FREE IELTS Speaking practice online: Topic ECOLOGY and the ENVIRONMENT

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hi hello good morning and how are you today nice to see you here welcome come in have a seat make yourself comfortable and welcome to today's Facebook live lesson very excited to be here very excited to have a drink my usual lemon ginger and honey tea in the morning so lovely to be here it's a drizzly day it's drizzling you know that soft fine rain that comes down but in a very good mood I'm very excited about today's lesson so good morning all of you al maths and pangäa and charlotte Anna Emily Nieto Vinick hedeman little Abbey Lasher good to see you here Kanishka Nicole nice to see you here as always lovely today it's all about ecology and the environment conservation Gita drizzling as well right lucky us fantastic I love a bit of drizzle Syed from Iran nice to see you here and a general Janelle hello nice to see you here brilliant Kadam Marussia Jehan actual excellent nice to see everybody good morning to you if it's morning afternoon if it's afternoon and something else good something else if it's something else brilliant now I did ask you some of you yesterday on the Facebook page what are some of the major problems ecological problems in your country and clearly we've got people from all over the world because the I think we caught all of the problems that exist in the world we had deforestation people in Brazil not very happy with their president poaching killing endangered animals illegal dumping global warming we had noise pollution obviously people living in some big cities it's a big issue right noise pollution there was sea pollution plastic waste pesticides somebody was talking about the destruction of bees the bee colonies are one of the most important animal species for our livelihood right without bees we can't pollinate flowers and crops and we have no food and our bee population has dropped it's just plummeted about 70% I only know this cuz I watched a documentary last week about it and a lot of our friends out in dry desert areas we're talking about the desert if ocation which is another big issue right so where the land is being ill-treated or not used correctly and therefore we've got the land becoming desert right anyway it all sounds like doom and gloom right it's doom and gloom it's all horrible and sad but no we're gonna make ecology fun today because not only will we look at the problems we will look at the solutions we are going to solve the problems the things that not even the presidents could do we are gonna do it here in Facebook today hooray right let's see we've got a lot more people have come fushia good morning Maurice you're from from Brazil no problems from here are you sure Lisa Italy Emily's talking about air pollution big problem in many countries right now ME ME has actually given a good question ecology is a branch of biology isn't it mm-hmm yes it is and that is a very good place to start right so ecology is a branch of biology biology as you probably know is the study of living things bio means life logy is the study of so biology the study of life ecology right the study of eco eco means environment nature the environment so ecology the study of nature and the environment I looked up the definition of ecology and he says it's the interaction of organisms ie animals organisms really animals and plants with their environment so the interaction of animals and plants with their environment the environment consists of living things and nonliving things right if you've got your trees your grass you've got your water but you've also got the wind soil things that are maybe not living I think they call it biotic and abiotic I think can't remember my schoolboy biology isn't it strange right as school we study biology but we don't really study ecology well we we me I never studied ecology at school but I'm sure nowadays kids do right I suppose they do so repeat with me right ecology ecology ecological ecological you see the change in stress ecological and notice is not eco lot it's Iike Iker because we don't stress the cut the comb it becomes cut ecological nice eco friendly ecosystem some this may be American some people say ecosystem but maybe that's American being British ecosystem great so that is a very very good place to stop well done Emmy for taking us there now then brilliant environmental issues fatima from pakistan nice to see you here again seaman environmental issues absolutely love your avatar seaman Sarna nice to see you as always good come out bleeped talking about global warming we are going to talk about that and deforestation from lin exactly we're going to talk about deforestation global warming interesting vena Dumon ecology human environment absolutely absolutely yes great misty what a nice name misty from vietnam brilliant sally from dubai welcome in everybody great now we've got a nice little summary here Mahesh is always nice for people to do a little summary to help us keep up to date knows pollution dessert if occasion pollution in water good we would normally say water pollution right you've got air pollution water pollution noise pollution soil pollution sea pollution soil erosion nice no proper drainage system and and garbage and many many many yes exactly now from Japan Emilia light pollution that's interesting explain to us what light pollution is I can guess but I'm not sure if I'm right too much light right is that like where you have too much light from the from the street lights and things like that maybe yes right Rena doom and gloom a feeling that a situation is bad without hope but today we're turning gloom and doom upside down to make it happiness and happiness right huh everybody's asking this everybody's like yes really interesting but what are the new questions right every email I get is like Keith what are the new questions in May so the answer is my last answer I don't know nobody knows so don't listen to anybody who tells you cuz nobody knows yet until the questions come out on the first