FOUND GOLD & SILVER / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit / Storage Wars

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look at all that there is gold there is silver this one item in here could pay for the entire unit absolutely this is the crazy thing people don't believe this happens on a daily basis and here we are we are back on the storage auction run yes uh are you talking to us i don't know look at all these all the abandoned luggage look at that jet blue jet blue i bet we find money this time what were you just saying i was counting the hunter her whole house that's what i just said all right i don't know what she was counting but we're back at 2106. lucky here in orlando one man coming after us all right let's open her back up now we found some pretty cool stuff in here we're going to try and get some of the big stuff out of the way and then george you want to you want to dig into some of these boxes do you think there's anything in the drawers one way to find out you have to stay tuned [Music] here we go we're gonna open her up here we go let's would you like a connector no no these are deadly weapons right here who needs a knife when you've got your guns strong enough to rip through saran crap all right let's see what do you think is there anything in here beautiful dresser top drawer no nothing okay nothing next drawer no oh you remember all the clothes you found next drawer yes they must have bought this brand new i don't even think they ever put anything in it the spray has never been used this probably has never ever been used you're right okay so in ohio when we're not in ohio this looks brand new this would sell for us for easily 150 200 so i'm gonna set that aside we'd sell that in the warehouse we put that on facebook marketplace let's see what we have here okay what do we got here george we've got what is that one of those primo water dispensers all right so what's it do it serves hot water on the left cool water on the right what what about orange juice um i don't think orange juice goes let's fill one of these up with mountain dew and we'll just is that what it does it goes there where does it go and we'll have we'll have hot mountain dew or cold mountain dew it just sounds gross okay hear me out hot mountain dew just drop something what about cherry coke you like sweet tea with lemon okay sure okay we'll put it outside we'll sweet tea it with lemon you can have hot tea or you can have cold now that makes more sense you like that one i do all right this is the tea this is the mountain dew and then i think this this right here what do you think should go in here how about just plain water some h2o you're not very creative at all how much do you think this system is worth i don't know but my sister just got one and she absolutely loves it so you don't put a you don't put a bottle in here you just plug it in the bottle goes in there underneath what you put a bottle under there you ladies have one in this one of these at home and you love it i love it because you don't have to look at the ugly bottle oh yeah because it's hidden i like your compartment right there bobbles because most ugly bottles in storage units are filled with what george money money people filled these up with change okay so these two bottles you see what's over here something's gonna drop and fall are you looking at the shoe rack do you think the this is for is that a shoe rack yeah you for sure that's a shoe rack yeah or you could use your imagination since you have such a vivid bright imagination what would you use it for i put in the chicken coop because this is roosting this is a root yeah we can put it in chicken coop they would love it whatever they are so one for the chicken coop and one for us because we have a ton of shoes that we could use and put on there okay first of all we do not have a ton of shoes you have a ton of shoes you have a ton of shoes too you have six right now i lined up against the wall that's besides the point this is why you tell secrets all of a sudden on here you want me to talk talking about all your shoes where all your shoes are at where they're all lined up at you want me to start talking about that because i can start talking about that go ahead i don't know where you put shoes so let's just keep going there's other big stuff in here okay um look at this this is the best because you we have a security deposit 100 security deposit right look at that and we didn't even bring up well actually we did so but we didn't have to because it comes with it that looks brand new look at this george you know what this is i think so i think it's a collapsible wagon this is one of those collapsible yeah that's exactly what it is i don't want to take it out right now because i'm not very good at putting things back together you know what hail's with it let's just open it up and bam just like that are you thinking what i'm thinking webster flea market wagon ride get in i'll push you promise yeah right down the stairs there's a fan who who cellophanes their fan i mean that's that's one of the reasons that we actually bought this unit because everything was cellophane and they're all you know all nice and neat so it doesn't look like it's even maybe 10 bucks for the fan look at this brand new we saw this as well this is brand new you could probably use this for back in your warehouse really because you know i have short girl problems so or i could or you could use this when i throw my back down again and you know you could sit so well you could sit right there and i throw my back out you could