FREE IELTS Speaking practice online: Topic - FAMILY (Part 2)

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hello and good morning hi and welcome to Thursday good to see you here how are you doing nice good so come in have a seat make yourself comfy get yourself a drink if you need it and most important pen and paper because today we're looking at il speaking and the topic is family again but part 2 and part 3 questions on Tuesday we looked at part 1 questions today we're gonna dig deep into part 2 sorry part 3 questions I don't know how many sequels there are to this film and the family but today it's all about that we're gonna look more at the family hello to all of you just joining now Abbey Lasher Vida Nico turquoise great name Jerry nice to see you Rahul Farshid Ralph happy what a nice name Holly well happy good rahrr we are new Gwaine Nieto is here again I'm good thank you Albert nice to see you present great it's like being back in secondary school isn't it present sir I'm here now get your pens and papers ready all your tablets if you're digitally what a digital native or digitally proficient and to make notes to record some of this stuff that we're going to do today brilliant nice to see you all this morning Chris Katie may her Alessia and deal nice to see you deal you now from Japan brilliant good people from all over the world smiley we've got happy we've got smiley what's going on and we've got Lily Lily Lily Lily brilliant good to see you all and Joyce good morning great so let us move slowly forward and first of all today just a quick a few things I would actually first of all just just like to say a big big thank you - especially to the donors so some of you who have helped helped me out donated money if you like sponsored me and sponsored these classes - to make this possible I really do appreciate it so a big THANK YOU to Daria Nadira yang Yu Tong - abdullah abdullah who's got the kz m in his email address ileena manova Muhammad Mustafa al hussain li y Kim who I think is William if I remember correctly so guys a big big THANK YOU I'm really appreciated because it actually helps me spend more time on doing things like this so the live class is making the notes the YouTube videos everything that is free that people can access so I really appreciate it thank you very very much hmm okay parisa you've got your interview in less than a week now your interview you mean your test right I suppose okay I'm going to talk about that yes a few things because a few questions came up last week and some of the questions I'm gonna address with you now okay so some people there were four questions first question was what's the best way to learn words in the lockdown okay let me share this question with you great thank you very much all of you Chris go I'll answer that question how to donate in a moment yes Emmy you overslept great so the best way to somebody asked last week best way to learn words in lockdown well to be honest the best way to learn words in or out of the lockdown is the same I think one of the most important things in the lockdown is to have a routine and a lot of the professionals say this the psychologists say this the teachers say this because the routine allows you to organize your day people we are creatures of habit right when we like a routine and habits and in the lockdown sometimes that is lost especially if you're not working and things we eat at different times we lose our sense of where we are of reality and it can get very difficult and for some people very lonely if you're on your own and depressing and so routine is just a simple structure to help us and it's the same with your study have a routine same time every day connected to another thing you do every day so for example as soon as you finish breakfast oh that's my English time even if it's 10 minutes right as soon as you've finished brushing your teeth fool that's my English time and straightaway have that habit every day and that's the most important thing I think then for vocabulary we're looking at words learn in context learn in context so don't just have a list of words like a dictionary with translation that's okay but it's limited the most useful thing you can do is to watch videos or listen to radio and audio and reading where you're seeing the words in a sentence in context because it tells you how to use it and it shows you better the language as it's used so have a habit routine learning context to make notes 3 make notes so when you discover a new word write it down not just the word but the word before and or the word after right so when we learn last week for example on Tuesday we talked about families and do you remember the terrible twos the children the toddler write terrible twos and they throw tantrums so when you learn tantrum don't just write tantrum right throw tantrums and then make a short phrase toddlers throw tantrums because they're you've actually got three things you've got toddler you've got tantrum you've got throw tantrum toddlers throw tantrums plural you've got grammar you've got so much and that's really the best way to learn vocabulary okay so routine routine what was the second one learning context write and take notes okay that's it that's the first question brilliant reading the BBC excellent some very nice ideas coming up a chin view reading BBC CNN news is great absolutely very very good note the words to read yes here Aloha Aloha Aloha isn't that hello in Hawaiian I think it might be learn words through podcasts online classes by RL success you mean IELTS speaking success absolutely nice one here I reckon browse the news online very very much so yes watching movies all of these so