kid or it wasn't uncommon for us to play football in the park and then hang out until tea time it wasn't uncommon for us right means we would often we it was quite regular using the negative creative right creativity it wasn't uncommon for us to play football right brilliant good some nice expressions there excellent now let's move on um what's next oh i'm gonna move next to the riddle it's the riddle already surely not yes it is already time for the riddle okay now for those of you who um are new i just like to break up the class a little bit um and do a riddle that's like a puzzle where i test your intelligence to see if you're as bright as a button or to see if you're as sharp as a knife or to find out whether maybe you're not the sharpest tool in the shed no you are all very very sharp i'm sure of it you're all very sharp um but this is a ruddle a riddle a rattle a what's a rattle ruddle is a kind of beer maybe that's my subconscious i'm thinking about having a beer ruddles beer no this is a riddle and it's a little puzzle right um let me see if you can get this one right i'm going to challenge you i'm gonna get you to wreck your brains really really think hard about this one and again i've tried to change it a little bit so you don't look it up in the internet because i know what you like if you're sharp means you're clever sharp is clever i'm as sharp as a knife not the but i'm as sharp as a knife so here's the riddle are you guys ready i think there's a time lag here with the comments but uh here's the riddle boris is like hang on not that one i explained that's a good where's boris come on bring it on yes come on ah emmy emman you've changed your name i do recognize you now yes good yeah romaine i am tricking you i'm not tricking you out right i'm catching you out but i'm tricking you but i'm not out i'm tricking you or catching you out great here we go listen carefully here's the riddle i can talk but i have no mouth i communicate but i have no body you can hear me but not see me catching those out i'm going to catch you out yes i'm going to catch you out with this let's go baby who are you calling baby i'm 52. right i can talk but have no mouth i communicate that have no body you can hear me but not see me what am i internet music no computer no radio no air no not quite sound sound [Music] yeah but that's not the answer i'm looking for and you can hear me better on a windy day right so i can talk but i have no mouth i communicate but have nobody you can hear me but not see me you can hear me better on a windy day let me add that and i've probably given you too much there i've probably given you the answer mobile phone no man ass well done wind diane no not wind music no siri no imagination no air no words no mind no only one of you has got it manas has got it well done so i've caught out a lot of you but of course a lot of you will complain because your answers are probably also correct but the one i was thinking of is an echo i can talk but have no mouth i communicate but have no body you can hear me better on a windy day right that's an echo echo echo echo echo so well done some of you who got the right answer that is the riddle for today hunky dory well done everybody let's move on from the riddle what comes after the riddle ah this is interesting so coming to my notes um and let me come here let me close all of these get rid of that get rid of that get rid of that you know we're talking about um childhood right so i can get rid of the childhood thing now then we're going to talk about toys right different toys we've talked a bit about toys but um i'm going to go into a bit more detail and i was i found this really cool website and it talks about different toys right i can show you here all time favorite childhood toys um not shirts that's an advertisement but let me show you some of these toys so you know the word um no i don't want you giving me notifications thank you very much and then we'll talk about your toys so let's just share a few here the rattle the rattle was for babies right i mean that's for very young children the rattle bicycle of course very very common toy for many many people stacking toys or like building blocks but making a stacking toy interesting toy cars toy trucks toy vehicles for many many boys and girls lego of course i don't know if you've had lego as a child but that's one of the best selling toys barbie and action figures so interestingly we tend to say for girls we say a doll d-o-l-l a barbie doll or another kind of doll but not for boys boys i don't know why but we don't like to say dolls we say action figures because it sounds more like uh action adventure and exciting like a doll sounds like cooking and pretending to well dolls nowadays gosh they cry they eat and they poo i mean incredible the dolls nowadays but for boys action figures action figures what else puzzles right jigsaws in england we call them jigsaws but also puzzles um microscopes yeah science toys lots of kids maybe my daughter got a microscope she's got one of those fun for science puppets maybe cuddly toys as well you might have balls of course balls is one of the simplest what's not on there is wood and spoon granddad rest in peace crayons great for coloring of course very popular toy interesting that that's a toy but you could talk about that musical instruments of course and maybe not the real piano or guitar but pretend musical instruments pretend guitar things like that do you remember the rubik's cube push toy things you have to push dolls or