IELTS Speaking Practice Live Lessons - Topic CLIMATE CHANGE

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hello there hi good morning welcome it's keith um from the keith speaking academy great to see you come in have a seat today we're going to be looking at the really interesting topic of climate change sometimes called global warming right climate change global warming i think it's more or less the same thing although i think the scientists do have a bit of a difference there but we're going to be looking at climate change language vocabulary pronunciation and above all ideas so that you've got plenty to talk about if this topic comes up in ielts speaking the most likely place it will come up is in part three it's not really a part one or part two topic but in part three you may end up talking about issues related to climate change especially on the topic of weather and things like that so if you're joining me today today welcome if it's your first time welcome um if you've what if you're watching this on the recording welcome um please do subscribe to the channel um english speaking success and also do turn on that funny notification button as well so you can get notifications of course of future videos brilliant nice to see you a bit so a little no not a little hello a big hello to mariku niha jtay zynap emila ripunder mariam sandeep welcome diksha harrikand kylie good morning keith with the smiley face thank you kylie zofia good morning sidhu marat zaha sandesh there's lots of you ck wong hello and good morning brilliant john christian from abu dhabi welcome nice to see you here brilliant i'm so pleased you're all here we're going to be looking at this really interesting topic and that's a really interesting topic with a very with the live lessons on youtube so thank you very much to kanwal shah and to samia elky nanny really really appreciate it it's a huge help so thank you very very much right hello there so climate change right now this is an interesting topic and i think sometimes students get a bit nervous and they go but i don't know much about climate change um and what happens if i don't know what to say i've got no ideas so here's the thing right do remember ielts speaking is a test of your language skills not your knowledge skills however that said you need to know something about climate change to answer questions about it so the typical questions about what causes climate change what are the solutions how can we stop it right you need to know a little bit so you can speak about it but you don't need to be an expert right not at all now one of the things i do especially in foreign languages is if i don't know much about a topic i go and watch a kids website or a kids video about it and it's amazing because the language is brilliant it's nice and simple but it gives you the key ideas very quickly very simply so for example there's this website right let me share this one this is called um science sparks and i went here earlier um to have a look at this and i thought it was really really interesting i'll share the link with you of course in in the notes um but oh gosh they always ask us for cookies don't they give us some chocolates cookies please but here for example if i just disappear for a moment science sparks and this is going to tell us all about what is climate change in really simple language what is climate there you go what is climate change how much has the earth's temperature increased and some interesting questions oh how do we know the climate is changing yes go and ask um has got to say go and ask donald trump he'll tell you why everybody has a different opinion right but this gives you nice simple look at that infographic how good is that effects solutions and so for me right the great thing about children's websites and videos is it just gives you the key ideas quickly and gives you the key vocabulary right so it's a great place to start if you're not sure about a certain topic right um i will share that link with you in the in the show notes i'll just show you actually on my page over here let me just share this with you right here we go yes it's what is climate change now the other thing right you can do and i i love to do this and i talk about this in a in a recent video is when you're talking about a topic like climate change remember the focus is on your language okay so show off your language so you can say well listen i'm by no means an expert but right so i'm not an expert i don't know much about this but climate change is caused by dddd okay so i'm by no means an expert but or i don't know a great deal about this but i think a great deal a lot right i don't know a great deal i don't know a lot about this but so straight away you're actually showing off your language and you're also indicating you know it's not a topic i know well but then you can talk about it and of course the other thing is if you know nothing about climate change well go and find out right you can't say i don't know anything about it well it's your job as a world citizen to go and find out you don't have to be a greta funberg you don't have to be doing protests around the world but come on just know a little a little bit enough to talk about it right so anyway that's my advice for you to start off on this interesting topic of climate change so let me see how you're doing science daily so there's a nice suggestion from our friends on facebook why are you so big don't be so big come over here go now look you're so big i've got to turn this off and make you smaller miss keith we could also visit if we want to talk about china climate change because there are a great variety of articles fantastic excellent great good to know thank you very much for that good i'm going to pop on my little little