these contexts write movies BBC the news they're content so so important exactly you can also find websites that have context adapted to your level higher levels and lower levels okay brilliant great skimming and scanning the newspaper so I'm some good ideas so somebody asked where about the the donation where do we donate right let me show you very quickly because it does help I think you can't imagine maybe you can imagine but it is hugely hugely helpful here let me just show you very quickly I think it was Chris Kerr he was asking this if you go to my website gryska it's called IELTS speaking success and go up here live lessons sorry let's get rid of this one on that page it's here there's the level 1 2 or 3 or you can choose how much so you just choose and then you just press the donate and that's it okay so it's just in there great let me come back I'll put the link for you but of course as always all of these links will be in the in the notes at the end of the session today ok brilliant excuse me it's my honey lemon ginger tea coming up to say hello so let's come back to the other questions the second question somebody asked me was oh this is a good one how many ideas should we include in a part three answer and how much time very good question right how many ideas to include in a part three answer and how much time speaking I think so part three as you know is all about developing your ideas and taking the conversation deeper okay so in part one we're talking kind of like across on different topics right three you can think of it as going down so think of part one as being horizontal and part three as being vertical going deeper so how many ideas roughly speaking one or two right you don't want to give lots of ideas because ideas is horizontal you want to give one or two and go deep go down right that's the key to it so if there's a question for example today we're going to look at one of the questions what role do grandparents play in families right now you don't want to say well they look after the children they feed the children they take them to school they buy them presents they take them to the cinema they take them to the shopping mall you don't want to go example example example example example right you want to give one or two and go deep well they look after the children so now let's take what they look after the children they they they take the children shopping for example is that the role that's not the role what's the role of a grandparent let's think about this role of the grandparent is to is to have fun with the children is to let the children have fun in ways that maybe they can't at home so the grandparents will look for ways to entertain and let the children be free I have amusing times with each other maybe they take them to a film because at the film they can have some popcorn they can run around in the garden they can watch a funny film and and so we're going down and down and down and down right into depth about having fun so that's the idea I hope that makes sense ok we'll have a look at some more examples today so the quick answer is 1 or 2 and how much time between 30 and 60 seconds right it's not mathematical sometimes it's more sometimes is less the examiner is not timing each each question but you know as a ballpark figure than nice expression a ballpark figure right and a rough figure I would say 30 seconds to 60 seconds right all park figure boom there you go that means an approximate number if you like so all people have started answering about grandparents yes we're going to come to grandparents in a moment the other question there was one more question fluency Jim what happened to the fluency Jim the fluency Jim is still going strong there are three videos on YouTube I am making it an audio course it's being developed at the moment I don't they may take a few more weeks to come out but we will do a little bit of fluency Jim through the classes as well maybe not at the end but in different parts to practice okay brilliant and the last question was test cards for me what are the test cards for me okay the task cards for me the test cards for me we don't know yet because we don't have a secret source we're waiting for students to take the test obviously very few students are taking the test but there are some in Taiwan there are some in Australia and so there are one or two questions coming out so we know that some of the a lot of the questions from January to April are still there questions from 2019 have come back in and there are one or two new questions at the end of the class today I'll give you one of the questions I know but the others we're not sure yet I say we I'm not sure yet I speak like the Queen sometimes we the Queen says we write she doesn't say I because we are not amused we are hungry the Royal we not the toilet the Royal we w/e I don't know for sure so I'm waiting until next week here's a key question though if anybody is having the test this week oh and I can see some people are May the 23rd Aloha you're on May 23rd ok if anybody else is having the test letters know what the questions are right let us know the best place to let me know is in the website again go to the IELTS speaking success recent questions let me make sure you know where that is because that will help everybody right hang on dad that if you go to the website and go here test recent questions so you've got all information about the different parts but the recent questions is where you want to go and there you'll be able to see the recent questions you could go to go to the very bottom actually if you click here I think you're right down to the bottom and and post at the bottom you have to