plush animal that's another one plush animal blocks building blocks very very popular dress up clothes right for boys and girls cardboard box well why not my grandad would have liked that and then of course board games if you remember monopoly pluto snakes and ladders and play-doh for building and making things right okay fantastic great so all of those are some of the most popular toys of course i'll share that link with you quite useful for vocabulary um but my question for you guys is what about you what toy did you like the best as a child let me know what toy did you like ah i know uno actually very very good um we had sulfur yes tells us a toy telephone which can you you can use it between rooms my uncle brought it as a child i thought it was a real phone yeah that's great a toy telephone toy telephones very nice good darts yes great the girlie says what does the guy say video games uh you're a millennial aren't you girly you must be rachel had a mini cooking set nice yeah miniature toys now uh richard harsha do you mean like miniature figures um miniature figures like action figures or miniature buildings or something else joyce this was one of my favorite board games board games interesting right because when you think of board you think i'm bored but it's not the same of course right it's it's the same pronunciation right but when i am bored b-o-r-e-d i play a board game because board games are really exciting so i think that's quite interesting a little bit snakes and ladders a little bit come on keith that's not interesting when i'm bored i play a board game good for pronunciation snakes and ladders one of my favorite board games it really really was absolutely ah adblock thank you nachiket i should do that yes yes so need i love this the letter block thing is great natural english when you don't quite know the word right and this is great in ielts speaking if you don't know the word just say things right oh my favorite toy was those building thingies oh those building thingies that you put on top of each other great you can use another word that's paraphrasing the letter block thing is right all right great ancient living right walkie-talkie muhammad says walkie-talkie great susan also snakes and ladders darts puzzles ah uranus dragon ball figures is that from the japanese cartoon right uh ludo was another board game playstation great nice marbles right sheena those little glass balls that you used to roll and try and hit nice barbie barbie doll um brilliant right this is good oh back then i used to play let's just add the two make sure everybody's clear yeah back then back in the day i used to play chess with my bro yep brilliant new or says plush animals right those cuddly toys favorite toys brilliant lots of ideas there you can talk about and of course you probably want to say why you liked it right um so what would i say what do you remember i showed you the slinky right i might say if i'm talking about this as my favorite toy um as a child my favorite toy was the slinky i used to play with it a lot because i was the youngest child my brother and sister were a bit older and they were always out playing together so sometimes i was left on my own and the slinky was a really fun game to play on your own it would give me hours of fun and entertainment just watching it bounce down the stairs and it's a nice toy because it's cheap it's simple and it can't really break well not really it's very durable right and nice that was my favorite toy okay excellent toys that you liked good brilliant brilliant we've got lots of more ideas there look at each other's guys you can look at your own your comics together oh here's a nice one from material ielts hello material ielts welcome to the club when i was a child i used to be passionate let's just add i know these are probably typo mistakes um i used to be passionate about drawing it was fun to work with brushes and colorful paintings so my parents bought me a lot of brushes and colored pencils as toys great as toys as toys we'll just take out the nice nice answer great we've also got oh i like this from sana i just like copying my brothers back then so i like playing the chess again chess is one of those ones that we don't say the i don't know why um we just say chess playing chess to play chess i just liked liked copying my brothers back then you can't see what i'm doing can you back then thumbs up sana back then so i like playing chess i learned to play major when i was in china great game but i lost a lot of money we used to make a den with pillows that's what my daughter does she loves that she used to make a den all the time i think there's something about hiding and having your own private space right to make a den with the pillows and having your own little area excellent if you want to talk about chess trang says for example i like chess because it is a mysterious and intellectual game very nice and dong says i used to play with squishy food squishy food like play-doh because it was so soft which made me so relaxed it made me relaxed great whoops i'll just add that instead of relaxing it is relaxing but it makes me relaxed great as promised i'm from manchester in england great some lovely ideas there so we talked a bit about toys right um let's move on from toys to something different um oh i'm just going to give you a little bit of vocabulary that might help you out with this some interesting expressions i wouldn't let go of my favorite doll you know when you like something so much and you're playing it all