FREE IELTS Speaking practice online: Topic BOOKS

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good morning hi everybody great to see you here and for those of you who are watching this on demand so I mean the recording welcome as well today we're going to look at a very interesting topic one topic that I really really like and it's all about books in IELTS speaking we often have to talk about books that we have read or children's books or a favorite book so we're going to look at that topic today fantastic good let's see who is first in the classroom Oh Toofan ging hello good morning Elena very early well done hi to Ray so nice to see you and abhilasha some familiar faces now son is here great to see you sana and Emily it's good to start recognizing well I've recognized quite a few of you for a while but Ruby Maria and that team and Nicole welcome Sneha nice to see you and hit Hal and Sunil a lot of people coming in great good morning joy Miramonte nice to see you and Khalid as well brilliant Mohammed there ham good morning to you sir nice great so today as I said we're going to look at the wonderful topic of reading and books favorite books I'll be talking about those a little bit and for those that you have just arriving and for those of you watching the recording just a very quick reminder to let you know through this time of kovat 19 and corona if you're struggling for materials to study I do have an online course it's on udemy you can go there I'll put in the link later and you can study through for weeks and weeks and weeks there's lots of materials to help you get ready for your IELTS test whenever that may be because we don't know right so most tests have been cancelled in April but fingers crossed in May they will be up and running again right great nice to see you all bolon I will thank you very much I'll check my inbox from Zimbabwe hi moil very good to see you here and we'll from Hong Kong lovely jolly from Taiwan brilliant merry kosis is a great course nice to hear that merry go thank you hi Jane good morning and Emmy is full of beans great always practicing new language now brilliant today talking about books okay now somebody less on Tuesday had this great expression they said to curl up with a book and I love to curl up right it's like when you're curling up you've got your book and you're curling up all comfortable I love to curl up on the sofa last night I was curling up on the sofa when I heard this clapping noise outside it was about 8 o'clock and I had to stop reading go to the window and of course at 8 o'clock here in Spain everybody leans out of their window and starts clapping for all the people in the health care sector the nurses the doctors the cleaners the admin staff everybody who's on the front line working to help us so as I'm here I'd also just like to say a big applause and thank you to all of you those of you that are in nursing or or with or doctors or anywhere admin whatever it is in the health care thank you very very much for all of your work and dedication brilliant so curling up oh that reminds me yes curling up with a book I love to curl up with a book yesterday I was curling with up with a book and this evening I would like to curl up with a book now what's going on what's going on is I'm practicing and this is one of the most effective ways of practicing vocabulary when you learn a new word especially a verb but not only use it straight away just say literally say two or three sentences put it in the past in the present in the future conditional and it's an amazing technique it's so simple right but what you're doing is practicing the word in different contexts because research shows us you need to use the vocabulary in at least four different contexts before it goes into your long-term memory so how simple is that you just say I love curling up with books I would like to curl up with a book I've curled up with many books over the past few months straightaway three context it's a really simple great way to do it how do you spell curl up so I eat exactly like that that's exactly right trying to curl up with a book just means to kind of show you do you know when you read sometimes you're all wor uncomfortable like not like an old man but you know curling up it's the idea of like a cat curls up goes into a ball right great Jo Jo jinda Joginder exactly that's great brilliant very very good there so that's curling up what does it mean it means to go into a little ball but to get comfortable with the book and so you could I know Nicole yes brilliant guys do contact each other for searching for speaking part as Mahesh is looking for a speaking partner anybody wants to help him go go and get in touch with him directly or answer each other on the message that's brilliant okay so so we've got my great good morning nice to see you here how hi nice to see you as well I do apologize I really need somebody to teach me Vietnamese it's it's one of those languages I do not control even a little bit now today's topic then I'm all about reading books let me share with you a few books just to begin write to get us warmed up this book is a great book the one thing it's a it's non fictional it's a professional development self-development book it's all about productivity so if you're one of these guys who are into being productive starting to define your career or your business or whatever it is this is great the one thing it helps you get focused it's by Gary Keller and it's the no New York best-seller New York Times bestseller and the Wall Street Journal bestseller Gary Keller phenomenal book it's so easy to read right even begins with a nice little a nice little phrase if you chase two rabbits right you can guess what happens you don't catch either it's about focus productivity brilliant book I really enjoyed it so books let's see I'll go you're late hair do you know what happens when you're late right you have to go and stand outside for five minutes but you can't so you have to stay inside okay brilliant so let me just bring in some notes I'm going to share with you today