FREE IELTS Speaking practice online: Topic - MOVIES

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hey hello it's a bit loud isn't it good morning everybody i'll wake up the whole house nice to see you good morning welcome to tuesday happy tuesday happy now i hope you're happy right now right here ready to start your ielts speaking success class so listen welcome come in have a seat make yourself comfy you may need a pen and paper today to make notes hi anna and rowie and patel first three in well done if there was a prize you would have the prize unfortunately there is no prize the class is your prize this is your prize for turning up and being great students well done for coming in here today lovely to see you i'll say a few hellos as always hello um imran again sandy perhaps jeremy great to see you elena christie saki sana good morning as well nice to see you here alina and lou there's a lot of people coming in today curving sarita marjorie great lovely to see you all today it's really exciting because it's a nice topic it's the topic of movies so what we're going to do today is first of all i'm going to give you the name of three british directors who i think are the three best directors in british cinema and you can check them out all of their films are good they're quite what's the word they're quite real so their cinema is very pragmatic and real quite harsh right it's not like the american cinema where everybody's happy there's a happy ending you get revenge you kill the enemy and everybody smiles it's not like that british cinema is quite harsh and real down to earth but if you like that it's well worth checking out so i'm going to give you the name of three directors british directors we're going to look at some key vocabulary for movies films what's the difference films and movies haha i will tell you shortly and then we're going to go through some questions today i'm going to focus on part one questions for this topic um although there is a part two question and part three our focus today is part one thank you for all of your um suggestions and ideas on the facebook page all about different movies that you like wow a very eclectic range of movies um i think everybody likes a little bit of something okay great more hellos who's here let me see i'm really sorry i have tr i have trouble pronouncing the vietnamese names nice to see you as always cheers nice to see you harishnu great blue blue bling interesting name great to see you here emel hello good morning nice to see you yeah i was going to say long time no see it's not a long time is it great maja nice to see you here nico as well um lots of people elena great nice to see you as always rumor abilisha some familiar names great imran who else is here catherine good morning catherine i was just reading your comment on the facebook page fake facebook page facebook page just a few minutes ago great um is that joe i can't read those characters i'm struggling aren't i with my chinese characters sorry phyllis jb nicole nice to see you tsai lots of people in ruby punam brilliant so hi good afternoon or good morning by the way just before we begin um i've had a couple of questions so i'm going to address them very quickly first question lots of people have asked me um ielts indicator should i do it okay ielts indicator very briefly this is what the ielts organization has set up because of the coronavirus so many tests are cancelled and so in order for people to still go to or apply to universities abroad they need you need your ielts test right this is for academic only academic ielts they have set up ielts indicator it's an online test that you can do to give you an indicative score what does that mean it means it gives you an approximate score it gives you a score a real score but your university may or may not accept it they may say okay do it now but we also want you to do the face-to-face test so you do need to check with your university right um so that is just about ielts indicator you can find out more about it um here let me just give you the the web page um it happens online you do it from the comfort of your home literally right it's um let me show you very very briefly let me just show you how this works because i know quite a few people are interested so oh can you see that yes you can see that right okay um there it is sorry i'm trying to manage my windows so it's an online test taken from the comfort of your home it tests the four skills it's only for the academic test and it's only a temporary period of time right this is just for the time that we have covered so later maybe in a few months it might disappear it tells you all about it and if you want to it tells you about the format the speaking is online it's a video conference call you need gives you a checklist so you need a computer you need a all of these things imagine if you want to book then you can book now online it tells you a bit more about it um and then if you choose your country let's imagine let's imagine i'm in india some of you are in india right i submit oh gosh i'm not gonna do it am i no i don't think i'm going to do it um so i submit oh now then why is it not showing you on here i'm actually in but it's not shared it's not showing you the shared screen that's a bit strange let me get you back in share the screen the book now select country ah because it went to a different ice i know it went to a different tab bear with me bear with me with me that means wait registration this is the one he went to a different tab that's why you can't see it you then register here i'm in india which version of ielts is ready for me so it can be on desktop computer or laptop and then it shows you so you can see right they've only got one test a week and this is the same in most countries it's