FOUND MONEY IN SAFE / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit / Storage Wars

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how do you feel now i still need the tools to get up from under there oh i thought you were just all up under there i just got online and i bought a storage unit in tampa tampa florida and guess what's inside george what what what what do you think it's safe to say tell me there's a safe and nobody else saw the pictures were so bad i saw the corner there's a century safe in there it's not a document safe it's an actual safe george i'm gonna need help you ready yeah what you need help with the safe oh oh yeah hold on hold on hold on boom i came prepared always prepared any information on the previous owner do you know why they abandoned it passed away 216. i think that's katherine i'm not sure we don't have any information just stop answering our calls there's a safe in there i saw that interesting she was she's been here since 2019 i know she's always paid so it's been a couple years i'm not too sure now the deposit has to be in cash okay that's not problem everything else it'll be two transactions on the card just to let you know so let me have you sign right here okay so she rented since 2019 and then just stopped i think maybe she passed away she wasn't uh an older person oh okay i don't think so i think a lot of people fell on hard times yeah last year so yeah and um i know last year we stopped our auctions and everything to kind of help people out but you know still takes its toll doesn't it it was bad it's really bad i i haven't seen a safe in a storage unit since we left for florida we uh yeah george doesn't even know what i did so this is a 5x10 and so all of the pictures were up here and like just court so there's like corners so the pictures online on storage treasures were corners and if you see this okay so you got to see this this this you got to see the furniture but it was just a picture right here now yeah i was right i was right okay so you see this right here sentry safe this is what you could see in the pictures oh my goodness this is a big one george this one's actually a really big one i don't know about you one of the things that we tell you guys when you're doing online online's one of our least favorites is making sure you take screenshots and doing a comparison so that nothing was touched nothing was moved it's here it's here it's definitely here okay i'm gonna just for fun i think we have somebody's entire life just for fun i'm gonna oh man george oh yeah whoa i'm gonna have fun into that with my sledgehammer we have not had a safe in a long time last time was in worcester i'll tell you what let's start digging into here let's see what we got let's build that anticipation or should we go straight for the safe i see some animals well let's dig to it the elephants are gonna love it the elephants will love it i'm seeing good signs that the safe isn't gonna be empty look at this when you get nike boxes okay the okay i get it the shoes aren't in there but uh the boxes in there they saved it now if there's food in here that makes me even more positive that the safe isn't empty because if there's food in here that tells me everything was thrown in here really quick and that means the safe wasn't emptied so i'm actually hoping for a disgusting mess yeah we got hair okay is that a chicken we got a restaurant menu this i'll take some beef please you know what i think yes it's hong kong right there new york style we do need a mini fridge for in the warehouse so you're going to clean this up and you're going to use that in the warehouse yep that way i can that way i can stock it with drinks for you and snacks let's see what we have in here okay we got we always check inside the clothing first slingshot anything that could potentially hit him all right definitely definitely close we'll see if we find anything good you think that'll fit me i mean that could it's a good color on you but that totally screams feminine top definitely my color wait do you think this will fit me what is that it's a tank top yeah sure all right we'll keep searching that belt you just threw a sign yeah it's a gucci gucci coo look at that right there there's a gucci so we know we're in a good location we're in tampa that makes me feel like even more there is something in there there it is there it is let me see if i can get it okay george george george i see another one there's not just one oh my goodness if this isn't of things to come but i don't know what is that's a definitely a good sign okay check that elephant out it's a big one let me see if i can i know there's another one and yep is there a third uh i only see these two but you gotta admit the two of these are actually pretty awesome those are pretty awesome if you have them side by side like that oh they're kissing no they're making a heart so are these the leather wrapped ones yeah these are leather wrapped so that increases the value increases the value there's some damage on them but still for us for home decor it matches the theme uh it definitely matches the theme what we're going for