of May now it looks like most countries have not got any tests in mate so we won't really know until the tests begin what the questions are so hold on to your horses nice expression hold on to your horses like when you're riding a horse right hold on to your horses means wait be patient okay sure from China excellent always nice to have the Chinese over here on YouTube or Facebook brilliant so let's move on now I'm just going to stroll through keep up to date with what you're saying excellent good I'm gonna start with some questions okay we've got part one questions and part three questions there have been recently questions about rubbish and keeping your city clean right and then part three we always get environmental questions so we'll focus on part three but just let me share with you some of the part one questions and in fact we'll have a look at these look at some answers and some language we can use for this right brilliant did I see someone living in Bristol Steffensen right Brazilian living in Bristol lucky you what's it like in Bristol today now great part one do you think it's important to keep the city clean have you ever taken action to prevent the environment for up from pollution okay right good so do you think well okay let me ask you guys right do you think it's important to keep the city or your city clean McKellar you're asking about IELTS indicator I'll talk to you later about it remind me later yes so do you think it's important to keep the city clean let's see what you think is it important now is it important to keep the city clean what do you think I was going to answer but I want to wait to see what you guys come up with okay good so in right now yes because during the pandemic right yes because we've got the pandemic and it's important because mmm-hmm right yes army says we should separate our different types of garbage nice garbage of course in America garbage in English in England rubbish so we can separate our different types of garbage good to recycle yep nice expression from Katya I think it's of the uppermost importance to keep the city clean that's nice make a note of that it's of the uppermost importance to write it's really important - nice good great no people live in Thailand don't care about the environment at all oh dear and that's a problem because give me more where are we yes somebody said yes I think so it should be taken by us even I keep my home first clean then the veranda you keep your home cleaner than the veranda right that's keeping your own home clean what about the city yeah Chen you absolutely because it would be nice and pleasant to live in a clean environment that's nice these binomials are great nice and pleasant a and B notice we don't say and we say a and B nice and pleasant those are lovely those are great neat and tidy there's lots of them obviously I can't think of any now because of this pressure neat and tidy nice and pleasant quick and simple these are lovely natural English expressions great it would be nice and pleasant to live in a clean environment good excellent now okay let me just share one more from Bri I think it's crucial we looking like Hermione Hermione I think it's crucial to clean the city due to glamorous views and protect the wildlife animals right when you say wildlife and animals you don't need them together to protect the wildlife boom no animals okay so one way to approach this is it important right to keep the city clean yes it's important because we want to live in a nice neat and tidy environment if not the consequences are terrible the consequences are dire and if not it can lead to excessive pollution in the streets the people throwing away plastic carelessly and this plastic will then infect or contaminate the water supply our streets will look messy and smelly and it will be a really horrible environment in which to live right so the idea is it important to it's a good idea to say yes because if not the consequences are dire so talk about if not what the consequences are right okay so typically I would say something like this let me share this one with you where are we got how to scroll down so much yes right that if not the consequences are dire that's nice dire consequences dire means very bad it can lead to the smelly environment plastic pollution of the water blah blah blah blah blah so that's a nice little phrase you can you can you can use there right okay good let me have a look what else we've got right okay from Barcelona Ruth in absolutely in Barcelona it made a huge difference it instantly became a huge pole of attraction for tourists keeping the city clean right so it was important for tourism very very good right great Rin sure it is your obligation to be a socially responsible citizen yes good now remember in part one right you want to talk about me so if you're in part one and you hear yourself saying you should it's your obligation you should we should stop yourself and change it to I because it's part one and it really must be about you right so yes I think it's important it's my obligation to be a social responsible person a socially responsible person so always use I right if you find yourself saying you they we stop it's I in part one that's my tip of the day great so is it important to keep the city clean yes so we've talked a bit about recycling let's see what else you've got here yep dumping waste out of the houses out or outside of the houses now when you say dumping I assume you mean not putting it in the correct place but just leaving it on the street which is terrible right and leaves - well this buildup it leads to a buildup it leads to a buildup of waste on the street that is an eyesore and smelly and I saw that's nice because an eyesore is something that makes your eyes hurt right it's something that's not attractive to look at right it's an eyesore and let me write this down for you and I saw so if you have all of this a buildup of rubbish or a buildup of garbage if you're American it's an eyesore right you go down the street and they're just plastic bags everywhere and