logo again great yeah good so nice to see that so listen let's begin right with a drink of coffee hmm that's nice globalization coffee brazilian coffee on my doorstep right but climate change let's have a look at some essential vocabulary some of the basics that we're probably going to need right okay so if i share my page over here and i come into the corner and make myself disappear all right vocabulary so climate and weather so climate right some of the the words we were talking about climate some of the um collocations that go together we can talk about an inhospitable climate inhospitable is nothing to do with hospitals but just means it's not very kind right inhospitable not kind so very harmful and hid inhospitable climate so if you live in a very very maybe oh i don't know if you live on the north pole it's so cold it's definitely in an inhospitable climate um severe a severe climate is a very again very very strong whoops a very strong or a very a very strong climate normally very extreme mild is just not hot not cold and hot a hot climate right so let me just add mild not hot not cold for example in england we have a mild climate in england um in where else is there a mild climate i guess central europe is fairly mild climate certainly not tropical right and in different parts of the world where i used to live in malaysia we had a very tropical climate for me at times it was inhospitable but that was just me because i'm from england whether we can talk about extreme weather changeable weather again up in england we have very changeable weather one day in the same day you can have winter and summer and autumn and spring all in the same day or good weather now is weather and climate the same well again really not for the scientists no there is a difference right um weather is about short term changes climate is much more the focus on longer term so short term changes the weather over a week or a few days may be hot maybe raining maybe cloudy but the climate is the the atmospheric conditions um it includes the weather but it's much longer term in very simple english somebody had this which is a nice expression so weather tells you what to wear each day climate tells you what types of clothes to have in your wardrobe that's great yeah climate tells you what type of clothes to have in your wardrobe fantastic right good so emmy says it means a change in average conditions such as temperature rainfall yes exactly very very good yes exactly so that's more the climate right over in bangalore apparently you have a mild climate right good um what else do we have some nice words here if you're talking about weather nippy and chili means it's cold right that's quite nice nippy and chilly is cold weather another one here from rangana bone dry so bone dry is a very very dry weather or you could say bone dry climate absolutely jinxi thank you very much you spotted my spelling mistake sevilla not sever i don't want to sever your leg it is severe yes thank you very much for that brilliant um so we've got some nice words here collocations beautiful excellent fair fine glorious good idea lovely appalling atrocious so for weather all of these for weather those are very very nice i'll try and capture those later now saosan points out a good thing here so the climate in august and the summer in saudi arabia is inhospitable right okay excellent good bob's your uncle it's very hard to explain i'll explain later okay so weather let's move on and let's talk a bit about some expressions we can be using here okay so we talk about climate change or global warming um to tackle the problem oh okay we're back so to tackle the problem to tackle a problem or to address a problem is to try to solve right it's not actually solving but to try to solve so we can say let's tackle the problem or let's tackle climate change let's address climate change head on that's a lovely little expression which just means directly directly so listen let's tackle climate change head on or let's address global warming head on right directly because a lot of people talk about it but not many people actually tackle it head-on great if we want to mitigate climate change that means well what does that mean let me ask you guys what does mitigate mean here to mitigate climate change prince it was your birthday two weeks ago surely if i remember correctly if not happy happy birthday right good alleviate so to mitigate reduce alleviate excellent right so actually we can't get rid of climate change and some people say it's a natural part of our earth's environment but we can reduce right or alleviate we can reduce or alleviate so to mitigate nice very nice minimize that's also another nice word let me add that one in here minimize i'm going to spell it the british way minimize great excellent so nice expressions a couple more so on this topic you're probably going to talk about gas emissions right from cars from uh from where from cars from planes from all of those places let me come over and join you in person the greenhouse effect right um so what is the greenhouse effect let me ask you guys what is the greenhouse effects there's a lag obviously in your comments right gas from plants carbon dioxide those are gas emissions okay let's add those in we've got carbon dioxide yep and what is the greenhouse effect co2 that's often easier to say right actually co2 yeah c o lack of oxygen ozone layer depletion burning of fossil fuels right atmosphere great makes the earth hotter yes okay brilliant right so we've got we've got the emission of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide leading to increase in the temperature of the earth very very good yes um we've got greenhouse gases make the earth hotter yet great the effect which increases whoops sorry increases