Found RENT MONEY Envelope I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes

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look at this I don't you see that back there oh come on come on and we're back finally yeah the kiss unit I've been dying for years to get that kiss on what the Hales you know what I'm talking about that kiss and today just might be the day make sure you subscribe hit the bell notifications because YouTube's been scrubbing accounts you got to make sure you're subscribed you got to make sure you have that Bell notifications set to all to see if I get that kiss today [Music] now that we're back at the $90 kiss unit I know it feels like forever ago that I actually wanted and it was we are gonna get two more of these boxes and today Christian you know what I'm thinking what I'm thinking this you versus me you're always robbing me with amounts you're always robbing me with the judging today I get to judge you you get to judge me let's have a little battle let's see who comes out at the end all right so here's the deal I get the box first you get the next box here we got Lloyd this this is good already comic books one dollar each what do we got it we've got vintage KISS concert shirts we'll have we'll have a lot of money what does that one say who's your dead who's your dad oh that's wrestling okay wrestling is a lot of money too and probably anybody who is in to kiss was probably also into wrestling so those things kind of they kind of combine like that the kind of inert weave I made that word up let's see what else we have in here we've got some nasty jewelry I don't think that's real we'll set that aside that'll go into Sunday night auction Hey look at that that's wrestling right there and we've got forget MBA look at that we got MBA is this like a tablecloth a sheet what is it oh you know what this is what is it this is a curtain we actually we could we could set these curtains up right here on the dock door what do you think maybe maybe alright we'll talk about it later we'll see what we can do it now we're getting into some money okay not the sheets or curtains I'm not sure what that is more sheets more curtains look at this oh that's WWF that's what it is I bet these are Curtis - look at this down here look look look at this here we go here we go I think okay I think these are the tops I don't know if they call them yeah tops baseball coins okay there we go tops baseball coins this was kind of a short-lived little deal here which anytime something collectible like this is a short-lived deal yeah you usually usually you got some money in there so there's three cards right there of the baseball coins set those aside you know what you here's what we'll do well actually since a lot of you guys are sports collectors this Sunday on our live stream QA auction every Sunday night 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time we'll give you a chance to actually win a part of this hails history right here and oh maybe even more here look at this we've got some records Elvis Elvis Presley RCA we're looking for son son record label if we have the Sun record label let's see Eureka Queen don't try suicide Asylum Records the Eagles so Elvis originally was on Sun record labels and if you can find Sun record labels you're looking at some pretty good money instead of the RCA there's kiss right there lonely as the hunter hears more kiss hard times we're gonna set these kiss records aside I'll tell you what we'll just we'll auction those off - we'll set those aside here's more only we check this out is that a Budweiser belt buckle that is that is a Budweiser belt buckle dude I'm killing you right now 1987 yeah well after all of this are you really ever gonna get a chance all right what's that emblem - Cadillac is that a caddy pretty sure that's the caddy for your daddy right there all right we've got oh there's Ninja Turtles Gamecube that's pretty good and we got the general lead okay and oh there's the tires to it - all right so we got that there more kiss that'll go in the auction and it is burning up in here how are you feeling it's definitely warm you need a little strawberry cooler no all right okay no problem and we've got some kind of something a little something there but more importantly oh here we go look at this look at this this nation this is okay if we have the right comics in here these can be worth a lot that one looks brand-new psycho circus I bet you this is what they gave out at the psycho circus concert there's the backing what's the oh there we go there's another one just psycho circus right there all right we are doing pretty good here it's a good box and we have more records let's see what we have kiss so that's kiss rocket ride that's kiss shout out loud that's kiss I'm gonna just gonna we're just gonna auction all these off all right we've got MGM you're cheatin heart that's Hank Williams M Jim all right so we'll take all of the kiss we'll take all of the kiss from this unit auction that off yeah you're up what's up yeah oh I go for a box have all the drums bigger so I see how it is Christian no matter what anybody says I am your biggest fan I'm your biggest fan Christian all right all right you're right this is kind of a small fan let's see what you got man well you got what