FREE IELTS Speaking practice online: Topic - Globalisation

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hello good morning I hope that I'm live nice to see you it's Keith it's Tuesday it's IELTS speaking success and today we're gonna be talking about the topic of globalization so welcome everybody now I'm I today to let everybody know it's a beautiful day sun is shining over here it looks like the summer is on its way today we're going to look at the topic of globalization and how we can discuss that in some part three questions now then to let you know I am actually using some different software today and so please do expect total disaster everything may go completely wrong the reason is I'm trying to find a better software where I can do different things including showing you my notes so and still see me at the same time but I can't control everything there's the the streaming of the comments is a bit different it might go belly-up but not to worry first of all let's just say hello to a few of you that are arriving so good morning to Jo Jo Katherine nice to see you Savita Neetu brilliant Nihad richard nicole a man abhilasha great some of the same people every day and I love it Neetu nice to see you as well in SAS Allah kala Malika hi Malika great then is zalfie a great some very familiar names lovely to see you all Chris go hello sharifa as well and Mira brilliant now them I'm gonna try and work out I like that idiom belly up at me to everything might go belly up today and you have to do that when you say it great Katherine shut up over good morning to you as well nice to see you I don't know if you can see all these things on the screen like your comments your comments I don't know if you can see them all these other things I don't want that either it's giving me all these different things anyway let's get down to business so first of all as we begin can I just say a big big thank you to some new donors who have helped sponsor really this class and the YouTube videos it's a big big help thank you very much to jean-claude Chris Kerr navdeep Kristina Kristina and yen and ran thank you very much it's it's a huge help so I really do appreciate all your support brilliant so today as I mentioned we are gonna look at the topic of globalization and what does that mean exactly a few other things I've got a couple of questions students have asked me I'm gonna give you an answer and then I'm gonna talk a little bit about Thursday as well right so first question I had a question the other day by a student who said how do i generate lots of ideas in part 2 of the speaking test because I find that very very difficult okay so there are two things here I think the first thing is if you want to generate as many ideas as you can before the test so when you're practicing at home and studying that's the time to generate lots of ideas to look at the questions find the most recent questions and then study those topics and to be honest exactly what we're doing in our live classes right taking a topic and we're looking at answers ideas vocabulary so really and you've got all of these classes in the facebook page and you-tube page you can go back and watch them again and again can download the notes so get all your ideas before the test what you do not want to do is in your 1-minute preparation think right let's get lots of ideas oh wait I can talk about this I can talk about that oh there's this idea oh and then this one and stop raining your ideas do not do that because that will waste your one minute the right don't do that in your one minute you get the first idea that's good enough as quickly as possible just get the first idea that's okay it's not brilliant but it's okay boom and start with that within 10 to 15 seconds so you've still got 45 seconds to think about structure and maybe some vocabulary right don't waste don't waste your minute brainstorming ideas that's not the time do that before the test ok that's it simple answer simple question nice question I'm actually you may have noticed I'm gonna start doing very very short videos answering student questions and just put them on Facebook and Instagram hey did you know I'm on Instagram ooh how modern poor how trendy a guy like me on Instagram it's very very funny because lots of young people say ah Facebook is for old people and that's where I'm very at home Instagram is for young people or what am I doing there well I'm trying to learn how to use it because some students have asked me come onto Instagram so I'm on Instagram so I will also put these short videos on there so if you have any questions for me email put them in the chat box just send me the questions and I will try to answer the you know the most common ones in a very short video and then you can watch it again you've probably had enough of me all these videos might go away right at times for good mornings again there's lots of good mornings right and here Apple Kassim that I Eve has asked me the second question that other students have asked me is where can we find the most recent topics and questions okay there are two very good website pages which I recommend for the most recent topics and questions one is IELTS Liz recent topics and questions the other one is IELTS speaking success recent topics and questions because I think that's where you'll get the best information those shall I put the link those sites are updated or being updated so basically the way that Liz works and I work and also I know am makar from India that she works is to gather questions from students who've done the test get the questions together check them with other sources make sure they're right and then publish them and that's what we're all doing but we haven't got the May June July August questions yet completely I've got a few ideas so actually on Thursday the day after tomorrow I am gonna look at some of these questions the new questions that come up and then publish them and make some videos and things I think the good news is that from what I can see a lot of the