some language we're gonna share with each other some language but I also want to share some nice resources with you I've got a couple actually three websites that I think you'll like oh as well as the fluency Jim at the end remember great brilliant so I will come in here we're going to talk about books did you know and this is just a bit of interest here maybe I can share this with you there are many different book days national days then I didn't know this but there are different national book days an international book day there's World Book Day International Book Day children's book day the book and copyright day loads of them just take a quick look let me show you over here I'll close all my secret toys are secret so these are all my arm thing is where I put all my resources teaching resources all my favorite websites all that vocabulary idioms grammar pronunciation but of course you're not interested in that you probably are will book day coming on a well which we've just missed it okay sorry but we've missed will book day but go and check out these websites this is the literacy trust and they talk about natural Lachish national literacy now there's a good word right literature literacy so reading books promotes literacy that's good stuff good good what good language we talks about the book the events will day resources look at this if you want to come here and get resources if you're working in primary schools for example reading for pleasure posters lots of free stuff here secondary school teachers Michelle Obama supporting literacy you know and there it straight away you could be something to read and talk about about Michelle Obama supporting literacy could be a nice thing to talk about in your IELTS test so there's some really interesting stuff here it's an interesting website women in leadership nice that's the I'll share these with you on the paper later this is World Book Day now this is on the 23rd of April guys that is next week 23rd of April is World Book Day there's loads of stuff here celebrate stories cracking easter books cracking means really good write really good easter books there's a question-and-answer with robert much more much and more is that really his name more much much or more we have some funny names in english don't we I'm sure Robert was teased at school because of his name activity of the week get crafty free audiobooks look at this free to stream world of stories you could just come in here choose especially for this might be for your children but ah look at that Elmer I want my used to read thee to my daughter though oh look at these these are great and it seems a lot of these are free so if you've got kids look at that if you've got kids now you can't hear this but actually you've got the free audio streaming there that is so nice if you've got kids that might be for you I'll put these I'll share them in a minute and the other one is the world book and copyright day 23rd of April oh this one's next week sorry I'm getting confused this is the United Nation ones it's about books a window into the world celebrating the world book and copyright day why is it copyright day oh look at that Malaysia Kuala Lumpur is the capital for the world book capital oh that's fantastic brilliant any of you from Malaysia you should be proud of what you've got going there isn't that fantastic right brilliant very very very nice ok I we've got some nice expressions coming up from guys here I'm fond of flicking a book flicking through a book that's a really nice expression let me add that to my list we'll put it on later as well I'm fond of flipping through a book we often use words like skimming or flipping or browsing clipping through a book I'll share all this with you later brilliant nice books I will suggest some books in a moment yes copyright is a problem in Vietnam exactly now this is a topic you might get in IELTS is about copyright of books should we protect books should be pirates books to pirate means to copy right brilliant ok now I didn't know this the world book day was chosen because it is the day Shakespeare in Cervantes died that's interesting right brilliant here I can see the speaking part that topic boomers shot up no problems that's great guys you sort it out absolutely brilliant leafing is good to leaf through a book is another one very very good you can say to leaf through a book or make a note of that because a leaf is a leaf is a page right a page in a book a leaf I know it's from a tree but a leaf in a book so turn over a new leaf do you know an expression to turn over a new leaf needs to begin anew if you've done lots of mistakes in your life and you think I'm going to start fresh start new I'm gonna turn over a new leaf to start you very often criminals come out of prison and say I'm going to turn over a new leaf and maybe they think I'm going to curl up with a book and leaf through the book and flip through the book but flip through is very quickly right you also need to read the book as well excellent great I love it big fans of reading oh then this is so true this I like this hi I love the smell both of old books and newly printed ones that's lovely nice collocation newly printed books and is true that smell this one is quite an older book it's so old the dust gets there brilliant right somebody from the Philippines currently in Rwanda brilliant great thank you very much Sheriff thank you for joining us right okay yes I think there's a large number of set text to read well yes or no so let me let me come back to you I'm just going to share with you with with books right I'm very proud of this so I want to share with you because we talked about Kuala Lumpur when I was in Kuala Lumpur I worked in Kuala Lumpur for three years and we did some projects with the local people we did approach with the Orang Asli who are some of the native people who live I've been at the intent of the Aborigines who've been in Kuala Lampur in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia for years and years and years for donkey's years and they don't get the same educational