you got what you got Steelers that looks like junk oh oh man oh man you know Oh army man I can't believe that an astronaut yeah you just found an astronaut all right I'm getting beat already out of space man okay so I I tell you what we got to do with that you know what we got to do with that right now we're just auction it off this Sunday as is as is the whole thing I was gonna find it Oh see for Christian find it yep yep I see I see I see but I'm pumped Ching I see all right um where you go where you go 1962 jello I stick coins what's jello I have no idea oh wait what is je ll oh yeah what is it I don't you know what this is what's it say on it 1962 jello do plastic coins it's got like a play on all right right now it's paper what are these things price maybe prices or price yeah pull one out pulling out they're all like pictures of planes all right let me see what let me see one close I'm see one close bush planes 139 1937 they got to be collectible whatever they are they got to be collectible oh it says jello on the back see potato chips on the bottom show me show me show me jello hostess no way I don't remember any of these do you I know apparently 32 apparently they're collectible I wasn't born either man apparently they're collectible if he's got a whole box a whole box of just planes that is cool I kind of like that that is really cool so flying airplanes all right that is really cool we'll just we'll auction that off - all right well auction that off I gotta figure out it was definitely meant for me to find this box because yeah so something nobody knows it till now say it again I'm a pilot uh-huh so one of the things Christian keeps telling me is if I get a Cessna which is a small plane I get a Cessna he'll actually fly me around with the storage unit auctions so that is one of the goals is for us to get a says no we figure we can get one for what 40 50 grand yeah so I already got a pilot on staff we're good to go oh no way I don't know looks pretty that yeah that looks dirty four dollars right there um come on big money big money what is that is that gold I it is that gold and silver all right look at my mark look down below for the markings I don't see any more you see any markings no we're about the other ones I I'm not doing too good in this competition okay he's looking for gold it was it would say you t14 it's 21 24:18 this one says 18 karat all right 18 karat right there he just found one 18 karat there you go nice nice and it's tiger's eye I think I think it's actual tiger's eye 18 karat tiger's eye you're kicking my butt man he's literally kicking my butt I keep I can't read what this one says but it says it's some kind of carry I don't know what numbers you know what you need that LASIK you need to win that LASIK on the channel yeah I need to win it apparently okay so I don't know which one it is so that one's the real deal - yeah it says katieb I can't read the number okay nice nice nice nice those guys 925 all right that's silver 925 that's a huge chunk of silver big ring holy cow so much jewelry what this is a small job is that 925 no it doesn't does that mean marking everything look at all this whole like what kind of watch is it rum rum ooh yes or maybe okay we got watches jewelry anything and everything oh my goodness you're killing me man you literally are killing me right now is that nice possibly watches five watches six watches no six watches seven watches eight watches oh man and all of these watches look at this oh there's gold there silver all of these watches if it's the right watch that could be a ton of money for example of see here is this a I can't even see I can't even see it supports hard to see through there I think this one's a diamond quartz he's got a diamond quartz I'm getting the answer Oh actually I found it you were looking at that and I was looking for other stuff let me smell the waste water plant right now yes I do whoa are right right over here is the waste water plant and all the wind comes right here and we smell every bit of it almost 95% of the time is that silver I don't know I bet you it is darling sterling that's silver just found more just found more all right that one's gonna be sterling - look at this I bet you this is gold and I bet you man what you see 14-carat gold 14-carat oh nice nice it says 95 95 that's silver silver but it looks like gold all right man we are I bet you that's that's definitely gold I can tell already by looking at it you see it Christians looking for the marking it's a 14 karat 14 karat let's take a better look at it here look it's so hard to see it's so says beautiful beautiful piece right there is 14 karat nice no I'm not doing very good at all this is the not vault and I mean really when you come right down to it I only paid 90 bucks for this unit so that might be real pearls look at all this look at all of this oh man there's so much we're gonna have to go through it all okay here's what we'll do here's what we do we already know there's gold and silver in here we're gonna have to go through it well just put this up on the auction - we'll put this up on the auction block and holy cow holy cow we'll put we'll put it all up on the auction block look at that look at this gold silver we got watches we got turquoise we got us I mean we