FOUND SAFE ... I Paid Her To Open It

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this is the biggest safe ever bigger than the one that we found in worcester what the hells are you doing today george today we were invited to a private pick we're picking privates private privately we are privately picking still doesn't sound right okay what are you gonna call it okay so that's what we're doing today might as well get right to pick in our privates [Laughter] what is she cut cut while you watch us pick don't forget to subscribe if you're new and hit the bell icon so you get notified every single time we release a new video and when we go live every sunday we just got into the garage check this out george look at this already oh my goodness to proceed it's safe to proceed we could both fit in there i found something that i like and look at this i think i think i might have found something that you like as well i love it already that right there uh-huh you think that should go in your uh your collection mike look at that it's a frost it's a frost culturally cut i can never say cutlery or fill a flamper for less see it or entrepreneurial i can never say any of those words but it's in a gerber case i found a really old phone look at this but it looks like it's missing some pieces still really cool that's the original cell phone prototype it's a western it's a smartphone that is the original smartphone prototype they didn't have touch screens kids these days would have no idea what this is yeah without a doubt do you think they would know what that is look how pretty this piece is this is something that we could definitely use at the ranch don't you think well i was saying that before i actually turned the camera on so yes yes i do think all right let's look to see if there's any treasure in the drawers all right and that's our kind of drawer right there yes this is what you would call a junk or just filled with keychains all right debbie vaughn pamela lynn keychains are high collectibility and it's something that i love to sell right there oh yeah it's a joint is it really yeah is it a lighter as well or just a joint just a keychain definitely not the typical kind of joint that we find in in like storage units all kinds of key did you see it's a nail clipper but close it again what is it it's like a little little suitcase yeah here's a uh crossbones death wish coffee and uh bottle opener like that anybody who messes with you and your swords two for one deal right here death wish personal match matches you know some match boxes are worth money definitely not those ones those are all contemporary what is this uh all right little coin purses key chain coin purses ullr i have no idea about that it's actually really cool i like that never seen anything like that before what is this so you could think all right i want to see what's in the next drawer okay let's see if there's any more joints there are bulbs lots and lots of balls where do you keep your bulbs here's another america keychain oh it's broken though okay are there side drawers no no side drawers no side drawers all right still a really pretty piece what do you think do we make an offer on that i think we should all right we'll pull it out we'll try and make an offer okay somebody's gonna be happy look at this what what what look at this i just found a bag in a bag no i just found a bag of costume jewelry oh nice look here i'll dump it out here okay where are you going the mini table just i mean it's it's cheap stuff obviously look at that two dollars oh that's the co2 tank so it's a couple of bucks here and there but attitude you love this stuff i do love this stuff look at that you love going through it oh this is perfect one of my favorite things to do is to sort through jewelry look at this all right here we go there's some stuff up here i see some signage there is some signage here is a big patch that is the nation which forgets its defense will forget it's fallen here that is a giant memory of the troops wow that is a giant patch um national wildlife refuge we've seen a lot of that here in florida that's kind of cool we've got area beyond the sinus closed all right that's good [Laughter] all right i got a million ideas for that um i don't even want to know what do you think about that no tenting no is that tech camping maybe okay closed wildlife refuge here's another giant patch oh wow for falling arrows oh this is in remembrance of the trade center 911. that's cool that is so cool signs are cool um i think i think we probably we we throw these on the pile of what we want to make an offer on don't you think yes indeed i found something that reminds me of you can we add this to the uh what oh that's you every morning that's you every morning afternoon and night but on a flip side here's uh some words to live by life is like an onion you peel off one layer at a time and sometimes you weep truth hashtag truth now you're hashtagging the videos in the video always do like hashtag facts would you find i'm pretty sure you love toros this is an actual turtle shell but it's pretty damaged it's pretty damaged honestly i don't know that i would want to mess around with that especially in florida somebody could accuse you of something all right yeah you know what i'm just gonna say yeah we'll leave that here yeah we'll leave that here's another one oh wow these are giant shells okay we're gonna oh [Music] it's perfect i found a dolphin it'll match