on wednesday it lasts for three hours it's live and if i choose it then tells me the time and how much i have to pay right i think it's 149 across the world and if i don't have an account i go here i'm not going to do that because i'm not going to do the test but that's it ielts indicator so you can go and check out and have a look at it right lots of tests are cancelled i'm curious is anybody doing the test this week i'm wondering let me just check your other questions few universities accept it about five years i think a lot of universities may not accept it so you must contact your university first and check with them um so no this is not for immigration this is only for academic you can't see me on youtube kate really i think everyone else can there's lots of youtube people here okay so is anybody doing the test this week i can't see any oh yes a few yes yes yes yes i'm booked on may 23rd that's in a few weeks time so there's a few people doing it this week because the other question number two that people ask me is keith can you give us the new questions may to august every four months there are new questions um and people want me to give them the questions um okay i don't have the questions right i don't have a secret spy working in the british council to give me the questions i wish i did but i don't i'm too honest for that um now the thing is nobody can get the questions until the tests begin in may as soon as the tests begin lots of organizations send people to the test center and they get the questions from the students so what was your question today oh yes i had this and they get the questions and then they post them on the internet or there are websites like ielts liz ielts speaking success also the ask students tell us the questions you got and put them on the website and then liz i do the same as liz we collect the questions and then organize them what i do is make a video with the questions and potential answers or ideas or vocabulary i try not to give model answers because i i don't want you to memorize the answer but i do want to give you the language and the vocabulary that can help you so until the tests begin we don't know the new questions now interesting curving says 8th of may in australia yes right curving if you're willing share the questions with us if you're willing but of course everybody gets different questions so you need to gather lots of questions from lots of students so it normally takes a week or two before i make the videos so we will see and this assumes there are new questions because i wonder with the coronavirus will they postpone the new questions like they've postponed the test again i don't know so we will have to wait and see suman thank you very much you can see me in youtube good a few vietnamese students have taken the test pretty simple simple or the same of course it's not the questions that are simple it's it's the answer that's simple or complicated okay tomorrow in australia so it seems like australia is the hot spot okay yeah so let's see anyway that that was it that was just um that was just a few two questions ielts indicator and the new questions now let's move back to movies three directors right i promised you if you are a film buff and a film buff is somebody who likes um somebody who likes movies right then you should check out these guys so we've got i'm going to write these down for you these are my three favorite um british directors who i think are fantastic of course i'm a big fan of the british cinema because it's just so different from american cinema i think all of european cinema i mean i've seen a lot of swedish norway french spanish italian films and i love them i love the european style of film it's it's so much more down to earth right it's it's very much more about real life i think but if you're interested okay these guys ken loach stephen frias mike lee classic british cinema it's contemporary cinema so it's modern films going back from maybe the 1970s right up to today they're still you know producing them brilliant check them out later i'll give you actually a few different films you might want to go and watch you can get them either well if you have a vpn you can go into britain get them on the iplayer you can if you're in russia you can probably use yandex and get them free somewhere i'm sure most of you have got enough ways of getting around the system to see these films paying or not paying now somebody made a great point here somebody said love deep bollywood now bollywood another great industry film industry bollywood produces more films than hollywood and it's an amazing industry the films are quite special i've seen a few bollywoods and i find them very interesting and i don't mean interesting as in interesting interesting as in they're curious for me they're a very unique style right they seem to have dancing singing and then shooting and killing and then just before they kill someone they burst into a song it's a lovely kind of mix of uh different styles i don't know much about it i'm sure you can tell us much much more about it amir french movies brilliant movies i love french movies i studied french at university that was my major i'm a big fan of i'm a francophile and i love french cinema french music absolutely great brilliant good so lots of you netflix as well if you're on netflix you can probably get most of them um william to pronounce the sentence i'm a bit of a movie buff i'm a bit of a movie buff that's how we pronounce it okay brilliant oh now some chinese fantasy dramas again chinese films right um i'm a big fan a big fan of chinese films not only the kind of the kung fu fighting films but a lot of the period dramas set in the dynasties many many years ago some amazing uh chinese movies they're quite hard for me to