FREE IELTS Speaking practice online: Topic - SPORT

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hello and good morning hi it's keith welcome it's thursday the 23rd of july really excited to be here because today we're going to talk about the topic of sport we'll be looking at different kinds of sports collocations language vocabulary pronunciation everything you want to look at so you can speak more confidently about sports um great let's see if people are arriving i'm trying to watch myself on facebook but i can't see myself if you are watching here on uh youtube and can i also just remind you please if you don't mind subscribe to the channel um also you can turn on that little notification button um that will be fantastic so that you can find out about all or any new um videos that are coming out hunky dory go away go away go away great if you just join me we're here we're talking about sport today um excellent uh quick few hellos to you hello there to uh cowstab ashutosh to the to seo icra sanchana bobo um guys from facebook as well who are also joining i think good afternoon duong and pretty and kimia twinks nice to see you here um overs and emmy nice to see you artie have we got anybody from oh we've got some from from facebook but guys in facebook for some reason i cannot see your names um so apologize if i do not uh say hello to you from facebook i know that you're there though brilliant thanks for all the hearts alex that's lovely so today guys the topic of sport right it's an interesting topic um and to begin actually i'm gonna show you a picture okay um and i would like you to make a comment below um about this picture but before i do that before i do that i'm just going to um wait a moment because we've still got people joining in the in the and there's some questions coming up oh those are very difficult is it a zoom shirt guys yes it is a zoom shirt especially for the class i don't wear it anywhere else not even in the kitchen above all not in the kitchen because it'll get stained with oil right absolutely okay so actually if if you're on facebook then you will have seen the question i posted yesterday and if you're on youtube then you haven't but come and join the facebook group because then you can you can participate before the class and after the class and i was asking people what their you know what sports they do or what sports they practice okay so here to begin let me show you first of all right a picture and i want you to type in the message box a phrase a short phrase maybe up to 10 words to describe this picture okay so a short phrase to describe this picture this one here right can you write in the message box keith is from hello melinda from malaysia nice to see you keith is from manchester that's right but he lives in spain that's also right he's drinking um ginger red date tea today right jogging jogging great we've got some good answers let's put some a few of these answers up here so sharang says jogging vishal says running yuko goes a bit longer right nice he is running good kk says run for health okay ashraf marathon he looks quite professional right he looks quite professional right and also good from uh rtm it's fast run okay rainy day athletic person athletic oh you've got the spelling the wrong way around i'm sure you know this i'm sure it's just a typo but just to make it clear for everybody else rainy day athletic person great running around i don't think he's running around i mean that's good but ramming running around is normally little children when little children are running around the playground i think he's running seriously right okay excellent good here's a nice one from cowstab a triathlete practicing for the big run right the triathlon there are three events running swimming cycling and he's practicing for the big run okay excellent good increase my volume my volume's pretty high up i think but do let me know if there's a problem laura running in the countryside so all of these are good right and junx the last one the man is running quite fast on a sunny day lovely very very nice okay so that's excellent so we've got the man is running right we maybe we could say the man is going for a run right let me share these with you let me take this one off let's bring in this one this one bear with me this one right so the basic yeah he's running he is going for a run we might say he's going for a run right um or what else he is running he's jogging maybe the only thing is jogging right is kind of light paced running so maybe he's not jogging maybe he is running uh he's running quickly it looks like he's running quickly right maybe in a race okay so that's great i'm going to come back to that in a moment and i'm going to show you another picture right now this picture can you do the same can you give me a sentence or a phrase just a short one maybe up to 10 words to describe this person right great we've got some good things coming up here okay we've got from peace yoga exercise neha goes even better with she is doing yoga that's nice and uh shalab sits maybe she's doing pilates pilates i think it's with an s shall i pilates pilates or pilates amanda thinks she's doing yoga um gymnastic maybe gymnastics i think it's more yoga right a yoga master stretching out for better health that's excellent cowstab just be careful with health right not our health you can't count your health so it's stretching out for better health this is also nice she's exercising she's practicing yoga good excellent we can say that so we can say practicing yoga or as marina says she's doing yoga okay fantastic um somebody says she's doing a yoga she's doing a yoga pose oh no she's doing yoga now this is an