your turtle the glass blown turtle that you got i like turtles i like turtles you do love turtles excellence this is coaster maybe that's a coaster that's uh there's another there's a glass bird birdie there is all of us okay we'd be interested in that yes we'd be interested in this sweeza wait missing a leg missing maybe the leg is in the box okay there's a collectible spoon down there here's another spoon i bet most of this was actually bought yeah at an option these are antique irons you would heat that up and then there's one two and those have some weight to them look at this one now that is cool that's a cool thing it's got a rooster at the top that that one's definitely cool this one now we've got some of these at the house yeah okay oh and now what's that trivet all right so she's learned her trivets and now what now what what were you gonna say i can't remember what do you think this is i can't remember what i was gonna say some type of weapon um a wedge most likely i would think all right let's throw that let's throw that on the table how fun would this be to wear on our sunday night lives with the microphones oh who did your makeup this morning thanks thanks for noticing oh look at this toad it's labeled beads you do love beads beads beets and bears okay oh for all the bead makers jewelry makers usually all the beads we find i give to my daughters which we find beads upon beads upon beads yep that's a bunch of beers you're into jewelry making this is perfect that is a bunch of bunch of beads saw it it's a repo look at the back of it it's a re-pop reproduction if it was original it'd be great what do you think i think that's a bunch of beads beads beets and bears auction yeah let's go for it george do you know what this is that looks old some type of old toy it is old and it is a toy and unfortunately i don't think it works like it's supposed to these are the old 3d viewfinders so you would slide this in okay and then you would look through but in the original ones this should be able to slide back and forth looks like somebody made this and then put the actual view scope right along the end there so i think this is more of a decorative piece well no i think it's real let me let me test it okay you know what can't see anything 3d in the dark so that's what it is it's an original it's an original um old 3d viewfinder but it doesn't go back and forth and then here are some of the cards let's see if we can see a date on some of the cards you see any dates looking searching looking left looking right looking in the corners looking up looking down in the back is there any writing on the back no it doesn't look like any writing on the back cool it's very very very cool okay look at all this down here look at this you seeing what i'm seeing what do you see uh biohazard i understand medical waste but it's not medical waste look at this oh wow game load here's 12 gauge shotgun there is there's all kinds of ammo game load 12 gauge that's all 12 gauge right there i don't want to drop that and i could go kaboom okay so that's a bunch of wait wait there's more over here let's move the boogie board okay we've got let's see if we need any of this there's 20 gauge we don't need that crystal so we have oh my goodness there's no 12 gauge [Applause] could we use it for clay shell or clay bird shooting absolutely could let's see what's in here that is a lot more that's more 12 gauge okay there's 12 gauge here's a here's a jewelry box and i miss you all is that that's a note from us to all of our viewers yes um but they still get to see us every day somebody is reloading yeah they are okay and then what's that up there that's what like a some type of buggy definitely looks like it there's a 20 gauge we got all kinds of ammo down here just not what we want right now and then there is more there's more 12 gauge there's another case of 12 gauge and i bet you this is a more cleaning kit let's look i think i'm right mm-hmm there's gun cleaning maybe there you go called it a rifle cleaning kit and this is a door trim set huh interesting what's this cool master that is also a gun cleaning kit right there it's another one check this out this you see what it is that looks like maybe uh either a high chair or some type of uh potty trainer you're right both high chair potty trainer but it's missing a piece again so it's missing the actual the actual area that the child would actually go to the bathroom there's a box and look what we got here we've got some comics there's frankenstein monster but what do you see there 20 cents okay so we want 10 centers or we want anything below 10 cents to really have any value but uh you know without looking it up we don't truly know but we can look just right there that's a 20 center as well so we know it's more current and what is this the many ghosts of dr graves another 20 center interesting and we've got ant-man and man 20 center and what's uh abraham lincoln the florida massionic code we now we have all the secrets of the masons contained right here one second please i always knew it i always knew it and this confirms it this confirms it all right let's see what else is in here looks like there's another old book in here is that an old yearbook i'm not sure but what we want is first editions is that about it's a bible let's see what year it is like an ornate cover that is an old bible okay that's psalms so this is probably psalms in the new testament doesn't have the old