oh look at this you know what this is uh yeah you do flat screen tv that's gonna be a giant i'm gonna move this out of the way okay i want in that safe so bad i think i'm guessing right now that safe is filled with money what's your guess it's got something in it i don't think it's empty there's definitely something in it okay let's see what's behind oh it's a mirror i was thinking flat screens we totally thought flat screen it definitely felt like it on the edge there uh-huh okay so it's it's it's not it's a nice mirror we can use it at the ranch okay let's check out what's in here okay looks like we have a lot of home decor to go along with the elephants that's kind of cool that is a nice piece i do like it thanks and well there's a comb i finally ain't gonna get a comb we've got some other home decor that one that one got damaged unfortunately these were from ross dress for mess oh i see another elephant you never ever can have enough elephants ever ever ever have enough elephants some more home decor right there check this out uh oh that one got a hurtin that one got detox that one got taken for it's ivory that one got taken for for sure for ivory and somebody somebody broke its mojo oh i think they got a pill for that though so if we send them to the doctor should be okay let's see what else we have in here princess owl looks like we got kids toys these blocks if they are blocks most of it isn't blocks but if they are blocks those resell really well um fisher price and some kind of float you know what for the duckies oh well i was gonna say for me to float down our creek so that i could look for fossils is it a blow-up pool i don't know oh it's probably an entertainment you didn't figure it out it's probably an inner tube that's what you're thinking let's uh let's dig this safe out a little bit more so we have easier access it's a 32 quart aluminum tamale steamer but it's not tamales in there definitely not for tamales not hot tamales okay not hot tamales let's get that box there's a box over here too right up on the seat look look at that safe oh my it's a party one i knew it i knew it when i saw it good eye i knew it oh man i knew it i knew it when i saw it i'm telling you i knew it okay um you've been having safe withdrawals i actually have been let's see what we have here oh here's some office supplies this looks promising here okay respironics aerosol delivery system i think that is for um breathing treatment yeah breathing treatments that's kind of cool do you need breathing treatments only when you think it'll help your snoring only when you eat certain foods okay um okay i see a roku streaming stick let's see if it's in there no no not in there bummer okay but we got some oh oh i think i might see some gold chain right there i sure do i sure do look at that right there that is 14 karat oh that's 14 karat right there do you see it 14 karat on the clasp nice nice with the solid cross do your chain hang low oh it wobbled to and fro look at that if this is in a random box 14 karat gold what do you think's going to be in the same i could only imagine okay all right you want to change your guess of what's going to be in there in the save george brand it looks brand stinking new it's in the age you need a new computer it's the widescreen hp look at that and the nice thing is the hp uh ac cords are universal and it's the extra wide like i love i have to have the extra wide because my hands are so big all right you thinking money jewelry at least a dime okay a shiny dime will be in there there's definitely stuff in here i don't oh there we go okay there's how you hope george you don't even know how wrong you were look at this it is a deck of cards deck of cards a bunch of towelettes yep moist chocolate there's got to be a dime down there uh nope there's a mechanical pencil weird but don't give up yet keep smiling let's see what else we got this has got to be a first aid yeah that's a little first date we'll put that in the truck south tampa summer camp [Music] you know how many camps i've run in my life mm-hmm i do love good summer camp what's this i've attended a couple summer camps here and there myself oh i think i might see silver look at this there's some more mechanical pencils yep now look at this here is that [ __ ] oh my goodness this definitely looks like silver let me find it and bam right there for real for real for real nine two five right there nah yes okay we got gold we got silver we got a lap and a laptop what do you think is this a 200 laptop for resale or retail uh i'm thinking resale some jewelry okay okay is this the turn and a cream what's that for ah it's nasty whatever it is it is nasty got some super grow turning out super grow double strength vitamin e what's that let's pray for hair like a hair gel i think it's probably for hair that'd be my guess on that one too babe what there you go brand new brand new phone for recording youtube recording onto youtube let's see what we got in here this is giving me great hope for the safe all right paper is that shiny dime down there no and i'm i'm completely okay with there not being any money in this right now