the temperature on the earth good the earth excellent so all of these right um so let's put ah the greenhouse effect increase on the earth remember it's the units but the earth normally on the earth increase of the temperature um the greenhouse effect it's the also the trapping of gases like co2 in the atmosphere okay the trapping of gas is like co2 in the atmosphere well you can talk about the ozone layer as well in the ozone layer great so it's really the increase of the temperature on the earth it's the trapping of gases in the atmosphere or the ozone layer great okay fossil fuels you may talk about so fossil fuels so on so on are such things as well you know carbon oil gas all of these fuels that are being depleted that are yes well they're non-renewable let's say right we can't renew them once they've gone that's it disappeared forever goodbye so they are non-renewable stop um deforestation the cutting down of trees right cut down let's call it the cutting down of trees right in scale i mean just cutting down one tree no that's not gonna lead to deforestation but the cutting down of trees in scale definitely right farming we're going to talk about later and habitats so habitats is an important one destroy habitats or ecosystems habitats is where the animals live basically animals and plants animals and plants will put it in simple english habitat where animals and plants live right similar to i mean the ecosystems is a very similar let me go away it's a very similar idea basically it's the connectivity of all of life um in a certain area okay renewable energies you may talk about because we've talked about non-renewable fuel fossil fuels right they won't say gone they've gone but renewable energies we're talking about water which is often called hydro hydro energies um we're talking about wind sun often called solar energy right different kinds of renewable energies i think there are others as well but yeah those are great okay let me come back and find you guys what you're saying over here oh that's very nice so just to clarify yes this is a very good description actually from partha so this he was talking here about the one i had earlier the greenhouse effect the earth's atmosphere gets covered with a blanket of co2 lovely a blanket of co2 and methane reducing the scope of the sunlight to reflect back thus making the earth hotter hooray i love that that's very very nice very very clear excellent thank you partha okay deforestation from harry kant he says deforestation clearance or clearing is the removal of a forest or stand of trees from land which is then converted to a non-forest use very good a non-forest juice so something else and of course there's lots of problems with that we will discuss later yes good brilliant i'm just going to go through let's move on i'm going quite fast but i'm going to cover quite a few questions today okay so those are some kind of basic words that we're going to be looking at we're looking a little bit of some ideas as well um but let me let's get into the nitty gritty right into some key questions on this topic and these are the questions that you're you're going to need in daily life i mean if you're talking anywhere in ielts speaking at work colleagues friends chatting you know these are some of the key questions we need to look at on climate change i'm going to show you actually a picture and i want you to tell me what's the connection with climate change right how does this picture connect to climate change so you can write your answer in the comments you can just speak it out whatever you like so here's the first question for you right causes of climate change what does this picture have to do with climate change hmm what does this picture have to do with climate change and whilst i'm waiting for you okay some good ideas coming up let me share a few of these so adam and not says grazing right and then pasaya elaborates over grazing so grazing is eating the grass so eating too much grass and therefore there is no plans for grazing let's just change that this is a nice opportunity just to be clear that when we talk about plants it's plural there are no plants for grazing right okay so the plants disappear so the cows die out maybe interesting i've yo yo of course you can speak it out i can't hear you but you can still speak it out uh noise pollution who said noise pollution what do you mean do you mean the cows going [Music] all across the field maybe cowsie grass all right ah now now we're getting there now we're cooking so given says methane right now we're cooking it's a nice expression now we're cooking means now we're getting serious now we're getting to the real stuff methane right this is one of the big problems right we've got it my friend here from korea the cow makes methane and it's one of the greenhouse gases right the cow makes methane right did you know let's see if any of you can explain this more grazing okay lack of food quality fodder quality fodder for the cows is jay okay you're all kind of yeah okay we're we're getting very close so gopinth is almost there cow dung produces classic gases so cows fart fart is when the gas comes out of your bum and that's when you fart right let's be basic about it now um don't do that in ielts don't go just say cows yeah so as children we the cows fart right of course they do um but cows emit gases let's say so when cows deposit their dung and they emit gases they fart and they release methane gas right so cows emit methane gas well let's put it because it's a useful word to know when they fart cows emit me for a gas and this of course as you know carbon dioxide and methane are two of the greenhouse gases or you know not greenhouse gases yes greenhouse gases um and this contributes in a negative way and this