opportunities as other people and so we did a project to help develop books based on their heritage stories based on the on their culture it was amazing I think I still got oh did I close the window maybe I close the window no I didn't okay let me just show you this just for a moment I think it's this one we did this right storytelling so I worked with the British Council great organization and we did educational development projects storytelling for imaginations so we worked with these children and teachers to take their original stories in or on ghastly language and convert them into books and they made their own little books that they could then use in English the native language and also Malay language and they then use them in the schools with their children it was mainly in Selangor and we did it together the whole long via Foundation brilliant and then we did the top barley literacy projects look at that it was great we had so many people raising awareness of literacy so there's today's word literacy I think literacy and we'll come back and literature right are two very important words so talking about words let's come in I'm going to share with you my little screen over here once again now bear with me don't turn okay should I make it bigger how isn't it great look at that right literature there is a great word literature and you've got literacy literacy is the ability to read to read okay literature is just the field of books don't mean a field with grass I mean the area of books related words I'm going to look at this website in a minute with you but different kinds of books okay that we can talk about and look at let me make this bigger we can talk about fictional books which are stories and novels or non-fictional so your fictional novels you can be thinking about crime romance thrillers and suspense right where you don't know what's going to happen comedy if they're funny action sci-fi if it's about science fiction and strange things like aliens of course you can talk about books that been made into a film all of those and when it comes to non fictional well non fictional you could talk about biographies you know if you've read the biography of Nelson Mandela or the biography of Kennedy or Tony Blair or famous people often they write biographies books about your hobbies about how to shoot a photograph how to design a website how to play chess there's lots of books there there are historical books right notice historical is the adjective any book about history maybe about something that happened in your country's history there's personal development books like the one I showed you the one thing and those books where this may be connected to your field of work maybe a kind of reference book but not really sorry not really a reference but so something where you read the whole book so not a dictionary but maybe a something of economics what did I write can't see it a history of economics or what about a recipe book or a travel guide right maybe your favorite books a recipe book or a travel guide lots of different things we could talk about right with books okay I'm gonna show you this one in a moment but let me come back as my question now for you to get you all back on topic is what tell us about one of your favorite books William Chicken Soup for the Soul so that is non fictional so it's not fictional stories because most of the stories there are real stories of people's lives this is a self development book really it's personal development okay sometimes we call it let me add it to my list put we said personal development sometimes it's called self-help self-help let me just go back and show you that can you see that William personal development of self-help right great great books it was a Hansen right Jack Hansen if I remember great books brilliant so let's see can we say all facts are categorized as non-fiction yes Sade yes basically yes brilliant love is some nice ideas here venus reading expands your knowledge very very good great so who died first time from Tunisia welcome brilliant nice to see you here now as a teacher Sofia reading historical books can be compulsory it probably should be yes great we can talk about textbooks diantha's right textbooks are more the books you have at school so course books yes now cause books are more study books but you can also talk about them now here's a classic Maria catch-22 Joseph Heller absolutely brilliant book it's going back a bit but it's one of those books that doesn't date I mean it doesn't become a fashion is always relevant right brilliant now I some great classics here Great Gatsby Zakia hey exact Ian thanks for your messages by the way on them and your support on the messenger that's great Great Gatsby nice book oh this is a classic you you're all into classic books how interesting Oliver Twist right Terrance 1984 whoa yes big brother is watching you very very good the Lord of the Rings so there are of course books that have been made into films always that yes of course it was a book that was made into films of course it was it was talking right who wrote The Hobbit and all of the others be new this is a nice book and Think and Grow Rich which i think is napoleon hill if I remember correctly it's interesting it's it's a kind of personal development book similar oh I can't show you where am i why am I not here I didn't realize I wasn't here similar to this one right nice book likewise if you're into financial development and how to secure your financial independence Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Ziolkowski I think it was a nice book as well hehe yes I could now that great religious books my favorite indeed some people for many people their favorite book without a doubt is either the Koran or the Bible or other religious books absolutely great Sara Shara excuse me nice this is very very true historical books good collocation historical books right rather than history books historical books as well as personal development books yeah outliers I've never read a hut I've seen the TV program or the series Pablo Escobar's