because that makes me think the money is actually in there instead all right somebody was getting shipments or something let's find out what nothing nothing there see oh there's a little something there some feminine products what do you think this is oh you know what that's probably a candle that's a candle probably from a baptism or something along you want okay more cell phones there's another cell phone that one's broken the screen is definitely cracked on that one okay let's see what else okay we always get cell phones what do we got here yeah whatever it is i don't think i want to see it here here's another cell phone right was that a samsung samsung yeah and here is the laptop board nice we almost never find but boom there it is gold gold silver laptop with the cord so far and let's see what else okay and if that's not enough we got a remote as well you never have enough remotes so that flat screen tv could very well still couldn't be back there we got 10 feet to explore that safe is uncovered now okay i think we already looked at this i threw it back in yeah yeah okay um what's that portal eight i don't know what that is it might be a florida thing that we don't know about yet that's for ac that's for charging your air conditioning in your vehicle i think there was definitely kids yep no doubt about that some uh oh george look at that [Applause] i bet there is some jewelry in there okay i'm gonna set it aside let's just you know what let's just do this since that's all shoes nope it's not all shoes some of it is some good clothing you see more gucci in there a quick glam no red bull baby nice red bull right there that's got to be money right there you would say adidas you see adidas on the red bull oh okay i got you all right what i really want to see though is this now it's in a pink bag happy birthday no money in there okay blistax i'm gonna stand back just in case there's some sensitive paperwork and names oh there's gonna be some stuff in here any idea what that's for that is i don't know i think some type of tablet i'm just going to dump it let's just dump it let's see what happens here okay oh they're stuck i see some hearty beads there's some crazy glue there is those dimes you wanted there they all are they're all right there i'm getting good at those guessing games nickels dimes pennies you know what i don't see what i don't see your favorite i don't see any shiny quarters no shiny believe it or not not a single shiny quarter in all of this but there is stuff everywhere else there is stuff everywhere else look at that not bad not bad at all there are forever 21 bags in here forever i don't even know what forever 21 is you want me to tell you you know you know what i kind of like the mystery of not knowing it's the same way really forever young that's the bar forever you know what all of there you go there you go right there pumas nice i am inserting a woman's shoelace well it looks like you just found a pair of pumas okay this one feels empty i bet you they're all in here well you know you got a soul right there that's the most important thing is if you got soul there we go more women's shoes all right all right and there's nike air force ones right there look at those nike air force ones gold wow okay i like that uh i don't like that that one's empty but but we'll hold on to the boxes in case we find the shoes yeah i'm sure there's a lamp in there too so those ones have something in it those ones don't let's peek at let's peek at that's a drill look at all this like there's a ton of stuff back here uh-huh but all this furniture's in the way and yep there it is your favorite you know what mattresses let's grab there's that i don't mind mattresses if there's a safe in here if we find money gold silver whatever it is i'm gonna hide money and mattresses i hide money in crazy places crazy crazy places all right let's take a peek here here's some adidas okay so that might have went to one of those boxes and george you gotta be kidding me look at this look at this another samsung and let's see do we have any gift cards we got sam's club savings fedex okay no no gift cards in there yet yet but we do have another awesome phone um oh this this thing is packed my oh my what do you see is it safe to look uh it is all personal information oh wait all right wait wait stay back wait wait there you go you can look at that right there okay you got a burger king receipt thank you this one is definitely packed you got a burger king receipt here is a pen 1943 nope 2006. it wasn't the 1943 no okay some banking info we've got um we do have library card that's always important sweet i could show you that pretty much that's do you think libraries will be obsolete one day libraries yes obsolete um ever since everything's going digital i think you should have a vp pass to beelzebub i have there's bills everywhere here in florida i have yet to stop in one and we go to the beals for the deals let's see what we have here is that someone's birth certificate this is a birth certificate uh 2 11 89 mail this is a laminated birth certificate so yeah we don't want to show that either um let's just