FREE IELTS Speaking practice online: Topic CELEBRITY and CELEBRITIES

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hello there guys good morning welcome to Thursday happy Thursday to you how are you today I hope you are doing well as well as me as usual I have a couple of minutes late I'm still buttoning up my shirt but listen it's great to see you here this morning now let me just check everything's working yeah I think everything's working captions are on setup business done come and say hello Kaneesha you're the first one in fantastic if I had a chocolate cake I would give it to you for being the first one in to comment and Elena great to see you too how are you doing today so listen today we're gonna start up a big hello to all youtubers and Facebook fans Faisal wack-ass anusha Simon and deep swoosh Italian UN's ooh all loads of you have suddenly come in hello and good morning it's great to see you all Fiji mohamed marina Ruchi via Priya great name nice to see you here today before we begin I today's week 3 of lockdown so we've been stuck in our houses for three weeks and getting used to it every evening at 8 o'clock all the windows open and people come out if well that we don't have balconies but they leaned out of the window and they clap for all of the the nurses and the medical staff and I realized of course a number of my students are also nurses and doctors and I think it's fantastic I mean here in Spain people lean out of the window and applaud applaud the great work that the the medical staff are doing so I just like to say a big shout out and a big thank you to all the medical staff around the world I mean including the doctors the nurses the pharmacists the administra the admin staff the cleaning staff anybody who's in that field really on the frontline you're doing a cracking job I mean cracking as in fantastic big thank you and a round of applause to all those guys and a big thank you to all you students who have come here to show up brilliant the first time you've come here some of you are saying is the first time to watch me broadcast live nice so we've got guys from we've got Elena from Turkey we've got proud from India to highway I'm guessing his Vietnam Divya hello and good morning and Kanishka is joining me on the collapse but the collapse also for you because as students to come here and to dedicate your time to learn some English and get ready for IELTS hats off right fantastic well done names how heal it's also the first time brilliant and smooth spoken English from India hello smooth spoken English what was your mother thinking when she gave you that name I know it's not your real name right brilliant Jack from Hong Kong we've got a lot of people people from Kazakhstan Ali Khan brilliant excellent Amboy pan Wong also from Vietnam so today we're going to look at the topic of celebrities we're gonna learn how to talk about celebrities as usual I will try and focus my language and class and ideas around questions that you may get in IELTS speaking okay and I will use my beautiful whiteboard you thought I was going to say my beautiful assistant no I don't have an assistant but I do have a whiteboard and so the questions are in fact let me put these now that I know how my chat works using new technology you see if I do this and somewhere my chat comes up here look at that I can put my chat on the main screen how clever is that so some of the questions we'll look at today ah who is your favorite celebrity and why great hello Iggy from Poland nice to see you and soraia from iran brilliant all with Mecca Stan that's great big sword great that you're here other questions how do people become famous hmm a common question and do you need special skills to become famous this has come up in part three quite a few times so I actually put a question on my Facebook page and Facebook group and by the way if you're not in the Facebook group come and join it later because you can get the handout that I do with the class and you can meet lots of other lovely people who are also very motivated students and lots of bits and pieces there to help you learn so these questions come up sometimes in part one sometimes part two sometimes part 3 so as I was saying yes get back on the track Keith on the Facebook page and group I posted who is your favorite celebrity and I got lots of answers about different celebrities and some interesting questions about what is a celebrity and that's a really good place to begin right what is a celebrity because some people said we had boxers a lot of boxers right we had Aaron Khan we had lots of people we had lots of different people who well boxers footballers some people were not sure if footballers were celebrities actors and actresses Ferrer that the tennis player so what is a celebrity well it's a good question right what is a celebrity let's see what you're saying Elena says my favorite celebrity are the ones who donate money for different purposes like Angelina Jolie now okay so they as people but they then donate money I think Aaron and rink on does that he's a philanthropist as well there you go there's a nice word philanthropist philanthropist so people who donate their money right then they're also known as philanthropists a philanthropist in the singular when they donate the money and you're right some celebrities are very very good at doing that Taylor Swift is a versatile celebrity Sariah famous singers and actors yep can be celebrities that's true absolutely we've got Ali Khan says I assume individuals become popular due to their in ative and creative ideas or they that they share or perform that's a very nice very nice Ali Khan they become popular become famous become popular due to innovative and creative ideas now that's often true in fact some people say you become a celebrity by finding a unique solution to a unique problem or you're creative and offer something that people want or need right so in many ways ok business people could be celebrities but not all business people are celebrities football stars