understand and not only the language but the cultural context and and that's me i mean i lived in china for donkey's years but even so the history of china is quite deep and hard to get under really really deep but great films so let's jump in um i'm going to look at some vocabulary first of all to start us out right and this i'll look at vocabulary some useful words focus on pronunciation and collocation so collocation is how we use it in a sentence i mean in a phrase which words go together right if we say a movie then we watch a movie right we don't look a movie we watch a movie okay so let's have a look oh sorry i love your comments it's so interesting i'm a big fan of james bond the name's bond james bond double o seven great yeah korean there's an amazing korean film that won the award right several months ago and i can't remember the name of it it was really interesting oh it'll come back to me stephen chow yeah nice he's great okay collocations thankful sid we're going to look at words sorry collocations uh for these this vocabulary so listen carefully look carefully and let me share my little notepad with you here's my little notepad so first of all right movies oh yeah what's the difference movies and films well i think very simply movies is american in america they say go to the movies films it's much more a british word well british australian canadian maybe i don't know so in england we always talk about films movies is much more american but both are fine of course in ielts speaking you can use american and british so we say go to the movies we don't say go to the films right we say go to the movies because the move is here all's kind of means everything the movie theater the cinema everything together so notice we say we don't say go to we say go to go to the movies go to the movies little practice you can see right i'm integrating the fluency gym right here right now so say with me go to the movies i like to go to the movies can you hear the t i like to go to the movies i love to go to the cinema brilliant nice well done excellent good um so we've got movies films so we watch movies we watch films movie theater again is much more american i think cinema is the british version so we can talk about the film industry the british film industry the american film industry okay so we can say i'm a movie buff or i'm a film buff and very often right in british we often say i'm a bit of a and it doesn't mean a little it actually means quite a lot oh i'm a bit of a film buff i'm a bit of a film buff right great oh great a bit of french gemaleo cinema great we've got soundtrack so the music to the film is the soundtrack so the soundtrack can be it has well um oh what can you have you can have an engaging soundtrack enchanting soundtrack enchanting means it's like a spellbounding really captures your attention [Music] engaging enchanting soundtrack impressive soundtrack plot is the story so often we talk about a story line it's the storyline is the plot um plots can be fast-paced so for an action film it'll be a fast-paced plot so you would say it has a fast-paced plot one more time it has a fast-paced plot brilliant good very much somebody has just given me a nice word there upbeat soundtrack upbeat soundtrack it has an upbeat soundtrack nice thank you john mark the plot can also be intricate which means complicated a lot of the crime and thrillers and spy films have intricate plots it has an intricate plot notice we connect and and intricate and intricate and intricate it has an intricate plot if the plot is over complicated or too complex then over complicated it has an over-complicated plot some of these um films the spy films have an over-complicated plot if it's interesting it can be intriguing that makes you really curious and want to know more an intriguing plot right it has an intriguing plot great it has a plot now somebody has just given me this thank you very much english mosaic it has a plot with twists and turns is nice which means the the plot has a twist right if you say the plot has a twist then it has an unexpected ending as a twist at the end a lot of the agatha christie films have a twist at the end that unexpected ending brilliant now then we've got the protagonist is the star of the film if you like the hero the antagonist is also the star but is the if you like the villain or the the man the woman against the protagonist so that the baddie if you like you can also say that right he's a baddie is often the baddie in the film um so you could say for example the protagonist in the film who someone was talking about lord of the rings or lord of the rings um the protagonist is bilbo baggins bilbo baggins is the protagonist in harry potter harry is the protagonist wald voldemore is the antagonist valdemore is the baddie of the film yes brilliant um a suspense plot a suspense a plot full of suspense we would say full of suspense oh thank you for that parasite the korean film exactly the award-winning film was a parasite there you go that's a nice expression right an award-winning an award-winning film it's an award-winning film eg parasite if you haven't seen it go and watch it william isn't it great that we've got more and more international cinema now going around the world we can actually get a real peek into different cultures and different languages i think it's great we've got also a blockbuster somebody said thank you very much chai rich it's a blockbuster it's another expression meaning a very popular film it's been very very good blockbuster on the big screen just means like at the cinema right i like to watch films on the big screen i like to watch films on the big screen brilliant um and then we've got a sequel which is the follow-up movie very many films have a part one part two like toy story