CANCER GOT HER I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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that um diagnosed with cancer we are back in sunny florida the weather is perfect but george you know what we did what did we do we came here and we brought nothing we brought only clothes for our bags our challenge to ourselves is to do everything source everything we need through storage units that means silver and gold if we want that and everything to a rubber band and a paper clip we got a 10 by 15 here hopefully we can at least find a rubber band and a paper clip today now you got this one online correct we got this one online with six seven we got seven total okay now i had the bid on this one because if one of us gets eaten by an alligator and we lose a leg i got the jeremy size crutches and i got the george sized crown we can have crutches races yeah we could or help little timmy out or we could just we could do it this way instead just wait a minute i have some more stuff okay so we got crutches uh that's not why bids here i'll show you why i did see this here yeah saran wrap now we haven't been on a bunch well we've looked at about a thousand storage units online in florida but this is the first one we saw with saran wrap and we thought man somebody must know something i wonder if that's a floridian technique do you think so to keep whatever's in there from humidity i think this is medical miscellaneous there's your knife that you found in the other unit so let's see [Applause] i wish you would have found a knife sharpener in the other unit just use your teeth to sharpen it good to go all right like new so look look you're slicing through like butter nothing but grit all right medical miscellaneous okay let's see what we have this might this could be the good stuff oh oh by the way it's not all paperwork look at this here you see this this is a pampered chest bag and the boxes are all empty pampered pricey i figured she was selling pampered chef yeah and i'm saying she because i've never met a he that sells pampered it might have been him we'll figure it out one way or another okay here we go medical miscellaneous there is christmas stuff so far stockings this looks like more miscellaneous than actual medical pepsi daytona 400. here is nascar magazine or nascar what else do we have in here that'll sell well in the next nascar lot there's a pig is that a pig there's a dog a puppy bag looks like a puppy bank a broken a broken bank it is a puppy bank and it looks a little rough around the edges look at this we got some pins in here um is that candy canny that is that is candy that's a reese's cup right there what's this so mary and joseph are you gonna eat it you know what we're gonna eat the buttercream we've been eating so good here at your new favorite establishment yeah barbecues our new addiction no your new addiction the redneck it's your addiction too the redneck nachos are so stinking good and they're not even nachos they're not your typical nachos they're french fries cheese and pork oh my goodness they're seven days in a row she still can't get enough we have a problem okay we were thinking of starting a new panel instead of auctions anonymous redneck nachos nachos yeah all right that's what this is you know what let's just set this aside we'll go through that with the fine tooth comb later yeah and reseed stuff like that we'll set this aside we do have the the nascar there so that's kind of cool yeah what a thought there would have been something cooler in there you know all with the saran wrap let's um maybe someone maybe someone can tell us in the comments what's good what's the method to the madness of saran wrap around boxes and totes good question does that say ollie or olivia that might be olivia yeah or it's like do not open arthritis always cut away from the bbq always don't do what i just did okay the pork is best on the redneck nachos not on the edge of the knife okay let's see what we got here almost cut the sausage and that would not have been good that would have been no bueno here we go what oh george george george uh do you see what i see barbies oh nice university tinker bell barbie cool with a crown for you appears in brand new in the box university barbie university florida gators oh nice how cool is that i already know you're going to want to auction these off there is a taylor swift barbie that is so cool you know why because we are never ever ever uh going back to ohio is that what it is oh there's pineapple there's a pineapple hat there's another pineapple hat nice and big okay there's florida and then you got it's an autograph oh it's autographed by well howdy ma'am somebody somebody you know what i can put my autograph let's add ours on there the heartland oh is it heartland is that a band oh no it says heartland that might be a band maybe it's a band okay what else do we have in here we have a treasury collection premiere edition okay cut away from the sausage okay here we go and it's some type of dog there it is it's a kayla all right let's kayla has been opened brand new you want to do a creepy dialogue sure oh her finger is missing kayla was born with only five fingers on one horn on the other poor poor kayla you know it's times like these when when i'm glad it's us that finds kayla's and not other people who'd be so ruthless to bite the rest of the fingers off that would never be good okay we've got oh there's a tie there's a tie beanie baby is that a chair leading off yeah outfit all right we've got great for florida state university cookie [Music] oh there's cabbage patch kids we might we might find a cabbage patch kid uh there's some stuff for disney i think that was cool that would be a fun giveaway on our sunday night live okay we have a lot of disney fans here is a oh there's a build-a-bear more hats look at this there's some type of metal 2005 world series minor division we've got more hats girl can't catch what all right more hats looks like there is a bucket of hair thingy shoes hair thingies that looks like a