right can be celebrities I think David Beckham is a celebrity but I think the reason they also become a celebrity not only that they're famous but they like being in the limelight they like being in the magazines on the social media being in front of people and I think that is that is one of the key things right that they like being in the limelight not all of them not all of them like it right apparent apparently Jennifer Aston does not like being in the limelight at all but business people who like being in the limelight I'm thinking for example who've we got businesspeople who liked being in the limelight you've got oh I can't remember his name the one from virgin right Richard Branson excuse me Richard Branson he loves being in the limelight he's a businessman he's a bit of a celebrity right he is a bit of a celebrity so I think you know there are different kinds you can be I'm gonna show you I'm going to share my screen with you okay to share some ideas here let me share this with you bear with me sharing screen it's like going into overdrive application this is like oh no this is like piloting an aeroplane there are so many different buttons to press application share there you go and that is probably a bit too small for you let me make it bigger so here we've got singers actors social media celebrities you know like the Kardashians the Kardashians are just I think they're famous because they're famous I mean I think originally maybe they didn't have any special skill or talent but they became famous on social media they became famous because they know famous people and they've grown in their celebrity right sports people business people maybe who are in the limelight so many sports stars also become celebrities as broadcasters or TV presenters right people like Ian right if you know him or Gary Lineker now there are big on British TV television stations they are what we call has been celebrities so somebody who was famous for being a great footballer but now they're not so there are has-been celebrity right in the past they are no longer celebrities and maybe they're making come back they're becoming famous again okay and I just added here some words about different kinds of celebrities because you've got some celebrities are very humble right they're very quiet the very meek and they just they're not in your face they're just very very low profile right humble or low profile or even profile thank you all to corrector even meek right that's one kind but then you've got the other kind who have big egos you're kind of Donald Trump's maybe and these are also Mavericks so Mavericks are people who break the rules right but they're quite innovative people as well so you know you're kind of you're Steve Jobs breaks the rules but he's innovative and creative so Mavericks it can be a positive thing right they have big egos okay right so those are different kinds of people we can have I'm gonna come back to you guys I've lost track with you a little bit there were lots of messages coming up let's have a look what we've got when people get a special skill says Mohammed in a special in a special area they are made celebrities that's true yes in some cases so they're famous in their area celebrity is famous in their area and that's an interesting one the landing says right it's they're famous in their area because I also wrote down here we have this expression a sporting celebrity or a singing celebrity you can also say a celebrity in the world of sport or a celebrity in the world of entertainment a celebrity in the field of business so there are different ways of saying it if you want to be more specific about you're talking about me and right you say well he's a celebrity in the world of sport in the field of sport and you can be more specific in your use so they're famous in their area in their field or in their world so all of those three words are pretty good and Nan dan thank you very much because you reminded me my first big the first thing I was going to say was to look at some vocabulary because let's begin at the beginning right celebrity the word celebrity means famous person probably likes the limelight but you can also use the word celebrity meaning fame his celebrity grew after he did the interview on TV his celebrity group so it has kind of a two-way meaning right we talked about famous for so the Kardashians are famous for what are they famous for they're famous for selling cosmetics actually or they're well-known David Beckham is well known for the way he kicks the ball he curves the ball Bend It Like Beckham now interestingly you can be famous for good things or famous for bad things and if you're famous for bad things we say notoriously and you have to say no to Laureus say it like that it's really good it will remind you where to put the stress right note aureus so somebody can be notorious for something fairly bad Justin Bieber notorious for getting drunk right so he's famous for a bad thing all infamous stress on the in pitches doesn't mean the opposite of famous no no no it means you are famous but for bad things right he's an infamous singer then there's something bad about it maybe he takes drugs or get drunk or just can't sing what a singer that can't sing that is famous yes there are lots of them aren't there and talking about Fame we can talk about other words for being famous renown so with these are adjectives just to make it clear so a renowned singer a renowned sportsman celebrated or distinguished we use sometimes but that's more formal like for a writer or a scientist or historian slightly more academic but we can also say recognized right a recognized singer a recognised influencer it's all before about influences we should add that to the list right influence influence as brilliant good let me come back to your you guys you're much more interesting than me Anissa says her favorite celebrity is Oprah Winfrey nice one she is good she is very very good right brilliant famous models yes what else have we got right I should record my voice so