two toy story three those are the sequels right sometimes the sequels are not so good but sometimes they are great le lua thank you very much it's a box office hit it's another great expression it's a box office hit and that's nice to talk about it excellent good so we've got movie theater cinema somebody asked a cinema complex so put that up here cinema complex is just it's the same as a cinema but you know many years ago when i was a boy i'm sounding like my grandad many years ago when i was a boy we went to the cinema and you could buy ice cream you could smoke in the cinema there would be an interval or a break in the cinema in the film and it was just one screen one room right nowadays in this day and age cinemas have like five or six rooms five or six screens that is a cinema complex so it's a group of screens or rooms all together so we tend to have cinema complexes in shopping malls right so you can actually go for the whole day do your shopping have a bit of food go to the cinema and then go home it's a day out well it used to be before coronavirus a multiplex as well multiplex cinema it's a cinema with lots of different rooms great 3d cinemas sarah absolutely 3d cinemas are very popular um nowadays especially for the pixel films and the cartoon films for kids they're very very popular the silver screen what is the silver screen i'll come to that question later so here we go emmy's straight in on winter's evening i like to curl up nice in front of the fire with hot chocolate watching films don't we all don't we all that's so nice brilliant so um i think i'd finish just let me check had i finished i think i had oh yeah a couple of phrases here a couple of more phrases let me show you this one sorry emmy oh disappear okay um here then right the i if i remember so this is when you're in ielts speaking and if you forget the name of the film or the name of an actor or you don't know the translation in english don't worry just paraphrase so say it in a different way right if i remember correctly the film is called now maybe you don't know the name in english so you can say something like i don't know the name in english but it's a film about so you don't need to know the name in english right you know if you're gonna see i don't know try and think of a strange film i don't know the name of i can't think of any anyway if i don't know the name i don't know the name in english but it's a film about a couple who went on holiday if my memory serves me right okay if my memory serves me right the protagonist was an actor i don't know his name in english but he's very famous right if i remember correctly the antagonist is a i can't remember his name actually but he's very famous in my country i can't quite remember the actor's name but he was great okay so you can see these are all useful phrases to paraphrase right and paraphrasing is a key part of ielts if you want ielts seven you must be able to paraphrase which is to say something in a different way when you don't know the right word you must say it in a different way don't just say oh i don't know you must say well i can't quite remember but more or less it's like this so these might be some useful phrases now i i was gonna do this quiz with you this is a fun quiz about cinema but i'm not sure about the lag in the message box um the lag might mean it's too slow but maybe we can have a go just for a couple of minutes let's see oh nicely my memory went blank can't quite remember how shall i put it these are some nice expressions everybody in the chat box i'm a scatter brain veda i'm a scatter brain i can't quite remember these are nice let me just highlight these these are well worth making a note how shall i put it i can't quite remember my memory went blank i can't quite remember i'm a scatter brain i'm a scatterbrain great oh the protagonist's name is on the tip of my tongue it's i can't quite say it really good expressions these guys um great phrases aloe i vaguely remember the protagonist was a british actor i think can't quite remember his name is on the tip of my tongue anyway he was really good band seven straight away fantastic phrases nice very very good i like it okay some good phrases there um [Music] yes and more and more so i'm gonna i'm gonna try this quiz very briefly have we got time i don't know oh what what the hell let's have a go let's see we can do it very quickly it could be quite fun okay so guys this is what we're going to do i'm going to do a little quiz for you be a bit of fun in the middle of the class and the class is fun anyway come on here we go um some nice expressions still coming in okay so what you need to do for me what you need to do is write the answer this is name the disney character write the answer in the chat box so we're going to play and you have to give me the answer in the chat box whoever well the most common answer i will put that in right okay so that which character from a disney film is described here the power hungry nice expression the power hungry grand vivier vizier of agrabah who's the main antagonist in this film remember the antagonist the villain the baddie in aladdin wow look at you guys all of you said jaffar whoa disney fans you all must be disney fans i'm impressed let's see is it jafar let's find out here we go yay nice one well done question number two which character from the disney film is described here the protagonist now notice it's not pro it's pra protagonist the protagonist whose father is killed by his jealous uncle that was my reaction as well that was my reaction oh my god you guys know it all i'm clueless now i actually knew this one and i think guys you're right it's simba absolutely let's find out yay nice one everyone loves the lion king don't they right which character here the pirate captain