the time and you're always there i was always with my slinky i wouldn't let go of my slinky right it's you keep it all the time similar meaning i was obsessed with my train set obsessed means you're thinking about it all the time i was obsessed with my train set let's come back to pronunciation because as well as pronouncing words correctly you want to get the stress in your phrase that helps your fluency right so listen to the stress i was obsessed with my train set i was obsessed with my train set great change the toy i was obsessed with my slinky one more i was obsessed with my chest set great now you try that's nice you can feel it right i loved my chest set there's a really strong stress there right it's not i love my chest said no i loved my chest set great now say it for your toy great and really use your body right i loved i loved my chest set brilliant now here's an interesting word tethered tethered means connected we hear this quite a bit in technology and mobile phones because you know so many people um are connected to their phones like it's a part of your body almost it's like your hand and if you lose your phone you think you've been cut off your hand has been cut off so tethered means connected or attached but not literally kind of metaphorically so i was tethered to my ipad right it's a nice word meaning connected so let me just make that clear here it's a bit high level but you know if you're a band seven or a band eight great if you're a band six don't worry too much but if you're a band seven you can use this right i was tethered to my ipad i was tethered to my chess set yeah i wouldn't let go of my favorite cardboard box nice love it i was in love with my bike oh this is nice an extra one here i was tethered to the rubik's cube i was tethered to my bicycle now this one this is a nice one but i'll just change your preposition i was magnetized by my barbie dolls i was magnetized by my barbie dolls i was magnetized by think yeah nazila i think all people are tethered to their phones yeah i was glued to my mobile phone i was tethered to my barbie doll yeah it's in your hand all the time nice right nice little expression good i would go everywhere with my bike that's another way of expressing it right i would go everywhere with my bike so some nice expressions you can use let me just see what else anything else coming up tamagotchi i remember the tamagotchi that great japanese invention i was tethered to my tamagotchi brilliant oh rhoda this is interesting i was tethered to my bible very interesting and why not i was tethered to the television yes i was tethered too so notice it's two not with right i was tethered two i was tethered two okay great marcina thank you i was tethered to my playstation excellent now keep practicing but i'm going to move on and to look at a final kind of area or question here um and i'm going to look at the question of how life was different when you were a child right what was different um obviously toys maybe different attitudes politics the world climate change family units lots of things are probably different when you were a child depending how old you are now right um so i'm going to take a poll with you now i've used this before but it is interactive so i need you to work with me on this i'm going to ask you some questions and i want you to tell me what you think right so it's going to be about childhood so let me open it up here okay so let me just share the screen with you and get rid of me so i just want to ask you to what extent do you agree um or disagree right notice on the let me come back notice over here on the right just here right it's strongly agree and over here it's strongly disagree so what you're going to do is you're going to go up here to and use the code here 499187 okay let me show you that a little more clearly okay so go to m-e-n-t-i i think there's a mobile app as well but put in the code 499187 and you can give your opinion and we'll look at the average actually so as you start putting in your information more and more people will join and we will see we get the average result right um so that's nine code4991 one eight seven and the quest well the the ideas are kids are safer now compared to twenty years ago second attitudes to family dinner are different now kids spend more time alone and nowadays oh looks like a lot of people agree with that strongly agree 4.4 and finally kids have better access to information about health and nutrition uh quite a lot of you seem to agree so more and more of you are giving your opinion so that the averages are changing and what's interesting here i think is that kids are safer now these uh people are not really agreeing almost disagreeing that kids are safer now so kids maybe it looks like they were safer in the past but you all seem to agree more or less than four that attitudes to family different to family dinner are different now and we'll talk about that in what way uh kids spend more time alone also you seem to agree and most of all kids have better better access to information about health and nutrition interesting so i can see some of you are still still voting right and coming in over here so let me come and sit in the corner very interesting so well let's talk about that right kids are safer now a lot of you think well no not really they're not safer now um now that may be because with coronavirus it's more uh it's riskier for children to go out onto the street because they may pick up an infection they may pick up the virus absolutely but maybe also