interesting moniker a lean girl is performing yoga now you would only say performing if for example she's making a video for youtube or so people are watching her uh to learn so she might you might say performing yoga if it's you know she's being filmed and it's a performance but usually usually we would say she's doing yoga right normally she's doing yoga as rimpa says it might be pilates i'm not too sure about pilates but it could be in some ways they're similar i think pilate is as far as i understand pilates is a little bit more about your posture and holding of your body and yoga is more about the i think the energy flow um the mind and the body together i think i'm by no means an expert but that's what i think great okay very very nice so we've got there um yoga so notice we say here she not he she is doing yoga right she is doing yoga so notice this word doing you could say she's practicing yoga or pilates right maybe you want to say she's practicing pilates i'm just going to change this to black because that is not a title okay um now with running right you can also say i am going running right we mentioned here going for a run or going running right so why do we say go running but doing yoga why is that why do we say to go running but not go yoga doing yoga it's an interesting question right hey so my uh congratulations getting your 7.5 excellent well done because of movement um but there's movement in running and there's movement in yoga with the jurund yes but why why do we use the jurund in go there's movement but there's movement in yoga it is collocation you're right sophia yes one is more static so here's an idea not exactly not exactly uh grammatically was a good answer but yes grammatically kind of collocation but why so run is an action verb right to run is an action verb that's right yes okay so grammatically to to run is a an action verb to do yoga it's also an action but yoga is not a verb that's true collocation yes so it is quite a bit to do with collocation okay so let me try and explain very simply the main difference right um let me bring this up here go so we use go normally for individual sports right emphasizing that you go somewhere to practice it so we say go running right i'm going to go running or i want to go jogging or i like to go climbing go cycling skating skiing swimming so most of these it's one person right an individual sport and you normally go you go to the park to run right you go to the mountains to climb you go to the countryside to cycle you go to the mountains to ski you go to the swimming pool to swim so normally not always there's always an exception but normally with that individual sport where you go somewhere we say go right exactly yoga right you don't go you don't really go anywhere but let me explain do we use do with individual sports normally without a ball so things like yo go not yoga yoga karate judo pilates aerobics tai chi becoming very popular in england of course comes from china originally and we do athletics so all of these are kind of sports without a ball and so we do them we do yoga right finally coming to play this is usually with a ball right something similar to a ball maybe a shuttle or a puck or a ball and there's an element of competition so you will play football play cricket play golf because often you're competing against somebody right play baseball play basketball things like that right right exactly good so athletics do athletics do aerobics exactly very very good do do weight lifting normally we do weight lifting there's a good one to add let me add that one on if you go down the gym you might do do weights i'm going to do some weights i'm going to do some weight lifting or lofting yeah all of those nice exactly play cricket okay chess you play chess you play chess because the element of competition right now i know there's no ball but there is that element of competition boxing normally normally do do some boxing arm wrestling that's a nice one arm wrestling brilliant so that just gives you a very very quick uh um overview of the different ways now when we're learning new words right and i've mentioned this in vocabulary before i strongly advise when you're learning a new word to learn the collocation so don't just learn yoga right and write down yoga that's not going to really help you um write down do yoga right put the collocation right do yoga and then practice speaking out a phrase i like to call it a chunk often in linguistics we call a a piece of language a chunk like a chunk of bread practice speaking out right i like to do yoga because then you're also practicing like to like to you're practicing pronunciation i like to do yoga word stress i like to do yoga you're practicing grammar pronunciation vocabulary it's brilliant so just speak out a phrase i like to do yoga i like to do yoga and then the third thing i think you should juggle which is to put it in the present in the future and in the past i like to do yoga i will do some yoga tomorrow i actually did yoga this morning right so you can see very quickly we're practicing not only vocabulary but speaking intonation grammar everything and it's a really good way by creating context to improve your vocabulary right so when you're learning a new word like a sport practice a collocation right for example do pilates and let me just change that into black as well okay for example so then practice a chunk where you just make a phrase i like to do pilates for example right um and then practice juggling tomorrow i will do some pilates quite often in english we put the sun there right tomorrow i'll do some yoga i'll do some boxing i'll do some pilates okay so let's just practice together let's