contributes to um the greenhouse effect right let's see i'm not sure if i've expressed that right cows emit methane grass and this contributes to the greenhouse effect so they are in effect the gases the greenhouse gases right okay so that's cows that's one of the big problems with cows of course they're great right because um they give us milk um in some countries they give us meat um but they do produce a lot of methane right so that's one of the problems there's more but listen let me change picture defecation there's a nice word actually sergey very good yes the emission of director from the defecation of cows brilliant i like it and nice to see you here when they deficate that's the nice scientific word i think that's a better word yes excuse me brilliant love it thank you very much great now i'm going to move on to another picture let me go on this picture what has this got to do with climate change rather write down write down in the comments oh you've got loads of good ideas here there's quite a bit on the cow but let's move on to the this picture here busy street right air pollution noise pollution right but remember we're talking about climate change what's the connection with climate change yeah exactly your guess you're right if i can find your comment oh you've disappeared you guess you were right and i've lost your comment yeah remember climate change noise pollution isn't really connected to climate change so okay kadamir says carbon emissions from vehicles right or gas emissions as a tao says gas emissions yeah so to sum that up you know we can say basically the emission of greenhouse gases from traffic is going to contribute to climate change yes good emission of excuse me greenhouse gases emission of greenhouse gases well again contra let's just leave that contributing to the climate change emission of greenhouse gases anything else exhaust fumes that's a nice one love it exhaust fumes emission of exhaust fumes from the car very nice any other expressions yeah great the smoke that comes out of vehicles so the fumes we would say the fumes that come out of vehicles so sofia the smoke is good we talk normally about smoke coming out of factories i think a better word here the fumes that come out of vehicles causes air pollution well here because it's climate change not air pollution but can lead to climate to global warming right and to an increase in the temperature across the earth okay here's another one for you what's this got to do with climate change brilliance good jumping straight in this is correct as you say deforestation as sunita says it's hey come back so need to come back there you are deforestation great it's not really a well it's not really a drought although so ashraf says drought drought oh you oh you a drought is when it's very very dry and you're right that deforestation when you cut down the trees leads to the land becoming very very dry and that in turn can lead to droughts so deforestation actually leads to landslides because the the nutrition of the ground gets worse there are no roots there the soil begins to move so you can have landslides or droughts very so that's true it is connected yes deforestation lots of you said deforestation yep absolutely cutting down of the trees um which leads to as the gurley says also it leads to less trees and less oxygen because remember the trees give us oxygen so there's less oxygen to balance the co2 right um great just to re just to help everybody the girly less we use with um uncountable but trees is countable right so fewer trees and less oxygen yep because oxygen is uncountable so that's great but fewer trees less oxygen so that's also the issue so not only leading to drought or landslides but also here too less oxygen yes so as we say reduce oxygen in the atmosphere yeah in the atmosphere let's just add your article there in the atmosphere great patel lovely i've got one more for you the last one what has this got to do with climate change this will test you what's this got to do with climate change the canopy of fashion that's right letter it's a tough question consumerism okay absolutely on the right tracks so consumerism uh yes ng also says consumerism so tell me more tell me more fiber consumption good jinxy tell me more right sergey is in there again the mass market of fabric makes more waste so absolutely so as we're producing more and more clothes and as fashion pushes us to buy more consume more fabrics there's going to be more waste tell me more well the waste is okay is not recyclable for many of the fabrics they're not recyclable um tell me more tell me more waste of resources yes punet says good oh poaching animals that's interesting poaching animals i don't think so but i'm looking at the picture maybe you think the one in the middle she's wearing like a leopard skin or a tiger skin i don't think so but it's an interesting point right i idean says the same that dress comes from animals i'm not sure i can't tell i don't think so i think we're looking here at um well not only cotton but polyester man-made fabrics and there's the problem right man-made fabrics that are not recyclable not biodegradable and therefore produce more waste and therefore do and can contribute to um climate change to overheating okay right okay you've got it there it's the excessive consumerism pushed by the fashion industry telling us to buy new buy new buy new and the unnecessary clothes great as a unnecessary clothes as our friend here from i'm not sure where you're from actually but uh unnecessary clothes um yes it's that waste that is the big problem so this is nicely summed up by v over consumption triggers throw away society and will contribute to the waste of natural resources right okay brilliant nice brilliant very very good it's all there