FREE IELTS Speaking practice online: Topic - Public Places

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hello hello and good morning nice to see you it's Keith from IELTS speaking success really pleased to see you and today we're going to be looking at public places as you can see up here so we're going to be looking again at some part two questions kind of new cue cards on public places and public transport so describe a new public building in your city and also talk about or describe a trip you made by public transport that's what we're going to be looking at today fantastic and for those of you who are coming in on demand welcome to the recording for those of you who are live good morning very pleased to see you who is first in the house Joey from Facebook welcome well done Abby Lasher second place the silver medal today pimper hello and welcome and rimpau mallika man Brett sasirekha great to see you Ali from Facebook nice to see you here San Vince Anna's and Ahmed Mohamed from Facebook great good to see the Facebook guys here as well as the YouTube guys good morning to all of you house tabbies here mes hit dev Raj great Raveena nice to see you son a hello long time no see good to see you here Nicole as well welcome nice to see you and Shaq wound cool Soria welcome guys so as I said today we are going to be looking at public places okay we're going to look at part two cue cards on Tuesday we looked at fluency and I really enjoyed looking at the ideas you shared on Facebook about how you're improving your fluency and practicing some great ideas people were talking also about practicing with their children so that they can encourage their children to speak English as well as practicing themselves I mean that was fantastic so some really nice ideas and I think it's lovely you know we're sharing with each other so it's great so good to see all of you that's it now let me just pull in my notes as always today I've changed my drink today I've actually changed my cup right I've gone from the sophistication of Disney's Princesses to the sophistication of Cambridge College although not that sophisticated right Cambridge College they're losing their branding dear oh dear oh dear anyway today you're not gonna guess what I'm drinking there's no way you'll guess what I'm drinking go on have a guess those of you who've come in tanjur from journal Germany nice but it do edges thank you very much for coming in today and thank you for your donation oh and by the way whilst before I forget a big thank you to those who have donated including RIT daughter Jess thank you very much and Beverly and Jacqueline Gomez are really appreciated thank you so much so what am i drinking let's see what you've got coffee no hot water no tea no green tea no cupboard chocolate chocolate if only red dates not today ginger tea not today hello uncle oh hello nephew hello niece that's great right I love it because in I remember when I was living in China the Chinese always call the elderly the older person uncle right even if they're not part of the family hello uncle and at first I was very surprised I thought hang on I don't know you I'm not your uncle but it's just a way of talking right and in England we don't do that so much but I love it I think it's really nice it's not milk it's not black tea not ginger tea not lemon tea no you're not going to get it because it's too simple it's too simple coke kolja come on catchy d coca-cola this time in the morning it's certainly not I've actually not drunk coca-cola for three years I gave it up three years ago it's just so bad for you it really is rim / you're the closest okay it's good old-fashioned tap water so it's not warm kind of lukewarm is just room temperature tap water why not have a change the reason is I didn't have time to prepare my tea but maybe I'll get that later excellent so tap water yes good old fashioned tap water is a nice expression right good old-fashioned tap water some things that were very simple we just say good old-fashioned bread good old-fashioned tap water brilliant okay great what is the ingredient that's water 7up oh don't drink 7up so bad for you really is now then let's have a look so as we go in here first of all oh yes just to remind you so for those of you who have bought the udemy course my online course I'll speaking success get a band 7 plus just to let you know the new videos are up so for the May to August videos questions I've updated a few there and on things like risk road trips staying up late those kind of things and you can go and access them if you haven't bought the course yet what are you waiting for no I mean met I don't know the course is there I will share the link with you you could go and have a look in fact I'm going to show you very briefly whilst I get the link let me show you the course just so you know what's in there it might help you decide if it's right for you let me just show you this just one moment line course il speaking success gets a band seven plus there are five sections the introduction as you can see here just gives you a welcome there's a new video here about how to use this course explaining the best way to study and follow the course you get resources here so there are downloadable PDFs as well in some of the different areas moving on to part 2 section 2 is all about part 1 strategies and skills looking at how to approach the speaking exam we've then got part three looks at part 1 model answers you've got some of the new ones here shopping staying up late tidiness but lots of these we've had before are still in the bank now and again you can get lots of PDFs so all of the material you see inside here you can actually download into a PDF and also watch it as you're doing it so there are plenty of things to be watching there about part 1 and here the part 1 question is all about tidiness a you a tidy person I think a winner tiny person I don't know yes of course and also part section 5 looks at part 2 and part 3 there again plenty of new videos up here and basically you've got model