FREE IELTS Speaking practice online: Topic - HOBBIES

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hello good morning welcome to IELTS speaking success live lesson number I've got no idea we've had quite a lot of lessons but welcome today and today we're gonna look at the exciting topic of hobbies brilliant I think we all have well most of us have hobbies and it's interesting what we mean by hobby and today we're going to look a little bit at what is a hobby do you have a hobby the kind of equipment you need we'll be looking at questions from IELTS about hobbies and a few other bits and bobs who is Bob know bits and bobs just means pieces other things other business right so if you're just coming into the room please come in have a seat get comfy good morning Anna hand drawn bow sharifa holla good morning I've got to get your name is it Jill I'm not sure when and mum Alaina nice to see you again good morning come in have a seat get your pen and paper ready because you're gonna need to make notes today as with every class to learn lots of great new and exciting language for this topic good morning Savita Arlie any good to see you as always and Jin as well our friends from Russia I can't read Cyrillic script I'm sorry Abbey Lasher nice to see you and Emily William good to see you again some familiar faces Zara and Sanne nice to see you Barbara hello Kangoo mano and dodgeball Lili Lili Lili interesting name and my English my strength that's great I was thinking of slogans the other day you know like on my videos I say better English better answers to get a higher score and I was thinking about other interesting slogans like I love my English because I notice a lot of students say oh my English is very poor I can't speak English and that mindset doesn't help you because it makes English a negative thing for you and I thought it doesn't matter what your level is if you say I love my English because first of all it's your English it's part of you it's yours and secondly if you love it why not even if you can only say three words right I can only say two words in Japanese but I love my Japanese gone Madiba or arigato it's all I can say but I love my Japanese so I was thinking I love my English nice slogan what do you think Manny good to see you today your inter listening right brilliant Hong Kong is boiling hot well it's drizzly over here William very drizzly always a bit rainy in the north of Spain hello Gita Deniz Rex Iman more Russian friends hello Poonam nice to see you Anna said she'd Marjorie a lot of familiar faces all here great Ricardo nice to see you here welcome come in and have a seat everybody let me just welcome a few more Ahmed yiling great good afternoon Shaquille and Jojo good to see you here Dali Volkov in there nice to see you as always brilliant good Nicole's in the house Elena's in the house Tyrone's in the house mag you is in the house you're all here brilliant cigar nice to see you as always and sad chat so guys just to begin I sent out a post on Facebook in the Facebook group about half an hour ago and it was about the video on Saturday so every week I release a video on YouTube and on Saturday I'll release a video about idioms and your feelings you've given me lots of ideas actually because I did ask you about it because in part two always says and explain how you feel about it and to explain your feelings in with idiomatic language sometimes it's not easy so I've tried to compile lots of different idiomatic expressions to talk about feelings anyway Keith to the point I was thinking of doing a challenge to make you practice and to get you involved so not in this video but the week after for you after you've watched the video to make a short five-second video of you saying one of the idioms in a short sentence right for example if the idiom is I'm bored to tears right I'm really bored I'm bored to tears I'm really but right I was at a party it was terrible I was bored to tears that's it you record yourself speaking into the camera I was at a party I was bored to tears to make it as interesting and exciting as you can and then send me the video and I can put all these videos together into one video and everybody gets involved and it's great practice just an idea what do you think good idea would you like to get involved let me know if you would brilliant today guys we're going to learn about hobbies and about different ways of hobbies there's a few yes is good I'm on board oh that's nice hey Sarah brilliant yes I'm on board means yes count me in brilliant so it seems it seems like a good idea yep yep yep many yup love - congratulations for getting oh thank you Sarah thank you very very much thank you yes brilliant I'm very happy for that great people would like to get involved excellent good idea yes Zedd said great name I'm in seater brilliant sounds good okay we will discuss that more after the video comes out look out for the video on Saturday on YouTube and then I will be in touch via Facebook and also links in the YouTube video check the YouTube community tab as well because in the community tab I do talk to you whether you know it or not I don't know if you listen but I do talk to you in the community tab on YouTube I love it let's throw a party yeah let's throw a party that would be great fun wouldn't it everybody together but you'll have to bring your own snacks I'm afraid right now another quick question before we begin our topic of hobbies and we're going to talk about