question from January to April are the same right so if you're studying and have studied the January February March questions you're you're okay cuz a lot of them are still there there's one or two have dropped out but it seems that most of them are still there right okay good that was my second question so where is everybody let's just check good morning Terrence good morning do we need to use a lot of idioms you know it's all good so I won't answer these questions now but I will make a note of them later brilliant some very good ones my car is great my car is great I love the work she does I think she's a she's very very good hello from Punjab Neha nice to see you Neha is the name as opposed to Neha which would be if you were in China Bruce cow welcome to the first time nice to see you here glad to see that you're here I hope you enjoy the class so as I said socks off means write good questions let me try and close all Mary's here hello Mary nice to see you I'm just going to close that for a moment and let's have a look at some of the questions we're gonna look at today okay now then let's see if this works fingers crossed hooray look at that it worked hey so this is what I've been trying to do is just so I can see I think I can see you you can see me and we can see the questions part three questions so we're going to look at these today my voice is what is it going away oh it's stirring where is ginger honey tea it's here guys now then how this so these are the three questions we'll look at today in a bit of detail don't write your answers yet how has globalization affected your city nice what do you think about the effects of globalization on business tricky what are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization complex but lots of things to talk about right so these are the questions we're gonna have a look at today nice now has anybody seen the video that I put on Facebook only if you're on Facebook I'm afraid that video was about globalization it was I thought a really down-to-earth simple explanation of globalization right and it reminded me of something called e Li 5e l i5 does anybody know what e l i5 is right e l i5 e l i5 yes some of you saw the video fantastic yeah I can hear the message notification that's so annoying isn't it how do we turn that off for goodness sake that is so annoying you go ding ding ding let me try and find out I told you there's gonna be lots of things going wrong today it guarantee that's great it's great all these as I said to a student yesterday mistakes are like a gift it's like a present think of a mistake like your birthday because you learn if you don't make mistakes how are you going to learn how are you gonna get better yeah you need to make mistakes right so they are good so we'll have lots of mistakes today and somebody I just saw gave me the answer explained like I am 5 hand drawn bow very good very good explained like I am 5 so this came well done this came from a reddit sub group reddit is a forum where people exchange ideas and they had a group called e Li 5 explain like I'm five means explain this idea an imagine I am five years old right so basically use simple language right explain like I'm five oh so it's really easy it's Li five right it's become it is quite a well-known idea if you like e li v i5 then is I'll type in amp you explain like I'm five and there's the link to the reddit actually which you can go and have a look at so any topic you want to understand in simple language you can just do that explain like I'm five years old that's the an idea five years old real it's great so really simple things you can check out the this this leg here and then so what is globalization well in that video I thought it was very much a li v I thought it was explained it really simply and I took away not this one I took away this definition very simple what is globalization the growing interaction between people and companies across the world that's for a five-year-old right I think a five-year-old can understand maybe interaction the growing connection between people across the world that's all it is there's a lot more to it it's a lot more complicated about trade transport movement communication but explain like I'm five it's like they're right brilliant there's more to it and I think the follow-up is so why has it happened right why it has globalization happened and basically it's happened because of advances in transport and technology actually globalization is is really old it's not new we've had globalization for donkey's years go back to the Silk Road or before the Silk Road to remember the Silk Road people like Marco Polo and they traveled from the kind of the Persia across to Asia selling buying and trade that was globalization thousands of years ago what's happened recently is because of advances in transport it's just sped up speed spared sped sped it's just sped up its got faster right in especially not only aeroplanes but that's definitely one of the big things that made it faster high-speed rail but do you know what the number one change in transport made the biggest impact it was the boat and the container so as soon as they created the boats and these big big containers that's when international trade took off it literally didn't take off but it got bigger it grew bigger because these big containers that they were shipping around the world started the whole big move towards globalization today as we know it great so guys you've got some great now can I take your comments oh look at that I can take your comments increased interaction increased increase interaction great and I still can't work out how to stop that boom boom it's so annoying actually it's become a bit like the rain drop drip drop yeah well interesting let me share a few of these comments I hope you don't mind me sharing your comments but Dennis says globalization means there is no meaning of time and place anymore how do I get rid of this one hang on a minute I don't want this okay globalization means with an s means