there a book is that an autobiography or a biography so biography somebody else writes it autobiography he writes it again the classics charlotte brontë Jane Eyre is my lovely book you mean my favorite book yes now then how to talk to your kids which is interesting because this is another book over here that I've got this is a great book how to talk to kids so kids can learn at home in school it's a must for teachers and it's also useful for parents and it's what's really nice about this book right is that it's very practical it's very hands-on and it's fun because it gives you scenarios or if you like it gives you kind of situations typical situations where the child and the parent or the adults are talking and the kind of things people say that often lead to arguments or fighting and how you can change it so you can talk about well help children learn not just knowledge but you know ethics morality all that kind of stuff great book really really good which is interesting then nice interesting if you're a parent this kind of book over sea is very very useful very very nice harsh I can't share that I'm afraid Harry Potter is a fiction book title right yeah absolutely yes yes JK Rowland Harry Potter all of them are fictional they're not real some fictional books are based on the true story but they may not be true but that one I think is just totally fiction right somebody here Manso is into computer science right brilliant good my favorite topic for reading is computer science why not great we've got Dell Wyse a voracious reader of thriller novel books brilliant thriller novels I love that voracious reader right let me add that to our list because a voracious reader somebody who reads layer reads a lot that's difficult right the room and the LA rah rah I remember the rub by being a bit like a monkey right you have to put your lips forward rough and your tongue is between your teeth wrap read read strange but true voracious reader he's a bit of a tongue twister I've been lots of tongue twisters on the air the fluence idiom video by the way the fluency Jim you may have noticed I'm starting to put on YouTube as separate videos just ten minute videos so you can find them more easily and just go in and practice the last one starts with some quite funny tongue twisters a voracious reader or an avid reader right these are really really good I'm a voracious reader or an avid reader I will come back to these and we will practice more and more and more okay some that I do not know hear from Mary follow your heart brilliant Andy the topic is books right me too I like criminal books I like crime novels I don't know if you mean criminal books as in factual or fictional but I'm into crime novels now then here Emily not really so a magazine is not a book so no and because especially in IELTS they have separate questions about magazines tell me a magazine you've read recently and it's different language so don't confuse the two only in part three you may be contrasting and comparing them right great what else have we got are the books Oh Paolo Quayle I think the alchemist absolutely laxshmi is a great great book good I'm Robin Sharma yes yes the the monk who sold his Ferrari excellent book this is again personal development I think now at home says head teacher Khadija I love your avatar my daughter would like that she loves the those three bears on my bookshelf I've got books which are related to classical literature but my favorite one is war and peace holy moly war and peace Tolstoy or in peace that is a heavy read right a heavy read Wow but a good read right so let me share with you some of these words that we're looking at just to help consolidate Animal Farm my daughter read that in the last week and I was horrified at how horrible the book is because in Animal Farm the animals take over the people but they become even worse than the people at the start no don't want that what are you doing here we go so let me just get my okay we can talk about skimming a book it's giving through books in the bookstore right because skimming the whole idea is that you don't read it you flip through the book so in the bookstore so skimming through books in the bookstore to see if you like it or flipping through a book or to leaf through a book also right great we talked about to turn over a new leaf to start anew which means to start fresh especially when you've done something wrong or made a mistake and so for example items in school the teacher will say to the naughty children okay you've made all the mistakes now let's turn over a new leaf and start to behave well a voracious reader we've got an avid reader is also another one brilliant so some nice what are these adjectives but also notice read write is not only a verb but it's also a noun a heavy read it's a noun it's a great way not many people know that and you will impress if you can say it's a good read right simple as that it's a good read it's a noun right it's a good read it's a heavy read really really good language to use if you want to show your flexibility at pants 7 things like this right this book is easy reading or even better this is this book makes easy reading now these are all simple words right but the flexibility to use them really at a high level it's not easy so this book is easy reading this book makes easy reading how simple is that but it's so powerful and natural so do make a note if you haven't got a pen and paper don't worry I will put these notes on the Facebook group area and you can download them or indeed you can go to the website and get them there brilliant that's the website IELTS speaking success look for the live lessons tag and you can a button and you can get them there brilliant some nice stuff there some very very nice stuff okay let me come back where else have we got let me just see what other people have got we've got Harry Potter we've got all Animal Farm crazy rich Asians is that book or a film again it probably is a book I've only seen the air I've not seen the film but I've seen a trailer of the film The Diary of Anne Frank