hobbies today another student question a lot of students have asked me to do mock tests for them speaking mock tests my move at the moment I don't have time I mean I'm doing as well as doing the the live but the live book the live classes and the website and the videos and I teach as well and I don't have time so I have looked at alternatives about mock tests because I think mock tests are very very useful right and a lot of students have said you know how do I study what do I study how do I prepare for IELTS the most important thing you can do is to find out your strengths and your weaknesses so where are you now if you're strong in speaking a week in listening then focus on your weakness and if you're you know if in speaking you're strong in fluency but weak on pronunciation focus on your pronunciation so you need to find out where you are and where to focus okay so mock tests are I think invaluable there really useful don't do lots of them but do some do one like at the beginning to find out where you are and if you're ready for IELTS so I was looking on the internet I looked at different areas there are some but I'm not sure about them and then one organization contacted me to say they have mock tests and can I tell you about them so actually with the help of a student and a shout out to hone Alka I don't know if she's here today but Heinicke helped me to do the mock test so she did the mock test and we looked at the results together we looked at the process I spoke to the company they're the very very good company they called take IELTS and I reckon they're pretty good so we've had a look at the process was quite smooth the results they gave were interesting and so I'm just going to show it to you very briefly and if you're interested you can go and check it out let me just share this with you very very quickly just so you know who they are right these guys take IELTS they're called so they can you can prepare for IELTS with an online mock test and basically they do all four skills right and it's exactly similar to the IELTS test so it's all four skills it's the the tests are very similar to the authentic IELTS tests the timing is the same they have IELTS examiner's who mark all of the tests including the writing and the reading there's connected or endorsed by the European Association for education who I checked out and they seem very legit so they seem to be a professional organisation and you can check out the website so you can do listening reading writing speaking the full Monte the full Monte is everything right and it is paid for but it's not a bad price I mean let's get to the nitty-gritty how much does it cost so these guys for one mock test 19 euros 99 cheaper for three cheaper for five but given that you know I've seen on lots of websites people are offering speaking mock tests for 30 40 50 euros you get all four here for 19 euros it's all online it's see I thought it was quite good you know and then we looked at with Honecker we looked at kind of the the results that they have what information they give you and it's not bad right they give you quite a bit of detailed information you can go through and have a look at that but anyway I just wanted to share that with you if you want to do that use a code they gave me a code to give you a discount right and it's this code here let me just show you if you want to do it a test is a great idea when you're starting out so that's the website it's take IELTS net you get this 10% off just give this code when you go to pay Keith ten and you can do it so if it's good for you go and have a look it might be useful right so enough of that let us come back to the real nitty gritty which is what we're gonna do today so hobbies let me just catch up with you all questions you've got here June exams are cancelled that's true yes how can we pay from Iran it's all prayer it's online payment so the same with anything else credit cards PayPal it's all online payment you will need some kind of online payment thing okay that's a full package yes it is a full package that's right it's a start yeah okay let's come into hobbies I have plethora a plethora right Patel I have a plethora of hobbies but among all of them my favorite hobby is travelling okay my favorite pastime is reading eclectic kinds of books as Ruby nice good good so different kind of hobbies so the question first of all today is about hobbies right what is a hobby but first of all yes let me share this with you here's my question here we go what is a hobby hang on get rid of Ruby sorry Ruby so there are different words right hobby interest has time leisure activity to be honest a hobby is anything that is not work although some people's work is their hobby but anything you do to relax it can be an interest a pastime a leisure activity by-and-large anything so maybe it's watching films maybe it's doing yoga maybe it's doing some exercise if you're not sure about what is a hobby then check Google right because Google will show you what hobbies are and there's this is there's an amazing link right this Wikipedia link let me just show you Wikipedia because I looked at Wikipedia and it's amazing it's really useful to learn about hobbies of course I'll share the link with you in the notes if you want I'll put it here you can see it I'm not sure if you do in screen shots but you can also get the link here it's about a list of hobbies but watch how clever this is right if I just show you this is so good for