there is no meaning of time and place that's interesting because what because it's all it's all become one right we're all so similar and standardized hmm let's see what else we've got we have a nice one here from from Mary globalization has an enormous impact on the world the world and has modified the lifestyle of people business models and global tourism right so lifestyle business models tourism those are three really good ideas and we're gonna look at those a little bit more today nice what else have we got up here yeah here's a nice one we can talk about from Emmie the Internet is a major contributor to globalization absolutely it is indeed yes and Tim Tim man nice one over here globalization has created a global village and that when we talk about culture and lifestyle is really good great very nice we've also got Muzammil fatima their improvement in trade and transport so we we have had a change in both trade and transport very very true it's the silver at the Silk Road not the silver road the Silk Road let me share this one with you somebody mentioned the Silk Road the silver road it's the it's this one so it's as old as the hills when something is very very old it's as old as the hills right not somebody that would be a bit insulting but for something you could say oh it's as old as the hills right globalization it's as old as the hills people fighting and war it's as old as the hills men and women hunting or men hunting animals it's as old as the hills it's as a notice the stress right it's not it's as old as the hills no it's as old as the hills dee dee dee dee it's as old as the hills it's the time stress if you saw my video well done if you did about part two evaluation we looked at time stressed which English is time stressed it's not syllable stress many languages focus on every syllable right so many people say it's as old as the hills English is not like that English is it's as old as the hills old Hills it's as old as the hills it dates back to the Silk Road and even before right so that's it the Silk Road great what else have we got nice ideas here the Silk Road went through with Becky Stan and I suppose Ally sure that you're from with Becky Stan right I'm supposing now let me share again some very nice comments and ideas so some great ideas here to share globalization is like all the countries are one yes yes good shipping is a key word from SHINee Michael so shipping and I would add I'm gonna add a few words can containers or shipping containers right so you're shipping containers down here are what made the big difference because that allowed us to transport things great great fantastic where are we got your message say how are thank you very much left for that message great now then Silas brings in a very very good point here right that the environment the environmental issues need to be in globalization because one of the key things of globalization is the impact it has on everything the environment so actually that brings us to our next question in a moment let me just share a few more phrases I like these very very much we are we are raya says globalization is due to the advance of technology very very true absolutely yes right jazz you've got some nice ideas here let's bring these in as well jazz says well globalization has changed the whole scenario of the world the whole scenario of the world nice like in my city whole structures and ways of working so remember talking generally structures generally in the plural and ways of working have been changed lovely lovely now I can see high-rise buildings even in my hometown right high-rise buildings yeah and that although it's not directly connected to globalization it probably is I think it's China that exports 40% of the world's concrete 40 percent of the world's concrete comes from China and that is exported to other countries and we use concrete to build our high-rise buildings right exactly so very nice point yeah chess great lovely yes Maddie you may very very good point there about globalization and health as well and the coronavirus also it means not only do we transport goods very quickly we transport sickness very quickly it's very very true now there Neha excuse me Nihar says here as far as I think a lot as far as I think as far as I can see right as far as I can see globalization is vital for the evolution the economic evolution I would say the economic evolution of different nations yes because we're all interconnected right so absolutely I think it's absolutely necessary absolutely true how do we yes okay before I move on how do we get rid of that annoying bleep liebe liebe liebe liebe I know I know so bear with me let's have a look there's nothing there about it nothing there I'll I will have to find it out later really sorry I know it's annoying isn't it it's like there's somebody sat next to me going like this boom-boom-boom right global village okay brilliant so next question right effects of globalization so what are the effects of globalization they affect everything right you're gonna get lots of ideas and as you're writing your ideas yep oh great in fact let me look at you before I look at me because you've got some nice ideas here Ally Schaer I'm guessing is from with all those becuause Becky Stanek globalization is the flow of employees right we outsource goods and we outsource people right outsource is a good word but we're also outsourcing outsourcing jobs which is what America has done and England actually and as the video in facebook told you with good and bad consequences right effects loss of cultural identity or Suzanne very nice cultural convergence very very nice these are nice expressions right let's have a look well let's see where can I make some notes just before I can write them here cultural convergence that's very nice so convergence is all of you becoming the same all of you I don't mean all of you all of us becoming culturally the same right we like the same kind of cinema the same songs it's interesting right things this is this is a long story