we'll see what else is in here okay carl weber so you call yourself a man oh george george what check this out oh nice and i ipad wow very nice yeah you think that i have a charger in the truck you do for this you want to charge it and then see if we can find anything juicy on it yeah ales yes all right i'm gonna set that aside so that's a laptop an ipad i found a hot wife i mean a w a white hot white hot white hot i thought reading it upside down i thought it said hot white that's what i thought and then we also have the bible animals i wonder if any of them brought mern gold baby jesus okay we got that stuff there let's see what we have here looks like they have more purses which so far in this case means more phones and is that a dress yeah that is that's a that looks new with the tag that looks like something you would wear okay i think you did wear something like that on one of our first dates that's a brand new purse oh wow see that brand new and the ladies love purses 14.99 whoops i just took it off they used to have a towel used to have a tag now no more not anymore what else do we got here we've got we got the bible right there boom oh nice let's check we always check the pages of books and buy especially bibles because people hide money or something all up in bibles there's something in there okay okay i'm not seeing anything else in there and something for me i think i think that's it for this lot right here we missed something what we missed would we miss look at that another one another phone look how pretty that is too see all that oh wow two cameras i'm wondering six phones so far and a tablet and a laptop so this might i don't know this might be good we could probably let's see if we can turn this on see if we can turn this one on we might have a charger for that too in the truck that's sim okay there's probably power you know what let's do that let's plug this one into the charger why we're actually going through the rest of the unit i removed a lot of the sectional couch and what i found behind it was a whole lot more sectional couch i wanted to see if we had boxes totes what we have we got furniture so i'll tell you what george here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna load this all up i'm gonna get the bed the dresser it looks like that's what we have back here dresser as well right yeah this is a dresser and then we'll take a peek at these final things and then look behind you and then right into that boom boom that's what's going on it's literally going to go boom look at all this room for activities and hear the echo echo okay safe is still there and we got a couple of boxes looks like we got a five gallon uh bucket here oh there we go is that for the toilet you'll be happy with all this yeah look at that brand new come on all those hard water stains brand new pine sole brand new fabulous so i think i think a delta electronics ac adapter let's pull that just in case we find something let's set that over here onto the safe or you know what that might is that a delta i was going to say maybe that goes into that to charge but no let's see no no juice there but we do have an hd port so we'll hold on to that we'll just take a peek okay let's for the sake of time and space i think there's some high dollar items in here i see plush well that's what i was referring to but we need the now that one lost its head i don't know unless there's money hidden in there yeah there could be something in there i feel like anything no no nothing nothing there false tear um still worth it but yeah false tear these plush no these aren't looking like they're gonna be worth anything okay no okay so these plush nothing there nothing there but we still have a box come on right in here we got a couple boxes let's get into this box that one says oops fragile living room more decor so we have oh we have caricatures that's something we haven't done yet for ourselves we've had subscribers draw up some characters for us but we've never gotten it done like professionally that's true at a an amusement park or a theme park some more decor more decor what's this all right family photo nothing to see there more decor more before okay i got a feeling i'm feeling this is all going to be family before so let's jump over here into the fragility kitchen okay let's see what we have here for some cup let's set that over here we've gotta all right all right i see where you're going with that you like that clean shave mm-hmm no i don't oh you probably i like this double you prefer this the five o'clock shadow the barney rubble you know what that's definitely all kitchen stuff i don't even want to go through this i want to get straight to the safe let's clean this mess up let's get to the safe so here's what i'm what if we just since we have this big room now what if we just move it over here look there's already dent on it and then let you just swing away have at it well i don't want people seeing us out in the parking lot so why don't we just let you have at it see what you can do you brought the sledgehammer beat this thing up i want the money honey really i'm just warming up i gotta