answers analysis part 3 questions for a variety of different topics even water sports our favorite right and usually you've got no you always have the PDFs that you can download so that's it just to let you know that's the course enough of that guys Oh my microphone is good so a couple of you have said that you can't see it it shows last updated in February and someone yesterday said they couldn't see the new videos it has it has been updated and it should be working on your browser or you can try a different browser or clear the cache or just refresh your browser it absolutely should work if it's not then you know do let me know but if I'm just looking here on the website here it is updated here right the new updates May to August so you should be able to get it but any problems just message me and let me know okey-dokey good some of you tomorrow Beck sort of got your IELTS exam how lucky you are that's fantastic I wish you lots of luck I hope it goes well tomorrow is the course free gnome in the course is not free but it's pretty cheap I think for what you get in there oh let me share a link with you then let me share a link for you too because if you go with the link you get a cheaper price you get the discount so let me see if I can share this on my hmm I should be able to post messages right yes theoretically hang on bear with me guys I'm just gonna put this in into my message and hopefully that should go in right the message should be there let's check there's a link there I just put it through has it come through hasn't gone through not to worry I am if you download the notes and I'll put it on in YouTube and you will be able to find it all okay now then just bear with me again I'm gonna get into YouTube live and I can post it there so at least the guys in YouTube will be able to see it I'll post it later on Facebook as well so you can get that there there you go oh somebody wants to share their topics that's always useful to know Andrea just wanted to share my topics out speaking first part was about being a tidy person tidiness that's in the course second part to describe a long car trip are the road trip that's also in the new course right the the long car trip excellent Andrea thank you very very much okay brilliant let's move on now then I'll get my notes let me put up here so I'll share with you the the question the first question so describing public places okay here's the question this is a part to describe a new public building in your city you should say where it is what it looks like what you can do there and explain how you feel about it well how do you feel about it so this is quite tricky right and a lot of students say Keith what an earth is a public building what does that mean is that government building the school's count is it a hospital and what exactly is a public building okay well before I tell you my idea give me a message comment tell me what you think examples of public buildings are okay examples of public buildings and while you're doing that sad app sheet can I speak Punjabi no but if you can teach me something that would be great can you teach us grammar an accent yes I will teach you grammar and accent or pronunciation as a part of the classes we always do a bit of pronunciation and grammars there all the time so a gym or a theatre that's interesting public place could be a theatre I'm gonna add all of these to my list theatres good library great oh there's my list that I wasn't gonna share with you but let me change this and let me bring in your comments okay library great gym or theatre nice Emmy a park hmm it's not a building is it the park isn't really a building so I wouldn't say a park museum yep Hospital yep Metro where are you oMG e-academy Metro yes I think so long as you're focusing on the building right so the metro building rather than the whole system it is a public building yep great public library nice shopping malls yes shopping malls definitely can be public buildings traditional market so long as you're focusing on the building yep good cow step public building can be a museum right Budda Budda I thought your name was Buddha quotes yes Taj Mahal in India right so all kinds of temples churches synagogues whatever it may be yes those can be you know religious places of worship can be public places concert halls yes libraries shopping malls yeah good got some great ideas excellent all of those absolutely very very good I'll just share with you as you saw the ones that I had down sorry go cope blow you up you didn't expect that today did you here we go so theatres temples churches libraries post office right sometimes post offices in our city we have a spectacular post office the central post office is a beautiful ornate public building I actually really enjoy going there which is strange right because post office is traditionally were very kind of old slow boring places but this new post office is really interesting I mean outside it has these ornate sculptures and it's very kind of all the worldî old-fashioned but when you go inside state-of-the-art technology right they have displays they have a shop a bit like a museum shop so you can buy things related to stationery books CDs very clever right so they're selling on the one hand but they're giving this fantastic service there's an excellent ticketing service so you don't have to queue for too long it's very efficient I mean yeah who would have thought right post offices great public schools right so schools not private schools so if a private school has been built it's not a public building but most schools are public buildings shopping malls as said absolutely subway buildings so focus on the building hospitals well right nowadays there's been a lot of new hospitals have been built around the world and to respond to the corona virus pandemic and so in fact in London they have built very new state-of-the-art Hospital it's a cater for all of the patients who are coming from the pandemic again it's a very modern building it looks I've not been in but it looks fantastic and it