it's a mess it's an eyesore right excellent let me just share this with you let me bring in my little whiteboard thing here we go so yes if not better okay it can lead to a buildup of rubbish okay notice we can say waste rubbish garbage there's lots of words actually litter all of these junk as so many words for rubbish and it can be an eyesore so something that is not nice to look at can be an eyesore and of course pollution just to make it clear we've got many kinds of pollution air pollution noise pollution water pollution sea pollution soil pollution right excellent okay let's have a look to do oh this is a bit different I'll come back to that in a moment I'll come back to me yeah now then we've got a very quick learner here Kuhn frankly speaking it's necessary to protect the environment and make it clean and fresh again neat and tidy clean and fresh these are lovely natural English binomials we call them and they're really good to use they will impress your examiner in fact any British person you speak to good okay so now then this is interesting okay this is good but there's one thing to notice Mansell we will face without the two we will face bacterial and viral and fungi disease yes if we don't pay attention to cleanliness not sanity there is the Latin word that means San or sandy death meaning clean but sanity in English means your sanity of your head whether you're sane or insane right if you're not crazy so it's not about craziness is about cleanliness so pay attention to cleanliness I think that's what we need here man so great okay good down let me move on to another question part one question again it's a you question it's all about you let me bring you down [Music] have you ever taken action to prevent the environment from pollution right have you ever taken action let's have a look and as you're doing that I'm gonna have a look sanitization good yes good somebody's just point out sanity the cleanliness another word for cleanliness is sanitization that's the good word let's see good good ok yes by not using plastic good yes I did by encouraging people to plant trees well done I wonder how you did that yes I reduced plastic use Fran Jolly excellent good Apoorva yes me and my friends have taken taken the initiative we've taken the initiative in cleaning our college campus well done you yes excellent now then rise and shine littered the trash I think you mean CLE clean the trash or clean up the trash to litter is to throw the trash on the floor so that's not going to protect your environment so I think you mean clean up the trash such as Frank does right from time to time I will pick up rubbish in the street yes that's lovely from time to time right remember to use these nice adverbial phrases once in a while now and then every now and then there's loads of them right from time to time just make up a few because they are they really do help your answers right once in a while every now and in The Times okay and I'll share these in a moment again great good what else have we got good point here from Joe I'm always trying to pick up some rubbish now rubbish is one of those uncountable nouns like news advice information you can't say rubbish is you have to say rubbish I'm always trying to pick up some rubbish right great from zoar fear I try to I try to recycle all the paper I used excellent good yes so here we've got goods now I usually take public transport to my work to prevent air pollution very very good well done you and that's good nice English as well yes so saving energy harsh says I always make sure to to off to turn off to turn off all my electronic devices when I don't need them yes right hell yes I usually don't drive my car on Sundays to do my bit in stopping air pollution that is beautiful I like that to do my bit right to make my contribution let me make a note of that and share it again later to do my bit right it's like to play my part to do my duty right to contrib you great happen lasted really nice like it good so lots of people yes lots of people are doing great things I've planted many trees in my garden excellent so reusable bags is nice to use reusable bags when you're shopping nice ones Charlotte and we've got here running a campaign which is great run a campaign with Americans too awareness about animal protection that's great yep so campaigns are good we've got volunteer campaigns excellent so these are things that people could do very very good some campaigns have got the beach cleanup so we do have mounting cleanups Park cleanups beach cleanups excellent okay so some very very good ideas there and some excellent answers oh my gosh there are so many answers I just seen like 300 lenses so let me I'm gonna have to go all the way past to get to the next question that was great let me just share with you just to recap it's always good to recap I was looking at this one from time to time so sometimes once in a while is another one once in a while every now and then at times right and to do my bit I like to do my bit kind of to play my part okay excellent let's have a look at ah know this question have you ever taken action so here are a few ideas right from my side you can say some people said I try to write now that's great you can say I try to or I'm careful to I'm careful to recycle I'm careful to pick up the rubbish for example right all so that's nice or you can say I strive to I strive to pick up the rubbish I strive which means I try but it's a gesture it's nice because when you say I try to do it it sounds like maybe you didn't succeed you couldn't do it but I strive to is more about motivation and energy and possibility I think it works better here I strive to or I strive not to write maybe I strive not to use disposable plastic such as coffee cups in Starbucks I strive to turn off the lights yep some people talked about turning off remember turn off the electronic devices turn off the lights I strive to save energy or save water by not leaving the tap running change that by not leaving the tap running unnecessarily you know when you're washing your