who seeks revenge on the protagonist for having his hand chopped off this is from peter pan again nice words right seek revenge nice collocation it's the story of a captain who seeks revenge who is the protagonist and this is not simba come on guys captain captain flint surely not captain flint captain hook i've got a lot of captain hooks nice one very nice okay who is the laid back that means relaxed laid-back sloth bear that is the protagonist's best friend the protagonists my god how do you pronounce that protagonists protagonists best friend jungle book come on guys the jungle book it's the bear necessities mother nature's necessities mirrored all your troubles and your woes blue i think you're right it is baloo nice one okay let's do one more which character from a disney film is described here the kidnapped princess whose longed hair has healing powers tangled r come on even i know this if you've got a daughter you're gonna know this one no it's not baloo bagheera no shia khan come on catch up guys tangled tangled it's i've got mainly most people are coming in with rapunzel some people said aurora come on aurora no way right um this is the last one actually there are more but you can go away and do the rest on your own which character this is anita's former schoolmate and main antagonist again nice vocabulary the main antagonist that collects dogs come on then cruella so we've got aisa handrag english mosaic say cruella some people say lady tremaine big dreamer says lady tremaine uh cruella arrangana says stay at home what maleficent maleficent oh this one's not so easy is it this one's a bit controversial says cruella well i will go for cruella because most of you have said that quite a few have said lady tremaine as well let's try oh it is it is indeed brilliant so guys i am gonna stop us there that was a lot of fun right great and good for your language seek revenge antagonist protagonist in your own time a little later go and check it out the trivia plaza is a great quiz there's lots of quizzes about films so it's really good for your language you can develop some nice um some nice collocations shall we say brilliant of course remember all of these notes i will publish on the website and in the facebook group if you haven't joined the facebook group why not get in there come and join us okay brilliant you cracked the quiz laura indeed you did totally cracked it well done i like it you solved everything john it is quite fun i agree it's nice so let us carry on with ielts questions before i drink you can see me a disney fan disney fan again before um oh nice nailed it cracked it nailed it got it very good i like it right a lot of people say i'm gonna crack ielts i'm gonna nail ielts it means to be successful brilliant um where do you join you mean for the notes vereen join um join in the facebook group go to ielts speaking success facebook um what's the the link i will put i can't put the links in the notes of course i can't that doesn't help you does it duh i'll put the link but i can't find the link um it's here it's here let me give this to you now just so you know if you go here you can get the notes it's just basically facebook ielts speaking success go to the post section bob's your uncle right okay let's move forward i've got some questions for you right and these are some questions we're going to focus on as i said ielts speaking part one so actually this question i did put on the facebook group but i think it's still a useful one to look at so here's my next question for all of you do you like to watch movies time for my snow white drink uh right some nice expressions here absolutely good i'm really into movies nice very good yep i'm a child be careful i'm a big fan of movies right because it's not one movie it's all of them i'm a big fan of movies good good nice some good expressions here um yep i i do love watching movies i'm a movie buff nice very good this is nice yeah rimsha absolutely they are an excellent way to unwind good very very nice excellent uh kieran nice of course i'm a huge fan of movies with that s lovely very great um this is interesting daddy yes it's a great it's a great way to kill time know how right it's a great way to kill time okay good this is nice sagar yes i do like watching movies while having popcorn that's nice you've got two tenses two activities at the same time very nice zulfia is i am addicted to watching old turkish movies nice great good this is good sarah very quick learner absolutely i'm a bit of a movie buff yep i'm a big fan of movies nice yes now emmy i'm living for watching english films i wouldn't say i'm living i'd say i live i live for i live for watching english films i live for going to the cinema it's very strong but yes keen on is another expression thank you i'm really keen on american movies i prefer to sumita nice i prefer to watch romantic and comedy movies very nice yes good heartbeat be careful i am a fond so fond is not a verb is an adjective i am fond i'm i am i'm i'm fond of movies great thank you happy that's great uh jacqueline uh yes definitely i'm into movie or movies right it's all of the movies i'm into movies especially those kind of movies with a great plot with a great plot or yes definitely i'm into movies especially those kind of movies with great plots you can talk in the plural as well nice thank you very very good excellent so some lovely expressions coming up there let me share with you just a couple of things let me just take jacqueline out of the equation excuse me jacqueline okay do you like to watch movies um actually yes because so it's always good right to say yes what you've said yes i'm fond of movies yes i'm really into movies because and then give a reason right you can also say where you watch movies right and with whom