just have a little go at doing that right collocations first so just repeat with me and we can really practice the pronunciation do pilates excuse me it's the t do yoga do judo i like to do pilates again i like to do pilates right you need to get the stress on the lattice i like to do pilates nice or i like to do yoga notice the stress is on the yo yoga i like to do yoga and now juggling juggling is when you're throwing things up future present past tomorrow i'll do some pilates great notice when you're speaking always contract i will i'll tomorrow i'll do some pilates i just did some yoga this morning nice can you pick up on the intonation i just did some yoga this morning pretty good yes i did yoga yesterday excellent nice good that's it that's it so just remember with your when you're doing uh when you're learning a new word practice some collocations practice chunks and practice juggling it's a great way to learn what is pilates it's a bit similar to um it's a bit similar to yoga i think i do some sport it's a good question yeah i do some sport it's absolutely right yes i do some sport yes i do some yoga yeah solly and sol is juggling here i have been doing yoga for three years that's brilliant juggling that's excellent nice and we've got somebody on facebook i did yoga yesterday morning brilliant okay very very nice now then where will i get the collocation aha sayantana where will i get the collocation okay here's the answer there is a very very good uh source of collocations and it's right and let me show you um how this can work for you i'll reappear let's put that into um into what into the browser okay so if you go there to you'll find this right now then let's type in let's say pedal artists you've never heard of it before you want to find the collocations it says bilates is not found and that is because it's such a new word and it's such a new sport right but yoga okay yoga gives us collocations of adjective right so it's we can say gentle yoga or meditative yoga and here's what you're after to do or practice right and it's great it actually gives you a little phrase a chunk she does yoga for an hour a day that is great we can talk about take up yoga right if you begin or go to yoga i go to yoga on thursdays that's interesting because the go as we said it's about going to a place so here i go to yoga the emphasis is not on the action of yoga it's on the going to the gym to do yoga i go to yoga on thursdays yoga here is the really the activity in the place in the gym so here you can find lots of collocations i think it's a great great resource right ozdik it's really good go and check it out excellent how are you guys doing oh this is nice natalia i've just done meditative yoga this morning hurry best student in the world that's it juggling practicing and i hope you're speaking it out right really good and this is interesting i do yoga religiously every morning that's really good because religiously it really doesn't mean like a religion it just means regularly right i do my live lessons regularly i teach religiously i go to the gym religiously every monday boom i think it's because of that right traditionally we went to church every sunday or maybe you went to the synagogue every saturday and every that one day a week religiously do it lovely lovely some nice practice here i took up yoga last month brilliant brilliant i go to yoga every friday brilliant everyone started doing yoga everyone started yoga and here's a nice one from lucy excellent one day i will be doing some yoga future continuous big thumbs up excellent nice okay so let's move on we've looked there at um sports now then i've got a question for you and i did ask you um this question yesterday so actually yeah i'll ask you again because i am interested here we go just let me uh oh no hang on a minute sorry i'm trying to add the question on the screen and it's always fun and games working with technology is so much fun so much fun here we go what sports do you do a lot of you told me yesterday it was amazing the number of people who um play badminton um and a lot of you play cricket as well which was interesting and some professional semi-professional tennis players great what sports do you do let's have a quick look i'd love to find out remember try and remember the do the go and the play i think meditating is more just about the mind and yoga is the mind and the body so there's specific movements of the body you must do for yoga right let's find out what you do let's put up a few ideas this is interesting right shalab since childhood i've been playing chess lovely i play tennis regularly i used to do aikido right to do i don't know why i'm doing that it's kind of like my rubbish attempt to aikido i play cricket romaine i'm really into football um what else have we got well i had played qriket in my school team yeah i would say i played cricket there right rather than i had played because it's just the simple past it's an activity you did in the past i played cricket in my school team marianne i enjoy playing volleyball excellent i play ping pong table tennis raji i remember then we have a professional cricketer excellent there's somebody you can play with then niha go and play cricket together maddie plays tennis excellent you're all very very fit people emmanuel i love playing football right here's a nice one from monica i'm an amateur badminton player yeah great good just remember although it's a sport right you don't need the capital letters in fact it's wrong to have capital letters right make sure they're they're small letters yes xylab does the h-i-i-t workout which i didn't know but um somebody told me and maybe it was you zeinab um it's high