sit right there and we could go for walks so that would work uh wagner ladder this is another this one hundred dollars did i say wagner uh-huh well you know i can't read so uh that's a hundred dollar ladder right there that's another brand new complete we could definitely put that to use at the ranch brand new look at this are you thinking what i'm thinking you are not pushing me down the stairs today no matter how hard you try and trick come on it'll be fun oh yeah it'll be fun for you just pick one pick one um that one okay we've got look at this there's some kind of stool oh i could use that what do you think's in here it's just you know that's small stuff i want to let's get some big stuff out of the way okay okay so this stool i have no idea what it's for but it is there can i use it i suppose you could do whatever you want your ground okay all right we have a wind tunnel oh that's a nice one so are we gonna keep this one yeah all right there you go we got another vacuum this this ladder is bullying me oh have that ladder push you down it almost tripped me look at this look at this george how crazy is this thing okay we got a bug zapper here we've got a this is a plug-in leaf blower but you've gotta you actually have to plug it in it's electric we've got this is kind of crazy this honestly must be blind some kind of blinds we've got outdoor lighting we've got whatever this insane thing is i have no idea i have no idea on that one we got outdoor cord we've got oh led christmas lights more ellie that's what's going on the chicken coop right there the christmas lights yeah the christmas i kind of like the roped ones this is i think what does that say rawlings okay i don't know why this isn't oh you know what this probably is this is probably a net that you hit into and it bounces back yeah and this is what you hit with and [Music] i bet you this is what you hit right there now we are coming out with a future episode called what's inside where we're going to open up a bunch of cool things and guess what one of the things is we're going to open up boom we're going to all find out together on what the hail's on what the heels is inside the softball that episode is coming soon coming soon it'll all be storage stuff finding out what's inside i'm just learning about this i must have not gotten the memo i don't tell you all the secrets because if you know all the secrets you run away with them so it keeps you guessing armor all the whole deal okay probably the best big thing in here maybe this but but look at this you see this here these are look at this these are brand new i can feel that i think those are tempurpedic maybe that's brand new this is brand new that's brand new look at this this that's tempur-pedic topper right there oh wow look how clean that is yeah that is literally brand new we finally have we finally have beds for when friends come over to the ranch now they have to sleep out at the creek because we don't have room for them to sleep anywhere else but we are we're going to hold on to these right yeah so friends come over to the ranch they can they can pop a squat and they don't have to sleep on the couch anymore wait you know what we should do you and me bunk beds in the screened-in porch deal don't play with my emotions you want top or bottom look at this i think that's a brand new camping chair yeah not only is that one i think that's one we definitely can use more camping chairs to put around that one the fire pit oh look at this one cool weather insulated what are we in florida or what what do you need a a cool weather insulated chair for it does get chilly at night i've never even seen one before and yet there it is oversized chair that one's mine yeah yeah definitely for you right there right there you're gonna need the insulated one because you're always always cold i need an oversized one and what is that what is this is this one a sport umbrella that's for you yes umbrella umbrella brella the mattresses look at this george back in the back there it is there's the frames the entire bedroom sets in oh look at you know what i think okay look at that right there there's a remote this is that's an ashley signature design okay so the entire bedroom set is in here for okay headboard a footboard headboard footboard that remote you know what i think it's two huh did you see this oh the tv there is a tv with a wall mount uh structure on the back right there there it is so i bet that remote goes to this and should we just should we peek why we have this here sure all right why not i mean what's it gonna hurt right what's it gonna hurt we own it we might as well peek at it we know the other one is brand stinking new it even has that new scent nothing in there nothing oh that smells like brand new fresh air okay all right we already we already know there's nothing in here either let's load all of this up and then let's see if we can get into some of this cool stuff we got a lot of stuff out of here so much to choose from but look at all this room for it yeah why don't you choose choose the rug why don't you you know what what if there's a gun hidden inside the rug you mean fun hidden inside the rug a pew pew fun i think she means fun i mean it could be in there well we'll find that out later we don't have time to okay i mean we have certain times to get out of here so we'll have to undo the rug at the at the there's pictures moments and girls closet uh-huh i think i want to go with a box that's not labeled okay i like the mystery you're going for that one right there the mystery behind it okay she's going for