but stay with me cultural convergence one of the big cultural convergence ease was reality-tv things like Britain's Got Talent the x-factor Big Brother all of those got transported or moved across the world and each country had their own Got Talent or x-factor right or the voice but in many many countries it was it was localized significantly and I think particularly in Saudi Arabia and a lot of the Middle East countries they had their own version of these shows and I can't remember the name of the show but where they would have people reading poetry playing local music traditional music so rather than imitating Maria Carey or Ariadna grandi they were using this idea of watching reality shows talent shows but localizing it to show off and grow the local culture so all of the local poetry and classical traditional music was coming out in this show that was brilliant I mean so that was preserving local culture actually and using globalized to preserve it very interesting right okay great Kenneth this is interesting right a wide array of international interactions and camaraderie camaraderie is like when your friends or friendliness or being friends together nice very interesting great and what else have we got changing the lifestyle yes other effects yes okay Apoorva good one increased job opportunities absolutely yes nice one so and KITT currency fluctuation right as now most currencies are pegged to the dollar then they are connected and fluctuations impact other currencies if you're a speculator and an investor you can make money from it otherwise it can be a good and a bad thing right as Lowry says here very good point right globalization is making some people richer and some other people poorer great more impacts more impacts it's evolved the way that we work yeah absolutely so I used to work for the British Council over in China and Malaysia and we would well being an international organization you've got more and more multinational organizations so we would be having teleconferences teleconferences how old am i as so old-fashioned we were sending smoke signals right I'm not that old but we were using telic not telegram teleconferences videoconferences yep with Instagram we were using video conferences across the world with the UK mainly because the headquarters were in London globalization impacted that it meant sometimes at 3:00 in the morning I had to wake up for a bloody video conference with somebody in London excuse my French sorry excuse my language but yes so it's it can be a good and a bad thing great others gryska great lower price on goods work opportunities for depressed countries now depressed countries this is interesting by depressed I suppose you mean countries that are still developing or not as rich as other countries right I think that's what you mean and there are different expressions around this let me share this with you a few of you have mentioned this let me just take that off here when we talk about different countries you know years ago we had this stupid crazy terminology and we used to talk about the first world and the third world and the poorer countries were the third world third world and the richer countries like Japan America France were the first world the idea that of course we were better whether the first world was better at a higher position that is no longer really accepted I think we've realized at least in English that's not the way to talk so now if you want to talk about that difference between rich countries and poor countries we often say well developed countries or developed economies right you can say both developed countries or economies Economist economy's get the stress right because a lot of this is a complicated word that changes stress right you talk about the economy but economical so it changes as an adjective developed economies will be the if you like richer countries and then rather than underdeveloped we talk about developing economies or and emerging economies so the emerging economies very people often talk about the BRICS nowadays right Brazil Russia India Colombia and the S the BRICS I've forgotten Spain no it's not Spain and there's there are several different acronyms to talk about emerging economies as they are getting stronger and stronger so sorry it doesn't mean poor it means getting stronger and getting bigger so the other vocabulary point I was going to point out because a lot of you are talking about global is global has lots of collocations right you know I'm a huge fan of collocations every time you learn a word learn the collocation that's the word that goes together before or after so don't just work don't just learn trade learn global trade international trade foreign trade learn the words that go together same with global global trade global economy Global Village we've had that a few people have said that global warming also few it's so hot today it must be global warming global governance right global cooperation if you're going to talk about you know the the you end the united nations bringing countries together to cooperate global cooperation international cooperation and while I'm here another couple more standard of living you can say living standards but we often say standard of excuse me standard of living cost of living or prosperity prosperity is wealth basically wealth the prosperity of a country so we don't really say a country is rich you can but we talk about prosperity of a country yes I'm laughing at the comments about the clique tick-tick-tick I'm gonna write and complain to this software company that we had hundreds of people with headaches because of the comment click click click right excellent now them let's see what else have we got other impacts of globalization hey great chatty ropes this is the question I was going to look at about affecting your town globalization immensely affected and changed my whole town many local businesses have have disappeared have disappeared owing to globalization nice because because people are more attracted and prefer