seems to be you know really well constructed so hospitals business centers right so many business centers have public there public buildings where you can go in like banks and do different business transactions transport hubs transport hubs a transport Center so we mentioned the the Metro right you mentioned the Metro but also you're kind of coach bus station train station or the transport hub where they often have trains and buses and taxi services and have all related there so those are some things you could talk about what else you some people have got a planetarium why not public gym public gym yes so not a paid for private gym no but a public gym yes you have public gyms Emily you're very lucky government buildings absolutely yeah somewhere free and that's the key point there must be somewhere free Chinese restaurants has an interesting one I'm not so sure about a Chinese restaurant not really restaurants no I mean the shopping mall and the shopping center yes that's a public building but a restaurant a public building hmm not too sure about that subway buildings great so there are some ideas excellent now oh let me add quartz somebody's a quarter maybe that's part of the any government building right the court house where they do the trials right okay excellent so let me tell you hmm let me tell you about a public building that has been built where I live right so I'm gonna tell you about what oh yes I remember I'm gonna tell you about a bus station that has been built in my city here in Sandton there oh sorry snowing Santander it was in Bilbao which is very very close and so before they had just some basic bus stops there was a handful of bus stops where most of the intercity buses would come so they basically knocked that down and they built up this spanking brand-new transport hub and it's very a very impressive building overground above ground it's a very impressive kind of two storey building where you can go to buy the tickets get information and then underground they've put the platforms and it's where you get on and off the buses so they've made it a state-of-the-art building right they have these really instead of the old-fashioned ticket counters where you used to queue for bloody ages sorry don't say bloody in your test that was my anger last time I used to queue for ages for absolutely ages now they have these automatic vending machines so you can actually just go and buy your ticket in fact you can buy your ticket on your phone through the app and then just go and pick it up at the automatic vending machines so it's lovely and they've made the the kind of the off boarding and the onboarding of the passengers is much more easier is much easier far easier than what it used to be and they've got lots of nice facilities they've got a nice cafe a restaurant and some shops to buy the typical convenien things you need when you're traveling or taking a short trip so it's a really really nice building and I think very very popular and one that I often use because I often travel to other cities nearby so I really enjoyed going there it makes me feel safe and comfortable and that is a public building that I love like I would like to describe today well there you have it great there's my public building okay let's see where are you guys still got lots of ideas brilliant so talking about public buildings why you're right yeah okay badi oh why don't we use bloody because bloody is a bit of a swear word a swear word is a bad word we often talk about the f-word and I don't mean food I mean the other F word it's not you know in conversation with friends I think it's okay but in the test I probably wouldn't use it I don't know you probably make most examiner's smile if you say bloody but you may offend some examiners especially the older examiners they may be offended by that so I would not use it but you know certainly in your conversations you can yeah it's quite more commonly used nowadays right okay great some great expressions good okay yes exactly okay mesmerizing the Taj Mahal is really mesmerizing great it's a nice word is mesmerizing I went to the Taj Mahal it's a beautiful building very very very nice and of course what makes it special for many people is the light either first thing in the morning or late at night it has this spectacular reflection of the the walls of the building and inside this ornate decker very very nice temple great you spoke rack my brains no that's not how you spell rack I was teaching this the other day actually to somebody to rack your brains you're speaking racks my brains and to rack is to Rack my brains is a very good expression actually you're speaking racks my brains to rack your brain is to make you think deeply about something Monica you must go brilliant so and that is a government building or government monuments yes RAC RAC k mmm I freezing view not really Neha not really no I don't think so I never had never heard that expression right let me just go through a few of the things I said just to remind you and give you some vocabulary so I said brand-new let me make this a little bit bigger just to make it really clear and let's take me out of the picture yeah brand-new right and something is very new is brand-new and this apparently this comes from the branding if you remember the old Cowboys in these American films right the cowboy films and they used to have the cattle or the cows and they have this iron rod they put in the fire and then they go on the side of the animal they brand the animal showing a kind of ownership and I guess when you put a brand like literally a brand like Gucci or Armani when you brand something you own it you make it yours so brand new is to put a brand on it is to make it to make it yours so just very new so when we talk about brand new just means very very new and the same with spanking new I've got no idea where that comes from to spank hissed yeah well how do I explain spank spank is when you have a baby and you go you spank the bottom of a baby if you're not happy with the baby I don't know why we say