build-a-bear accessory probably is a bear accessory and then you've got you know there's only one thing i can't stand glitter is the fuzzy furries it's the feathers you make a beautiful princess here's an extra tip for all you storage unit buyers instead of using a broom bring the blower especially in florida because there's sand everywhere yeah and there's paperwork everywhere where did you find out we'll work closely like we said before and came across there it is she applied for disability okay lost appealed it and then she was diagnosed with cancer so so now that we haven't gone through all the paperwork but i'm thinking she may have passed away so the story is always in the unit in the paperwork most likely she passed away still got a peek and see how much i paid for this unit because i don't remember there is a lot of big stuff in there like for example this you got the baby crib which who wouldn't want that right for your barbies for the chicken oh yeah actually we could put that let's put that in the chicken coop and the chicken connects they can lay their eggs they can lay their eggs in there or they can roost on it so yep that's what we're doing that's going in the chicken man our chicken are so spoiled yeah is that normal i've never only chickened out before spoiled all right car seat typically we're not gonna do anything with the car seat because car seats expire we're not even gonna look if it's the right car seat it could be worth a ton of money but what parent having a newborn is ever gonna buy a used car seat right it just doesn't happen parents they care about their newborns it doesn't happen there may be parents out there so we don't usually mess with you it becomes a little risque so we we avoid it we've got a big giant chair in here too it's a little chair what do you think chickens no they'll damage all right not for the chicken she says don't put the chickens on that that would be a negative yes for the chickens okay we've got tv dinner trays remember when you were like on a kick for like two months you're like we gotta get tv dinner trades we have to have tv dinner try is that what i sound like and i kept going why because i don't remember sounding and here they are you want them look look how beautiful they are they are a little nicked these are compressed basically junk wood it's not solid wood we're always looking for solid wood when we're buying units this is just garbage and then we have well we got toast we'll go through the toaster okay but we've got it looks like we've got a gaming chair yeah we do that's rough that one's going straight to the dump and then for your bad back george look at this i have about mercy's going to help you out no one puts jeremy in the corner unless i do it myself i moved all the big stuff out look there's like so much room you put yourself in the corner yeah sometimes sometimes i just deserve to be here you're such a weirdo do you ever play this game when you're a kid see how far out from the corner you can go no are you i wasn't one i wasn't one of the weird ones all right well let's get this weird one going here we go uh we got stuff over here okay we got stuff over here what do you think over here wherever you want to go captain i was going to look in the truck and see how much i paid for this one i will once we get through some of this stuff all right we've got we've got a ton of cards it looks like let's see peace greeting cards looks like an ohio deer but there's writing in it yep a bunch of cards we'll have to go through wow we'll have to go through all of these to see yeah because sometimes people leave gift cards in them we found a ton of gift cards and old birthday cards to be replaced by a day of no kids and no worries good for a trip to a baseball holla i'm redeeming this right now what are you going to redeem it to take it i'm going to the day spa all right so does the kids mean the chicken yeah the chicks the kids you know that here i'm redeeming it okay i'm out apparently i'm back from the day spicy allowed to leave all right look at this here look at this around the clock sir bag contains history of coins continental dollar new hampshire you you break it off from an eight bit and then if you're really good you can get up to the 16 bit like the sega genesis and then you can go 32x and you know then you can go nintendo 64 from there and then just goes on how did we go from coins to video games i don't know but um that's how much they cost let's take a peek here okay let's see what we have didn't see the two bit hmm interesting these you have to look up the value of those oh something else is in here there it is there it is you would break it off and it was normally eight sections okay so these are replica coins obviously i think these are let me see they're still worth something right somebody paid 16.95 for them they are american revolution replicas yep right there okay all right i'm gonna set that aside over here and here we go we got a little tote more cards which are there writing in it well that depends if there's no writing yeah yeah there is so even even if there is writing there are people that that collect how do you say it jordan i think it's pronounced if amira if amira in other words paper old cards you get a group like this throw it up on ebay you could get a couple hundred dollars for this so even with the writing because people collect cards remember there's somebody out there that collects absolutely everything anything you can find anything everything for example right here there are people who collect maps yes this is probably a replica from 1539 yeah it's definitely a replica but there are people that that collect originals and they go for a ton yeah they do some go for millions maps okay we got another bag in here let's see what we have uh it's a funeral oh my goodness there it is there it is she did pass away oh you think her ashes are in there we're in the old country now in florida i don't know man i don't know if i should be looking what do you think wait didn't you say that her child had an issue yeah