so some interesting ideas um let me move on to another question is it a problem oh take away my ideas so we've looked at um climate change and some of the causes or the problems like we've looked at deforestation um what causes the deforestation the greenhouse gases the gases emitted by cars and planes in particular but also the gases emitted by cows and cattle livestock across the world um so that's what causes it but is it really a problem and why is it a problem what do you think let me know is it a problem and why right let's share some of your ideas some good ones here in the past the climate was on time the climate was on time i'm not sure what you mean by on time but maybe it was regular uh it rained during its season but now it rains heavily any time which leads to floods yeah okay yes i know what you mean by on time yes the climate was uh was regular right i think i would say let's say regular hang on a minute regular actually i'm going to change it that's the climate occurred regularly bear with me so in the past the climate occurred regularly it rains during its caesar but now it rains heavily any time so it leads to floods or flooding right absolutely it leads to floods or flooding floods stroke flood flooding brilliant good what else have we got right here's a good one from chainsaw deforestation leads to soil erosion and depletion of nutritive contents so we can no longer farm effectively on this land absolutely very very nice yes i did it's worse for our health tell me why why is it worse for our health i totally agree uh is it a problem the temperature will continue to rise and why is that a problem okay vivec has got water scarcity absolutely if it's getting hotter and hotter there are more droughts right so it's getting hotter and hotter and so there sorry i've got too many windows open there are more droughts difficult word droughts can you say that with me droughts the pronunciation is the same as out to go out to come in to go out drought droughts there are more droughts it's getting hotter and hotter and so there are more droughts sound like a bbc news reader it's getting hotter and hotter and so there are more droughts very nice great let me make this a bit bigger little bit bigger great what else have we got great so kaneka says the level of polar ice has reduced significantly significantly excellent so we might call this the level of the polar ice um the polar ice sheet is well it's melting right the polar ice sheet is melting um and and therefore and the sea levels are rising so the polar ice sheet is melting and the sea levels are rising excellent great and obviously that is bad well why is that bad well if the sea levels rise and you live in a coastal city like me oh gosh sea levels will rise that's going to damage the coastal cities some coastal cities will just become emerged in water but it's going to affect everything is going to affect fishing it's going to affect the tourist industry lots of stuff so it's all very very bad news what else have we got so definitely the ecosystem needs to be balanced so we're disrupting the balance in the ecosystem i think a few of you have talked about it that right we are disrupting the balance in the echo system i say echo you say eco echo eco let's turn the whole thing off we're disrupting the the balance in the ecosystem yes both of them are fine so what else is it what else are the problems yeah sophia's got this the rise in sea levels due to the thawing of the ice cap yeah that's a nice word thawing so let's add that the polar ice sheet is melting or thawing out we would say is thoring out that's lovely because a it's complicated to say so it really practices your pronunciation and b it's a phrasal verb the polar ice sheet is thawing out thoring is a r it looks like a w but it's a r intrusion for so actually not that difficult thawing like thor right the marvel the marvel hero thor with the hammer thor thawing thawing out say with me thawing out is thawing out ice sheet is thawing out i you connect the sir and the shirt i sheet the polar ice sheet is thawing out all together the polar ice sheet is thawing out that's hard into the polar ice sheet is thawing out if it's hard just chunk chunk it take a pause the polar ice sheet is thawing out that's a great technique when you're in the exam in between your chunks look out of the window or look at the wall right the polar ice sheet is thawing out and it helps you chunk your language nice okay brilliant thank you sophia what else have we got i don't understand the question well the question sorry going back was is climate change okay a problem and it's all well and good saying well yes of course it is but why why is it a problem okay i'm going to change all of these just to make it slightly more clearer let's put it in a different color and let's take the bold off welcome to my course in pages right so why is it a problem so just to recap why is climate change a problem well because it leads to floods and flooding the for example due to deforestation the cutting down of a huge number of trees means that the land becomes arid and dry bone dry and this can lead to this can lead to drought not flooding this can lead to drought on the other hand the climate change means that we have bigger extremes in weather in the past it used to rain in the autumn time but now it rains any time in the year and very heavily and this can lead to floods and flooding um it's getting hot and hotter so there are more droughts as i said in addition the polar ice sheet is melting and sea levels are rising and this can have a very detrimental effect on coastal cities um on on the fishing industry on the tourist industry what's more it can really damage the habitats of a number of animals such as the polar bear the penguin