stretch okay i knew carrying this in my back pocket would come in handy i just knew it i just thought you were gonna use it because you're in such a mood yesterday that you'd be using it the same okay all right um uh you need to go over there you're already back well i would probably pick anywhere in here particularly not here or here or anywhere up there okay so anywhere in this area yeah i'd say you're pretty safe it's a safe bet we're ready when you're ready all right first swing yeah oh she got it yeah but try and pick it up we'll open no no okay all right long ways to go anger management issues for sure i didn't get my coffin [Music] yeah i'm done i'm done oh oh man oh i'm scared to get closer i got this anything anything at all nope i still have a long ways to go all right well i got time here we go oh that one looked like it hurt oh that one looked like it hurt i need too tools i need more tools we mean you need more tools to get all up in there all up under there you're trying to say you need me to do it instead yeah why are you getting tired oh now you're gonna i'm not gonna be able to pop it with just the sledgehammer yes you can do it do it oh how do you feel now i still need the tools to get up from under there oh i thought you were just all up under there you needed coffee she's calling in the big guns we got nothing like i can lift the thing up you see all the dust i unfortunately did not bring a broom or the leaf blower so what we're gonna do because i'm responsible i got a 100 security deposit on the cleaning we're going to take this let's take it out in the shade all right come on this way i'll take care of you every work let's take it out we're going to go out here over here [Applause] this will make it easier for loading anyway oh my goodness clean up and loading will be easier out here where should i hit you're not going to use a crowbar well i want to use a crowbar i have a sledgehammer where should i hit right there right where anywhere in that area oh so why did you ask me if you already knew right in that area jeremy right in here yep should i go right in for the dial or right on the edge go for it the dial here we go i could feel it in my ears you could what oh oh oh oh what what what what a chunk just went flying it ain't ready yet it's not ready yet i can try a crowbar look right in here we might be able to get right in there i can try going to get the crowbar we could try seeing if we can get in i don't know i don't know that we will be able to though usually you see like right here and probably right in here there are two pins holding it in i think that's our problem area right there we can try though i can go get the crowbar see if we can pry on that a little bit okay we've there you go no get all up in there i don't go anywhere i can see the crack in here can you see anything nothing yet uh there's definitely something in there there's definitely something there yeah they can see what do you see i don't know exactly what it is but i also can't get this thing to pop okay i think hands down [Music] crowbar is not the way to go sledgehammer is where you think i got a hit now all right um keep hitting on the sides yeah i'm thinking right there okay here we go one hit wonder in one two let me see let me see nope still did it fly in your mouth yeah oh look at that oh my gosh oh look at that okay oh man where do you want to start um well maybe look at that i think i heard money i heard money did you hear money i heard money what is this what is this okay what is that don't quit your daydream antibacterial hand gel hand gel of all things you think they were hoarding hand gel maybe okay can i haul dibs on it um what are you sure you don't want the bath and body works sweet pea i like that one too look here's another one why would anyone hide their antibacterial antibacterial gel right there never stop dreaming that one that's bath and body works right there um why does anybody put anything in a storage unit we've never figured that out yet there's money right there okay look at this uh oh is that what i think it is that's literally mcdonald's isn't it why why is this why do you think there's any value just why i mean we're going to have i do love mcdonald's french fries well let's face it those are priceless right only only if you get them straight from the fryer because if then things get cold then things net well straight from the fire but not undercooked uh so there's a mcdonald's belt that's so weird what in the okay those don't look collectible that's sixth sense let's see what we got here um i'm gonna look oh man [Laughter] look the man at that in the mirror michael jackson 1958-2009 why you've got to be kidding me by tim hill you know what i was thinking when you were hitting this thing with the sledgehammer what i was thinking you know is that janet i don't know who that is i don't know who that is either there's michael uh you know the king of pop here is that is that slash that is slash guns and roses that's slash plain black or white um brittany gee elizabeth taylor taking on his camera director [Music] there's we got stuff everywhere okay i have no