everyone can take advantage of your crystal clear boys I am recording my voice here it is but you mean just audio right it's a good idea Ruth you couldn't find me on Facebook oh dear oh dear now then wait a minute then because I'm sure I had people here on Facebook is anybody here from Facebook don't tell me Ruth that Facebook is not connected oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear everyone's on YouTube there's nobody from Facebook Oh am I gonna do why is he not streaming on Facebook oh my god right let me come back now that's got me really worried because I feel like a father who has left all of his children in the classroom they're all in Facebook and they're not here and for some reason it's not connecting give me a minute still sending data come on restream dear oh dear Oh No right in that case bear with me everybody talk to each other talk to each other you can actually I think they're online I think we're there I think Facebook is online now Wow thank you very much for letting me know okay I think we're back more celebrities Elon Musk brilliant cause Elin musk right he's a business person but he's in the limelight and he's a maverick I think he's a maverick he's very innovative creative always pushing the envelope right nice expression pushing the envelope I will put these on my arm my worksheet and I can share them with it share it with you later I can't multitask if you noticed I can't speak do the technology and right at the same time I have to do them one by one I should have a drink right there's a nice run from Anjali when a person does extremely well in a particular field he is a celebrity I like that in a particular field very nice collocation and jolly lovely good yes oh and Ray Rio a Dutch violinist he is very good isn't he he's very good in a nice celebrity Dan Brown the writer Wow excellent right who else have we got we've got a nice one here Albert just clarifies that celebrity a celebrity is someone famous typically very nice typically in the entertainment industry whether for acting singing you mean dancing or modeling and influences very very nice influences are absolutely okay what else have we got Jack Ma Axl sheds a Jack Ma is a can I use the YouTube content greater yes they are an influencer yes Jack Ma as well absolutely she said he is definitely a celebrity he travels around the world and he gives speeches and talks and he's absolutely one okay they go viral very nice expression they do go viral excellent okay most of the modern celebs do not deserve the lives they have says I draw a good test is asking yourself a question and he goes on would I invite them into my living room would you invite them to your living room that's a good question would you introduce them to your mother well if they're infamous no but if they're famous and skilled and there's something to learn from them maybe maybe yes okay okay anyone else here we've got Emily my favorite celebrity is some of lohit as well as Victoria's Secret's model because she's always caring about her fans and she usually inspires my enthusiasm to chase my dream that's interesting son of eluate I do not know her but that doesn't surprise me because I don't know much about Victoria's Secret other than it is a famous underwear lingerie line right here yes Argo you're right here about Dwayne Johnson yes he's one of the most versatile and top most and Murr and Mo most and not most top paid celebrities thank you one of the top paid celebrities yes okay brilliant mmm good good good good I'm just gonna move through you've got athletes we've got all sorts world-known hello from Iraq hell from Belarus from from Korea we're all over the world brilliant I still don't see many Facebook people oh yes I do Ling Ling hi from Facebook good oh I'm so happy that the Facebook guys have connected brilliant and Richard from the Philippines good guys from Facebook good just joining me welcome sorry that we had that deal the world here now Jeremy Clarkson come on Mike he's a celebrity he's a maverick right I think he's always breaking the rules okay okay hi hi good the guys are here hi now kiss here brilliant mare is he a good morning sorry guys there was a connection problem but you're just in time because we're moving on we're talking about celebrities and we're gonna talk a bit about how the people become famous right how do people become famous now in some cases it may be that if he become famous oh that was not the one where's my here it is how do people become famous maybe as we said they have a special talent or they have a special skill or they have a knack at doing something or they're particularly talented and or they have a flair there's a nice word they have a flair for doing things and then they show that to the world and they become famous okay I'm gonna show you let me come back to my little whiteboard my little whiteboard love it my little whiteboard have a look at this here we go oh it's like being back in the cabin application window the the flaps are up the flaps are down full booster head share there we go so how'd you become famous you develop your talent if you have a talent all your skills or develop your Flair your Flair's a lovely word right Flair or if you have a knack at something so if you have a knack at football or a knack at swimming then you can develop that and showcase it to the world right so and that's how many sports people and singers and actors become celebrities basically right now the other way we talked about before in the world of business for example you you are unique you do something unique or you find a unique solution like Steve Steve Jobs did like Jack Ma did all these entrepreneurs write quite a lot of entrepreneurs become celebrities entre a word that we borrowed from the French and they will never get it back entrepreneur it's like a business person sets up their own business but they have to stand out from the crowd because they need to be different to stand out from the crowd is a nice expression make a note be different from everyone else