spanking you a complex right is a building so you can talk about a huge complex a huge building or often a group of buildings right and here was a nice synonym I said a handful of bus stops so instead of saying some or several which is okay a handful of is literally a handful right a handful of bus stops it's a nice expression so you can you know you can use this when you talk about people there were three or four people there were a handful of people right there were a handful of bus stops it just means a few maybe maybe five maybe ten but not many right there's a handful of shops in my local Street in Santa in Santander there's a handful of Chinese restaurants I think there's about four or five right it's nice instead of some a handful right great state of the art we talked about which is just very very high-tech a transport hub really is a transport center so not just one building but maybe different forms of transport maybe coaches and buses taxis we talked about the on-boarding and off-boarding of passengers so the way you have the the platform right and the passengers get on and off then that's the the on-boarding and off-boarding right the getting on and off it's a nice expression vending machines are very popular nowadays in many public buildings so especially with traveling and buying tickets and these vending machines they have user-friendly digital interfaces user-friendly nice digital interface so that's just the it's the screen right where you sometimes they're very complex and you can't work out what to press but the ones here are multilingual choose your language very simple user friendly digital interface nice and the other thing is this one yes let me wind this down a bit far easier okay oh yeah this was just to say when you're talking about because often we say it's much more accessible so much emphasizes something right so you can say it's accessible this is accessible this is more accessible but if the accessibility is a lot it's much more accessible but instead of saying much right like it's much easier you can say it's far easier so in this new transport hub it's much easier to find the bus you're going to take in this transport hub it's far easier to find the bus you're going to take right it's far easier it's just nice it's a change from much right or it's way easier to find the bus you're going to take it's way more convenient right okay brilliant nice so a bit of fluency practice pronunciation practice let's do this do this with me right far easier and notice the are it's very wide are far easier and can you notice there's a link if I make it clear for you right the rough comes over here seriously Riza Riza yep Riza far easier can you hear that far easier it's far easier to find the bus you want good but try again with the stress don't Denton ready it's far easier to find the bus you want nice good yeah next one it's way more convenient way it's way more convenient nice full sentence it's way more convenient to buy tickets good can you hear the rhythm dddd dddd it's way more convenient to buy tickets one more it's way more convenient to buy things it's way more convenient to go shopping brilliant good you notice I'm changing one or two words that's the technique you need to practice to get your flexibility so when you're repeating with me yes repeat but you also you shouldn't point you also can just change one or two words build your flexibility right excellent good nice now then I'm just going to share with you a link because I was looking at the phrase new this web site right phrases dot-org is a fantastic website I love it I can share this with the guys in YouTube I'll also put it in the in the notes it's really really good hello come back phrases org it's a nice website you can go and have a look at it and it gives you a list of things they're for it gives you a list of phrases connected with the words you choose so for that one if I wanted to find all the phrases connected with you then that's what it shows you let me show you a list of phrases related to the word new now it gives you actually also literature references which is fantastic it gives you expressions as bright as a new pin as fresh as a daisy brand new is probably here as well I'm sure it is because I found it here brand new the meaning and origin right it's got lots of really good stuff so you can choose any word I mean there's too much right literally look all of these phrases related to new but a very good resource one that I recommend you have a look at right all phrases sorry phrases ok I'll put it in the notes as well right good now let's come back let's see what you're doing right any quick question there what's the meaning of vending machine so vending vonda from the french bender from the spanish vending from the latin is to sell right it means to sell so a machine that sells you something I think in many countries like in Japan in particular vending machines are very very popular that you can buy lots of stuff in vending machines right let me show you what a vending looks like and you'll get exactly what I mean I mean this is a vending machine right can you see these these machines that are so where you go and you you can literally go and buy take me away going buy drinks so you have vending machines in in many many shopping malls but we also have vending machines for tickets right to buy tickets in the train station so there are different kinds of vending machines brilliant yeah a nice I'm I on Spotify no not yet I have to wait for my podcast maybe in a few months time when I get some free time brilliant good anything else coming up how many other questions Airport yes yeah excellent good so before I go into the next question either I have a riddle a riddle for you yes I thought I'll share a riddle with you everyday cuz riddles are very very interesting do you know what riddles are a riddle is a kind of a quiz or a puzzle right a riddle or a puzzle so let me share a puzzle with you okay here we go I'll put this up here that end that I'm that I'm that I'm take this one away