testament in it and yeah we don't have it's got a lot of water damage or moisture damage look at some that photos treasures office pike county state of alabama 1900 it's dated oh 1910 it's dated okay ethan era yeah i kind of just like it because it's old and it goes with my old bible collection you do have an old bible collection but most none of them are in english they're older than this and i do not see a date it's probably faded it's probably on that first probably still gonna look at it it's got a lot of rough damage to it a lot of rough damage to it but still might be interesting i don't know what these are but this is so neat look at this criterion okay i know what it is what this is wait let me blind you first look at the light is it break up the light look at the light and are you blind now yes okay i'm always blind put your hand on here and you get it you get it it's a song you should be singing it right now [Music] what was that okay so there you go there is uh grand vols whatever that is so this is for player piano oh nice that's for a player piano that's really neat let's count how many there are okay one two three four five six there's six of them six of them you know what the these would look really cool just that's how big they are compared to george's head not her ego to her pretty big head yeah and um these would look just cool hung up on a wall don't you think i agree i concur you concur and now you can you can read braille as well look at this this is really cool some type of oil can you know who would love that someone with spooky knees yes the tin man yeah the tin man from the wizard of oz of course my joints are probably even worse than his so i made in the u.s i really like you always i can never sneak up on you why because you're always cracking with every step every step of the crack my joints crack every single one of them now i can't see i'm blinded by the light what does that say deontay wait i thought you were blind this looks like old perfume box yeah no powder powder no powder powder see that the powder residue in there [Applause] that up here's what i have to say about that it's your move look at this a bunch of jewelry and it even comes in a fancy box so most of this stuff was probably bought at auction we can see it right here so there's the auction auction number most of the stuff would usually sell in lots probably a dollar something along those lines there's some cool brooches yeah we could lock this all up and auction it off definitely need to add that you like that to the pick all right it's going to the pile now we haven't we haven't come to uh agreement on any prices yet we're just putting it in a pile picking right now we're just picking we don't even know if we're getting any of this yet we're just attempting to put it in a pile yes banana no i'm chucky to all the orbs around you oh no orbs we're in old florida which means there's old orbs all right let's look in this chiquita banana okay i think i already see what you see i see what you see okay nice it's a garden flag can't beat that we'd like a good garden flag we don't have a garden but is that navy look at that that's the navy garden okay i like that another uh marine garden flag we did get a call today um from our real estate agent first i had to call the real estate agent and say if we don't get on the property we're finding other property but they called back and said hey they think they'll have you on the property by monday we'll see what happens we'll see what happens okay golf balls what else do you have there you have a bunch of movies a bunch of dvds stuff lance george just had a stuffed land and we know parts of uh florida they don't get internet service at all so dvds sell for prime out here let's see do we see anything good let's see narnia jeff foxworthy we like him he's funny we like listening to him and larry the cable guy get her done no i like listening to larry the cable guy you always tell me would you turn him off get her done he grew on me now now you like him yeah let's see if it's in the uh in the case okay there we go hold dogs disney movie and yeah it's in there all right let's put it in the box what oh no i see what you're talking about yeah yahtzee you found yancey yes i've never played yahtzee but i just love to say yahtzee i think brett actually found yahtzee and he found you another box what do we got here this box is a really good box because look at this there's a ton of vintage games there's a ton of old games we got some stamps people love stamps because they're too little curled a little curled but still collectible okay there's a stamp book nice love that look at all these vintage playing cards let's see if i can get this open stuck that one's really vintage it's so vintage it's stuck magic tic-tac-toe i love it look at this old rook i used to play this at my grandma and grandpa grandma grandpa hails this isn't this is a really old one let's see if i can find a date 1943 that's older than you yeah yeah yeah it is yeah it is look at that those are probably whitman if i know my old stuff well enough they're probably whitman although i can't see no they're not ed you edu cards they're not here in the us this looks sealed made in the us old mad old mad there's a price on it 29 you're right it is old man old man for sure this is sealed lawn boy sealed okay got lots of cool things down there yeah there's thor this is like their version of thor pretty cool now the coolest part