this one right here and okay where are you gonna put it right here i guess you're going right there what do you got um i'm not sure what that is city okay like a scarf of some sort maybe that was from this is definitely a mountain yeah that's for the tv we already took down but do you see what i see what do you see toilet tree supplies i could have swore yes that's what we need because the toilet will not flush again and when you're done in there i need to smush it and smash it all down to get it down the drain bathroom stuff yeah might be all bathroom stuff what do you think that glove is right there the of glove i think that's for hair okay yeah to keep yourself from burning yeah i've seen you do that a lot i what i have never burned my fingers i see you wear gloves like that a lot i always thought in the beginning when i first met you nice another okay so do you think they're from texas then and then moved to florida yeah cause her disney name tag from texas yeah yeah apply okay disney it would say cleveland ohio we did we did find out the story the story is divorce we found a very very heartfelt marker message on lexi's mirror from dad and heartbreaking it is divorce so this is that's like 90 of storage units divorce happens one parent can't afford to pay and the one thing that lexi's dad did say on the mirror was mcdonald's heals the soul the french fries yeah 100 that's what it does it for george all the time 100 and jose eberle heals the hair i didn't think we were going to show the picture so i opened the box and peaked there's actually some pretty cool stuff in there so it's mislabeled no there are pictures they're handmade pictures okay what i want i'm going for the gold right here i'm going for mom's stuff now look somebody was back in here so this could also be grandma stuff i guess grandma's in here and there's a jewelry box oh my god her skeleton's in here okay this is oh you know what you better call the girls back and tell them we got a jewelry box they're going to want to see this and they're not going to believe it look there's a jewelry box and it is filled with jewelry yeah i see something completely and totally filled with jewelry but are we gonna ignore the fact that there's a skeleton it's grandma it's graham let's okay what is that [Laughter] okay here's what we're gonna do i'm setting this box aside okay until jen and lisa come back yeah they need to see this because people say all the time that uh you can't find that stuff in a store [Music] okay there are look at that if they bought at the volume we did you well they would definitely find they can't begin to buy the volumes that we do they can't even begin to wrap their heads around our business but they like to tell us how to run it okay definitely some pictures of some pictures there's some other cool stuff there's a hat you know what this is what this is disney mouth mal maleficent mello uh my main girl you know my main girl uh-huh yeah what's her name again well in the movie mouthfish maleficent mello i can't remember how to say it here's some disney oh disney princess princess here's some goofy oh wait annie maniacs oswald the lucky rabbit and okay is that a sleeping bag that is a sleeping bag i can't wait to get in then that jewelry that jewelry chest may make this all worth it because it looks like there's a lot of gold what you got your eye on now oh let's see do you know what that means cole could be just kobe jazz no idea oh look down there something's stuck that one says stuff stuff oh that might be a good one what about this stuff does this count it all counts we bought it all that's probably that's an empty bag i could go with something else get us into a box i really want to know what bee gees means or that [Music] it's not as interesting as what i found over here you never know no i know one of those might be in here you think so because that box wasn't labeled what you what's in there yeah well apparently it was mom's i can't wait to get over there oh you know what it's a rug dream must have been their animal oh i wonder what dream means no it really is definitely you got something else going on in here one of those straightening brushes okay jose [Music] on the curly hairs on your back i would recommend that for your armpits because them things are out of control samsung okay nice what does this say you're welcome if you've agreed to the rules three rules on the front don't touch anything no nagging obey the 3ms my stuff my you know what i'm hanging this on the camper we'll see that's when you're allowed to come in when you're being annoying no when you're being annoyed oh jose empty uh box no blow dryer in there okay one of those infrared blow dryers those are money in frere yes all right you are the uh linguistic expert here uh-huh just like a knife and canola okay right there right there right there the owl the owl that's what i see i'm thinking pencils oh okay i was thinking gold gems diamonds but what do i know okay our adventure book this is probably a scrapbook probably dad made it started off scrapbook probably dad made apple it's an apple product whatever it is it is apple watch doesn't mean it's not in here it could be here anywhere it could be literally anywhere it could be in that tablet here apple watch it could be with the gold and silver and diamonds yeah it could be in there okay i'm getting antsy to get into that box that i found [Applause] all right the girls are back here oh i love that sound here is the jewelry chest this thing i can see through the cellophane is jam-packed look at all that there is gold there is