a riddle is a puzzle right so here's my riddle listen carefully and the first person with the correct answer I'm gonna clap well I haven't even thought about it but here's the riddle right ready how many letters are in the alphabet one more time how many letters are in the alphabet [Music] different answers so what okay no nobody's got it right yet some very interesting answers here I can see some of you are almost there how many letters are there in the alphabet you're almost there how many letters are there in the alphabet ah Fatima well done anybody else only one person only one person I think a lot of you are kind of halfway there but you're not quite there only Fatima let's come back how many letters are there in the alphabet that's the right answer well done Fatima excellent right let me show you I'll explain why let me explain why let me just take this away and I'll try and change it here we go yeah here's the answer Fatima I'm gonna take you off for a moment how many letters are there in the alphabet 11 the alphabet right a lot of you are thinking alphabet 8 right very very good but almost but the alphabet [Music] that's today's riddle I think I will try and do a riddle with you every every class keep you on your toes right keep you on your toes great expression on your toes great I will keep you on your toes that means awake and alert nice I love it Cass Adam or so he says jeez that's great a little bit grab it yeah of course normally a lot of you are absolutely right normally in English there are 26 letters right ABCDEF normally as 2690 mer Congrats well done so tricky yeah I've got lots more of those so I'll do one every every class with you okay excellent let's move on let's have a look next question this is another part to question let me bring this down dum dum where are we here we are is the next one and let me get rid of this or you come back keep you on your toes okay Oh try that again describe a trip you made by public transport so we're moving from public places to public transport you should say where you went what transport you used how the trip was and explain why you chose that form of transport okay trips by public transport so first question what do we mean by public transport what do we mean give me some examples of public transport oh yes for Fatima I forgot to clap thank you very much okay good how many more up my sleeve I have a lot up my sleeve cast AB excellent all right here we are let's have a look okay I'm gonna put you down here great bus great train thanks D Peeta who l what else have we got Metro pin bra yep okay Metro which is the underground train yep nice one here from hearse and a tram yep into city tram or the city tram good ship yeah especially ferries right the ferry I'm gonna add that to you Gina let me add ferry because fairies in particular are if I can it's not gonna let me is it ship or ferry ferries are like I guess because where I live we have a ferry that goes from Spain to England and the ferry is definitely a public transport right ferries yes and especially in some cities where you have canals and they use ferries or boats as taxis Sydney they have a lot of boats which are kind of taxis and they take you across the bay or across the water the ferry boats we have those here as well between north of France and England there's a lot of ferries going daily yep absolutely good my and plane yep airplane good rail good railways is the same excellent anything else nice we've got as often are fairly coaches good coaches anything else anything else I think we've got all of them okay Abhilash a government transport yep generally speaking government transport near dad says bus trains and taxi so yes taxis can be seen as public public transport you have to pay but of course you pay for the bus and everything so taxis as well yeah absolutely so there's a summary from shackin buses trains metros aeroplanes so there are some yeah these are all good so let's have a look first of all I jumped in to Wikipedia to just get a definition right so it says that public transport right public transport are travel systems available for use by the general public that's you and me typically managed on a schedule so the regular time every day operating on established roots so the same route the same route every day and that charge a posted fee like a fee that is visible that everybody can see for each trip now taxis are a little bit different but I think they I would include them as public transport okay so that's a definition might be quite useful I would include trains bus coach ferry taxi and rickshaw right rickshaws as well or tuk tuks or whatever you call them I think they have a lot of different names in different countries right what would you call them in your country do you have these kind of things rupture rickshaws tuk tuks and for those of you who don't know what that is because many countries do not have them let me show you what sure is these things right we used to have these in Beijing rickshaws very hard work I mean for some people look at this guy right pulling them along very very tough work but that is a rickshaw okay so different things now if you're going to describe a trip in public transport oh you're giving me sorry yes excuse me what you call them to go all right interesting Toto toto rickshaw tricycles in the Philippines right tooktook Lin says we have biked took took I've heard that one as well nicely Roger cable cars very good tricycles any other names you give them top talks top talks in Myanmar we call it not me amen and so so cause it sidecar in Spanish they call it the city car I think hey aDNA her a side point at No thank you I did the Isles indicator six point five lovely well done nice aDNA congratulations okay so oh look at this Khalid where are you from which country do you have picked up big cap copper Bow Wow Sawa or am I just am i misunderstanding brilliant sam'l says check a DOS ok different names brilliant so let's look at the question again right that question just let me come back through it come on come here