hands having a shower cleaning the pots so I strive to save water by not leaving the tap running unnecessarily great people have talked about volunteer work I do I have done some volunteer work somebody said I ran a campaign excellent to raise awareness such good language to raise awareness inna beaches so you can also talk about a beach cleanup as a noun or a park cleanup volunteer work to reduce plastic waste to protect wildlife habitats so remember we said wildlife you don't need wildlife animals because wildlife is animals so to protect wildlife habitats are the living environment or the homes of the animals so you know maybe you ran a campaign to protect wildlife habitats for example okay so there is some nice oh you're in the way to you you're in the way sorry great there you are now then let's come back come back and you can see me sneaking in a bit of lemon tea good good there's things about batteries as well a few people have talked about batteries some year has this association called a waste encouraging people to collect their broken devices yes exactly and somebody talked about throwing I don't throw the empty batteries to the trash I throw not true I throw them to the recycling bin I throw them to the recycling bin yeah great good okay good eco-friendly bags that's nice going back to the start of the class we talked about ecology eco-friendly I carry my eco-friendly bag excellent there this is good you see you've got some quick learners here towel once in a while I joined some extracurricular activities at school by planting teased trees and picking up trash brilliant very very very nice now Fedora has got a really nice word here it's a great collocation the carbon excuse me that's the team I was able to reduce the carbon footprint by you so remember if you do that it's all about you I was able to reduce my say it with pride my carbon footprint I was able to reduce my carbon footprint by using the public transport more frequently instead of using my car instead of using my car brilliant lovely English carbon footprint is a really nice one so that your footprint is what is the trace the mark you leave the impact you leave on the environment carbon footprint is your the impact from your use of carbon so burning oil in your kitchen or the car using your car for example or catching an airplane taking the aeroplane your carbon footprint is huge so people are trying to reduce their carbon footprint by not using burning oil at home I mean oil for the oven for the stove not oil for cooking by not taking their car by flying less great okay very very nice I like it carbon footprint very good thing to talk about ok so let's have a look I just have a quick look any more nice ideas there's loads of nice ideas there's too many what else did we have yeah good you see you're picking this up you are the best students ever last month I had participated in a campaign to plant trees which was any an initiative if it's a noun initiative an initiative and he says I misses the best bid it's a make where is it gone to make the environment clean and green clean and green jazz pre if I could do a heart shape I would do it but that's great I love it yes right good stopping your friends smoking is good using your bicycle for the daily commute is good excellent ideas okay brilliant so lots of great ideas let me move on to another question let's move into part three okay I love it I just love the way that you're all using the language I give you right as soon as I give you bum you're there using it I strive to use the ecological energy ecological energy we're going to talk about that different kinds of energy ecological energy renewable energy right ok so let's move into that next question part three you may get questions like this in which ways do people so part three is not about you I'm afraid it's now about people about bigger things right bigger ideas so for example in which ways do people damage our planet okay so people in which ways in which ways - people damage our planet first of all which ways it's plural that is not so important in your writing IELTS writing if it has in which ways you must give at least two examples right you must make sure you answer the question in the speaking it doesn't matter right it's just about speaking and talking on this question so don't worry if I should give all is one example enough or two doesn't matter okay just keep talking on the topic on this question in which ways do people now this is difficult because it means people around the world and there are many kinds of people so one tip if you want with this kind of question is to choose one or two kinds of people or groups of people in which ways to people do people damage our planet well if we're talking about farmers right they use pesticides often which damage the crops they destroy a lot of the bugs and the animals which are beneficial for our environment and sometimes the rain washes the that this happened recently there's a case in Spain on the on the coast where the farmers on the coast we're using pesticide the rain takes the pesticide into the soil and into the sea and it was destroying all the wildlife or the sea life in the sea because the pesticides are toxic so if we're talking about farmers right if we're talking about leaders that that that so that's maybe a nice idea is to decide on a group of people you want to talk about or speed generally right in many ways well people don't recycle so they throw away plastic which damages the environment and plastic wastes is one of the the biggest causes of habitat destruction especially in the sea destroying wildlife because many sea animals eats the plastic and die so you could talk about that many things we can talk about it's a very very wide question right let's see what you guys have set let's see that man I never ever pluck flowers like roses lilium anymore to do my bit love it right right okay that's nice Frank that's a good start people do damage to our planet in a great variety of ways buh buh buh buh buh buh and let's see what else we've got yep good