the crime rate might be higher than in the past maybe in your city there are fewer people on the streets people tend to stay at home more so the streets might be more dangerous i mean certainly when i was a kid we used to go down to the park like age nine eight or nine years old on our own and play there until it was dark and then go home for tea children today that wouldn't happen not in manchester um there would be parents with them probably so that's interesting attitudes to family dinner let me see what you're saying ah cyber crime is worse now okay being hard that's a good a good point let's put these over here so being safe because there's cyber crime is higher so maybe children are not safe online that's true right anything else okay here's a good one from sofia talking about attitudes to family dinner i completely agree with the idea that children become what become more reluctant to have dinner with their immediate family yeah more reluctant right reluctant with it just with the you and i wonder why is that because they're busy on their mobile phones they want to get back to their computers um why are they more reluctant it'd be interesting to see what do you think why are they more reluctant to have family dinner right kids spend more time alone right interesting here when i was a child days were longer and people were less busy this is very true parents are busier than ever before right parents are working longer hours there are more women in the workplace so it's not uncommon it's not uncommon for both the mother and the father to be working so the children may be left alone maybe they're lonelier because of that right very very interesting also talking about safety right kidnapping happens nowadays more than before so the children are not more safe today very good point again depending on the country but probably true um what else have we got so oh here's a good one about safety i haven't thought about this right plus there are lots and lots of cars in the streets so it's more dangerous for children to cross the road right they may get hit or knocked down great manpreet there's the issue of child abuse right very much that seems to be much more much stronger than before child trafficking is also a horrific but it is a real issue so also these are things that make children less safe yeah good so children about children being on their own sd rocks steve says nowadays children prefer to play indoor games like pubg and they are not much sociable with their friends right they're not very sociable with their friends um so they're more alone possibly it's good it's a very good point anything else we can add here this is nice yeah cowstabs says so with families becoming more nuclear and with both parents working children seem to have carved out a routine nice expression carved out a routine for themselves and seldom have food with their family very good right that's attitudes to dinner really nice good anything else just checking um oh elisa interesting one so we're talking about safety as in health i think here how can they be safe with the amount of agrotoxic sugar and processed food in their meals right now that's interesting alisa because it also ties into the question slow down it ties in to the question at the end about having kids have better access to information about health and nutrition now right kids do right but are they healthier maybe not maybe not because there are more um unhealthy drinks coca-cola sugar drinks processed food fast food so that's also an issue right okay brilliant guys you've got some amazing ideas and answers there really really good to talk about uh this topic i'm just going to close that for a moment but brilliant very very nice um excellent so life very very different right in the past um i will gather up some of the comments you've made and add them to my notes but we're going to come to the end now as we finish up i'm going to finish as always with some vocabulary review to see if you've been paying attention so we're going to do it through kahoot if you're new kahoot is a fun game for us just to practice and review a bit of vocabulary so let's have a look i'll just set it up and we're going to do a little bit of a review here so bear with me and i'll just share comment as you as i'm getting ready i'll share some of your comments nice comment i'm just going to get my kahoot ready some interesting comments here nice comments uh i'm nearly ready right good some very interesting comments so i think i'm ready i think i'm ready for kahoot oh marcina that's very interesting question can you please teach tenses my one of over the next two weeks the videos i do on sunday that's recorded will be about grammar and tenses so that's really interesting you put that yes i think you are addicted to kahoot yo-yo you are addicted to it great hakimakon read mine please i have okay teach i'm gonna teach we're gonna play the game now so you need to go into kahoot we're going to play the classic game as usual so what happens is for those of you who are new [Music] or there's an app as well if you want to make it more convenient put in the number 93663 and put in your name and you can see now already [Music] there lots of names people are coming in we've got 55 players 59 you're all coming in richard kipling has joined us that's nice back from the grave raja yumiko nice to see you here fantastic brilliant so we've got lots of people joining let me get out of the way and let you join if you can't get in you can just write your answer in the