brilliant now other ways here so this is also true right you can market yourself you can get noticed you can post a silly post on Instagram and become famous overnight some people they just post their cat fighting their dog and suddenly their video goes viral and they become a celebrity and there have been a few celebrities like this in the last few days who have posted themselves singing songs like stay at home I've got to show you me they have I've seen a British person a Spanish person there was an Argentinean singing stay at home or again that day in Casa a that a in casa and they make a little song about staying at home and suddenly it goes viral it's on the news and there are celebrity like overnight it's amazing so you can post a silly post and you can become a celebrity in no time nice colocation in no time in no time and connect it in no time let me show you how it's written that might help I'll get back into my aeroplane here you go become famous overnight in no time really quickly right and you can create a following it's interesting right we take the verb following and make it into a noun a following or a fan base and once you have a fan base you're there especially on social media right other things here are you can audition for a reality show or a talent show there's an element of luck you know you might get selected and chosen or you might not but interesting let's have a look let me come back to you guys there's some interesting posts here stop screen sharing stop screen showing the computers telling me to stop screen sharing and share Richard let's share Richard who says a person who's receiving a lot of tension is considered a celebrity that's nice receiving a lot of attention love it Richard somebody receiving a lot of attention Meghan and Prince Harry absolutely now I think they are celebrities right even though they are their royal family but because so much they received a lot of attention I agree I think they are celebrities yep absolutely others Stephen Curry we've got famous celebrity you've oh no aha daddy oh that's great there's a nice expression from wenting it's such an eye opener so if you get a chance to read his book it's intriguing and informative a very nice language and I open it will open your eye he's great excellent I know there's a bit of a delay and I've realized this is about a second delay between my lips and the voice right sorry hey Casey so nice to see you here brilliant okay Veronica says her favorite celebrities are BTS who are a Korean group they're not only singing and dancing but actively in the field of ha you can't see it in the field of having in the field dates and social acceptance so I think this is true a lot of celebrities nowadays who are not only famous but also philanthropists activists helping others right active in the field of Human Rights that's lovely then yes they're also very popular and become famous brilliant queenie says i am her celebrity on youtube oh no I'm not a celebrity I don't want to be a celebrity get me out of here Oprah Winfrey she is Kara mattock and known for her charity work so that's great that's another way Neil says known for her charity known for famous for her charity works in the plural I like it because she's doing more than one activity right brilliant and there are more car guy says one of the most prominent celebrities very nice collocation and this is what makes the difference between a ban five or six and a seven is the collocations where you're adding adverbs and adjectives and you know your superlative Carty this is great right one of the most prominent celebrities great that admires me a lot all there that's not so great car G cuz I don't think I may be wrong but I don't think JK Rowling admires you I think you admire her right that's a common mistake it's a common mistake in Spanish as well because it's the other way around in Spanish right don't worry I love the first part though Harry Potter I love Harry Potter great right who else have we got people become famous because of their talent okay excellent they do extraordinary things yes and also as HL story says maybe famous for some super silly things as we mentioned yes yeah and some politicians are becoming celebrities now here yes your Indian Prime Minister is also becoming a bit of a celebrity his strategies made him a celebrity or also Boris Johnson has become a celebrity but I'm not sure if he's become famous or infamous because I'm not sure his strategies are good or bad there's their very controversial either way the person becomes a celebrity right hmm okay brilliant excellent let's have a look Wow interesting we've got a historical figure now Mary can historical figures be Napoleon burner can historical figures be celebrities I think you would have to say my favorite historical celebrity to make it clear it's somebody from the past so napoleon bonaparte interesting mindset he came from a poor bullied boy he became emperor of france i read so much about him he's extremely talented and and intelligent a lot of these a lot of these celebrities have what we call a rags to riches story and it's great to port to talk about this rag to riches stories where someone starts off very poor or from a very humble background I think like you're Jack Mars Richard Branson a little bit and Napoleon right they have they start off very poor and they make their way up in the world and he's called a rag to riches story let me just write this down don't worry about the cuff but I'm not drinking enough oh there's nothing like a good cup of tea so make their way in the world let me share this with you this one so Oh Mary I'm gonna have to cancel you sorry Bing oh I'm going to cancel that one as well as sorry so they make their way in the world so when they're poor and they become rich they make their way in the world and it's often a rag to riches story a rag is a very cheap piece of cloth riches obviously right so that's nice I think that's a really nice expression a rack to riches story thank you for that Mary that's great now gosh