polluting water and air and which ways to people damage our diet yeah Mahesh how many sentences well okay just very quickly for this one how many sentences must we speak there is no number but generally speaking you'll be speaking for 30 seconds up to a minute 30 seconds up to a minute so whatever it takes right okay we've got uncontrollable deforestation okay now sound pollution not by doing but by causing CA us right by causing sound pollution yep very good one here from leo travel by air too frequently good we put garbage in the wrong places often that's called um dumping we dump garbage where it shouldn't go there's landfill dumps yes good we've got here the transportation used during the day damages the ozone layer and gas emissions emitted from motorbikes so damaging the ozone layer is nice to talk about gas emissions also carbon emissions gas emissions yes yes so Soria people litter in the street so this is interesting right litter is a noun but it's also a verb to litter i litter people litter in the streets that people litter in the streets and don't separate their recyclable garbage right right I like this answer from a pour-over by throwing the wastes all now I did like this answer but waste countable or non countable non countable right like waste like rubbish litter news information so that means you cannot have a plural it must be singular by throwing the waste but it's still it's uncountable it's everything by throwing the waste in the water which will lead to nice water pollution and this is the bit I like and also in turn affect the health of people it's the in turn that I like so bla bla bla leads to this and also leads to and in turn leads to and in turn affects meaning also or next in this case that's a great I love that as very very nice well done here we go let's see what we've got Wow this is an interesting one it's got to be too long though it's not going to show okay okay wisk we've got from not from Joe I've got the wrong one but that's good constructing the great deal of factories is the fastest way to believe that's true that's very um what's the word you're being ironic right you're not being serious I mean it's true that it's being ironic I can't keep up with the messages what am I going to do okay I'm trying to read them before I click and as soon as I read them they jump up so trim gas emissions from factories and exhaust fumes from vehicles have a devastating effect on the environment nice good yep good here we go we've got carbon footprints again which is good from gunas all authorities build in that's curiously authorities that's a group of people the authorities you can have that or without that it's both are okay authorities build industrial centers which increase the amount of the their carbon footprint or the countries of carbon footprint great good ale in in my opinion people are contaminating the planet by using a lot of plastic bags oil stoves and pesticides used by the farmers yeah absolutely so Murray Meyer has got a nice kind of introduction to the answer there is a wide array it's nice right a wide range a wide array of human activities that harm our environment to start with good for starters to begin with to start with the spread of human habitation which might lead to deforestation yep excellent yeah good car here you're talking about a group of people if we're talking about cosmetic industries great I think cosmetic industry is using many aerosols and fume so using many aerosols will directly affect the ozone layer will directly affect the ozone layer yes yes so people are using fossil fuels with us s destroying wildlife and wasting Natural Resources excellent good okay so lots of great ideas excellent let me share with you a few over here some key words I guess for this topic definitely talk about well we can talk about deforestation so some governments are implementing what are they implementing well they're implementing deforestation policies or they're implementing policies to widen our living area and in turn causing deforestation people are damaging our planet by poaching so poaching just to make it clear this is killing animals endangered endangered animals illegally that's poaching some people have talks about throwing the waste away so illegal dumping so throwing your waste into a into a landfill into the sea and landfill or into the sea for example all of that is illegal dumping of course there's global warming it's a big topic to talk about there's noise pollution somebody talks about light pollution obviously air pollution in the cities so air air pollution obviously comes from the cars mainly also from the factories because of the carbon emissions the co2 emissions I think I had this up here didn't I yes the emission of carbon dioxide I don't know why that was up there so let me put this here light and air noise pollution so we need to control the emission of carbon dioxides control carbon emissions greenhouse gas emissions or exhaust gases yep all of these are kind of different ways of talking about these carbon emissions control the emission of carbon dioxide to reduce our carbon footprint I talked about that as well to reduce our carbon footprint lovely expression great who is also we've got sea pollution pesticides destruction of bees we talked about and the desert is the desertification if I could speak properly okay let's move on to how governments can tackle this issue that's what that bit above is yes so how can government's tackle the issue today we promised to solve their world right we're going to solve all these issues we're going to come up with the answers today of course the answers is not the difficult bit it's the implementation that is difficult right I think we know the answers but the implementation is the hard bit so how can government tackle this issue right or some interesting things here some very interesting things I'm going to come back to a couple of these that's interesting there right keep keep coming in with your answers this is brilliant Wow some really good answers I'm so sorry that I cannot