brilliant very nice book a different kind of diary Bridget Jones's Diary not quite as heavy not such a heavy read right Bridget Jones's Diary makes easy reading but the Diary of Anne Frank is a heavy read but enlightening for me some lovely books I love also this is interesting right because a lot of children's books we go back and read again and see them in a different way and experience them differently at the moment I'm reading some children's books and because I've got no books here all my novels are in a different house we've moved house and they are in a different place so the only books I've got here ones I can steal borrow steal from my daughter and because we're stuck here we can't go in the car to their house and get them we have to stay here so I've been reading this the miss tip though it's a supermarket it's my bookmark now I do have bookmarks but they've got a habit of growing wings and they disappear I don't know what happens whenever you you're looking for a bookmark right you can't find it and you end up you take something and you put it in and then you put the book down and then ten minutes later you see a bookmark on your table well what where how did that happen I don't know but so I've been using my local supermarket voucher nice book the mysterious Benedict society again the New York Times bestselling series it's great so it's a book aimed at children it's an adventure book it's about a group of children who make a society and it's a suspense novel right I mean it's fictional and they go and try and save the world basically they are super talented and they are trying to penetrate a special special school because there is a mad criminal trying to ruin the world it's it keeps you on the edge of your seat the suspense is really high level it's an engaging and compelling read so I really recommend it to anybody engaging compelling it has you on the edge of your seat write some nice nice language again shall I maybe share the language with you yes why not Keith why not indeed hmm here we go let me take away no ha so here I'll just share some key words right when we're talking about books and novels especially novels we can talk about the plot that's the storyline right storyline talk about the setting which is kind of the background so where it is when where and when for example Harry Potter is set I don't know when it's set but where well it's set in England but there's also a parallel universe a magical world as well characters so the people we've often got a protagonist right the protagonist is the main character often but not always the hero we talked about it's a good read so I thought the mysterious Benedict society is a good read so far it's easy to read here we go I couldn't put it down it was so exciting I couldn't put it down it had me spellbound okay it had me spellbound I was engaged like under a spell literally like a magician puts a spell on you or it was a gripping novel right gripping is nice gripping is literally hold in the hand it holds you it's a gripping novel or I read it from cover to cover the from the front cover to the back cover if it's a paper book if it's an e-book well yes actually you can still say that for an e-book an e-book it's a captivating great read oh it's a captivating read or it's a great read it's a captivating read so notice your own stress right captivating try with me what have I done help it's a captivating read it's a gripping novel it had me spellbound and it had an intriguing plot when you practice exaggerate really exaggerate because that will help you get it right it had an intriguing plot right come back it had an intriguing plot look at your face in the mirror as well when you do it excellent so we're talking about favorite books and books we're going move on and talk well before we move on I'm gonna show you a couple of tools that will help with vocabulary just before I do that let's have a look at some other books that you'd like Oh Elena being a doctor I from no time to read books that's such a shame is such a shame hopefully you will do in the future the Norwegian bird okay one of the most captivating books I've ever read brilliant one of the most captivating I love it yes this is interesting Neha I'm fond of psychological books as I like landing in the mind of people who can add is reading The Game of Thrones right brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant what else have we got nice the profit by Kali keyboard and excellent some good books here let me see what else have we got another personal development book by Patel seven Habits of Highly Effective People somebody's reading a book on urology great can we talk about a reference book um yes the reference books reference books yes but don't talk about a dictionary or things like that possibly other reference books yes just make it relevant Pride and Prejudice brilliant yes and Charles Darwin oh nice great Charles Darwin The Kite Runner I read The Kite Runner I think about 20 years ago it's a very very good book but again it's a heavy read it's quite there's a lot of intrigue and suspense but it's quite a shock shocking shocking story line right the plot excuse me the plot is quite heavy right brilliant Agatha Christie and Poirot brilliant now good question here how about audiobooks well yes I mean so an audiobook is a book that is read aloud so your focus is on the book right it's on the story the plot the book you can mention it's an audiobook but really talk about the the book yes this was an interesting book yes in Barrow it's a book that touched my heart yes we would normally say it touched me rather than it touched my heart it touched me just deeply had a big emotional impact great yeah academic books great great great Adventures of Tom Sawyer can Andy this is quite a classic write these yes grace personality and human behavior books are really really interesting yes Kiyosaki that was it at kill Rich Dad Poor Dad Kiyosaki Sherlock Holmes is another great I'm do you recommend all your books Amy absolutely 110 percent I would read why write because reading books is