intensity something something would you like to do some high intensity something something oh yes please i can't remember what it is maybe you can tell us zynab now yes basketball play basketball yeah um oh i don't know these coco and kad baddie i don't know what they are right i go cycling eshen i usually go cycling and do trx brilliant okay so lots of nice expressions steve says i'm really into hitting the gym right to hit the gym doesn't mean just means to go to the gym it's a lovely expression right i'm really into hitting the gym okey dokey so i just put down a few phrases down here right what sports do you do oh hang on a minute i'm gonna take it off and bring it back in like this to be honest i don't do much sport these days i enjoy strolling on the beach and occasionally i even break into a job oh yeah i also do yoga now and again when i was younger though i used to go swimming on a regular basis and i usually squeezed it in at lunch time now i just share this with you this is something i said earlier to myself and i thought it had some interesting language i don't do too much sport right notice the use of much sport because much when we're talking about sport it's uncountable but when you're talking about different sports it's countable right i do many sports means badminton cricket tennis yoga right different sports you can count one sport two sport three sports but when we're talking generally more abstract about doing sport it's uncountable so i don't do too much sport these days this is true right it's terrible but it's true i mean i'm so out of shape i enjoy strolling on the beach strolling is nice right i enjoy strolling on the beach now strolling we can also use go right going for a stroll like many of those um sports that can be used with go go for a stroll go for a run go for a cycle right i even break into a job i thought a jog i thought that was nice break into a jog is to begin jogging we often say to break into a sweat or to break into a jog both break into also used with a sweat which means to start sweating right which equals to start okay to start sweating or to start jogging right nice and then i said oh yeah i also do yoga now and now and again so different ways of using sometimes occasionally now and again right it's a nice expression when i was younger though and i wanted to share this with you because very often people say but or however right however when i was younger that sounds a little bit formal i mean listen oh yeah i also do yoga now and again however when i was younger it's okay it's a little bit formal but oh yeah i also do yoga now and again when i was younger though i used to now that sounds like natural spoken english when i was younger though right sounds really really good it's a change from butt listen to the intonation though falling rising though seriously though nice listen when i was younger though got it when i was younger though i used to go swimming on a regular basis so this is not sometimes this is often and i usually squeezed it in right we're so busy we have so many things to do it's hard to find time so to express that in a nice way you can say i squeezed it in at lunch time i squeezed it in between 1 o'clock and 1 30. great some nice expressions right excellent let's see how you're doing brilliant ah here we go high intensity interval training thank you very much high intensity interval training right i think if you say hiit some examiners may not know that i didn't know it so it's probably a good idea to say i often do h i i t which stands for high intensity interval training and kind of explain it right right painting fencing right do fencing do fencing we play fencing i like to do fencing they don't always follow the rule but to do fencing okay and i'm just going to pick up on a few here just to help us all along i like going for a walk that would be the the way to say it i like going for a walk okay excellent very very nice a lot of you wow you're really really into sport amazing uh quick question from susan is there any difference between sports and games oh that's such a difficult question sports and games um oh games are not necessarily sports right sports involve a certain level of physical activity where you're using your body to do exercise a game um like chess might not be a sport right chess is not really a sport it's more of a game monopoly is a game ludo these are board games right it's not a sport because you're not physically engaged so i think sports is more physically engaged however games can be used olympic games for for sport activities as well okay right excellent let us move forward from sport what's next aha it's the riddle it's time for the riddle excellent so listen guys i do have a riddle for you and i'm going to try and catch you out today the riddle today um it's all about letters and words so let me see if i can catch you out okay in a moment brilliant riddle time and here's the riddle if you don't know if you're new every class i like to give you a a challenge a mental challenge right so here's a kind of a puzzle for you ready here we go which four letter word can be written forward backward upside down and can still be read from left to right i'll give that to you again whoops i'll write it down for you so it will help you a little bit so what four-letter word four-letter word and i'm just writing this down for you bear with me okay so what four-letter word can be written forward backward upside down and can still be read from left to right oh i i know i if you turn i upside down doesn't work sorry four no turn it backwards doesn't work book no turn it backwards doesn't work but i can see a lot of you have got the answer deed doesn't work