is she probably got all of this at auction in this whole box for a buck or two yeah and that's the beauty of going to an auction going to your local auction house supporting your auctioneer this one i know is old that's an old hard game i've seen it by milton bradley no parker brothers parker brothers and then i think milton brandon brought parker brothers out but very cool want wanna play want to play 52 card pickup sure all right you're on your own let me hit the flashlight there we go turn on that old light these lights are so handy this is now looks like there's a lot of glassware in here and a lot of people like glassware i'm just not one of them i i don't get into it at all so this i actually i do like there's a house sports utility vehicle and motorcycles i'm just curious is it oh it's in there look at that the motorcycles are in there very nice put those motorcycles back in and then put it back in its box all you toy collectors are going crazy right now jeremy why are you so rough cause that's i'm a gentle giant that's what it is here's something else cool looks like we have a space shuttle that's kind of cool with the semi the semi the space shuttle and here it looks like did it feel like it was in there oh yeah it's in there there we don't have a box but let's see how much she paid for it it says 28 value it says 28 value that's what it says so whether somebody put a 28 dollar sticker on it or if it was bought for that that i don't know but i do know i probably don't want any little naked babies here fish fish fish are fishy fishy fishy not only did i find one fish one fish two fish look at that now it gets even better they're salt and pepper shakers i'm not sure how you tell which is which on these those ones are from japan um here's another you know little tea set for tea time is that a salt and pepper shaker as well yep there's another not sure what it says masko masko okay um would you like a little pepper ma'am with your yes please okay i'll tell you when to stop [Applause] okay any time now you're done we just cut you off from the pepper i just got cut off from you off all right there's some more shakers there i think that's pewter right there the entire box is probably two oh that's toothpaste it looks like a pewter toothpick holder i think this is probably all salt and pepper shakers which you like i don't like i do like because a lot of them will sell for 25 dollars for the care or more so if we auction these off it'll give this will be perfect for a collector or someone that wants to resell they still have room for profit all right well there's no more room in the box fishing is over found more salt and pepper before you found it all see all these boxes all of these boxes we have center of the garage now they were in the center yep they were all in here so it's important to have elbow room so these are the boxes that we went all right let's take a piece this is labeled salt and pepper and we see girls with class don't need a class excuse me this one has a 20 tag on it it's still new it's some kind of joke some kind of joke some kind of joke i think oh look at this okay that's the grinch pez collection yeah it comes with uh kermit there's the grinch it comes with kermit because kermit everybody you know most people forgot that kermit was actually the grinch he was dressed up as the grinch he was and underneath the disguise was actually kermit the frog he was slighted by miss piggy those things happen are you being tributable yeah very much there all right so hey truth this episode's all about hashtag truth look at that two little moo cows okay so salt and pepper shaker still brand new we basically think this is all salt and pepper shakers look at that a fish look at that bronze shoe yeah we don't want that one a bronze baby shoe okay i like the container containers nice all right so that is definitely that's filled with salt and pepper all kinds of things there we could spend hours just going through it this one's labeled steins i think that says steams steams i think it's it's s teens s teams all right let's see what do we have here oh the amish were hiding in the box i'd be careful because there's probably some little baby amish when are we going amish is it too late to go amish you can go whenever you want i want floridian you can go amish have fun sister esther the box was not mislabeled okay i don't think the amish were being pure in there um made in germany that's good so i think they might have been they might have been uh making steins you think they were in there getting their on no no they're not real george definitely it says berlin they're they're not real you know that right you know no i don't drink beer i just feinstein's really neat even though i don't drink water i still find them as collectible you do drink water you like to doctor it up by putting crystal light in it oh look at this cute little one actually that's fun sized for my crystal light that's fun size like me i'm fine uh so that's going to all be stored these are all steins yeah okay we'll see if we can do a deal for those what do we have over here this one says salt and pepper probably more salt and pepper you remember old salt and pepper give me a salt and pepper sauce is here salt and pepper's here okay all right back there sing salt and pepper too he knows all about the salt and pepper i don't know any of it look at that [Music] real good okay i know that song so definitely more salt and pepper