here we go describe a trip you made by public transport come on go up go up go up so where you went how that what the transport was so you need to describe the transport where you end sorry you need to you can I think you want but basically how the trip was you want something interesting right I mean if you say well I catch the train to work every day and last week I caught the train to work that's okay but if you think about it if you're talking to a friend would you tell your friend I caught the train to work yesterday like every day there your friend is gonna be right and why are you telling me that right and so I guess when you're speaking to a friend you you would tell them something interesting right something interesting happened on the trip and I think the same here not because you have to but because if you tell about something if you talk about something interesting you're going to use more vocabulary and a wider range of vocabulary right so you may want to think about this and think about well what can I talk about maybe right you want to talk about the scenery the time you took a train or a delay the time you took a train and it was delayed and oh there's another part to question right about delays you could kill two birds with one stone you could think about ideas and language to describe the delay when you took the train or the plane use it for both questions an unexpected event an interesting conversation right maybe you were on the plane sat next to the CEO of Facebook and mr. Zuckerberg was telling you all of his secrets of success that was an interesting conversation who knows right but thinking of something interesting to talk about I think is a pretty good idea right okay excellent so let me tell you about a trip I made on public transport this was how long ago was this this was two years ago actually I was on holiday with my family in New Zealand of all places and we were in New Zealand to go sightseeing and we decided to take a train that went from the bottom of the island to the top the most northern top points of the island and it was excuse me it was a one day trip a four day trip and so we went to the this kind of transport hub to buy our tickets it was very state-of-the-art with these kind of automatic vending machines it was just far easier than the system in England so we got our tickets to take this train what was special about this train was it was quite an old-fashioned train not a steam locomotive but similar and so the train had no windows so you could actually stick your hand out and the wind would be blowing in it felt very old e-world II and of course the great benefit of being on this train was the amazing scenery we saw so we would travel across for about a whole day through the whole island and every three or four hours the scenery changed I mean we went from the most impressive kind of landscapes there were mountains snow-capped mountains in the south and then a few hours later we would pass through these beautiful Plains with yellows and greens from the grass and the cereals and the trees and that would lead into the forest and we were surrounded by these magnificent red oak trees and pine trees you could almost smell it because there were no windows you could smell the different fragrances as we pass through the country through different landscapes it was a great trip my family and I enjoyed immensely we captured the moment taking lots of snapshots here and there and I really enjoyed it because also on the train you can walk up and down we had a few snacks at the same time and it was a very enjoyable way to travel to our destination and so that was a trip I took by public transport hooray there you go interesting right true story as well you may have to make up a story but that one was true great now then let me have a drink and I'll come back to you [Music] brilliant oh you're coming up with some interesting ideas great let's share some of your ideas because I think these are good until kill two birds with one stone well let me okay let me give you just share a bit of the vocabulary if I can remember it as I was talking so we had I took a trip that's fairly simple right let me make this bigger for you impressive landscapes I was using some of the same language right as before the automatic vending machines I mean that's the thing right once you coming back once you learn a new phrase or vocabulary just start using it right I mean even I'm doing that I'm just recycling stuff that I've been practicing and using partly as a teacher so that you hear it again and again and so that repetition is going to help you learn it so I do tend to repeat a lot of the idioms but the repetition is so important and when you're practicing do the same right just if you've just learned over the moon oh I took this train trip through New Zealand I was over the moon to see these beautiful impressive landscapes urban and rural landscapes that's the secret just keep doing it right there you go so you can have urban and rural urban or rural landscapes it was all it's all rural actually and Wes we went through and filled dotted with yellows and what colors did I see greens right that was from the the grass and the trees okay what else did I say other things it we took snapshots to capture the moment it's a cart at the moment now to capture the moment what else did we do we had snacks I'm gonna ask you guys can you remember what I said to kill two birds with one stone to kill two birds with one stone do two things at the same time what else did I say anything else I'm just checking if anyone remembers what else I said cobbled street lovely story great right I can't remember well so I said um train I have to go back go back and listen more interestingly let's have a look at what you guys have said as well okay bear with me so some of your ideas oh hang on before I do that there's a good question here okay Kay we are very poor we cannot make that kind of story examiner will catch a life we make this type of story okay you can lie you can lie the cat the examiner