if you turn it upside down it becomes peep peep not the same word but good guess but i think now most of you have got the answer okay the answer is noon well done noon if you read it backwards or forwards or upside down it's still noon that's the riddle you're too good you're far too good brilliant well done thank you very much emmy great that was the riddle let's move on because i'd like to move on now and show you something else i'm going to show you um some unusual sports right and then we'll look at some language um these are i watch this on youtube right there are some strange sports around around in the world and later i'd like to ask you what kind of if if you could start oh take up if you could take up a new sport i'm i'm curious what you would do so i want to give you some ideas first okay so first of all i'm going to show you a video clip and this video clip just gives you some ideas about different sports from around the world maybe some of these are done in your country i don't know they are very interesting sports shall we say okay let's watch these together and tell me what you think penny farthing right what is this all about now if you like to go cycling how about this go cycling on a penny farthing and then there's chess boxing what's that well watch carefully they play chess so in the middle of the match they start playing chess [Music] that is so cool quidditch now if you're a harry potter fan look at this he's riding a broom [Laughter] they've made quidditch into a real game so cool great would you like to ride on a broom and now this is interesting i've seen this before actually 360 ball so you you play in pairs a bit like tennis but it's 360. can you work out the rules what's this oh very cute right dog surfing how on earth did they do it because it's so hard to surf how do they get the dogs i think they glue them to the board what about underwater hockey would you like to try underwater hockey they've got not um masks but they've got the uh the mask and the tube the snorkel so you can still breathe looks great fun need to be a good swimmer it's quite a high contact sport right and talking about contact sports sure this is mad seriously i watched i mean this looks crazy apparently this is practiced in japan in the military academies and some schools and the idea is to get the port look how aggressive it is to get the pole down yes he's done it what a mad sport but listen talking about mad wife carrying i'm afraid to say this happens in england but sometimes the wife carries the husband he he gets his head in the mud oh dear guys that is so crazy absolutely mad so listen some strange different sports which one would you like to take up some interesting ones can you imagine taking your dog for a surf uh go surfing right go surfing with your dog it's hard enough standing on the board dear dear king of the mountain is that what it's called the one from japan so funny wife carrying and the wife carries the husband then she fell in the water and the husband got covered so very very funny right so the reason i'm asking is to introduce some some more language for you talking about sports right um so we might say with sports right it's a spectator sport so for many people um for example for me wife carrying is a spectator sport i'm going to watch it not do it right i can't imagine carrying my wife right so i watch it i'm not saying she's fat no but for me it's a spectator sport so a spectator is somebody who watches right so expect say to sport i watch it it's a competitive sport okay we talked earlier about collocations now here is your collocation um the king of the mountain the uh taobaosha is a competitive sport right underwater hockey is a contact sport there is close contact um rugby football really are contact sports right there's a lot of there's a lot of contacts there that happens in them that underwater hockey i think was a contact sport right okay um so we can say it's a despot right maybe it's a water sport underwater hockey is a water sport scuba diving is a water sport it's a field sport so maybe uh quidditch is a field sport football is a field sport an indoor sport right or outdoor an extreme sport gosh wife carrying that's an extreme sport for sure um and again you can do the same thing right when we looked at the if you remember the ozdick dictionary if you go there again right and if you if you're not sure about collocations you go here put in sport right and see what comes up right you've suddenly got a whole lot you've got can i get out of the way okay major mainstream sports uh amateur professional sports contact sports we talked about um dangerous active field sport country a motorsport water sport combat sports such as karate and judo great and then you've got again the verb so do or play he does a lot of sport remember we talked about that as a non-countable he does a lot of sport uh we played sports together as a countable take up to need to start a sport so just to give you an idea right here there's lots of stuff in this lots of collocations you can be using in this right excellent nice where am i here i am so what sport what new sport would you like to do let's have a look some of your ideas i'm not uh what does it mean field sport oh i've thought oppressor on one fieldsport means it's played in a field like um cricket or football or rugby uh this is the one i wanted i'm not a fan of contact sports i'll put in that a for you um so i would choose cycling nice good i would choose cycling paragliding that would be an interesting sport penny farthing the penny farthing by the way is the name of the bicycle it's the old-fashioned bicycle so we would say riding a penny farthing is a competitive