we've got guys from all over the world here from Myanmar as well okay mmm creativity in the field that's great Vijay hi nice to see you right good we've got lots of ideas here now whilst we're here I'm going to show you something very very curious because I think we talked about celebrities and being in the limelight okay so I was when I thought of celebrities I thought of a famous TV show came from Britain originally though it's been exported is get me out of here I'm a celebrity right and they take celebrities they put them in a jungle or on a little island and they have to survive different tasks and there's lots of these now we've got love island we've got all sorts of these reality shows they're become so popular and I was looking at this one because to be honest I've never watched this I'm embarrassed to say I should do right because I should get up-to-date on what's happening in the world of celebrities but I had a look at the website and let me just show you this I don't know if you can hear it but you can definitely watch it right I am a celebrity from ITV get me out of here there's Ant and Dec two celebrities right here it is I don't know if you can hear it we now have your decision so just to be clear these are the two finalists the man and the woman are the finalists they're being very friendly obviously they've made friends and one of them is going to win and if you follow this program you know which one but see what happens when they find out who wins surprise surprise lots of Tears and she's very very emotionally upset or very very happy obviously very very happy and it's great TV right this is what makes great TV and these are this look at them 2019 celebrities okay now you probably know these guys Caitlyn Jenner Nadine Cole I've got no idea who these people are really I'm really sorry to say I've got no idea the only one I know is Ian right the footballer this one right and he is a bit of a has-been celebrity and this program got a lot of criticism for kind of taking old has-been celebrities and helping them make a comeback anyway that's it I'm a celebrity get me out of here it's actually now it's filmed in the UK got lots of pretties and actually they said if this program carries on we hope that the viewers will revolt and he's gone all over the world Australia Denmark France Germany you've all got this Hungary has got one boy now you've got this in Hungary as well India has it as well Sweden it's amazing how popular this stuff is the world of celebrities right very very interesting so I'm not going to recommend it I've got no idea I've never watched it anyway let's see ah now here's a nice once on a car this is very nostalgic Lady Diana was made is but was the most popular celebrity or maybe she still is I think her son has become much more popular little hairy right so mean says right the they are the first people have creative a new night unique unique it's a difficult word unique ideas that have influence on others absolutely okay brilliant now so we're gonna I'm gonna move to the next question right and the next question yes you see it this is really good Santa they have something that the majority the majority of people don't have in science and technology so they have something different so my next question for you is this question right is here we go let me pop it in here do you need oh dear talk about bad English sorry oh dear Keith just got fired he lost his job because he can't write English properly sorry your skills to become famous do you need skill skills right oh I've just seen a famous right that I really like and is from Sophia let me share this with you right because if you've not read Robin Sharma go and read Robin Sharma he's very very good very motivational and he's a big celebrity yes books like a monk who a monk who who did what who had a cup of tea no the monk who sold his Ferrari interesting right go and have a look at it but let's come back to this question do you need special skills let me see what you think write down your ideas ok yes absolutely not necessary no if you're gorgeous says I know you mm-hmm yes absolutely and talent to know if we have some thinking outside the box we will become popular says very sure however research is one of those really good students who is using new language quickly saying if we think outside the box we can become famous in no time nice mary says depending of the size of popularity many celebrities many are celebrities but are not famous when celebrities are not limited only to human beings that is true some animals become celebrities right you remember Rex and lassie lassie the dog that's true but I think celebrities have to be famous don't they I think they do I think they do but you can convince me otherwise why not yeah Teresa everybody loves in being in the spotlight what else have we got yes in some ways they can become famous in no time brilliant nice Eugene Joker TV I think we do not have any special skills to become a celebrity because all the skills can be practiced carefully and you can prepare these skills right there's I guess maybe it's also about skills and talent right because skills you can develop and anybody can develop but the combination of skills and talent is where you get something special your Magic Johnson or whatever your special skill is I think maybe skills and talent makes it unique but you're right Joker anybody can develop skills well anybody know it takes perseverance hard work like you guys studying every day developing your speaking skills you know other friends of yours who are in bed are not developing the skill so they that their the skill of developing the skill is a skill think about that one now Catherine that's nice they must differentiate himself what's really nice let me show you that I like that word differentiate because we all know the word different but did you know the verb to differentiate that's nice they must differentiate themselves be unique right I agree entirely with shabana lots of hard work and determination lovely word mm-hmm