just got a little bit of everything there is a sapphire alright is there anything else and I'm scared to look no more nah I'm scared to look okay we're this is crazy look at this okay we got okay some cards maybe sports all right big money big money big money big money big money big my name oh you got more coins you got more coins look at that 1990 holy cow dude you are killing me looks like they're all sports coins look at this the whole thing looks 1989 that's the set 1989 no way 89 again baseball coins tops baseball coins mint 1990 look at that the wrapping that they come in no oh wow the end for a second but wait there's more I should put a few more wait there's more this is nice he actually look at this look at this he actually labeled the backs he labeled everything I love it I of it is so many like he is like open spots to you for like his other ones they this is crazy okay well you know what we'll just auction all of these off with the other ones this Sunday so yeah we'll just we'll do the same thing is there anything behind there yeah there is no way look at this singles what is this is that that is the spuds the Budweiser dog you've got to be kidding me spuds McKenzie all right what's behind that this is getting crazier more Bud Light pins spud Mackenzie Bud Light pins okay older men you put magnets on them alright one more is there another page but we waited there's there's something right there right there is there anything in there this is crazy anything at all and all right I'm scared to ask is there anything else left in your drum yeah you've got to be kidding me alright let's see what you got nah he's got more he's got more pins look at this this is all sports pins no way no way look at this whoa miss one two three four five six six empty spots all sports memorabilia alright I'll talk to George we'll probably put that up for the auction as well I have a feeling you are kicking my butt yeah moment Jimmy you're up I might as well just throw in the towel now I've been trying to get a kiss and four years on YouTube maybe since you got all that money I'm looking for that sacred kiss if I could get the right kiss the right kiss is worth ton of money so let's see what we got here okay let's see what we have here we've got oh look at this we've got 1997 leaf signature NFL and where we yeah we actually have it in there there's Corey Dillon running back check that out okay we got all kinds of stuff look at that Vinny Testaverde remember when we had him on the Browns now if you don't you don't you weren't even alive yet okay so dumb dumb question you weren't Elijah all right we got Beckett guides football okay okay I've got I've got kiss I've got kiss I've got Oh check this out I've got an Elvis Presley hound dog don't be cruel look at that collectable authorized edition you hang it up you hang it up all right so I got Elvis I got a wolf you know who that is no you don't know who this is not a clue biggest sports controversy in the world and Christian doesn't know who this is yet in the comments below somebody please let Christian know let them know who this is and why this is the biggest sports controversy in the world okay we've got this guy I don't know who that is either we've got this dude you know who that is no neither we got Michael Twitty do you have any idea who Michael Twitty is not a clue okay well we got his autograph we've got who's that there's Conway and we got an autograph there oh look at this look at this check that out look look look look okay here we go I'm coming back now dude I'm coming back with a vengeance here we go you ready BAM $10 each $5 per box that's it's not the best all right we've got Tom terrific Tom terrific cards Tom terrific art specific ok that's what that is what's this and what are these popular no don't they a hockey player I gotta get rid of these gloves these new ones don't help anybody do anything see what's this we've got well there's Jerry Rice there's a tops Jerry Rice thousand-yard Club right there all right we got all kinds of cards all kinds of cards dude I gotta have some money here I know you got the sports coins I know you got the jello caps and all of that but there's got to be there's got to be a card in here worse something okay all right let's see what else I got look at the Oh check this out oh wait wait wait wait there's also holy cow that's heavy okay what's this Phil Simmons on possum I got I got some fishing lure stuff there and a few other things down here - couple screwdrivers what's that a glove conditioner lantern stuff okay few other things few other things here we go I got a die like a Dragonball Z game boy advance Nike some to Anna belt buckle all right and okay here we go I feel money oh it's so heavy pick money big money big money big money big money big money and oh oh baseball card album here we go Joe Montana Joe Montana drum ant ant John John Elway all right we're looking at some money here now if we get the rookies I don't even want up I don't want to bend um okay I'm gonna set that aside oh there's wrestling look at this look at this I got an autograph card right there Randy white it's autographed it's got to be worth something look at all these cards dude a lot of them and look at this Dan Marino rookie card no way there's the damn kid the card