sport exactly nice good riding a penny farthing right this is good by and large snooker is especially a spectator sport for me and for me too definitely for gabriella wife carrying is an extreme sport and for me it's just to watch it yeah so it's an extreme sport and a spectator sport right very good just remember with the vowels and extreme sport brilliant some of you would like to learn rowing right uh i'm afraid of water so i would chase the field sport yeah not chase chase is a bit strange there i would yeah take up i would take up a fieldsport i would say i would take up a field sport very nice saddam says i love to do dangerous sports dangerous sport or sports okay brilliant hammer throw that's one of those strange olympic sports right did you know in the olympics that years ago ski ballet was a sport ballet on skis was an official olympic sport very very strange it disappeared apparently because it just wasn't so popular surprise surprise it's a strange sport excellent good so talking about new sports right sports you would like to try i'm going to throw in a few ideas right um for this question is there a new sport you would like to try oh i can't get my uh positioning right okay it's not gonna play with me come on oh no why is it coming across here no hang on bear with me okay it's a bit small but that'll do is there is there a new sport you would like to try you might say i'd like to have a go at quidditch i'd like to have a go at to have a go at something is to try right i'd like to have a go at uh what keith i'd like to have a go at paragliding actually do you know that one way you fly in the air or i'd like to try my hand at quidditch i'd like to try my hand at means to try it's the same thing right to try doesn't just mean with your hands it can be anything i'd like to try my hand at underwater diving or i'd love to give baba ba a go i'd love to give snooker a go right in fact i used to play snooker as a kid um but i'd love to give pool a go or i'd love to give scuba diving a go right all different ways talking about different sports is there a new sport you would look like to try what would you like to try we've got a few ideas up here and i don't know the names because it's on facebook but i'd like to have a go at skydiving very nice yes i'd like to try my hand right good remember it's got to be my hand i'd like to try my hand at oh sadia i'm in the same boat i'd love to give bungee jumping a go i actually have done it i did bungee jumping and it's pretty scary this is a nice one i'd like to try curling because you should build your own strategy while playing it interesting do you know who which famous celebrity is big on curling two two that i know i've heard about um bruce springsteen is really big on curling and barack obama likes curling right interesting yeah material ielts material ielts interesting name i'd like to try my hand at skiing okay skydiving all different things manas says i'd like i would really want to try my hands on right you're almost there be really careful i'd like to try my hand so it's only one hand and i know that's strange because you're thinking hang on i've got two hands but the expression is i'd like to try my hand at try my hand at contact sport okay brilliant especially if it's mixed gender oh oh i'd like to ice skate right ice skates are the um are the things that you put on your feet but the sport is to ice skate great nice one here i'd like to give canoeing a go brilliant and the gwen says i'd love to give skydiving a go brilliant nice one guys really really good well done okay that's great now then um noticing the time i'm gonna wind us up because what i would like to do is finish up with a review of the vocabulary we've seen today um with a bit of fun with kahoot if you don't know kahoot kahoot is a very simple quiz that we are gonna do just to review our vocabulary so let me get into kahoot over here give me a moment just while i find it on my computer if you don't know this you're going to find out very very quickly it's just a very simple fun way for us to practice some vocabulary all on the topic of sports right if you're just joining us why are you so late but here we are we're on the topic of sport for today and just to finish up i've got a kahoot all about sport over here so what you're going to have to do oh no don't give you the uh all the questions wait a minute until i set it up how do i play play okay now you can join him most of you know what to do we're going to teach this we're going to play the classic so it's interactive which means you're going to play with me i'm going to turn the volume down because it gets very loud so all you need to do is go to right which is up here put in the uh the pin 908517 you have to put in your uh put in your name and uh put in the pin and then in a moment we will start to play so important to keep hydrated right yeah if you can't get in you can just write your comment in the comment box write your answer here hello rosa from italy great so we've got 121 people at the moment kenza olga tau shimmer ali rams there's so many okay you're still getting in how's the volume is it too loud well carrano if you mean hot as in temperature i am yes i've got this light in front of me for recording and it's warm today it's 25 degrees today which for me right is quite hot okay it's perfect ah nice so it was kahu that all the spartans used to hail all time in 300 kahoot yes my god we've got 180 players hang on a minute they're gonna break the system i don't think it can take that many right let's start let's start playing um start oh here you go are you ready first question i like to yoga make play do go you've got a time limit right 20 