great to build vocabulary and will help your writing skills to help with your speaking skills you need to be listening right it's not as easy to read things that are written because then you're it's a difficult skill but if you hear the words and you practice pronunciation intonation picking up the vocabulary then yes it's one of the best things you can do I really really really really strongly recommend it so yes I do yes yes and here's another one poetry books of course talk about poetry excellent good we've got lots of nice so we've got some good expressions here Emma is a bookworm somebody who loves books very very much is a bookworm okay so I am completely lost in your messages let me come down and harrypotter the 100 yeah I saw that a while back some of it I don't know this one the salary man's wife brilliant sounds interesting so let's see AB he did I'm not very fond of reading books but if I have some spare time I make sure to read books which can enhance my communication skills nice a lovely answer very very nice so let's move on and I'm going to show you quickly a couple of tools that I think are quite interesting okay so bear with me that means be patient bear with me the first one is called related words okay so related words let me show you for the Sham ice cream with you related words okay so and there let me take you away here don't related words it's so simple it's it's so nice though I really really like it so how does it work well you just write in a word okay and and then it gives you words related to that so it's good for building vocabulary so let's take the word look right suddenly you find related word like author text novel fiction right we've talked about fiction and if you click on the word it gives you the definition a literary work literary is a nice word isn't it we talked about literature literacy that and the adjective a literary work a literary work it's hard to say based on the imagination are not necessarily on fact so that's great fiction paperback somebody mentioned before magazine related text books we've talked about novels right know definition was fan but what's great here you can also then put that get related words to novels and suddenly you've got well examples probably some Crusoe Don Quixote authors but you've got different kinds maybe a buy up biography biography right an account of the series of events making up a person's life you've got others a narrative is a nice word poetry comes up so it's interesting right fiction then let's get related words here so if you want to build up some vocabulary it's quite interesting nonfiction and anthology a collection of selected literary passages thrillers no term science fiction we talked about sci-fi before something from outer space maybe so it's interesting right and interesting and thing to build a vocabulary it K does go on right you want to be careful because it just goes on and on and lots of these words Biblio Manor see I've got no idea about this word I would have to look it up in a dictionary so don't get lost in this but if you just want one or two keywords related it can be quite useful now if you then thinking well how do I use these words well would you believe it there's another website called phrase it and phrase it if you put in a word we'll give you a phrase with that word right so let's take biography for example I've got no idea but so you take biography and it suddenly gives you can I make this bigger okay can you see that it gives you the phrase a biography by Babur but a significant biography is over to Donald Rumsfeld's biography I read a biography this biography when the a well researched biography that's right interesting so suddenly you just take any word and you can get lots of phrases to see how it's used how cool is that you can even put in listing like crime novels and it shows you look at that again let me make it a bit bigger for you Himes paved the way for later crime novels certain other crime levels crime novels are often dismissed thrillers and crime novels a series of crime novels suddenly you're getting collocations and you can learn how to use the words as well so phrase it and related word I think quite nice quite nice little tools I will give you the link I will give you the link here first of all right so that you can get it but I will also put it in the in the notes phrase it spelt incorrectly of course of course but so you can remember it so there you go brilliant it's an interesting site Mohammed it is indeed and the other one that I had for you was related words which I will also share with you so they're quite interesting words to go in and have a play with there with the other one the related words site right just a couple of tools ok excellent now and I want to change question we've talked about lots of different kind of words and books and describing books so there are in part three of us of course some more complex questions and let me ask you these complex questions hey do you think that people read more nowadays than in the past it's time for tea excuse me let's see brilliant Sophie thank you pleased to hear that great so just before these disappear some nice answers yes duty to to the lockdown the due to the lockdown people read more at present nice good yes they do I don't think so interesting actually actually I don't think people read more nowadays because to do this is a good point people prefer reading ebooks very very true great damn unburied yep because now more and more books are available to be read that's very very true yes and sit on a similar theme as Elish says actually nowadays people use the phone and the internet more put the more at the end right they use the phone and the internet more great nice sanim says although a number of people still are interested are still interested in reading books but in comparison to the older days the number of readers is is fewer the number of readers is well there are fewer readers or the number is less that's true is less or lesser lesser no less less I think people read less nowadays good we read fewer books that