Ruth that's an interesting one right you shouldn't be afraid to be in the limelight although some famous celebrities hate the limelight actually some of them great charisma is important go to the peak of it that's true right yeah Veronica I think you're probably right in the past people gained popularity it's another good collocation gained popularity for special skills but things are changing drink it so it's interesting there are yeses and there are knows right people like definitely yes Cristiano Ronaldo Ronaldo because of his hard work and dedication but I think also he had talent or Flair yeah that's something special oh this is interesting right you need some financial power maybe well if you're rich it probably does help actually to get more famous you can buy your way to fame brilliant Andrea is offering a nice idea here a person does not need special skills but they need special skills to keep themselves famous interesting yeah no not really yes no right so it's very very interesting what else have we got so love deep love give us a nice name love deep Sandhu some people are gifted with some special skills which makes them popular amongst others for instance people with a good voice in singing become famous in no time brilliant great students here brilliant pachu great high pachu yes they should be creative like writing books telling funny stories and surviving skills apart from this appearance is also one of them to become popular so does appearance play a role right maybe their looks somebody earlier said you have to be gorgeous to be a celebrity maybe okay let me share some ideas with you as we're looking here one moment so do we need special skills well on the one hand yes let me just hide under ear sorry Andre time to go now yeah yes so on the one hand yes you need to be unique and you you really need to be the best in your field or be at the top of your game and that can be about persistence perseverance developing your skills until you become the very best in the world and if it's combined with flair and talent then you can become a real celebrity right that said looks might be enough some celebrities are celebrities in large part because they are gorgeous good-looking attractive they match the expected the expected what the expected sense of beauty or a aesthetic image that we have in our modern society and so maybe the marketeers can promote you right if you're good-looking enough the marketeers can promote you to make sure you're you're famous so I think maybe in large part it's a nice little expression in large part being attractive might is important it's always true right I mean being attractive or take Jack Ma right Katmai it's not the most handsome man in the world but he's a celebrity but in the world of entertainment particularly right so for in the world of entertainment in large part being attractive is important the market ears we have this expression in English you may have in your own language they can sell ice to the Eskimos right so doesn't matter if the person can sing or not if they're good-looking the market ears will promote you because they can sell ice to the Eskimos you don't necessarily need to be talented and I just point this out because it's a nice use of the word necessarily right you don't necessarily need to be talented it's a nice little expression you don't necessarily need to be gorgeous but it helps you don't necessarily need to be talented if you develop the skill set that might be enough yeah so some nice ideas language there lots of language right brilliant charisma is important lots of things are important what else have we got let me come right down here all right Elias says it depends on luck sometimes and I think absolutely look plays a role right we luck right there is an element of luck but that's true but in England a lot of people say you create your own luck right you create your own luck I'm stuck in the northern English way look your own look you create your own look there's an element of look I know that's not how you pronounce it in South of England but in the north we say you create your own look you do you create your own look no such thing goes look right you just create your own look right excellent here we go here we are but back to my local Manchester accent again why so now then here's a nice one from verita one can become a celebrity if they get a platform to showcase their talents I love that showcase their talent and one of those platforms is Britain's Got Talent the x-factor there's lots of them right the voice great all that's nice to hear right let me shell barrage I got a band 8 in listening because of you no not because of me barrage because of you because of the time spent developing your skill but I'm very happy if I have helped thank you for that comment that's really nice go lean okay lots of different questions coming in gully 18th April I well it depends which country you're in Gulen so this is managed in a countrywide state's own decisions in the majority of European countries the tests are canceled in April I don't know any country that's doing tests in April but in Asia I'm not sure actually the British Council our ID and check the website they should have updates on the wax on the website great this is nice sauger it's not possible without doing hard work and smart work hard work and smart work I like that the difference between hard work and smart work right you need both we can't make an omelet without breaking them the expression I think you're looking for is you well I don't know that doesn't fit you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs is the expression but that means you can't create something right without upsetting people I'm not sure that's right but I think it's great this is the waiter this is the way to learn right is to try things and find out if they're right right so let me just you can't share with you can't make an omelet and maybe you mean something totally different but that's fine you can't make an omelet without baking beans you cannot