what was the issue with the child i found paperwork that one of the kids had medical issues as well needed renal treatment maybe kidneys were failing i don't know maybe why would that be in there all right i'm gonna set this aside do you think maybe the child maybe the child passed away again we are we haven't gone through all the paperwork completely yet we haven't and we're never trying to be disrespectful whatsoever we try and show you the realism the reality of buying storage units and flipping everything it is a business and if we don't do it what happens is the facility hires somebody or they do it themselves it all goes to the land it all goes to the dump and so our specialty is taking those items that would have been in the landfill number one keeping them out of the landfill number two reuniting them with somebody who will love them and cherish them and hold on to them so that's the good part of this business we can't restore the love because they don't want their stuff back then we try and re-home the items to a good home we re-home the love okay re-home the loan we re-home the love we've got some purses i bet you're going to do a purse lot of cute purse needs a little cleaning it doesn't look like there's anything in these but you never know until you check them yeah nothing in there it looks like they were emptied up you know i could see you on a harley george i see you on the harley right now wearing the purse instead of putting it away yeah wearing it and be like that's right i'm wearing my leathers okay nothing nothing nothing there okay we'll set this aside we'll go through that more thoroughly oh there is my spa dude that got thrown i just threw it aside as if it was nothing you know what it might have been the child that passed away there's a bunch of little beanie caps probably a one-year-old beanie cat george sometimes do you think this is my level of maturity yes like a one-year-old i think sometimes sometimes i tell myself i'm dating a child you know what i do the same thing you are great heart jinx okay we got we got a bowling game we got a bunch of graduations graduation baby stuff baby picture frame baby bank some coin banks and it's got the stopper yeah nope no stopper oh george has seen things again that one definitely doesn't have the stopper yeah look at this baby baby stethoscope look at that that's not even dr mc mcpuffin's or whoever that is oh okay that topper stopper isn't going to be easy okay i punched it punched it in get the gloves off the gloves 1943 copper penny is in there if it is remember what we always we always tell you guys check the dates on your coins no we always tell you if all of a sudden we're not on youtube anymore it's because we found that penny but the reality but we would never announce that the reality is we would still do youtube because that penny ain't gonna do nothing except would we sell it or we would keep it i don't know yet probably just keep it i mean the longer we hold on to it the more valuable it becomes right yeah so there's a dollar at least i got a dollar laundry money and look look i got a gaming token golden games people collect tokens yeah they do it's weird okay so golden games we're gonna have to check out gold and games two of my favorite things gold and games and games all right let's set that you know i'm just gonna put that in the kangaroo pouch here okay and here's look at this here's some pouches oh weevils look at that for pins right there patches north florida council patches and pins that's gotta be worse why do we keep finding pins uh i don't know is that a florida thing collect big collectors in florida it might be might just be everybody collects everything so we find everything jesus loves me this i know for the bible tells me so we've got is this more baby stuff i bet you give me some type of memory box new testament balloons yep that's another you know this is this is the hard part about the business when you find this you realize there are children involved and it's not it's not their fault for their parents uh irresponsibility if it was irresponsibility on them not paying their bills or for their parents medical issues if it's a medical issue or for their parents you know you could go on and on and on for the circumstances that have happened and so that's where resourcing the love becomes becomes a great thing that we can do holy cow what's that cast cast someone broke their legs somebody broke their entire body cast cast this is like oh wow that's like a body cast for a child holy is that a butt cast it's a butt cast yeah holy cow somebody was like mr glass on um that the shyamalan movie more cast look at all of these it's definitely pieces and parts of a body cast for a child wow wow okay all right this is this toad is let's move on just a little bit let's get to some more fun stuff like spa day with my main man ken what up ken and his naked partner bobby barbie what have you and ken been doing walk of shame barbie you can say that again um this is let's see what we have in here stuff we definitely have stuff oh tons of stuff tons and tons of stuff listen here little oh something oh something something okay there's a lot of a lot of crazy stuff down in here there's more money look at that that's going in the kangaroo pouch awesome there we go okay hey she makes me pay for lunch so every penny counts every penny counts especially when they have an appetite like you actually it's not george's appetite it's her eyes if anybody's ever noticed how big her eyes are so when she's like she does that with her stomach too at every restaurant so she over orders it's crazy what are you talking about what about house not over ordering if i love leftovers we got a little uh princess castle here and let's see what we have down here more to the castle we got the expansion oh look at that it's the uh it's the mom it's the mom soccer mom um rc control right there okay that looks like this is all looks like stuff to the little castle yeah more dollhouse there's barbie you want to put that with the barbies oh look