language learning Wikipedia they've come good it's brilliant so you've got here write a list of hobbies and they include general a collection competitive hobbies and they're all indoors or outdoors so imagine general hobbies right 3d printing and if you put your cursor it gives you a photo and explains it acrobatics the performance of extraordinary human feats you can see the picture isn't that amazing right really useful if you're not sure blogging right maybe you're into blogging tells you what a blog is book discussion clubs fantasy sports might God what a fantasy sports it's a type of game often played using the Internet right and you've got all of these um some people were telling me about crocheting on the Facebook page some somebody loves to crotch it it's a bit like knitting so if you're not sure it tells you and then it's got outdoor sports right backpacking there you go and it shows you what it is basketball well you know what that is herbalism did you know what herbalism is it's the study of botany and the use of medicinal plants and it goes on you can then look at collecting copies if you like to collect knives my god do people collect knives maybe they do people collect buttons seriously they do or comic books I used to collect comic books actually and then competitive sports like boxing competitive hobbies so they put sports as a hobby chess I wonder who plays chess me me that's one of my hobbies so it's great look at this I just fantastic Wikipedia well done thank you very much what a great website for for learners right okay so let's check it what are your hobbies what are your hobbies and pastimes one of my favorites as Moana is reading romance pocket books brilliant good great collecting stamps now collect stamps so here's a good point right when we talk about hobbies what's your hobby and if you just say the hobby we normally use the gerund that I ng what's your hobby collecting stamps what's your hobby painting not paint right paint is the stuff painting drawing what's your hobby doing yoga playing football watching films right so that jus runned the ing is what you would say ranganna gives an egg's an example hi King right brilliant so you would say that unless you say I like or I enjoy if I enjoy hiking right I like hiking or I like to hike what's the difference I like hiking or I like to hike cool interesting question has anybody got an interesting answer let me see these are great look great examples gardening collecting coins reading and listening to music Joe Joe you're a man after a man after my own heart we have the same mindset yes make a full English breakfast brilliant and this is interesting from a shmatte my hobbies depend on mood and condition right scuba diving good if I have enough time says fatty meme I prefer to read science articles brilliant hobby good cooking was one of the most popular hobbies that everybody wrote in the Facebook page and I noticed during the time of lockdown a lot of people are into cooking right brilliant so you've got the ing taking pictures visiting museums let's go back to that question like to do or like doing ok here's my answer they didn't intend today where's my answer here's my answer and make this clearer focus on this bit I love to crotch it I love to listen to music okay I love to I love to listen to music is the emphasis is on the habit right I love to get up early it's a habit I love to have a full English breakfast so that's the habit so with a hobby you may say I love to listen to music right because if you're emphasizing the habit at the same time we can say I love listening to music both are correct with I love listing the emphasis on is on the action of course right it's the continuous action listening I love listening it's the emphasis on the action and the enjoyment so if you say I love listening to music then the feeling is of your I can see you enjoying it and having a good time I can actually see you listening to the music with the headphones that's the emphasis I love to listen to music is not so much about the action but it's the habit of doing it so that's the difference but both are correct and you can use both right but just so you see the slight difference okay excellent do you have a hobby so let's have a look at some expressions here right I like doing so we said I like doing is quite common you can also say I'm obsessed with right if you are passionate and about or do it a lot so there's the other one I'm passionate about if it is something you do a lot I'm just taking the example of doing yoga as an example but of course you can say I'm fascinated by doing yoga right so all of those notice whenever you have a preposition it's followed by the gerund always that's a rule of English and if you didn't know that rule make a note whenever you have a preposition followed by a verb directly then the verb is in the gerund okay and you'll notice there it is okay okay brilliant so those are some exceptions or some exceptions some examples I'm gonna help with your pronunciation I'm gonna do the the fluency Jim now with you I'm gonna incorporate it into the class let's practice a little bit right listen to the intonation and then repeat with me I like doing yoga dddddd you have to repeat the dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih I like doing yoga I am obsessed with doing yoga dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee I'm obsessed with doing yoga I'm passionate about doing yoga dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee I'm not about doing yoga I'm fascinated by doing yoga dddddd I'm fascinated by doing yoga great ok there you go just a little bit is it okay to say I'm obsessed with yoga yes it is absolutely that's perfectly fine yes I'm fond of cooking I'm passionate about doing yoga great so practice the pronunciation as well and you can come back and listen to this again to practice so it's great to write but make sure you're practicing your pronunciation as well okay I like to dabble in drawing very very nice and that was one of my next examples right I like to dabble in the kitchen I like to dabble in the kitchen I like to dabble in drawing I like to dabble in cooking brilliant right nice very good I have a soft spot for yoga that's quite good yes why not very nice as well very very nice yep brilliant good we've got some good examples there brilliant wait a moment I've lost my notes come back where are they I enjoy watching films ah right so someone asked me if I say watching films is that a hobby or is it just an activity well I guess it's a good question if you're not sure right then this is a nice expression I enjoy watching films if that counts right if you're not sure that's exactly the right answer it doesn't matter too much you can still talk about films you can talk about watching TV if you like but if you're not sure don't be nervous be confident and show off your language I enjoy watching films if that counts I like to watch films every Friday actually that's true I like to watch films every Friday good we can also say I draw I play chess I take photos just for fun it's a nice little expression very easy but just for fun okay just for fun notice the four becomes firm just for fun and the T disappears not just but just just for fun just for fun just for fun I'm back it's really important because sometimes when you read English you over pronounce you pronounce all the sounds and that's not how we speak just for fun right excellent good let's see what else oh sorry look if that counts me what does it mean it means if if that counts if that is applicable what does that mean if that is okay right so if you're saying can I talk about films does that count is that okay that's the kind of meaning right good my brother loves to do photography yeah I mean if you don't have a hobby you can say well my brother loves to do photography it's not the best but it's better than saying nothing right now be careful because cyfle just to point out I like to paint right not to painting but I like to paint to paint is the infinitive with like I like to paint every week great crochet I think it's I've never done it but I think it's it's silent tear I did I say crochet sorry I'm from Manchester we're really weak in pronunciation from Manchester I think is crochet is it I'm not sure crochet crochet let's find out shall we let's just double check while we're doing it how do i double check these things come with me because you should know these very simple strategies right if you're not sure about things like pronunciation then go and check my favorite dictionary online is the Macmillan dictionary right put in the word what does it do it does two things a it gives you the phonetics crochet brilliant crochet not only that it gives you the bird so you'll notice actually the stress my I didn't even have the stress right good grief crochet crochet that's how I check if I'm not sure there are some words that I never ever use maybe it's a hobby or a trend that's how you can find out nice one Sara thank you very much good sort of soulfia I'm fond of taking stunning picture what only one picture haha stunning pictures right good I'm fond of taking stunning pictures of nature all of nature right good that's right if I she's so very well pointed out if that counts if we can consider that as a hobby right exactly that's what it means if if I if we can consider that as a hobby brilliant I like it very good so of course yes if I'm allowed if that's okay yep excellent matter why do in which people put are where there is not like drawing draw ring yes is this the right way to pronounce it yes it is absolutely of course it is drawing that's the pronunciation that's how we pronounce their drawing it's called it's where you it's an intrusion right so draw in drawing draw in in some standards of English or accents of English we we use a lot of intrusion so the intrusion is where you add a sound to connect to sounds draw in draw ring right it's like I owe you money we don't say I owe we say I yo yeah we put a jet sound I owe you I owe you I owe you that so there's an intrusion of different sounds so yes that's why and yes it's correct absolutely yes okay I'm going to move on to we talked about these the answers yes if the answer's no right then let me come down let me show you something share on the screen okay love love love love we've done love we've done love Marja let me move on oh these were all of the ones that you said some great examples brisk walking is my thing and all of these activities some people like fishing somebody likes writing poetry or doing origami that's the paper folding and there was a lovely one here I'm a bit of a cricketer I'm a bit of a gardener I'm a bit of a cook great expression also this one is nice amateur because if you're not professional if it's a hobby you're not professional right I'm an amateur chef I'm an amateur photographer it's a difficult word that to get right photographer