we read less ah well but more of us are into the internet world but case Ito we can read on the Internet right so even though we read on the Internet or blogs we're still reading right so the question is do we read more not do we read more books but do we read more so maybe we do if we're actually reading on our phones and tablets a lot more we are actually reading more than we did in the past cause in the past we only had books right we didn't have digital reading no because of technology people don't like to read more now as well I would question that I'm not sure I know what you're saying that they they they play more games but I wonder is there any research on this do the research and then use that in your um use that in your IELTS let's do this is the great thing to do right this is so easy to do let's see what happens if I put this right just before I get all your answers if I put this into okay I'm going to put this into the website right I'm going to go into Google for example and let me put in that question so what do we get sorry let me take you away we've got the people read fewer books 30 years ago why we don't read revisited so why we don't read interesting a little more than a decade ago I wrote an article I suspected that people might become less inclined interesting less inclined to do fact checking on their it's pretty much loose just ask how many books somebody read last year the main reason for decreasing the book reading so this one thinks we read less books but do we actually read less this is not helping is it no the way you read books says a lot about your intelligence maybe it does yeah that's not really helping okay so forget that experiment sometimes that experiment works really well sometimes you put the question and you can get some interesting background and research okay Veronica says people read more now just to make an example students are always reading books and articles in order to prepare for exams yes that's right very very good yes Dennis reckons that we can yes due to these days people can find more options for reading sources yes yet with the advent of technology people prefer to listen to audio books and watch movies rather than reading books so that I think is absolutely true yes but that said we still read a lot we do I think we do so I think it goes deeper yeah you see Sophie fear we that's on my a man after my own heart or a woman after my own heart I don't know compared to the best people read more due to the Internet yes yes second experience isn't order to be able to make a solution to remove income yes yeah this is true this is true because of technological advancements and invention it becomes rare nowadays right so I think that's one argument and very worth the very worth developing but as Terence says right I think it depends right but this is probably true by and large they prefer reading or to read on electronic devices - paper good prefer - nice gone very very nice and and I think you can reference the corona as again as Mohit says I believe that nowadays people are more into reading because there's a lock down great good sound great oh my god there are so many good answers here and I'm gonna miss most of them but I will go back and have a little look hmm Sarge it says significant role is played by ebooks but absolutely okay and I guess related to that question and and in a way what you're discussing here is this question as well which is in what ways has the way we read changed in recent years right well compared to the past people used to be illiterate only rich people could be educated yes we read a lot nowadays due to the explosion of the Internet as compared to the earlier times yep I think that's a very good argument to develop ah soraia well that's an interesting point because as we come towards the end there are two things I'm going to add here before we just go into the fluency gym which today is all about comparisons as if by magic so comparing the past and today so Riya I have a very simple three-step approach right begin in the past right so say in the past we used to that that that that but now things have changed present perfect in the past we used to read a lot of books often in the library but now things have changed and then talk about today today we tend to read a lot of e-books we use technology to access reading material or resources right nowadays we tend to we often we always we sometimes by and large we typically use that kind of language right three steps in the past we used to now things have changed nowadays we tend to write simple three blocks that can really help you develop that part three comparison question throw in an example and you've got a perfect answer right okay I hope that helps you Saraya so guys because it's time to finish I'm gonna do a very quick fluency gym with you on comparisons okay thank you for that hundreds of messages you put in I will pick out a few and add them to the document the lesson notes which remember you can get on the website look for the live lessons in the navigation bar in case you're not sure where that is let me show you because I say these things I assume people know but of course people don't know because why would you unless you go there regularly of the notes you can either join the Facebook group which is great please do join us but if you're not sure about that you want to keep it simple just go to my website right go to IELTS speaking com click on this one live lessons and there you can get you can actually watch it you've probably watched me now I should be playing there should be streaming you get the notes here right get them just click on the on the download button and you will get the notes it's downloaded because it's a Mac you can get it there ok why am I not streaming I should be streaming to myself bizarre right let me come back excellent now before you all fall asleep hopefully you're still full of beans I hope you're still wide awake and full of beans I'm going to move on hmm there's a get some really interesting great Camilla thank you very much make sure you stay awake