to buy products from abroad now that's interesting that's very very true the impacts of globalization we're buying more products from abroad and so our home produced goods are less popular so it can impact the local economy for sure to some extent this for sure yes now then ok some good points let's have one more globalization effects competition between countries and is supposed to drive prices down well the more competition theoretically yes you drive prices down doesn't always happen but sometimes happens absolutely oh look can I change your comment hey look at that I can change your comment hey which means who look at that does it work oh well I've suddenly like this software globalization effects competition between countries and is supposed that means I can correct your writing on stage and live Wow interesting okay so it's not going to badly belly-up is it right globalization William says actually I'm in two minds about it yeah that's true oh yeah true I think you need to go to the configuration of the Facebook well yeah but it's gone through a different it's gone through restream it's not Facebook it's a another another thing right okay so guys what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you a picture talking about the effects of globalization and as you look at this picture right what you can do is look carefully at the picture and as you're looking and enjoying the picture and thinking about it I'm gonna try and find this can I say bloody yes this bloody comment notification thing right here's a picture have a look at this the effects of globalization right different effects have a look have a think [Music] Oh found it make a comment somebody make a comment Oh Alleluia I found it I turned it off it's it it's gone Oh silence peace Zen mm brilliant or die such a relief so it's like listening to Beethoven's Ninth Symphony it's just Beauty the beauty of silence oh great mmm thank you very much yeah I bet you're all missing it now where's that noise it's kind of lonely without it okay effects of globalization so clearly there are four things right at least as economic effects we've talked about global money markets so in fact you've talked about the connection or interconnection of the currencies right transnational cooperations is another name for multinational companies so your Google's your GlaxoSmithKline your Facebook's your alibaba's Lenovo all of these Samsung all of these international companies so you've got social right so globalization affects also the the growth of online social networks I mean look at us right Facebook and YouTube and maybe Paris Co we've got all sorts of networks here bringing us together which includes education we can talk about there's also the migrant families than the Diaspora so the diaspora the Diaspora excuse me as the the movement of families from one country to another country the movement of well you've got migration of families from many countries for example from Vietnam to America that's it the two from other countries we've got for example where there have been war and fighting from Syria the refugees going into other countries in Europe for example there's a big migration of families and I'll look at that in a bit more detail in a moment we've then got cultural the growth of the global culture now whether that's music film poetry reading Harry Potter write the translation of books and that the Internet as well promoting international Netflix and all of that stuff and then the glocalization of products so glocalization is the globalization but then localizing it a bit like when I talked about the The X Factor or Britain's Got Talent and these talent shows that are localized in some countries but very much change to promote local culture so you've got the globalization of products as well and then you've got political of course you've got the global governance right we talked about global governance about the the things like the w-h-o right the World Health Organization that globally tries to oversee or guide the development of international vaccines for example and then global action on climate change where we've got huge interact interventions and activities there yep ok good so those are some ideas effects of globalization right quite interesting so glocalization yep is uh let me just bring it in I think you're gonna get it localization is the combination of globalization and this is an interesting thing to talk about right localization it has become a word if you get global and local together can you see that how they're put together so it's taking a global idea but localizing it United Nations yes the corona vaccine yes absolutely there's a lot you can say there about the international coordination I guess you can call it now I know the we say that WH oh I know in many languages you will change the order of the letters right because you'll have translated it but in English its World Health Organization WH o UN United Nations WTO World Trade Organization and all of these are due to globalization yep Lumbee adventurer then we're fricked aren't we we may be we may be right the World Bank yeah very very good in assisting countries during disasters let's share that one down here because the World Bank is another one the will Bank mmm it's interesting you're doing that because I'm also doing that they play an interesting role sometimes in world activities okay and here's another one from Duke a nice one about globalization here has changed the way we learn schools are making use of the Internet to send classwork to school pupils and students as a whole absolutely so it has a huge effect on on that yeah we've got a few others you can talk about here a few of you have mentioned UNICEF which is a part of the United Nations and it's about the children right to help support children around the world to make sure children's rights are not abused and the IMF the International Monetary Fund there's a lot of debate about how effective these organizations are I think they are essential and very very important