make sure you stress the top 4 ha ha ha photographer I am an amateur photographer ok so if the answer's no well you can say the following right you can say these bigger do you have a hobby no but I'm looking into jogging right I'm looking into yoga it just means looking into means investigating all kind of researching finding out information about it I'm looking into jogging so the idea is that I'm thinking about right we've got down here no but I'm thinking about jogging no but I'm thinking about taking up jogging nice right taking up means to start especially with a hobby I'm thinking about taking up jogging okay notice it's a bit strange but you've got thinking about taking up jogging there are three things but it's correct no but I'm thinking about taking up jogging it's got a real dddd dddd no but I'm thinking about taking up jogging and that comes from the stress right I'm thinking about taking up jogging great or no but I'm thinking about starting jogging similar thing no but I'm looking into jogging I'm looking into jogging so you can notice the stress as well now you could but that's quite a simple well it's a good simple answer you could make it more complicated right if you want a band 7 make your grammar a little bit more complex use the present perfect continuous no do you have a hobby no but I mean I've been looking into jogging or I've been looking into yoga great I've been looking into yoga again feel the tempted Adam deterred dimdim I've been looking into yoga or the same with the thinking no I don't have a hobby but I've been thinking about taking up yoga for example okay brilliant it's a nice simple way to show complex grammar and really show off no but I thinking about I've been thinking I've been thinking about taking up yoga if you're not quite there if you're at a lower level then you can keep it simple no but I'd like to try yoga right don't have a hobby but I'd like to try yoga and probably the stress will come on that hobby because you're contrasting I don't have a hobby but I'd like to try yoga I'd like to try crochet is that right yes crochet I'd like to try jogging or try my hand at nice little idiomatic expression no but I'd like to try my hand at yoga I'd like to try my hand at jogging okay great brilliant somebody said I always say brilliant I do I love the words great brilliant okay let me find out where you are I find it very strange having when I go to the worksheet having the not having me because I can't see you I need to find a way to get my worksheet over here and then me over here because I'd like to see you know I like you to see me mm-hmm right let's see what are you saying what are you saying as an interesting one swimming is second-to-none yeah you like swimming good now this is interesting do you think this is a hobby though I love to pray at the moss is that a hobby maybe does that count I love to pray at the mosque if that counts if that can be considered a hobby great don't worry too much if it if it is a hobby or not the important thing is you're talking about some activity you do in your leisure time right Marjorie this is nice my guilty indulgence is watching TV shows so that's a hobby or something you do that maybe you shouldn't do too much but you do a lot hence guilty my guilty indulgence is eating chocolate I'm not sure if that's a hobby baking is my cup of tea nice I hear some nice expressions they're really really good what else have we got I'm a massive fan of reading books I'm remember hardly I'm a fan I am a massive fan of reading books yeah okay brilliant I love it you're all speaking to each other brilliant I love that I'm just trying to track where I am with you all I'm an amateur can we have topics for May to August no you can't because we don't have them yet too many tests have been canceled I'm an amateur cook great notice the pronunciation amateur amateur amateur okay I'm an amateur painter excellent very very nice like it good okay let's come down Zahra how can you join my facebook group well just go to the group also the link right where is the link for the Facebook group does anybody have the link anybody Facebook group link I've got it somewhere bear with me don't don't because if you join the Facebook group not only is it fun and you have a whale of a time but there are quite a few messages I put there that I don't put everywhere else and you can get lots of stuff there it's there it's here bum bum it'll be in the notes but it's basically it's called Keith IELTS mastermind hoping mastermind I don't know why it just sounds really really good right okay oh great brilliant thank you somebody's already there somebody's already showing it I should just let you guys get on with it brilliant so questions duuude so here's the next question right again I'm focusing here on part one questions for the moment so we've talked about hobbies and then the very common next question is not congratulations the next common question is to stop that is what equipment do you need for it right equipment okay first things first first and foremost you must get this right right equipment is not countable you can't say oh we need lots of equipments lots of equipment it's not countable so it cannot be in the plural okay so equipment is uncountable so we say things like well you don't need much equipment to go jogging right uncountable much and you cut it it must be in the singular there's no s if you want to say one or two or three then you must use piece