seconds left come on guys hurry up ten seconds place your bets three two wow oh dear i can't believe 25 people said make not to worry it is of course to do yoga 123 is spot on well done to do yoga and i can see most of you in the chat box i've put do as well excellent i like to do yoga remember i like to do yoga nice okay let's move on there's a scoreboard so this is whoever got there quickest rokia nas was first healthy second and coming up a strong third steve roger great let's move on to the next question these days i don't do too sport these days sorry these days has been repeated twice you only need it once many often lot much now remember what i told you so notice sport is is singular there's no s hooray 114 right 114 got much exactly right i don't do much sport now i notice a lot of you said many if it says i don't do too many sports in the plural yes yes you can count and say many sports but because it's singular here it's referring to the general activity don't do much too much sport these days great expression i don't do too much sport these days it's true for me so where are we trump as usual trump gone to the top of the board um first place mike is in second and nikki is in third that means you got the right answer and the quickest all right third question here we go judo is a sport 20 seconds left contrast compete contact contactless oh this is a bit more harder a bit more a bit harder three two right a hundred of you got contact well done contact sport absolutely right now quite a lot of you i see put compete it would have to be competitive sport judo is a competitive sport right compete is a verb and doesn't fit grammatically so you need an adjective and it's contact a contact sport well done leaderboard nikki well done you've stormed way ahead of trump well by one point and cody's come up quickly out of nowhere has come into third place we're gonna move on to the last question i'd like to try my um at scuba diving hand finger leg and body scuba diving a lot of people going for the red one seven six five hooray nice one it is hand absolutely try my hand at scuba diving that's your idiomatic expression for the day well done brilliant that was it let's see who has won third place sarah well done second place keith i love you hey first place well done you came out of the blue came out of nowhere to steal the show well done my friend well done that was great so listen that was just some very very simple fun to review the vocabulary and it brings us to the end of our lesson today great so it's been great fun thank you very much all of you for joining today um a couple of things number one a bit of housekeeping um i guess important things for those of you who have not noticed or if you're new my website has moved um so the old one ielts speaking success has closed and i've moving to the keith speaking academy that's right it's a very simple website at the moment i will build it up with more things but i've had to make some changes for a variety of reasons especially around me using the ielts name which is a trademark name i am not allowed to use in my company name or my my school name so ielts speaking success was not allowed to use that i didn't realize but never mind um so you can go there at the end of this lesson you can go there and have a look if you do go to um ielts speaking that success what you'll notice is it just takes you directly to the new site right it's called some of the same stuff a lot of the same stuff will be there so it's still about teaching ielts so i'm still focused on helping you um improve your your speaking with ielts and if you want to get the lessons the notes from today's go to the free live lessons and you'll be able to download i will add some of the old ones but not all of them i'm not allowed to but you can download for example on tuesday's class you can now download the notes and get them there right okay so that's it the keith speaking academy the other thing is i'm going to take a week's holiday so next week i'm going on holiday um well we're going away somewhere just for a week so i won't be doing the live lessons next week i'll be taking a break but the week after that i will be back and we'll be doing the live lessons again so next week 28th and 30th there's no class the next class the next lesson will be the fourth of august right which is my wife's birthday oh i just realized so that will be our next live lesson um that's it right great any closing questions any closing questions practice with each other go and check out the academy watch the videos on youtube if you haven't joined the udemy course go and join the course there's lots of stuff you can be practicing there if you're taking the test in the next week really best of luck breathe smile stay confident i'm sure you'll do a great job thank you very very much and uh i look forward to seeing you yes seeing you on the 4th of august which is my wife's birthday not my birthday my wife's birthday thank you very much take care everybody see you soon bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 35,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts Keith, ielts speaking topics 2020, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking test, sport ielts speaking part 1, sport ielts speaking part 2, water sport ielts speaking part 1, sport ielts, sport ielts speaking, ielts speaking sport, ielts speaking sports, ielts speaking sports part 2, ielts speaking sport topic, ielts speaking sports part 1, ielts speaking sports and games
Id: cZyS5nuT8Rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 26sec (4166 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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