in all spot is just the old plastic sleeve all right see the card isn't spotted just the sleeve is we better put that bad boy back in there okay we'll get that in there what else do we have in here we've got basketball okay there's all kinds of cards what's that that's just some kind of marker look at this I did you see that back there oh come on come on come on no well maybe these are worth right money I don't know that's why a spinners roll money that's what are you spend his real money on was the baseball cards we know he got evicted and we know he filed bankruptcy is everybody money so there you go there's the rent money there's the rent money right there found the rent money there it is okay and dude a lot a check this Howard's debt there's a riddle helmet I know Micro right I'll read ow Rudy we do we do Badou this okay there's just a little bit everything there's Boman chrome $2.99 packs here's here's other packs open unopened I don't know look it down here look it down here look he's got he actually he put these in some kind of order tops dude that's my name Neil uh they might not I don't know I just this is just crazy we definitely we got to get John Kirk I don't have any idea who that is we got to figure out somebody who knows what these are worth or you know the other thing we do but just auction them all off to you guys on Sunday night and then you guys you guys resell them you guys get them for a deal from us and then you resell them for what they're actually worth be nice don't be cruel be nice bananas you going bananas nice okay I have seen I have seen a few bananas in my day something Anna boxes I bought a unit up near Youngstown that had hundreds and hundreds of banana boxes oh there was there's money there's definitely money there's an old antique dealer oh well you got what you got what you got look at that baseball card of the month Beckett all right we're getting into more sports it's not baseball card monthly it's like a z/os Cal Ripken jr. nice sweet a baseball card tree is there anything in it yeah there is dude this unit so we beat sports cards can you imagine it cost him just to buy every card we've seen so far that's probably like thousands of dollars and I got the unit for 90 bucks like it's like a crazy collection this guy was like fanatical came to sports in full disclosure $90 but I also have to pay employees to work through everything too so it actually ends up costing me more than $90 so but I mean sure there's more than night with my 20 in here yeah there's there's still there's still profit margin I mean look at this look at this sports sports oh man magazines just a little bit of everything huh 92 91 92 hottest rising stars oh dude I see something under there man the box I definitely see something under there news articles man 99 1999 I was maybe one who's that Barry Bonds always I stopped reading bassy like basketball nice nice dude did you just just move all just move all these oh yeah that was yeah that was yeah that was in there that's not the first one we found hot look at all these cards holy cow holy Barry Bonds Christian what you just wanted to sink the knife and deeper to beat me didn't you yeah honestly cuz this money is it more rent money be more rent money no it's not more rent money more cards though open done open packs those look really cool they look like giant baseball cards you know what we always say size matters go big or go home go big or go home home home of the home team heroes okay those are cold another time baseball card I've never seen all the puzzle pieces those are Don rust right there the puzzle piece is always cool what's half ninety two top stadium club series one baseball that is really cool I know what that means but its words alright we're gonna have to I think what we're gonna do is just auction them off because we we've got so many cards from so many years of collecting from so many storage units and we just we just don't know what we have come on big money big money more rent did you find more rent money come on yep you did there's the rent money people right there what is it I don't think he's black and white coat oh nice is it an autograph card with a oh is that uh is that he paid for it he bought this card from them magazine occurred and return postage $25 can we see up here what is order form ship to ordered who is it Johnny Utah's okay huh is there any more like that yeah I probably probably keep those together probably don't separate those cuz that's probably all that's like a CoA I would think there's definitely a ton of cards in there yeah I mean card protectors Roger Clemens oh my goodness yeah it's a collector's booklet Roger Clemens dude alright much I'll tell you what did you actually think I was gonna win for once in my life is yep that is hockey so you watch hockey too like everything alright you let us know down in the comments below did I win or did Christian win hashtag Jeremy hashtag Christian and remember if you don't vote for me I might not make any more videos for you you better mind [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 115,201
Rating: 4.9029198 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: mKTuTzu5trg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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