for the fluency Jim okay so I'm gonna share I'm gonna look at comparisons again I'm gonna work on part one questions comparing things and show you well again sorry drink focus on intonation and word stress and just repeat with me okay yeah yeah so just repeat with me and repeat the phrase and also repeat the dee dee dee because that is the intonation that's one of the key things of the fluency Jim so the first question is do you prefer to use a pen or a pencil ready to be honest I prefer pens dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee to be honest I prefer pens notice often it's the nouns that we stress I prefer pens next because they're smoother than pencils ddddd dtt because they're smoother than pencils and you'll also notice the adjectives and here the comparison because you're comparing you're stressing extra strongly the the comparison word because they're smoother and you stress by making it louder longer and heavier they're smoother than pencils again because they're smoother than pencils and just much easier to use dddd dddd and just much easier to use that said pencils are cheaper and last longer dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee that said pencils are cheaper and last longer so notice we are slowing down a bit to focus on pronunciation in the test you just speak more naturally okay good let me just check if you're still there I think you're still there okay good let's move on do you prefer to travel by train or plane ready I usually travel by train dddddd I usually travel by train because it's far more comfortable than a plane dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee because it's far more comfortable than a plane it's also way cheaper dee dee dee dee dee dee it's also way cheaper so that's a nice word to use when you're emphasizing comparisons way cheaper much cheaper far cheaper way waa why way cheaper nice hey one more do you prefer a long break or several short breaks ready generally speaking dee dee dee dee de generally speaking I'd rather take short breaks dee dee dee dee dee dee I'd rather take short breaks they're far better for my concentration and productivity the dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih they're far better for my productivity and concentration great I'm laughing because I think there's so much fun to say dee dee dee dee dee its it really does work right it helps focus on the intonation but it's so funny great okay or did for me it's a dur the second one dee dee dee but you can use anything you can say la la la la la la la la la la whichever works for you that's exactly right they are far better well done you've got it brilliant good vibes good vibes great several short breaks if I'm engaged in physical activity but notice what I'm doing is I'm showing off my comparison language right so this is great several short breaks if I'm engaged in physical physical activity because they are better bigger you know show off your comparisons great oh I hope you will have fun Mohit if you have fun it's gonna help you seriously it is scientifically proved that stress stops learning and relaxation and fun helps learning without a doubt and above all it tests absolute absolutely if pat you dad dad dad dad that that yes what is ddddd branded it's a new word I've just invented it doesn't exist it's just a way to focus on the sound do you know like when you listen to music and you go dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee and it helps you carry the melody you're doing the same with English you're carrying the melody dee dee dee dee dee dee carrying the melody dee dee dee dee dee dee you're focusing on the intonation that's what the fluency gym is all about its intonation its pronunciation but the practice improves your fluency too and your grammar and gives you some nice answers for part one it's like the perfect study technique thank you very much Lin yes yeah somebody's going for lalalalala listen Gries kai is great Katherine I glad you like it go and have a look at the I'll do more videos so you can just repeat and repeat the secret is in the practice right the secret is in the practice fluency comes with practice you can never practice enough and now that we're all we've got the lock down what a great time to just go in and listen and practice again how do I reduce my pauses subject practice practice practice practice thank you very much TM yeah me too I enjoyed today's that said tea I did I thought is a lot of fun from the books to the websites to the language and to the dee dee dee brilliant thank you very much keep practicing you are getting better and hats off to you I show my respect to all of you for coming week after week practicing showing up I really appreciate it I think you're fantastic I really do I'm very proud to be your teacher here on YouTube and Facebook great I'm gonna sign off thank you very much it's been a bit longer than usual but I hope you've enjoyed it and learned something new take care enjoy the enjoy what enjoy the rest of the week that's what I wanted to say and we'll be looking at some new topics next week I'm thinking about let me tell you what I'm thinking about for next week and then tell me if you're happy with these some ideas that have come up from the less term in the Facebook group ecology and conservation video games computers and AI those might be some topics for next week so get your thinking caps on start thinking get prepared and I'll see you there in the meantime have a beautiful day take care everybody bye bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts Keith, ielts speaking success, ielts speaking topic 2020, ielts speaking vocabulary, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking topics, weather ielts speaking, ielts speaking leisure, ielts speaking vocabulary books, ielts speaking books vocabulary, ielts speaking topic books and films
Id: yldTi5UxovA
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Length: 69min 8sec (4148 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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