go through all the questions these a lot of these are still applicable but then you write your comment here and at the bottom that's where you can add your comment and add your questions so do let us know if you've got your test somebody else said they're having tests right the 17th of May I wonder where you are which country would that be hmm I can't see you've gone now but if anybody else is having the test let me know when and let me know where you are and after the test let us know the questions and then we can share with everybody so crucial that May the 21st we've got somebody from Cornwall fantastic great dr. Nguyen no no rule lion May the 17th yeah well good luck to all of you guys hey in that in 16th of May up in Russia I guess 21st of May right 23rd of May for Meenakshi well for those of you who are before next Tuesday a big big good luck to all of you I really hope you do well excellent great thank you for that now let's move on and what's next what's next is oh I just want to let you know because again people have been asking me a few questions about this is people who are doing the test doesn't want to do a mock test first the mock test that I think one of the best that I've seen is take IELTS net and they are pretty good and they've I've actually done it through their their system and I was impressed with what they do I was impressed with the feedback they do the full test so I just want to share with you one more time the information I've got too many documents open okay bear with me bear with me here we go this will just take a moment but it's useful I think for you if you want to do a mock test and not just speaking but actually everything they do all the different parts they these are the guys who I think are very very good succeed in IELTS okay and basically they've got the the mock tests through here they're connected to the the what's it called the European education Authority they have professional IELTS examiner's and marking the tests and also when I did it I was impressed because at the level of the feedback so you get things like this let me just show you this so here was a mock test they give you the kind of the overall score and a breakdown of the school and then for listening you get examiner's comments and they give you a really thorough feedback same for reading and they give you tips and ideas on what you should do and then for speaking they also here they tell you what you've done well and what you need to change you may lose coherence due to this and then give you advice practice using cinnamons and paraphrasing and then for each one the fluency the lexical resource grammar pronunciation you get feedback so you get a lot of a lot of feedback and I think they are it's invaluable I think they're very very good so those are some guys I would check out and go and have a look at I'll give you the link if I haven't done it already and if you put in a code code is Keith ten they gave me a code they said if your students want a 10% discount just use this code and you'll get it it's Keith ten so basically that's it you can have a look at that if it's useful for you and you think it's worth paying for then have a go you can get different packages Keith tang is a discount okay so the link is there or LAN just above you and the cost of those is let me tell you give us the pricing here don't they the cost is it's actually a reasonable price when you think about a mock test right the whole exam you're paying one hundred and fifty dollars so for one mock test the whole thing it's 24 1999 20 euros the three is just under fifty and four five is just under 80 so it's a valuable investment I think it's worth doing anyway that's it let's move on so there's lots of questions coming up so again I'm going to take the questions today that are not about family so today our topic is family pop three and I'll look at your questions and answer those next Tuesday brilliant so let's have a look yes yes there is writing yes yeah okay so where are we we're going to look at part three questions so there are here are there questions let's do that they do them to do to do them one by one first question is is family important in your country right is family important in your country have a think let me know some good questions there but we'll look at those next time so Mahesh says yes family is very important family provides us with social and emotional bonds that's a nice one from Neha social an emotional bond I would say bonds in the plural bonds great yes so Porter versus yes in our country families given first priority nice first priority people spend a lot of time with the family great and as Marcela says yes and to my mind nice to my mind in my opinion not just in my country I think you're right right it's in many different countries this is nice from J&R door yes I think it is I'm Italian and we tend to gather whenever it's possible not so much nowadays right that's the trouble but tend to gather that's really nice right we tend to gather notice the two becomes too because we stress together the day to day we tend to gather we tend to gather whenever it's possible lovely Vida says without a doubt family play family play a pivotal role in society they do indeed good it is without a shadow of a doubt nice expressions those without a shadow of a doubt yes each are says without family we are nothing very very true Hansen should I begin with if I'm going to talk about the importance of the family no don't begin with that because the question is is family important in your country so you must talk about the importance of family it's not if because there is no if you must talk about it so don't start with that that