and other polar creatures and finally we're disrupting the balance in the echo system okay great uh that's great what else have we got let me just have a little check with you before i move on right it well apparently so someone's talked about the virus cornell talks about the virus could out from the antarctic i'm not sure what you mean but the the virus and sickness increases apparently with climate change and i don't know the science i need to go and find out ah right so this is interesting i didn't know this right this is interesting mavish says the increase in temperature is the primary cause of mate of melting glaciers and that is resulting in more and more novel viruses coming out from the reservoirs i didn't know that that's interesting right yeah it's okay brilliant some great ideas let me come back and just let me move on next i'm gonna share with you um okay i think we've talked a bit about this already but let me just share a couple of ideas that i wrote down earlier and again some language with you maybe we can do some language practice here so the again the problems why is climate change a problem because it leads to the melting of the polar ice sheets okay so it leads to is a is a good it leads to blah blah blah blah it leads to is a useful expression say this one with me it leads to the melting of the polar ice sheets it leads to the melting of the polar ice sheets it leads to the destruction of wildlife great and notice that the word stress there it leads to the destruction of wildlife leads structure wild it leads to the destruction of wildlife nice good sea level rise which in turn so it leads to let's put these in it's the same thing it leads to sea level rise which not with i think it's my auto corrector and this is a really useful expression in turn right so it leads to sea level rise so sea level rise as a noun we use that as a noun um the the higher level of the sea it leads to sea level rise which in turn so it leads to a and then a leads to b so this leads to a a leads to b in turn which in turn causes damage to coastal regions which in turn nice expression say that with me which in turn which in turn causes which in turn causes damage to coastal regions yeah nice great you can also say it can right because some people will argue that it doesn't but it can it might it may lead to droughts flooding and extreme weather which in turn again impacts farming and harvests the witch in turn is great because it really digs deeper and if you're thinking about part three questions where you need to dig deeper and deeper it's better instead of saying well this leads to this this leads to this and then which in turn leads to this you're going deeper and deeper it's a lovely little phrase to use right brilliant so i'm going to take a big risk here because i am by no means an expert on climate change but if you want to ask me a question we're going to do model answers and this is where i just take five minutes to answer one or two of your questions about climate change right not about anything else um so we're talking about climate change model answers just type in a question and i will answer it i will try and give like an ielts part 3 answer i'm back descendants ah oh okay i'm gonna jump straight in oh my so the girlie asks um what do you think about climate change well for sure right climate change is a hugely controversial subject nowadays um and i i think it's a problematic um thing it's a problematic issue clearly because the the growing rise in the temperature the global warming we're experiencing is having very ex you know it's having a huge impact on our lives and on nature and the world around us um for example right climate change the increase of the temperature that is happening due to the emission of methane from cows or carbon emissions from from traffic is is leading to this increased temperature which in turn means that the sea level rise is getting worse and worse and that's destroying habitats for animals like the polar bear and the penguin but not only that it's having a really you know detrimental impact on coastal cities lower level land it can lead to tsunamis flooding in lots of areas around the world and that's going to have a really really bad impact so personally i think climate change is a serious problem that we need to take radical action right now i go along with greta thonberg saying we need to wake up to the reality around us i don't really go along with these skeptics who don't believe it's a serious problem i think it is and we need to take action great and that went from being an ielts answer to being an activist speech about climate change right whoa that was far too long for ielts um but there you go some ideas there let me find another question here we go oh okay quintessential faith why is climate change important hmm right okay well it's a very good question um and i'd like to answer that question in two parts first of all i think it's important politically and i think it's important environmentally firstly politically this is an important agenda on any prime minister or president's to-do list looking at the impacts of climate change around the world um and so yes it's hugely important for countries and for politicians but more importantly moving on to the second point it's it's hugely important for our environment because we are destroying the environment around us we are destroying habitats through the rise in the sea level we're destroying habitats through deforestation cutting down trees across the world which in turn leads to droughts the growth of arid land that can no longer be used for farming um and droughts have a really obviously negative impact on populations especially in tropical areas so it's a hugely important issue for all of humanity right okay