right it you only need one piece of equipment a camera right if you want to do photography you only need one main piece of equipment that's a camera make it more natural and that's a camera so a bit like other uncountable words right so remember all of these words advice news information right it's a piece of advice a piece of news a piece of information if you're going to count them otherwise don't count okay excellent easy-peasy and so what equipment do you need well for your hobbies so you've given me lots of hobbies what equipment do you need and let's just take a quick look the kind of things you need a lower is late go and stand in the corner a lower with a little hat on your head do you remember teachers years ago used to do that you're late go and stand outside because you'll learn lots it's standing outside crazy right we've got ranganna to play cricket a bat and a ball is a prerequisite very nice a prerequisite is essential right so let's make a note do you make a note as well guys I'm going to make a note of a few similar expressions we may be using what else have we got someone's obsessed with learning languages brilliant CAD TR me too so here we go I need a mobile phone and an earphone remember the article and mobile phone and an ear phone to listen to songs great that's nice not so many sophisticated gadgets doing yoga only requires motivation no special equipment needed books and a comfortable chair nice Oh No Patel Oh No shall I share this yes just to show you I have such equipment No s right I have such equipment like a bag a bottle a camera so that's interesting a lot of you forget the app a bag a bottle and a camera right you need the article I just need a smartphone a very good knock a smartphone right yoga mat a yoga mat a backpack a backpack right I need one camera to click pictures and aa battery oh my god what's happened to everybody ah ah so one camera if is it one camera or a camera because one camera you're specifically saying it's one not two but one but if you just mean a camera right then it's a camera I need a violin to look well unit you need a violin to play the violin hmm right what else actually okay is equipment far from device but equipment well yeah equipment is the everything is all of the things together be uncountable right device is a thing is one thing so the mobile phone is a device and this could be a piece of equipment as well but grammatically equipment is a wider a bigger word right good I need books so this is very good so if you don't say ah then you use the plural I need books for reading nonfiction stories mother Teresa welcome to the class the hang know who that's not that what a great avatar thank you good quality brushes and paints for painting in the plural brushes and paints excellent good right good depends on what I'm cooking but most of the time most of the time I need a lot of equipment yep so be careful with your prepositions now somebody yeah a lot of equipment also for cooking here I really need a lot of equipment because in cooking it's really crucial moment you can't make bricks without make bricks with that without what you can't make bricks with that I've lost your message without Stroh I'm not sure about that one Anna right as my hobby is planting trees what a great hobby great climate change welcome planting trees it takes much all materials you can count it takes many materials or a lot of materials we would normally say a lot of we use much and many in the negative or in writing but in speaking we tend to say a lot a lot of right ok we've got lots of equipment there oh gosh I've got way behind so for cooking some nice things here I need cooking utensils that's good for crochet I need a knitting needle yarn and some notions brilliant good okay no problem I know yes I realized people of Natalia you're typing faster missing things out I get it yeah so don't worry sorry my Corrections are not a criticism they're just make it clear to everybody what we should be saying great thank you don't worry I just need a yoga mat excellent great who else have we got here now good ha I need two pieces of equipment two pieces of equipment so the s this is important right ha thank you very much for this the S goes on pieces not on equipment two pieces of equipment right yeah and I realize you're all typing so fast there are typos right no worries at all okay so let's move on from equipment the next question for you all this is an interesting one is this one why do you think people have hobbies interesting right have a think hey I'm just making a note some good thing so I can add these to the notes and then you're all earning from each other great I've been forgetting to drink cheers everybody what's your tipple tipple is drink right what's your tipple of the day don't answer that focus on the question about hobbies why do people do hobbies great nice what have we got what have we got oh we've got people are in already for relaxing this is true nice one sometimes their hobbies make money yep it keeps them engaged good great market a hand to relax and unwind unwind themselves without themselves right I unwind just to relax and unwind yeah I love this akshay great to beat are insane minds because sometimes we are insane right we just can't stop thinking - under - under to them we go insane I like this one Sarah nice one again it's a stress buster absolutely this is very poetic the next one's sour Rab it's not to rejuvenate in my virtues and some trades