if I'm going to talk about is when there is a choice of different things but here there's no choice right okay but I like how you're thinking it's a good way of thinking looking for nice ways to begin it's a good idea okay I think here I would just go straight in right say absolutely yes I totally agree I couldn't agree more family is pivotal plays a pivotal role in our society right okay of priority as chriskiss s talk about priority family as a priority brilliant there you go going straight in with Debbie absolutely and nod your head like that absolutely typical household in my country tend to live love it tend to live I think that's nice because we're generalizing right we can't say this is true for all families so tend to means for most families right tend to live with extended family members well done Debbie we had that on Tuesday I like it where cycling the vocabulary today is going to be really good for you guys because we're gonna recycle lots of vocabulary from the other day brilliant yep we've got about family being precious we've got things about the families are part of our tradition that's good families very group is a very crucial part it's a really crucial part right crucial means very important it's a it's one of these extreme adjectives right very important so you can't say very very important because crucial is already very right very important so then with extreme adjectives we say really crucial right it's like fantastic is very good we don't say very fantastic no really fantastic so for these extreme adjectives fantastic crucial amazing wonderful don't use very use really to emphasize right brilliant neha thank you excellent okay we've got here the family is the basic form of community yes the word I would use is unit it's the basic unit of our community right family is the basic unit of our community okay brilliant now I just had that written down but I just found out my notes have gone strange what's happened to my notes why have they done that oh I've divided it into two columns how did I divide it into two columns you've got no idea what I'm talking about because you can't see what I'm seeing um right let me share this with you then we've got some great ideas oh my I'm Way behind you so social bonds high-value significant place yeah great some great great ideas brilliant let me just share this some notes over here is family important in your country well we may want to talk about respect yes enough we respect our families we respect the people in our family talk about family values are important family values may have changed but they are important family bonds right somebody said the family is a high priority Emily is really crucial crucial with family values family bonds and a couple of expressions here um to get through thick and thin so family help you get through thick and thin the thick and thin as you can probably guess right is difficult times so sometimes your friends may help or colleagues at work may or may not help but usually your family help you get through thick and thin through thick and thin notice with the thick and thin right the end well first of all this is very very common that we when we have two adjectives / and what we actually say is thick and thin not thick and thin though thick and thin and you link them so it's thick and thin thick and thin maybe if you can see me that might help so it's a thick can thin so it's not thick and thin it's thick and thin thick and thin can thin thick and thin so family help you get through thick and thin try that with me and try and follow the intonation right and the stress family help you get through thick and thin again family help you get through thick and thin excellent that's it that's it nice a little bit of fluency Jim those of you who and you are thinking what's he talking about and the similar expression to get through the ups and downs the ups and the downs the ups and downs you don't need that actually through the ups and downs same idea right and becomes an you connect here ups and ups and downs ups and downs family can get you through the ups and downs ups and downs ups and downs doo doo doo ups and downs family can get you through ups and downs put it all together family can get you through ups and downs nice very good getting good getting good brilliant okay what else have we got social bonds yes families are priority close-knit family great I like it that's very very good I'm laughing at our Russian friend over here who's put lots of question marks to catch my attention and to catch my high the answer is yes the answer is yes there are lots of the questions from January to May still included in the present questions yes ride families Foundation also great so some good good ideas there okay and the other expression I was gonna put in here was this one family will stand by you right so family will support you stay with you so they're important they will support you to get through the ups and downs yes Marcela that's great my family always helped me to get through the ups and downs I will be eternally grateful for their support great it's only grateful if you've been watching the idioms video that's really nice yes this is also very good all right ether 18 sir ether 18 seem says yes family comes first that is so simple but so natural family comes first right it's really good it's an emotional bond between family members there is an emotional bond yes yeah brilliant mm that's nice some good practice there guys brilliant mummys the Sun that brightens my day now this is a good question Rafaela right family get or family gets it can be both it's a strange word family right because family when we talk about my family it's