share all of these answers I hope you can read a lot of them but there's some really good things here somebody's talking about digital garbage that sounds very very interesting right now then one of the best things you can do for the environment is to drink tea of course I'm talking about your own body environment not the external environment okay so let's have a look that man by using non-renewable resources unnecessarily so sad ah so the solution is to use renewable energy sources right renewable energy such as solar hydro hydro energy water energy wind energy things like that nuclear maybe tie very good stringent policies right by implementing strict laws stringent policies these are grades very good let me make a note and because I've got some things in I can add these stringent nice word right if fishing is another one yes fishing strict laws good so the farmers but we've got okay let's look at solutions ah make taxes right tap not taxes by imposing restriction or restricting measures so impose restricting measures which issue good question our pants so the issue is the damage to the environment all of them right of all of the different issues we've talked about use sustainable energy so it's nice to talk about sustainable energy renewable energy it's quite trendy nowadays to talk about clean energy so clean energy is basically it doesn't have any carbon carbon impacts at all it doesn't use any carbon so your clean energies they're all the same right solar wind water those kind of energy sustainable energies yes nice rims are starting campaigns yes good yep so again we've got this idea of implementing fines for fines with a s for the ones who are responsible for the pollution yep severely punishing those who breached the law very nice breach the law that's excellent nice one tan what else what does tackle mean sorry so tackle is to solve to try oh I love the avatar I've seen that before yes to solve the problem to try to solve the problem to tackle the problem yes making the regulation make a strict law related to the environment absolutely introducing green taxis right so there's a lot of talk nowadays about different governments having zero carbon targets so zero carbon targets means that they will produce energy with zero carbon no carbon at all by 2050 and Greta thumb berg has said 2050 it's not good enough I want it tomorrow and she is fantastic I think she's doing a great job with her activism you know Greta right that 15-year old Swedish girl pushing the governments around the world to act more quickly because it's true in England we're saying yes we'll be carbon neutral like or carbon zero by 2050 that's like 20 years away that's just crazy that's far too far too far to something far far too far too far away sounds strange far too far away it's correct though right let's come back mercury poisoning green tea no it's not green tea actually it's it's it's honey lemon tea with ginger okay let's come back into solutions taking strict action against poaching excellent in curry plantation yes yes plantation in planting more trees the government should forbid the cutting down of trees very nice Emily nice language there's something more about taxes government should create social awareness brilliant love it introduced taxis for those who pollute well maybe not just those who pollute but taxis for everybody maybe great let's look at solutions got a lot of problems I need more solutions yet regulating the traffic right governments need to regulate traffic an incentive fate incentivize let's put that one down incentivize incentivize I'll come back to this err so to give an incentive or to give it motivation right incentivize the use of renewable energy sources okay great so government imposing rules that's great there's something about education yep Rema educative campaigns to raise awareness very good Reema you're a good student of recycling it's not just recycling it's reduce reuse and recycle the magic three that's absolutely right excellent Victoria Ella has just disappeared she have solar panels that was great by composting yep brilliant so composting as I understand it is we take our food waste and we recycle the food waste to help use that to help plants grow and trees grow right yes so something about using transport traffic transport to replace for private vehicles so using traffic for public transport to replace private vehicles very nice yeah this is a nice expression tightening our belts tightening the belts which means to put a budget restriction right to save money tightening the belts by putting additional taxes great let me come down raising awareness okay we've got lots and lots and lots here I'm gonna try and pick out another one or two okay nice and India Jaspreet tells us awareness campaigns like in India the Honorable Prime Minister has started a clean India movement to bring awareness about the environment right okay and this is a nice one as well actually zoom is giving some kind of reward in the form of a subsidy for those who are supporting the Green Revolution right so a subsidy is a government handout it's a kind of money to to support people incentivize people to protect the environment excellent I am just going to share very briefly with you a couple of ideas and maybe kind of summarize the ideas here so just pre thank you very much for that how can governments tackle this issue so remember tackle is to kind of solve or to try to solve so they can raise awareness of so you can put anything here I'll just give you kind of the key phrases raise awareness of the need to reduce waste or raise awareness of the need to recycle right for example sensitize people so that's the same as raise awareness right so to make them sensitive sensitize people to the need to recycle to the importance of using read of using renewable energy example okay or incentivize we just had incentivize before which was to to motivate during sanctifies we've talked about renewable energy which is basically not carbon-based it's the same a sustainable energy which includes solar hydro which is