silver look at all that there is gold there is silver this one item in here could pay for the entire unit absolutely this is the crazy thing people don't believe this happens on a daily basis and here we are you know this is crazy people go oh man you planted that you staged that okay we went out and we spent thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars on jewelry uh we must have wore it all down and and because that's we had to prep it then we got this jewelry chest then we saran wrapped it then we taped it in this box which you watched us unbox then we rented a storage unit we let it go into delinquency just so we could buy it for video sure we did okay this is gonna be amazing i can't wait but i i i want to go through the rest of the box before we talk i see pandora oh wow yes i want to go through the rest of the box okay pandora this is going to tell us this is going to tell us right here how we're going to do here this is going to be our indicator this is going to be our litmus test now we all know pandora is worth money uh-huh it ain't cheap who would have spent the time to saran wrap this if it's not in here that's what you get very very true oh my goodness oh wow there's multiple bracelets i cannot believe it cannot believe it this thing is going to be amazing this is remember when i was just telling you that this was probably the dumbest purchase i've ever made in my life no i take it all back this is one of the smartest things i have ever done look at that that's all that's all real pandora right there nice i cannot believe it let me see if we have any markings here of gold or silver this is just i cannot wait to get in here this is all real george now i don't know about these if those are pandora that's certainly pandora this is pandora right here these are other bracelets this one has a marking on it i can't read it even with my lasik i can't read it but how cool the charms along go anywhere from 50 bucks to 85 bucks big money we've got hundreds of dollars right there hundreds of dollars and this is oh you know what we should look at this i didn't even think to oh oh wow i cannot believe it i can't believe it okay what do we have look at that okay so maybe for a watch i don't know what is that maybe that swatch piece i think that's watch pieces but why okay this is just wild wait wait oh i didn't even pull it all the way oh my goodness i should know better by now and ah yes that's silver that is silver silver and i'm gonna guarantee i'm going out on the limb right now i'm guaranteeing there is gold and there are gems and there's silver in there this is a hundred percent real that's silver right there nine two five this is the real deal we're gonna have to get we're gonna have to get the gems tested i can't believe it okay i'm not did you see i almost didn't even i wouldn't i would have skipped right once that's dude twice apartment here's how i knew i went to put the bot i went to put the box cover on and this thing was loose and i was like and then it went like that and then that i almost i almost missed the box cover and then i almost missed the real ring that's how crazy this is okay so re you have to remind me of this i'm putting the ring there okay i'm putting this here i can't stink and believe this right now how that's a good box how about so far all right orthodontic appliances invisalign okay there's invisible i'm not too i'm not too thrilled about that let's see what this is this is makeup stuff makeup brushes brushes okay i'm not too thrilled about that all i have i mean really what i want to look at is that okay this is odor eaters and okay again not too worried about that now we were looking for grandma earlier and grandma's right here what up grandma my baby right there i i'm not afraid i'm thrilled right now i'm literally thrilled right now should we hang that in the screened in porch you know what we should put this out in the woods to scare the trespassers that's what we should do okay george look at this really quick we've got mama joanna i don't even know what that is all right that's perfume perfume this is probably high dollar perfume and there are shoes in here is this gucci or no i think this is guess yeah that's guess okay there's a few hundred dollars worth just in shoes in here used perfume cells really well there's victoria's secret true religion this will also we're probably looking at a couple hundred dollars in perfume as well there's perfume now let's get to the real stuff let's get to why i couldn't wait to get in this box okay let's do it here we go oh man this is gonna make this entire trip to orlando work with this is why we moved to florida to do more than we've ever done before with storage units with youtube with business [Music] this is looking good are you seeing all this in here i can hear it rattling it's rattling everywhere this is a solid wood jewelry chest that's a great sign as well this is a great sign like this where else what else can you do that you really don't have to do too much work to find gold and silver other people are out mining it we're just bidding on it and boom there it is okay almost there this is the actual jewelry box is really pretty look at all you're seeing all this right look at all those rings down there oh my goodness that's rdc markings okay i need to breathe for a second okay go ahead and breathe okay my heart is thumping can you hear it okay is this a top no that's not a top all right here's what we're gonna do i'm gonna let you get the best view i think we should go drawer george or drawer side side what do you think there