singular my family is important my family gets me through the ups and downs right but family when we talk generally about the concept of family so not a family but the concept of family and the relationships then it's not if it's not singular it's plural family our family gets family get you through ups and downs family help you get through thick and thin right so my example here family help you is the concept of family not the family or my family so the answer is it can be both right okay same question yeah Elena was asking the same question is it plural it can be as so as a concept yes otherwise its individual okay brilliant any more families my strengths great my family members have a heart of gold brilliant good so excellent lots of information about family nice let's move on and look at the next question and this is one of those questions it's a very common part 3 question where you're asked to look at the past and the future or the past and the present if you like how our families today different from the past how our families today different from the past right thanks for the smiley face great assuming they are different right so the examiner is pushing you the examiner is pushing you to say they are different but how you can push back I push the examiner back push him off his chair you can push back and say well actually I don't think they are different I think families today are the same right so you can say that but what do you think this is a tough question right hmm very tough question they're not different some people are saying no they're not so just say actually I don't think they are different so we've got a few ideas though right nuclear families are more common right so the small family with one or two children rather than having all the extended family especially if you're talking about living together because the nuclear families tend to tend to tend to live in their own house previously the extended family might live together less conservative random can we write the answer it's a really good question because in these classes everybody writes their answer in the chat right when you're practicing I don't think it's important to write the answer I think it's important to speak out the answer that's it's quite dangerous to write your answer because you start writing like writing English not spoken English so I would encourage you not to write your answer when you're practicing but to speak out your answer but because we can't chat together speaking in the class people are writing the answer so you can you can write the answer I think to learn the vocabulary is good but of course I have no idea about your pronunciation or your fluency so it's a really good question random yes so so the size a Malika he's comparing now family are really small but then they were really big but then or in the past right in the past so I think starting this question is a really good place to start is to talk about the past right in the past families and here were plural families word and editor or previously write you may want to say previously families that are there in asked previously what else can we say in the past previously in past times and press times that families were and then talk about well okay here's a little trick right here's the trick trick is to use the present perfect here we go so here's the trick can you see what I'm doing so you've got three sentences together in the past families were there's one tense things have changed a lot right but there you go start with but but things have changed a lot it's imperfect now families tend to live [Music] parts for example present simple now look at that a very simple answer but you've got three tenses were have changed 10 to past present perfect present that's the kind of grammar the examiner is listening for okay that's the kind of thing the examiner goes ooh Bing Bing little bells going off present tense yes present perfect past tense connected together and the flow of sentences that's what sets off the bell in the examiners head so little tricks like that they are just tricks right you need to improve your English but the little tricks like this can can help you so with this kind of question I think that's nice so having that idea right in the past it was like this but things have changed now we tend to dee dee dee dee dee dee dee great here we've got it that we can also say as Rita says the family has gone through changes that's lovely family has gone through changes in terms of marriage or marriage age right brilliant let's make a note of that because that's so good families have gone through changes I love it in terms of in terms of what in terms of marriage in terms of age in terms of all sorts of stuff families are nuclear yes family Veeran says family are getting more supportive from the past ride are getting more supportive nowadays compared to the past right yes this is interesting from crucial in comparison to extended families living together in yesteryears yesteryears very empathic very nice nowadays there are more nuclear families I like it thank you brilliant what else have we got that's good I think Muhammad Ali as far as I'm concerned family shape the family unit I would say the family unit has changed not the shape because it's not quite the shape the family unit has mostly changed from extended to nuclear it's nice Mohammed II Muhammad Ali nice okay well it's a tricky question it certainly is okay brilliant what else have we got I'm just coming down to find everybody well that's true yes actually there is no much difference there's not much difference because that we are then we were bounded by love in the past and now we've also got Albert