right so you may get something like yes um i'm really into movies because it's someone said it's a it's a great way to kill time thank god for the spell correct corrector because my typing is terrible because it's a great way to kill time um because i really enjoy a good story or they helped me unwind we had right they helped me unwind because it's a great way to kill time let me just make it a bit clearer because i really enjoy a good story um they help me unwind relax kick back yep all sorts of things you could say there brilliant different way so giving a reason um is really really good and you could also say where i enjoy you know and i really i enjoy curling up on the sofa and watching a good film yeah or i i i love to go to the cinema or let's make it more interesting i'd love to go to our local multiplex cinema to see a film or to see the latest release make it a little bit more interesting right maybe you go with friends or with family or with your partner with your spouse with your children so you can talk about yes because maybe where maybe with whom right so these are all ideas for this simple question what you can say nice excellent let's have a look what have we got yes i'm fond of comedy movies i'm a movie buff i'm really into movies brilliant okay this is good so maybe your answer is no as shirin says i'm not into movies i prefer documentaries to movies remember always in the plural right always stay in the plural because you're talking about all of them i'm not into movies i prefer documentaries to movies great shirin brilliant thank you very much um uh what else have we got i'm not a film maniac good what else have we got yes this is a nice expression thank you danielle uh you might use i'm a die hard fan of great nice good i'm a i'm a die hard fan of movies it's good um this one god is good i am really in love with not off i'm in love with watching movies yeah great soraya nice well done i'm a i'm a hard day i'm a die hard fan okay so switch it round not hard die hard fan of criminal movies brilliant okay what else have we got veronica says yes i think that watching them is a great way to relax good so that's your reason brilliant good some great expressions there let me come all the way down okay this is not bad this is good niddy just one thing to notice i am passionate about not towards but about i am passionate about watching suspense thrillers great thrillers good late evenings or late in the evening with a hot cup of coffee on my couch after a long day at work great so that's a nice developed answer really good great you've got the place good this is nice as well from hoya yes i'm fond of movies because it's a great way to relax and pass the time past time to pass time past the time pass the time out of breath um i love watching movies with my siblings do you that's lovely great brilliant or maybe you're making it up but either way it's good language it's good um good this is nice from lily if i've spare time on my hands good idiomatic expression because there's nothing here but if i have spare time on my hands i watch movies over popcorn right good with or over popcorn with my little brother on the big screen great reason place person that's brilliant nice little answer good i like it very very good i've got lots of good answers there excellent i'm going to go on to the next question for you guys part one question which is this one right how often do you go to the movies [Music] how often do you watch movies i'm a bit of a movie nerd sorry i love that i'm just picking out this is some some nice ones soraya i i'm as i'm a bit of a movie nerd that's great a movie geek a movie nerd it means you like something almost too much and uh yes a very a specialist is a bit of a nerd i enjoy watching movies of all kinds remember the s right you must have movies all kinds documentaries great i enjoy going to the movies with my friend great brilliant nice so let's have a look how often how often do you watch movies see if i can catch up with you okay we've got i frequently watch movies nice to be honest i go to the movies go to the movies go to the movies on a weekly basis right on a weekly basis good every now and then excellency shan every now and then that's really nice kanku yep several times a week brilliant that's a lot wow mind you nowadays with the coronavirus we have a lot more time on our hands time on our hands to watch movies at home on a daily basis mamma mia that's a lot god is good that's a lot of movies but again right with netflix oh it's so dangerous so as talking of netflix ha lee says i scarcely go to the movies i sometimes watch not watching watch right i sometimes watch the film through netflix on netflix on tv on netflix is better through the netflix through netflix at a push you could say through netflix but i think much better is on netflix yep michael once in a while brilliant i love it once in a while is great thanks michael mufadel also now and then with an e now and then yes brilliant anyone else oh now this is interesting mariko so let's be careful with yust right my husband and i are used to watching so used to ing is it's a habit that we often do you know it's something we're accustomed to we are used to watching movies twice a week right good used to watching okay great ride this is nice but anjali in this lockdown period i'm watching a movie per day yes yep good brilliant huang says when i'm in a bad mood i need time for my self time for myself so we either say time on my own or time for myself okay brilliant some great expressions there guys let me sum up a little with a few expressions here right how often do you watch movies so you can say take you away you can say every now and again which basically means sometimes right every now and then once whenever i have free time or