right last and but not least this question here what can we do to stop climate change final question my this is difficult put yourself on the spot mr o'hare what can we do to stop climate change right well i think there's a number of things we can do um first of all as countries we can introduce policies that will prevent for example deforestation policies that will encourage countries to take positive action towards climate change but there's also things that we as individuals can do for starters we can use sorry we can save energy at home um we can be turning off lights when we don't need them so we're using less electricity we can take public transport so reducing our carbon footprint so that there are fewer greenhouse gas emissions we can also vote with our feet when it comes to consumerism and we can choose to buy less less fewer clothes so that we're not pushed by the fashion industry to be consuming all of these fabrics that then are not are just left as waste and are having a negative impact on the balance of the ecosystem as well so i think both of these areas are things that we need to address in order to tackle climate change head on right those are my answers they're a little long am i it's challenging right but i tell you what might be interesting for all of us is later i will transcribe the answers and then help you pick out the useful phrases um not only vocabulary but how we use the vocabulary it's the collocations right and the the grammar that we use to make it natural english but it's certainly challenging it is a very very difficult subject to talk about um and i think this is a classic example where you need to practice practice practice not only the vocabulary but discussing this topic right in the facebook group i posted a question yesterday and it was actually an act an exercise an activity which gives an introduction to climate change and gets you working on it i think that's great to build up ideas and vocabulary but i think even more important is for you to be speaking out so if you can get a speaking partner or a family member to listen to you even if they don't speak english just tell them to nod even if they don't understand whilst you practice talking about this topic it's a tough topic right it's a tough nut to crack but you know really have a go at it right what was that keith police i don't know what that means anyway great so let's move on um i'm just aware of the time so i've kind of touched on the solutions so i'm gonna move on from that but um well yes i'm gonna move on because i've left the window open today because it's so hot and they started can you hear that boy one moment keith's doing his live stream let's start drilling let's destroy the uh let's create some noise pollution thank you very much yes cynthia ler it's kahoot time you're absolutely right oh farad i'd love to tell you about the corporate lobbying groups um and that's something you can talk about i think in ielts you want to avoid politics sometimes in that in the class i do make jokes about boris johnson and donald trump because they're quite funny people right um but i would stay away from politics in the ielts test um certainly none of the questions will be political um but i would yeah not go down that street in the test but in the lesson yes we can discuss okay great so let's move on kahoot we've got time we've got a few minutes to move into kahoot kahoot if you don't know this it's just a chance for us to review some of the vocabulary that we've been looking at um in a rather fun way so let me just load it up and whilst i'm doing this let me just remind you if you haven't joined the facebook group come and join us it's um keith's mastermind community for ielts speaking it's growing it's very active lots of people practicing their language um and absolutely amazing i mean a really really impressive uh really impressive group with lots of things going on i'm multitasking i'm trying to open this whilst i talk to you and realize i can't multitask come on where are we come on bear with me bear with me no that's not what i want why don't you understand me mr computer come on right now we're in teach okay so let me share this with you i'll turn that off and just to let you know the notes after today um if you want to get the notes and the kind of the transcripts of the model answers and everything um pop over to the keith speaking academy and that's where everything is going to be you can go to the page that is called the free live lessons let me just show you where that is very very quickly so if you go keith speaking um the at the very very top there the free live lessons click on that one and you will find there um the notes from not only the last class but all the classes my god you have to be patient i need to sort that out don't i um but there you can get the download the free lesson notes idioms about work that we've had you can watch the video if you want to make a donation that's always very very welcome to help me dedicate more time to this you just choose a level one two or three or you can choose your own um and here we've got everything we've got childhood idioms and notes food and you just tick get the download and you can get it there super hunkador hunky dory let's get into kahoot so we're going to play the classic game let me get rid of climate change so what you need to do if you're new here in fact even if you're not new you still need to do it go to dot i um put your name and then the pins nine four nine eight one one five and i can see some people are already coming in if you can't [Music] oh let me share this i love this where is it multitasking is a problem with all men [Music] you're a star if you can't get into kahoot you can just type in the comments box that's absolutely fine as well