create something without making people angry or without hurting people right we say this about a lot of business people right I can't build a big business without hurting or upsetting some people you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs is this free or you until you have you paid no of course it's free yes yes of course it's free it's sorry it's obvious to me but yes it is free yes Raj you've got a seven in speaking but surely that's good Raj surely that's good yes oh just an update here for prob says in India there's no exam because of because of the coronavirus and a very good question we're going is IELTS questions are we from celebrities to IELTS this one which do you recommend they are exactly the same the same the evaluation is exactly the same the only thing that's slightly different is the customer service but I think these are both international professional organizations they are both very very good so don't think about which one just choose either they're both very good of course I think right let's move on guys we've talked a lot about being famous Emily tomorrow's your exam best of luck good I hope it goes well for you then I'll do a shout out to all people doing exams in the next day or two but just to wrap up today before we finish right we've been talking about celebrities we've looked at the questions who is your favorite celebrity what is a celebrity how do people become famous and do you need special skills to become famous so I helped I have I I hope that's what I was saying I hope this has helped you get some not only vocabulary but collocations and phrases right my big focus is on phrases don't just learn a word learn the phrase the collocation because that helps you understand how to use a word but it also improves your fluency so I hope this has helped in the last five minutes there's two things I want to do right one is a shout out to everybody who's got their test so let's do that first anybody who's got their test in the next day or two or three or four right it's a big thumbs up now I can't do likes but really if you can put a like on their chat then please do so shout out to Emily whose exam does anybody else have their exam coming up there must be there's probably very very few countries right I've been canceled - Margaret there is computer based in some areas Oh Rogers upset cause he wants 8.45 slowly-slowly ROG time don't worry I go it's my pleasure really it is my pleasure anybody else soon for next time right good good good thank you very much and any people yes I can't see anybody else test it might just be Emily best of luck Emily mm-hmm I go ahead to cancel examine a rack is canceled Danielle April the 18th in Russia Danielle best of luck to you best of luck last a loss of blur thank you for the recommendation Nepal has been cold Oh Gladys exam on Sunday I hope that goes well it looks like Vietnam has been postponed tingling next week best of luck I hope it really goes well and sue James James you're waiting for your results are more oh great good okay best of luck for all students great so I'm gonna finish up I want to experiment on something okay okay we've got one more there howdy sander great Isles focus on tasks I'm with you yet we'll be doing that do you save this live stream yes it saves automatically both on Facebook and both on YouTube right how to join your Facebook well go to the Facebook page it's um Facebook okay I just go there and and go to the group go and join the group you can join the face of the group let me give you a link to both okay Bam Bam Bam that's the Facebook page I'll put these links in the um I'll put these links somewhere where am I gonna put these English kind of the show notes they have something called show notes don't they wait a minute they're with me everybody don't go yet because I want to do something with you all and go yet I want to do something I want to do something and there's the Facebook groups Keith IELTS mastermind you can just search for it go and join the group it's all free there's all stuff there's the videos of their week after week you've got lots of stuff there so here's what I want to do right because that's Kimmy Kat and we dumped on a fluency and intonation right so rather than topics and questions and our vocabulary can be helped develop fluency and intonation and I thought that was a really good question right so I'm thinking about this for the next week maybe the next week or two to do something called what I call a fluency Jim right and I want to see what you think of this idea right now you might think I'm a bit crazy and possibly so the fluency Jim is is to develop your fluency and intonation to because a lot of people watch the videos which is great but if you don't start practicing you're not going to improve your fluency and I notice a lot of people write model answers right but if you don't start practicing speaking your fluency will not get better and your intonation is really hard you need to work on a nation as well so the fluency the fleuti Jim came to me because in the last few weeks in lockdown me and my family got onto YouTube and we got into a fitness video who's called the happy walk and if you've not done the happy walk go and have a look at it basically it's a brain ER with some people and they're walking right walk walk walk and you in your bedroom or in your lounge just you're there as well what Ching and they give up up and you start doing these exercises and you work out right and it's repetition now with English fluency there are two ways you improve your fluency one is what we call controlled and thought exercise and that's like where you just repeat so like you lift to wait one for repetition that's one way the second way rotation practice you're using the language but you have to be creative and flexible and respond to people and speak out the first is controlled practice repeating and the second is this just free speaking and conversation and I want to try with you something on the first want is simple repetition right so I'm