saying families they know about technology now that's true especially the younger ones yes this is a nice way to express it from Cher's Shack Zadar families now tend to be smaller than they were in the past also the number of children has declined this rise and right so we can talk about the demographics and that was one of the things I one of the words I'd written down demographics can include age gender different things but if we're talking about the number of the age and what we're talking about the number of children or the number of people in the family we can say you know the demographics have changed there are a lot more older people than the word then there are younger people in our society so demographics have changed smaller family unit right so we're talking about family unit I think that's the the correct word to be using here brilliant families have changed so let's think about it because I'm still thinking about the in terms of so do you remember at the start we said to think about not horizontal but to think about going in depth so let's think in terms of what families have changed in terms of size right we've talked about families have changed in terms of well in terms of respect so here's an example for me I think in some Western countries and I can see this in the UK and families have changed in terms of respect in the past younger members of the family would respect older people and would take special care of grandparents but now things have changed and I think younger people in families tend to show less respect to elder people than they used to broadly speaking it seems that there is less they value the older people or the grandparents less than they used to that may be due to different changes in our society to society and different changes in values that we have that not only apply to young people but to young adults and we can see this in the tendency for grandparents to to be put into nursing homes rather than to stay living the be extended family altogether okay so go deep go down take take an idea respect and go down dig deep for your part three okay I know you can't do it in the chat because you only have a few lines to chat but there you go just an idea oh here's a nice one I like this women have become breadwinners lovely recycle recycle recycle we had breadwinners on Tuesday women have become breadwinners excellent yes what else have we got here's a nice expression people live in extended family used to live under the same roof brilliant let me write that down so I really like that and we can share that with everybody families used to live under this same roof and it's literal but it's just nice right it's a really nice nice expression yeah oh hang on that was the one I wanted to show town hates how have you gone as far as I'm concerned families nowadays are more modern and less conservative compared to families in the best excellent brilliant conservativeness right faster paced life yep okay brilliant let's move on and talk about the next question all my notes are all messed up why am i notes messed up oh here we go talking of grandparents talking of grandparents when we started the class on this question what role the grandparents play in families nowadays right what role the grandparents play in families nowadays it's the ginger so let's have a thing what role do grandparents play I started at the beginning of the class talking about fund in time they play a role in helping children have fun and show their the fun side of their personality bringing out the fun side of their personality they may do that through playing games with them taking to the cinema or a range of activities where children can feel free to be themselves it is interesting right children have a different relationship with cat grandparents than they do with parents I know a lot of children and this was my case as well aren't there are certain things I would tell my grandparents that I mind tell my parents because you had that special kind of relationship it's interesting right it's it's almost like the psychiatrist the third person who listens to you and grandparents of family but you don't see them every day at least we never saw them every day we saw them maybe once a week or once every two weeks and there's that special kind of they just seem to be very good at listening or at least my grandparents I know not all grandparents are the same you know let's not put everybody in the same boat but it's interesting okay let's see what you've got now that oh no I shouldn't have done that because I've noticed now that people are doing this right people have realized that if they put lots of question marks that it catches my attention and I've now just reinforced it what am i doing yes the Isles practice tested level is the same well it doesn't have a level right you have the level the test does it have a level but the quality of the test and this questions are equal to the real tests yes they are yes right I'm going to ignore all of these okay bounnam mostly caretakers where both parents are working caretakers nice right babysitting well yeah they do play that role don't they yes babysitters advisors right lovely giving money akitsuki you must have had nice grandparents oh actually oh oh I'd forgotten that oh my god that's so true actually one of my grandparents my grandmother on my father's side used to always give us like 5 pence or 10 pence so funny she always used to say the same thing right we'd go to her house we'd go for dinner or for lunch normally and she used to make these lovely fish cakes and then there was always a she was always baking then there was a cake at the end and then she'd bring out the cake