it's very poetic I wouldn't say that in the speaking test I would write that but I don't think I would say it it's it's a bit too both too poetic I think yes much more down-to-earth for example Alina because people have to relax as they are tired yeah for relaxing yes yeah good great what else have we got increases productivity oh it does of course it does because you relax and therefore later it increases productivity recharge your battery nice one soul fear very good Gita absolutely right do something out of my or our daily routine yes so unwind makes me unwind so remember not myself just makes me unwind makes me unwind yeah great develop their brain and I think this is interesting Sara because I think one of the definitions of hobbies is where you actually grow so I'm not sure personally right this is me personally I'm not sure that watching TV is a hobby it may be a habit right but then I get up and I make my bed making my bed is a habit having breakfast is a habit watching TV is a habit for me personally I think a hobby is where you grow you either learn some kind of a skill you learn some knowledge you learn something you you or you socialize and meet people and grow in some way or develop you think about playing chess or jogging or doing crochet you're creating developing for me hobbies are more about that but that's a personal thing right even watching films if you're if you're an aficionado ooh aficionado is a lover of if you love something if you're an aficionado of films then you watch them you learn about them you learn information maybe about how films are shot it's it's developing so I think yeah hobbies peeve some people like me do them to develop something yeah nice expression on a similar train of thought it gives food for thought in the singular food for thought that develops brain activity yeah nice but for some people it is just it's oh you're going too fast how can you slow down like I saw some great expressions with confessed to utilities to utilize free time yep to enhance knowledge yes they want to get rid of their boring days yes to escape from bright to help escape from the the nine-to-five the routine of daily life or even to avoid real life doing things for fun yeah so for many people it's just to do things for fun as rats EDA says it's just to chill out and lay back yeah great good lots of ideas here I will try and pick some out later to share with everybody to kill the spare time to kill spare time to kill the spare time or just to kill time right basically just to kill time yeah to expose hidden talents somebody said which is great expose their hidden talents and share their talents with the world yes hobbies like painting are an expression of your soul very nice yeah I love it great some very very good ideas some hobbies are good for your health for your health remember when you're talking to the examiner and we use you it's not always you as in you mister examiner or mrs. examiner it's the general people right hobbies are good for our health you can also say hobbies are good for your health and I'm not talking about you I mean everybody it's good for your health excellent you've got I've got you've got I can't believe how many comments there are loads brilliant to beat stress okay let me share with you as a summary and some of those and I'll just add a few here that we've got so it has a calming effect it's a great stress buster it's a great and just practice with me just practice your pronunciation right it's a great stress Buster it's a way to socialize notice the 2 becomes turn and that it's our becomes it sir it's a way to socialize it's a way to socialize when you get in the zone notice get in connects get in when you get in the zone you can disconnect from work notice can we rarely pronounce can as can its normally can can you can disconnect you can you can disconnect from work as surprised a few of you can is not can no it's not it's this is nice it's very grounding to work with your hands grounding just means it brings you down to earth brings you back to nature down to earth literally or back to nature back to nature very grounding to work with your hands so there we're talking about gardening handicrafts painting anything really that that uses your hands get back to nature notice the 2 becomes 2 again we never say we've rarely say two we usually say turn because it's not stressed right if you stress the next word nature then you don't stress the one before get back to nature get back to nature it feels fulfilling which means satisfying excellent brilliant what else have we got what else have I got those are my main questions of three main questions we focused on today very much about part one there is a part two question about a leisure activity you do with your family and this is ideal right you talk about hobbies that you do but the folk is with your family something you do together brilliant we've got lots of ideas here today let me just share a few more with you and then I'm gonna move on we're gonna start winding up because believe it or not it's already 11 o'clock holy moly how does the time go so quickly holy moly good grief people have hobbies to unwind from work yep and this is an interesting one in order to get myself busy the right collocation here is to keep myself busy in order to keep myself busy yes that's interesting yes indeed some hobbies right they might do it for a living such as painting very very - very very true true to avoid boredom it's