uh dear so i'll just give you a second to all jump in come in [Music] harry kander wants grammar ah there's more grammar coming up like in the next few weeks farad interesting questions do we have a gap year in all european countries no no gap year is an option for each student um so it's up to the student whether they want to take a gap year but many don't ever the fluency gym is coming back it's coming back i've i've i'm almost finished a whole course called the fluency gym it's actually called fluency for ielts speaking and it's all about improving fluency and intonation the whole course with videos pdf that will be coming in a few weeks time so look out for that victor we're gonna play a game and it's a just a a test for you you ca you can don't download the app uh yes because we i use this most days in our live lessons so you can download the app it just makes it a bit easier right okay let's let's go straight in so i'll just get rid of me wow there's a lot of people here [Music] so let's go let's start climate change so here's the question right true or false climate is the same as weather climate is the same as weather so you just press the blue or the red blue is true red is false put your choice put your answer you've got 17 seconds left quick as you can climate is the same as weather true or false lots of good answers in the comment box [Music] oh that's interesting so 149 of you said false which was the correct answer false is the correct answer climate is not the same as weather if you remember we said the biggest difference is that weather is kind of short-term the short-term changes to the maybe the the air pressure the rain the clouds the wind climate is the long-term changes so a climate may change over the years but it's a long-term thing okay so a bit different okey-kokey losing whoa yumiko star great to see you here you're in first place pole position nice um great so and that means the person who was the fastest to get the right answer let's move on to the next question to mitigate means to mitigate climate change means which one you've got 30 seconds wow well done fantastic it is to reduce it to mitigate is to reduce yes well done very very nice got it right 146 of you that's brilliant let's see who is if yumiko is still in the lead or not oh we've got we've moved up we've now got a manjot was the uh the fastest over the two flowing second manus in third here we go third question three out of four climate change can destroy what climate change can destroy habits inhabitants habitats or hats [Music] climate change can destroy habitats well done absolutely habitats you'll remember um are the places where the animals and the plants live right habitats certainly not habits or inhabitants who are the people who live in a place it's the habit tax excellent let's check that leaderboard oh flo has snuck up into second place well done flo manus and janna coming in second and third it's the last question let's jump straight in the opposite of drought is flood heat ice fuel [Music] and there's a small clue in the picture five four make your choice flood well done fantastic 159 of you brilliant so drought of course is where there is no rain no water it's bone dry flood where there's an excess of water right so it's the opposite in effect excellent well done excellent so we're just going to move in and finally check that leaderboard who is top of the pops third place yala well done malas which means [Music] hello hey well done flo you kept your first place all the way from third to the fourth question flow is at the top congratulations well done very very nice and well done to all of you who got the right question it's not about the leaderboard it's about practicing your english right that's what's key here but well done all of you brilliant that's it so listen let me just close that there we go so that brings us to the end for today um we've talked about climate change some interesting vocabulary we've talked about what causes it and what are the effects of climate change how does it affect our lives we've looked a bit at solutions as well so do remember all of these notes i will be publishing on the website on the page free live lessons you can access all of those and all of the past stuff for free that's it if you want to make a donation help sponsor me and support the work i do with the live lessons that's all also very very welcome so i'd just like to say thank you very much for all of you watching whether you're live or later on the recording i really appreciate you coming and watching and that's it for today climate change on thursday we'll be looking at the topic of animals another challenging topic sometimes talking about animals okay thanks for coming um if you have any questions or doubts just type them in the comment comments box comments box and i will go back and try and answer them um either in the comments box or next time brilliant take care everybody i will see you on thursday thursday 10 o'clock spanish time on youtube goodbye from me and goodbye from those annoying men working on the building next door hopefully they'll be on holiday next week right take care everybody bye bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 60,475
Rating: 4.9629793 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking climate change, ielts speaking weather and climate, ielts speaking success, ielts keith, keith ielts 2020, keith ielts speaking part 1, keith ielts speaking part 3, weather ielts spekaing, weather ielts speaking, weather ielts speaking part 2, climate ielts, ielts climate change, climate change vocabulary ielts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 58sec (4438 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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