will not catch you lying he will hear and listen and he may or she may know you're lying but that's fine you can make up stories absolutely it's a language test not a lying test so don't worry okay here we go so some ideas chit-chatting on the way with my friends we rode on the bus there was no seat for us so we stood up all the way a few minutes later gilpin oh dear but good no great so rode on the way there was no seat for us oh and then the story continues your story continues over here driving recklessly stopped and the conductor picked some dust to cover the pew the puke is the sick right if they're sick ah right here we go near Raj says I remember taking a train to the Blue Mountains the whole travel felt as if the bus were making it way through heaven right good notice the difference right Travel is of a verb to travel can I come back in I can can I go up here yes I can so travel is a verb but trip is the noun great great example what else did we have au snowcat oh now you've got a snow-capped mountains thank you I did talk about snow-capped mountains thank you with a peds snow-capped mountains excellent I did talk about walk up and down the Train good walk up and down the Train lovely very simple but really powerful language right great automatic vending machine I talked about excellent so here we've got her Sam telling us about a trip I will have to disappear here says the last sir is the last terrific trip that I took in the desert in the west side of Iraq we used a camel to travel in the desert it is real a significant experience and we learn how to drive the camel for the first time now that I took in the West so we used a camel we used a camel that's great my only question Kassim is is that public transport is it public transport is it used maybe it is in Iraq maybe it is used regularly as a form of transport like a taxi maybe it is I would if it is I would just make that clear to the examiner right otherwise he might think oh yeah you're talking about a wild animal you're using that story for this answer just make it clear and say you know a popular type of public transport in my country in some areas through the desert is camel a lot of people go by and one time I took a terrific trip that right just make it clear you're addressing this question brilliant anything else fragrance thank you very much I did talk about the fragrance the fragrances and the smells yeah picturesque is nice picturesque place cuz ah yeah brilliant anything else max max need i've ever thought about doing a channel related to aisles I saw you hook your boast about 20 times no I'm just doing speaking at the moment just speaking at the moment okay anything else coming up here I think not I think we're just about done okay a few other ideas coming up sweaty says I took a double-decker bus that's the double layer two storey bus first time in London really enjoyed it wishing for the second bite of the cherry very nice very good yep good here's another one a nice example a trip I took two years ago with a friend of mine we decided to go on a trip to go on a trip nice to go on a trip to the island with a different means of transport from the usual great jumping from one bus to another jumping off jumping off one bus to another brilliant jumping off excellent very nice and so non so very nice I like it yes okay brilliant lots of good ideas there and lots more coming through Wow here's an interesting one the Train we took pass through the scenic beauty and valleys however the train got derailed where it comes off the track and we got delayed for five hours we made new friends while travelling great good excellent some really nice ideas so Sal thank you very much great brilliant ideas so guys we've looked at two different part two questions we've looked at quite a bit of vocabulary and hopefully got some nice ideas about public places public transport excellent thank you very very much so next week I think we're gonna do a similar thing to this week on Tuesday I'll look at the skill right like this week we looked at fluency so I might do another skill like maybe listening or something else I'll do something people coming in the room we're not finished yet we'll do another skill like for one one class on Tuesday and then Thursday I'll come back to the questions and we look at either part two or part one questions excellent just to remind you if you are interested download the notes from today you can get that on my website as always for those of you who are new let me just show you very briefly so you know where to download these notes they are here not here but here if you go to IELTS speaking success comm and then go to live lessons you will be able to find them they're all down here right go through like a donation if you want and you can get down the downloads here you can watch them again ok that's it that's where you can find everything now where am I come back here I am great that's it thank you very much everybody for joining me today I hope you have a fantastic end of week and weekend whatever you're doing whether it's drinking tea watching a film listening to a podcast or just enjoying time with the family do have a good time I've really enjoyed today's class get ready next week we've got lots of interesting stuff and more riddles let's see if I can catch you out except Fatima catch you out again alright thank you very much everybody see you soon bye bye now
Channel: English Speaking Success
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Keywords: ielts Keith, ielts speaking success, ielts speaking topics 2020, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking test tips, ielts speaking public transport, ielts speaking public building, public transport ielts speaking, ielts speaking cue card, ielts speaking cue cards 2020, ielts speaking part 2 public transport, ielts speaking part 2 public building
Id: EwEZXdQ0e6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 42sec (3942 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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