water right that's your water energy it's called hydro wind energy solar sorry is the Sun just to make that clear and Bend and you've got others I mean some people say nuclear energy there's something called geothermal energy okay another one and in fact I'm going to share a link with you here which you can go away and have a look at later but it's it's an interesting link that just shows you the different kinds I can actually just show you very briefly over here on the other tab and then later you can go and have a look at this but it shows you it's the Department of Energy from the state's I think it talks about clean energy and the clean energy revolution right if it is a revolution but it goes on to talk about solar wind water geothermal energy this is heat energy from the earth bioenergy to sustain and transform the nation's abundant renewable sources into biomass energy nuclear as well hydrogen and fuel cells right recycling moeslem batteries so if you're interested and you want to read more about it I think this is a useful a useful little website to have a look at right get some interesting information there okay so just coming back here them we've talked also about zero carbon energy targets and it's so important for the governments to set zero carbon energy targets or to reduce their carbon footprint to net to zero which means zero net to zero just means zero but this is the kind of trendy language politicians are using so if you can use the same trendy language you'll look very very good later I'll share this link and you can have a look at the UK what the government is doing for their zero carbon target for 2050 oh for goodness sake 2050 come on get yourself together get moving use electric cars we've talked about public transport right but you can also use your electric car or take public transport another one plant trees use plastic substitutes we can talk about the government set needs to set up initiatives implemental is's put measures in place right a few of you just what a few of you said before this was nice import restrictions on put in place stringent policies so all of these are really nice expressions you can use to talk about what the government should do right set up initiatives to protect wildlife natural habitats forests endangered species blah blah blah blah blah right so there are some interesting expressions you can be using fantastic brilliant some of these are mine but I recognize a lot of these are yours actually all of your stuff brilliant now I've gone over time so I'm going to start winding up finishing I will as always put the notes in two places actually one is on my website just go to the live lesson tab and the other one is in the Facebook group so if you're not a member of the Facebook group come and join the Facebook group and you can get the notes join in everything else that we're doing there to help you with your IELTS speaking preparation okay on Facebook it's called Keith's IELTS Keith's IELTS Astro mind community my god it sounds like you know a government initiative right Keith's mastermind community I must have been reading government documents when I made up that name what a great name keeps mastermind community know it's great I mean that's the feed book that's the feedback that's the group the Facebook group great I can show the word so go to the website to get the the well go to the group go and join the group and you can get all the notes the PDF or go to my website IELTS speaking success right if you've not been there yet please do go there because there is so much stuff for free on the website that will help you with it right here Michela I don't know what's with the mastermind it's like we're the greatest minds well not only are we good at IELTS but we're solving the environmental crisis the world is faced I'm gonna send my notes to Donald Trump and Seiji ping and to Boris Johnson and say there you are now go to work brilliant I know an hour is not life long enough but I notice after an hour I start getting tired you probably start getting tired I don't know so I will wind it up at an hour thank you very much for coming I know some of you have talked about the fluency Jim the dhih dhih dhih time for those of you who want to do the fluency Jim I will stay an extra five minutes and I'm gonna take some of the phrases from today and just do those right so this will help you pronunciation intonation of the phrases from today so it's very simple repetition exercise I'll take some phrases and we'll repeat them so please do stay for five minutes if you want to let me just check any questions questions possible gives yes any questions thank you very much Fatima okay Patrick I will accept if you've applied I accept I'm not on Facebook like 24 hours per day I'm not your guy who's completely addicted to Facebook I normally reply within a day right I go on Facebook maybe twice a day so don't worry if I don't answer straight away I normally take a day to get back to people IELTS indicator ok very briefly because I did mention this so IELTS indicator is an initiative by the the three IELTS partners Cambridge IDP British Council to solve the problem of all of the tests being suspended or cancelled around the world because of a virus so they have created very quickly an online test right hundred percent online you can do the IELTS indicator test online all four parts right including the speaking so it's it's a short-term solution to people not being able to do the test right now there are some important things one is they only do it in some countries so you have to check the IELTS website to check the countries they do it once a week at one time so I think at the moment it's on Wednesday in the afternoon I think in most countries and it's live right so you have to go there live like today's class and do it live and the speaking is done by recording your voice to the answers and it then gives you a score now here's the important thing not all the universities will accept IELTS indicator so only do it if you're sure your university will accept it because