the noun you need Emmy to avoid boredom especially nowadays in lockdown good brilliant what else have we got I'm gonna kind of rush through and then and then move on yeah there's a lot about mental health which i think is true right restore the mental equilibrium I think that's absolutely true very much that's a strong role for hobbies great to do hobbies and this one's nice to stay mentally astute from rima like chess and if you're doing hobbies with the family you can spend some quality time yeah some great examples here make sure the rest of the day is not tedious sameera great ok guys I'm gonna rush through not rush through scroll through the rest of your comments so many to evade boredom mmm not really to avoid boredom be more natural spoken English avoid boredom yeah Elizabeth always are a kind of antidepressant yes true true yes great idea mental equilibrium yes indeed time flies fast great so as we finish what am I going to say a couple of things to remind you one is watch out on Saturday for the idioms video and think or when you watch that think about if you'll want to do the challenge think about choosing an idiom to make a 5 second video and to share it with me I'm not sure how you can share videos with me I use Google Drive you can send it through email maybe I better let me think of something and I will contact you all through Facebook and YouTube to let you know ok brilliant oh that's an important question I will use yes in the speaking test use informal English absolutely the speaking test is spoken informal English absolutely writing is a different kind of English right it's more formal English that you must speak informally yeah absolutely ok the other thing oh yes is to a request for you right so the notes that we've got here today are the notes that I've made I put on the Facebook group I also put on my website and let me show you where it is on the website because a few people asked me how do we find your notes let me show you share the screen I think I need some more software to share the screen in a better way is this the one yeah hey do you know this software this is so cool this is called um let me get rid of this mix mix kit mix kit is a Google Chrome add-on and every time you open a tab you get a lovely piece of art not a lovely piece of fruit a lovely piece of art it's great and it's really nice to just get a nice picture every day so if you go to the website and go to the top here live lessons click on there and you can download everything it tells you so I've added something here and this is a request because I guess I want to give as many people as possible access to free materials so the reason I do the free live lessons is because I understand a lot of people cannot pay for lessons they are not in a good financial position so I want to give this opportunity to do free live lessons and materials so there's lots of free ebooks on the website and also you've got down here all the notes you can download that even some have got audio I'd like to do more audio but to do all of this it takes up all of my time and I just want to make this request if you can write I've put in here a donate book button if you are if you like the materials and if they're valuable to you it's just a request to support me right so my goal is to help as many people as possible prepare for IELTS basically that's what I would like to do for free if you cannot pay then fine absolutely fine I'm very very happy for you to use everything on here and just download everything right if you can then and if you think it's valuable you can choose how much to pay you can choose how much yourself you could put in ten five or even just two euros and make a donation and just with credit card or PayPal if you can and if you're willing right it's just there and that's just to help me out if you cannot now or at the moment absolutely fine please just take everything use everything I just want to help you get better with your speaking and improve it's just there if you can help me out that would be great that's it that was my final little bit thank you very very much for all of you for coming here today I really as always do respect you for the work that you're doing the studying that you're doing so many of you turn up every Tuesday every Thursday and you're engaging with the exercises activities on on the Facebook page all of it is to help you practice your English and practice speaking that's it keep practicing keep positive during the lockdown do you know in Spain we have two more weeks they've extended it we thought we were going out on Sunday they said no no no no two more weeks so more weeks at home never mind there's lots of things we can do right hobbies for example brilliant okay take care everybody love to all of you and stay safe most of all right great I'll see you soon cheerio bye bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 44,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts Keith, ielts speaking success, ielts speaking topic 2020, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking hobbies, ielts speaking hobbies and interests, hobbies ielts, hobbies ielts speaking, hobbies ielts speaking part 1, hobbies ielts vocabulary, ielts speaking part 1 hobbies questions and answers, ielts speaking part 1 hobbies
Id: q9FFXHXdvzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 12sec (3912 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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