idea what the value is but it was it was it was valuable look at this look at this is this what i think it is it is it is what i think cheesy poofs are going it is they're in there i thought maybe they wrapped something else look i thought maybe they wrapped something else in there but it's actually cheese puffs why just why hold a second you're gonna have one maybe they're that good jeremy no this is literally all cheesy puffs this is cheetos these are cheese puffs this is cheese would you put your cheesy puffs in a safe to hide them from you hails yes i don't even like cheese puffs look at this thing down here here's something [Music] um [Music] okay i'm not sure what that is is that empty bag there's nothing in it that's it that's always there okay uh here's another no way what's that no way lightning just struck twice deja vu i don't think this is exactly the same but i'm not taking it out of the bag this one's not labeled if it okay so those who don't understand right now last year we found a safe in the safe we found was it half pound of silver or pound of silver i think it was pound of silver and we found we found a labeled rosie's bush and it was literally um hit the amazon it was the amazon bush from from roseanne and this has a striking similarity to it oh my goodness that is definitely a striking similarity that's why but it's this one's not labeled and that one definitely looks longer that that amazon has been around a while okay there's something else in here my host what's this i mean okay this is the backing this is the backing of the seat i was gonna see if we could oh the door to the safe um here let me do this okay let's see what we got we got a cloth no no no no we got something more heard something jingle [Laughter] this is what i've always wanted a seinfeld t-shirt oh i wasn't even eyeballing first i'd look at that look at that okay all right what do we have what do we have oh my goodness what do we have it is an earring it's marked right here can you read the marking you'd have to focus you'd have to turn the light on to focus you'd have to turn the light on to focus turn the flash on okay [Music] can you read it not through the viewfinder i can't the markings are there yeah i definitely see a marking the markings are there it's probably gold the markings are definitely there i just can't read them right now here's a oh there you go there's a pineapple charm pineapple you think the diamonds are real probably not you don't think so well if that's real would those be little diamond studs could be okay hear it this says 925 there's an earring backing right there so there's 925 you can see that one i can so if that one goes on that i bet you that's what i bet you that goes there oh wait here's another one nine two five i see it but that one looks it's like there's a post that broke off in it so maybe it doesn't go to that here's another one right here that's the matching earring and [Music] i see a k i can't see the carrot though even with my bionic eyes i can't see the carrot right now but i do see a k there's a k there i th that's gold i believe here we got what is this right there do you see it 925 this is silver cool and it's hello kitty oh my goodness look at that hello kitty bracelet charm so not only do you have the silver value there oh it broke it broke right here so this this is actually broke it needs repaired but not only do you have the silver value you have the hello kitty value there too and here we does that look like a crown so you're supposed to wear it like this yeah okay and is that rose gold or just gold plated 18k no 18k right there 18k so i wonder if this is 18 or 24 i'm gonna need to get i'm gonna need to get this under something better to actually see but even then have you checked out the seinfeld the seinfeld t-shirt okay we're not done yet we're not done yet uh i don't know about the size look at all this there's stuff down here still okay there is is that just change i don't think these let me see looks like it's just changed there's more more money there none of it looks collectible or no it doesn't look old these aren't like buffalo nickels and i don't these aren't wheaties so so far those just are common points under here so far some in here let's see some more coins there we got another pile down here let's see let's see come on come on come on 1943 penny those are pretty dirty of course after bashing on the safe they're going to be now we know what everybody's going to say like why didn't you get the safe re-key the safe is cheap it's the century safe it costs a bare minimum 250 dollars for locksmith to even get a new combination it's not even worth it we don't care about the safe we care about getting into what's in the safe it's morphing look at this we found money we found gold we found silver overall this has been a great day in tampa florida is the best [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 81,076
Rating: 4.9038563 out of 5
Id: r4ZuNNnmnaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 52sec (2752 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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