but I do recognize they their hands are tied right sometimes hands are tied which means that they are limited in the power they have a because they're democratic so you need a majority to agree and be because the could the domination of certain countries it's a bit like a meeting right you have a meeting with five workers and two bosses what's the outcome gonna be the outcomes gonna be what the two bosses want right so that that domination of certain countries has a big influence on the power these countries these organizations can can can yield or wield if you like anyway stop being political Keith stop being political now i eltz interesting shiny michael IELTS also is a bit of globalization to do with the to do with education immigration absolutely yeah brilliant so let's move on to another question how has globalization affected your city how has globalization affected your city do you know what I realized I can't make comments why can't I make comments hmm can I not make a comment now I can't I can't make comments haha that's the downside of this software I can't make a comment how strange oh never mind so there's the question how has globalization affected your city let's see what you've got to say some great ideas here guys really good Wow every acronym Under the Sun is here here's a nice one let's start off with this globalization has affected our shopping habits people opt for very nice like it choose opt for brilliant makernote guys people opt for globalized products instead of supporting local manufacturing fantastic love it yep HDI good point Oh Laura is an interesting one traditions are not always good to keep there's a lot we could discuss there isn't there yes oh this is interesting Olga has a nice point to make a bit not mainstream but very very good adoption of children from different countries particularly Dell it developing one so that can affect us right online shopping yeah but how is it affected your city right think about your city okay we've got ceci Ricker the environmental pollution yeah Wow do you remember I used to live in Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur and in Kuala Lumpur we got so much pollution and a part of it was due to the burning of the forests not only in Malaysia but also in Indonesia sorry guys Indonesia but the burning there would bring the pollution it was global pollution that we got from other countries so environmental pollution absolutely yes right and here's okay yes lots of tourists in Budapest all year round so the impact on the tourist trade absolutely brilliant if you want to add to environmental pollution you can add the green house gases nice yes what else have we got let's have a look giant ah hey nice to see you here to enter brilliant due to globalization now my city has many foreign companies setting up their factories and head offices lovely also we find products from any part of the world now in the shops very good point earlier or previously I would say previously we used to get most local products excuse me I shouldn't be burping when I'm teaching right but you can't help it it's nature it's like the time that the queen farted and everybody's at all the Queen doesn't fart it's impossible hey she does sometimes love the Queen's great earlier or previously we used to get mostly local products in these shops now we also have more of McDonald's and KFC in my city yep absolutely nice very very nice now that can lead to more job opportunities but also as Sonia says it can lead to a scarcity of job opportunities if we're outsourcing jobs then that's going to impact the economy that's what Donald Trump said right he said we've been outsourcing our jobs jobs for too many years actually he was really really sneaky and nasty because he said oh all these foreign countries have stolen our jobs mmm maybe maybe you outsource the jobs right actually so there can be a scarcity of job opportunities right I've got to stop talking about politics sorry yeah path very good local companies are struggling with their existence ja finger is turned my city upside down that's a lovely expression right it has turned my city upside down it means it's changed my city completely but normally for a negative reason so that expression you know always turned everything upside down normally negative so it'd be interesting to see why in this case right isn't this interesting right Apoorva says almost the opposite it's improved the lifestyle of people increased job opportunities and affordable education interesting right do you also notice I know I exaggerate but I exaggerated to show you the stress because it's so important getting the stress right especially when you're writing a lot you're probably not speaking it out but please do speak out these ideas right increased job opportunities and the reason I say increased with the stress on the increased is because you're contrasting it to what somebody said before about scarcity of job opportunities you could say well actually there are increased job opportunities you don't have to do that you could just say there are increased job opportunities and also affordable education affordable not cheap not expensive affordable education to help your pronunciation when speaking just exaggerated right really exaggerate because when you speak normally you're probably not making enough stress most students don't make enough the stress or the sound or the connection so when you practice just exaggerate right enormous affordable and when you practice like that when you actually speak normally you'll be spot-on right brilliant so lots of ideas there I'm just gonna share a couple more with you over here so we've got we've talked about tourism you can talk about an influx of tourists right when tourists come in to the country so I'm talking about my city which is Santander in Spain right we are governed by European law now we can eat international cuisine so I was thinking about KFC and McDonald's but I realized actually it's more than that it's actually international cuisine there