and then when we used to leave the house she would always find a way to come up to us to the children when the parents weren't looking and go quick quick take this don't let your dad see don't let your mum see and she'd give us five pence and she'd go go and treat yourself go and treat yourself I'll never forget that I did forget that you've just reminded me thank you so much akitsuki there was a memory I had lost oh wow yes giving money nice Oh babysitter's good baby care a lot of that yep helping to raise their baby it's nice it's nice yeah I sure this is very good without grandparents there's no joy diantha's made it makes a good point right reliable child care because there's a difference having a teenager you don't know babysit and your grandparents who you know they're doing a good job although I know some parents think grandparents are interfering a bit too much in the education of their children but exactly because as Teresa says sometimes grandparents bend the rules right and it's okay up to a point I totally agree I couldn't agree more Teresa it's very very true this is a nice expression from Jays or they shoulder the responsibility lovely they shoulder the responsibility let's make a note of that then we can share that later as well they shoulder the responsibility this sponsibility you showed the responsibility of raising children for the upbringing of all four they showed the responsibility for they showed the responsibility of both of those of and for a good this is also really interesting it transferring cultural values to the children right absolutely brilliant and it's their job it's in their job description you must spoil their grandchildren of course exactly exactly there's some really good ideas here yep they play a pivotal role a great good expression right as they turn into first teachers for the kids when their parents are away from work they do yes but this is also true as madness as their role is less significant than in past and I think that's probably true unfortunately grandparents are babysitting and I know what you mean right cause you back over I think I know what you mean is that we only call up the grandparents when we need a babysitter we don't call them up regularly to stay in touch but just when we need a babysitter they are also yes a pillar of strength they are Mentors brilliant brilliant Sheeran they are a living link with the past wow that's nice very very nice so nice one hear from James I believe the answer for this one depends on the situation very true they can either be the source of wise words or the pillar of support for every family member lovely very nice very very nice let me come back I can't go back oh wait a minute if someone was talking about them being a beacon which was nice they are a beacon Dominique says they substitute parents in some tasks is true they do indeed anything else coming up anything else there's true here that connection with history connecting them with the past absolutely true fantastic lots of ideas far too many for me to read gosh I should develop my speed reading skills I'm gonna move on to our last question right and this is an interesting question if you look deep into your heart I don't know how old you are guys but this is a hard question because there's no simple answer but who should be responsible for care of the elderly well we have some great expressions brilliant I will as you're writing I will go back and I'll pick out some of these really nice expressions and put them on the sheet their own children yeah of course their children their own children and I guess that's if the question is should who should then the answers clear right their offspring their family members yep no doubt their children right everybody at home and the government and the government right in what ways did the government support well the government obviously is their responsibility to give them a pension and to make sure that they are financially taken care of right and if they are in in poverty that they are given some kind of a home or shelter to stay in but then it gets complicated because the children obviously undoubtedly the children right there their flesh and blood that we had that last week flesh and blood you're writing too fast I can't get your comments where's it gone I know there we are yes ranganna their own their own their own flesh and blood has a responsibility for looking after their parents yes but it could also be their close friends right that's very true because it so the reality is parents are working most parents not everybody but they may be working 9:00 to 5:00 and so finding time during the day to look after their grandparents is difficult grandparents if they're lucky we'll have a network a circle of friends and family and friends can also help them as grandparents get older the big issue of course is is health and looking after themselves and in many cases close friends can also play a pivotal role in supporting them if the whole family can't the parents may be busy working the children have a role to play so the grandchildren it's it's an interesting question I think as as turquoise says their children and the and the grandchildren yes right quite a few of you've got both the government and the own children so there is definitely a role for the government right in my viewpoint the kids are responsible for them yeah and we all hope of course as we become grandparents the our own family will look after us as well okay yeah I think both governments and parents at the same time as they have paid taxes they did indeed health care is healthy carers healthy careers health care as healthy careers and of course what happens sometimes is