someone said if i have spare time on my hands that was a great expression once in a while i'm going to put this up here because these are all very similar right these are all sometimes really great and then you've got on the other time on the on the opposite not really really rarely watch films once in a blue moon it's expression every now and again once in a while every now and then from time to time you could say from time to time whenever i have free time whenever i have so this is good whenever instead of saying when whenever i am in the mood i'm in the mood so notice the difference in a good mood okay so we say in the mood because i noticed we had that before but if you put an adjective then it becomes in a good mood i know strange i know when i'm in a good mood okay brilliant yeah good i'm just checking occasionally there's another nice one you can put up there someone has got isn't it thank you who's now laughing so much because i can't pronounce her name properly and i've probably confused a woman for a man um recently nice great some good expressions there on a daily basis yeah on a daily basis or just if you want to be a bit wider on a regular basis especially during this lockdown period somebody had that expression right during this lockdown period period great so there are some nice expressions there let me quickly swiftly rather rapidly move on to the next question um which is the one that we asked on facebook actually which is this one the kind of films again this is going to be one of the key questions that you will be asked um what kind of movies do you like [Music] so i'm just going to watch your answers because you gave me lots of answers before on facebook i am and i will put the list on the list okay brilliant i love the way you guys are helping each other out answering each other's questions thank you very much so approval comedy movies great um likes horror movies i hate horror movies i just can't sleep i really don't like them great okay from my english my strength what a great tag what a great handle uh my english my strength love it i'm a thriller enthusiast good great we've also got action movies yeah brilliant comedies so comedies yep thrillers i can't read russian so sorry i'm really into thrillers great thrillers we've got different kinds as chai says we've got suspense thrillers sarah likes fantasy dramas excellent um horror sci-fi documentaries as well from rangana the thing is with films nowadays there are so many um series right and box sets that i tend to watch more box sets than movies it's part of the danger of amazon prime and netflix and hbo right other kinds of movies comedy movies because they make me feel relaxed that's great good yes nav deep i'm keen to watch comedy movies with some snacks watch your weight watch your weight this is nice margaery i'm a sucker for comedies that means i really love comedies right if there's a comedy on or i've got to watch it um right sharifah says fantasies so remember we're talking about movies if you use it as a noun you need an s i like comedies i like fantasies i like thrillers um horrors doesn't work right you have to say i like horror films so some adjectives can be a noun but some but not all of them fantasies comedies thrillers all of those can be nouns but they must have the s yeah great animation movies that's great good and just to be clear here so somebody said here comedy can be an adjective right i like watching comedy movies with the s brilliant study study talks study talks great science fiction as an adjective i like science fiction movies um criminal movies yep crime movies criminal movies romantic movies bio biographical movies or biographies one of the biggest ones is action movies right a lot of people like action movies um although these historical movies often called drop period dra period dramas are often very very popular okay so lots of brilliant um ideas there i will copy these up let me just give you oh have we got one last oh no what can't be 11 o'clock already it is 11 o'clock already right um that's fine it's 11 o'clock already i'm gonna have to finish oh my it's gone too fast hasn't it but in the interest of your safety your mental health too much english right can make you tired give you a headache so i laugh but i know it's true if you have too much language when i used to live in um france and china i'd be surrounded by the language all day you get so tired sometimes you come home with your head going boom boom because you just can't process so much of the language right so brilliant i am i am gonna i am gonna wrap up but as i wrap up and finish i'm going to leave you with a some recommendations because i was looking at a list of movies i like and i thought what kind of movies would uh english students like to watch so i'll share a few with you now maybe you've seen them i don't know um but i'll put them on the list and you can go away and check them out but these are some of my not only favorite films but films which i think are accessible and fairly easy to follow for you yes so let me share these with you here we go stay with me don't go yet stay with me uh [Music] here we go can you see that right holes holes is a film and a book so the book is by louis sasha it's it's it's actually a children's book but it's um the film has got a star-studded cast it's got some very very good actors in the film it's a really interesting movie go and watch it about a boy that's a hugh grant again it's a book as well the great thing if it's a book and a movie is you can do both right you can read the book and watch the movie about a boy is a it's a nice kind of uh good feel movie with hugh grant it's a killer blocking bird again it's a book and a movie it's old right it's a good 50 years old but um it's a brilliant brilliant well