comments thank you very much for that so we've got 450 people great alice from vietnam crazy joe meadow you almost did you highly great choice okay let's go straight in let's start the game you can keep joining but we're actually going to start right now it's all about childhood right so here's the first question which of the following can describe the past which of the following can describe the past you've got 20 seconds left so just if you're in the comments you can just write the color which of the following is used to describe the past well done 129 people i used to swim that is the only one we use for the past i used to swim the blue one well done all of you fantastic that was really really good let's see how we've done scoreboard so manu is top of the pops well done manu younger second mohina coming in third let's move on to the next question number two question two of four which is a synonym [Music] very very carefully right read it very carefully [Music] well done steve and brada janelle look carefully all right so here 121 did very well i noticed a lot of people looked at the red one i was bought in london right there's a problem there that means somebody paid money and took you away bought right you're confusing it with i was brought b-r-o-u-g-h-t up so here you're missing the up and it's the wrong verb so the answer is i was raised in london well done excellent let's see how you're all doing one moment manu you've lost your place it's mohina has moved up into first place excellent here we go next one third out of four true or false i'll get out of the way i was a wayward child means i was naughty i was a wayward child means i was naughty mischievous eight seven trues in the comments oh right not as many as i was hoping for but that was a difficult one right and you had to be at the start of the class where we had that word wayward means naughty or mischievous so difficult great true let's find out who is leading marina is still there wow but look out because gang and baby are right behind you mohina we're gonna move in to the next the fourth and final question oh i was tethered to my beans i was tethered 10 seconds [Music] well done wow now that's better that's what i like to see the vast majority of you say yes it was connected connected tethered to my ipad right i was tethered children nowadays are tethered to their mobile phones connected nice uh vocabulary brilliant the moment of truth who is the winner well let's find out childhood the podium baby very pertinent very good for gyan and [Applause] that's great let's keep the music going yeah congratulations everybody you're learning more and more remember you can always go back and review and of course of course at the end of the class no no not the end of the class later this afternoon in about three or four hours you can go to the website to it's keith speaking academy this one up here right so that's keith go to the free lessons free live lessons and when you go there you can um download the pdf of the lesson notes from today's class and actually from all of the other classes right you can download we've got idioms to talk if you want to make a donation you can do that here you can go on level one or two or three or choose your own um but there just if you want to help me dedicate more time to the lessons that's a big big help but you can go on and you can just start downloading actually lots of stuff come on move please it's not moving it's not letting me move is it there we go cities we've done food we've done skills sport work life balance home and accommodation you can do some binge watching and binge learning comedy vocabulary how to learn vocabulary everything you need it's nearly all there so that's it listen guys um thank you very very much for joining me today all of you if you're new i hope this is useful please do come back every tuesday thursday 10 o'clock also a final point in the comments box if you've got some ideas for future lessons right topics you would like to cover if you want to talk about science or history or other topics please tell me in the comments which topics you would like to look at to give me some ideas for future classes right and of course for those of you taking the test this week fingers crossed best of luck i'm sure you'll do a great job stay calm keep calm and carry on stay calm and collected smile try and enjoy the test and that's great have a great great time oh i'll just let you know as well so key speaking academy that's the uh the address if you want to join the facebook group um there's lots of activity there as well it's called keith's mastermind community the ielts speaking i made it as long as i could stupid i know never mind but that's the facebook group if you want to join us brilliant great thanks for your suggestions keep them coming and i look forward to seeing you very very soon take care my friends all the best bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 42,460
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Keywords: keithspeakingacademy, ielts speaking success, keith ielts, childhood ielts, childhood ielts speaking part 1, childhood ielts speaking, childhood ielts speaking part 3, ielts childhood speaking, ielts speaking topic childhood, ielts speaking childhood vocabulary, ielts speaking childhood, toys ielts speaking, favorite toy ielts speaking
Id: Pf3JjcWo0Cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 8sec (4448 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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