only because you corrupted me and taught me that song i used to be pure you're not here you never work here excuse me i thought this episode was hashtag true another one let's see if there's any amish in there any amish hiding any um look at that it's a calendar it's like 1961 was hiding in there oh wow we'd like to have those days back huh this is a really really cool piece that's it's definitely not a stein not a stein but it's a cool piece not a stein either no designs no slides that is a stein that's bigger than my head most things are how many others this one's made in germany that one's a germany stein a jeremy or a germany a lot of people call you germany i wonder why i don't know must be the mustache i'm not sure look at that awesome germany yeah okay we can assume that this entire box is filled with fancy we'll just assume we'll assume based on time we'll assume and oh my goodness what is this i think that's some more salt and pepper it's the remix salt and pepper came back i don't even have to take the liquid oh look at you that is a salt and pepper shaker how cool is you can you can literally you could pepper somebody's meal from across the room it's got little hand painted roosters on it cool it's made in japan woodware never seen that before so we can assume this whole box truly is salt and pepper shakers okay if you're gonna assume i'll sit how are you calling dibs on it we don't own anything yet we haven't even made an offer you're right you're right i'm jumping it's basically making a huge pile and do we get to go through this box oh i assume you were probably going to i don't know what it is that's probably one you threw there oh more salt and pepper shakers this thing is massive you could probably put salt and pepper in this baby baby baby painted ones love it [Applause] four people going through an entire garage i've actually gone through quite a bit george is up against this george's treasure island nice there's george's grandfather clock it's huge okay it is an adam's middle witch let's see if i can get those off there we go and we think it has something to do with world war ii any information you guys can provide for us that would be amazing who knows anything about this clock what did you find another one looks like the mirror the mirror fell off the mirror the mar did you just call it a mar it's america oh okay i'm pretty sure did you say seashell starfish oh no it's starfish it's a mar starfish it's a marge starfish that's what it is we've gone through the entire garage we've got a huge pile here we've got boxes upon boxes upon boxes upon boxes of junk wait it's merchandise and then once it's sold and somebody pays for it then it's junk so we're gonna try and pay for it so we do what we gotta do we gotta we gotta come up with a little bit of an offer there's no offer yet uh and the individuals behind george right now not on camera what do you think as far as price we haven't discussed one bit of price yet uh she's phoning a friend i think she's looking at a husband he's looking at the ground he's looking at her daughter and it's going it's going back and forth so it's it's kind of ping pong in tennis right now we'll see what do you think you want to throw a price at them uh the art of negotiation is always the person who puts the first price out that's you that's you know this stuff already we can't throw anything they're talking they're talking george what are you thinking a lot of junk here a lot of junk here i mean merchandise all right all right they're talking they're trying to throw a price out and she said three hundred dollars three dollars uh doll hairs you said three dollars right three dollars because i'm all about three dollars you're saying 300. uh what if i go 100 what would you say about that all right they're talking again they're looking they're looking they're going back and forth they're going to see all right phoned in a friend just got a nod and okay there's there's some there's some talks what was that did you say what 130. she said 130. i'll tell you what i'll make you a deal i'll give you 200. if you open the safe up and let me see what's inside the safe okay is that a deal all right we're gonna get to see what's inside the safe 200 and we get to see what's inside the safe i would have paid 300 just to see what's in the safe this is the biggest safe ever bigger than the one that we found in worcester she unlocked it for us we paid extra money just to see what's inside oh i knew it i knew it there were going to be pew pews look at that there's two of them right there oh what's this look is this a coin collection maybe is this no that's paperwork oh look at this a pin collection that's your favorite george there's a pin collection in here there's there's some really cool stuff in here look at this little little old uh afro-american artwork there those are so cool some more salt and pepper shakers really cool stuff there's a case in here i bet you that's silverware because look there's a there's a knife right there oh yeah flatware i got to tell you this was this is this was worth the extra money just to get a peek inside it really was [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 75,097
Rating: 4.9191999 out of 5
Keywords: found safe, opening safe, locked safe
Id: ZSg5ePOvnDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 14sec (2294 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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