are Italian restaurants Thai restaurants Vietnamese restaurants Peruvian restaurants because we have a close connection here with South America there are thriving that means bustling energetic minority communities in my city as a result of migration the diasporas we've got the Chinese the Vietnamese the Peruvian a lot of communities here so these have affected my city okay great now then what do you think about the effects of globalization on business so this is another question and I realize I'm running out of time but I'm going to go through this and just show you a few ideas right because I think what's really interesting about globalization is that we talk about it in a lot of the other IELTS questions and you may remember questions like music how has the music industry changed what has been the impact of globalization on the music industry or technology how has technology impacted globalization or the film industry right do you prefer local films or international films how has globalization affected the film industry so if you get questions about basically globalization on business you can refer to the music industry or the music business right just call it the music business it's the same thing you can talk about the food business you can talk about the film business or the film industry and so we've already talked about this about food we've talked in other lessons we've talked about music if you haven't seen the music video I mean the lesson we did on music go and have a little I think we mentioned globalization a little bit and you can talk about all of these and their impact on globalization right now then I'm gonna also look at another question here the advantages and disadvantages again we've talked a lot about this around employment outsourcing unemployment just to sum up some ideas right we've got the convenience of eating foods or listening to music or getting news from around the world right clear advantage but then there's the negative impact right on the local food industry or the culture we can talk about education the ability to learn more about each other actually this is not education this is culture learn more about each other and super and so promote peace I am I am a big big big believer and I always have been the more you understand somebody the the less likely you are going to fight with them so the more you understand the more that cultures understand each other the more peace there's gonna be and all of this we can do also through online platforms right I mean look at us look at us today great so those are just a few ideas there's also of course ecological impacts yes and earlier a few a few of you have mentioned that the ecological impact absolutely okay vocabulary we've talked about a few of those you can see I'm rushing through right I'm rushing through because I don't want to keep you too long here brilliant good let me just come back come back once more right and I'm just going to have a final look at some of your ideas up here right eternal flame nice name nice idea have a look at this one some interesting ones right yeah so one thing I would add Thank You eternal flame that's great there are many international change shops and restaurants in our high cities right and you've also got Ling here saying globalization provides a selection of cultural values these are great ideas always remember to add and develop your examples right and I know you're not doing it here because you're typing quickly but when you're speaking always remember to go into to the examples because it's the examples that really bring out the language right look at here Victoria says last year there was an amazing environmental project where tulips from all over the world were planted so that one has in malaria to ameliorated our city so giving an example just brings out a huge amount a huge amount of extra language so great remember your examples thanks very much Victoria that's great so we've got lots of examples coming out here oh yeah okay I will try and check your phrases all of you this is interesting right nice one yep Neil eesh globalization has done a 360 degree turn great right so that's a complete change that can be positive right do you remember we said it's turned it upside down is negative but it's done a 360 degree degree we turn it's done a 360 degree turn around is positive in the healthcare industry now affordable health services are available across the globe exactly great are available across the globe look I can correct great but remember well actually I know these are not mistakes I know for most of you you're just typing so fast it's not a mistake but remember mistakes are a gift they are excellent they are really good for you right okay good good good good now then that's great yeah Adler 360 is the same as zero you mean a hundred and eighty degrees yes you're absolutely right hundred eighty degrees turn around laugh out loud although three like you can say it's a 360 degree turn around it means a complete so it's not half a change it's a complete change I think you can say both actually mm-hmm but I like the comments now guys I'm gonna finish up doing a little experiment with you because I wanted to try another piece of software to see if it works with you so I don't know if this works but it's just a little bit of fun and I wants you to try and play this with me so this is a thing called Kahoot does anybody know Kahoot so it's a simple game I'm not sure how many people can play but what I'm gonna do I'll show you I'll explain to you we're gonna play this game and all you have to do is on your device go into a good question go into your mobile phone follow the a the URL I give you and then put in a number by the way s Kyra the Z is the American spelling the S is the British spelling so clearly the British spelling is the best right Kahoot let's do a quick Kahoot and let's see how this works if it works well we'll do some more so I'm going to share up up let me share this with you I love this software it's great okay so this is