if the grandparents are sick is that their children put them into a nursing home to look after them and you can you could say that's my way of looking after them of taking care of them because I can't do it every day by putting them in a nursing home that's my way of looking after them you could say I'm not saying that's good or bad there's no judgement right that that situation does exist as well and therefore the nursing homes have that role to play at the moment in most countries they are private I think maybe in some countries they are public run by the government I'm not sure yes but most of all as sanon says we must not avoid this situation it is a very strong reality and we have to we have to solve it or maybe you mean we as the children we mustn't avoid it I don't know I'm not sure so we could say in the majority in the majority of cases their offspring offspring in the singular offspring and partly government yes and here's another word so we've talked about our children offspring grandchildren government friends community there's also the community so there are people in the community depending where you live that do help in this kind of area right people volunteers who go and help and go to for example volunteers go to some of the nursing homes or people on their own and play games with them talk to them give them a chance or just a phone call just to give them contact with people because I guess for many grandparents especially if they are single then a loneliness is a big big issue right okay great anything else coming up well listen guys some amazing expressions up here as I said I will pick out some of them we have come again in the blink of an eye we have come through an hour it's 11 o'clock again 11 o'clock again at the end Tuesday and Thursday so I'm going to start winding up we've looked at some really nice expressions right we've looked at part three questions we've had a look at different parts of language and we've talked about let me just see my notes are a mess but we've talked about the role of family families are important we've said that family can be a concept in a plural or it can be singular my family family bonds we've talked about we've talked about families getting you through thick and thin or through the ups and downs right we've talked about that idea comparing the past and the present in the past it was like this things have changed now we tend to write nice complex grammar we've talked about the family unit right that has changed family the family unit is bigger than it used to be or is smaller than it used to be I guess we've talked about grandparents and their role right in being mentors advisors taking care of children being a link to the tradition and to history and finally responsibility for taking care of grandparents excellent very very nice so that's it listen we are going to wind up as we come to the end there is quite a few questions you've asked today again I will try and pick them out and answer those questions next time if anybody's doing the test before next Tuesday thumbs up good luck we are all thinking of you I hope it goes well do come back and share your questions go into the IELTS speaking and recent questions and share what you've got I'm hoping next week I can share more with you and I think that's it I think I'm gonna wind up any final comments what time do you have live lesson so Maria it's Tuesday and Thursday 10:00 a.m. Spain time and I say Spain because I live in Spain I'm not Spanish but I live in Spain so it's 10 a.m. Spain time if you go to youtube and facebook you see the different times in most map not most countries some countries where most of you off from right I wish we were going to the cinema tonight yeah we'll have to wait for that where we great any other any other key things next Tuesday's topic next Tuesday's topic is is is is I don't have it written down but I'll let you know because that will make help you decide if it's worth coming to for you is it worth coming to of course it's worth coming to write ooh next week is international coordination international coordination I'm gonna have to rephrase it because most people go what why is international coordination but it's the I it's I guess globalization might be the the better word globalization how we coordinate internationally the w-h-o WTO government's people globalization let's call it globalization might be a easier word that's one of the plans for next week I probably on Tuesday okay listen thank you very much everybody thank you for joining I'm gonna wrap up before I start rambling and making no sense the notes will be in the in the website on the live lessons tab the one I showed you at the beginning so you can pick those up if you feel like making a donation and sponsoring this that would be fantastic in the meantime enjoy your Thursday enjoy your weekend keep studying get your study habit on and I look forward to seeing you next time okay take care everyone bye-bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 31,467
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Keywords: ielts Keith, ielts speaking success, ielts speaking topic 2020, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking family topic, ielts speaking family questions, ielts speaking family vocabulary, family ielts, family ielts speaking, family ielts speaking part 1, family ielts vocabulary, ielts speaking family, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking test tips, ielts speaking test tips 2020
Id: v8ea26G7bX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 48sec (3888 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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