might be i think this one is a drawer too right here i can't see it [Laughter] okay we're going with this top drawer first because it opened okay look at this oh my goodness this is silver i can already tell you it's silver look at this okay i'm just gonna i think the easiest thing to do is to dump it out right there okay and these could be real studs i gotta again we don't have our we don't have our mac 925 right there all right this is real silver here which is going to lead me to believe that that very well may be a real real gem right there that might be real diamonds and if those are real diamonds we just hit a serious jackpot these earrings that's probably this right here this is mars that's costume this is marked right there i can't tell the mark it was this uh there's a gem right there and that's silver this is silver you gotta put the flash on there you go that's definitely silver what the gem is in the silver i do not know currently this is absolutely silver and i do not see the matching i see it i wonder if that's black onyx okay all right that's drawer number one okay so absolutely we have silver in here confirmed silver and potential gems all right drawer number two this just made this entire day worth it oh man look at this okay i see whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you see that memory cards four four memory cards okay here is the b-i-b-l-e let's see what's inside this little contraption oh my goodness a rosary so there's a rosary now a lot of rosaries if you check them they're silver and they can be gold as well and this one there is a marking right there there's a marking but i cannot read it upside down and this far away italy okay so there you go this one is from italy so that one apparently came straight from the vatican now remember as well as we're going through this coral costume all of that stuff is worth a whole lot more than even the gold and the silver that this stuff could be made out of so costume jewelry can go for thousands whereas another gold piece it may go for a lot less than that okay there oh there's the matching there's the matching okay so we don't know what gem that is right there but we do know that that is silver and i'm gonna put it up here because that is a gem we just don't know which one it is right now all right there's a lot of cool pieces in here i'm just gonna very cool look at you i happy very happy this was the best unit of the day oh it's going to get better i just saw down through here this was the best looking unit of the day remember you always want the best looking unit because your hope is oh but you're hoping your hope is it's going to have the best stuff all right this is costume right there that's costume now check this out check this piece out look at that i'm almost positive that's silver that's a pretty piece and that is is that a locket or is that that might be pinned might be pandora look at that wow okay look at that piece right there we've got uh oops a pin he's got a pin yeah if i can stop fumbling my fingers we got some kind of pen we've got another jesus rosary right there okay not gold or silver we got there's another rosary [Music] we've got okay this is gonna be costume that's that's not real silver but this rosary here no this one this one isn't real silver this is getting exciting that's what it's doing okay this is really getting exciting now this is this is the dream you want to find gold silver gems diamonds the whole deal firearms money this is this is the dream come true right here this is why we make the trips look at that okay this is costume jewelry here oh oh the lights just went out oh you scared jen oh here a little bit stay right there because i got to find out what's in here okay the lights just turned off this always scares me when that happens those places either haunted or on a timer or some type of motion sensor what i'll do what i'll do okay all right you're looking like a track star coming down there with your hands on your back i can't i can't breathe okay this is costume right here costume costume this there might be some silver in there too okay all right that was that drawer wait until did you is that frog is that frog gold that is what's that say right there 14k 14k gold there you go there's gold right there okay first piece of confirmed gold nice and it's about to get a whole lot more watch this all right what's next and if you're going oh jeremy how do you know because i'm looking through this stinking thing right here and i'm seeing it it's literally right there it is piled up okay should i show this now or should i show this did you see how much is down here i did not but show that last so much okay last drawer here yep okay check maybe that apple watch is in there not only the apple watch remember in the pandora box the piece oh right there there's the fossil watch okay i gotta see if i can get this out okay old watches have value there's a niacon here is a another niacon the same exact one as that one i have no idea if it's worth anything i do know fossil watches have value here's another fossil watch right there so this fossil watch probably has some pretty good value she kept the other pieces to it in her pandora box this oh there we go there i got it out now here is a new york new york watch right there i wonder who makes that game time game time makes it okay george usb sunday night this sunday night we're gonna show you what's on this usb sunday night every year should we really or do you want to do it on this video i don't know i'll let you decide all right we might do it on this video okay