here's more barbie here's another barbie i bet you this probably barbie uh this is meth head barbie oh there's bugs on my face bugs on my face so this is pretty uh relevant down here in the florida area where we're out so that's meth head barbie and that is some kind of lemon squeezy lemon squeezy lemon there's definitely here we go oh now we're getting into some cool stuff a racetrack racetrack instead of instead of your grandma spanking you with a ship ship throwing that at you you should got it with the old race my grandma would use her walking pain to beat us and she would call her flip flops at us oh here we go we found a pineapple pineapple coin purse i am starting a pound that's someone's milk money no this is money that i get back for what i spent on this unit one two are there star notes look to see if they're star notes that's another thing we tell everyone check your bills for any stars after the serial number no stars all right we'll go through all this with the fine tooth comb while i can get two things off the dollar menu now this is lunch money while i count it we'll go through it we did find an extra few goodies like for example this pez i don't know if that's cabbage patch pez we're gonna have to check that one out look at this here we found cards these are disney world cards and disney if it's disney even though this has already been used this for the resort that's collectible sure we found another little purse no money in it but hey we got snacks are you gonna eat it are you saying you know what i think these are actual toys these are snacks yeah saving those for later okay snacks are for later we did get some hot wheels just checking here checking here i'm not seeing any of the red line that's a pretty sweet one right now when you say red line you mean i mean the original ones have a red line just like a white wall out of the tire and then george found this it's an old gift card tin but she wants to put it in a tin lock because she likes she likes to sell a bunch of tins and then we got i don't know if that's pokemon or what those were the extra bonuses let's get into oh while we were going through the paperwork tell everybody what you figured out that um there was drug drama in the family and and that someone did pass away in the family who wasn't but it wasn't the previous owner i think it was her father all right her grandfather so it was grandpa who passed away box on the top here we go here we go i'm kind of scared you know what i'm thinking it's some type of doll uh i don't think it's a doll doll no i think it's a wedding dress let's just uh we'll just put that right back in there with no need no need for this no ideas don't give the viewers any idea from creative weddings and formals creative weddings and formals so we're just gonna set that one aside we don't need to get into any more of that that's for sure okay what do we got in here it's another cast nope not another cast okay so we're doing okay well we figured out what the cats were for what was it for uh one of the kids was a cheerleader okay cheer oh yeah cheerleading she was a cheerleader so she broke an ankle uh more than one ankle and more than once and look at there broke a leg broken ankle do you think we're going to have any silver in there no probably not although that'll still be good that would be good for a a little bit of a jewelry lot for you that would be fun and oh remember when you said she was a cheerleader well there you have it there you have it uh more than enough in cheer magazines so this march here let's see oh no pitch perfect are those books motion picture acm yeah they're books luke bryan set list iphone case is that it's supposed to be a lot like a a lock save it's a locker a school locker something's in it let's see if we can find the key baby doll another creepy yeah she kind of looks like you hello oh my god let's flip that over caleb's for shoes some little wii box and let's see what we have play out by keith urban is that a record it's gotta be holy cat holy cow oh cds um oh you know what this is this is a how to play the guitar 30 songs 30 days complete experience huh interesting very very interesting all right don't peek yet but remember the hat that we saw found that had heartland on it oh there's a true band it's a country band that makes sense so there we can put the autographs with the hat oh my favorite we're going there for christmas annabelle island yeah how cool we are going to be there for christmas you think that's from the shelling store um where the shelling master works did somebody say [Laughter] i'll let you know when i ask him when we see him when we go again because we're definitely going to try and find him again little nikes we got new balance little baby new balance oh wow those are all beat up look at that yeah apparently new balance isn't the best the moisture probably did that moisture dolphins simple guitar all right let's move that's called cheerleader let's move that aside and let's take you know what i'm thinking [Applause] everybody smile ready three two say what the hell's one perfect hand one of the things to count to three one of the things i've always wanted to do is i wanted to take all the film from i don't know undeveloped film from a year's worth of storage units and then make an entire video and compilation this is everything we found i think it would be well obviously we wouldn't show you anything we find that's x-rated we would keep which we would find we would keep it 2005 graduate okay nicholas sparks i want to remember isn't he that guy that writes those weird books about romance stuff stuff and stuff and more stuff there are a ton of cameras down here all right i'll tell you what let's let's look through all this we'll see if there's anything good we'll show you if we find anything at right after this things are getting juicy look at this okay we did find a couple cool things we got the nascar 2004 that's the computer game yep absolutely in there we did find another gift card subwood rewards and if you look down below functions as