worth watching especially for your english um 12 angry men right hitchcock again 50 years old very um it's about the the the what the jury of 12 men who have to decide on the verdict if somebody is guilty or not absolutely amazing film well worth watching um willy wonka and the chocolate factory it's for children but for adults as well really there are there's the old one with oh i can't remember the names of the actors but the new one has got johnny depp either the old one or the new one for learning english it's great it's really good any of the harry potter ones the first one i particularly like but they're also good especially for that kind of british pronunciation book thief a few a few of you have seen it right la mai says it's worth watching i think so it's well worth seeing the book thief um nice story if you're into action movies um star wars the old ones the new ones there are so many of them but they're great action movies not too much dialogue so it's kind of easy to follow um the king's speech is an absolute classic i mean it's about 10 years old but it's about the king and how he's got a stammer he has a stutter right he goes can't and his stomach stops him speaking effectively as a king so he has a somebody who is a voice coach and teaches him to speak it's amazing again uh it's a kind of a feel-good movie it's it's a historical movie it's brilliant it's based on a real story um so well worth watching that's right alessia it's colin firth playing george king george the fifth or the sixth yeah brilliant the servant is um a brilliant film it's old it's about in the 1960s again it's an old one but it's about the master servant relationship um well worth watching the ladykillers is another oldie but well worth watching as i mentioned before ken loach landon freedom one of his great films that's from the 1980s i think stephen fries victoria and abdul came out a couple of years ago judy dench as queen victoria abdul as the um the guy who presented her with a special prize or a coin and it's about their relationship the unlikely relationship between a queen and a guy who is like in the role of a servant almost so worth watching uh philomena is another brilliant film if you get to see it from stephen fries philomena dangerous liaisons is great mike lee if you watch nuts in may or secrets and lies those are again 1970s 1980s films down to earth those are just a few films you may want to go and have a look at fluent oh yes and there's fluent you does anybody know flu and you i've recently discovered it and fluent you is um it's videos authentic videos like from films and series and they're used to help teach you english i don't know if you know but i've just been trying to check it out and explore it a bit i'm quite impressed with what i see i think it's quite interesting if you like videos and learning with videos it might be worth exploring fluent you so brilliant um virtual hugs thank you very much oh agents of shield if you're into action movies agents of shield is also very very good great so we are it's it's i always go on longer than i want to um it's because i love you guys i think so much fun being here it's really great i really enjoy my tuesday and thursday mornings they're almost a highlight of the week um yes there's lots of ideas of films you're giving each other some great ideas to watch films love actually is a classic british film so share your ideas in the comments films you'd like to share with each other and go and have a look tintin i love tintin i used to read tintin as a kid not thank you tintin sorry harash um it's so it's it's good if you can have the book or the cartoon book and the film as well it helps consolidate your learning so schindler's list another classic fast sheet you're absolutely right brilliant film great for learning english great for learning humanity right thank you very much all of you it has been wonderful being here today discussing movies with you i hope you've got some ideas about language and how you can answer some of the questions especially in part one but most of all i hope you've got some ideas to go away and increase your love of english watching films and reading books is is a great way to really grow your love of english and the more you love a language the more you're going to learn and the more you learn the better you'll do on ielts right don't get too overwhelmed or nervous about ielts right focus on the bigger picture the bigger picture is your love of english you're learning of english because in 10 years time when you're my age and you've done ielts and succeeded the big thing won't be ielts the big thing will be your love of the language and it's a great thing to have for your whole life so keep at it keep showing up every day you're doing a brilliant job thank you very much all of you i love the suggestions as i said come and join the facebook group the the notes will be there they're also on my website great have a great time go and watch a movie go and curl up on the sofa get a cup of coffee some popcorn or whatever your favorite snack is go watch a movie go and learn some english take care now bye-bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 32,925
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts Keith, ielts speaking success, ielts speaking topic 2020, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking movies topic, ielts speaking part 1 movie, ielts speaking movie, movies ielts speaking, ielts movie vocabulary, movies ielts speaking part 1, films ielts speaking, films ielts speaking part 1, ielts speaking films, ielts speaking topic films
Id: 4KpvMhWXE-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 27sec (4107 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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