how it works classic so what you need to do guys is we get this crazy music and is to go to [Music] you can see who'd done IT that's it just type in that computer you could do it or on your phone you can do it so what happens or there you go somebody's in snowy and quasi majestic right so you've started to join brilliant we can't see the code sorry that's the code two five three five seven nine two five three five seven nine oh I'm not sure how many people could join but we've got a few captain a music dragon you're all animals I guess he asked you for an animal two five two four eight three five seven nine I think the maximum is 50 so we'll have to take in the first 50 people I can't Verona can't make comments lastly it's been disabled you'll just have to type it out I'm afraid yes not this two five three five seven [Music] radiant Jack you a bright panda right oh it takes a lot of people that's good maybe it's a right I'm gonna start the game and all you have to do you'll see is twos you've got four choices yeah Thank You lumpy adventure you've got four choices they're each a different color and you choose the one that's the right answer I'm gonna take this wait a minute they're still joining brilliant okay so you guys you should be able to see on your screen what is your teacher's name in case you can't see okay so there you go what is your teacher's name inai people got it right right all of you who press blue green or yellow go out the classroom of course it's Keith right cool well done it works and those of you on the on the thingy on the comments yeah you've got it right next question are you ready next question get ready steady go go we've got a scoreboard snowing Buffalo I mean knowing Buffalo snowing knowing Buffalo next question keith lives in now if you're paying attention right but you should get this you can't be fast ah [Music] 31 of you got sent and some of you in the deck but the Box got Spain so Santander Spain is absolutely right that was a bit more difficult but I actually gave you the answer in today's lesson pay attention right we've got one more little got two more here's the next one let's see our best I guess we've got the the leaderboard jolly Charlie backed jolly bat well done up 85 places cute hamster is the highest climber oh here we go what's today's topic come on guys twenty seconds right those who blessed pressed red oh I can see cuz we've talked about health that's why you press red that's true but those of you pressed toys come on seriously have we talked about toys or strawberries mmm alright last one guys last question who's leading let's find out captain panther nice one last question which fun facts right the answer I don't speak Japanese I only know call me Chiba arigato is I play the violin that's it yep skydiving I haven't I I'm not very good with Heights actually siblings I only have two siblings I have an elder brother and elder sister so it's actually the violin were 31 it's good because you were right okay brilliant let's see who's top of the table majestic bat who are you majestic he's number one [Music] I love it shiny I played the guitar and the violin yes nicest i--once that's true majestic bat well done lovely adventurer well done I have a try skydiving seriously I haven't I've done bungee jumping skydiving right gratulations well done so do you like the game I thought I wanted to see if it would actually work go away come back yeah I just wanted to see if it would work it does work I thought it might be a nice change from always doing IELTS just to have a bit of fun as well and if it works we can do that next time actually we can use it for your English as well like multiple choice questions like you've got enough of those in IELTS already okay nice well done everybody now you know me a little bit better my name's Keith I I live in Santander Spain I am from Manchester in the UK mmm but I live in Santa Ana Spain I've got two one brother one sister and I play the violin and the guitar as well okay lovely good thank you for contributing and coming in we're gonna finish it's very very late I apologize for keeping you so do remember if you want to download the notes from today go to my website IELTS speaking success just look for the live sessions I will just show you where it is just to make sure you can find it so if you go to the website IELTS speaking success calm and just go to live lessons down here and here you can get it you can join on Facebook or YouTube but the actual materials oh by the way if you want to make a donation this is just to help me it is so useful because it takes quite a bit of time to do all the YouTube videos and the live sessions and that just helps me dedicate time to it but here they are you can get the notes just press the download they're all free you can get all of them actually and you can watch the video if you've missed the one about movies you can just go in here and watch the video about movie hey hello stop and get all the notes there so guys that's it thank you very much again for joining me today Thursday then I'm gonna try and have a session where we look more closely at some of the new questions and new topics so look forward to that if you've asked any questions I will try and answer them through videos on Facebook or at the start of the next class and so on that's it to your health and happiness until Thursday alright take care everybody bye bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 40,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts Keith, ielts speaking success, ielts speaking topic 2020, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking test tips, ielts speaking test tips 2020, ielts globalization vocabulary, ielts globalization, ielts speaking globalization, ielts speaking global issues, ielts speaking part 3 globalization, globalization ielts vocabulary
Id: pBb2t9BtnJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 55sec (4495 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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