a gift card and a rewards card and it is a gift card the information is on the back check this out this is divorce pre-trial order now the owner former owner definitely is not from florida from from michigan michigan okay and then we got all of this stuff in here before i left i paid all the household bills that i went to get groceries i paid for pjs ritalin uh i went i when i went to when my father died i went to florida for his funeral to make arrangements for the third party to pick up the ritalin and patrick never called and da da da da jessica didn't go to school for 10 days i mean it just goes on and on and on even if we wanted to restorage the love here in florida we can't dad passed away stuff went in here divorced it's a mess it is a mess and unfortunately that's what happens it's such a mess that somebody wrote this note i will write your name on the bullet so you're the last thing that goes through my head wow that's how messy things were now i did stomp on this so we can find out what's inside and [Music] is there anything else oh there's some more in here just trying to get it out we didn't find the key fight with it here okay we did not find the key general mission for something and maybe another country all right we've got vitamin c all day eye cream we've got like a new york and it has olivia on it all right the story gets crazier let's go over here let's let's see what we got here we got finders benders bingers anders bangers five star writer's notebook [Applause] look at all this baking cookies clothes toys restaurants mail in uh wow okay very organized who who's the most organized man you know in your life you are really very much so who's the most handsome man that you know in your life my dad who's your alibaba how did i know you were gonna say that because you think you know me all right let's see what's over here and we'll get to these totes we've got oh the cheering evidence of cheerleading pom-pom you know george you asked you should probably be have that going on right now for me all kinds of colors all right what do we have are those cheerleading shoes yes they're brand new okay that's uh a lot of brand new shoes oh yeah a lot of brand new shoes let's check more brand new white cheerleadings haven't even been worn never worn you're going to put these in your shoe lot sure okay george is going to put those in her shoe and this is maybe that was for cheerleading maybe maybe maybe not maybe maybe those one at the bottom of the crutches that explains the crutches because she broke her leg so many times the cheerleader did so that may have went on the bottom of the crusher does that explain decoration all right let's see what's in here it's another barbie hardware wood piece of hardware all right that makes absolutely no sense to me sauce shot glasses oh you know these these are ketchup shot glasses that makes sense for people who love ketchup as much as me and then there are those who just need it so bad you just good job you go man you guys are going way too fast we've got a ton of work to get done in a limited time there is this go gator thing too looks like [Music] there we go there it is the mickey hat looks good on you and back to work all right here we go time to get back at it see what we got in here we've got oh there's something's in the case there's a there's a tie t-y there's the uh bunny rabbit nice nice hey remember the ones that are worth the most money are the ones with misprints on the tags on there we want errors here's typos that is the good stuff there's a self-printed feature probably from a theme park yeah sorry from there's a minnie mouse oh we could twin you wear yours i can wear that okay then there's more minnie mouse there's let's see got all kinds of maybe baby stuff in here oh look at this somebody was a beauty pageant winner oh nice and i'm guessing it wasn't caleb that's my guess that's a guess okay what else do we have in here the first years i don't think that's a bed soothing thing oh there might be something good in here there's a bunch of beauty pageant winnings oh you know what this is look at that this is gonna be oh my goodness it's what everybody has dreamed of being a watermelon princess oh wow if you're not bloated and retaining water you can't win it that's just that's the rules of the watermelon princess look it holy crowns oh my goodness are those beauty these are beauty pageant crowns memorabilia this is beauty pageant i don't know tiara you know what you too high maintenance as it is already i do not need you wearing any of these crowns when have you ever seen me wear a tv you're the watermelon tiara yeah here we go never watermelon princess is now named george take it away from you caleb george cuts it now all right one more oh and this tote looks amazing look at this this is skylander that's skylander here's xbox xbox controller there's skylander there there's a ton of it you know what you should you should do a skylander lock okay there's skylander there there's a top there'll be a top to that and here's a base okay and then this is skylander disney infinity again that is probably for the xbox i'm guessing and there's there's the portal the base there as well looks like we've got a bunch of skylanders over here there's darth vader skylander there is luke skylander i am your father there is thor skylander there is obi-wan skylander so are those like interactive pieces yeah they're interactive pieces iron man skylander i'm not familiar with skylanders uh yep there's that's probably ps3 here is sully skylander let's see yoda where's yoda oh there he is there's the yoda the yoda meister we be one with this unit we be 22.71 i've got there's two right there all right we're almost there george you got 20 71 i got you [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 88,612
Rating: 4.886662 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: 6zdjAzRAHQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 33sec (2553 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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