some of them will some of them will not and many of them will say well you can do that but you must also do the proper test later right so that is it they're basically the IELTS website is the one to go to to get more information about this if you've not heard about it in fact there's a website called IELTS indicator it's it's legitimate right it is absolutely read it emit it's from the IELTS organization it's not a scam anything like that it's absolutely read it really did it did it did legitimate so let me show you their website are just okay the place to go is this one no no no here that's the place to go IELTS org and you can have a look there okay Canada immigration I don't know I don't know which immigration people will accept it you will have to check on the website yes it's valid for general yes anything else yes why are people asking about duolingo I didn't understand that somebody asked me about duolingo let me come back in a moment dr. kaar here thank you very much thank you brilliant nice to hear that any other questions any suggestions to improve vocabulary okay I will shortly in the next few weeks be doing a video on vocabulary so look out for that I think when is my next session Thursday this week it's every Tuesday every Thursday 10 o'clock Spain time okay what else how much do I have to pay for the IELTS indicator check on the website for your country yes do you think the university accepts it depends how much they need the students to come in September it will depend on it each University they'll make their own choice very hard to say what should candidates do on the day before the test right good good question and maybe this is the last question because it's so late what should candidates do relax do a very light review right don't so do a light review maybe an hour an hour and a half reviewing some ideas some papers some vocabulary a light review do a light review don't spend six hours studying hard learning new things it's a waste of time don't learn anything new so just do a light review an hour and a half maybe and that's it the rest of the time relax get your energy eat well sleep maybe watch a film in English listen to a podcast in English and just get in the mood and get ready do some mental preparation right get yourself self mentally prepared that's much more important than studying don't study so much the day before okay brilliant him have how to prepare for speaking go to my youtube channel it's all there all the tips are there for how to prepare for speaking really there's a lot there look at the tips there different playlists there's playlists for part 1 part 2 part 3 and there's a playlist for tips for IELTS speaking go and have a look there okay right brilliant I'm gonna finish up with the fluency Jim okay yes okay fluency Jim I'm just going to take a few sentences a few and we'll do some quick repetition okay I'm going to finish the class if you need to go go if you want to stay and practice your speaking pronunciation we've got five minutes of that okay so here we go all you need to do is listen and repeat okay and when I do the sentence there's two things I say the sentence and you repeat it then I I give the intonation like the dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih and you repeat that and then repeat the sentence okay okay it's really important to protect the environment the dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih it's really important to protects the environment if not the consequences are dire dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee if not the consequences are dire it could lead to deforestation dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee it could lead to deforestation next one noise pollution is one of the biggest problems in my city dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee noise pollution is one of the biggest problems in my city from time to time I'm careful to recycle my rubbish dddd dddd dddd from time to time I'm careful to recycle my rubbish it's lovely right you can feel this and third and it did indeed D I'm careful to recycle my rubbish brilliant I did some volunteer work to clean up a local Beach I'll do that in two - I did some volunteer work the dddddd I did some volunteer work to clean up a local Beach the dddddd to clean up a local Beach altogether I did some volunteer work to clean up a local Beach last one again I'll do it into two the government needs to set up some initiatives the dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih the government needs to set up some initiatives to protect natural habitats dddd dddd dddd dddd to protect natural habitats all together the government needs to set up some initiatives to protect natural habitats fantastic brilliant well done listen hats of respect thank you so much for coming today I really do admire you for doing this you know day after day week after week coming here to practice and practice excellent well done all of you you're doing a really good job I hope this can help with your pronunciation and it should help with your fluency that's why I call it the fluency Jim there are some videos on YouTube I will be doing more fluency Jim so you can practice and practice and get better and better at English great what an interesting topic right thank you so much all of you for sticking around enjoy the rest of the day Cheers I'm off now see you on Thursday same time same place cheerio
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 87,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts Keith, ielts speaking success, ielts speaking topic 2020, ielts speaking vocabulary, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking environment topic, ielts speaking environmental issues, ielts speaking environment part 2, ielts speaking environment part 1, ielts speaking part 3 environment, environment ielts speaking
Id: NQrBnGRA_bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 22sec (4642 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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