we've got ipear hair right there i i glass repaired i can't even speak right now i'm too excited i'm too excited i cannot believe is there anything hidden in there i can't see from mine i don't see anything because i don't want to be thrown off like i was with the pandora box no i don't see anything all right i'm gonna try and put this back in how did they and then we'll set this aside all right this is setting aside let's see if we can show it in that all right there's so much cold over here all right are you going with this side first well i already did it so i might as well okay here we go here is that's probably the ten commandments i'm guessing right there maybe maybe not i don't know i'm guessing i'm guessing there i don't think that piece of silver but i do think there are silver pieces in here for sure okay this is a nice little handmade piece i don't think that's silver it's a religious piece but i don't believe it's silver and we'll have to check that later you know what my guess is already right earrings gold yeah it was okay there you go we got 10 karat gold it's it's the lowest form of gold but gold is gold gold i don't care i rather have 10 carat of gold than no carrots of gold i'm gonna try and pop that and see look at that right there 10 karat doesn't look like it's ever been out that's gold that is gold nice this is awesome okay do you see how i called that this has been a good day i've actually called quite a few things i've been like oh well that's going to be this oh that's going to be that and for once in my life i'm actually right it's not often but when it happens it happens like a big boom yeah some tangled jewelry up in there there is look there's another rosary now i believe there is some silver in here just based on us always finding silver and looking at silver mm-hmm okay i'm gonna oh i don't see well that would have been smart if i knew that happened that way look at there there's those down there's the dolphins do this what yeah get a flat looks like there's a dolphin on there this is this is gonna be fun okay that's part of the rosary here's a charm i think i think i think this necklace piece i think that's definitely silver okay there let's just there's silver in here there's definitely silver in there yep but i'm dying to get in it's all tangled i am dying to get in here oh my oh my okay so i see what you see now although now you see what i see okay now you're getting it now she's getting it all right let's see what we have here no no no that's gold don't break that don't break that that is gold this is a gold chain this is a very thin gold chain that's wrapped on the right this is definitely gold okay now let's find out what carrot see anything there trying to focus on it 10k all right this one right here tangled in there that's 10k gold so there's a gold necklace right there nice here is a mom i'm gonna i'm gonna set this i'm coming back for these rings i promise but i'm gonna set this aside here's something down just lost the rings okay all right okay let's see if i can there we go okay i'm throwing gold all over up in here there's gold all up in here so we got it everywhere right now was that supposed to be an impersonation of someone yes here's gold see the dolphin uh-huh okay what's that right there on the that says i see the k 10k all right so there's 10k there there's more gold there's definitely there's definitely more gold this is gold here there's more gold okay that's good let's look at the rings okay bring on the ring here we go i could see this through the wrapping through the cellophane okay this one is this might be platinum actually there's it's um it's a triton all right can you read that in there triton i did and then i lost it okay this could be platinum we're gonna have to have the gems checked for sure this ring could be yeah i see platinum right there right or is that titanium no that's platinum all right that's platinum i believe so this is worth money now do you see you see how this ring is all discombobulated all all miss um what would you call it disturbed as far as form yeah that's a sure sign that this is gold because gold is soft metal right and so it moves and this absolutely is gold and this is going to be see the marking so do i but we're not going to be able to read it this is a higher carrot of gold can you read it at all this is a higher carrot of gold this could be 18 karat this is probably 18 karat or 24 karat and it's the the more gold the softer the metal more valuable as well so we're gonna have to have the gems checked this is absolutely gold this right here if i had to guess this is worth the entire purchase of the of the unit now let's look at see what we have here this is football ussa football oh softball softball some kind of softball ring okay that that isn't gold now what do you think about this one right here george two dolphins kissing there's the marking right there this is gold now i can't read i can't read the carrot i'm trying to focus you see the you see the marking right i see it but i can't i can't read it through the viewfinder okay and now for the last one look at that some type of glass ring okay i'll say yeah look at i don't know what the what the gem is okay this is 10 carat right there we've got a 10 carat i'm happy i think this was a hails of a unit to buy [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 85,112
Rating: 4.9061427 out of 5
Id: 5mq9T36sj3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 54sec (2694 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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