gonna five-minute if you and all you do image in gym and I'm the trainer and you're just repeating with me right so turn on your ears thing both ears thing and carefully and repeat with me right dead but focus on them - nexi fluency because you're just reaping okay okay so i'ma do this for like three or four heads right this may be a bit strange but see what you think if you've got people around you but you're just gonna have to speak out loud okay I'll show you Oh first you need to train your just a listen to the sound and we are you ready right stop typing messages you're still typing typing turn on your ears here we go are we ready do you like reading do you like reading yeah I'm a big fan of reading yeah a big thing okay so notice did it it did it did dee dee dee dee dee dee dee I'm a big fan of reading fan of reading of reeling I'm really into crime novels actually I'm really into crime novels actually I noticed actually actually not actually no actually actually I'm really into crime novels actually I'm not sure what I I'm not sure why get that right I'm not sure why but love solving love solving puzzles love puzzles but I love solving puzzles first I'm nodding my head right I love solving puzzles stop writing I can still see you're writing stop writing and repeat listen again right yes I'm a big fan of reading I'm really into crime novels actually I don't know why but I'm a big fan no but I do love solving puzzles next one the question is do you cook right that's the question yes I do do do-do-do to do like a pigeon yes I do guess I do I'm rather fond of cooking dee-dee-dee-dee-dee he did fond of cooking I'm rather fond of clean yes I do I'm rather fond of cooking yes I do I'm rather fond of cooking to tell you the truth I find it really relaxing dee dee dee dee dee dee dee I find it really relaxing okay feel the lilt adair do i find it really relaxing I find it really relaxing last one okay question is do you run as a matter of fact I do as a matter of fact as a matter of fact I do it's a running I'm really into running notice the intonation at the end comes down usually in English it comes down at the end I'm really into running ya know I'm really into running I'm really into running that guy's is the fluency Jim okay late you're very late with finishing Tom so that is it that's just a simple example it's really it's a bit strange maybe but the idea is to get you listening and to then focus on your intonation and fluency great people are writing it down it's good to write it down but you must you have to repeat dude to dude if you can repeat you to do to do as a matter of fact I do do do it can pop it can be right good you're welcome good that's it Jim five minute Jim easy is that right for your reference these are the things that I are I said so you can come back to this video actually come back to you practice it's really important don't note right try and listen to me and follow my sounds it's all about sounds saga you're very funny have you done any insurance of your holy tongue please put this fluency gym in podcast all Elias it's a good idea cuz I would love to do a podcast but I don't know what to do how about the fluency Jim right good it seems a few of you quite like it okay excellent I know the fluency Jim is not for everybody it's not everybody's cup of tea but trust me I am a I know what I'm doing if you do this even five minutes a day even after a week you will notice fluency getting better do it for two weeks you will feel your fluency getting better it does make a big difference okay right that's it good ideas thank you very much accent matters or not no accent does not matter it isn't not part of the evaluation right can you post more with audio well what I will do yen I will do more practice with you guys in the gym and then maybe later I can do some audios maybe because then you can practice at home right right that's good to know lovely lesson thanks a ton Soraya I love that thanks a ton brilliant when is the next lesson if Margaret it's my cup of tea nice one when is the next lesson well it's every Tuesday and Thursday at the same time that's Spanish time it's normally half an hour but I have a habit of just talking and talking so today it's gone over an hour I'm so sorry it's far too long but can you start the fluency gym tomorrow I'm afraid I cannot I am so too busy I've got so much on so it's gonna be next Tuesday weekly or daily its weekly it's twice a week sorry twice a week Tuesday and Thursday 10:00 a.m. Spanish time I'll just put it up here Tuesday and Thursday 10:00 a.m. in Spain time why Spain time because I live in Spain of course there you go tuesday and thursday 10 a.m. spain time if you're not sure of the details check it out on the Facebook page come and join the Facebook group as keith's IELTS mastermind I will post the the notes from today in the group you can get them there it's all free of course you can access it you can talk to people get to know each other if you want to find speaking partners do it ask me any questions if you've got ideas and I've seen lots of ideas here today thank you for the ideas and I will try and follow up with some great excellent thank you so much everybody thank you so much really for following me and coming it in and for trying the fun I hope you like it we will do some more next Tuesday all right that's it guys I'm signing out stay home stay safe get at the end esse good night everybody good night good morning or good night maybe it is night for you cheerio
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 42,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts Keith, ielts speaking success, ielts speaking topic 2020, ielts speaking vocabulary, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking topic celebrity, ielts speaking celebrity, celebrity ielts speaking part 1, celebrities ielts speaking
Id: YTu-ClI9s9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 16sec (4156 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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